#not necessarily me because this blog is a testament of my sins but just better
sirnica · 1 year
Well, I got really sad last night when I realized that nothing is ever going to happen between me and my crush because she's still really into her ex (even more than I'm into mine), but surprisingly, I haven't gone full incel or depression mode. I'm fine with it because now I get to work on accepting that I have what every queer in the world needs:
A friend (with a car)
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aeon-wolf · 5 years
Legends of Tomorrow | 4x05 Thoughts and Feelings
Probably one of my favorite Legends episodes this season!!!
Loved this episode so much to be honest. I think, for me, who usually watches shows for ships that’s a testament to the awesomeness that is Legends that Sara and Ava can have literally no scenes together in an episode and that episode can be amazing. And in fact, one of my favorite of the season so far. 
So much happened in one episode, probably due largely to the fact the season only has 16 episodes, so they have to cram a bunch of story into single episodes, which I have mixed feelings about. Obviously I wish there were like 21-22 episodes in the season like other Arrowverse shows, but I also like stuff happening each episode to make the character development and plot move forward and not have filler episodes. 
So I guess we’ll start off with my favorite part. NORA FUCKING DARHK. I’ve made it quite apparent in my previous recaps that Nora is one of, if not my absolute, favorite villain(ish) character of any Legends season. And I’m glad it's her that’s getting the full redemption arc. I’m glad they’re still having her grapple with her father’s death because although Damien was an awful, awful person, she still loved him in her own way and for her to still be grieving, especially because she recognizes that despite everything, he loved her enough to sacrifice himself to give her a second chance. And that staying out of trouble and taking the second chance he (and Ray to some extent) gave her, she’s respecting his memory and grieving her loss. 
Then to have Ray basically beg her to save Constantine and her being really not into the idea in the beginning, not because she didn’t necessarily want to, but because she thought she was cursed to only have dark magic and that it couldn’t be used to help anyone. And if she used it, that she would be tempted back to the darkness. But both Ray and Constantine helped her realize that her magic is what she wants it to be, she’s not controlled by it. And in the end, Ray offering her the chance to run away (again) and instead, she turned herself in because in realizing that she’s not cursed to forever be a villain, she realized that she does have to atone for the wrongs she committed. Like Constantine said, she had to do that for herself. Not for Ray. Not for Constantine. For her. And that’s why I think this arc will go well. She’s not doing this because she’s in love with Ray. She’s not doing this because she’s selfish (as far as we know) and wanting to lay low, get free and then do evil things again. She truly knows that this is the only way for her to be free of her past. Other shows *cough* Supergirl *cough* can’t relate to a redemption arc written this well, even within the first episode of said arc. (We obviously don’t know if there will be betrayal or anything down the road, but so far, I can’t really see a justifiable reason for it. Though bear in mind, it’s early. Plus the writers and actors have never even hinted at that idea. It seems to be Charlie’s arc, not Nora’s). This is everything I want in a redemption arc. Recognition that past actions were wrong, full stop. Wanting to change and be better for themselves, not for anyone else. And doing the right thing without prompting from other characters (bonus points for going against said other character’s urgings to save themselves). I very much wanted her to stay on the Waverider and join the Legends, but seeing her turn herself into the Bureau and tell Ray that she needs to stop running and face judgment and repent for her past sins, I’m very much okay with this plotline and can’t wait for it to continue. I just hope there comes a point where she is released into the custody of the Legends or something similar and we get to see her more often. I even find myself interested in Ray/Nora ship, even though Ray is my least favorite Legend. 
Ahhhh, Nora is probably going to join my regular blog content. 
Ok, so let’s talk about the magical aspect of the episode. It was good. I think it was one of the better ones actually. It got a little bit away from the fugitive storyline and set precedent that not all magical encounters the Legends face will be fugitives that broke free from prison. Which I think is good. It gives them more freedom to play with magical artifacts and things like that. It also gave us some gems of Sara and Charlie bonding, as well as Zari and Mick. 
Sara and Charlie was one of the dynamics I was most interested in. Obviously, Charlie is sort of a rebel character while Sara, despite being the coolest captain in the Arrowverse, does want her people to listen to her (rightly so). But I think she’s hasn’t really added true new members (I don’t really count Constantine as a new member. He’s a Legend, but he and Sara have a different understanding than the others) in a while and Sara has been used to her team listening to her without any real question. And here comes Charlie, kind of similar to Zari in S3 who doesn’t have that same respect for Sara’s leadership and Sara has to learn how to work with Charlie and integrate her into the team. Sharing a drink at the end of the episode and Charlie seeming to start warming up to Sara was an encouraging sign. And if we end up with a betrayal somewhere down the line, I’m going to be so sad. 
Then Zari and Mick. I’m glad there’s a callback to the time loop episode where Zari finds out Mick is a talented writer and that, ultimately, is what saves the day. There’s not a whole bunch to say about it, beyond in true Legends fashion, they’re really leaning into being absolutely weird as fuck and having it completely work. 
Note, Zari and Charlie’s sexual tension in this episode was off the charts. 
I also appreciate that they, briefly, talked about Hiroshima and the atomic bombs. I think in history, we talk about that, largely in America, with such a detachment because America was the one to drop the bomb that we often neglect how the Japanese felt during that period of time. And for Legends to take a serious moment to talk about it and give the other side a real examination, as brief as it was, is important. Legends is largely silly, but they definitely can have their serious moments and pull them off well. 
Then Ava and Nate and the Time Bureau piece. Ava, my child. I am glad that, even though it's a short time period (probably), Ava is in a headspace where she can crack jokes about her parents and being a clone. It’s kind of a coping thing I’ve found when things are kind of traumatic. There are times where it really overwhelms you, like in the last episode. And there are times where you joke about it, like this episode. And those things can exist at the same time. 
So it seems we’ll be seeing more of Mona now that she’ll probably become a part of the Time Bureau considering she has such an intricate knowledge of magical creatures. I’m curious to where that will lead. And although I ship Constantine and Gary, I think Gary and Mona is equally as cute. 
And then we start getting a glimpse of the (likely) overarching point of conflict that will be a theme throughout the season. Project Hades. It seems, from the very brief conversation we saw between Hank and, likely, another government official, the Department of Defense has a secret project that involves utilizing magical creatures as weapons or something similar. He wants them controlled and used. And as these storylines go in other shows, it’s the evil government agency exploiting the supernatural to bolster their firepower in some way. And I think in coming episodes, that’s going to throw in a direct deviation between Hank and the government and the Time Bureau itself, probably specifically Nate, Gary, and Ava, (very likely Mona as well). I think the one that will probably grapple with it the most is Ava, followed closely by Nate. Ava is and always has been a stickler for rules and protocol and likely going against the government will be difficult for her and may even lose her the Director position. Though I think when push came to shove and she was faced with that choice, she would leave the Bureau of her own free will and join the Legends to stop whatever Project Hades is. And then Nate who very much wants to have a better relationship with his father but when his father is the antagonist, that’s going to full at him. Again, I’d fully expect him to side with the Legends (if indeed that’s where this plotline is going. It’s early). But it will be a struggle I’m sure. This is all speculation on literally a 30 second conversation so take it with a grain of salt, but that’s my prediction at this point. Will definitely be revised as we get more information in future episodes. 
All in all, amazing episode. I’m super hyped that we’re bringing in Mona and Nora to have more appearances, seeing a bit more of Charlie’s interactions with the Legends, and getting more context to the Bureau and the stuff that goes on there. They were always sort of, again, this largely antagonistic entity for a lot of season 3. And seeing more of the inner workings and politics of it, I think gives a lot more context to it and helps humanize the agency to the audience. 
I know the next episode is Hank basically coming on the Waverider and observing the Legends in action because apparently, the Department of Defense is questioning their efficiency? Which, I’m not pretending to know, but doesn’t the Legends basically do this freelance? Like they aren’t funded by the government/Bureau. As far as I’m aware, they don’t really get paid at all. Oh well, I’m sure that question will be answered in the next episode, which I’m looking forward to. 
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nickgerlich · 2 years
What’s Next
Americans like to talk about beer as if we somehow mastered how to brew it. It’s the rest of the world that has been lagging behind. In some regards, and specifically with reference to the last couple of decades of adventurous craft brewing, that assertion might just be right.
But we can thank the Germans for laying down the law long ago that dictated and regulated the ingredients that can go into beer. No coffee notes, citrus finishes, haze, or any of that hi-brow stuff.
The Reinheitsgebot, or Beer Purity Law, was passed in Bavaria back in 1516. It stipulated that beer could only be brewed with barley malt, hops, and water. It was not until the late-19th century that yeast was recognized as a valid ingredient, as it helped turn those sugars into alcohol.
And now, just in time for Super Bowl 56, ABInBev is introducing yet another new product in its race to the bottom of all that is good: Bud Light Next, a carb-free beer with only 80 calories.
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OK, I’ll say it. Removing the carbs from beer is like removing the caffeine from coffee. What’s the point?
In keeping with mass-produced “standards” in the US, Bud Light Next is brewed with a blend of barley and rice. Many years ago American brewers started using rice and corn in their brews, because they’re cheaper and more abundant. Meanwhile, that was about the time that Germans gave up on American beer. Kind of like how the British gave up on us too, but for different reasons.
The new product is just one of dozens to hit shelves in the last couple of years, as both hard seltzers and extremely low-cal beers have been introduced to appeal to calorie-conscious consumers. The marketer in me gives an A+ for latching on to a trend, a consumer want that did not exist outside of the light beers that were born in the 60s, and became all the rage a decade later. These are seriously low-cal products, but at the expense of flavor, body, and substance.
That said, I suspect this will be a hit, and what better time to do a major launch, especially since ABInBev has the beer exclusive on Super Bowl advertising. In case you’re keeping score, 30 seconds of prime time will cost as much as $6.5 million, and NBCUniversal only had five spots left in inventory at Christmas. The price is a cool $1 million more than last year’s ads.
Given that ABInBev spent $200 million to upgrade its suburban Atlanta brewery just to make the new product, it’s pretty clear they are confident this is going to be a big hit. That’s a lot of 12-packs, to be sure, but we also know that this new product won’t go wanting for shelf space, end caps, and freestanding displays.
Don’t believe me? Go shopping on February 7th, the day of its national release. You can bet your bottom beer can that shopkeepers and beer truck drivers alike will be working overtime to make it so we have to trip over it. It’s already out in limited locations, and if you want to get in on the buzz (not from the beer, mind you), just search under #BudLightNext. The brewer is loving how its consumers are doing all the heavy lifting here.
I’ll stick with my craft beer, thank you very little. I like to taste my beer, and if in the process I consume some extra calories, I’ll just ride extra miles. You can atone for one craft beer with only three miles of cycling, 1.5 miles of walking, or one mile of running. You’re welcome.
And while I am necessarily willing to violate Reinheitsgebot by allowing some trendy ingredients into my beer, I think of craft brewing as the New Testament and not the Old. Just don’t use rice or corn, and we’ll call it good. Sin is sin, you know.
Whatever you’re drinking, though, bottoms up! Be responsible, drive safely, enjoy the game, and embrace all that marketing around you.
Dr “Make Mine An IPA“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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discoveringthebible · 6 years
Psalm 4
Please pardon my absence from blogging for the last couple of weeks. No crazy excuses, just was busy with all kinds of things, plus I’ve been working on some fictional stuff, that has been pretty fun for me. :) 
As I was reading and preparing to blog about Psalm 4, this Psalm helped remind me of a few different things. Priorities matter. It’s really that simple. Well, it’s a simple concept, much harder to actually do. 
Over the last several weeks at my church, we have had a guest preacher named Jeremiah. This last Sunday, he preached something that at first I was dumbfounded by. He said, “God doesn’t want to be the number 1 priority in your life.” Uh, what? That’s the exact opposite of what I have heard preached basically my entire life. 
He went on to say that God doesn’t want to be the biggest slice of the pizza, as if each piece was separate and independent from one another. He wants to be the pizza sauce. 
Pizza sauce, at least good pizza sauce, in my own humble opinion, is one that saturates the entire pizza. Not dripping with so much that it ruins the flavors of the toppings and the cheese or that it makes the crust soggy, but one that brings the entire thing together. Without the pizza sauce, we’re just eating cheesy bread sticks with stuff on it. This made a lot of sense to me when it was preached. (Besides the pizza analogy, but just thinking about my life and what my life looks like if it was sectioned up like a whole pizza. 
How I looked at it before was pretty equal triangles of:
But in reality, when God is placed in the same type of plane as family, friends, work, church and hobbies, God doesn’t necessarily have to be a part of those things. However, if God moved from the category of slice to sauce, then God is in and through EVERYTHING that happens in life from the moment I first open my eyes, to the moment where I drift off to sleep. 
All this to say, I think King David understood this aspect of a “pizza sauce” God, rather than a “pizza slice” God, even though he probably had no concept of what pizza was. 
Complete Jewish Bible
Psalm 4
0: (Intro) For the leader. With stringed instruments. A psalm of David. 
1: O God, my vindicator! Answer me when I call! When I was distressed, you set me free; now have mercy on me, and hear my prayer. 
2: Men of rank, how long will you shame my honor, love what is vain, chase after lies? (Selah) 
3: Understand that Adonai sets apart the godly person for himself; Adonai will hear when I call to him. 
4: You can be angry, but do not sin! Think about this as you lie in bed, and calm down. (Selah)
5: Offer sacrifices rightly, and put your trust in Adonai. 
6: Many ask, “Who can show us some good?” Adonai, lift the light of your face over us!
7: You have filled my heart with more joy than all their grain and new wine. 
8: I will lie down and sleep in peace; for, Adonai, you alone make me live securely. 
New Living Translation:
Psalm 4
1: Answer me when I call to you, O God who declares me innocent. Free me from my troubles. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. 
2: How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you make accusations? How long will you continue your lies? (Interlude) 
3: You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to him. 
4: Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. (Interlude) 
5: Offer sacrifices in the right spirit, and trust the Lord. 
6: Many people say, “Who will show us better times?” Let your face smile on us, Lord.
7: You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine. 
8: In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. 
1: King David recognizes that God has saved him in the past and that there is no reason why David wouldn’t call on God to rescue him again. 
2: According to BibleStudyTools.com, and the Bible commentator Matthew Henry, this Psalm was written as a sermon. This would have most likely been preached to the people. It’s no secret, or surprise, unless you have never read the Old Testament, that God’s people, the Israelites, were always on a teeter-totter of a relationship with God. They would be close to God, then they would incorporate the pagan religions of the people around them, they’d stop worshiping God, then a tragedy would strike the community, then they would go running back to God and the cycle would continue to happen over and over again. (The best example is the book of Judges.) The people of Israel would waver back and forth and at times would even curse God or reject God, only worshiping God when it was convenient for them or when they would need Him. And King David called them out on this destructive behavior. 
3: King David is also reminding the people that God does use the people He calls Holy for a greater purpose. And David understands that this is not something to be taken lightly. David knows that He was set apart for God, by God. 
4: Ever heard the phrase: “Don’t go to bed angry?” This is important. Anger is an emotion and that emotion is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior. However, anger is an incredibly strong emotion, which if we feed into that emotion, it can and does become something more than just anger. It can cause us to do harm to ourselves, others and property. King David was telling the people that if they are angry, they need to meditate upon it, and then let go of it, instead of just letting it control them. When anger becomes so great and we do things out of spite and when we do things that are wrong, that is sinning. Cain sinned out of anger when he killed his brother Abel. (See Genesis 3 and 4). 
5: Before the saving grace of Jesus Christ, everyone had to offer sacrifices to God for all of their inequities and sins, ranging from sin offerings, to peace offerings, burnt offerings and other offerings, depending on that they might have done that was wrong in the eyes of the Lord. These were set up from the time that Moses had lead the people out of Egypt. (See the book of Leviticus). God doesn’t want careless, selfish, or obligatory offerings. He wants people to worship Him because they want to, not because they feel like they have to. 
6: People want to see miracles, they want to see proof. They want God to come down and show them proof that what they are experiencing on earth with all the joy that material possessions brings is not as good or joyful as what God has for them. 
7: Harvest was an important time in the Jewish culture, because this was when they were able to get food from the land and for all the work that they had done to get to this time. They also celebrated festivals at the beginning and end of the harvest season. They would celebrate with food and drink. King David knows that while these things are good for the health and survival of his people, not even these things should ever be in place of God and all the good things that God can bring. It isn’t the labor or work, but God Himself who is the creator and sustainer of all things, including that of food and drink. David recognizes that God’s joy is so much better than anything else that this world can produce. 
8: King David also knows that God is the God of peace and that no matter what happens in King David’s life, He trusts God with everything, including his own life. There is no fear in King David because he knows that God has got his back. And that brings so much comfort and peace to David’s life that no matter the crazy circumstances going on in his life, he can sleep well knowing that God has got it taken care of. 
Boy, I wish I had this faith. I do not sleep well. Anxiety is a major issue for me. So is my ADHD. There are times where I’ll think about things that I couldn’t get done that I wanted to or needed to, and I’ll just not be able to put it off to the side and sleep. Something that I am going to start doing is giving all my anxieties and cares to God at night. Because, I’ll be honest, I’ll give them to God, but then at some point, I will take them back. 
There is a Hymn that comes to my mind when I think about such things. It is by Edward H. Joy. It’s called All Your Anxiety
V1: Is there a heart o’erbound by sorrow?
Is there a life weighed down by care?
Come to the cross, each burden bearing;
All your anxiety-leave it there. 
All your anxiety, all your care,
Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there,
Never a burden He cannot bear,
Never a friend like Jesus!
V2: No other friend so swift to help you,
No other friend so quick to hear,
No other place to leave your burden,
No other one to hear your prayer. 
V3: Come then at once; delay no longer!
Heed His entreaty kind and sweet,
You need not fear a disappointment;
You shall find peace at the mercy seat. 
Such a powerful song! But as you finish reading this, I want to leave you with this blessing:
May God, in His everlasting mercy, bring comfort and peace and rest to you. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 
Peace and Blessings,
Cody Marie
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