#not to mention the abhorrent antisemitism people are doing because of it. or even the subtle antisemitism
why does it even matter what i would have to say about something that has nothing to do with me, that my opinion or actions do nothing to change? why does it matter who i support or dont, if i dont bother with either side at all? why is it the end of the world to you that im staying out of it? why am i "supporting the oppressors" by not talking about it.
what in the actual world would anything i do change? why should i tune in when all it does is make me miserable, and change none of whats happening there at all? why should i stay informed when it doesnt help anyone being hurt?
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sortanonymous · 4 months
As somewhat of a sports blogger, I wanted to wake up talking about a great Super Bowl and all the congrats and memes and everything. But I'm sorry, if that post does come, it's gonna have to take a while. I can barely focus on it considering the latest in Israel's long line of abhorrent war crimes in Palestine, specifically a deadly bombing in Rafah and hinting at a ground invasion after months of herding Gazans over there as a "safe zone". All the while they fund Super Bowl ad propaganda again painting opposition to their evil as antisemitism (Big difference) asking to "bring the hostages home" after months of them turning down hostage exchange deals. Just as it's clear that this was timed to distract the U.S. from it with the Super Bowl, it's revoltingly clear the hostages are totally expendable to them for the sake of prolonging this genocide. (Not a war, a genocide.) And all the while, the Western world, especially the U.S. government and the Biden administration, are funding and supporting it. Funding a generational display of evil with billions of dollars while acting like there's no money to fix a sagging economy where just about all everyday Americans are getting suffocated by the jaws of late-stage capitalism. No way to fix that apparently, but tens of billions of ways to help Israel deal with the aftermath of an attack they had telegraphed a year in advance. (Gee, it's almost as if Israel put their own people in the crosshairs as fodder to excuse more oppression of Palestine like the past 75+ years since they stole it.) Not to mention them being the one vote in the UN to reject a ceasefire. And also how the vast majority of American corporations are backing Israel in all sorts of heinous ways. Now fast forward four months and the outcome? Tens of thousands of innocents dead, over a third of them children who likely never knew what they were being slaughtered for and never got to live out their lives. Millions displaced and traumatized. A beautiful culture battered. No justice or ceasefire in sight. I know that it's wrong to lose hope, and I definitely do hope that Palestine will be free soon enough, Zionism loses, and that at least a shred of justice hits everyone responsible for this. But man, I'll be honest, it just feels beyond hopeless to do anything. Besides, even if complete witchcraft took over and justice was served and the ceasefire was granted, nothing's going to bring back the people martyred, cure the trauma of the survivors, or reassemble all the rumble. And certainly, nobody should ever forget or forgive Israel and all its allies for participating in these atrocities. It absolutely should haunt all of them forever, and that 100% includes this country's government.
If it helps at all though, still don't forget to give your daily clicks to arab.org to fund UNRWA (which everyone cut funding to because of course they did). (In fact, assuming Incognito mode still gives out ad revenue, which the site uses, you could totally close and re-open arab.org to keep it going. I mean, it hopefully works for me! It's about time we found a great cause to use all those bots on! (maybe)
Maybe soon enough I'll have the somewhat normal posting again, but now doesn't feel like the time. And I know I expressed my pessimism earlier, but then again, history has constantly shown that bigotry and hate can only reign for so long, and hopefully...
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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eponinesflowers · 5 months
'Indigenous people throughout the world overwhelmingly stand with Palestine because they have also had their land stolen, lived under apartheid, and been subject to ethnic cleansing. I would rather listen to Indigenous people than speak for them' So have the Jews and no one cares, everyone calls them white colonisers. 6 million Jews have died just during Holocaust. On the other hand, before the terrorist attack on October 7 and before this war started, there were more Palestinians than ever before in history. How exactly was there genocide? You forgot to mention that Arabic countries attacked Israel the day after it was proclaimed. And then again and again and again. You also omitted the fact Gaza was under Egypt for almost 20 years. And also the fact that the wall was built after many terrorist attacks from the side of Palestinians. Speaking of Egypt, how come it did not help Gazans when the war started? How come other Arabic nations did not get humanitarian aid through Egypt borders to Gaza? Saudi Arabia and Qatar are among richest countries on Earth.
Speaking against apartheid is definitely a good thing and yes Israel should definitely work on that. Hard and like yesterday. Fighting for marginalized groups is definitely a good thing. I am behind you on both. But blindly supporting Palestine is not a good thing. Shouting From the river to the sea and basically calling for another holocaust (because that is exactly what is meant in that chant) is not a good thing.
Lastly, i feel like the point i was making, namely indigenous people supporting Palestine because of fight against white colonisers, kinda got lost. If they did it because they want to support an opressed group, i would understand. But most of them base their support on fight against white colonisers when it's actually indigenous people fighting for their land in which they have lived for millenia (there was continuous presence of Jews in Israel, even though Arabic population did their best to ethnically cleanse them), that is just wild and should be called out. Because this breeds hatred which has real consequences and it already caused millions of Jewish lives. Not just during holocaust.
I feel like you’re missing my point. Jewish people have absolutely been through a lot of suffering, but that doesn’t give Israelis a pass to enact similar suffering on other people. I definitely care about what Jewish people have been through, and I do my best to fight against antisemitism when I see it.
Why do y’all keep pointing out that the population increased? That doesn’t mean that ~25,000-30,000 Palestinians haven’t been purposely targeted and murdered by Israel, as well as hundreds of thousands forced to relocate, in an attempt to remove them from their homeland in the past 3 months. Genocide scholars, genocide survivors, and multiple reputable human rights organizations have called this a genocide. Genocide happens in stages, it isn’t irrelevant until there’s even more mass murder.
I never said that I supported those other nations, so that’s not relevant to the argument that I’ve been making. I think that the world watching tens of thousands of children get bombed without taking action is abhorrent, and I would feel that way with any group of people being killed like this.
I’m not “blinding supporting Palestine,” please stop making up my arguments for me. Members of the Likud Party have said multiple similar phrases of “from the river to the sea” and I have not heard a single Israel supporter condemn it for being genocidal rhetoric. Hell, there are Israeli land developers creating ads about “oceanside property” that will be available soon once they force all of the Palestinians out of Gaza. I’m not denying that Hamas has expressed genocidal intent, and fuck them for harming innocent civilians. But it’s not exactly fair to say that demanding a Palestine where people can live freely is a call to genocide while the Israeli government can utilize genocidal rhetoric and actions towards the Palestinians with no critiques of genocide. If you haven’t read the proceedings instituted by South Africa on December 29, I would encourage you to do so, it outlines many of the issues with the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians.
The government of Israel has been actively encouraging Ashkenazi Jewish people, who are predominately white, to immigrate there more than other ethnic groups of Jewish people since its conception. The Israeli government sterilized Ethiopian Jewish women. The government, especially the current alt-right iteration, does rely on a good number of white supremacist and colonist tactics, which is why I believe that people bring that up. I do have a difficult time seeing people who claim indigeniety to a region salt the ground and burn ancestral olive trees that are sacred to many Mediterranean people. There doesn’t seem to be much respect for the ancestral land that people are being slaughtered over, which is another reason why many Indigenous activists have issues with Israel’s actions.
If you would like to have civil, respectful discourse, you can message me, but I’m don’t want my blog to be overtaken by this argument and I don’t want to argue with “anonymous”
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Hi welcome to me complaining into the ether again
So I’m gonna start this by saying anything i mention about anyone in this is alleged until proven in a court of law and all of this is my own opinion. Do I realistically need to be worried about big bad gaming companies coming for me, a literal nobody? No, am I gonna cover my ass anyway? Yes. 
If you're boycotting Hogwarts a legacy because of JKR being a) transphobic, b) racist/ antisemitic or c) any other probably vial reason to dislike her, that. fine. But if you’re willing to let literally the metric fuck ton of other equally bad or even worse people/companies slide on by, I can’t get behind you. and it feels a little misogynistic to hold a woman accountable but not the scores of men doing it too. But it’s not necessarily misogynistic to be fair. 
Lets be clear, I don’t like Rowling, not anymore. I do  still like Harry works and I think it’s entirely valid to like things from problematic people. You can like Kanye’s music and still recognize that he’s a dickhead yatzi, you can like Hp and recognize JK is a transphobe. 
That all being said, Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t deserve what it’s getting. Firstly, you aren’t giving Rowling money, not really, they probably licensed the rights to make a game with her IP and paid her then. Or because WB owns the rights to the movies, they just did it and gave her a cut/ offered royalties. And even if she does get some of the money, as far as bigots go, she’s the least harmful, she gives most of her money away to domestic abuse charities, she literally lost her billionaire status from donating so much. So, not a good person, but the money found it’s way to a good cause at least.
Secondly, I 100% see the issue with the whole goblin rebellion thing and how they are fantasy Jews in a lot of media, but lets not pretend that’s a Rowling issue, it’s something the fantasy media community needs to address as a whole. Because it is very common to purposely or accidentally create pseudo Jewish characters in fantasy. Tolkien did it too, the dwarves were a Jewish stereotype. It’s an issue and we need to fix it, but it’s not a Rowling-invented issue. Even after all that you still hate the game because of the IP creator, that’s all fine and good, but for one I hope you aren’t one of those absolute troglodytes bullying streamers because they played a fucking game and for two you better  be giving the same energy to Activision Blizzard, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Konami and more, because guess what besties? They’re fucking up peoples lives! A lot more than Rowling’s twitter rants, that’s for sure! 
Between brutal crunch to make the next shitty live service made to get you addicted and drain your wallet, the abhorrent sexual assault allegations and firing hundreds of people while the upper management rolls around in money pools, they’re absolutely screwing us, their workers and eventually themselves, If your mad about about Hogwarts Legacy but you don’t give a damn about the list of offenses that other companies are currently commuting or already got away with, I don’t wanna here it. You don’t get to stand up on a high horse and pretend you’re better than everyone for dogging on an internet bigot while giving your money to literal sex offenders and thieves 
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dragynkeep · 2 years
I think he saw your posts.
Why hasn't he blocked you yet?
oh he has me blocked, i guess he just can't take responsibility for himself. however big tw for transphobia / nbphobia, ableism, victim blaming & rape mention because actually looking at the post is a major yikes.
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i don't care that you made an anti rwde post, crimson. i care that yet again you're using ableist terms & phrases, once again proving that alongside your "apology" for doing so was utterly conditional but that you also just. can't take responsibility for your own actions. no one is forcing you to go into the rwde tag or see our "cold takes", you need to manage your social media consumption better. no one is going to do it for you.
but also by reblogging a post dripping with radfem rhetoric that directly impacts those with bpd, especially genderqueer people with bpd, you've shown that so long as the views are right, you will platform terfs. & considering that you couldn't even believe that i was the target of the transphobic bigotry from the confessions blog you reblogged & not my trans brother, & you accused me of co-opting that when it was never directed at him in the first place, you need to realize how harmful your words & assumptions can be. you need to stop doubling down when you're proven wrong.
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people like me are not why borderlines, not "bpd", get so much hatred. we're hated because neurotypicals & non cluster b neurodivergents think that we're fundamentally "non human" because of the way our disorders exhibit. there's multiple instances of just how these attitudes harm us & kill us, we're killed as a result of this ableism.
i haven't blamed anything on my bpd, i've actually been quiet about my mental health diagnosis outside of instances where i felt it helpful or supportive. you're the one pulling the "i have a black friend" in regards to your brother, friend & mother. i am not them. if you've met someone with bpd, you've met one person with bpd. we are not all the same & it's abhorrant you would use this as an opportunity to further stigmatize those with bpd after being told that the post you reblogged from a terf was from a neurotypical transphobic woman who exploited our experiences for money. you can't divorce the terf aspect from your "support" for the ableism, they're entwined.
also "stick your head in an oven" is certainly something to say to a jewish person but i'm definitely not going to assume any antisemitism & just ascribe it to the far more likely instance of you telling me to go kill myself. thank you for the suggestion but i'm fine.
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this one was almost kind of funny because i was waiting for a self proclaimed rwby fan to use the instance of me having to flee my house in the middle of the night to escape a situation of domestic violence from the man who was supposed to love & raise me. the man who's same abuse was part of causing my bpd. right now i am homeless because that same bpd, alongside the physical disability i have that prevents me from moving for long periods of time, is the reason i don't "have a job."
you would think that someone who "had to relearn how to walk" would have more sympathy in this type of situation but once again you are proving that just because you are trans & disabled, does not mean that you cannot perpetuate transphobia or ableism. these screenshots & your vile words show that.
it's also hilarious that all 11 notes on your post are further comments of these vile words. it's all you, no one else wants to pay witness to this downward spiral of disgusting bigotry & hatred.
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thank you for being inclusive in your unhinged tirade of insults, it really warms my heart after you reblog ableism from terfs against borderlines & prove that your "apology" a few weeks back was completely spineless.
i'm not engaging in your attempts to bring up any "rape smut" i have written, i implore you to see beyond whatever bubble you've trapped yourself in & actually read some literature on how these kinks occur & just how sex, gender & trauma play into it.
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your brain damage does not allow you to perpetuate ableism against other disabled people; that's not how power reclamation works. this is not 'pc shit', these are legitimately harmful views you're espousing because you hate me that much, you think you're validated in doing this because i'm a "bad person." because i "deserve it." which unfortunately is the same technique of invalidation & dehumanization that plenty of bigots use, & will use against you.
i'm not angry with you, or pissed off. i was when all of this started weeks back & you invalidated the transphobia i faced, when you called into question my status as a rape survivor & when you refused to take any accountability for your ugly words.
now i just want you to find some peace & learn coping mechanisms that allow you not to blow up & harm other marginalized people whenever they bring up something harmful that you've done. all of this came from one ask that pointed out that you had reblogged harmful rhetoric from terfs, & all of this hatred came from it. what if i was in a worse place, like i was a week ago? what if i actually had killed myself? would you be able to live with that?
i don't think so either. do better.
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