willbyerstm · 2 years
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[𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑]: Will gets Vecna’s curse based starter [𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒]: accepting [𝐅𝐎𝐑]: @noctiivagus​ // 𝗠𝗜𝗞𝗘
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When he had first heard that Max wrote letters to everyone when she found out her plausible fate, Will didn’t think he could ever do it. But only hours later and some sort of goodbye felt proper. A closure, a chance to say something. He didn’t have that chance when he was taken in the Upside Down, nor when the Mindflyer got him. Now he can. Maybe this is yet another villain they will defeat, but... what are the odds, really? For how long is he going to escape death when everyone else around him dies? He had already been lucky enough and...tired. If this is truly a goodbye, if his lately rather pessimistic view is right and this is it...this is going to be difficult. How can he say everything that he wants to say without giving too much away? Without Mike realise what he is doing? ( Not that anything would change if he does. He is worried now, he will be worried later. He will be fine in the end ).  
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As with the others, he had more or less planned what he wanted to say. Only now, for a moment, he feels at loss of words. Nothing really feels right, not jokes, reassuring words, not even honesty. Still, he manages a smile, he finds something to say, something to start with ❝ Best spring break ever, right? ❞
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
@noctiivagus​ also gets a post vol 2 nancy
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“I really thought that we had won this time.” Nancy sighed and looked down. She had thought that he was gone, he was dead and that they could finally get on with their lives. She could pack up and move to Emerson. That was if they’d even take into consideration that it was impossible for her to go back to Hawkins High School right now. Nancy had wanted to graduate, she’d been pushing to get valedictorian and then go to a good college. She would be a journalist and just live out her dream.
“It’s such bullshit. All of this.” She ran a hand through her hair. “There has to be something good right?”
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hvbris · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ sent “Maybe?” (from nancy to april, because she got eyes and april is a cutie fhdsids) Send “Maybe?” if your muse has thought of kissing mine / accepting  
“The Nancy Wheeler, really?”
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“I mean, I can’t say that I haven’t considered something similar myself. There’s no harm in thinking about it, right? Let the imagination run wild once in a while. She’s certainly pretty -and smart.”
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scribedhorror · 2 years
@noctiivagus​ || X
“Okay. So. I’m either at the point where I’m finally finished and this is the best thing I’ve ever written, or I’m so sleep deprived that this is all complete and utter nonsense and I need to start over.” And the fact that Bill of all people was even admitting to being sleep-deprived meant that he was pushing past his threshold which was really quite impressive. Or concerning, depending on who you were. 
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murkyhazed-hasmoved · 2 years
@noctiivagus​    liked   →   dustin (& mike).
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               ❝   you   really   haven’t   heard   anything?      it’s   been   two   months…      i   mean   she   can’t   have   just   DIED   right?   ❞
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ | getting Robin for Steve
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“We need to talk Dingus.” Robin called over to him as she leaned on the counter, watching him pointedly as the bell above the door singed as yet another pretty girl left Family Video. Her tongue moved over her teeth as she watched him for a second. “Look, I get it. You have the hair that all the girls in this town seem to fawn over - what do you even use on it anyway?” had to be women’s products right? No guys products ever made hair look that shiny.
“Regardless...” She was going off on a tangent so she fixed him with a look. “I get that there are things I can’t be open about, but why do you get to help all the pretty girls and I’m left with the sleazy douchebags who talk to my chest and not my face? It’s fucked up, and it’s disgusting - trade with me? Please?” Robin pouted at him. ”I will do the hself restocks by myself for a week.” she offered. “Come on it’s a good deal.”
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imthecleric · 2 years
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Will had taken the Milton Bradley water color set that his mom bought him for school, it seems like forever ago and was determined to get something good out of them. He knew they were cheap, but its not like they were about to go out and get anything more expensive. He just had to make it work. But utilizing the bright ROY G BIV colors was causing issue when it came to do anything that wasn’t a shade of those colors. Not that he could do anything more than pastel because once again they were cheap, and getting something more opaque and the color he wanted ended up making his paper warp.
He had a nice pile going of failed attempts at this watercolor, it was supposed to be a scene from the last campaign they did but the paints were not working with him, the pages were warped because he didn’t want to waste paper so he was using both sides. He wasn’t going to throw it away, he’d probably sketch on it later. But currently was frustrated at the wash of colors looking like muddy garbage rather than the party traversing through the woods Mike had described.
Another paper ruined, this one had a hole in it because he used too much paint and water trying to get a varying shade of green. He huffed and picked up lamenting that this page was gone forever, when he spotted Mike standing there, he quickly put it down, and shuffled all the papers at his feet trying not to seem like he was making too much of a mess with his attempts art that all looked vaguely like his goal but not quite correct. “How...” he paused, and barely refrained himself from wanting to hit his head on the table for this embarrassing situation he hated when he was so self aware after he did art, “How long have you been standing there?” he asked Mike a bit resigned, or embarrassed, in actuality it was probably a bit of both.
[ @noctiivagus​ - x for mike ]
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shezoomer · 2 years
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              ❛ i can't leave you alone for one minute, can i ? ❜
@noctiivagus ♡'d | for whoever you want!
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willbyerstm · 2 years
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[𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑]: Will gets Vecna’s curse based starter [𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒]: accepting [𝐅𝐎𝐑]: @noctiivagus​ // 𝗠𝗔𝗫
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Perhaps he should have been in contact with Max much more than he had been. Would he have been able to help her then? He is not sure. What he could have done was to locate the Mindflyer before he got anywhere near her brother. Now apparently her grief was strong enough to make her a target and even though they had managed to save her, she isn’t necessarily out of the woods just yet. 
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❝ Will everyone is going to look at me like that? ❞ he asks her when they are alone at the back of the room. They are worried, of course, but it’s something more as well...the knowledge that Vecna chose him for a reason ❝ I mean what the stakes are here... but still. ❞
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
@noctiivagus​ liked for a nancy
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“I am not the Mom friend.” Nancy defended herself. It was a total lie. Her purse was full of painkillers, tissue packets, bandaids, and all sorts of other things. “I’m just prepared. The shit we see in Hawkins, everyone should be carrying around a little bit extra.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Next time you have a headache, you can just suffer.”
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hvbris · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ sent “Maybe?” ( from max to jane <3 ) Send “Maybe?” if your muse has thought of kissing mine / accepting   
“Oh! I have thought about kissing Max also. She is very pretty. And she is the coolest person I know. ”
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hawkinsborne · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ asked: I mean, I was only legally dead for a couple minutes. No big deal.” ( from max to steve ) Meme I can’t find || Not Accepting
     No big deal? NO BIG DEAL? Who did she think she was talking with? Some random high school kid who didn't care? He was responsible for all the kids and a COUPLE minutes felt like a lifetime. At least, for him. Max was like a little sister he never had. Sure, he'd probably never teach her to drive since he had already witnessed that once, but he still felt the older brother role inside of him and a couple of minutes was so much more than she was giving credit for.
     "Oh, yeah, a couple more minutes and I'm sure God and Devil would be having a tea party with you, you little twerp." He expresses by throwing his hands in the air, gaze never leaving her and he wants to scream, to laugh manically. Was he going insane? Wasn't he too young for that? He was definitely too young for gray hairs and age lines upon his features.
     Not only did he watch her rise at Billy's grave, fearing that he had lost her then, he had to hear from Lucas what had happened while they were in the upside down with Vecna. He had sat at her hospital bed for hours, giving Lucas a chance to take a break, to shower and eat and whatever else he needed to do. He had cursed and screamed and feared losing his little sister that wasn't actually his. "You're lucky you didn't die, you shithead."
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praeludio · 2 years
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                       « So, hypothetically speaking, » he begins in a rather conspiratorial tone as if what he wanted to say was important and meant for Robin's ears only. It was not, of course; but treating any other topic as the most important thing helped him push aside the thought of what was looming over them. It was inevitable, as their little plan took form. « What movie would you recommend for a fugitive who is definitely not in the mood for horror, for a while at least? I might come around to rent it, once this, » he gestures widely to the others, busy with their tasks and preparations, « is all over. » If it'll ever be over, Eddie thinks to himself — they've all been facing monster after monster for years now, but he didn't want to rain on their parade with his pessimism. They had to save Max, that was all that mattered. « I'd ask Harrington, but I don't trust his taste. »
eddie starter call | @noctiivagus​
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ | is getting Bloom for Eddie
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“For what it’s worth. I don’t think you did it.” Bloom muttered to the dark haired male. She didn’t know him. She was new to Hawkins, having found out she was adopted and this was where her biological family was from. But given all the strange shit she’d been hearing around town, and the brief but insanely disturbing story of how the body was found, well it didn’t sound like something that someone would be able to do quickly and quietly without being discovered.
She watching him for a moment longer. She wouldn’t tell anyone that she’d run into him. But Bloom knew all of this couldn’t be easy on him. Afterall, she knew how much tragedy could weigh on you. She had guilt over her adoptive parents house accidentally going on fire. No one died, but her mom was scarred for life now. “How are you doing though?"
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starsinshadows · 2 years
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@noctiivagus​ is probably right but he doesn’t wanna hear it yet...
          no, i don’t ‘think’ i’m right, i ‘know’ i’m right ( have robin @ steve uwu )
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     “Okay, but now I have this weird urge to argue with you just for the point of it,” he shot back, sighing. “You don’t know you’re right, you could still be wrong. Everything could be just fine and we’re getting worried for nothing.”
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isgull-moved · 2 years
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        “no one thinks a pretty girl has substance.  that’s   the curse of popularity.”
@noctiivagus​​ - for any primary st muse​​​ !     lyric starter call. ♫ : the me inside of me from heathers: the musical
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