#now youtube isn't safe!! 😭
ino3zi · 2 years
Not me getting Sunghooned on YouTube!! 😭😭
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angelatmidnight1 · 7 months
I just started Baldur's Gate 3 and would love some ler! tword hesdcanons for Astarion if you're feeling inspired? I saw some of his lines on YouTube Shorts and he's literally the reason I'm now playing, Lord help me. 😭🤣 I'm super early game(like, just met him, Shadowheart and Gale) but I do know what species he is, and know a certain something he tries at camp at some point- 👀
I will definitely write a tword fic for him at some point because the need for him to wreck me is strong, but some headcanons to encourage me to keep going to see the story, as I adjust to the gameplay and how it works would be so appreciated! ❤️ Again, only if you feel inspired for it though, no pressure and I hope you're staying hydrated lovely! 😊
A/N: Sure! Astarion's the reason I bought the game too. I saw a few clips of him on TikTok and added the game to cart 😅 I have a reader/Astarion fic somewhere in my drafts, but please tag me whenever you create yours. I'd love to see :D
Anyways, here's ler!Astarion. I hope I captured his personality okay. I'll add a tiny warning that this may come off a tad spicy, cause it's Astarion haha, but it isn't NSFW.
Ler!Astarion Tickle Headcanons
Tumblr media
“Darling, you’re ticklish? Aha, how adorable.”
Astarion’s had a couple centuries to practice the art of gentle, and sometimes ticklish, touches. Of course he takes up the opportunity to work his craft. 
He’ll say the sweetest things to beckon his lee closer, with fleeting touches along sides and hips. “Come here, my dear. I promise I’ll be as gentle as a babe. Just a bit closer, hm?”
More words, sweet as honey, until he has his lee pinned under him. No matter the position, he wants physical contact the whole time. “Mm, I always did enjoy how you looked beneath me.”
He loves it when his lees become shy and flustered. It encourages his flirtatious antics even more. But, if they don’t? That’s okay. He loves a good challenge. 
Astarion’s touch is deliberate, but light and teasy. He takes his time to find the spots that make his lee squeal, and claws over it with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “My, you are a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?”
Eye contact is huge with Astarion; he drinks in his lees’ every reaction to his tickles. Every little giggle, gasp, squeak. His lee has never looked more beautiful, and he’s sure to tell them just that.
Speaking of drinking, it’s too tempting not to think about all of the blood pumping through his lee’s veins while he tickles them. He won’t drink without permission, but that doesn’t mean he can’t indulge in other ways.
“I could eat you right up, darling. And you know what? I think I will..” 
Astarion knows how to use his fangs with just enough pressure to tickle, and if he’s especially close with his lee, nowhere is safe from his nibbles. 
His favorite place to nibble are necks, but he’s also fond of ribs, hips, and thighs. He’ll love if his lee is especially sensitive to his light biting. “Gods, you are delectable. And those precious little giggles of yours just make you all the more sweeter.~” 
He could tease and tickle his lee all night, but if they truly need a break, he’ll ease off…just expect him to be a lil’ pouty. 
“Stop? Already? But, I was having so much fun. And I can tell that you were, too. Must we end our playtime so soon? …Oh, fine. Just promise I won’t have to wait too long before I can have you again.”
Of course, Astarion doesn’t always have to have an easy time with his lees. He loves it when they’re stern or, if anything, when they don’t want to admit how ticklish they are.
“Pft, if you’re not ticklish, then I’m not a vampire. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I find it rather cute. You can look a beast dead in its eye, so long as it doesn’t wiggle its claws at you, hah.”
He, like most, if not all vampires, loves a good hunt. He can and will pursue obstinate lees for fun. Having stealth on his side is a huge advantage. 
His fancy, airier voice turns growly when he’s on the hunt. And, those honeyed words become devilish taunts. 
“You might want to run faster, darling. I’m right behind you.~ Perhaps if you surrender, I’ll be merciful.” 
Astarion gets a huge ego boost if he manages to get a stubborn lee laughing. "My name sounds wonderful on your lips. But, I would love to hear a 'please'."
If he has to hunt his lee down, it'll be awhile before he lets them go. "You're all mine, tav. Laugh for me~."
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sleepanonymous · 2 months
Hi! I hope you don't mind, but I would like to ask your input on something, since you post a lot of "lost media" stuff. Do you know what the general etiquette for talking about members' past bands/projects in public spaces?
Here's the thing: I only discovered Sleep Token a few months ago, and when I first listened, I was shocked to recognize Vessel's voice immediately. Apparently I've actually been listening to one of his old projects for like 8 years now 😭 It's lovely to know he's still making music and it's wonderful to see how he's progressed with his skills (his voice!! Oh my god, he's grown so much), but I can't help but feel a little sad because I'm worried I'll be shunned if I mention his old works around ST fans. What has your experience been with this sort of thing? I just don't want to start a fuss on accident.
Hi, Anon 🖤 I don't mind at all, thanks for the question. With the anonymity of Sleep Token, it's very tricky to talk about any of the band's past projects in fan spaces. Basic etiquette is to not mention them at all because of the names and faces associated with the projects. For that reason, the rest of this answer is going below a "keep reading" cut.
If you are a Sleep Token fan, and don't want to see past project names, do not click on "Keep Reading."
First off: Anon, I'm so jealous of you! Lol, I'm surprised you found Blacklit Canopy first, that's such a rarity in this fandom! You have no idea how many times I'm like "Where was I in 2012?! Why didn't I find this in 2014?!"
Secondly, my whole experience with this particular corner of the fandom has been lovely tbh. But I think I get away with posting "lost media" because I make sure to keep names/YouTube/anything identifying detached from the posts. I only ever refer to him as Ves (and not his full stage name) and I don't mention Sleep Token (or if I do I abbreviate to ST). I think the closest I ever got to mentioning Ves's past project actually was in this lost media post.
Another reason I think a lot of fans would consider it improper to mention Ves's old project is because the relationship he was in with the other half of Blacklit Canopy technically changes 70-80% of Sleep Token's songs. The intricate lore that fans have created is suddenly lost, and we're left with roughly three albums about "the girl that got away" and how Ves coped with it. That isn't inherently a bad thing, but I understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea. Since you're new to Sleep Token, I'm going to assume you haven't seen these interviews: about why the member's identities "don't matter" and what Sleep Token's goal is as a band.
I have seen people make posts about Blacklit Canopy here on Tumblr before without receiving backlash (at least outwardly), but that's only because it was in a similar manner to this post (the majority of it was under a "read more" cut), they kept the band names separate in the tags i.e. they didn't tag Sleep Token, and didn't mention Ves's name at all. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen posts literally stating "It is disrespectful to listen to Ves's old music," which I don't agree with. One: there's an entire other person involved. Two: if Ves didn't want his fans to know, why are the Blacklit Canopy YouTube channel and Twitter accounts still up? And three: they literally released a deluxe EP on Spotify at the beginning of the year which Ves is 100% aware of and signed off on, if it wasn't him who published it in the first place. I'm not here to tell fans what they're feeling is wrong— on either end of the spectrum— because I understand where they are coming from and why they might feel that way.
All of the above said, there are safe fan spaces where it's perfectly acceptable to mention both Sleep Token and Blacklit Canopy in the same sentence; even identities. That goes for all Sleep Token members, past and present, and their other projects. So if you were wanting to keep them a mystery, then I'm sadly out of suggestions aside from DMs maybe. There are more people on this site Who Know™️ than you might think.
On Reddit you have both r/BlacklitCanopy and r/SleepTokenTheory
On Facebook you have the Blacklit Canopy Fans page
On Discord there's discord.gg/blacklitcanopy
I'm not so active on Reddit, and I don't have Facebook, so I'm very biased toward option three I'm also an admin there.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
hi natalia! i hope life has been treating you well and that you're doing amazing. i wanted to say, i love your account so very much! everytime i go through the f1 tags on here i'm alway searching for your username among the fics and safe to say is you have never ever disappointed me. when i first got into the fandom you were definitely one of the blogs that really hooked me in. oh girl you don't know how ecstatic i was going through your masterlist, i literally felt like i was camping in that one post going through everything in one night. still, even now i love going back and reading it again because that little spark of joy i feel clicking the links to every au is the reason i love to be on tumblr!
you never fail to deliver an insanely good level of world building like this is kind of surreal to me, because you give us such a fresh and wonderfully blissful take on social media au's. it's super cool to see you explore all types of medias like articles, blogs, twitter, instagram, youtube videos—i feel like you've used EVERYTHING girl. all your posts are sooo long and idt people realize how much work you have to put in to make a cohesive story like that?? + using all sorts of outlets ur an actual beast at this wow. and it's not just the way you deliver it, it's also all the ideas that you have. i'm a huge sucker for the deep lore ones that are like the ones involving racing teams and stuff. it's so great to see your takes on real time events and how it could've been if this or that happens. the readers are also of so much variety, i hope you keep doing that bc it adds a lot of potential and spice into the story. royal au is also sooo good! your account to me is basically girlhood personified. i'm always so immersed in it that i forget i'm reading an au... that really shows your effort in the work you put out. i can tell the time you spent crafting these pieces i mean WHO goes this far and wide if not pucksandpower?? ur the backbone of my mental health i would've gone in the trenches if it weren't for you... that's my mother ya'll. there is not one fic of yours that does not have me at the toes of my feet, all giddy to click the "keep reading" button. i wish for you to know that i, and i'm sure many others who follow you, really appreciate all the work you put in! i'm lowkey like suspicious with how real and professional some of the articles you make are bc how is that not something that would come out of an actual blog? 😭
AND OHHHMYGOOOD you are doing god's work for feeding my delusions on giving charles leclerc the team that he deserves. seeing the newey reader fic, that was when i knew you were ON to something like this girl is special she's doing all the research.. babe you could be the new damn chief tech officer if you wanted to i mean. you are operating in levels that we can't even comprehend?? one step ahead in everything. when i read your cl stuff in my heart i'm rooting for this man so bad and like if this isn't happening irl at least pucksandpower got my back like... you know what they say about delusions=manifestations so if we keep this up yall i believe it can be real trust me i've seen it in my head....
i'm sure there's a lot more that i want to say but anyways, i'm really glad that i ever found your blog and i look forward to future works you're gonna put out! cheering for you always and please take care of yourself, xx ❤️
Hi, my love! Thank you so much. I totally teared up reading this and I am not the slightest bit ashamed to admit it. Every single thing I post is crafted with love — I do it because I love working on them and because I love being able to make my fellow fans happy through my work. There truly is no more rewarding feeling. I have posted a whopping 119 fics/imagines/AUs on here and typing that number out really made me realize how crazy that is and how far I have come since I started this blog back in November
I can’t lie, sometimes the research and time I put into each of my works can feel overwhelming at first but I am always proud of the end product and especially happy to share it with you all. Some are lighthearted fun and I can have them completed in a few hours while others run deeper and can take me days upon days to finish. I truly want to build a mini immersive world through each of my AUs and I am so happy that you have been able to get that experience through them
Also I like to say that delusions make the world go round (and help keep us sports fans semi-sane) so I am more than happy to contribute on that end
Thank you again because your words mean so much to me! I can’t wait to share more work with you. Have an amazing day 🫶
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ritz-writes · 1 year
I hate that I'm so scared to be on any social media right now cuz I don't want any spoilers 😭 I was lucky enough to get into the Fandom months after season 3 ended so I wasn't there when people were posting about it just coming out. I'm not so lucky this time. I'm not even opening TikTok, I only use Twitter to see if season 4 got uploaded in English, and I'm only on Tumblr now to look at my fiances posts cuz ppl still aren't tagging correctly. Instagram is safe for now, but idk how long that will last 😭😭😭
Update: YouTube isn't safe either, surprise surprise
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papirouge · 1 year
Honestly, this year made social media unbearable to me. I had to cut most friends from my life and stop supporting many of my favorite franchises... not even children cartoons are safe anymore... the way society is right now haunts me, no value for life at all, and the messages being pushed in shows are terrible.
Not you telling me that when my marketing teacher has been telling me to open a Tiktok account to drag engagement for my brand for weeks now😭
I totally agree with what you're saying, but tbh, we should learn to make a distinction between the medium vs the media. Pretty much every social medias has negative effects on our cognitive abilities + social conditing but....ngl I met one of the best contet on those places as well. I'm grateful youtube made me connect with Christians from all around the world, pinterest & instagram are wonderful tools ton get inspirations. The issue is to use them wiseful. Maybe you're young but decades ago, we used to say the same about TV, we just forgot about it bc not that many people watch TV anymore (beside boomers).
I've been saying for years now that TV shows and movies were trash anyway so if you've been following for a while, you should know what I think of this.
I'm on the fence on TikTok tho bc -unpopular opinion- I don't think this social media is worse than any other. Again, the internet has a VERY short attention span but I vividly remember 5-8 years ago during its peak, discourse raging about how Instagram was breeding a whole generation of narcissists/voyeurism/FOMO, etc. Twitter got the same treatment as well (killing real journalism, misinformation, etc.) And now it's Tiktoks turn. Most important is learning to make something good out of it bc Tiktok isn't going anywhere. All this fearmongering about how Tiktok is that evil Chinese app spying on us and conspirating to make Western youth dumber is ridiculously hypocrite bc good ol'Western apps have been doing that for decade already. Every app is virtually dazing, period.
Life is hard enough, anon. Focus on being what's right and use the short span you have left on this Earth to do something purposeful. Looking around only to become more anxious and frustrated will only harm you. Being self centered has some benefits lol
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buckysboobs · 2 years
OMG im going through the same thing!!! It makes me so sad to see the hate for him it makes my mental health worse and it just become another reason to add to my depression but then I see fans like you and me and it makes me feel better.
On tiktok and Instagram and YouTube and tumblr like I see comments of praise and love and tweets and posts like out of 1000 of comments only a few are hate comments.
But zee do you really think he gets more praise then hate? Like I think only his fans show him praise and love (fan accounts) like I’ve seen Elizebeth olsen and Chris evans get praise from people who aren’t even fans of his and then it makes me mad at marvel because they treated him bad, despite being in chapter America movies he’s not as successful as Evans.
trust me nonnie, he gets more praise than hate. thousands of hate tweets or comments or likes≠ his 8 million followers. and currently he is getting even more praise from locals. as for the cevans and lizzie thing, they actually get even more hate sometimes even more than him. the hate for seb is more visible to you because of the circle, if you were a cevans or a lizzie stan in general and in their circle you would see hate for them too. sebastian has a lot of supporters, he gets praise by a lot of non fans and i can assure you, there's millions of people who even if they don't like him, they respect the hell out of him for his acting.
and i don't think you should sit there and try to compare his success to cevans. he's got a different career than seb, i don't think seb wants to be as 'successful' as him either because while cevans chooses roles on the safe side with more mainstream directors (and theres nothing wrong with that) sebastian's had a tendency to choose more indie directors or small artists to work with because he was never a fan of the spotlight, it's actually this year that his fame is skyrocketing more than ever. cevans was captain america, basically the face of the avengers or the 'leader' while seb. played his best friend and i can assure you again, bucky gets alot of love sometimes even more than steve because he has a lot of supporters here 😭
cevans and seb have different careers, they choose different types of roles and it's not fair to compare them. of course it's okay to want seb to be more successful than he is right now, but hey let me tell you one thing; have you seen excessive fanpages or exaggerated love or support for benedict cumberbatch? (i love using him as an example 😹) there isn't, but then he's respected by the industry, got a star in the walk of fame, is an academy nominated actor multiple times. and he gets unbelievable amount of hate or made fun of for his name or his looks. it doesn't affect his career because the praise will always be more than the hate, because the haters are a loud minority.
whenever you see hate, just block them. that's literally what i do. if i even see someone so much as make one comment even in the wrong tone towards seb i block not because im petty but because i literally dont wanna see that, i wanna see the praise so i block the haters and ever since i've been seeing more and more love. and fresh has gotten him ALOT of love and respect especially from locals. don't worry nonnie, and take care of your mental health, seb wouldn't want you stressing over this either.
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nobodycallsmerae · 2 years
For a multishipper like you: 12: Characters you can only Imagine in one ship!
12. Characters you can only Imagine in one ship
Can i just play safe and say Mulan? 😭
Gosh okay, umm, this is a hard one, but i think i'm gonna go with Musa and Riven from Winx Club.
ship ask ❤
okay that was my answer,, but i have some built up emotions regarding this ship so a fresh, VERY LONG rant coming up 😭—
Okay so as I had said before, Riven x Musa was actually first ship i ever actually "shipped". i hadn't really known anything about fandom or shipping back then, all i knew was that they looked good together and they should kiss (dudes i was a baby, spare me this one) **also remember that i only watched like the first two (2) seasons that too the episodes were not in order so then, when i'd answered the ask a few days back, i was like huh, i haven't watched winx club in ages maybe i should binge it?? but as a classic me move, ofc after the first four episodes i gave up and started reading a book (💀) but when i was aimlessly watching videos on youtube the other day, i came across the official Winx club yt channel aaaannd, they had done something really amazing. they'd made compilation vidoes of all the ships, like "Flora and Helia Love Story [Season 2 to S7]" that was so amazing!?! so obviously i watched Musa and Riven's story. I'd remembered that they had a lot, and i mean A LOT, of conflicts throughout the seasons, but yknow, i was still really happy to see them. Before, to have a relationship in shows, all i knew was that the people have to be pretty, and if they look good together, they're a good couple (1 like = 1 braincell for younger me 😭) But now that i know that that isn't the formula to a good relationship, i could see some many red flags in their relationship. like my mind was constantly like: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🥰🥰🥰🥰🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🚩🥰🚩🚩🚩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🚩🚩 you get the gist but you know what, even though, as it is a show literally about fairies and MaGic, i had hope for them. because even through all those bad moments and fights, they always came back to each other. BUT THEN. You know in a series finalé how everything comes together. worlds are conquered, wars are won, love is saved and all that shit. WELL GUESS WHAT. FOR MY FIRST EVER SHIP, INSTEAD OF HAVING A LOVELY—IT WAS ALWAYS YOU—YOU WERE ALWAYS THE ONE—I HOPE WE CAN START OVER—I FUCKING LOVE YOU—CONFESSION, THE MAIN SHOWSTOPPER OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE  FINALÉ WAS A FREAKIN BREAK UP 😭😭😭😭😭 I just cannot believe how i ended up shipping the ONLY doomed ship in the whole show. 😭😭 But you know what, even tho the series is finished, this only gives me more hope for them. Riven, throughout the show was overly possessive and kinda controlling but cold at the same time, (for the 1st or 2nd season, he was also like the terra of the show 👀) but he went through some MAJOR character development, and in the end, HE was the one who called the break up. He knew he wasn't the best partner, and that Musa deserved someone so much better than him, and he let her go. and the break up wasn't nasty or anything. even though i was really sad, the break up was almost refreshing. both of them knew they weren't ready to be in a relationship with each other yet, so they let each other go. (the character development was truly *chef's kissss*) what I'm saying is, they're almost, imo, the perfect definition of "right person, wrong time." and i believe one day in the  future, they will have a bright future. together. (on that note, any fic recs please? 😭) and if you've reached here, omg i can't believe you're still reading!! honestly this was basically a therapy session for me 😭 Here have a cookie for being so wonderful ( ꈍᴗꈍ)//🍪
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dervampireprince · 2 years
Let me preface this by saying, one: doing audios, no matter if not a traditional job is incredibly hard. As someone who cannot listen to their own voice for too long and has done some acting and failed spectacularly what you do is AMAZING and hard and very very important for those of us who listen to you out there, so do not let your brain bring you down for any of that.
Two: your audios have brought me comfort, warmth and almost to tears with how gentle and just reassuring they are as a trans person navigating a world where they are never considered the target audience, so thank you for that too 💕
I hope you get tons of money from speaking prettily into a mic and I hope you get to have the surgery you need to feel completely safe and happy within your own body, little prince. No matter how long it lasts, I hope that while it does so it only brings you joy 💙
hh you always know what to say. yes, i should try and think like well hey everyone has their own set of skills and okay so i'm not good an engineering but also and engineer wouldn't be good at what i do. and then i have to convince myself look it's okay to make things that aren't necessities because like.. what's the difference between what i'm doing and what any hollywood actor is doing? fuckin tom cruise isn't a necessity either. but things we all deserve art and entertainment and comfort. i guess what doesn't help is my actual 'real' job is also being creative and i'm very used to the whole 'that's not a real job' talk my entire life but also hearing the whole 'young people these days don't want to get proper jobs' like 'we'll end up with all youtubers and no plumbers left' sort of talk from family and then 'oh no but we don't mean you prince' yeah uhuh doesn't feel good though.
oh. like.. i might be wrong, but i don't know of any other trans (or at least openly trans) audio creators, i know some cis people who make audios for trans people, but i think, or i hope, there's some extra comfort in a trans person making trans audios because you know i'm like.. idk less likely to fuck them up? idk, and i'm sure i'm not the only trans audio creator (in terms of people who make fandom audio roleplays / bfe asmr), but i'd like to think that at least like this is a place trans people know they're safe
😭😭😭 it's weird that top surgery might actually be a feasible goal now. like £10k was so far out of my realm of thinking but at some point looks like it will be possible now?? it things keep going up at the rate they are?? which will be terrifying and i'll be convinced somehow the surgery will go horribly wrong but. but it won't. the surgeon is very highly rated (i already know who i'm going to and have spoken with his staff before) and ultimately it should improve my mental health a lot and no more binder pain omg.
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