#not a hardcore stancy shipper
maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
It's lowkey (but also very) annoying how the fandom has a tendency to treat both Mike and Nancy as just 'someone's boy/girlfriend'
Never their own person, just someone's someone. Their only purpose is to make someone else happy via dating them.
You guys are aware that they're more than their relationships, right?
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lordystrange · 8 months
I just saw a hardcore mileven shipper redditor post about jancy and stancy and state that they are a stancy supporter.
Their argument was that since the implied sex scene with Steve in S1 showed more skin than the one with Jonathan in S2, the writers are telling us that Nancy’s relationship with Steve means more to her and they are endgame.
And yet all our byler arguments are bullshit and the details don’t mean anything…
(Also, I think the contrast between the scenes are to show us how Stancy relationship was more about physical attraction and Jancy about emotional connection)
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
Before i start this Michigan realization post finished in a jopper, jancy, lumax analysis, like i wrote very long paragraphs.
Why is make america great again so popular ? Simple, it’s an obvious het ships who the GA ,who just watch the show casually, doesn't take time to realize the flaws of the relationship. But like, Hardcore minecraft shipper, how do you not see the problem in the relationship of mike and eleven. As a byler i watch multiple times scenes when they are together, do you not do the same? And if you do it are you, not to be insulting, sleeping. A lot of My Little pony call us media illiterate for analyzing the show. But do you even do it; The only proof you peeps need is “Well mike is dating El,so Mileven endgame”. It doesn’t work that way. When a ship is as great as you claim it is you can explain why they are made for one another and why their relationship works. Sometimes, even with ships i dislike/or neutral about the reasoning that two characters are made for one another make me understand the ship better, even if i don’t really like it. I can explain many ships in stranger things and why they can work.
Jancy: Nancy and Jonathan met trough the disappearance of a loved one. The y worked together to find them back. Then they realizing that they have more in common than they thought. They have similar traumas:,parents who aren't in love difficult family life; societal pressure. They start to bond about it together. In a way Jonathan gave Nancy what Nancy didn’t have with Steve, an actual bond outside of society standards. Stancy was mostly a teenage romance who was mostly physical, true Steve loved Nancy but their relationship wasn’t based on an strong bond with one another. Nancy and Steve at the time at least was completely incompatible, Nancy was in a way creating another empty marriage like her parents did. While stancy is an average teenage romance from the 80′s made from conventionally attractive people with little in common with one another, Jancy was everything that stancy wasn’t. Jonathan is poor,  a nerd, and from a pretty polarizing family in town while Steve is a jock , popular with girls; from a wealthy family. But it’s also inverse in term of actual love, Jonathan love Nancy and Nancy love Jonathan, they may not be the perfect couple, they have issues but that’s realistic.Also little point, Jancy has complimentary dream jobs( journalist/photograph), really care for each other passions and hobbies, and love each other pleasemattandroosdufferpleasedontbreakthemupibegofyou. Jancy is all about the society choice for your life and your choice for controlling your own. The logical choice for Nancy is to go with Steve, just like her mother did. To not choose her heart but her head. Steve is the better choice for Nancy to have a “normal”, conventional life just like her mom chose. But Nancy isn’t her mom, Nancy is herself. She won’t do the same mistakes as her parents not after she endured because of their loveless marriage. She gonna choose the choice that make her truly free and happy. And that is the unconditional love and freedom that loving Jonathan can give her. Or like she dumps Jonathan but like be a girlboss but don’t leave this malewife alone, well he still has argyle soo.
Jopper: Ah jopper, one of the longest slow burn in the show only second to byler. What make jopper works? Simple! Just like jancy they have a lot in common, but i will say that they have way more than jancy. Joyce and hopper are both divorced parents(rip Sarah), who have a multitude of unresolved trauma from their past life. Joyce is single mother of two boys, she love them dearly more than anythings in this worlds. But life isn’t easy for her, she’s forced to work late for gaining money for her children to have a good life. The Byers are poor i must remind you.She is still in a complicated relationship with her ex husband who abused her and her children. But i think one of Joyce biggest issues is solitude. Every time Joyce ask for help, fight for a cause nobody trust, everyone thinks she crazy. “oh it’s just Joyce being insane like always, she really a disgrace to this town, no wonder her children are just like her”. She never helped by anyone, and every time someone she care about someone, somethings bad happen to them.Joyce is alone, alone fighting for her children well being. Hopper is a cop, a alcoholic drug addicted cop, since the death of his daughter and the divorce with his wife it’s like is whole life lost it’s purpose.Even thought he the sheriff off hawking you can see he’s kind of not that liked( not that he tries to be). Hopper is clearly depressed. But in end there no chance of him healing in this condition. Hopper is alone, incapable of healing and depressed. They are both broken people from a world which isn’t kind to them. They knew each other from high school i suppose. We can see that they was always attraction between each other. Guys their literally old friend to lovers. Together jopper gets what the other needed. Love. They can finally live and love after all this years of stress and pain and grow together while seeing their kids grow too. They both lost people they care about. That’s why jopper  is beautiful, it’s all about second chance and continuing loving after the loss of people we love, its about  the continuing growth that someone can have in they life. It’s all about moving on mainly living on after the death of someone we cherished, because they might be gone but they would want you to carry on and live, live for them.
Lumax: Now we are coming into best ship territories. As you may know Lumax is in my eyes the current best cannon ship in stranger things. I lovee byler but god damm lumax really is the most developed, realistic, healthy and fantastic ship in the series. But why is that? Just like any ships that works, lumax as a lot in common. their the sassy, don’t talk no shit to me, leader type of a group. Max is more of a loner, tomboyish , sassy, brutally honest type of person. She has a rough exterior who covers her true feelings, it can be hard to see the true max. Lucas is a geek , sassy, always saying his opinion, dork. Like a mega dork. He’s like a sunshine. But i would say, while most ships have a trope that make them works, lumax trope is true love. They don’t need long love confessions or long make out sequence. The way we know they love each other isn't words, it’s actions. It’s the look in the other eyes,the shine in the eyes, the care, the immediate bright shining smile, it’s just the electricity. When they are together they still act like themselves, it is still Lucas and Max they act just like they normally are. They have their own interest and can totally live without each other, their not codependent. For teenagers i would say that they are way more mature than other kids their age. Just like Caleb said lumax love is mature, they slowly grew together learned to care for each other, love each other. Their love wasn’t instant. Against all odd, and difficulties, lumax sails up right now.             Lumax is a tale of true love, i would say a tragic one, understanding, fights and sadly pain in the end. The reason Lumax works so well compared to other ships is the realism of it all. Their relationship feels authentic. I would say that the scene of lucas with max in his arms is the scene that made me wanna kill Vecna the most, seeing his scream and tears give me the urge to punch my wall so bad. Compared to other ship it’s much more difficult to explain by words but you just know when you look at them. You feel it. They both bring best in one another and are at their brightest in each other company. So that’s why MAX BETTER LIVE OR I WILL SUE THE SUFFER BROTHER.
Why is Melvin so bad you would say, many reasons. The lack of communication the misunderstanding of each other personality, the lies, the very weird family parallel and more. But i think one of the main reason Machinegun doesn’t works is simple. It literally doesn't fit the core theme of stranger things Stranger things is all about the oddities and weirdness that make us unique and beautiful. The show is always following outcast of society. Every and i mean every relationship in stranger things is in a way weird or uncommon. Jopper? Two divorced middle aged parents. Jancy? Independent journalist from a good family and local weirdo boy from a badly renowned family. Lumax? Interracial couple. Rockie? no explanation needed i think. Duzie? Unusual genius girl with bright boy with facial differences( still a handsome boy but you know society sucks). Even the non cannon ships follow the theme. But Magnet is just..... stereotypical self insert bullshit for teenager shows. “Oh boy meet girl, girl weird and as super PoWers, people dislike girl because girl WEird, but boy only one who think girl cooL. Time passes and Girl develops crush on boy and become JEalous of another girl because boy hang out with her. But in the end girl is sooooo cool and fantastic and amazing and the part left of boy initial characterization is is love for girl. He is crazy obsessed with girl and it’s starting to get so toxic. Girl is just a local girlboss blank slates to be the deus ex machina of the show and is nothing other than that. When girl do something real bad she never get punished because girl is so perfect. And IN THE END boy and girl and boy love save the world or something and they still stay together even so their probably the worst option of the show.” I saw so many ships like this and it screams not only self insert to young girls who are in love with the male actor but also a very easy routes for a show named stranger things. Stranger broke the norms of how to do a “horror” show and it gave us amazing rep (even if the didn’t handle all of it that well). It’s extremely rare in current media to see a show centered around a gay man who is not stereotyped in any way. And it’s amazing! Will is my favorite character and not just because of his sexuality, he has so many layers and complexities that make me love him even more. Of course my second place go to Lucas and Eleven cause their my children but so you know. 
Back to the main topic. Making mike and el finish together is probably the easiest and stupidest choice, not only would it go against the entire logic of the to make the most plain relationship in the show and probably one the more toxic relationship we currently have as cannon but what message would this give. “Look at them they have nothing in common but you gotta ship it cause it contains the protagonist of the show, to be happy eleven gotta be with a man that so feminist of us. Oh and mike? Who give a shit about him, not like he destroyed most of his relationships to be with a girl he doesn’t even comprehend. Oh your angry because the traumatized abused gay kid never got a happy ending and that’s a “very bad message”. No one give a shit about your opinion, we hate will so much that we created an entire plot line of him falling in love with his best friend for him to be miserable. Buy our byler merch!”
Well i mean this is still my opinion so it doesn’t mean much, i’m just a random person passionate about a show, but really Melvin cannon would destroy my liking in the show. I prefer byler not endgame but melvin is separated than a melvin ending.
But anyway it wouldn't be worse than stancy endgame.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
I had people tell me they don't ship Jancy bc "they don't have common interests" and "aren't compatible" YET these people are hardcore Stancy shippers. What do Steve and Nancy have together? How are THEY compatible? Nancy literally considers Steve's dream a nightmare! Like idc if you don't like Jancy, you're allowed to have your opinions. But the fact these people ship STANCY yet say Jancy shouldn't be together bc they aren't compatible??? Ironic much.
Also, these shippers in question don't really care about Nancy. They care about Steve and his dream, not about what Nancy wants in her life. Idk if this is a reach, but it smells like misogyny to me. These people said they headcanon Nancy having Steve's six children as if that isn't what Nancy explicitly DOESN'T want.
Neither of them should have to compromise their dreams in order to fit together.
lmaooo Nancy even has Jonathan's music poster in her room, they both love books and both don't want to end up like their parents and want more for their life, they talk about the other with love in their words in this season, when they have problems and fight they are still capable of resolving the issues and honestly I have doubts about jancy being endgame because I think Jonathan will die but I'll take Jancy over stancy any day!!!!
I completely agree with you, none of them should have to follow the dreams of the other person and that is what Jonathan wants to avoid in his relationship he is scared of the possibility that Nancy could follow him instead of following her OWN dream!!!
I love both Steve and Nancy as single characters so much, Steve is one of my absolute favorite characters and I understand why they did what they did but their dynamic was still toxic!
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cheeeze-3 · 2 years
I wanna know which hardcore stancy shipper held the duffers at gunpoint and made them write that god awful scene
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willandmichael · 2 years
Stancy opening in s1, Bopper (Bob and Joyce) opening in s2, and Melvin opening in s3 all start out with kissing/making out. Stancy, Bopper and later on Melvin is proven to be bones/doomed relationships. Melvin continues to be paralleled to Stancy through and through in S4 and it's not positive.
I think Melvin was cute in S1 and S2 but the writers purposefully started to tank their relationship in S3 and onwards. The Duffers have a way of building love triangles/introducing a new potential love interest storyline. They all follow the same formula essentially.
With Stancy: Steve and Nancy's dynamic is starting to be tanked, Jonathan is introduced as a new love interest, Steve and Nancy break up and Nancy gets together with Jonathan.
With Bopper: Bob and Joyce are portrayed as cute and Bob was a good person, but Hopper was introduced as a new love interest... so, the same formula. Joyce and Bob ''break up'' (because Bob dies ofc) and Joyce and Hopper are given build up, and after that they get together.
With Melvin it's the same: Mike and El are portrayed in a weird way in S3 and in S4, S4 introduces Will as a new potential love interest while Melvin's dynamic gets weird, there is build-up to Byler and it's obvious that Will and Mike are going to get together because the Duffers are using the same formula essentially.
Like... Idk, maybe people think because it's a gay ship, it's not a thing? I think it's just heteronormativity speaking tbh because it's obvious where the narrative is building towards. I personally am not a hardcore Jopper or Jancy shipper as well, and I kinda... get the vibe between NancyxSteve and JoycexBob (seriously, Joyce and Bob were so cute!!) BUT... when it comes down to it, it's obvious how the things are structured, if it makes sense.
yeah, you're spot on! the same narrative has been used for 2 other couples, it's a pattern on the show. i don't know why people think they're not going to follow through? actually, i do lol it's homophobia 🕳️🏃‍♀️ i'm tired of sounding like a broken record, but if will was a girl everyone and their mothers would be able to see what we see
in regards to mlvn, the duffer bros are trying to ruin their relationship to the viewers as much as possible so that most people (not the shippers tho 😵‍💫) are actually going to be glad when they finally break up. because it's exausting to watch them fight and lie to each other 24/7, they're just not compatible at all - and it will make perfect sense that mike is acting that way because he has feelins for someone else. and with the knowledge that it was millie's idea to have them kiss in s2 and that they thought really hard about it before agreeing.. you realize mlvn wasn't even supposed to happen, so you kinda see why there isn't a single season of them being a happy couple: they were never supposed to be one ⚰️
contrast this with the way they built mike and will's bond from season one - how they're perfect for each other in every way and boom 💥 you have the perfect ending to this bizzarre love triangle
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clarkegriffins · 2 years
wait wait wait i’m a neutral stan (not a hardcore shipper of either ships yk) but i genuinely want to know why so many ppl have a problem with what steve said abt the children thing
i saw it as a harmless sweet tidbit but ppl are calling it “weird” and stuff soo am i just reading it wrong or?
the real weird thing is people saying that, they are projecting so much into stancy is insane, he def meant it in a harmless way, it was an old dream, he just wanted to share to maybe idk cheer up nancy? since she just experienced something traumatic with vecna? like he didn’t even said that she was a part of it in the car, it’s not that serious, go outside people, go touch some grass or sumn
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Asking out of genuine curiosity and I’m not trying to stir the pot in bad faith, but… have people, or Jancys specifically I guess, ever gotten this weird and personal about Joe?
I’ve been watching the show since 2017, but I’m a little new to the fandom side of things for ST specifically, and I genuinely have never heard of people going in on Charlie like this as much as the other older teen actors (maybe with the exception of cases like Grace VanDien). I’m weirded out.
Like even if you don’t like Jonathan, why would you take it out on the actor? In every clip I’ve come across of him doing like, interviews and press and stuff, he seems lovely! I’m rather ambivalent towards love triangle talk, but I truly don’t think Stancy is worth it if people out there feel like they have to go after Charlie himself or what have you to ensure it 🙁 If I hardcore shipped something but then learned how my fellow shippers are taking it out on the other guy’s actor, I’d feel so bad.
I’m sorry if you’re new to the fandom and this is one of the first things you’re seeing. It happens with Charlie periodically, usually when people are freaking out bc Charlie and Natalia aren’t in the same location, or bc he’s friends with a woman, or idk the DM is being stupid. I haven’t gotten these kind of asks for awhile, though. And, yes, he is very lovely!
Or wait are you talking about anons over the DM thing or something else abt the characters and ships?
I haven’t really seen it with the other teen cast, but then right: what’s happened with Grace Van Dien is whole different level. I’m so disgusted by how some Joe Q stans have harassed her. That’s completely insane and awful and is new to the ST fandom since s4. It’s really messed up. I’m hoping those new fans just leave the fandom.
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thequeenofshebasays · 2 years
Another problem with this teasing is it allows some of the remaining hardcore Stancy shippers to be confident enough to get nasty(and make poor arguments) about Jancy in the Jancy tag. Fandom's going to fandom, but it still sucks to see.
Oh I know. They’re gonna drag up their typical bs anti Jonathan shit. It’s fine…. Let them. Let them look like fools. But yeah. Annoyed. It’s like the duffers were like “oh it’s quiet in the fandom… BUT WHAT IF IT WASNT!?!?” Like bruh… stop it.
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daaydreamy · 2 years
jancy 🤖
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literaphobe · 5 years
I was waiting to finish stranger things to send you this ask but now I can't find the post where you mention this in your tag (f*ck tumblr search system) but Michelle I am glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like johnathan. Like did the show forget he was a creepy stalker?
he. took pictures of a minor in her underwear w out her consent.... i literally hate him so much as a concept bc the d*ff*r brothers r clearly using him and j*ncy to portray their fantasy “weird ‘ugly’ nerd guy gets together w really hot girl!!!! who picked him over a way better hot guy for some reason!!!!!!’ like. i don’t dislike j*n*th*n n j*ncy bc im a hardcore steve stan/stancy shipper or anything, if nancy doesn’t have feelings for steve anymore that’s up to her! idrc lmao. but like. j*ncy is so overtly creepy n not at all well done??? what, they f*ck bc some creepy adult told them to do it in his house???? and lbr here, nancy n steve hadn’t even broken up when they did that, so it was cheating. their relationship is borne out of infidelity! gotta love that! anyway. d*ff*r bros r fuckin creepy. wish i didn’t have to associate any of the kid characters or steve n robin or joyce byers w them. and tbh i don’t! credit goes to any other non weird writer who helped write for them + the actors who portrayed them instead :) 
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thesundanceghost · 7 years
nothing gives me so much faith as seeing hardcore jancy shippers loving steve, or stancy shippers loving jonathan, or stonathan shippers loving nancy
y’all give me faith in this fandom
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