#no traum dumps no making this about me kinda thing i am just thankful for his efforts and appreciative of his artistry
otlwoozi · 6 months
8th year being a woozi ult i will still return to the fact that before being an entertainer woozi is a storyteller, and his lyrics are always so sincere and unpretentious, a lot of people already know how great To You, Kidult, and Smile Flower lyrics are, so I just want to share Come To Me since woozi’s words can better describe how thankful I am than I can with my own words
To me
You’re a tree in a deep forest
I breathe in you
My gratitude is so big
When I’m hiding under your shade
As you spread your branches
You share the light
In this warmth
Each moment, my joy grows
Your tears that lingered on my clothes
I’m so thankful for our times together
If it’s you, anything is ok
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