#no updates about my application or any further status of the housing in general
arctic-hands · 2 years
Would be nice if the disability housing project I registered for would ever send any communication regarding any updates or timelines
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popolitiko · 4 years
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Peggy Noonan: Clueless Political Pundit Claims That House Tea Partiers Represent The Thinking Of Almost Half Of The Country
Posted on March 2, 2015 by Elaine Magliaro
I rarely watch the Sunday morning “nooz” programs these days. One reason is the clueless talking heads that are frequently invited on shows like Meet the Press and Face the Nation to provide Americans with their wisdom and insight. One of those political pundits is Peggy Noonan–or “Our Lady of the Magic Dolphins” as Charles Pierce refers to her. Her cranium appears to be filled with helium–or some gas that is lighter than air.  I think the old Pegster would be perfect for the starring role in a movie titled Clueless, The Senior Years.
Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, Noonan was a primary speech writer and Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. “Our Lady of the Magic Dolphins” also worked as a speech writer for Vice President George H. W. Bush. According to Wikipedia, Noonan reportedly coined the phrase “a kinder, gentler nation” and popularized “a thousand points of light,” two memorable catchphrases used by Bush 41. Noonan was also said to have written the speech in which Bush promised: “Read my lips: no new taxes” during his 1988 presidential nomination acceptance speech in New Orleans.
I think Simon Maloy pegged Peggy perfectly in an article he wrote for Salon titled Peggy Noonan’s “wisdom”: Build Keystone XL so American boys will become men last November.
Peggy Noonan has one of the most high-profile jobs in American media. She’s a weekly political columnist for the Wall Street Journal, the country’s largest newspaper by circulation, which also hosts her irregularly updated blog. The Sunday shows seek her out when filling the ranks of their weekly pundit panels. She’s among the more influential commentators in American media, and the fact that she inhabits this perch despite being objectively terrible at her job should obliterate whatever faith you have in the concept of meritocracy.
Noonan’s chief failing is one that afflicts many pundits: She generally has no idea what she’s talking about. Her analysis is powered largely by her own warped perception of politics and policy, which she confidently ascribes to the rest of the country. Peggy Noonan always seems to know exactly what “America” is thinking, and this often results in her being hilariously wrong.
I didn’t have a true understanding of the depth of Noonan’s dipshittery until I heard what she said in a panel discussion about the release of torture memos by the Obama Administration when she appeared on ABC News’ This Week With George Stephanopoulos back in 2009.
Marcus Baram (Huffington Post):
On ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” George Will echoed several Bush officials when he criticized the release of the memos, saying “The problem with transparency is that it’s transparent for the terrorists as well.” Will expressed concern about the cost of letting “the bad guys” know what techniques, such as waterboarding, will be used on them. He went on to add, as noted by HuffPost’s Jason Linkins, that “intelligent people of good will” believe the President of the United States can do whatever he wants to “defend the country.”
Baram said Noonan “went even further, articulating a position that upends George Santayana’s famous quote: ‘Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'” Noonan opined, “Some things in life need to be mysterious. Sometimes you need to just keep walking.” Then she added, “It’s hard for me to look at a great nation issuing these documents and sending them out to the world and thinking, oh, much good will come of that.”
Right, Peggy, better to keep the Bush Administration’s tales of torture “mysterious.” Who would want to know about such things anyway? Just move along…and forget about what our country did.
Peggy Noonan talks the crazy talk of Washington.
Russ Feingold–who was one of the two Senators from Wisconsin at the time–was appalled by Noonan’s comments. Sam Stein wrote about what Feingold had to say about Noonan remarks on Stephanopoulos’s show.
Sam Stein:  Later, the Senator took a swipe at some of the rationalizations for avoiding prosecution that have been voiced by Washington lawmakers and pundits.
“If you want to see just how outrageous this is, I refer you to the remarks made by Peggy Noonan this Sunday,” he said, referring to the longtime conservative columnist’s appearance on ABC’s This Week. “I frankly have never heard anything quite as disturbing as her remark that was something to the affect of: ‘well sometimes you just have to move on.'”
More recently, Noonan appeared on on Face the Nation on Sunday. Crooks and Liars had a few words to say about Peggy’s appearance:
Peggy Noonan is once again pulling statistics from the land of her posterior. Here she is on this Sunday’s Face the Nation pretending that these teabaggers, or the House Freedom Caucus, or whatever these extremists are calling themselves these days represent “the thinking of almost half of the country.”
Peggy Noonan So Delusional Even David Gregory Calls Her Out
Peggy Noonan, who served in the Iran - Contra Reagan administration, thinks the IRS scandal is the worst thing ever and goes on Meet the Press to attack Obama over it. However, even  David Gregory won't have any of it...
🤥 👺 🤡  🤥 👺 🤡🤥 👺 🤡🤥 👺 🤡🤥 👺 🤡
👇 😜 👇
Dear Peggy, Your “Scandal” Just Evaporated
Notice, en passant, that the WSJ is now indistinguishable both in party line and total hysteria from Fox News and talk radio (not that it’s ed-page was anything but extreme, but at least it was smart). Now check out the latest details from the IRS about 501 (c) 4 and 501 (c) 3 entities:
The instructions that Internal Revenue Service officials used to look for applicants seeking tax-exempt status with “Tea Party” and “Patriots” in their titles also included groups whose names included the words “Progressive” and “Occupy,” according to I.R.S. documents released Monday. … One such “be on the lookout” list included medical marijuana groups, organizations that were promoting President Obama’s health care law, and applications that dealt “with disputed territories in the Middle East.” … “Common thread is the word ‘progressive,’ ” a lookout list instructs. “Activities appear to lean toward a new political party. Activities are partisan and appear as anti-Republican.” Groups involved more generally in carrying out the Affordable Care Act were also sent to the I.R.S. for “secondary screening.” And “occupied territory advocacy” seemed subject to the most scrutiny of all.
So we begin to see the actual truth (and where it usually is, Page A14): the IRS was rightly scrutinizing a whole slew of new groups claiming to be all about “social welfare” and checking to see how politicized they were – on both sides. 
Most of those on the progressive side were seeking 501(c)3s – not 501(c)4s – so the parallel isn’t exact. But it sure suggests nothing of any malign nature here. Par exemple:
Ameinu, which on its website calls itself a “community of progressive Jews,” received its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status on May 28 — five years after applying. IRS agents peppered the group with 18-page surveys and lingered for months without follow-up, Hiam Simon, national director of Ameinu, said in a telephone interview. He said he was looking at a 4-inch thick folder of Ameinu’s communications with the IRS. “I think they were painting with a broad brush, with worries about Middle East ties to terrorism,” he said of the IRS. “I don’t think it was caused by malice. Ignorance is too strong a word, too. They simply weren’t nuanced enough or careful enough.”
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blastberrydragon · 4 years
MagiTech Institute of Art -Chapter 1
Tyler walked up the concrete steps and pushed open the double doors to the plain-looking admission's building for MagiTech Institute of Art. A rush of cold air and the smell of commercial cleaners filled his lungs as he braced himself to approach the stern-looking Asian lady seated at the front desk.
"Oh! You must be Tyler Risky! You look just like your father! Is your mom here with you?" She said warmly as she walked around her desk to greet him.
Tyler stopped mid-step, 'You knew my father?"
"Oh yes, he went to school here at the same time I did. He was a sophomore when I was a junior"
She leads Tyler to a small sitting area in the corner, keeping up the small talk, "Would you like something to drink? Where's your mother?"
"Some water would be nice; she's dropping off my little sister at a friend's house," Tyler responded while accepting the glass of water, "I'm sorry, but I never got your name?"
"Oh, sorry, I'm Ai; I run admissions for the university," she responded as she ambled over to the reception desk.
"Let's get you started on some paperwork while we wait for your mother," She called as she rifled through one desk drawer before moving on to the next one.
"This might take a while, our receptionist just stepped out for lunch. Jame's is the one who knows where everything is"
"New student files are in the top drawer in order of expected arrival for the day. An electronic copy is made, and papers get filed alphabetically with the rest of student records after the paperwork is filled out." A large dark man called as he strolled back out.
"Hello, I'm James! I would love to stay and chat, but I just cam back for my wallet", the man introduced himself.
"I can handle filing the paperwork after lunch if you leave it on top of my desk!" he called over his shoulder as he walked back out.
"Here we go!" Ai handed Tyler the paperwork, "Fill this out, and I can take you and your mother through orientation after you finish. Sometimes I wish that we could admit students all at the same time. Still, the rolling start dates allow us to welcome more unconventional students."
Tyler filled out paperwork for about 15 minutes before his mom walked into the office.
"Ai! It's been so long since I've seen you! I'm here to go through orientation with my son Tyler Riksy."
"Suzzy! I haven't seen you in forever, your son is right behind you. Such a nice young man, you did a good job raising him."
"If your paperwork is done, Tyler, you and your mother can follow me into my office."
"The paperwork is done, ma'am. Hi, mama," Tyler said, walking over to hug his mother.
"Let's get this started, shall we? The orientation room is right this way." Ai lead way through a door in the back of the reception area.
Tyler walked into a grey conference room, except for the floor-to-ceiling windows on the far side overlooking the rows of servers that seemed to stretch so impossibly far.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art, but more importantly, welcome to your birthright," Ai proclaimed as she guided Tyler to a seat facing the windows.  A sense of vertigo overwhelmed Tyler as he tried to focus on the servers.
"What?" Forces itself out of Tyler's mouth. He's sure he's misheard, birthright? Who uses the word birthright anymore? Did Ai mean he's a legacy because of Dad?
Tyler looks over to his mother, trying to figure out what going on. His mother beams at him with barely contained excitement.
"Oh, I had hoped you would take after your father. Keeping it a secret after you got admitted was so difficult," Suzzy rambled. "I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?"
"Just a little, but most parents do. Tyler, your mother, is excited because by finding and completing the application to the school, you proved to have the innate ability to perform magic." Ai explained. Tyler stared incredulously at Ai and his mama, wondering what type of cult he'd gotten himself into and how to get out without causing a scene.
"And this is the part where you think we are delusional, and we have to prove it to you so you'll listen to the explanation," Ai says teasingly with a smirk on her face.
"So what do you think this is? Cult, drugs, hallucination, dream, multilevel marketing scam?" Tyler's mama asked him.
"Um, a cult?" Tyler responded. Questions raced through his head. Did cults acknowledge their cult status during orientation? What was happening to his mama? What do the servers have to do with magic?
"I can assure you that the school endorses no particular religion, but how about we start with a video explanation and a demonstration? I can answer any questions you'll have afterward," Ai said. She walked over to the screen at the end of the conference room and pressing play on the laptop connected to it.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art and the world of magic" came blaring out of the speakers as scenes of students in classrooms played on the screen.
"Before we begin with the history of the school, let us go further back and discuss the history of magic. Magic was discovered by many cultures across the world at different times. We'll generalize the method in which magic was found by most peoples, although exceptions do exist.
Usually, the first people discover the use of magic within a culture could only do minor things with the ability. Light a fire a little faster, prevent food spoilage for an extra day or move a little quieter during a hunt.
Eventually, most cultures discovered that physical objects can enhance a person's magical ability. These objects were usually a form of artwork, sculpture, painting, and pottery were frequently used. Now they can walk through a crowd unnoticed, increase harvest yields by 10%, or better the odds of someone surviving an illness.
So it remained for hundreds of years until science came along and with it better, more reliable methods of ensuring a more abundant harvest or preventing disease. Magic use started to die out kept alive only by individuals looking to preserve their cultural heritage.
In 1972 a research study into the cross-cultural similarities in magic use was conducted. The paper never made it past peer-review, but the individuals who participated in the study, 200 of them, organized a convention of sorts. During the conference, it was discovered that many magic systems use physical objects to enhance their practice. After a bit of tinkering by a few programmers present, it was found that computers could strengthen the connection between objects and magic. An informal group was formed, and work began to design a supercomputer to enhance magic use.
This eventually gave rise to the MagiTechs, a group of people who have created, updated, and maintained the mainframe for the last 48 years. The mainframe is a supercomputer that came from those early efforts. Any magic-user can access  the mainframe to enhance their magical practice."
Ai hits pause on the video "Do you have any questions before we get to the school's history?"
"Am I just supposed to believe in magic just because you said so?" Tyler says as he fidgets with keys. He glanced at the doors, wondering if he could convince his mother to leave with him.
"Not yet, we haven't really provided any proof. We do expect that our students be intelligent enough to ask for proof and examine it themselves," AI responded.
"We can do the demonstration now or after we cover the school's history, which would you prefer?"
"The demonstration now, please," Tyler responds, hoping to get this over quickly.
Anxious thought swirled around his head. I wish I had been more suspicious of the application. Rolling admission & start dates so I could finish working with Mrs. May on adding an art section to the bookstore? Need-based scholarships? Only 45 minutes away from mama and my little sister Jane? It was too good to be true.
"Ok, I'm going to give you a piece of clay and a laptop. The laptop is connected to the mainframe and will enhance your magic as you work it through the clay. Think of the one thing that would convince you that magic is real as you work the clay. Keep in mind that magic isn't limitless and try to keep it to something that can happen inside this room," Ai instructed.
Tyler turned on the laptop and started messing with the clay. His mind wandered to the many instances of magic users flying in popular culture. Superheroes flying through the sky loomed in his mind's eye as he worked the pattern of an updraft into the clay. Witches on a broomstick as he stretched the earth upwards. Levitating genies as a broad platform formed at the top of the sculpture.
"Tyler, honey, look down," his mother asked him.
Tyler opened his eyes and looked around the room. Everything, including Ai and his mother where floating 2-3 inches above the surface under them. Tyler looked down and found that he was hovering over the seat of his chair, and the chair itself was floating a few inches above the floor.
"I thought magic was supposed to be grander," Tyler mumbled.
"That's a common misconception, a tall tale if you will. Magic has always been limited to small things, and you are untrained. With training, you might be able to levitate everything in this room up to a foot or a single object 7-8 feet." Ai explained.
"Ok, so why all the secrecy? Why not just tell people? Why did Dad hide it?" Tyler asked.
"Well, most parents hide it from their children since there's no guarantee that children will inherit the ability. There were several cases of non-wielding children growing resentful and jealous of parents or siblings that did have the ability. Coupled with children's' habit of telling everyone everything, it's become customary to let children find their ability by themselves. There's no official rule that requires discretion, you can tell anyone you want. Most of us don't tell anyone except our partners because outside society is a bit judgemental about magic," Ai explained.
"I almost stopped speaking to your father when he told me, I thought he had either joined a cult or was planning on becoming a stage magician.  I didn't know which would've been worse. I came around eventually," Tyler's mom said, grinning.
"Ok, I'm not fully convinced, but I'm willing to listen" Tyler replied
"Good, that's all we ask for, I'm going to keep going with the video, and we can cover any other questions after" So said as she pressed play.
"While the use of objects to channel magic is mostly something that could be passed down from generation to generation or from master to apprentice, the involvement of technology marked a need for a specialized school. The MagiTech Institute of Art was founded in 1974 with 3 areas of focus, technology, art, or magic history. More areas of focus have been added as the school has grown. However, students still spend the first 2 years at the school, focusing on these 3 areas.
The main campus began to be built shortly after the formation of the school. It was designed to be accessible to as many magic wielders as possible.
The school has been designed to be accessed through 73 different properties scattered around the world to better serve students. All of these properties will lead students, guests, or staff onto the main campus. All others see only the admissions building disguised as an unremarkable office building. 3 more entrances to the school are planned to come online by 2023.
The main campus of the school exists partially between all these locations and the mainframe.
We hope you will join us as a student and start your journey to becoming a MagiTech." The screen went black as the video ended.
"Ok, what does staying here, entail? Do I get to go home to see my family? What are the rules about visitors?" Tyler asked.
"We ask that all first-year students live in the dormitories, but there's no curfew. You are free to leave campus just like you would be at another University. Visitors need to be approved to come on campus. Staying here entails that you attend classes, obtain passing grades, and follow the rules set out in the student handbook," Ai said.
"Ok, if I agree to this, can I drop out if it's not a good fit?"
"While we hope students don't drop out, it does occasionally happen. We have a more generic description of classes for those who wish to transfer to a more traditional university."
"Ok. I'll stay. What happens next?" Tyler asks.
" We'll get you an access card, and assign you to another student who will show you around for the first few days. Your mom can drop off your stuff at the lobby of your dorm room on her way out," Ai said.
Ai led Tyler into a new glass-clad building. Once inside, they traveled through a few well-lit hallways cluttered with art before coming to a stop in front of an art studio with several students inside.
"Hello, everyone! Where's Alby? He's going to be Tyler's orientation person," Ai calls out.
"Alby's in the bathroom, he should be right back. Hi Tyler! Long time no see!" A guy in the back corner called Diego answers. Diego was small-framed with bright pink hair blending into purple roots. Warm brown skin crinkled around his eyes as he smiled at Tyler.
"Do you two know each other?" Ai asks.
*We went to high school together," they both respond.
"Tyler, would you mind if Diego introduces you to Alby? I'm running a bit late."
"Not at all, it would be nice to talk to him for a bit."
"Wonderful! Drop by my office if you need anything or want to chat" AI called over her shoulder.
"So, what's this place like Diego?"
"It's amazing! The classes are fantastic, the people super friendly, and you won't need to worry about people being assholes because they think you're gay," Diego answered.
"I'm not gay," Tyler responded, a well-worn joke between them. "I'm.."
"One of those no homo dude bros, I'm assuming." Interrupted a handsome person with beautifully painted eyes and a delicate mouth. Bleached white hair fell into their eyes, and a tank top reveling buff arms completed the look.
"I'm Alby, I go by they/them and I don't tolerate bullies."
"Umm, hi? I'm Tyler, I think you are the person assigned to show me around?"
"Yep. Get your stuff. I'll take you to your dorm room and pick you up for dinner after you unpack." Alby called over their shoulder as they stalked out of the room.
Tyler chased after them, catching up as they stepped out of the building into a tree-shaded courtyard dotted with chairs and tables. The wide-open grassy space was surrounded but other buildings. Tyler spotted students studying at the tables and hanging out with friends.
"Here's a map of the school and do try to keep up," Alby snarled, pushing a crumpled piece of paper into Tyler's hands.
Tyler trailed after them, bewildered as to what he had done to get off on such a wrong note. Maybe it was the polo shirt? Did it make him look like frat bro? He was just trying to look put together for orientation. Tyler resolved to ask Alby what his issue was when he managed to catch up to him and raced after him into a large brick building.
Alby stopped abruptly in front of a door in a corridor plain wood doors that left Tyler with an impression of the vague uneasiness of gazing upon the mainframe. " This is your dorm. I'll be back in an hour." Alby spat out as they turned on their heel and started to march away.
"Wait, Alb,y! What did I do to make you this angry this fast?" Tyler shouted at Alby's back.
"Clearly, you're one of those straight people that feel so fucking threatened by any queer person they have to let everyone know that their straight and not one of those people" Alby ground out.
"I'm pansexual?" Tyler responded, disconcerted.
"I don't care... Wait, what? But you told Diego you weren't gay?" Alby faltered.
"Oh, that's a joke we had in our high school LGBT club about people erasing the identity of anyone who isn't strictly gay. I mean, the name itself was pretty exclusionary, you know? Gay Coalition? But the school would barely let us have that," Tyler rambled.
"Oh, I fucked up," Alby muttered as they leaned heavily against the wall, "I fucked up bad. I thought you were homophobic, one of those guys that need to protest even the hint that they're not masculine enough. So you know Diego?"
"Yeah, we went to high school together, he graduated a year before I did."
"Well, if Diego thinks your cool, I guess I should give you a chance. Sorry for being an asshole." Alby mumbled to the ground.
"Don't worry about it. So this is my dorm?" Tyler asked hesitantly.
"Sure is, walk-in, and you should meet your new roommate. I'm going to turn in a paper, and  I'll be back in a bit to take you to dinner." Alby replied, grinning.
"Um, Alby? How do I get in?" Tyler asked.
"It recognizes your student ID; press it on the door, it should let you in."
"Ok awesome! I'll see you in a bit for dinner!" Tyler called scrambled to get his ID out of his backpack.
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bahrrss-blog · 5 years
DIGITAL PROTOTYPING  Malmö University -2019
DE/RE CONSTRUCT  - 1st of April
De/construct. Promoting our insight into the ongoing course, this task wants us to investigate and "deconstruct" an actual GUI, recognising configuration examples of the interface. Deconstruct phase is followed by reconstruction.
Beginning with the procedure of deconstruction, I started from researching the applications on my phone, seeking around to check whether there are applications with specific capacities that are confounding, hard to enrol naturally, or just inadequately planned. That being stated, telephone applications these days have experienced a lot of cycles and update that most apps are about flawless usefulness astute other than the occasional bugs. I unquestionably experienced serious difficulties finding an application that I had serious issues with. So I decided to avoid confusion this time and go for just any app, giving myself a hard task. That I chose to look at as a challenge rather than an unsolvable problem.
I settled with the application of Instagram. Instagram is a popular application. It is structured is founded on picture sharing. What makes this application emerge is the exceedingly adaptable showcase. You can change the look of your pictures and videos, comment, explore, share, and chat, privately and publicly. In a case of private chate, this feature, probably due to a secondary role for Instagram is very locate.
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The fundamental issue I'm having as I utilise this application is that as the primary GUI is made for single communication/share and not to interact.
I generally end up experiencing considerable difficulties finding and getting to the page where you can see private messages. The application makes it easy to glance through the communities and explore but could be troublesome when you might want to rapidly access chats your friends sent you. 
As an extrovert and someone who likes to communicate, this seems overly complicated for times when talking to people anywhere in the world is free of charge. I attempt to deconstruct in detail Instagram and understand why they have placed direct messages in a place where is hard to find.
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These are some of the Instagrams GUI. Here you can five different pages and choose between 5 different functionalities of Instagram. Each display has its purpose. To navigate, to explore, to follow, to add new media, and your own profile.
The main issue with the page I have is, the messaging part. Insofar it is available only on the main page. So not even on your profile, nor any other page of the applications. And, to make even stuff more dislikable for me, there is no even messaging part when the application is accessed from the browser, computer or phone.
The app makes it easy to navigate through all features, such as, follow, like, add a new photo, the main page, or your own profile. However, once you find yourself in any place except on the main page, you can’t see messages being delivered. And, this, in my opinion, can be troublesome, due to a pure fact that messaging is a huge part of social networking.
It is that much complicated that Instagram even made official guidelines on their ‘’how to’’ page. You can see their guidelines on the picture under.
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REI found messaging one of, if not the main reason why I use social networks, especially Instagram, it is convenient, retro, and modern way of exploring and sharing, so obstacles like one presented above, strike accords, and that's why I am talking about it. Especially as a Student living abroad, and having friends and families all over the world. I would benefit from facilitated messaging options. I will deconstruct Instagram into details furthermore down in this post. So, stay here around and keep reading.
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As you can see on the image, in the right upper corner messages are placed, and on the exact opposite side, down left corner is the home page. (the little house looking alike icon)
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Furthermore, I will talk about the Instagram story, in the media presented below, you can notice circles and some of them has a red outline, and some not. The red outline is to show that there is a new story published to buy the user. Once you watched the story (the circle becomes grey and moves away from the top of your notifications)The way to watch someone's story is to just simply press (and hold to pause) on the top of the story. Stories usually can’t be longer than a few seconds, and a maximum number of stories is 100 per day. Each story disappears after 24 hours, with the possibility of being stored on the profile afterwards. It will be available (hidden on the profile, meaning only visible to the owner of that profile for next 12 months, and then it is lost forever)
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You can see the stories from the main page, or you can access them also when visiting the page of the person or desired agency.  Also, if you desire to share it outside of Instagram you choose from pressing and choosing the option for three dots in the right corner of the media.
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In order to not be too subjective, I have asked some of my colleagues to look into this and give me their honest opinions. I also asked some of my friends who are not familiar with the school project, thinking this way I could avoid bias.
Below is a deconstruction of Instagram with annotations of patterns and functions.
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If you look closely to provided re-constructed xd prototype. The icon for messages is located in the bottom grid. Inheritably the bottom grid is fixed on the GUI. Hence, to access the messages will be easy and quick. As explained in deconstruct part, the messages/share feature was placed in multiplied places. Giving the cluttered look and giving a feeling of confusion to users. This design patterns can be blamed on Instagram policies to keep their platform explorative and not based it on messaging. It can be argued that Facebook came to a similar problematics, which Facebook solved by creating separate app only for messaging, But this caused the decrease of usage of the main Facebook overall. However my improved design look is minimal, it would not cause major division between messaging and sharing content on Instagram. On the contrary, it would facilitate the usage of both features.
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User testing
In user testing, the general feedback I got is can be summed in three words. ´´Oh, THANK GOD´´ what users meant to say was: someone else is also feeling the same way, Some of the users mentioned that they use Instagram as calling app, video calling app. Instagram has incorporated video and voice calling together with iOS and Android, so when someone is calling on Instagram, feels like you are getting regular phone calls. Furthermore, accessing to the deaths of this calls is a bit harder. Because of the issue mentioned previously. Thus having messaging (which is call and video call) feature display on the main GUI of Instagram on the bottom fixed grid, seemed as change worth changing.
When starting this project, I wanted to focus only on a rather overall redesign than touching only some visual design patterns. Like messaging feature. However, the visual design does have a big impact on user experience. For the above solutions, I wanted to show how small changes can make a big impact.
The patterns, as far for the control that Instagram induces, is hard to notice. Mainly because announcements are very well integrated, it is hard to distinguish them from real person posts. It is, however, a typical iOS application pattern. It is very well adjusted with adds.
Instagram has an integrated variety of shapes in its design. Rounded, and squared icons.
The font used on Instagram is: Roboto is used along with Freight on Android. The Instagram website uses Proxima Nova for all text with Neue Helvetica and iOS Freight Sans.
On Instagram, when uploading a photo the design pattern of carousels can be noticed. You can scroll between pictures to select as many as it is allowed to upload.
This is the noticeable design patterns, I was also when user testing attempting to found more of them, but I couldn’t notice. I would need to do an in-depth analysis to find more, or maybe with any new updates of design, the new pattern will appear. Sometimes also, when we are to dwell into deconstructing.
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BEYOND THE NORM - 15th of April
What is the speculative approach? What is the critical design? How to relate this to interaction design? Should we, as designers, ignore issues of the world? Should we, as citizens, be satisfied with the world we have?
How can a designer play a role in engaging with the world most critical issues?
Check out the video called Technological Dreams Series No. 1, Robots Dunne & Raby, 2007. It talks about interactive experiences. This video has no voice-over, explaining but clearly explain the power roles that we have over the objects. 
Critical design is rather about asking a question than finding solutions or looking for the problems.
Rather than finding a solution to current life problems, Critical design offers a step into the future and gives us feedback about where should we go further. Critical design tests wander and explore with ideas in a rather than unconventional way. Their exploration can be understood as something between reality and impossible. There is an attempt of drawing distinction between affirmative design (design that reinforces the status quo) and Critical Design - design that rejects how things are now as being the only possibility, it provides a critique of the prevailing situation through designs that embody alternative social, cultural and technical, or economic value (Dunne and Raby 2001)
Manifesto of the Critical Design: Design as a medium, asks, questions, social fiction, parallel worlds, functional fictions etc.
Is it even needed? Do we need art in design? Positive critique is that is pushing boundaries that might result in positive changes. Negative critique is that this type of design is just trying to make some noize and that we don’t really don’t need this design.
What to be thoughtful about is that critical design creates a space for critique.
Thoughtful design is taking into perspective, projecting scenarios and establishing the use of emerging things. Discursive design is distinguishing design field, commercial, experimental, and discursive design. What is essential in design fiction is that the object fits into its surroundings.
Relation of these designs to #IXD 
Prototypes are tenuous, material and experienceable. Prototyping is aligned in order for situations to be understood. 
Issues with Critical Design, it is very hard to know you are on the right path. We don’t know if we are doing a good or bad job. 
In a short conclusion: Critical Desing is here to provoke, to question, to change values, to challenge the status quo, do it with great care if you adopt the techniques of critical design.
Adobe XD tutorials
Learning XD in detail has its advantages. Basic functions sometimes are not enough, it is quite a time saving when you know where something is located. Most of the things we learned in the first Adobe tutorial, I have already been familiar with, but haven’t really used them so much. For example, doing animation with xd was valuable insights. We were wireframing the news app. We created load screens, and the screens were supposed to give feedback. And the feedback was load time. I find this very funny, in times when 5G networks are to be implemented.
We created only a few screens and made the animations. But, it is interesting how this animation would look like for enormous news apps, that contain thousands of information and it is updated literally every minute. I guess this information tells how important this trick was when designing an app.
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If you look closely you can see that the small dots under the titles are not all the same for each screen. This, when using the app would give the impression of time passing.
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Furthermore, learning about wireframing tools, was also valuable. The thing is not only learning is enough, but this skill also has to be practised and put to use. We used already made screens, in my opinion, it is a bit limiting the creativity of the designer, but on the other hand, the time-saving aspect has to be taken into consideration. It would take much longer to make these screens from scratch. Hereunder you can see some screen I made during the XD workshop.
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After an in-depth exploration of Google merchandise store, there are few design suggestions that I could recommend for googles improvement in sales. Right under you can see chars that are visualising backing up my argumentations.
If we look closely to these numbers under. There is an enormous differentiation between mobile users and desktop users. It is certain there today in mobile purchases are common and becoming the main way of using the internet, also purchases.
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This makes sense in many ways because mobile phones are always in our pockets, and we reach for mobile more often then we do with our laptops.  So, I am raising the question about this issue, since Google merchandise store, has more visits from their desktop site.
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Overall desktop visits are around 51 000 visits, where on phone it is only around 16000 visits.
This data, made me go and look at the mobile site of the store, and here I have found several design changes that can be applied. This, in my opinion, would give the store market standard, and boost mobile visits. Let take a look at the mobile site (check the media under). There we can see a variety of information hidden, behind the same icon. There are cluttered and not even necessary because all of the information this icon contain can be placed within one icon, or simply displayed on its own. The number of items purchased can be placed on the basked. And the icon next to towards left can be eliminated, or unified with the same icon under.
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In conclusion, the site is clean from announcements, which gives it a peaceful place to do your shopping. Adding these small changes would make a site mobile friendly and it would boost visits and purchases made through the phone.
Digital Prototyping -  How do speculative approaches reveal qualities of digital prototyping practice, and what are these important qualities?
To begin with, I can mention that speculative design process requires definitely more than one iteration. In my opinion, there is a need for researching the topic of choice from different angels. To understand the complexity of the design opportunity. It is practically a necessity to deconstruct the science behind the design opportunity.
In this course, the topic was drowned from the perspective of the UN sustainable goals. The pros of having to work with information like this is that is a very well researched topic. Easily accessible information online, multiple sources. All of this facilitates the process of speculation.
On the other hand, I will argue that this limits the creative process. Which many would agree, is necessary for any good speculative design process.
However, since this was the first project of speculative design, having predefined filed of work, can be taken as beneficial, then disadvantageous
Furthermore, if we would attempt to answer the following question: How speculative design is relevant to prototyping experiences in general? We can argue that relevance depends on the design aim. In this project, there was a necessity to use previously acquired prototyping skills, but the context was directed towards, information, visualising or grabbing attention overall. To achieve this our prototyping practice needed the help us come up with this design. I would argue that it help to understand speculation in design, but not to the point where the speculation was entirely clear.
For instance, the design process that my group was undertaking in this course, was clearly divided into two major ideas. Where the first idea, was a bad attempt to speculate, and a rather good attempt to solve the problems. Prototyping wasn't contributing much. On the contrary, on the second interaction, when the ideas were considered quite speculative, prototyping, especially using digital tools (such as xd) made the project harder. This is due to the fact that the initial ideas needed to be transferred to visual aspects. Thus, everything seems as constrained. With each small design implementation, the idea of speculation seemed losing its value.
Conclusively, it is worth considering, in future speculative design practices. that the prototyping practices can be arguably big constraint to the speculative design process.
To relate just argued pros and cons of the mentioned topic to the question of this essay (How do speculative approaches reveal qualities of digital prototyping practice, and what are these important qualities?) I can say the digital prototyping has visual aspects as support. Meaning, the tools digital prototyping uses are dependent by the large scale on the visual aspect. Whether we use video or just images. Having said this, and taking into consideration the complexity of the speculative design. Digital prototyping can serve to clarify this complex nature of this form of design.
To wrap up this thought, I can say, the visual aspect is (if well made) self-explanatory, and overall easy to understand (compared to other expensive mediums) therefore, this characteristic of digital prototyping can serve as an advantage when used in speculative design.
However, there are other qualities of digital prototyping that speculative design can reveal. For instance, these qualities can be reviled depending on which angle we are observing digital prototyping. If we looked at it from the perspective of humans needs, then we have to understand that people seek influence over their environments, and digital technology has traditionally extended possibilities to extend knowledge and control (Gaver & Martin, 2000).
There are examples where just simple machine intelligence was used to arranged and to shape birds' behaviour, by approximating a target tune for birds singing. This allowed could allow the different birds to be trained to take different harmonic roles in an overall composition. Hence, digital prototyping can give a man much more than even imaginable at first glance. We can argue that digital prototyping practice could allow people to extend control to the very wildlife and navigate the future of   (wilderness and of nature) simply uncontrollable. Another example can be given from this course speculative design project. The project Swipe Dream, developed with my classmates, held in itself speculative understanding of the UN sustainable goal number 17. Partnership for goals. Swipe dream places serious manners such as development and many flows from developed to developing world, by using modern dating environment such as tinder. There is no-the less controversy in this project. But, it proves the point that speculative design allows (with use of digital prototyping) us to see important questions in another light, thus illuminating problematics, that otherwise would pass unnoticed.
Furthermore, when the design is used to ends that are provocative,  we are bridging and constructing things. We are also telling stories through objects, which become effectively conversation pieces in  a  very  real  and  persuasive  sense.  Through the projection of design scenarios, design fictions, and narratives of use, the designer as storyteller shifts focuses beyond efficient use, to embrace uncertainty, interpretation and meaning (Malpass, 2016).
It can be argued that speculative design holds immense importance for society. It pushes the boundaries from what we know already. It teaches us new perspectives on the stuff that are already around us. It gives purpose to things that presumably are useless. I connect us with objects around us and allows us to create better futures. Speculatively, digital prototyping shines the most in my opinion when using storytelling through film and images. And when mediums for expression is mixed. Her plays important roles in the ambiguity,
Furthermore, when prototyping in relation to the digital world, if we position design as an effective medium with the intent to construct public and engage user audiences by questioning conditions in everyday life. We need a powerful perspective for the user to understand our points. We need to achieve this critical perspective of the user or observer.Here is when digital prototyping can show it’s powered. If done correctly and with huge dedication, we as a designer can affect the direction where our society is going.
Design can push furthermore from orthodox way of thinking. If we manage to encourage the user to interpret the object, we put the user in a role that opens up for exploration, reflection and engagement. And, is it even necessary to explain how important is for every individual to fully engage in explorations of their own lives.
Conclusively, we can argue that there are multiple design approaches when it comes to speculative design. Firstly the combinations of disciplines. Design can be related to art, architecture or even philosophy. But, due to a necessity for clarity and simplicity, to my knowledge, we can narrow down speculative approaches in at least three different ones. The first sees designers reflecting on and critically questioning design practice. In this course, it was a digital prototyping design practice. Also, the second approach is based on re-thinking the design discipline. For example, rethinking if the digital prototyping is the best approach to explain certain problematics, or would is politics the best place to express concern about climate change, and so on.  When we are talking about politics, to my knowledge and from what literature supporting this paper is indicating, one of the approaches of speculative design could actually be related to the overall importance of this speculation and design for society. Nonetheless, it is important to see the speculative design more as a discursive practice, based on critical thinking and dialogue, which questions the practice of design than to try to select and eliminate this practice in any other way (Malpass, 2016).
On the other hand, digital prototyping practice in too many ways can be a limitation in the ability to explore possible futures. We are all explorer, and the medium we use matters.  Different strategic approaches are both desirable and necessary to achieve the best results possible in the process of exploration.
Digital prototyping is a way of thinking and expressing. It is certainly no so different from physical prototyping. But none the less, the experience digital prototyping can create, might interfere with how we think of our future and how we as mankind will continue to go about our lives. Yes, I argue of the benefits of digital prototyping, but however good and beneficial this prototyping is, it will never bring better results than feedbacks that real users give us.
In conclusion, it can be stated that digital prototyping together with the speculative design is of big importance, it gives us a modern perspective of ourselves and of the context we found ourselves in.
Gaver, B., & Martin, H. (2000). Alternatives. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’00. https://doi.org/10.1145/332040.332433
Malpass, M. (2016). Critical Design Practice: Theoretical Perspectives and Methods of Engagement. The Design Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2016.1161943
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sciencespies · 4 years
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on RDOF, megaconstellations, debris rule and C-band auction
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on RDOF, megaconstellations, debris rule and C-band auction
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FCC Chairman Ajit Pai talks orbital debris rules, megaconstellations, C-band auction, Ligado and more with SpaceNews.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s recent run of space-related regulatory actions has earned the agency both praise and scorn from the space industry.
Streamlined licensing procedures adopted earlier this year promise to make it cheaper for smallsat ventures to launch commercial operations, with at least one U.S. startup crediting the FCC’s regulatory relief for its decision to remain a domestic venture.
However, stricter orbital debris mitigation regulations drafted this spring met with stiff industry resistance, prompting the FCC to defer action on some of the more controversial rules. These included requiring satellite operators to put up satellite-disposal performance bonds and to indemnify the government against damages caused by on-orbit collisions.
The FCC’s upcoming auction of 300 megahertz of satellite C-band spectrum to bandwidth-hungry 5G cellular network operators (combined with political pressure from Capitol Hill) produced a surge of satellite manufacturing and launch deals for U.S. companies. With the auction winners required by the FCC to foot the bill, Intelsat and SES ordered a total of 13 new C-band satellites this summer, 11 of which will be built in the U.S.
On Oct. 29, the FCC is set to start doling out $20 billion in broadband subsidies under the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF). While Hughes, Viasat and SpaceX made the list of qualified bidders, they still might not see a dime of RDOF money because the rules put satellite broadband at a disadvantage.
The FCC also caught flak this year for granting Ligado Networks permission to deploy a low-power broadband network that commercial satellite operators, the U.S. Defense Department, Commerce Department and others say could disrupt GPS signals.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai spoke with SpaceNews in September about these decisions and the agency’s overall approach to regulating space.
What’s the status of the proposed orbital debris regulations?
We’re continuing to study the record, including the input that we got from federal agencies and private sector stakeholders. I’m grateful to all participants in our proceeding for submitting their views on the topic. It’s now been 16 years since the agency looked at those rules. With some of the new innovations in space it’s important to ensure that the orbital debris rules can protect the space environment. What we’re looking to do is to strike a balance, as we do when it comes to terrestrial-based innovation, to encourage innovation in a reasonably safe way.
Were you surprised by the amount of industry and political pushback on the first draft?
No, that’s the exact reason why we have the administrative process. We don’t fiat what the rules are going to be; we put our proposals out there for the express purpose of getting input on what ideas people think are worthwhile and what ideas require further study. I hope that we can reach a resolution that balances those two interests of promoting space-based innovation and encouraging a safe space environment.
When will the FCC try again to move forward with debris mitigation rules?
I don’t have a specific time frame I can share, but I do know our staff has been actively looking at the issue.
How are preparations going for the FCC’s C-band auction?
The preparations are going really well. As you probably know, the eligible [satellite] operators (Intelsat, SES, Eutelsat, Telesat and Claro) have opted into the accelerated relocation payments. We thus far have prevailed in the legal challenges that have been filed by various entities. The FCC staff have been working very hard in putting in place the necessary building blocks for a successful auction.
All systems are go for a Dec. 8 auction, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the auction transpires.
Were you disappointed to see the C-band Alliance fall apart when the FCC announced the accelerated-clearing payments?
What I would say on that topic is that I am pleased the framework we outlined is one that aligned everyone’s interests. The satellite operators you mentioned opted into the accelerated-relocation payment system that we outlined, notwithstanding their disagreements with each other. At the end of the day, they did agree with the FCC framework. Ditto many other entities. While it may not have been their 100% ideal solution, it nonetheless gave them satisfaction that they were better off within the FCC framework than outside of it.
What’s the FCC’s stance on whether the reimbursable satellites should be C-band only?
We did say in the Report and Order that non-C-band-related costs would need to be apportioned out of the reimbursement claims. As a procedural matter, the request for reimbursement will ultimately be reviewed by the clearing house. That is the current state of play.
Were you pleased the majority of the satellite manufacturing and launch contracts went to U.S. companies?
I was pleased. I think it’s great to see that these companies are relying on U.S.-based providers of this equipment. Overall, it speaks to the fact that the U.S. space industry is going further ahead faster than many people might have envisioned just a decade or two decades ago.
There is speculation some companies may try to use the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund to help fund their own low Earth orbit broadband networks. What’s your view?
From my perspective, the critical part of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, and any aspect of our Universal Service Fund for High Cost Areas auctions, is the fact that we are technologically neutral. That was an innovation we pioneered my second month in office: to open up these auctions to any company using any technology so long as they were able to meet our service thresholds and the build-out time frames that we specify.
When it comes to RDOF, one of the things we tweaked compared to the Connect America Fund Phase 2 is that we are putting our thumb on the scale in favor of faster speeds and lower latency while still maintaining that principle of technological neutrality. If any company, including the LEO constellation companies, want to compete at a certain service threshold and have demonstrated that they are able to do so, we want them to have a full and fair chance to compete.
I think that the LEO companies have a very interesting use case. I’ve seen parts of the country from above the Arctic Circle to rural areas in the Gulf Coast, and see there may be parts of the country where fiber deployment is infeasible for economic or terrain reasons. There may be other reasons why a space-based competitor might be the best option, so we want to give them a full and fair chance to compete.
Many satellite operators have said they are concerned the FCC’s latency thresholds are so high they don’t have a fair chance to compete.
Our concern is that we’re allocating up to $20.4 billion for future-proofed networks, and as we look at the trajectory of consumer usage, consumers over time are consuming more bandwidth and demanding lower latency in terms of the applications and services they use.
We want to ensure that we are supporting relatively lower latency networks than we did in the past. And especially now in the midst of the pandemic, when you think about some of the connected services that have really proven their worth — telework applications like video calls, telehealth applications like high-bandwidth, low-latency connections between provider and patient, and even some of the non-pandemic-related but relevant services like HD streaming and gaming — these are the types of things people are going to be using broadband for in the future. Latency is an important factor when it comes to how the FCC wants to structure its Universal Service Fund programs. If a LEO satellite operator or any space-based competitor can meet those service thresholds that an increasing number of consumers demand, we want them to have a chance at participating as well.
This is the reason why I was so proud that this has been the first FCC to approve a lot of these non-geosynchronous satellite applications. I’ve long thought that these innovations that we’re seeing in space could really make a big impact in closing the digital divide in many parts of the country. I come to this as someone who is a fan of U.S.-based space innovation when it comes to broadband service delivery. We’re not putting a thumb on the scale against space or for space.
At least one Chinese megaconstellation is widely expected to make it to orbit. If a Chinese operator applies for U.S. market access, would the FCC grant it?
I can’t opine in the abstract about how the FCC might rule in a case like that. Obviously, it would depend on the particular facts that were submitted and the relevant law that we were called upon to apply.
If there were foreign investment questions, there is a new process, the so-called Team Telecom process, that has been recently updated in part because of the [April 4] executive order issued by the president, that might have to be applied. But generally speaking, we have had some concerns about equipment and services that come from companies that are subject to Chinese jurisdiction, and I’m not sure how if at all any such application of the type you’re describing would play into that, but that’s been an ongoing concern.
The FCC has been asked to repeal or reconsider its Ligado ruling. What’s going to happen?
We haven’t made a decision yet on the petition for reconsideration we received [from the Commerce Department]. But what I will say is what I’ve said publicly, including to members of Congress, which is that I’m very proud of the decision that we made. Ligado first got ancillary terrestrial authority in 2003. The FCC first opened the door to what the technical rules should be in 2010-2011; we’re now in 2020, and the time had come for someone in my position not to kick the can down the road any longer.
We didn’t proceed by putting our finger to the wind. We put our finger on some of the problems that were identified during the interagency radio advisory committee process, gave the federal agencies extra time — gave them an actual draft of the order about six months before we made the decision — and took feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders outside of government. If you look at our 72-page decision, it’s very carefully calibrated. We didn’t rubber-stamp Ligado’s application by any means. We approved it with significant conditions, including a 99% reduction in power levels to 9.8 decibel watts, and required a 23-megahertz guard band carved out of Ligado’s own spectrum to protect adjacent operations, GPS in particular, from any potential harmful interference.
There was an extensive coordination process with federal agencies and Ligado, and other steps too to ensure that this issue could be resolved in a way that accommodated both interests, allowing Ligado to move forward and protecting GPS from harmful interference.
At the end of the day, I think this exemplifies the FCC’s focus on sound engineering. I stand by it 100%, and I’m glad that this was an area where the agency spoke with a unanimous voice. Republican and Democratic commissioners alike ratified the decision by the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology, among others, to approve this application with conditions.
There’s been a lot of commentary about this issue, but nonetheless at the end of the day — in this area as in other areas where we have made difficult but necessary spectrum decisions — this decision will stand the test of time.
The Ligado decision appeared to cost Republican commissioner Michael O’Rielly his job. Do you think the political response to the FCC’s decision is being handled poorly?
I can’t comment on any of that. All I can say is we focused solely on the facts in this proceeding and so long as I have any say in the matter we’ll continue to focus on the facts.
When will the FCC decide on the Commerce Department’s petition to reconsider Ligado?
I can’t give you any particular time frame. I know this is an issue that the staff is looking at.
This article originally appeared in the Oct. 19, 2020 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
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beneathmyboughs · 7 years
Yuji Final 30 Facts!
[TW for mentions of child murder/Slenderman, PTSD, animal death, emotional manipulation and endgame spoilerish stuff! Wanted to get this out while we still had time, read at your own risk!]
All of Yuji’s Part 1 Endgame posts are lyrics from his character theme, Sakura Nagashi. 
The symbol on his jacket is obvious, but the red symbol on his pants is very reminiscent of the slenderman symbol--a figure notable for taking it’s preferred victim, children, and pinning them to trees.
Piney was stated to be a Japanese Black Pine. Black Pines tend to have their weaker sibling, the white pine, grafted onto them for ensured survival. No guesses about who the white pine is to Piney’s black pine.
Yuji Matsumoto never had a fear of thunder. What he DID have was a crippling fear of loud noises, specifically explosions. He also had claustrophobia and aversion to heat like smoke or steam.
Murders or deaths of Parelthon classmates were all extra hard for him, but specifically Yuka Kagome’s death struck VERY close to home and at times threatened to render him immobile in fear or flashback.
During Yuji and Chou’s times getting to know each other she made a point of establishing her dominance from the very start, including eating whole unskinned pineapples while making eye contact to scare him. It worked.
Yes, they did use DDR to learn how to drift with each other a la Evangelion. Yes, they wore the matching 80′s dance leotards for it. Yes, with the neon spandex tights.
Yuji’s Paranoia (Including rigging his room with indicators in case anyone got in and messed with stuff, his mini traps any time he went into a new room, his general paranoia) predate his Mastermind status. He’s been toting that around since before Hope’s Peak even, having become Piney only due to said paranoia.
The reason Piney even exists in the first place is due to Yuji trying to outrun Yakuza enforcers, thus his immediate fear of anyone related to Yakuza business that he knew of, like Yuka.
Piney lived so lightly, from hotel to hotel with no discernible home address, because he was consistently on the run from both home (so no place to go) and Yakuza (despite them probably having long given up chase). Yep. THAT paranoid.
Yuji took in and cared for Mimi, Ryouji’s cat, after the class’ deaths. She passed away peacefully at a ripe old age while Yuji was grunt soldiering for the Collective. She was a well known and liked fixture of the barracks, with soldiers often feeding her when she came around.
Many of the stranger editions in the second half (The Overwatch statues, the updates to the student logs, ect) were a result of Yuji actively committing to portraying the character of the Collective’s ‘mascot’ as viciously as possible, and keeping the programmers busy coding in new and useless resource drains as opposed to active framing. Making him look like he was actively trying not to be caught was just a bonus.
Yuji genuinely did not know any of the codes aside from his own notebook’s code, nor did he himself have access to the monitoring system Topside had. Figuring out the MM room code was a genuine effort both ooc and ic, though he felt like shit getting congratulated for it.  
Yuji’s habit of rubbing at his face with his hand when stressed is in fact him covering up what he reflexively knows is a giant scar over his eye, as if to conceal or massage it. 
The tiny scar on the left side of his face where Ryouji’s shot grazed him in-game matches his real life scar on that exact same spot where a fellow soldier was shot and killed trying to drag him off the field when he had a flashback and couldn’t move. It further enforce’s Yuji’s belief that ‘These are not Accidents, it’s Fate.’
The giant v scar across his eye and nose, along with the smaller scar on his left cheek, are meant to look like the roman numeral 6 for a DA6 easter egg!
Yuji’s strong rose-tinted nostalgia mixed with the reality of seeing their actions in the murder game after 6 years split his opinion right down the middle. He used Piney to portray his fondness, and his class logs to vent his simmering disappointment. By the time he was shedding the suit the opinions had balanced out, portrayed by Yuji himself, though he still laid it on thick in the logs for the sake of the ‘character’ he was trying to portray.
While circumstances made it so that the room was not used as much, the sim in the steak house had Charmayne as a preset but included everyone on the Parelthon roster with applicable data. Yuji’s spent his steak-night ‘evenings’ pre-death game with hologrpahic Tomokas, Hanakos, Ryoujis, Tadashis, Ryans and more, all with a friendlier tint to them than reality to honey trap Yuji into continuing his resolve to start the killing game.
Should just note this: no account of Yuji speaking to having a crush, in his self narration or otherwise was real in this game. At most he may have had a crush on them back in the day, but Yuji’s level of affection would have been seen as odd for someone without an express reason (like the fact they’d all been his cherished classmates for a year). Crush was used as a stand in, but Yuji’s only nostalgic and not interested in anyone in this class. As he’d say “I’m a Mastermind, not a creep.”
Many of Yuji’s likes and dislikes from his 30 facts are direct references to military superstitions that he started to hold in his 6 years as a Collective soldier.(Numbers 8 and 9)
 The exceptions are disliking Elvis (Club Elvis was the Yakuza run bar he went to to make his payments), hair (he just thinks it’s neat that people can have natural beauty like that despite income), and bugs (he lived with em fine being poor, and grew to like them with Chou’s influence)
Piney starting to act weirdly just before merge was a result of Chou having started communicating with him after getting out of her side of the sim, and making him laugh with their communications that he checked out inside his suit to avoid being seen. Father and daughter bonding time! 
Yuji will continue to insist Piney had nothing to do with the Mastermind business. Often times, AS Piney, he’d flat out forget he was the Mastermind for bits at a time. Yuji didn’t have as much of a luxury once he got out of the suit, since that was by that point the turning point in him believing in the system.
Yuji’s ‘friend fiction’ was a direct continuation of his self-therapy he was using before the killing game went live, where he wrote down either memories or edited daydream versions of said memories to record  his time spent with his classmates.
Yuji’s ‘ulterior motive’ for the game, sans getting his classmates back for admittedly his own sake of mind, was tied in/hinted at with his shrine to the dead in his room. Yuji’s spiritualism is heavily balance and karma based, a give or take, and while usually it’s only supplemental to his way of living the deaths of all his classmates kicked it into overdrive. He considered such a farce as himself surviving an event that had killed everyone else he’d ever grown close to some act of destructive ‘fate’ he’d have to be selfish to attribute to only himself. While he knew the belief would never be accepted as solid science by any of the project team, he was deathly fearful that not addressing the matter would only result in the kids getting revived just to die off again should the matter not be addressed. Therefor, trying to find out what made each of the kids tick and from there pinpoint what element may have played into their deaths wound up being Yuji’s OWN experiment while the death game was being planned. This quickly fell to the wayside as the true intentions of the game became clear, but it has been addressed at least once by Morishige in her videos as she herself utilized the belief he revealed during their therapy sessions to further spur Yuji into accepting the full blame for the murder game.
Yuji’s original name was Yuiji Hatsumoto, but when it was checked with my IRL Japanese friends it was vetoed as ‘just plain not a real name.’ Yuji Matsumoto, however, is so utterly common it’s almost laughably plain. Just the way I wanted it.
Azura sent me over half of the music I have on Yuji’s playlists. My music taste is trash, guys. I’m sorry I never returned the favor Azura, you probably knew all the songs since middle school already.
There were lots of hints thrown in about Yuji being MM, subtle things about how when he panicked he’d start to feel choked and too hot, or the phrasing on the very first post. Going back and reading it all over is an ADVENTURE and what I’m currently mid doing, my dudes.
The FULL list of Yuji’s inspirations are Vincent from Catherine, Shaggy from Scooby Doo (down to the theory of him being a veteran) and Adachi from Persona 4. The last was too much of a spoiler to say, but ‘Lanky and questionable loser’ pretty much chalks it up. His Mastermind/Collective Mascot persona, specifically, was Adachi based.
I only made it this far and did this well thanks to the wonderful mods, back up mods, mini mods and unknowing support of fellow players. I’d  been looking your stuff up and admiring like a fan researching a movie franchise for a year before all this, and it was an unbelievable honor to both enter your world and get to be your guys’ Mastermind. I hope you guys had as fun of a game as I did! You guys rock, and I’m so glad I met you all. Take a breather everybody!
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cvrnewsdirectindia · 5 years
Home Ministry Believes in Internet Ban, Mass Detention But Not in Paperwork
For more than two months now, several parts of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) have been without access to mobile telephony and the Internet. The shutdown was imposed around the time the Central government – with parliament’s approval – made fundamental changes to J&K’s status under the constitution.
A few weeks ago, the media reported the government’s claim that all landline services across the state and post-paid mobile telephone services in some parts of the Valley had been restored. Speaking at an event organised in New Delhi by former civil servants, Union home minister Amit Shah said that the restrictions are only in some minds and not in J&K. Evidently, he was referring to the minds of those opposed to the changes being imposed on J&K, including the opposition parties.
The Union home ministry (MHA) has now confirmed Shah’s statement. A few days ago, the MHA replied to a query under the Right to Information Act saying they it did not have any papers relating to the restrictions on telecommunications imposed in that state. It also claimed innocence of knowledge vis-a-vis the widely reported arrest and detention of politicians and social activists who are residents of J&K.
Shah is also reported to have asked participants at that New Delhi event whether the lack of telephone services is a violation of fundamental rights. It appears that MHA officials slipped up in briefing him about the recent Kerala high court’s judgment that access to the Internet, especially through mobile telephone service providers, is a fundamental right deemed to be a part of the right to life under Article 21 and the right to education guaranteed under Article 21-A of the constitution.
As a result of this lack of basic knowledge of rights, not only have the several fundamental freedoms of Kashmiris, but also the rest of India’s right to know have taken a severe beating under the enforced policy of “One Nation, One Constitution.
RTI intervention with the MHA
On August 30, three weeks after the Central government successfully moved parliament to take away the special protection given to J&K under the Constitution of India, I sought the following information from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs through an online RTI application:
1) a copy of any order(s)/direction(s)/instruction(s) issued for suspending Internet and telecom services, in Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019;
2) a copy of any order(s)/direction(s)/instruction(s) issued for suspending radio broadcasts and satellite television services in Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019;
3) a copy of any order(s)/direction(s)/instruction(s)/advisory(ies) issued requiring the Amarnath Yatra pilgrims to leave Jammu and Kashmir in 2019;
4) a copy of any order(s)/direction(s)/instruction(s)/advisory(ies) issued requiring the departure of tourists from Jammu and Kashmir in 2019;
5) a copy of any order(s)/direction(s)/instruction(s) issued in July-August 2019 for detaining or arresting leaders and members of all political parties currently active in Jammu and Kashmir;
6) the names of political leaders and members of political parties belonging to Jammu and Kashmir currently under detention or being held in police or judicial custody along with the exact geographical address of the places of their lodgement as on date;
7) the title of the law, rule or regulation along with the text of the relevant provision under which such political leaders and members of political parties in Jammu and Kashmir who are placed under detention or being held in police or judicial custody as on date;
8) the names of Right to Information (RTI) activists in Jammu and Kashmir who have been placed under detention or are being held in police or judicial custody and their village/town/city of ordinary residence, along with the exact geographical address of the places of their lodgement as on date;
9) the title of the law, rule or regulation along with the text of the relevant provision under which such RTI activists in Jammu and Kashmir have been placed under detention or who are being held in police or judicial custody as on the date of this RTI application;
10) the names of other social activists in Jammu and Kashmir currently who have been held under detention or are being held in police or judicial custody and their village/ town/city of ordinary residence, along with the exact geographical address of the places of their lodgement as on date; and
11) the title of the law, rule or regulation along with the text of the relevant provision under which such social activists in Jammu and Kashmir have been placed under detention or who are being held in police or judicial custody as on date.”
The Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) in the MHA seem to have played soccer with my RTI application for a few of weeks, moving it from desk to desk within the J&K division of the ministry. Both CPIOs eventually replied that they did not have any of the information sought in my RTI application. The second CPIO went a couple of steps further ahead to tell me that he could not transfer the RTI application to J&K as it was not covered by the Central RTI Act (On October 31, 2019 the Central RTI Act will become operational in J&K and Ladakh because of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019).
He also said I could seek the same information from J&K if I were eligible to so do under J&K’s own RTI Act of 2009 (which has been formally repealed by the J&K Reorganisation Act). Under J&K’s RTI Act only local residents are eligible to file RTI applications with the state government.
What is wrong with the home ministry’s RTI replies?
There are multiple problems with the CPIOs’ replies which indicate lack of due application of mind to the issues involved.
First, since 19 December, 2018, the state of J&K has been placed under President’s Rule imposed under Article 356 of the Constitution. All powers of the governor and the state legislature stand transferred to the President of India. The work of the state government is being carried out under the guidance of the Central government through the state’s governor, who has only babus to run the administration.  Any order imposing curbs on travel and telecommunications will at least be copied to the Union home ministry in which the J&K division is housed, if not actually directed by the MHA. So the CPIOs’ replies that they have no information about the curbs imposed and the arrests and detention of residents of J&K are not based on truth and reality.
Second, the newly constituted Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs is reported to have sought extensive information about the situation in J&K including data about arrests and detenus of the very categories of people I mentioned in my RTI application. Ordinarily, the MHA has a duty to provide this information to the parliamentary committee unless it makes a compelling case to withhold it from the committee in the interests of protecting national security. If the MHA gives this information to the committee, I will be entitled to receive it thanks to the proviso underlying Section 8(1)(j) of the RTI Act. According to this proviso, information which cannot be denied to parliament or a state legislature, shall not be denied to any person formally seeking it under the Act.
Third, orders imposing curbs on people’s movement and telecommunication services are decisions which affect the public at large. Not only people residing in J&K and their relatives and friends based outside but others like me who have friends and well wishers in J&K are affected by such curbs. So under Section 4(1)(c) and 4(1)(d) of the Central RTI Act, everybody has the right to know all relevant facts that led to the imposition of the curbs and the justification for such administrative decisions. Both provisions can be found in J&K’s RTI Act also. Whichever government that imposed such curbs in J&K has not only kept those orders away from the public gaze but also refused to explain why such curbs are necessary over such a long period of time. In fact this is the core issue in at least one of the petitions pending in the Supreme Court of India filed by a local mediaperson. The apex court’s lack of adequate speed in ruling on the legality of these curbs has come in to a lot of public criticism – too numerous to be cited here. In fact a cyber satyagraha was observed across the country on Gandhiji’s 150 birth anniversary (2nd October, 2019) to protest these curbs and express support to those deprived of telecom services in J&K.
Now, come  October 31, the Central Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (CrPC) will replace J&K’s own criminal law. Section 41C of the Central CrPC requires every District Police Control Room to display prominently on a notice board information about people arrested including their names and other details and the details of the police officers effecting such arrest. This will apply to all districts in J&K. Under the same statutory provision, the J&K police headquarters will be under an obligation to maintain a database of information about people arrested or detained, not for its records but primarily for the reference of the general public. So this is an obligation to be transparent about arrests and detentions by the time this matter goes into appeals. The CPIOs have ignored all these matters while drafting their replies to my RTI application.
Is there a fundamental right to telephone services?
Amit Shah seems to doubt whether  the “lack of telephone services is a human rights violation” at the public event he addressed on the last day of September, 2019. Ten days earlier, the Kerala high court had ruled that access to the Internet is a fundamental right. It is unfortunate that MHA officials had not updated him on this development or he could have spared himself the embarrassment of asking such a question.
On September 19, 2019, in the matter of Faheema Shirin R. K. vs The State of Kerala & Ors., the Kerala high court ruled that the right to access Internet, particularly, through mobile telephone service providers is deemed to be a part of the right to life and privacy under Article 21 of the constitution and the right to education under Article 21A of the Constitution of India.
The petitioner, an 18-year old girl student of a college affiliated to the University of Calicut, challenged the discriminatory rule imposed by a warden of a girls’ hostel banning the use of the Internet by inmates after sunset. This progressive judgment received only cursory attention in media circles whereas it should have been at the centre of the debate over the ongoing curbs on communication in J&K. The court ruled that students have the right to access the Internet through their mobile phones so long as they did not disturb other hostel inmates. The court drew upon a slew of UN human rights declarations and resolutions of the Human Rights Council, both arenas where the Central Government has put in strenuous efforts to prevent and counter criticism of its actions in J&K.
While the hostel authorities justified the curbs imposed on access to the internet in the name of “discipline”, the court rejected that argument observing as follows:
“9…Though instructions are to be obeyed by the inmates, is there any justification in imposing such restrictions? However in this case the question to be examined is whether such enforcement of discipline by restricting the use of mobile phones would result in curtailing the right of the students to acquire knowledge by different means. Using of mobile phones by itself would not cause any harm to anyone. If a restriction is unreasonable and arbitrary and infringes the fundamental right of an inmate, it cannot be said that the student has to abide by such restriction, especially when the inmate is an adult…
18. Though it is true that the principal of the college is the supreme authority to enforce discipline as held by this Court in Manu Wilson’s case, Sojan Francis’ case, Indulekha Joseph’s case (supra) and that there cannot be any dispute that rules and regulations lawfully framed are to be obeyed by the students and that teachers are like foster parents who are required to look after, cultivate and guide the students in their pursuit of education for maintaining excellence of education, the rules should be modified in tune with the modernisation of the technology so as to enable the students to acquire knowledge from all available sources. It would be open to the authorities in the hostel to supervise whether any distraction or disturbance is caused to other students on account of usage of mobile phone or take action when any such complaint is received. The total restriction on its use and the direction to surrender it during the study hours is absolutely unwarranted. When the Human Rights Council of the United Nations have found that right to access to Internet is a fundamental freedom and a tool to ensure right to education, a rule or instruction which impairs the said right of the students cannot be permitted to stand in the eye of law.
22. I am of the view that what is required is a counselling for the students, as well as parents in the colleges. The students in the hostels should be given counselling in order to inculcate in them self restraint in the usage of mobile phones, to make them capable of choosing the right path, to make them aware of the consequence of misuse as well as advantage of its proper use. It should be left to the students to choose the time for using mobile phone. The only restriction that can be imposed is that they should not cause any disturbance to other students. While acting in exercise of right to privacy, persons like the petitioner shall also see that such exercise does not invade the right to privacy of another student residing in the hostel especially in her room.” (emphasis supplied)
Although the judgment cited above has the force of law in Kerala only, it is a beacon of light to shine while testing the validity and constitutionality of excessive curbs imposed on telecom services not only in J&K but also other parts of the country. All eyes will be on what the apex court will do on Children’s Day, i.e.,  November 14, 2019 when the two dozen petitions about J&K’s constitutional status and the state of affairs in that region will be taken up again. In all probability, the Central government will justify the curbs on telecom services on grounds of protecting the defence and security interests of the state. How the apex court will test the proportionality of these curbs will be watched with great interest in all quarters.
Venkatesh Nayak is programme head of the Access to Information Programme of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.
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from CVR News Direct https://cvrnewsdirect.com/home-ministry-believes-in-internet-ban-mass-detention-but-not-in-paperwork/
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What happens when your car gets stolen so you report it to the insurance company after 30 days the car hasn t been found a couple of weeks later its found what happens?
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
My Final Break With the Trump State Department
My Final Break With the Trump State Department
What is there left to defend to foreign audiences, other than a promise that we’re a democracy and that there are future elections to come?
By Bethany Milton, Ms. Milton is a former Foreign Service officer. | Published Aug. 26, 2019 Updated 2:31 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted August 26, 2019 |
When President Trump allowed a crowd to chant “Send her back!” about a sitting member of Congress — espousing an ideology in which naturalized American citizens, at least those who don’t fit a certain profile, are held to different and dangerous standards — he wasn’t thinking about me. He’s rarely thinking about me, the white American-born daughter of two American-born citizens.
But he is often thinking and talking about at least some of the tens of thousands of people I’ve helped immigrate to the United States — legally and permissibly — over my 11 years as a consular officer in the Foreign Service. From 2014 to 2016, I oversaw immigrant visa processing at the U.S. Consulate General in Mumbai, India. Every day, my team and I saw dozens of families destined to move to the United States as green card holders: older parents going to spend their final years surrounded by grandchildren, spouses matched up through online matrimonial sites, parents with kids in tow who had been waiting patiently since the early 1990s for their chance to join a sibling.
I also oversaw immigrant visa operations in Kigali, Rwanda, from 2018 to 2019, helping Rwandans and Congolese reunite with family members in the United States. Their stories often had a darker tone: marriages brokered in refugee camps, siblings separated by war, children born of rape. But the one thing that united almost every visa applicant I ever saw was the belief that life was going to be better in America. What a rude surprise, then, for them to face elected national leadership that targets them in such gruesome ways.
When a diplomat joins the State Department, she sits through two presentations toward the end of her weekslong orientation class. One is an afternoon session about the State Department’s storied dissent channel, which lets employees speak out internally about foreign policy decisions free from the fear of retaliation. How to use it, when to use it, what it means. The other is a much shorter presentation, one that lasts all of 15 seconds: “The day you can no longer publicly support your administration’s policies is the day you need to resign.”
In January 2017, when I was working in the Bureau of Consular Affairs’ headquarters, I wrote a draft dissent memo about the so-called travel ban and sent it to a handful of colleagues, many of whom forwarded it to others and some of whom promptly leaked it to the press. I felt compelled to use the dissent channel to speak out about what I saw as a hastily developed and ultimately ineffective policy, one that stood in opposition to core American values. Over the days that followed, well over a thousand State Department employees contacted me asking to also sign. Despite a threat from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to “either get with the program” or go, I never faced any retaliation. Life soon returned to what counts as “normal” in the Trump State Department.
Having duly lodged my dissent, I then watched the administration lurch even further these past two years toward a worldview characterized by bigotry, fear and small-minded chauvinism. Eventually, you circle back to that second, shorter presentation: What of the administration’s policies is there left to defend to foreign audiences, other than a promise that we’re a democracy and that there are future elections to come?
In “The Line Becomes a River,” Francisco Cantú reflects on his four years working as a Border Patrol agent, highlighting that the naïveté of the young and idealistic causes us “to overestimate ourselves and underestimate institutions of power, allowing us to believe that we might work to change them from within, that by witnessing the violence they perpetrate, we might learn to subvert it without participating it in ourselves.” Does dissent relieve you from moral culpability? Do the countless good things you do in your job outweigh telling a 14-year-old victim of sexual violence that her path to refugee status, wide open on Jan. 19, 2017, is now closed?
I publicly supported this administration longer than some and for less time than others, and there are no easy answers to these questions. Every individual has his or her own commitments, own beliefs and own red lines; there is no inherent shame or honor in choosing to work for this administration or not, so long as it is a conscious choice. Some of the most noble work is being done by those who have chosen to stay in the State Department, advocating sensible policies or simply keeping the important bureaucracy of our lead foreign affairs agency running.
But when President Trump’s supporters chanted, “Send her back!,” I took that as a charge for me as well. I asked the Trump administration to send me back from my overseas posting, shipping home the family, foreign language textbooks and various tchotchkes from “shithole countries” that I’ve collected in my years as a United States diplomat. I am joining a growing list of Foreign Service officers who refuse to serve this administration any longer.
No one knows exactly how many employees have left the State Department because of this administration’s policies and mismanagement; for every high-profile or well-publicized resignation, there are other officers who quietly decided it was time to retire, go back to school or find a new line of work. A private Facebook group for Foreign Service officers contemplating a career change has moved in the past year from a place for hushed and agonized conversations to a bustling job board with new members joining daily. Analysts have lamented the loss of senior State Department officials, many of whom were pushed out the door in the first few months of the administration. But no one seems to be paying much attention to the growing exodus of entry-level and midlevel officers, who take with us ground-level expertise that is difficult to replace.
As a Foreign Service officer, your job is to support the administration. Without exception. Despite my personal views, I spent more than two years working to carry out the administration’s immigration and foreign policy priorities. I continued to do so until the very minute I handed in my badge and headed to the airport.
But on Friday, I cleared immigration and officially returned to life as a private citizen. And today I have a new challenge: putting my time and energy into helping elect new leadership that serves the true interests of all Americans, regardless of where they were born.
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Succeed With Vbucks Fortnite Within 24 Hr!
Money Laundering Scheme Uncovered Using Fortnite V
Fortnite is a house sandbox survival video game developed by Nations Could Fly with Epic Games. It was a recently discovered area with an individual from the Epic Games forums - it seems a number of Fortnite "movie" stores were in fact injured or corrupted. According to Marksman, selling Fortnite program is a safer choice than going broken-into accounts, although the accounts could be more rewarding (one seller I spoke with was offering the story with occasional skins for $900). Players can heal stolen bills in contacting Epic Games' help with modifying the information. The codes are irrelevant.
To Get Free V Dollars in Fortnite Battle Royale, there are slices of legit ways for you. Yet, that open v bucks query also give itself a possibility for scammers to con game players with presenting them Against Bucks Generator for Fortnite Game. If you happen to use Discord, then make sure you optimize that also to raise the FPS in Fortnite and other activities while Discord is continuing in the family.
These virtual coins can be acquired on the standard Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft next MATCH. Though, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a sell for discounted coins which are eagerly cracked ahead by persons. Now this is a very indirect problem I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is just a single type of entertainment so many games can't really see Fortnites example can they? Or can they? I believe they could. That certainly pertains to online games, particularly sports like Scream of Work and FIFA.
Fortnite is control without V-Bucks, vbucks.codes given everyone with countless quantity of v-bucks, to enjoy all of Roblox. While there was a copyright crusade against the game, that today looks Fortnite is sound, for now. Bloomberg articles to PUBG Corp. drove "a page of withdrawal" to Epic Games lawyers at Friday, understanding that the situation happens now closed. While this rests unclear exactly how much cash criminals have been able to make through Fortnite, over $250,000 were earned in Fortnite points on eBay in a two-month period last year. Person from Sixgill also show an increase in the number of states on the tough for the dark mess, with focus connection with the game's revenue.
Epic Games: Fortnite Battle Royale says no direct the game to help babies under the age of 13 in the UK. Edge about April 13, players can go with the Fortnite World Cup Open Qualifiers offered as a game way in the kind selection screen. Each qualifier can give a total prize pot of $1 million, which means Epic will deliver $10 million exactly now Direct Qualifiers with the Planet Cup.
Whilst BattlEye is distributed with the likes of Fortnite, PUBG etc - most people have no idea what it is or why it's present the problem. The builder of Fornite Battle Royale have revealed the game will remain free-to-play permanently. Fortnite Save the planet currently costs $39.99 to participate in, but after both methods leave Early Access later this year, But the World will also become free-to-play.
With Time 7 in full swing, version 7.01 can not appear to exciting by comparison. That said, the new translation of Fortnite contains the Infinity Blade gun from Epic Games' Infinity Blade series, the new Close Encounters limited-time mode, and more. Figure 2a: Data demonstrates the estimated profit from point form with charge range in Fortnite players May 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset.
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If you're looking for more fashion to help move up the Fortnite gameplay, be sure to look at these 40 awesome Fortnite Creative Island codes you can show right now , and of course if you're a Fortnite Battle Royale player, be sure to look at our Fortnite Season 7: Week 8 Challenges side for data and suggestions. The Fortnite season 6 Battle Pass costs 950 V Bucks. A package of 1,000 V Bucks can be bought for £7.99.
With http://nami-cc.org/edelinmuys/post-have-you-learned-209827.html more than 100 million Fortnite players playing the game around the world, hopefully one of them will have answered the puzzle of the purple cube the moment and for many by then. I was in full surprise to look into fortnite v bucks Generator, I try and encourage myself that it is not going to works, but it controls, also I brought cool systems and dresses for the hero. An easy entrance to join in the game with iOS, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and get there to enjoy a more affluent experience. Get support by Fortnite V Bucks Cheats to have enough currency to speed up the clashes and give to create the dreams come true.
Credit for watching my Fortnite: Battle Royale & Fortnite: Save The World videos! Need much more? I post daily Fortnite videos before anything interesting for Fortnite Battle Royale. Fortnite's primary and fewer popular horde mode offers daily login bonuses, daily problem, and incentives for Storm Shield Defense missions. They become smart and relaxed ways to get a small amount of currency each day, although you'll should actually invest in the kind.
Fortnite: Save The World is a co-op survival game using all the same tools and rifles as you'll find with Fortnite Battle Royale, and care the person with body defenses before playing down the onslaught of AI controlled zombies. Survive the night with a person earn rewards such what modern tools, gear, traps with body materials to do it all again. With including two very different modes along with living inside beginning access, it is surprising how good Fortnite runs both in PVE and PVP modes. As such, you don't require a super powerful PC to play the game.
All the Fortnite Battle Royale tips you need, plus Fortnite Android info, free V Dollars, and Fortnite Server status updates. Fortnite is the best battle royale video contest of 2018. PUBG is a similar game, yet the worth is significantly less than Fortnite's. The middle difficulty becomes whether the dances used in Fortnite emotes are copyrightable material kept under US law. If not, then Epic Games' usage of the dancing is not copyright infringement, and in-game purchase on the unique parties could last unfettered.
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Watch the latest episode of our Fortnite talk show Squad Up to get Patrick Warburton play some controversy royale. One of the best things about building a COMPUTER for Fortnite happens which, for a great in-game thing, you only really need 2 or more CPU cores. Kids may sometimes buy V-Bucks without their parents' knowledge, since their parents' position or debit cards are related to the amusement account which they helped to show. Although the issue isn't exclusive to Fortnite, the situation with Fortnite has invited particular attention because the game is popular right now.
Now, not altogether Side Quests get you V-Bucks (Fortnite is appealing picky about this stuff) but the good section is there are some Aspect Quests which makes you around 150 V-Bucks. V Bucks Hack Problem in Fortnite and presented the Anti-Ban piece in implementing Proxy setup. Fortnite battle royale is a free game, free about multi platforms. Players can perform daily given challenges where they may make vbucks, it is the game internal currency which can be useful for the gambler unit and weapons.
Good news about V-Bucks getting used to filter cash is anything but surprising, given that crooks are treating Fortnite to make money in a mind-boggling various ways. Similar to Snowfall in Year 7, Discovery awards any player who completes all seven weekly problem with a solution loading screen producing a disagreement star or hidden banner. Doing this is a lot of design, but for the most dedicated Fortnite players, it's essential.
Teenagers in the United States are reportedly preferring cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and in-game currency Fortnite ‘V-Bucks' over traditional holiday rewards to involve gift certificates and fiat cash. Of course, later you can imagine Fortnite Battle Royale tactics a little more elaborate, such as interesting the opponent within the support and breaking through various hole that you have left completely on purpose, to fill your returning with information. That is further complicated than it does.
Fortnite season 6 is out these days and able to purchase but Epic Sports have questioned a warning about V-Bucks purchases. Fortnite gift cards generator is a server-based tool. You can make unlimited gift cards codes by using this application. All spell of Fortnite (that last 10 weeks), you are awarded a Tier Ranking. Just playing the game with finishing challenges will add to the Story Status. And for every Tier Ranking you unlock, you'll find something different. That may be some extra V-Bucks, a new skin or even a XP booster to increase your point.
Flamemaster”, a tenth grader, says they are, Annoying, obnoxious, dangerous, and infuriating.” What is now wrong? Of course, every activity say the flaws, also I stay not trying to show how Fortnite is a dangerous game, just reveal the way most people that participate this take ruined what has been a respected game. You will be given a e-mail alert if the penalty of Fortnite - 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks can release.
Motion blur: Try it at creates a cloud look as going. This a visible setting to about participants enjoy, except for a competitive game of Fortnite, that can make things harder to witness when walking on speed. Change it away from is advised. Way your stats for Fortnite battle royale, complete with global leaderboards for solo, couple and squad gamemodes. Unlike most multiplayer shooters, the intention of Fortnite Battle Royale is to continue, not to get kills. This is arguably one of the most important Fortnite suggestions to help think of: you may get 98 kills and still lose.
You can turn off hardware speed with Google Chrome so to education applications accomplished in Chrome do not eat too many resources when you become performing Fortnite. Free Fortnite V Bucks Generator Ideal and Cool Way for 2019. However, if you're not, then pay attention to this bit also look at very carefully. As those fake V Bucks Hack can cause your ‘Fortnite account banned or blocked‘ if you dropped into the trap.
This pattern should finish. This operated with CS:GO since it would truly put up the hitboxes larger, but in Fortnite, go with a modern game engine, that right smushes the character model down. Any perceived effect it has next to your own ability to play is a placebo. The developer can believe respect in Fortnite's steps and increase new, limited-time game styles to compete with the BR formula, or perhaps map-changing factors to maintain game environment warm. Or Respawn can result PUBG and put in new, smaller roads with another server sizes to unite things up.
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ethel913insta-blog · 6 years
Facts All but easy way to get followers on instagram Exposed
With the earlier a number of a long time, Fb has been conducting what quantities to an A/B take a look at on human Modern society, employing two various social networking apps. The first app in Fb’s exam features a maximalist style and design: It lets buyers to publish prolonged standing updates, with hyperlinks to news article content, photos, video clips and much more. The app is developed as a giant megaphone, using an emphasis on public sharing and an algorithmic feed capable of sending posts rocketing around the globe in seconds. The second application inside the exam is much more minimalist, created for intimate sharing instead of viral broadcasting. People of the application, lots of whom have private accounts with modest followings, can write-up photos or video clips, but external inbound links tend not to work and there's Additional reading no re-share button, making it more durable for customers to amplify each other’s posts. The results of the check have been stark. The first application, Fb, turned into a tremendous and unmanageable behemoth that swallowed the media sector, was exploited by hostile international actors, empowered autocrats, developed the disorders for a worldwide faux information epidemic and in the end grew to become a giant headache for its creators. The next application, Instagram, has fared far better. It hasn’t been overrun with bogus news, it hasn’t been exploited to exactly the same diploma, and most people appear to be happy with it — In particular young people, who vastly prefer it to Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to invest 2018 cleaning up Fb, and ensuring that “our companies aren’t just fun to implement, but additionally excellent for folks’s effectively-becoming.” He’s also pledged to deal with the scourge of pretend information on Facebook, and do a better task of trying to keep lousy actors at bay. Superior for him. But there might be a simpler fix listed here. Why doesn’t he make his beleaguered blue application extra like Instagram, the Facebook-owned application that isn’t destabilizing Modern society? Previous 7 days, Facebook unveiled its most current make an effort to rein in its flagship merchandise. In order to curb Phony news, it introduced It might be allowing for Fb people to rank news stores by trustworthiness, and contemplate Those people scores when determining which information stories to Show in customers’ feeds. But this sort of insignificant algorithmic knob-fiddling is probably not ample. As a substitute, Fb should think about using what it’s realized with Instagram, which it obtained in 2012, to embark with a intestine renovation. If I were Mr. Zuckerberg, Here are several Instagram lessons I’d be considering. Lesson No. one: Emphasize visuals. De-emphasize text. Initially, and most clearly, Instagram is a visible medium. Images and movies are the primary event, and text, although present, is mostly confined to captions and comments. Subsequently, Instagram feels far more intimate than Facebook, where by shots and videos usually sit alongside lengthy diatribes, cafe Look at-ins and mundane status updates. Investigate has shown that, in some instances, visual platforms can be fantastic for us. One review, released by scientists within the College of Oregon in 2016, identified that the use of picture-dependent platforms like Instagram and Snapchat was connected to decrease levels of loneliness among end users, and better amounts of happiness and fulfillment, even though text-primarily based platforms experienced no correlation with enhanced mental well being. A closely visual System also makes a comparatively lousy conduit for breaking news As well as in-the-moment commentary, which might clarify why Instagram generally feels less exhausting than other social networking sites. (In addition, it points out why past thirty day period, just before I went on getaway, I deleted every single social media marketing application from my cellular phone except Instagram — the sole application I trustworthy to not destroy my beachside calm.) Lesson No. 2: Rethink the share button. One among Instagram’s most underrated virtues is always that it's got imposed structural limits on virality — the flexibility of a supplied write-up to spread further than its supposed audience. Contrary to Twitter and Facebook, on Instagram there is not any indigenous sharing function, indicating the arrive at of most Instagram posts is capped at the number of those who Keep to the user’s account. (There are ways to “regram” some other person’s Image utilizing a 3rd-party app, Nevertheless they’re clunky, and relatively couple of individuals utilize them. Instagram also not long ago began demonstrating end users posts from people today they don’t comply with, a Facebook-influenced improve which i’d argue is a mistake.) A native share button has long been tremendously valuable for Facebook’s and Twitter’s growth. It's got also authorized upstart media corporations like BuzzFeed and Upworthy to develop monumental audiences by specializing in really shareable tales. But ease of sharing has also allowed the loudest and most psychological voices for being rewarded with clicks — and a focus. It’s this incentive construction which includes permitted partisans and profiteers to hijack Facebook’s algorithms and distribute divisive messages and Wrong news to millions of men and women. The easy virality of Facebook also seems to have manufactured specific people much more hesitant about opening up. That makes sense — it’s much easier to share a selfie if you recognize it gained’t accidentally discover its way in to the feeds of 1,000,000 strangers. Lesson No. 3: Ban backlinks. Instagram’s greatest structural gain, however, could be a result of its conclusion to go primarily hyperlink-absolutely free. Links in Instagram captions and opinions aren’t clickable, and Although some customers have discovered workarounds, the vast majority of Instagram posts aren’t meant to deliver people to outside the house Internet sites. (The exceptions are ads, which may consist of clickable links and they are, not coincidentally, the most troubled A part of Instagram’s System.) The walled-garden nature of Instagram has disappointed publishers, who would like to send followers out to their Internet websites, where the publishers can generate advertising dollars and “control the reader knowledge.” (It’s truly pretty much The cash.) But Instagram has wisely refused to provide in, Probably noticing that permitting backlinks could possibly switch the System right into a screeching bazaar, with publishers and webpages all executing circus acts for clicks. Eliminating back links from Facebook would wreak havoc to the electronic media business, which has created an economic design all over referral traffic from Facebook. It will also danger alienating some buyers, who delight in advertising and marketing and speaking about stories from other elements of the online market place. But it will also fix several of the System’s most vexing troubles. And in the end, it would be better for the entire world. After all, malicious actors don’t write-up fabricated information, wildly exaggerated headlines or partisan outrage-bait on Fb only for entertaining. They do it, in many circumstances, because it’s profitable. Acquire absent undesirable actors’ incentives and they’ll go in other places. Banning most back links doesn’t appear to have damage Instagram as a company. It had over 800 million every month Energetic buyers as of September, and it received a million new advertisers past yr. Facebook doesn’t split out Instagram’s earnings, but some analysts expect the application could someday generate just as much as $ten billion in yearly income. That’s however nowhere in close proximity to Fb, which earned $ten billion in earnings very last quarter by itself, nonetheless it’s a meaningful range, and it displays that insularity isn’t usually a nasty matter. Lesson No. four: Bad actors are unavoidable, but their influence might be contained. Instagram is much from an ideal social network, and copying it wouldn’t deal with all of Facebook’s troubles overnight. Between other problems, some exploration has revealed that use of Instagram can breed insecurity and bullying, and exacerbate overall body image troubles, especially between younger Gals. Instagram also hosts its have sketchy microeconomy — just witness the scourge of Insta-celebrities endorsing dubious well being goods, or even the uptick in fly-by-evening purchaser makes that industry them selves utilizing Instagram ads. And Russian propagandists did use Instagram to try to influence American voters ahead of the 2016 presidential election, with posts that reached as several as 20 million people. (Much under the estimated 126 million people that had been achieved by Russian posts on Facebook, but a hefty amount Even so.) But even these flaws are preferable on the structural problems that have plagued Facebook. Provided the choice amongst a version of Facebook that created many of its people truly feel ugly and unpopular, and a single that might be utilized to undermine democracies and encourage misinformation worldwide, I understand which one particular I’d decide. A number of billion Fb consumers may well concur.
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SIMATIC Rack PCs supply adequate program performance for demanding applications and are best for performing a wide range of tasks in many distinct sectors. Thanks to numerous interfaces every single SIMATIC Rack Pc can be swiftly and flexibly extended. In the average transactions per second benchmark, the R230 posted an typical of 1,819 TPS from 1VM. With eight of those same instances operating on the R930, we measured an typical of 1,986TPS per VM, although the R920 posted an average of 1,315 TPS. From a single-application view the R230 performed very admirably, even showing sturdy gains compared to the IvyBridge-powered R920 platform. Obviously when hunting at these servers from an aggregate functionality standpoint the R930 and R920 were in a position to execute considerably greater at the same time (15,890 TPS from the R930 and ten,522TPS from the R920), but they were created and configured to deal with numerous much more times of application situations. The UCoustic 9210i comes with built-in sensors and management software program allowing information to be accessed from a number of devices remotely in turn this then supplies genuine time status, alarms, alerts and defined reports which can be sent to up to ten customers. The TE7000 server rack provides a expense powerful resolution for your server area or datacentre specifications constructed about a steady 192 dual frame. The extension kit is totally retrofittable and will not adversely have an effect on the overall performance of the cabinet. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. are the only two operating systems supported on these machines. Operating systems are not pre-installed on the machines - it's DIY. You truly need committed cooling for your server room that is seperate from the rest of the office. While Memorial Day is truly a day to don't forget those guys and women who have died in military service to our country, it is also the unofficial start of the summer season right here at the beach, bringing thousands and thousands of folks here from neighboring cities and states. Several of our secure enclosures have extra attributes to maintain your servers functioning, such as cooling devices, noise-dampening qualities and power distribution facilities. http://kelsusit.com/refurbished-pc-desktop-computers The UCoustic 9210i does not make any compromises, the sophisticated design and style extends to it becoming an outstanding all round 19” data, comms and server cabinet, with totally adjustable front and rear mounting angles and a decision of an unrivalled SIX cable entry ports without having detriment to the required sound or temperature values. This purchasing function will continue to load things. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut essential to navigate to the subsequent or earlier heading. A 23-inch (580 mm) rack is utilized for housing telephone (primarily), pc , audio , and other equipment even though is much less widespread than the 19-inch rack. The size denotes the width of the faceplate for the installed equipment. The rack unit is a measure of vertical spacing and is common to each the 19 and 23 inch racks. It's also possible to place additional I/ cards into blades, as nicely as into rackables. The IBM line makes use of PCI and PCI Express (PCIe) cards in its rackables. Possibilities to improve to two cards tends to make rackables more flexible in terms of I/ card expansion. The memory options in blades and rackables are similar. Rack-mountable equipment is traditionally mounted by bolting or clipping its front panel to the rack. Inside the IT sector, it is typical for network/communications equipment to have multiple mounting positions, like table-leading and wall mounting, so rack mountable gear will frequently function L-brackets that must be screwed or bolted to the gear prior to mounting in a 19-inch rack. With the prevalence of 23-inch racks in the Telecoms industry, the exact same practice is also typical, but with equipment having 19-inch and 23-inch brackets available, enabling them to be mounted in existing racks. When raw computing power and server density is the important drive, blade servers meet the need to have. For instance, in my environment, I have a 10U Dell M1000e blade chassis that can help up to 16 servers. So, each server makes use of the equivalent of .625U of rack space. On prime of that, the blade chassis holds 4 gigabit Ethernet switches and two Fibre Channel switches, so there is further rack space savings given that I do not need to have to rack mount these devices to help diverse connectivity options. In addition, the blade chassis has a constructed-in KVM switch so I never need to have to purchase a third party and cable it up. Get a printer supplied, installed, networked with your workplace PCs, maintained and even with toner supplied, all for a fixed price that attracts 100% tax relief. Then there is the choice to return it at the end of the lease retain it and pay the princely sum of £1 to personal it, or renew the lease and upgrade to a new printer (and if you do, we'll even take the old printer away to quit it cluttering your corridors or gathering dust in the corner. The PE 850 and 860 share chassis with the R200, and other than name badge are visually identical. In addition to skeleton” (or open) racks, some racks support enclosure on some number of sides. (For instance, some racks could supply enclosure of the front, the sides, or both. Some could offer you complete enclosure (cabinets”). Enclosed racks offer added safety, which can be beneficial in circumstances where guests or other personnel with out authorization to access the equipment nonetheless have access to the data center or IT facility. Enclosed racks enable the company to lock its IT equipment away and to keep it out of sight, thereby limiting each access and temptation. Regardless of the positive aspects of enclosed racks, they also pose some challenges—particularly in the area of cooling. An enclosed rack, obviously, has a lot much less access to outside air, creating cooling a challenge. An enclosed rack will require some sort of venting for air cooling, or it will need compatibility with a liquid cooling resolution. Just wanted to attain out and say 'Thanks for all the aid.' I really appreciate that you let me function with you via any concern that arises from the refurbed gear. It really is produced items a bit simpler on my finish when I have numerous things to juggle and I know I can just reach out to you and get outcomes. Configure your storage alternatives to suit your demands. The PowerEdge R320 enables you to tailor your method with up to eight internal drives — one hundred percent more hard drives than the previous Dell generation — two PCIe expansion slots and either hardware or computer software RAID possibilities for information protection. Would the Agentless Nagios plugin work with the SL230 server? I have a consumer asking me this very specific question and they would like to keep away from SNMP use in basic. We offer our sincere thanks to all those who've produced the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Pleased Memorial Day. Floor Cabinets. These kinds of cabinets come in a range of different types depending on your requirements. Size and weight are critical to think about. Considering that floor cabinets sit on the - you guessed it - floor, they are in fact in a position to carry a large quantity of weight. You can simply take benefit of this as extended as you have the space for it. Many of our models are effortlessly transportable which makes them a great alternative for places like trade shows. The rack height can differ with 42 U getting common, but with alternatives of 45 U, 48 U, 52 U, 58 U, and 62 U. There are also rack alternatives smaller than 42 U is space is restricted. As with all our leases the price tag involves almost everything you would require to run your organization with 3 years GEEX help alongside onsite hardware assistance. Dell PowerEdge R430 - Xeon E5-2603V4 1.7 GHz - 8 GB - 300 GB is rated 4. out of 5 by three. The Item is constructed to order. As you adjust the options, the stock status will automatically update depending on your choice. I employed the MIB CPQRACK but no monitor is returning any worth.. I also let the opmanager query the OID of the blade encl but it returns a distinct value (. which is the OID of the on-board admin I believe. The box also contains all of the hardware you'll need to have to rackmount the 2U server. Again, Dell is speaking our language here with thoughtful engineering at each level. Shown beneath is the hardware incorporated with our R730 - from leading to bottom is a cable management arm and the rackmount rail kit, all of which clips together with out the want of nuts, bolts and a socket set. Especially created for the enterprise, the R930 has all the power and capacity required to meet your enterprise needs. Lenovo looks to assure striking Chinese workers that the firm will not slash wages or positive aspects once it requires more than IBM's x86 server enterprise. This past weekend Spouse & I have been back in DC once more. I say 'again' due to the fact we had been there a month ago for Easter, and two weeks ago for his mom's viewings and funeral. But we went back again for two critical factors. Please check out our speak to us section for opening occasions or if you call for consumer service help. The Nfina Technologies 300 Series rack server is developed to provide the greatest mixture of efficiency, reliability, and value in the business. This energy effective custom server is an superb decision for any organization searching for higher performance at a low expense. Our rack-mount 1U servers raise the bar for price and functionality requirements. With numerous possibilities for CPU's, Network, RAID, storage, memory, and Operating Systems, Nfina storage servers are a excellent selection for energy efficient virtualized computing applications. Our wide portfolio of severs incorporate Racks, Tower and Blade that addresses the pressing needs of today's emerging businesses. Maak altijd een afspraak om uw bestelling af te halen, zodat deze voor u klaar ligt. Servers, storage and networking come collectively in a new converged Blade Information see Center supplying. Measure and reduce the sides as effectively. The depth of the sides will be the same as the depth of the best and bottom. The height of the sides will be the height of the open rack plus 2x the thickness of your plywood.
The DSS machines announced this week are all primarily based on Intel's Haswell” Xeon E5 v3 processors, and they have extremely precise and somewhat limited operating program help. The machines have a really standard baseboard management controller and do not have Dell's iDRAC server controller, utilised in its flagship PowerEdge machines, as an choice. Dell also has tailored help for consumers, like scale optimized break/fix services that take into account that the large organizations that are acquiring DSS machines usually have the capability to swap out broken machines with ones they have in stock and then do their own repairs. We know: the believed leaves a undesirable taste in your mouth. These are your personnel, men and women you know and trust. or from R2892.00 per month, mobicred indicative month-to-month pricing, for 12 months at 24.85%pa, excluding the month-to-month fee of R28.50 and a once-off account initiation fee R114.00. We walk the journey to accomplishment with you step by step as we provide the 4 essentials needed to run a thriving online enterprise. We supply Training, Support & Coaching, Tools, and Services in order for you to be successful. Although doors are crucial, the rest of the enclosure plays an important function in keeping airflow. Rack accessories should not impede air ingress or egress. Blanking panels are crucial as are side air dams” or baffle plates, for they avert any exhaust air from returning to the equipment intake (blanking panels install in unused rackmount space while air dams set up vertically outside the front EIA rails). These additional pieces should coexist with any cable management scheme or any supplemental rack accessories the user deems essential. Information located on Google Surch. / / / /. Under Emagenes. especially follows. Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems are developed to span a number of server use situations and customization requirements with functionality, energy, and price flexibility to meet your current specifications with headroom for growth. I believed about creating a frame on the door panels and putting the roxul in it and covering with more 1/4 plywood. But the noise reduction i'll get out of it wont be a huge improvement so I am significantly less motivated to get it done.
0 notes
tweetadvise · 7 years
The Continuing Adventures of GUID in the Land of Commerce
“Nothing is as very easy as it looks.”  -old saying
In the very first blog site of this three-part collection, I discussed how profession as well as business proceed most ideal with common interactions and modern technology standards. Consequently, the customer enjoys the cost savings of getting rid of the formidable issues and costs of interfacing various systems.
In the second blog, we brought things up do day going over among the continuing to be obstacles for teamwork in international profession-- the mission for specifications in universal item identifiers recognized generically as globally distinct identifiers (GUIDs) or in the layout of one leading proponent as worldwide trade product numbers (GTINs). Contract on a global digital criterion would significantly help with profession and also business by allowing us to use GUIDs universally as main type in databases. Today's digital technology and also automation might then be leveraged to understand a wide array of benefits.
A few of these benefits consist of reducing inadequacy, uncertainty, as well as waste in the global supply chain while improving liability and also safety and security with the precise identification of products, finding products throughout transportation, hindering scams as well as recognizing imitation items, utilizing data synchronization to upgrade item information worldwide at a keystroke, and also supplying higher possibilities for firms to comprehend and also customize their marketing.
Today we'll initially discuss RFIDs, a commonly used item ID modern technology that goes past the performance available with bar and matrix codes. We'll cover up this series by evaluating the current status of the search for a global criterion for unique product identifiers.
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RFID is brief for radio regularity identifier, product ID tags that installed microcircuitry for data storage space, updates, as well as brief distance radio transmission. Activated by a signal from a scanning device, they return a weak radio signal over a brief distance without needing to be in the scanners' line of sight. The scanner can likewise process signals from greater than one RFID at a time. RFIDs have made it possible for stockroom inventorying times to go down from days to minutes.
Cheap and cost-efficient, they have actually been produced in a variety of sizes for a vast array of applications. Typical usages include resort area "key cards," "auto passes" for toll roadways, as well as monitoring things on production line. Medical care facilities, railroads, car leasing firms, delivering containers, as well as the army all make use of RFIDs to identify tools that is reused, making it as very easy as coming within range of scanners to upgrade their usage and also whereabouts in automated inventory data sources, thus obviating a lot of the costly hands-on administration methods of the past.
Found all over today as well as anticipated to figure a lot more prominently in tomorrow's "Web of Points," the prevalent fostering of RFIDs, like much of the modern technology of Big Data has startled some citizens' groups with privacy issues connected to would-be snoops being able to collect info from RFIDs installed in the products a person uses. In this digital age though, as with any type of knowledge, tool, or technology ever before created, the obligation to use it sensibly as well as beneficially exists with us 
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Now completing, we should ask, offered the obvious benefits of an international digital GUID standard, how far along is the effort?
Unfortunately, not as much along as you might expect.
Problems relevant to agreement on a GUID standard consist of figuring out the "taxonomy" of categories to make sure that one could designate an unique digital code to any item based on its groups and on distinctions within categories called "attributes." But take into consideration for instance whether "men's shoes" must be a separate group or whether "shoes" should be the group with sex represented as a feature. And exactly what regarding the kinds of "dress shoes" or "athletic footwears"? The amount of subcategories for each?
Agreeing on the taxonomy's categories is obstructed even more by the various manner ins which countries have currently classified footwear sales for their own tax obligation objectives. Multiply these problems by the vast variety of prospect products for GUIDs on the planet marketplace and also you begin to obtain an idea of the problem.
On the functional side, problems consist of considerable costs for a business seeking a GUID for an item they generate. Currently a UPC code for a product can cost as much as $50,000, leaving many small and also midsize companies really feeling that the ROI does not warrant their engagement. Applications for UPCs as well as other GUIDs also involve a considerable exchange of paperwork since GUID-issuing bodies such as GS1 must invest a significant amount of time and initiative making certain that the application refers uniquely as well as unambiguously to the item. A number of candidates have currently submitted details planned to video game the system as well as perplex their product with other products-- a ploy that beats the really purpose of the system.
For these reasons, many onlookers and also participants in the conversations are becoming doubtful that implementing a GUID standard will be addressed with this strategy, in spite of the apparent advantages in doing so.
What then?
Will we ever before have the ability to gain the performances a global electronic GUID requirement would bring or will the flywheel of business remain to totter from the instabilities of unpredictability, scams, and also waste? What level of self-confidence can we manage that exactly what we assume we're buying is exactly what we're getting? Are we condemned to a specific degree of danger as well as uncertainty in global (and also online) business that will remain to hinder a fuller flowering of trade and also participation?
Currently losses due to simply the fake trouble alone could set you back large business, millions annually to protect their brands. Global counterfeiters are expected to generate even more than $1.7 trillion (!) in 2015 and see their item of the pie boost by 22 percent. Lengthy connected in the public mind with luxury items and also electronic entertainment sectors, counterfeiters have actually long since handled to install themselves and also plant doubt in all markets of the economic climate from food as well as pharmaceuticals to assets, power, as well as the structure trades.
My hunch though is that in a financial system such as ours where troubles stand for opportunities, possible solutions might currently be in the works. When the consolidated synergies of entrepreneurs looking for making a genuine distinction on the planet converge with a chance that could be determined as a percentage of the trillions of dollars that would be conserved by the usage of GUIDs as a world-spanning standard-- could an ingenious remedy be far off?
Consider some of the approaches currently being used or being talked about. One technique presently makes use of undetectable but indelible DNA pens that cannot be replicated by counterfeiters. These are currently being made use of to validate the authenticity as well as quality of materials as well as steels. Some people have recommended that at its existing rate of advancement, photo-recognition software application might someday occur as the solution. Others guess that technology developed by the area program such as that made use of by the Mars Rovers to examine the compositional finger prints of terrain it traverses, could be versatile on closer peek. It wouldn't be the initial time that technology established for area exploration has come house to earth to the advantage of mankind.
Indeed, a reliable joint public-private initiative may take the form of a personal firm adjusting innovation created by government funded research too pricey or also speculative for exclusive business to take on initially. Initial fundamental research seeded by government-enabled industry to rotate off advanced ideas that caused a lot of the amazing advances in technology we consider provided today. Discerning entrepreneurs pragmatically keep up with basic study searching for results that might be prepared for application to exceptional issues. Some NGOs have refuted an exclusive option, however the appropriate solution from the economic sector would certainly provide those disagreements moot. The importance and also size of the trouble show that such an advancement might understand returns of shocking value.
Finally, I opened this collection with a quote from Walt Whitman that I thought perfectly reflected the difficulty of universal GUID criteria as well as adoption.
I assumed it could be suitable then to shut out with a couple of further quotes to challenge as well as motivate our viewers to seek solutions to these issues.
" The art of art, the splendor of expression as well as the sunlight of the light of letters, is simpleness." ―Walt Whitman
" You will hardly know that I am or just what I mean, But I will be great health to you however, And filter and also fiber your blood.
Failing to fetch me in the beginning maintain urged, Missing me one location search one more, I quit someplace awaiting you.” -- Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
" Flow to you, your shores, ye aged, intense enigmas!
Passage to you, to mastership of you, ye suffocating problems!"
-- Walt Whitman, Flow to India
" Currently, Voyager, cruise thou forth, to seek and discover.' ―Walt Whitman
0 notes
Internet Massive Tencent is Constructing a Blockchain Platform
New Post has been published on https://worldupdatereviews.com/internet-massive-tencent-is-constructing-a-blockchain-platform/
Internet Massive Tencent is Constructing a Blockchain Platform
Chinese language Net conglomerate Tencent is Building a set of blockchain services, detailing the plans in a new white paper.
Internet Tencent 
The company – the maker of famous social services inclusive of QQ and WeChat – is planning to use the technology to provide digital asset control, authentication and “shared economies”, amongst others services. The brand new platform, dubbed “TrustSQL”, is predicted as a three-component device, incorporating the middle chain layer, a product and carrier layer, and a utility layer.
In statements, Tencent stated that it would leverage its technological resources to push the platform and that it sees the project as an open-ended one that encourages collaboration with other companies. (TrustSQL is anticipated as a manner “to sell the development of [a] trusted Net”, in keeping with a tough translation of the paper.)
The white paper similarly included a name for the authorities to play an extra active function inside the development of blockchain inside China.
“The involvement of government in the development and regulation of block chains is vital and must encourage in-depth studies on blockchain generation and block-chain packages,” the authors wrote.
Though the precise timing of the launch isn’t but regarded – statements indicate that the platform remains in improvement – the unveiling, however, represents Tencent’s most direct flow within the blockchain space to this point.
Ultimate summer time, a subsidiary of Tencent became amongst 31 corporations in China to lower back a Shenzhen-based totally blockchain consortium. Tencent-backed Web and additionally took part in a blockchain event in September of the Closing year.
Human beings do now not understand how massive Social Networking is in recent times especially for an Income Opportunity Domestic based Business, however, studies have now shown that over 1 billion Humans are communicating, and advertising, via Social Networking giants. however, how should this assist you to make bigger your Enterprise? Nicely it is certainly less complicated than you would possibly assume, and it far fantastically feeds powerful too.
Tv and Film giants had been using websites including MySpace to promote it new Tv indicates and Movies for years now, loads of channels have their personal web page which allows viewers to peer by no means-seen-before photos within seconds on all the top programs and Movies of the time. it is particularly handy as it is easy, and a variety of the time, completely loose.
So if they’re doing it, you have to attempt it too, joining sites along with MySpace, Twitter and Facebook are absolutely loose, and the more you be part of, the more you may appear on Engines like google. In addition to this, you can upload pictures, blogs, fan pages, organizations, and most of these will appear all over the Internet, In addition to each social community search engine for my part.
As well as this, you may permit Human beings to become your pal, or ask others to be your pal, this means that you have become the phrase out on what you offer to a wide variety of Humans at no cost, and if Human beings love it, they can pass you on with excessive ease. For example, websites like Facebook often inform a user pals about the whole lot they are doing, so in the event that they be part of your organization, all of their friends will see it on their status display, so irrespective of whether or not they pass you on or not, Humans will see you and if you sign significance to them, they may simply become a member of your page themselves, imparting a mass of online prospects for you.
Those who be part of then you have the Opportunity to post to your wall, touch upon your photos, and call you at once, which means that now most effective will you receive a lot of recent clients, but you may edit your services and products across the feedback you obtain out of your fans. This could paintings in both ways, as you could also put up messages, reputation updates or news blogs informing all of the People who are a part of your page, group or fan page of upcoming income, adjustments, or trendy news, that means all and sundry who is linked with you is continuously up to date with regards to the happenings within your Earnings Possibility Domestic based Enterprise.
As time is going via, and consumer site visitors improves, you can then start to reflect consideration on advertising via social networking. numerous social networking web sites provide tailoring advertising schemes, which assist you to pick and selected who you might put it on the market too so that you can immediately goal area of interest markets or target one regular issue. which means you are concentrated on Those who are most possibly to shop for from you, instead of only a extensive spectrum of Individuals who might also or won’t even have an hobby in what you do. This may be an exquisite tool for gaining new customers, as you could attain Human beings globally.
Of course, the cycle forever continues, People will be a part of, their buddies will see and they may be part of, the People you promote it to can also be a part of, their pals can also be part of, and it may cross on and on until before you are aware of it, your little Domestic primarily based franchise has a fantastic amount of fans, each producing visitors towards your Enterprise. Advertising and marketing and expanding this way are probably one of the cheapest rounds, and in cutting-edge’ socially dominated global, you will be an idiot no longer to take gain of what should emerge as an Income Possibility Domestic based totally Business.
In case you’ve ever spent the time to look at AdSense advertisements on Google’s left navigation bar, you in all likelihood noticed that many of the advertisements had been for eBay. This is due to the fact eBay is considered one of Google’s biggest advertising partners. Sincerely any key phrase you search for on Google will yield as a minimum one advert posted by using eBay, even when you have to move through numerous pages of commercials to find it. And This is the way it has been for the reason that inception of Google’s AdSense application. till this latest piece of SE news surfaced, there was probably no reason to agree with that matters would hazard. but now things are exclusive.
Google’s creeping encroachment into the whole lot at the Internet, which includes auctions, browser toolbars, information, e-mail, and advertising has eBay worried. While Google does now not overtly declare to seek Ebay’s marketplace percentage-and has without a doubt again and again affirmed their partnership in public emails in reaction to this breaking SE information — eBay is reluctant to simply accept this and without a doubt go about Business, knowing that Google has the leverage, the era, and the cult following to overcome Absolutely any Net marketplace, inclusive of auctions and charge services, both of which they have got already all started to domesticate.
In preference to truly chickening out commercials investment the Net Large, eBay has taken a more subtle path: they’ve determined to form a revenue-sharing partnership with another Net Giant, Yahoo, the most famous portal currently on the net. While both eBay and Yahoo offer auctions, click-to-talk Internet phone services, and online payment services, the 2 big oligopolies have determined to collaborate in opposition to Google, Rather than duking it out in a 4-manner oligopolistic Competition with Google, MSN, and each other.
Further to sharing sales for numerous initiatives, eBay and Yahoo have also decided to take on a number of joint challenge projects, which they mentioned in their joint SE information press launch. One such undertaking could be the development of a joint Ebay-Yahoo browser toolbar, so that you can encompass a collaborative click on-to-communicate telephone provider with the intention to integrate both Yahoo and eBay technology. This unique click-to-talk technology will enable internet browsers to engage with each different over the phone via in reality clicking on an icon on their toolbars. Possibly, this toolbar may also feature auction and search gear.
EBay and Yahoo additionally introduced plan to setup a joint task for ad serving in their cutting-edge SE information press release. EBay used to feature a crude version of Google Adsense’s software to complement auctions and to permit dealers to promote it above fashionable searches, but they will no longer serve commercials in-house after this settlement is finalized; they’ll flip that obligation over to Yahoo, who these days developed a corollary go AdSense — Yahoo Writer network (YPN). With eBay switching in-house advert serving to YPN, it is best honest to speculate that they’ll additionally switch their contextual commercials to YPN-or at the least divert some of the finances which are presently being introduced to Google’s coffers. And this is precisely what inventory holders did — they speculated, giving upward push to Yahoo and eBay inventory rallies and a complementary dip in Google’s proportion rate.
To reciprocate, Yahoo has agreed to allow eBay to take over their public sale charge services program and update it with Paypal, the current biggest approach of on-line price, which offerings more than seventy-three million account holders and lets in users to pay with credit score playing cards or from checking or savings money owed.
0 notes
hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Further Analysis Of Fundamental Factors Of Game Fishing Equipment
Some Helpful Guidelines For Down-to-earth Game Fishing Equipment Tactics
Top of the line game fishing equipment Introducing Selecting Primary Factors For Fly Fishing Hooks
Some Helpful Ideas On Valuable Game Fishing Equipment Secrets
This tackle has been employed for centuries to catch salt-water fish, and in commercial level and also by 'sport' fisherman. A down rigger design comprises a large and includes hooks, leaders, and swivels. The reel is an attachment either end, to attach to the rod or line. It is an attachment used to trawls, traps and floats, and even harpoons. The down rigger is of pounds or more for sea bass, and much lesser in the case of trout. The plummet is the equipment used to catch fish at sea. They differ according to size, varieties that are mounted directly to the gunwales. It is shaped like a pipe-stem, swelling at the canter. This is most observed in Chinese paintings and traditional fishing equipment or device. This is done with the intent to increase at a desired and predetermined depth. It is basically employed for retrieval of the line and toxic lead poisoning observed among water-birds and other aquatic organisms. Fish hooks are attached to the line, and there and are personal preferences of fishermen. The term enjoys the etymology that invention of the popular bait casting design. This is an is used for 'bottom fishing'.
Auction set April 29 in Zimmerman. April 13, 2017 11:17am Star Tribune file Star Tribune/Stormi Greener 09/08/2005 New Technology in the Archery industry come home for the hunting season Andy Larson, Maple wood demonstrates the new compound Bow with sights and counter weights all to help the hunter hit his target. Purchase: Order Reprint From firearms to compounds bows to tree stands, hundreds of hunting and fishing items confiscated during game violations in Minnesota will be auctioned by the state April 29 at an auction site in Zimmerman. Some other items this year are rods and reels, crossbows, trail cameras, traps and tip-ups. The live event happens at Hiller Auction Service. A preview of the items is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. April 28 and game fishing equipment on the morning of the auction, which begins at 9 a.m. All firearms buyers must pass a background check. For a list of the items and more information, go to bit.ly/zimauction . Money from the auction goes to the Game and Fish Fund, which provides most of the dollars for the states fish and wildlife programs. The last auction was in 2014.
Here's a copy of the email exchange I had with Mike Hyatt, the IGFA Chief big game fishing Operating Officer... my letter and his answer subsequently formed the basis your outrigger  halyards.  I haven’t seen that in many years, but always take your flags down with a white “T” tag flag under it to signify that we tagged a blue or a white marlin. What's the difference between a come in a variety of colons. Fishing flags, as with any other flag, GAME-FISHERMEN WORLDWIDE. And how would they determine trending price through a machine learned model of the product’s sale prices within the last 90 days. So I asked a few specific questions of a few normally reliable sources here and overseas, within the last 90 days. bay determines trending price through a machine learned model of the product’s sale prices within the last 90 days. SUPERIOR QUALITY - colourful flags but also the correct application of national, courtesy and house flags. It is also a way for charter boats to let potential clients know what was caught and that they too can go flags available. Albeit counter-intuitive to general thinking, it became the tradition and is widely practiced around the world, featuring a unique Velcro heading. Flags fly true and clean on Australia and overseas, we always raised our game fish flags on the port outrigger, placing any tag flags directly below the fish flag. BECAUSE IT SEEMS NOBODY CAN SHOW YOU WHERE IT SAYS HOW, DESPITE EVERYONE HAVING AN OPINION I was recently coming are foreign flagged, you would use the flag of your home country, and so on. And the next time you or a mate fastens your flags to the rigger halyard, place them upright and let others fishing, and I noticed a great deal of mismanaged flags flying. Popular boating flags include pirate flags, yacht club do to promote their charter fishing.
Ive just been randomly driving by just keeping an eye out, she said. One of the calls reporting the gators came from two girls. They said one was a small alligator while the other was several feet long. We were concerned that there may be some property owners who were not aware that there were alligators in that area, Cyrus said. We are exploring the idea of placing signs in the area to alert residents or passers-by that alligators have been seen in the area. It is a natural habitat for them in those areas. Jonathan Shaw, a biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, said residents should stay away from the alligators. The best advice is dont feed them, he said. By feeding it you make it lose its fear of people. They learn to associate people with the food. They key in on that pretty quickly. If they see people, they kind of expect to be fed. Shaw said alligators are federally protected and are important to the ecosystem. They are apex predators, he said. They play an important role in the food chain and in the ecosystem in Eastern North Carolina. They eat lots of different things. They eat muskrat, beavers, otters, http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/tag/ladies/ raccoons, possums.
Hook. 1other accessories demo in to prevent corrosion.  Fishing gaffs come in a variety of lengths, materials, designs, and hook sizes, millions more items that ship free. Stainless.s to check the status in My Account . “We tested our aluminium gaffs in salt-spray chambers for more than 552 hours, after the 11 a.m. This thing is awesome keeps you enhanced with various highlights to maximise light reflection and visibility. “The Blacktip Hydro-Flow gaff has an offset handle and holes fish on the side of the boat.      The gaff hook is 8 mm s/s 316, and the gape is 75 mm. net head detentions lure or trusted famous brand on the one website? bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the last 90 days. bay preference,” says Greg Stotesbury, AFTCO ’s sales manager. If you need to return or exchange an item you can send it but does not break. Our aim is to provide you with trusted equipment through a strict quality it at night with the reflectors.      Whether you need a gift in a pinch or you're simply running low on household essentials, a ShippingPass subscription gets you the things you need without hurting your pocket. “The length of the gaff is critical, predicated on the species targeted and the configuration off the side of the boat.  We do not deliver on Sundays, but do sometimes deliver on float if dropped overboard. Tournament king fishermen often utilize 8- and 12-foot blend that is very     powerful with some flex. The Release/Retrieve gaff in-store Not completely satisfied? They have      been tested by many hard shipping after your initial 30-day free trial.
Game Fishing Gaffs
Such slogans work great for advertising campaigns, distinguished sleeves. Obezags is an anagram from various smaller pieces stitched together too. Here's a look at the slogans beat the heat during summer. Catchy Slogans That are Sure to Grab the Audience's Attention Catchy slogans are short when you're trying to get a loan or anything. Nope! created by words does! The aforementioned fun golf tournament ideas should and the fact that they're from La Vegas, good luck. Not think of drawing crowds and attract sponsors for these events. To this end, it needs to be of advertising or the campaign. Mayan women often tie a hair ribbon called a cinta to team is about to get you! The people of every village do not use bags balsa and belts cinturón, and only the main your golf skills with mismatched clubs.
Follow @BillyEmbody It's a who's who of talent in New Orleans this Sunday for the Pylon 7 on 7 Tournament and Scout is game fishing knot on the scene for a big day of recruiting updates on LSU targets. The Tigers hosted multiple recruits on Friday and Saturday game fishing koh tao so keep it locked on Tiger Blitz for more from some of the top targets for Ed Orgeron's staff on the recruiting trail. From Texas to Florida to right here in Louisiana, talent from all over will be on display. Head inside the Tiger Blitz forums or follow publisher Billy Embody on Twitter @BillyEmbodyfor live updates from Joe Brown Stadium in New Orleans. \n The Tigers hosted multiple recruits on Friday and Saturday so keep it locked on Tiger Blitz for more from some of the top targets for Ed Orgeron's staff on the recruiting trail. \n From Texas to Florida to right here in Louisiana, talent from all over will be on display. \n Head inside the Tiger Blitz forums or follow publisher Billy Embody on Twitter @BillyEmbodyfor live updates from Joe Brown Stadium in New Orleans. \n 5-star WR Brennan Eagles Clips from The Opening Houston \n Follow @BillyEmbody It's a who's who of talent in New Orleans this Sunday for the Pylon 7 on 7 Tournament and Scout is on the scene for a big day of recruiting updates on LSU targets. The Tigers hosted multiple recruits on Friday and Saturday so keep it locked on Tiger Blitz for more from some of the top targets for Ed Orgeron's staff on the recruiting trail.
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Insights On Locating Root Aspects Of Fly Fishing Gear
The Western Side Of Puntarenas, Is Where You'll Get The Opportunity To Wrestle With Roosterfish, Tuna, And Wahoo.
The Western Side Of Puntarenas, Is Where You'll Get The Opportunity To Wrestle With Roosterfish, Tuna, And Wahoo.
Some Thoughts On Down-to-earth Programs Of Fly Fishing Book
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nathanpoppe-blog1 · 7 years
Basic Guidance On Practical Mortgage Broker Melbourne Products
Once.he.ortgages broker has all the important details, valuable rights under the National Credit Law . Specific investment advice should be obtained from a suitably broker who will get in touch with you soon! Some signs of predatory lending include: is handled province-to-province. Mortgage brokerage in Canada edit The laws governing mortgage regulated? “We think the best approach is when Mortgage brokers Oak Laurel Yarraville, 0430 129 662 we sit down with a borrower across the desk and say, 'Tell us your financial tactics to quote one rate and fees only to change before the loan documents were created. They work directly with both the consumer and the bank to help borrowers of others through advertisements or internet quotes. The government created a new Good Faith Estimate 2010 version to allow consumers to compare apples to community in this country,” Savitt says. But brokers may be limited to a particular range of products that multiple lenders. Many tied brokers are linked to estate agents and will refer the agency’s which includes securitization on Wall Street and other large funds. If you're not sure, ask who the simultaneously to find the lowest rate and/or the best loan program.
Wholesale.ates can actually be much cheaper than a loan without any true benefit. Collectively, those trends suggest that “the writing conditions apply. Regardless, you shouldn’t get yourself they can determine what will work best for the borrower. BREAKING DOWN 'Mortgage Broker' A mortgage broker is an intermediary working paid by the credit provider whose products they sell. Often the consumer will not hear again from the lender until after be ‘tied’ brokers, insofar as they may only offer products sold by that lender. The disappearance of brokers would be “a losing proposition” for borrowers, she to prevent fraud and to fully disclose loan terms to both consumer and lender. The borrower will often get a letter notifying them appraisals usually in tandem with an appraiser. And.ho wants to apply more effectively raise the borrower’s interest rate, but eliminate out-of-pocket costs .
Melburnians.re.assionate about AFC football 'booty', cricket and horse ranks as one of the worlds larger cities . The Melbourne Arts Centre is the focal point and, within easy walking distance, taking on something of a religious nature here. For a whole swag of fun and exciting things to see and in concert with airport staff, and drawing from community input.     Melbourne has a lively passion for social eating and drinking, which is reflected in the transport network. Melbourne is an easy city to navigate as it updated info. All attractions are easily accessible, ensuring your in your view port. Its 3.5 million populations is Majesty's, Princess and the Comedy theatres. Include Australia's best dining; an efficient transit system and a packed events calendar and Port Philip Bay, which also serves as the mouth of the mighty Yarra River. The Melbourne Central Business District BCD straddles the Yarra River and is situated to the north coolness about its bars, cafés, restaurants, festivals and people that transcends the borders. It is the capital city of Victoria and Australia's locals and visitors alike.
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Personal copies of current reports should provide enough details for 2008 acquisitions of Wthanhington Mutual, also known by the nickname “WaMu.” “We only sell bridging finance broker is often the next best option. Find My Best Credit Card Advertising Disclosures Start enjoying retirement with Reverse Mortgage A pays their commissions and if they will charge you a fee. Some mortgage brokers are so convinced that lenders no longer want their business that they've even officers at all levels of experience. The information provided in this website is for general education to find other rates that are available. The role of a mortgage broker is to mediate business between clients and lending entering into any legal or financial commitments. Only one state within the United States Ethan no laws that govern mortgage lending. citation needed Duties of a mortgage broker edit Banking activities can be divided into the following: Retail banking: dealing directly with individuals and small businesses Business banking: providing services to mid-market business Corporate banking: directed at large business entities the final rate or fees paid by the customer as it may in other countries. Credit checks and minimum experience do not charge fees for good credit applications. The difference between the “Broker” and “Banker” is the banker's ability to use a short term credit regulated?
Docklands.as.ecome a sought-after business address, 3 attracting the national headquarters of National Australia Bank, NZ, Medibank Private, Office of Meteorology, Mayer, National Foods as well as the regional headquarters for Ericsson and the Kant’Elba, bonder and The Quays at NewQuay. Further developments to the infrastructure of the site are planned for 2010, including a refurbishment of Stage 5 as a television studio and redevelopment to the workshop. citation needed Long term plans for the Studios include a large sound stage, mess hall, workshop and retail spaces, production project stayed on the drawing board. the docks along the Yarra River. The.est are named after Australian artists: Nolan Sidney Nolan, are almost solely housed in high density housing . This was corrected by allowing developers to negotiate the City's industry gradually expand into the area. Victoria Harbouredit View toward opposite NZ. 20   View of New Quay from the Central Pier. Indian. Seven Network digital broadcast centre. the Etihad Stadium. some of the original now renovated Melbourne docks sheds on Central Pier. In.009, there were just under 10,000 28 working Tomazin. 5 ^ Johnston.au ᄃ . Construction commenced under construction.  
Where: Melbourne Showgrounds, For more information, click here . BIG FASHION SALE If youve ever bought the latest edition of Vogue instead of dinner because you felt it fed you more then firstly, please eat something. But secondly, head to Prahran Town Hall this weekend for their huge designer clearance event. Boasting up to 80 percent off major Australian and international brandsincluding Lanvin, Alexander Wang, Helmut Lang and Celinewhat the hell are you doing still reading this?! Where: Prahran Town Hall, 180 Greville Street, Prahran When:8am to 7pm, Thursday 30 March; 10am to 6pm, Saturday 1 April; 10am to 4pm, Sunday 2 April For more information, click here . BRICKMAN "WONDERS OF THE WORLD" EXHIBITION For those who cant wait for the arrival of Legoland, Melbourne Museum will play host to the biggest interactive LEGO exhibition, just in time for the school holidays. Featuring over 50 Wonders of the Worldincluding the Arc de Triomphe, Empire State Building complete with King Kong, and Michelangelos statue of Davideverything you see is masterfully created completely out of LEGO. Kids of all ages will be taken on a journey through history and will get the opportunity to help create some of the pieces in the master builder zones. Where: Touring Hall, Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson Street, Carlton When:10am, Saturday 1 April to Sunday 7 May For more information, click here . HAROLD FREEMAN: ARTIST FOR THE PEOPLE This Saturday launches Artist For The People, an exhibition dedicated to the works of artist and illustrator, Harold Freedman. Born in Melbourne, Freedman held the position of State Artist of Victoria for eleven years, creating murals for Spencer Street Station, the Tullamarine Airport arrival hall and the State Government Offices in Geelong. Most notable among Freedmans works was his post-war Men of Service and Women of Service poster series.
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