#noomi art
noomimoomi · 3 months
Normal wednesday night with an obsessed god who always visits your dreams
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Hey guys! This is an AU where Nika takes a “liking” to Koby! Made this with my friend @paper-lilypie !! Go check her out!!
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bantaro-bird · 2 years
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Found a comic this morning :O
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toonrandy · 2 months
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💕 Shipuary Day 17: Mo and Noomi! 💕
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sofikiii · 2 years
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Lamb (2021) but it has a cute happy ending (inspired by Mary Blair's art)
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david-of-silence · 1 year
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Noomi Rapace | Conan
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a-sad-sowell · 2 years
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“you won’t be alone”
dir. by goran stolevski
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khuantru · 1 year
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08/01/2023: 2nd one for this Sunday, last one as well. Another old stuff redone with 'Noomi Rapace' from 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'
Good night from north London. ☕️✏️🎧💻
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mamusiq · 7 months
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Maria Callas photographed by Cecil Beaton in 1957
Callas (2024) Callas is a film directed by Niki Caro with Noomi Rapace. Synopsis: A biopic about the operatic star, Maria Callas.
Noomi Rapace Star As Maria Callas announced at the Cannes Film Festival, Noomi Rapace is currently training her vocal cords in preparation for a starring role as Maria Callas.
The biopic is centered on the passionate relationship the singer had with Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis lasting almost two decades. Caro will direct “Callas” from a screenplay she adapted from Alfonso Signorini’s biography “Too Proud, Too Fragile.”
Callas was a profoundly influential American opera singer of Greek heritage. She died in 1977 at the age of 53.
“This movie is about an extraordinary woman whose deepest desire is to lead an ordinary life with the man of her choice,” said Guido De Angelis. “Callas was la Divina, a goddess, who just wanted to be a normal woman; she found out she couldn’t. It sounds like an ancient myth.”
Rapace’s credits include “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “Prometheus,” “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” and “The Drop.” Caro directed “McFarland USA,” “North Country” and “Whale Rider.”
Maria Callas sings Puccini: Tosca - 'Vissi d'Arte' at Covent Garden 1964
Maria Callas' final appearance on the operatic stage was in Tosca ​at Covent Garden's 1965 Royal Gala. ​​​For many opera lovers, Maria Callas and Tosca's Vissi d'Arte ​are inseparable. "I lived for art; I lived for love" became La Divina's cri de coeur, ​​​​her swansong, the perfect expression of her own triumphs and tragedies. This unrivaled recording is from that legendary Zeffirelli production in 1964 and is one of just many jewels in the Maria Callas Live edition.
Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore, non feci mai male ad anima viva! Con man furtiva quante miserie conobbi aiutai. Sempre con fè sincera la mia preghiera ai santi tabernacoli salì. Sempre con fè sincera diedi fiori agl'altar. Nell'ora del dolore perché, perché, Signore, perché me ne rimuneri così? Diedi gioielli della Madonna al manto, e diedi il canto agli astri, al ciel, che ne ridean più belli. Nell'ora del dolor perché, perché, Signor, ah, perché me ne rimuneri così?
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sapphicbookclub · 1 year
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The Taking by Celeste Castro
Peachy is on a mission: steal a priceless family heirloom. All is going according to plan until she finds herself teetering on the edge of death. She wakes up in a bizarre world and under the care of a strange woman who can communicate without spoken words. Little does Peachy know that by taking the amulet, she’s enacted a powerful chain of events and roused a deranged being who will stop at nothing to find her and retrieve the amulet.
Noomi is Fae—a Seer and Shifter—who shares a unique bond with her sister, a two-hundred-pound mountain cat. Their days revolve around creating art, making maps, and enjoying pipeweed. Until the day that Peachy enters their world and plunges it into chaos.
The Taking is a tale of a powerful amulet—a gateway from one world to another. With Noomi’s help, Peachy must combat the forces working against them…forces that will stop at nothing to kill them both.
Genres: fantasy, romance
Get the book from The Book Depository here!
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toonrandy · 6 months
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Celebrate National Candy Corn Day with Noomi!
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deysialfher · 3 months
(\ (\
(„• ֊ •„)
・:。Lista de livros que quero ler 「 ✿ 」・:三
A divina comédia - Inferno, Purgatório, Paraíso (Dante)
Coleção diário de um banana 3+
O poder do hábito (Charles Duhigg)
Teorias da aprendizagem (Marco Antonio Moreira)
O morro dos ventos uivantes (Emilly Bronte)
Ética (Spinoza)
Treino de matemática para crianças com TEA (Claudia, Alisson e Telma)
Neurociência da mente do comportamento (Roberto Lent)
Neurociência e reabilitação terapia ocupacional (Noomi Katz)
Neurociência e educação como o cérebro aprende (Ramon e Leonor)
Juju vai viajar… O ciclo da água
Atividades e Brincadeiras 
A última formiga (Jane Prado)
Professora sim, tia não (Paulo Freire)
A propriedade (José de Alencar) 
Sonhos D'Ouro (José de Alencar)
Papéis avulsos (Machado de Assis)
Eu sou o número quatro (Pittacus Lore  )
Ubirajara (José de Alencar)
Rápido e devagar duas formas (Daniel Kahneman)
Pedagogia da esperança (Paulo Freire)
Os segredos da mente milionária (T. Harv Eker)
Série Ramsens 1 - O filho da luz vol. 01 (Christian Jacq)
Pai contra Mãe (Machado de Assis)
A pata da gazela     (José de Alencar)
Depois da escuridão (Sidney Sheldon)
O Caso Tutankhamon (Christian Jacq)
O Mulato (Aluíso de Azevedo)
Casa de Pensão (Aluíso de Azevedo)
A chave do tamanho (Monteiro Lobato)
História da Meia-noite (Machado de Assis)
Esaú e Jacó (Machado de Assis)
A Condessa Vésper (Aluíso de Azevedo)
Dicionário Etimológico da Mitologia Grega
Deus, um delírio (Richard Dawkins)
Senhora (José de Alencar)
Clara dos Anjos (Lima Barreto)
Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (Machado de Assis)
Marquês de Rabicó (Monteiro Lobato)
O homem que sabia javanês (Lima Barreto)
Antologia Grega: a Musa dos rapazes (JESUS, Carlos A. Martins)       
Caçadas de Pedrinho (Monteiro Lobato)
O espelho     (Machado de Assis)
Diário Intimo (Lima Barreto)
Mídias sociais
Emília no País da Gramática (Monteiro Lobato)
A importância do ato de ler (Paulo Freire)
O velho senado (Machado de Assis)     
Pequeno livro dos Deuses Olímpicos (Paulina T. Nólibos)
Jeca Tatuzinho (Monteiro Lobato)
O enfermeiro (Machado de Assis)
Cronos, Zeus e outros que tais... (Projeto com vários alunos AEGP)
Mitos Gregos (Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcelhos)
Várias histórias (Machado de Assis)
O Príncipe (Maquiavel)
Contos e Lendas da Mitologia Grega (Claude Pouzadoux)
FREAKONOMICS O lado oculto e inesperado de tudo que nos afeta (Malcom Gladwell)
O caso da vara (Machado de Assis)
Os Bruzundangas (Lima Barreto)
Contos Fluminenses (Machado de Assis)
A carteira (Machado de Assis)
Relíquias de casa velha (Machado de Assis)
O gaúcho (José de Alencar)
O garatuja (José de Alencar)
Mascates (José de Alencar)
Extensão ou Comunicação (Paulo Freire)
Labirinto (Kate Mosse)     
As aventuras secretas de um Gay discreto
Ocidentais (Machado de Assis)
A lógica do consumo (Martin Lindstrom)
Romances e Contos completos (Machado de Assis)
O ratinho, o gato e o galo (Monteiro Lobato)
Contos de Lima Barreto (Lima Barreto)
O eu profundo e os outros eus (Fernando Pessoa)
Sertanejo (José de Alencar)
Uns braços (Machado de Assis)
Mente organizada (Daniel J. Levitin)
Teoria do medalhão (Machado de Assis)
História sem data (Machado de Assis)
A Arte da Procrastinação (Jhon Perry)
Quincas Borba (Machado de Assis)
Hércules Furioso: a eplepsia na tragédia grega (Paloma da Silva BRITO)
O Saci (Monteiro Lobato)
Cinco minutos (José de Alencar)
Política e Educação (Paulo Freire)
A viuvinha (José de Alencar)
Mitologia Grega (Cauan Segamachi Ferreira)
O código da Vinci (DanBROWN)
100 Histórias Infantis (Vários autores)
Um Ápologo  (Machado de Assis)
Maravilho universo do sítio (Monteiro Lobato)
O Alienista (Machado de Assis)
Diva (José de Alencar)
Inventando ANNA (Rachel Deloache Williams)
Cartas aos estudantes (Clemente Ivo Juliatto)
Aurora  (Nietzsche)
Assim falou Zaratustra (Nietzsche)
O anticristo (Nietzsche)
Dossiê de Nietzsche
O conde de Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
O dilema do porco espinho  (Leandro Karnal)
Metodologia do Ensino História e Geografia  4
O ensino de Geografia e a suas linguagens (Rosane Rudnick)
Fundamento Epistemológico da Geografia (Luis Lopes)
Dificuldades Específicas de Aprendizagem (Diana Hudson)      
Fundamento de Didática   (Alessandro de Melo e Sandra Terezinha)
Educação Física e populações especiais (Maria de Fátima e Thaís Pacheco)
Uma introdução à Filosofia da Linguagem (Max William)
Lógica para Pedestres (Erickson C. dos Santos)
Filosofia da mente (Walter Menon)
Educação, Gênero e Sexualidade: (IM)Pertinências (Fernando Seffner e Jane Felipe)
Compreender e interpretar desenhos infantis (Georges Cognet e Anna Cognet )
Psicopedagogia (Gislene, Lucila, Evely, Rosely)
O processo   KAFKA
Dez de Dezembro (George Saunders)
O palhaço e o psicanalista (Christian Dunker e Cláudio Thebas)
Marília de Dirceu (Tomás Antônio Gonzaga)
Viva com esperança (Finley e Landless)
Avaliação voz da consciência da aprendizagem (Ivo José Both)
Epistemologia das ciências sociais (Susana Salete Raymundo Chinazzo)
Sherlock Holmes 2 
Sherlock Holmes 3 
Sherlock Holmes 4 
O fantasma do porão (Hora do espanto)
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linafoxoficial · 4 months
Your art is noomy noms veryyy chewy and squishy to chew, makes a squeaky toy sound
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. . . . What...... NOT EAT MY ART... >:(.... hahahaha xD
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andthesunrisesagain · 10 months
Bonjour, je me permets de te proposer Noomi Rapace. Voici pour la galerie, j'espère que ça ira : imgbox(.)com/g/ZYtPLJ3x78. Il s'agit d'une mercenaire en roue libre pour un forum cyberpunk. Elle est insolente, insouciante et a une loyauté variable. Je te joins son moodboard : pinterest(.)com/ghostlykiisses/the-reaper-nott/. Si jamais ça peut t'inspirer quelque chose mais dans tous les cas, merci beaucoup de jeter un oeil à tout ça 🥰 Et de partager ton art de façon plus globale 💖
Hello 🌞
Merci pour tes compliments ainsi que toutes les informations, moodboard et galerie pour ta requête ! J'ai adoré bosser sur ces quelques avatars, j'ai été très inspiré par l'univers et le perso ! J'espère que cela te plaira ☺️
Bonne soirée 💌
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fashioneditswebsite · 1 month
Dries Van Noten’s most memorable looks, as the Belgian fashion designer steps down
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Many famous people, such as Florence Pugh, Cate Blanchett, and Margot Robbie, have worn Dries Van Noten's designs. After 38 years, Belgian designer Dries Van Noten is stepping down as creative director of his namesake fashion brand. "In the early '80s, as a young guy in Antwerp, my dream was to have a voice in fashion. Van Noten fulfilled his dream with the help of many supportive people. He now wants to focus on other things. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) He will step down at the end of June. His last collection will be menswear in spring/summer 2025, in Paris in June. His studio team will create the women's collection. They have been working closely together for years. I have complete confidence that they will do a great job." This doesn't mark the end of the Dries Van Noten fashion brand The House that Van Noten treasures so much will soon announce a new creative director, and he has stated that he will continue to stay involved in it. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) Van Noten completed a fashion design course at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium in 1981. After opening his flagship store in Antwerp in 1989, he became a member of 'The Antwerp Six,' a group of Belgian creatives revolutionizing the fashion industry. The group included Walter Van Beirendonck, Ann Demeulemeester, Dirk Van Saene, Dirk Bikkembergs, and Marina Yee. Five years later, he debuted his first collection. In 1991, he debuted at Paris Fashion Week with a menswear collection. Two years later, he launched womenswear and became a regular on the schedule. Fashion firm Puig acquired a majority share in the brand in 2018. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) Over the years, Van Noten has built up a reputation as a quietly experimental fashion designer. He blends the old with the new. He plays around with silhouette. This is mainly seen in the ballooning, oversized shapes of coats and sleeves. The design was showcased at his recent Paris Fashion Week show in February. Florals are a recurring theme in his clothes, and Van Noten says the flowers often inspire him in his garden. While Van Noten's work isn't a red carpet mainstay like some of the other major brands on the Paris Fashion Week calendar, celebrities make an impact when they choose to wear his designs. Florence Pugh was nominated for a BAFTA for her role as Amy March in Little Women back in 2020, and she brought a welcome splash of color to the red carpet in her pink and black Van Noten creation. A fuchsia dress-meets-cape was worn over a black mini dress, with the voluminous sleeves and bow detailing giving a subtle nod to Amy March's fashion. Pink and black were central to Van Noten's work in 2020, as Margot Robbie also wore that color combination to the London premiere of Birds Of Prey the same year. She paired her full black skirt with a feathered bralette, tapping into the trend for underwear as outerwear, and donned hot pink opera gloves. Cate Blanchett chose to wear Dries Van Noten to the Oscars in 2008 when she was pregnant with her third child, Ignatius. The midnight blue gown had an empire line for her bump and gold accents. Additionally, the sequinned flowers on the skirt were particularly eye-catching. Kirsten Dunst wore a floral Van Noten gown to the Baby2Baby Gala in Nov 2023. Noomi Rapace wore a navy and white floral print dress with statement red gloves at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2022. The dress, created by Van Noten, featured dramatic oversized sleeves. Read the full article
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viewfromplanetx · 10 months
Samurai-ish movies and shows you might enjoy
Rick and Morty Samurai & Shogun - An homage to Lone Wolf and Cub, they reenact many of the iconic scenes from the movies with over the top blood spraying of course.
The Mandalorian - Lone Wolf and Cub a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Complete with floaty pram and “child”, armor, swords, and plenty of melee fights. No blood though, as it’s made by the feckless bellends at Disney.
Witcher Blood Origin - A familiar Samurai plot—seven estranged uh… strangers band together to fight corrupt and oppressive bullies. What makes this show truly enjoyable are the one-cut fight scenes. The camera never stops rolling—no jumpy quick-cutting. Although it has a handheld feel, it’s far from your ubiquitous shaky cam. You get to really appreciate the fight choreography blow-by-blow, attacks, blocks and dodges. You understand why the characters react the way they do and see their different styles. My only complaint is that Michelle Yeoh gets too little screen time.
Mad Max Fury Road -  Believe it or not, this is yet another story of seven outcasts who go up against a cretinous villain and his band of retards. They could’ve really shit the tub on this one, but it turned out perfect in my (ed: not so) humble opinion. It’s pure action with just enough reprieve to catch your breath and care about the characters. Charlize Theron as Furiosa, gotta love that name, kicks major ass and Tom Hardy plays the best Max ever. The fantastic and truly menacing vehicles are real and they use as many practical effects as they can. Kubrick was right, film is both entertainment and art. This movie is brilliantly both, so watch it more than once. The Black & Chrome edition is pretty damn cool.
Cowboy Bebop (live action version) - I like that it's close enough to the animated series without slavishly following the source material. What's Samurai-ish about it? Sword play, death and mayhem, clans, themes of honor and duty, hot chicks, and plenty of retards (ed: you need to stop using that term) yeah, but… (ed: yeah but nothing). However, quite unlike many Samurai flicks there's plenty of hilarious dialogue, such as
Jet: ...we’re gonna need Woodcock. 
Spike: I'm praying that’s a person. 
Extraction - A Chris Hemsworth showcase. He plays an angsty mercenary contracted to rescue the kidnapped nerdy son of a crime lord. Once again we have incredible one-cut fight scenes—long single shots that follow the action even through buildings and streets. So many retards eating shit in so many different ways. LoL
Extraction 2 - Starts right where the first one ended and it's even better.
Close (2019) - The amazing Noomi Rapace plays Sam, a former badass for hire turned unwilling nanny. Trouble ensues when she’s assigned to watch over Zoe, the spoiled brat of a corporate Überbetch. Things escalate quickly after Sam thwarts an attempt to kidnap Zoe and returns to her badassery. Expect the usual high-tensile steel action, things blowing up, blood, guts, hot chicks, and plenty of retards. Strong female characters always a plus.
ZVP - Zatoichi vs Predator. Enough said. Find it. Watch it.
Conan the Barbarian (1982) - Although it has plenty to attract Samurai movie fans, this flick was very much inspired by Japanese horror. There are creepy molesty spirits and hot lusty witches. The Snake Clan is all about possession. If you can get past the cheese ball characters with 80s hairdos (James Earl Jones has bangs) it's an enjoyable watch with plenty of action, minimal dialogue, hippy-dip retards, amazing landscapes, and pretty horses. One of Schwarzenegger's best roles. He actually worked with a Kendo master for the film. Costar Sandahl Bergman won multiple awards for her portrayal of Valeria, who is much more than just eye candy or love interest.
And… I’ve recently been told that the term “retard” is somehow derogatory of idiots, morons, and imbeciles. So, from now on I’ll be using the term "tard," which is French for "retard." Sorry for any confusion. Just think “retard” to yourself. I don’t want anyone to think I’m insensitive to the feelings of you tards, so even though you can't read (ed: pretty sure they can) feel free to assume that I sincerely apologize to anyone I’ve offended, if it makes you feel better. 
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alastgoodnight · 10 months
“Noomi, Noomi! I made you a present!”
“You did?” Naomi looks over to see her sister’s work - a glue-and-macaroni piece on red card stock, arranged in a clumsy rendition of a cat. Naomi is nine, and has already graduated from raw pasta to oil pastels and markers; still, she accepts the gift with a smile. “Thank you, Hana! Should I put it on the fridge?”
“Yeah!” Hana is five, and smiles with uneven teeth; they’re quite small in her mouth, and Naomi thinks they make her look rather like a Jack-o-lantern. “Right by yours, please!”
“Alright!” Naomi goes to the fridge - her art, a drawing of the zoo they all visited just last week, is pinned to the fridge with the green magnet. Naomi picks a pink and yellow flower - Hana’s favorite - and pins the art to the fridge.
“They look good together, Hana!” They don’t, but none is old enough to know better than to say that. Hana laughs in delight.
“We’re artists!”
“We are!” Naomi smiles. Maybe she’ll teach Hana to use markers at some point.
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