#now i am convinced 1000% that he is in fact an easter egg
strigital · 3 months
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just... him... 🥺
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sumbreon · 3 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game! Tagged by: @mjcace Name(s): Eden / Sumbreon / Sumb i do feel very settled on the name eden now but i have been going by sumbreon/sumb for... over a decade at this point fuck! Pronouns: she/he/they [yeah i know the bio says he/they but i am not out and get she'd all day, if we lived in a world where it wasn't a big deal it'd be she/he/they mixed up all the time] Star sign: Sagittarius # of Siblings & Fun Facts About Them (if you have any): 1 older brother, i'm baby! our faces are pretty much the exact same, there's a picture of me and him ages 11 and 13 respectively and its the same damn face # of Pets: 0 :[ no animals allowed just me and my many plants... if/when i move out i would like to get at least 1 pet Fandoms: i don't think i have ever actively been involved in a fandom, i feel like i'm sat by a river with a net cast and just letting whatever people i follow post about catch my interest. the way i use this site fandom is very much secondary i'm here to look at cool art and yeah i mostly find those people to follow through fandom but i follow them cause i like their art not cause they post about whatever i'm currently interested in. it's also fun to watch someone descend into the madness of a new fandom and decide yeah sure i'll give that a look you've convinced me with your art Favorite Color: YELLOW!!!! Favorite Song: listen... i am a guy who will listen to the same song over 1000 times in a single year i do this every year with a different song you can't expect me to choose... but also it's toothpick by small leaks sink ships i think i must be at least 10% of that play count at this point also i still don't fully know what the fuck the lyrics are cause i'm partially deaf but i know the sites are all fucking wrong and it bothers me
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Favorite Author: Robin Hobb but she is also my enemy! let that man fucking rest! stop putting him in situations! in seriousness i don't think i've read enough in recent years to have a favourite author i need to make more time for it Hobbies: gaming, drawing, reading, embroidery, baking, photography and going to forests and just immediately leaving the path Favorite Holiday: easter purely because i can buy mini eggs and i love mini eggs Do You Have Any Partner(s): nope! that would require i go out and meet people and i don't do that Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share?: i think this is the most i've ever said about myself on this site and it's still nothing i like barely existing here Tagging: i have no one to tag if you see this and wanna do this go ahead
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