#no thoughts only sylleblossoms
whitewingedcrow · 2 years
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me: came to this fic for spicy content and it broke my heart instead, maybe I’ll do A Wee Sketch me, some time and an awful lot of layers later: this is supposed to be a quick moody sketch, why have I spent 20% of the time on the characters and 80% of the time on @$#&ING FLOWERS AGAIN
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Expensive Tastes: Noctis Caelum x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Lingerie, teasing, dirty talk
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Some foreplay and teasing in this one uwu
He could feel the bruises forming silently all over his body, he could feel his muscles slowly tightening from overworking himself during training. Gladio had made it very clear in training today how easy it was to fling the young prince everywhere as if he were a dog’s toy. The number of times he had to warp to avoid colliding with the walls or the floors had run him exhausted and sore. He was utterly drained, left to trudge to his chambers as he dreamed of his bed.
A soft hum radiated from his chest, pale lips flicking up into a very slight blink-and-you’ll-miss-it smile. Soft, clean silky sheets that smelled of lavender and a hint of sylleblossom the maids had just laid down on his oversized bed. Overstuffed pillows made of the finest materials sitting, waiting, fluffed up waiting for him to rest his head and slip into the realm of unconsciousness. He wanted to feel your presence next to him, feel your weight pushed up against him, hands balled up in his shirt, your warmth mixing with his under the soft covers.
Only, when he opened up the large doors to his bedroom, he didn’t see you sitting on the bed waiting for him. You normally did when he had training. You were always there waiting, almost as if you knew it would’ve been hell, like you knew Gladio would throw him around like it was nothing or Ignis outsmarting him at every turn. It was even worse whenever he would need to train with Cor (or even worse, the two times he had to train with Clarus). You would always be there at the foot of the bed, waiting for him to come in and start ranting about training, sometimes with a book in your hands from the grand library or sometimes with your phone idly waiting.
But you weren’t there. Not at the foot of the bed, not looking out the window to watch the city from so high up or watching the rain clouds pass by, not in the chairs off to the wall.
Instead, he saw the door to his bathroom closed, the gap under the door light up with the pale yellow lights from inside.
Upon closer inspection of the room, he noticed something by the side of the bed; Your clothes, all pooled and kicked to the side with your shoes. Noctis swallowed, glancing to the bathroom door where he realized there was music playing softly from behind the door.
Noctis stepped inside the room and made sure to close and lock the door behind him. He slowly stepped forward, closer to the bed, keeping his eyes glued to the bathroom door.
It was almost like you hear him in the bedroom as you opened the bathroom door. Light spilled into the dim bedroom. Noctis stood there light a deer in the headlights, eyes suddenly glued to the feminine form standing in the doorway.
He felt his pale cheeks heat up once more, but it wasn’t from exhaustion.
In the doorway to the bathroom stood you.
You had a black silken robe held closed by one hand, long expensive silk draping down your legs and stopping by your ankles. Your hand only protected your chest and stomach from being exposed, it hung open slightly, just enough to create a slit and expose one of your legs.
And boy was it a treat to him.
Your exposed leg was wrapped in skin-tight black lace. You were wearing knee-high stockings, and the hem was frilly and flowery. Black lace against your skin was an art to him, to hell with the paintings and portraits lining the hallways of the Citadel. You had makeup on, eyelids painted dark and lips glossy. He wanted to mess up that gloss.
“I heard training today was rough,” you acknowledged. No doubt you could see the bruises on his hands. You leaned against the doorframe and eyed him from under painted eyes, eyelashes fluttering. “I thought I’d do something to cheer you up.”
Noctis stood there, just staring at your one exposed leg wrapped in expensive Altissian lace, lips ever so slightly parted and his pale cheeks set ablaze.
“And what- how would you do that?” he stumbled over his tongue.
It was as if time had played in slow motion. He saw you let go of the front of the silken night robe hiding the rest of your body from his wanting eyes. The Silk fell back, and with a soft roll of your shoulders, the silk had suddenly found itself pooled to the floor like the rest of your clothing from earlier. Noctis felt his starlit blue eyes widen, felt his jaw unhinged just a bit more, he felt his heart suddenly start sprinting like the time he and Prompto pranked a raging Gladio.
The expensive black Altissian lace didn’t just stop at pricey stockings, you were wrapped in it so elegantly, he would have thought you were a present sent from the Astrals themselves. A present he almost didn’t want to open, you were wrapped too perfectly.
But he couldn’t let such a present go unopened.
Your bra was solid black, lace frilling underneath the cups. The straps were lace and thick and wrapped up behind your neck. In between the cups laid the littlest bow, a shiny stone weaved into the knot. Noctis briefly wondered if he could undo that little bow with his teeth to free your breasts. He wanted to massage them, kiss them, squeeze them; Worship them like one would an Astral.
You wore a pair of hipster panties. The middle was solid material, a shiny black. The sides were lace and hung high on your hips, hugging your hips and showing all of your curves. And just like your bra, the hemlines were lacey and there was a matching bow that sat right below your belly button, same glittering stone and all.
A present sent from the Astrals indeed.
“Wow,” was all Noctis could say, but it was just a mere whisper.
You slowly strolled towards him, swaying those hips of your, your eyes pinned on him. Your pupils were blown wide with lust. Noctis backed up with every step you took towards him, the music from the bathroom suddenly raging in his ears like it were a dream. With every step you took forwards towards him, he backed up one until his knees hit the mattress and he lost his balance, falling back onto the bed. You were standing there before him not too long after, watching him as he sat up on the bed. He was suddenly no longer exhausted from training all afternoon anymore.
“I could use some of that cheering up,” Noctis murmured under his breath, chest heaving at the sight of you standing above him.
Without a second thought you had reached up to behind your neck and unclasped the strap, letting the expensive bra you were wearing fall to the floor like it was some cheap thing.
Your breasts were free and out there on show to him, but something of his wasn’t. He could feel the electric shocks running all through his body, and he could definitely feel his pants getting slowly tighter in the crotch.
You had suddenly caged him. You propped one knee up next to his hip on the mattress, then the next. You placed one hand on Noctis’ chest and pushed him down, trailing a finger along his collarbones and down his chest. He really hoped you couldn’t feel his heart pounding against his ribcage as you stroked him through his shirt (but he really hoped you felt the tent in his pants).
You leaned down slightly and smiled at him. Noctis was sure by now that his face was beet red and he wasn’t sure he could keep a hold of constant eye contact with you. All he could think to do was to grab ahold of you, to steady you for whatever you were planning in that devious head of yours. He loved sinking his fingers into your hips, he wrapped his fingertips around the waistband of your panties.
He couldn’t handle it anymore; The teasing, the soft music still radiating from the bathroom, how the lighting just hit your body just right, how perfect you looked in black lace and silk.
He couldn’t handle the strain and tenting going on in his boxers and why is it so hot in here?
He was suffocating sitting there, looking at you, watching as you coyly smiled, looping your arms loosely around his neck, feeling you move around on his lap. His fingertips dug dangerously deep into your thighs and hips, nails biting into the material.
It was when he felt you grind against his erection did he finally snap.
He didn’t know he could move that fast, all of that training with Gladio and Ignis (and he shuddered as the brief thought of Cor stabbing at his feet with his sword) helped his reflexes, he had suddenly pinned you to the bed by the shoulders, a short gasp escaping your glossy lips.
Noctis’ fingers wrapped even tighter around the waistband of your panties and yanked them down your legs.
You flushed at the outline hidden inside the confinements of his underwear. Cock straining, erect, yet tortured to be stuck into tightening underwear.
Without a second thought, Noctis’ sweatpants dropped to the floor, the young prince quickly kicking them out of the way.
“You drive me crazy,” Noctis growled above you, hands snatching at your bare hips.
Your eyes held a sly shine to them, lips cheshire, loosely locking your stocking ankles behind his lower back.
“I’m just catering to your expensive tastes.”
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Tried to replicate the cover of The Lover’s Notebook.
I thought I’d try to make it small. Go easy on myself.
clearly, my brain and my body have two different ideas as to what constitutes as small. I ran out of room for the last sylleblossom and it looks significantly more eldritch than the actual cover.
…pretend the scribbles at the top of each stem look like sylleblossoms.
My hand hurts, lol.
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Also, wedding dress.
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It’s a prototype work in progress. Looks all over the place because it’s tiny - literally the length of my thumb on the page, the only thing I could actually properly detail about the embroidery was the sylleblossoms - but there would be more space between the embroidery, the layers, etc and so on.
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divinitysheart · 1 year
@ervaurem said HAPPY BIRTHDAY:
For once, Noctis didn't find it as much of a struggle to get a birthday present for Naminé. It might not look much at the surface, but it was a tangible sentiment of everything they went through together.
The gift was a fishing hat was an embroided letter N. on its side, along with an embroidered sylleblossom next to it. Attached was a letter that read:
Sorry if I can't be here in person. Writing like this is still pretty awkward for me, too. I'll make it up to you next time. You probably know how through this gift. I still won't go easy on you in our next fishing battle.
Happy Birthday, Namine. Thank you for everything. Most of all, thank you for being my dearest friend.
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Her hands gently hold the present with such a soft smile as she looks at it, her eyes filled with nothing less than pure and utter joy upon seeing her gift from her dearest friend. The hat embroidered with the letter N and the embroidered syblleblossom as well... oh he's put so much thought and care into this. Just as she had with his gift.
When she reads the letter her eyes water from her happiness... reading it is nothing less than pure joy to her entire being. It may be awkward but yet in the same breath it's perfect to her, because he put his authentic thought into this and that in itself means a lot to her. But then again, everything they've gone through and have dealt with together means everything to her. She truly cherishes the bond they've built and flourished.
She sniffles softly with a warm smile as happy tears slip from the corners of her eyes... she's truly touched by this so much. And although he can't hear her and this is only a letter... she softly whispers out her appreciation for him. " My dearest friend... you're just the best honestly. Thank you... for everything you've helped me learn and thank you for being my dearest friend too... I don't know where I'd be without you. "
A soft chuckle leaves her mouth as she reads over it again and remembers that they have to plan a fishing battle sometime soon. She knows he's not going to go easy on her but... she's not going to just loss so easily either!
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berrydoodleoo · 2 years
the world waking up, 1/2
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When Noctis does not die fulfilling the prophecy, the gods rise up against Bahamut and the Six destroy each other. Their aether returns to the world, perhaps never to be contained again. For the days immediately following the dawn, everyone is too preoccupied with the return of the sun and the absence of demons to notice much. The first few sprouts prompt excitement and hope, of course, but it isn’t until a week has passed that everyone realizes that the plants are growing fast. Too fast.
Noctis has been recovering in Hammerhead. He made it back to Insomnia Base under his own power -- his father’s long-ago parting words ringing in his ears -- but was bedridden for weeks after. When Insomnia’s citizens begin gathering at Hammerhead to return to their home, Noctis insists on leading them himself. The trip takes longer than they’d planned, as the return of the sun also meant the return of the weather, and many of the roads have become impassable. They don’t reach the Citadel until late at night. In the uneven beams of the flashlights, the strange shadows in the heart of the city could be anything, even demons -- Gladio grabs his arm like he’s going to shove him behind him -- but Noctis raises his hand and calls to the Lucii with a simple request: light. The power of the ring sings, briefly, rising in waves like bells. And so he’s the first to see the blooming trees sprouting around the base of the Citadel, responding to the Ring with their own soft glow.
Prompto agrees to help explore Leide and the Duscae a few months later, to see how things are recovering. Without Noct and the others’ eyes on him, he finds himself dragging, the dark lethargy of the past ten years clinging to him like dirt that won’t wash off. He drives from location to location, taking photos and trying to feel something, anything, other than anxious dread. It’s as he explores a cluster of blooming trees that a friendly little bluebird flies up to him, chattering and dancing in place. It wrings a smile out of him, but only briefly. When he lapses back into grim silence, the bird divebombs him -- twitters laughingly at his yelp -- and then leads him further into the trees, only re-appearing to swoop and dive whenever he falls behind. Maybe it’s hurt? he thinks. Or has a nest trapped under a branch, or.... Wait, are bluebirds carnivores? Is he about to be someone’s lunch? A flash of light sends him jumping back and then spinning in place, guns materializing. But he doesn’t shoot. Instead, he watches in amazement as a phoenix -- extinct for over a century, disappearing as the Scourge spread -- spreads its wings and takes into flight. The bluebird lands nearby and watches him, seemingly satisfied at the amazement and hope rekindled in his eyes.
Luna left Noctis to his recovery before he even left Insomnia, called back to Tenebrae as a flood of refugees desperate to reclaim their homes threatened to overwhelm their food stores. She promised she would return soon, but finds herself pulled endlessly away. And then, as normalcy begins to reassert itself, she finds herself hiding instead, feeling unworthy to exist in the world when so many have died. When she almost led Noctis to follow a prophecy that would have killed him. But a strange dream of Gentiana awakens her one night, and she finds herself drawn to the sylleblossom fields. She gathers some fallen blooms, marveling at how fast they’ve grown but despairing, too, at what this victory cost them. Sorrow has carved itself on her bones, she thinks, and she will never be free of it. As if in response to her thoughts, a cold wind blows in from what remains of Niflheim -- now referred to mostly as Shiva’s Wrath, as the frozen wastes of the Ghorovas Rift expanded over the years. Luna turns her face to it, wondering if she’s to receive a message from her old friend. And if so, what kind of message will it be? No more prophecies, please, I am so tired of fighting.... Around her the mist begins to lighten, and the blossoms to sway and glow. She looks down at the collection resting in her arms and is nearly blinded by the light. With her eyes closed, she swears she can hear them murmuring in Gentiana’s voice: a soft song of memory and love.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XXV
In the morning, Prompto was stirred from his slumber when he heard barking. Carefully, he scooted away from the sleeping (Y/n) before getting to his feet. Leaving Decratom Haven, he mounted the snowmobile and followed the barking. He crossed the snowy terrain until entering the forest. There, he finds a magitek axeman laying on its back in the snow. Dismounting the snowmobile, he strolls over to the corpse. He sits down in front of it and closes his eyes.
Prompto seemingly falls asleep and when he awakens, night has fallen and the magitek trooper is gone. Hearing the crunching of snow behind him, he leaps to his feet and turns around. A few feet away, he sees Noctis conjuring his sword and walking toward him.
With a horrified expression, Prompto begins stepping back and raises his hand to ask Noctis to stop. However, he couldn't find his voice when he saw his hands were that of a magitek trooper. Seeing Noctis was ready to attack him, the blonde begins to run away.
Noctis warp-strikes after him and swings his blade at  Prompto. "This'll be quick," the raven-haired boy said.
The magitek trooper, aka Prompto, ran through the forest to escape Noctis. The snow proved to not be a deterrent and he was able to get away safely. Realizing he was safe, he glanced back down at his hands and sees that they appear to be his own again. His mind wandered, wondering what was going on until he heard more barking. Searching for the source of the noise, he spotted a familiar white dog—Pryna. She was trotting away and Prompto didn't hesitate to follow her.
Eventually, they emerge into an open snowfield with several magitek troopers scattered about, seemingly dead. One of them, laying on its back, appears to still be somewhat functional. It raises its hand toward Prompto, as though pleading for help. He stares into its eyes and envisions seeing himself laying in the snow reaching out with his own hand for help.
Prompto shakes off the vision and looks back at the MT, seeing it for what it is once more. He then slowly, shakily raises his gun. Briefly, he lowers his weapon and looks away. He then just as quickly finds his resolve, raises the gun once more as he sheds a tear, takes aim, and pulls the trigger. The MT was dead. As its body collapses, it reveals the child version of Prompto huddled behind it. He kneels behind him and places his hand on his child self's back with a sorrowful expression.
Prompto as a child was sitting on the steps of the Citadel looking up at falling sylleblossom petals. As he watches the petals dance through the sky before landing on the ground, he discovers Pryna sitting in front of him with a letter in her mouth. He reaches out and takes the letter from the divine canine, unfolds it, and reads it. It was a message from Lunafreya.
'All I ask is that you continue to support Noctis, and that you remain ever at his side.'
Young Prompto pulls a few photographs from among the pages of the letter.
"How does she expect someone like me to support him? Am I good enough?" The child questioned himself.
He looks through the photos to find pictures of him, the guys, and (Y/n). His eyes focused mainly on Noctis.
"Does he want me around?"
Young Prompto comes across a picture of the royal retinue and the guardian at the Wiz Chocobo Post.
"Is that really what Noct and everyone else wants? For me to be with them? Does (Y/n) really want me around?"
He reveals another photo, which was the one taken at Cape Caem before the royal retinue and the guardian departed for Altissia. Seeing the faces of all the people he cared about, realization struck the child.
"Wait—but what about me? What do I want?"
Young Prompto stands and becomes his adult self as he does so. Now grown, Prompto also speaks out loud.
"It took me a while, but I finally found my answer."
He bends down and picks his camera up off the steps, then looks up at the Citadel. Hearing someone call his name, he looked to the courtyard and saw a four-year-old (Y/n) walking towards him. As she got closer, her body aged until she was twenty-four. She stopped in front of him, flashing him the smile he loved oh-so dearly. Smiling back, he took her hand in his.
"You're just one of the many things I want, (Y/n). It's thanks to you I can finally be selfish and reach out for everything I've always wanted."
Prompto held her hand tightly.
"It's time. Let's go together, (Y/n)."
Prompto runs up the steps of the Citadel while still holding the girl's hand.
Prompto opens his eyes and sees he's still sitting on the ground. Pushing himself to his feet, he turns to see (Y/n) standing not far away. He was surprised to see her, but his determined expression remained. Closing the distance between them, he didn't say a word. He watched her expression morph from one of solace to bewilderment. He saw her mouth open, but no words came out.
The moment Prompto reaches her, he wound one arm around her waist while his other hand clasped the back of her neck. Without hesitating, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her fiercely. She was taken aback at the intense kiss, but it only took her a few seconds to kiss back.
After the heated kiss ended, Prompto pulled away slightly so he could stare into her golden eyes. "I can be selfish, right?"
(Y/n) was perturbed by the question. "Everyone deserves to be selfish from time to time. Did something happen?"
Using the hand he had behind her neck, he combed his fingers through her (h/c) locks. "I...I think I finally know what I want, but it's kinda selfish."
"What do you want, Prom?"
"I want you and the guys. You four mean so much to me and I don't wanna let that go."
She smiled sweetly at him. "Noctis, Ignis, Gladio... They all care deeply about you." She trailed one of her hands up his arm towards his face, caressing his jaw with a single finger with a smirk. "Maybe not much as me, but I can tell from how they treat you. I know you may still carry some doubts, but the only way to get rid of them is to conquer them."
Prompto nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I think I know just how to do that. C'mon, (Y/n)." The couple hop on the snowmobile and ride back to Decratom Haven. When they arrived, Aranea was just about to leave. "Aranea," he called out to the ex-mercenary. Aranea turns around, eying the blonde as he dismounted the snowmobile and approached her.
"I'm ready," Prompto said with determination. "I thought about what you and (Y/n) said, and I've decided to face my fears once and for all. I can't choose where I came from, but I can choose where I'm going. I want to conquer the truth just like (Y/n) did."
"Alright—but slow me down and you're going to get left behind," the woman smiles at him. The guardian climbed off the snowmobile, allowing Aranea to have the seat. "What're you doing, firefly?" The older woman asked.
"You and Prompto can take the snowmobile. I'm faster than it anyway," the spirit answered.
Aranea smirked. "Damn, if only loverboy was a little slower on the uptake, you would've been mine."
(Y/n) blinked in surprise. "What?"
"I-It's nothing!" Prompto chimed in with a frantic voice before climbing back onto the vehicle.
"Anyway," Aranea mounted the snowmobile, sitting behind the blonde boy. "You're that nutjob-of-a-scientist's guardian, right? Got any idea where to go from here?"
"There is an annex research facility not far from here. I can lead the way," (Y/n) said.
"Then let's get moving."
The spirit transformed, her warm paws melting the snow around them. Taking the lead, she guided them away from Decratom Haven. When they arrived, she lowered her large form behind a boulder. Aranea remained by her side while Prompto took out the soldiers near the watchtower. Once they were dead, he went up to the top of the watchtower and grabbed one of the sniper rifles on the weapons rack.
Aiming the sniper rifle, Prompto took down many of the soldiers by utilizing the explosive barrels in the vicinity. After taking out more enemies, he was discovered by one of the imperial troopers and dove behind a wooden box to avoid their bullets.
(Y/n) and Aranea heard the frantic cries of the imperial troopers as they came running towards the watchtower. They both sprung into actions and joined the fray, stopping the soldiers from reaching Prompto. The fox swatted them away while Aranea used her lance to impale them. The marksman kept shooting from his vantage point, killing the final enemy. With the area outside the security gate cleared, he ran down the stairs and regrouped with his companions.
Proceeding to the sealed gate, Prompto wandered into a small building nearby and found the controls. He opened the large gate, allowing them to enter the inner courtyard. Crossing the threshold, they were immediately attacked by soldiers and an MA Veles.
Aranea and Prompto dealt with the imperial troopers while (Y/n) took it upon herself to fend off the mech. She dodged its missiles before leaping onto its metallic body. Using her tails, she yanked both of its arms out of its sockets and tossed them aside. Sparks shot out of the joints before it fell to the ground. Hopping off its body, she latched onto one of its legs and used her strength to toss it into a group of soldiers. When it exploded, it took out the rest of the enemies in the area.
"Oh-ho, nicely done, (Y/n)!" Prompto cheered, lowering his submachine gun. The fox was overjoyed to hear some form of delight from him. It reminded her of the time they were with Noctis and the others.
"You sure I can't have her, blondie?" Aranea asked, dispelling her lance.
"No way, not in a million years. She means way too much to me."
Aranea smirked at his declaration as the guardian changed forms. (Y/n) was smiling at Prompto's words as they headed towards the blast door. The guardian used the control panel to open the door. "I'm...a little surprised I remember the code."
"Wish my memory was that good," Aranea commented. "Let's go."
Entering the facility, they walk down a long, sloping corridor. It was dimly lit, making it almost impossible to see their surroundings.
"According to my intel, they're housing the new model here," the silver-haired woman explained.
"It's some kind of magitek armor, right? What's so "new" about it?" Prompto inquired.
"This one's got a ghost in the machine: Chief Besithia himself. Managed to fuse his soul with the core. No wonder you're still alive, firefly."
Prompto suddenly came to a stop. He eyed the ex-mercenary, unsure what she meant. "Why wouldn't (Y/n) be alive?"
"She's told you about her kind, right?" Aranea remarked, coming to a halt a few feet behind the boy. "A guardian dies if their master is killed. If Chief Besithia's little experiment failed, she wouldn't be standing here right now."
The spirit covered her gemstone with a sigh. "His physical form is gone, but his soul remains inside his newest creation."
Prompto had forgotten all about that part. His heart was racing in fear. "Th-Then if we destroy the machine, we'll kill (Y/n)...?"
The spirit spoke up to try and assuage his concern. "We don't know that for sure, Prompto. I'm a mere imitation of a deceased guardian. It's possible I'm no longer bound to Verstael's soul."
"It sounds like you've already prepared yourself for the consequences, firefly," Aranea stated.
She hung her head. "I was prepared many years ago..."
"I'm not going to do this if it means risking (Y/n)'s life!" Prompto bellowed.
"Then you better hightail it out of here, blondie," the older woman remarked. "Guess you really can't send a man to do a woman's job."
Before Prompto could argue, the guardian intervened. "This isn't a time to argue. I know the consequences and am willing to go through with this. Whether we're the ones who destroy the machine or someone else, we'll find out the truth one way or another."
"But (Y/n)—!" Prompto tried to protest.
"If you can't go through with this, I don't blame you. But Verstael must be stopped. I'm sorry, Prom..." She walked past him and headed towards the elevator located at the end of the corridor.
The boy stared at her until Aranea clapped him on the back. He turned his gaze away from his beloved and towards the older woman as she spoke. "Listen, this won't be easy for either of you, but she's right. Whether it be now or later, that machine will be destroyed. It'll be only a matter of time before the truth is revealed. So you with us or gonna run away with your tail between your legs?"
"I...I don't want to lose her," he whimpered.
"Sometimes you don't get a say. Just stay by her side for as long as you can."
Reluctantly, Prompto nodded. He followed Aranea down to the lift. (Y/n) summoned the elevator and they stepped aboard it once it reached the top. As they rode it down, the ex-mercenary said, "The daemons this guy created destroyed Insomnia. If we don't take him out now, he's liable to destroy the whole world."
"He truly has become a monster," (Y/n) muttered.
"Don't tell me he once had a sweet side."
"You might not believe it, but he did."
"You're right, I don't believe it," Aranea commented.
"Not surprised," the guardian chuckled.
Prompto fiddled with his fingers. He pushed their earlier conversation to the back of his mind and asked the one question that was nagging him. "Did you...love him?"
She had a feeling this exact question would arise sooner or later. "I didn't love him like I love you. It was more of a brother-sister bond, but Verstael believed we were much more than that. That's why he was so determined to recreate me."
"But aren't he and I...the same person?"
"You may share the same face, same DNA, but you're both opposite sides of the same coin. Verstael and I had a rocky relationship at the beginning. He was convinced he didn't need me, but he soon realized he was wrong. He never showed me as much kindness as you did, Prompto. You both are so different it boggles my mind..."
Prompto placed a hand over his mouth with a gasp as he remembered Verstael's appearance. "Oh, Six... I'm gonna look horrible when I get old.."
(Y/n) bursted at the seams with laughter. "That's what you're worried about?"
"Can't a guy worry about not aging like fine wine?"
"Just try not to linger on it."
The trio step off the elevator once the door slides open. They wander into a circular room illuminated with red lights. Passing through it, they move to the hallway located on the other side of the room. Walking down it, they hear an eerie sound somewhat like a mechanical howl.
Prompto swallowed in fear. "What was that sound?"
"Our cue to go," Aranea replied.
At the end of the short hallway were metal doors. They slid open when they stepped towards them. Entering a large room, they were immediately spotted by a defense node. The loudspeaker came to life with a familiar computerized voice. "Targets detected. Eliminate immediately. Commence elimination of compromised units."
On the metal catwalk above, imperial troopers used their rifles to shoot at the trio. Prompto was able to get a few shots in, but the soldiers were using railing's metal plates as cover. They located a flight of steps to the second level, killing any troopers blocking their path.
Prompto picked up weapon after weapon to deal with the enemies. Aranea used her lance to pierce soldier after solider while (Y/n) wielded the Creator's Blade to slice them in half. When they thought they'd kill the last soldier, MTs poured into the large room.
Prompto threw a grenade at the group of MTs who were on the first level from the catwalk. He watched in satisfaction as they exploded into pieces, but frowned when seeing two of them escaped the proximity of the bomb. (Y/n) ran past him and vaulted over the railing. She landed in a squat before charging forward with her sword by her side. She cut down the two remaining MTs on the first level. Aranea and Prompto continued to fight against the enemies on the second level.
Killing the last MT triggered the third wave of enemies. They poured into the large room just like the second wave. Prompto and Aranea joined (Y/n) on the first floor after dealing with the enemies on the second one. As they sliced through another group of MTs and soldiers, an MA Hoplomachus rounds the corner from the rear of the room. It was the last enemy they needed to face.
"You going to turn this one into a chew toy too, firefly?" Aranea asked.
"I'd rather not. Metal doesn't taste very good," (Y/n) answered.
"I've got us covered!" Prompto shouted as he grabbed a nearby bazooka. He aimed it at the mech and fired every missile loaded inside it. Each missile hit its mark, but it wasn't enough to destroy the MA Hoplomachus. Aranea and (Y/n) performed a synchronized attack, stunning the boy and tearing down the mech. The women jumped back just in time to avoid the explosion.
"Wha–when did you two get to practice that?" Prompto asked in amazement.
"Never did. Firefly and I are just in perfect sync," Aranea said. "You better keep her close or I'll take her from right under your nose, shortcake."
"Hey," (Y/n) chimed in before pointing to the back area of the large room. "There's a set of doors we can try."
Passing through the metal doors, they entered a hallway. Down a smaller hallway to their left, they found a pair of Ebony vending machines. The spirit sauntered over to them and peered through the glass. "Isn't this the stuff Ignis loves?"
"Oh, definitely," Prompto said.
"Let's take a quick breather," Aranea advised. She leaned against one of the vending machines, crossing her arms.
(Y/n) sat on the floor beside the machine with a huff, her back leaning against the wall. She reclined her head against the wall, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Prompto sat beside her, one leg propped up while the other was stretched out in front of him. He took her hand, trailing his thumb over her knuckles. Her head rolled against the wall until it fell and landed on his shoulder. "You okay, Prom?"
"Still worried, is all," he mumbled.
"About what?"
"I can't promise anything, but I do pray I'm still here once we deal with Verstael."
Prompto leaned his head against hers. "That's what I'm worried about the most."
"I really wish I could comfort you, Prom," she sighed melancholically. "But I don't want to feed you lies."
He ceased caressing her knuckles and laced his fingers with hers. "I'll just have to make every moment count then. And if everything's okay in the end, I'm gonna hug you and never let go."
She giggled. "You won't hear me complaining."
The couple fell silent and rested their weary bodies, unaware of the tough battles that waited ahead.
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shadowlink06 · 3 years
Ravus HC/Meta/Thoughts
Ravus drabble/headcanon/musings. Posting this since he is bugging me and won't leave me alone. @mooglecharm are you sure you want me to do a fic about this? Man the angst on this alone.  
Men being born into the Fleuret House is a rare occurrence and is thought to be an omen. This is part of the reason why the only interaction he had growing up was with adults rather than children his own age.
Ravus's father created creature charms to help ease nightmares in people. One of them was the Carbuncle that Noctis received after he had fallen into a comma.  
Sylvia dolted on a young Ravus as he grew up and had a strong relationship with his mother. He sees a lot of Sylvia's kindness in Luna.
Ravus is versed in floriography and herbalism. He mostly picked up the knowledge from his sister as they grew up together.
Umbra often accompanies Ravus when he isn't passing the notebook between Luna and Noctis. He has never opened the book out of respect for his sister's privacy
Ravus is versed in lightning magic and seems drawn to that element.
After Tenebrae had been occupied under Nilfheim rule it was the first time that he was separated from Luna. Largely it was a form of control to prevent the two from scheming and undermining the Niflheim rule.
In the isolation Ravus learns that Luna was assaulted by Caligo and swears revenge on him.
Ardyn realizes that Ravus is plotting and confronts him with the opportunity to have more sway by becoming an officer in Nilfheim's army and surpassing Caligo.
Despite his hatred that he feels, Ravus agrees and offers his services to the Niflheim as they are expanding their influence.
As he sits in meetings he starts to resent the Lucian Kingdom and his triggered by Regis's behavior of abandoning territories and leaves the cities no longer protected by the Lucian Wall to their fate.
When Luna is formally accepted as the next Oracle, he is told of the prophecy of the True King and initially rejects the idea that Noctis could be worthy of that title. He asks Luna to abandon the thought of helping Noctis which Luna refuses to do prompting him to become more involved with brokering peace between the Niflheim and Lucian people.
Ardyn humors Ravus by agreeing to create a declaration of peace so that Luna can be saved and left alone from Caligo and others that have been pressing her to marry them for political purposes. In return Ardyn expects to know where Noctis is via military intelligence.
When the nature of the treaty is revealed to Aldercapt’s inner circle, Ravus initially disagrees but Ardyn convinces him this is the only way to safeguard his sister. Ardyn suggests that he use the ring to protect Luna.
When Ravus does acquire the ring he puts it on only to come face to face with the Kings of Yore that reject him due to the anger and resentment he has towards Regis and Noctis. He is spared his life given he is a Fleuret but is warned to never seek the power of the Kings again as he is not worthy.
When he recovers, Ardyn tells him that Luna has escaped Insomnia with the ring and he needs to find her before the Niflheim army does.
When Ardyn infects him with the starscourge, it takes a longer time for the corruption to take over his body. He retains his sense of self due to the power of his bloodline.  
Ravus has bred a special strain of sylleblossoms that are purple and white. They are only visible in an inner garden of the Fenestala Manor.
Knowing he is a male heir to the Fleuret line, he is popular with Tenebraen people and receives gifts and letters from many of his loyal followers even after being accepted in the Niflheim Army.
Umbra only comes in his human form to keep Ravus company when he is alone. He is his closest companion and arguably best friend as he was growing up.
Ravus is very sensitive to the starscourge and while he isn't as good at healing as Luna, he can at least create charms or perform rites to heal small areas of the plague.  
Ravus knows something is wrong with Ardyn and he can easily sense him even when under a different persona. He learns the nature of Ardyn from a vision of Aera.
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wrathbites · 3 years
Sylleblossom Sweethearts
Pairing: Prompto/Noctis (eventually) Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum (& Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Gentiana, Aranea Highwind, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Nyx Ulric) Rating: T Chapters: 3/3 (one | two) Two guys, a patisserie, and one well-meaning, meddling friend. Sounds like the recipe for a meet-cute romcom (more like mutual pining).  Written for the @ffxvreversebang2021​ :) in collaboration with @errantknightess
Autumn rolls in with her usual colourful flair and moody ways and they're still an unrequited mess of their own making and Luna is at her wit's end.
"I'm gonna be old and grey by the time these two idiots sort their shit out, Gentiana."
The soft hiss of a paintbrush pauses mid-stroke and Gentiana laughs.  "The heart works in mysterious ways, Lunafreya.  You know this."
"It works too damn slow."
"You're not contemplating playing matchmaker again are you?"
"... Maaaaaybe?"
"Lunafreya.  You know how your last attempt turned out."
"How was I supposed to know Aranea was hanging around for you and not Ravus?!"
"You caught her walking out of my room.  At 3 in the morning."
"What, you can't have sleepovers after you hit 25?"
The hand Gentiana slaps to her face with a groan just happens to be the one holding her paintbrush.
Oh dear.
A few cautious feelers turn up evidence she isn't the only one aware of their mutual crush.  Almost everyone sees it except for Noctis and Prompto.  Even Weskham sees it, and he's blind to everything except his pride and joy.
Determined to play cupid in a world seemingly damn determined to keep them at arm's length from one another, Luna calls in some help.  Literally calls, pestering Ignis until he caves with a weary sigh, texting Gladio, sweet-talking Aranea, and even roping Nyx into it.  Between the five of them and some planning, something will smash them together and shout "now kiss!" at them in bright neon lights, right?  Right.
They're too cautious the first time around, a familiar setting and familiar terms.  Coinciding one of Prompto's workouts with one of Noctis' visits to the pool, Aranea and Gladio lurking on the sidelines and nudging them towards one another. Except Prompto's too focused on the weight he's pressing, eyes shut tight against the burn in his arms and shoulders, hair knocked askew of its usual style from how frequently he's finger-combed sweaty clumps back from his face.  Except Noctis barely shoulders a door open before letting it swing shut again, face screwed up in distaste as he rounds on Gladio with a snort.
"I am not playing referee to your competition with Aranea again.  She's got you beat fair and square, man, you gotta suck it up."
"What do you mean she's got me beat?"
Except Gladio's all too quick to chase after Noctis as he beelines for the pool again, ever determined to avoid strength training.
The second attempt isn't even really a plan, but a pointed suggestion dropped atop Noctis' head in the middle of a movie, courtesy of Ignis and a new café opening on the other side of the city.
"You're always cooped up in Weskham's.  Why not sit on the other side of the counter for once, maybe take Prompto with you?"
"What, like a date?"
"Would you want it to be?"
Noctis doesn't answer, but the cinema isn't so dimly lit as to hide the flush creeping up his neck.
Except... Prompto doesn't make it to the not-quite-a-date.  Goddamn food poisoning.  Luna's halfway to screaming to the heavens when she reads the group-wide text he sends out in apology to all the dog owners he's had to cancel on at such short notice.
The third attempt falls flat.  Literally.  Nyx stands over the pair of giggling idiots, hands on his hips, watching them try to figure out how to untangle their limbs without headbutting each other, and wonders why on earth he thought listening to Luna was a good idea in the first place.  She'd thought Aranea had eyes for Ravus for fuck's sake.
"So how did it go?"
"It went absolutely nowhere.  Lightweights, the pair of them.  Called them a cab at the end of the night and sent them on their way."
"You think they'll go down the drunken confessions route?  Please.  Thirty bucks says they fell on the floor again and called it a night there."
He's grinning like the proverbial cat that got the cream when she skulks into his bar Sunday night and slaps the money into his waiting palm.
"So this coffeeshop gentleman you keep speaking of -"
"- Pardon?"
"He works in a patisserie.  His boss is pretty, uh, particular about that."
"I... see."
He doesn't quite get Gentiana's expression then.  One part secretive, the way her mouth curves into the barest hint of a smile, there and gone again in the space of a blink, the other part amused, gleaming in eyes that crinkle at the corners.  He opens his mouth to ask her about it but Pryna chooses that very moment to get her leash wrapped around a lamppost and he's sidetracked in his efforts to untangle her.  Not that she makes it easy, darting around behind him and trapping him when the leash catches him behind the knees, but Gentiana wades in to assist, snickering at his predicament.  She hooks Pryna by the collar and unclips the offending accessory, holding the terror in dog form steady until he's got the leash straightened out again and back in its proper place.  Then she surprises Prompto by hooking her arm through his free one, matching her pace to his when they resume their walk, eyes on the hunt for any inspiration for her muse.
"This gentleman you speak of from the patisserie.  Tell me about him."
"There's - not much to say that you don't already know."
"Humour me.  What about him catches you?"
Teeth on his lip when he's focusing on not fucking up a customer's order.  The soft smile of encouragement when he's crouched in front of one of Prompto's charges, hands cupped for him to pour water into.  The laughing shake of his shoulders when more water ends up on the ground than in a waiting mouth.  A small expression of kindness in the bowl set by the front door, always filled, a big bold sign above it declaring "PAWS AND REFRESH".  Fingers dancing over his phone screen, thoroughly kicking Prompo's ass at the games they play during his break.  Ingrained work habits, muffling a yawn in the crook of his elbow rather than with the hand free of Umbra's leash.  The rise and fall of his laughter and the resulting hiccups.  The hoodie still stashed away in his wardrobe, too late now to return it without making everything awkward, no request voiced for its return.  His gait shifting when his knee bothers him, face a little paler in the mornings when he's had a rough night with it.  Prompto's photos of Insomnia randomly appearing on the patisserie's walls.
"... Everything."
"Then can I offer a suggestion?"
"Take him on a date."
"I'm serious!"
"But where?  He already works in a patisserie, and I had to cancel on him the one time we were gonna check out that new cafe, and if I see another bright green cocktail I'll lose my entire stomach, and -"
"Prompto.  There is such a thing as a cinema?"
... Oh.  Right.  Whoops.  He's silent for too long, drawing her gaze, and whatever's plastered on his face has her rolling her eyes at him.
"Hopeless, honestly.  Take him to see a romantic comedy, you can never go wrong with one of those."
"But what if he says no?"
"Oh, I don't think he will."  And there's the amusement again.  What the hell?
He parts ways from Gentiana at the mall, wishes her well in her quest to replenish her watercolours, and continues on through Insomnia's central park.  He wouldn't normally take a dog straight through from one side of the city to another, but he can't afford not to.  If he sits on Gentiana's suggestion for too long he'll chicken out, and it sounds like a good one.  No time to twist himself into knots worrying about it if he just does it.
Pryna seems happy enough to trot alongside him for the most part, as if sensing there's a purpose to his stride now, although he has to pull her back from trying to climb a tree after an irate squirrel shaking its tail and chattering away at them from up high.  "You're a menace," he tells her, with some measure of affection, and she shakes out her front half as if to say I know.
Dogs.  Man's best friend, indeed, and nowhere near as dumb as some idiots would assume.
Also man's worst fucking nightmare, Prompto thinks some twenty minutes later, squawking in horror as Pryna dives through the door and takes off at a skidding run straight for the selection of neatly wrapped boxes stacked on the counter.  The fridge slams shut as Noctis spins around, just in time to catch Pryna popping up on her hind legs and scrabbling her front paws all over the place, and Prompto's already tripping over words in his haste to apologise, and Noctis is laughing.
"Pryna!  Are you trying to steal the goodie bags again?"
And then they both pause, Prompto with a forgotten bouquet of flowers in hand and Noctis with both his own outstretched to ruffle the fur around Pryna's collar.
"You're walking Pryna?"
"You know her?"
They stare at one another for a long, long moment, then say together: "Luna."
The flowers, sylleblossoms, aren't for Noctis, but the patisserie itself.  Why have them in the name, but not on the premises?
The note stashed away in Prompto's pocket, however, that's for Noctis, slid across the counter once he wrangles Pryna down on all fours again, weighted down by some change.  He says hello, and he says goodbye, quick to leave since it's still a work in progress with Weskham if dogs should be allowed in for a snack or not, nervously shifting from foot to foot as he waits.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Wanna see a movie,
And get dinner for two?
Photos are his strong suit, not words, definitely not poetry, but... that doesn't matter when Noctis comes out after him, folded paper in hand, mouth arranged in a lopsided smile.
"Hell yeah."
Luna's phone pings.  She clicks on the text and frowns at the lack of a message, at the image the damn thing refuses to load.
Ignis chucks his phone to the sofa when the smoke alarm starts wailing, delight forgotten in favour of rescuing his toast.
Gladio just about kills himself with the barbell when Aranea shoves her phone in his face, grinning like a madwoman.
And Gentiana just smiles, muffling laughter in her hand when Luna shouts from the living room.
"Fucking finally!"
Foreheads touching, sipping from separate straws, Noctis and Prompto only have eyes for each other.  Fingers touch where they both hold the glass in place.  Noctis' free hand is raised, middle finger stuck up in defiance, and Nyx barely manages to hold his shit together long enough to snap the photo and send it off in a group text.
There are no sylleblossoms in his bar, but there's definitely a pair of sweethearts.
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sacrificedshe-moved · 3 years
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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄  𝐀𝐒  𝐀  𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐘.   ──────       think  carefully  about  your  character  and  their  development  through  their  journey  (  canon  or  oc  )  within  their  story.  fill  out  the  chart  and  tag  whoever  you  want  ! repost,  do  not  reblog.
𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐘  𝐎𝐅  ― the moon and the sea. life and death / birth and rebirth. the mother goddess. when i think of lunafreya’s story i cannot help but compare her to the motif of the resurrection deity, who is often times the mother goddess in religions / lore / mythos. the mother goddess can be known for making the ultimate sacrifice for the better of man kind, for being both terrifying and loving all at once. and i think that fits lunafreya perfectly. mother goddesses not only provide life but often provide it by the sacrifice of their own (or by that of another). they are known for being wise, nurturing and powerful. 
𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇  ― the moon. the stars. cool winds. health and medicine.
𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃  𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒 ―    sylleblossom, flower of zeal.   chamomile , patience in adversity.   edelweiss , courage and devotion.   hydrangea , gratitude for being understood.   hyssop , sacrifice and cleanliness.   iris , faith, trust, wisdom, hope, and valor.   white lily , heavenly.   rosemary , remembrance. 
𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒  /  𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐒  ―   amazonite ,  a soothing stone, calming the brain and nervous system. It is thought to aid in bringing good health and helps in balancing energies.   amber , clearing and healing.   bloodstone , the martyr’s stone. signifies sacrifice, strength, justice, and fearlessness.   diamond , the unbreakable durability of a bond.   jade , for clarity, wisdom, and intuition.   moonstone , stimulates intuitions and inspirations.   sapphire , loyalty, peace and wisdom.   spinel , the stone of hope and revitalization. 
𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃  𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐒  ―  butterflies , the art of transformation, the ability to know or to change the mind.   deer , the power of gentleness.   horse , enlightenment, strength, and possesses healing powers. 
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 ―   white ,  purity, innocence, wholeness, and completion.   silver , strength, clarity, focus, and feminine-energy.   turquoise , communication and clarity of mind.   blue , trust and peace. loyalty, integrity, and frigidness. 
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃  ―   figs ,  symbolizes peace & abundance, and its seeds represent fertility which is linked to femininity.   apples ,  associated with peace, wisdom, good health, love, youth and harmony in one’s home.   pomegranates , a symbol of life and death.   wine , indulgence, blood, sacrifice. 
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒  ―  jasmine , gardenia , mint , appleblossoms , the sea, and rosemary.  
𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  ―  found treasures, pages of your favorite book, your favorite poem, personal items. wine, any of her associated stones and plants. 
𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒  𝐓𝐎  𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐑  ―  taking time to admire the night sky. whispering wishes to the stars. wearing a dash of salt water, rosemanry, or jasmine. keeping sylleblossoms in your home. 
tagged by: @isgudinne ty !!!! this was fun to do ! even tho tumblr ate it the first time : ) lol 
tagging: @herhaunt , @fucine​ (orion or noct !) , @topmechaniic​, @cultivatxr​, @copiesofher​ (antoinetta?)
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Reunions: Older!Noctis Caelum x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Reunion sex, Noctis lives, vaginal fingering, soft sex
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You stumbled into the room, nearly tripping over your wobbling heels and the long petticoat and skirt. Whipping your head around, you swallowed thickly as you watched Noctis shut the door behind him, turning the heavy lock until it clicked in place before turning to meet your gaze. His ocean blue eyes were dark, glazed over with lust, pupils blown so wide that they nearly swallowed those beautiful irises of his.
You couldn’t help but feel excited. The butterflies in your stomach were fluttering, you swore you could hear them. Your heart was beating against your chest, your brain was running in a maze of fog.
The music was still raging on behind that door that Noctis blocked with his body, you both could hear the orchestra clashing and playing beautifully for the dancing crowd from where Noctis had pulled you out of. In a crowd as thick as that one, everyone dancing and laughing and drinking in celebration that the king is back, he could still pick you out of the group with such ease.
Even after all of these years, the passion you both had for each other had yet to settle, only growing like a sylleblossom bush.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” Noctis broke the tense silence in the room first. His eyes were trained on you, practically undressing you. He hadn’t seen you since Lestallum over ten years ago; In his eyes, you really didn’t change at all - you were still as beautiful as ever. “Gladio, Ignis, Prompto?”
“I almost didn’t come, if I’m being honest.” Saying those words hurt your heart, dulling the butterfly tingling sensations in your gut just a bit. You saw the look of carnal hunger soften quickly in Noctis’ eyes, dark eyebrows pinching together. “I thought you wouldn’t have remembered-”
“I did,” he cut you off. “I still do. I remember everything.” Noctis took a few steps forward towards you, with every step he took it made your heart beat loud in your ears like a tightened drum. Even as he stood before you, you still felt like a giddy school girl. “Of course, I remember you. It’s impossible to forget someone like you, I could never forget.”
You felt tears stinging at the back of your eyes like glass shards. Your throat tightened up and your chest had started to ache. Just the look of worry overtaking Noctis’ face was enough to make your heart start to break.
Even though you both hadn’t seen each other in ten years, he was still as handsome as ever. He still had those dazzling eyes that rivaled royal jewelry, he still had those boyish good looks that aged like fine wine, and he still had those tender moments that made you fall in love with him all those years ago. Even while standing before you, you knew exactly what you both wanted to do.
Noctis had reached a hand out, carefully taking your hand in his. He glanced down as he carded his fingers with yours, locking your hands together. He missed this. He missed you; So much that it fucking hurt. It was almost like it wasn’t real at first. Even with your skin pressed against his, it almost felt too real to even be real. Even as you’re standing before him, your warm flesh touching his, your perfume in his nose, your voice in his ears, he almost believed it all to be lies.
Noctis reached his other hand up, brushing his knuckles against your face, moving the stray hairs out of your face allowing him to see how well you’ve aged. His hand rested on your jaw, his thumb on your chin as he tilted your head up to really look him in the eye. He felt his chest starting to tighten with emotions digging up the past ten years he’d spent all alone.
“You’re just as beautiful as I remember,” he murmured.
The emotional dams had broken on both sides as tears started to fall. Your hands had grabbed onto Noctis’ coat, dragging him in as close as your bodies would allow as he connected your lips in a desperate kiss. His hand that was now empty grabbed onto your back, fingers tangling with your hair and pressed your head as close to his as he could. You both moaned into the kiss, the taste of salt slipping in from where your tears had met your lips. You grabbed at more of his coat, nearly tearing apart the expensive material from just how tightly you’d been holding it when you both had started to move before you even realized what was actually going on.
Your feet moved backwards, the two of you stumbling around the room until your ass had struck a lounge chair. You both tumbled down, your back landing against the stiff padding while Noctis braced himself on top of you, the kiss breaking for just a moment as you both looked at each other stunned.
“Noctis,” you whimpered. Your body felt like it was on fire, like you were a diseased woman and the only cure was the king now propped up above you. “I missed you, I need you.”
His hands snatched at the damned petticoats you had under that dress of yours - Astrals, you looked so radiant in this dress, Noctis almost didn’t want to remove it - and bunched them up at your waist. You eagerly grabbed onto them, helping him lift up your skirt at the same time, pooling everything just under your breasts. You shivered as Noctis’ hands gently caress your thighs, the once familiar feeling of his cool hands on your warm skin brought back such great memories. He hesitated, fingers curling up instead of re-exploring lands he’s ventured across before, and looked up at you with those beautiful eyes of his.
“Can I?” he asked in such a small voice, you barely heard it over the music still going on in the ballroom outside.
Your mouth had gone dry so you nodded quickly, swallowing thickly as your body hummed in excitement.
“Please,” you managed to croak out.
His slender fingers wrapped around the hemline of your panties which were starting to get wet before he slowly dragged them down your parted legs and eventually off of your person. Noctis hummed softly, his fingers were cool to the touch when they slowly stroked at your pussy. His fingertips slipped between your folds as if they were rose petals, soft and delicate and seemingly dripping with honey he so desperately wanted to taste. You sighed contently, sparks connecting in your nerves like long awaited surges of power, your eyes fluttered shut as you struggled to take in full breaths. You swore you would cum just from Noctis carefully fingering you alone. He slipped in another finger, both digits teasing at your slick entrance before delving in like they did once upon a time. He remembered how you felt, how you tasted, he swore he could already taste it without his tongue even touching you. He curled his fingers inside of you, drawing out a high-pitched whine from your throat as your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head.
Noctis withdrew his fingers after another moment, mesmerized by the slick that coated his two fingers before licking your sweet nectar right off of them. Your eyes connected once more, you could see the carnal intentions bubbling to the surface once again in those galactic blues.
“You taste just as sweet as I remember, too.”
You couldn’t help the heat that rose to your face, turning your head away as your face felt flushed from how sweet and how soft Noctis was being with you right now. You knew what he wanted to do to you, hell, you wanted him to do it too! But he’s taking his time, he wants to take his time.
His hands had started on his belt, fingers unlatching the silver clasp and unweaving the expensive black leather from the loops of his dress pants before dropping it to the floor with your wet panties. His fingers quickly fumbled with the front of his pants, undoing the buttons and peeling down the zipper to show off the erection that Noctis had been hiding under his clothing shockingly well. Your eyes widened at the sight of the bulge, your cunt cried for it.
Noctis slipped himself out of his underwear, fingers wrapping around his shaft and head and pumping his cock once, twice, three times before he guided it across your dripping pussy. You whimpered as you felt it tap at your passage, wincing at the painful stretch and quickly sighing at the overwhelming pleasure that filled your core without a second thought.
Noctis groaned loudly above you, his hands flying to your hips to steady himself, his hair falling in front of his face.
It was a good thing that the orchestra outside was still raging on and the crowd had still yet to notice that he had long since slipped out.
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rexelectus · 3 years
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● – || A Wish Once Held
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● – || And ask the moon , oh how soon -- how soon , will my love come home to me ?
In the window of his room the prince sat quietly , with a red , leather - bound book resting in his lap . He had only received it just a short while ago , and already he felt like he had held onto it for too long . Though he knew that he and Luna shared it , he also knew that it meant as much to him as it did her . 
The pen in his left hand slowly [ [ t a p p e d ] ] against the blank page in time to his heartbeat as he thought about what he wanted to write . She had sent him something sweet and warm -- a prayer for his wellbeing and a wish that their paths may cross soon . A sylleblossom . . . The flower that had become a symbol of their friendship and every relationship they shared from their childhood onward . 
His crystal - blue eyes lingered on the moon . While he admired the beauty of the glowing orb in the indigo sky , he dearly wished that it would be Luna just beyond the glass . 
Hearing Umbra soft hum in the corner broke Noctis ’ concentration . 
“ Right . . . You have to get home . ”
Noctis said quietly as he looked down at the blank page that he had only dated and nothing else . 
“ I just . . . don ’ t know what to write . . .  ”
He looked at the blank page for a little while longer before he finally decided to write . It was not long or short , but just the right length -- so Noctis thought . 
Luna --
I hope this finds you well . Thank you , for your nice words . I promise I ’ ll keep them in mind as the days go on . I hope you ’ re doing okay , and that things haven ’ t been too rough for you lately . It won ’ t last much longer , I promise . 
It seems like the older we ’ ve gotten the less we’ve seen each other . It ’ s like they want to keep us as apart as possible until we get married . . . Maybe I’m thinking too much into it , but that’s what it feels like . 
I miss you , Luna . I hope we get to see each other soon . Even if it ’ s just once . . 
Stay safe . 
Yours , 
Noctis . 
“ Take this back to Luna and . . . Let her know she ’ ll be safe soon . ” He whispered as he secured the book safely to the messenger . 
In a blink of an eye , Umbra was gone and with him the words Noctis had written . He could only hope that she found them well . Their time together in Altissia was quickly approaching . Soon , they won ’ t need to write letters to each other in secret . Soon , they could whisper them to each other as they share a bed in morning ’ s glow . 
Will my love come home to me . . . ? 
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theoracleparadox · 3 years
WIP Wed-Sun-Mon-Whatever-Day-It-Is: Etro Gives Luna Her Blessing
Working through my fic, I wanted to write this drabble out so I knew what really went on between these two. It actually gives a nice background to the ask that was sent to me a couple of days ago for the “... has died” prompt. I do plan on answering that soon, but family stuff came up and there’s a ton of schoolwork and I just haven’t had energy to write. I really didn’t have time to sit down and write this out today, but I did it (it could really use some feedback).
Etro may have gone too far. 
“Farewell, dear Noctis.”
He clawed at the air in an attempt to get close again, but life continued to pull him back. Luna could only offer a smile and a sylleblossom as she faded back into the dark shroud. Then there was nothing.
Her task as the Oracle was complete. She had awaken the Astrals and forged Covenants with them. Noctis had been close behind to fulfill his part; there were only two gods left for him to encounter. The Covenants sapped away Luna's life, but they would help Noctis become a great king, and bring back light to the world.
She didn't mourn now; she had already done so with Gentiana while visiting her home briefly before going to Altissia. Fenestala Manor had served as Luna's prison for thirteen years, but she could never hate her home. She had wanted to see it one last time, to gather what strength she could before Summoning Leviathan. Ravus had wanted to lock her away again, to keep her safe.
They had mourned together briefly shortly before the end, when he finally understood that Luna had to go through with the Covenants, and that Noctis was a worthy king. She had mourned that she wouldn't be able to stand beside him as she had hoped since she was young. But she would watch over him.
In the darkness, Luna could finally rest, the weight of the Covenants lifted from her. With her death, she had paid for her part and was released. There was nothing else she could do now but rest.
As she succumbed to her death, letting whatever would happen happen, there was a glimmer in the darkness. A white light appeared ahead of her. It grew in intensity and size, blinding Luna. When it finally dimmed slightly, a giant woman stood before her, shining bright.
“Lunafreya,” She greeted with a kind smile. Her eyes were gentle.
The princess became more aware of herself in this dark place. The woman before her made her apprehensive: Luna had spent her entire life learning about the Astrals and their messengers. This towering woman held the divine power of an Astral, but Luna did not recognize her. She was more than a messenger, yet there were only six Astrals.
“Don't be alarmed,” The woman said. “I mean no harm. I only wish to speak with you, and offer you another chance at life.”
Luna shook her head wearily. This must be some sort of test she had never heard about. A test from the Astrals to tempt her with life that she had been held back from, in order to test her dedication and sacrifice. “My work is done. The fate of the world rests with the Chosen King now.”
“A king is only as good as those he surrounds himself with,” The woman stated, then observed her for a moment. “Even you do not know who I am.”
“I do not.” Luna shook her head again. Gods were usually upset when not properly recognized, but not this one. She had a kindness that reminded Luna of Gentiana, but without the coldness she had grown so accustom to.
“Do you know the full details of the prophecy?”
It was another thing Luna had known her whole life, even when she was young. She had been the only one to know she would die young, and had kept that secret so it wouldn't hurt others.
“After facing the revelations and forging the Covenants, the Chosen King will restore light to the world, and rid it of darkness,” Luna had learned it by rote.
“At the cost of his life, just as it had been for you,” The woman adds.
The Oracle glanced down. She had known that as well, and the thought of her bright childhood friend dying as well had been harder to accept than her own death. “It is for the good of the world.”
“What good can you possibly do for the world when you're both dead?”
Luna looked up at her again. Wouldn't it have more sense to have Ramuh, the Judge, oversee such a test? “Who are you?”
The question pleased the shining woman. “There is much Bahamut has kept from you. The world has forgotten much of what it was before the War of the Astrals, before the Draconian gave the Lucis Caelums their Crystal and Ring, and the Oracles his Trident.”
Despite her apprehension, Luna was curious of what she had to say. This was a strange test of faith. “Were you an Astral?”
The Six would consider such a thought as heresy. It should never occur to an Oracle, who was the conduit between gods and men. The woman grinned.
“I still am. I am Etro, goddess of death, chaos, and dreams,” She explained. “I was the patron deity of the Lucis Caelums before Bahamut. While Ifrit ruled over Solheim, I lived among the people in Tenebrae. I loved humanity in a time when the Six did not, and for that, I was banished to the Kingdom of the Dead. Bahamut took my place with the Lucis Caelums and created his prophecy. The Six had me erased from the world, as if I never existed.”
Luna had never heard of such a story before. It could all be a lie. Etro made some strong arguments, though: not much was known of history before Solheim and the Astral War, much less the history of the Astrals then. It was one thing that an Astral had ruled over a people—it was even expected for the time—but it was bewildering to think an Astral would choose to live among mortals, instead of ruling over them. Hardly anything was known of the ancient rulers of Tenebrae before the first Oracles.
“It was over 2000 years before I was able to escape. Bahamut has changed the world so much. The only magic left is his, and he controls it with an iron fist.” Etro frowned at the thought. “The prophecy does not have to happen as he has dictated.”
This was the final part of the test. Luna shook her head again. “It is the only way. Mortals must pay for the darkness in the world. I am glad to have given my life to fight back the darkness.”
It had to be the right answer. Etro was not pleased, however. “You may not know me, but I know you, Lunafreya. It is not in you to succumb to fate.”
“It was for the good of the world,” The Oracle repeated. “I have fulfilled my duty.”
“You cannot fight back the darkness from the Kingdom of the Dead,” The goddess pointed out. “Your death has taken light from the world. Without you, the darkness encroaches even faster. The dark days will be long, and much of the world will die. They are coming regardless of the Covenants, and regardless of what Noctis does.”
Admittedly, Luna did not know much of what was to come to the world. She had assumed it meant the Starscourge would become even more prevalent. The scriptures had been vague about what was to come, and she had never received divine revelation of it. All she had been concerned with was her duty—her duty was what was supposed to keep such devastating dark days from occurring.
“What would you have me do?” Luna asked. “I cannot possibly return to life. The Covenants have taken all I have.”
“You were released from the Covenants upon your death,” Etro explained. She smiled. “But in forging a Covenant with me, you may be restored to life. The magic of the Oracle will be restored to you by me. The Covenant will not weigh on your life, because you have already paid with it.”
It went against what Luna had been taught about Covenants. In fact, Etro's Covenant seemed to work backwards compared to the Six. Now it wasn't so clear whether this was a test, or truly a hidden goddess trying to save the world. The Draconian had always seemed so harsh: the prophecy had to happen just so, and already so many lives were lost. Etro's compassion was already evident. She wanted to save the world because of her love for mortals; Bahamut never had such love, and required so much loss.
Luna was being offered a future, one in which she could stand beside Noctis and help him. Perhaps she might even see Ravus happy at last.
What could the Astrals possibly be testing her on now? Hadn't she paid with her life, proven her dedication to the world? And for that, they had her sacrifice herself, taking herself out of the world she needed to help. What mattered most was saving the world, not proving her faith to the gods.
Etro wasn't testing Luna, though. She truly was offering another chance at life. Luna had set out to forge Covenants with all of the Astrals in order to fight the darkness. She would never be able to do so with Ifrit. There was too much at stake not to forge a Covenant with this new, hidden goddess. Etro's domains suggested that she would want the world to fall to darkness, but her love of the world proved otherwise.
“I accept,” Luna finally agreed to the Covenant. Usually, it was the god that had to be convinced to agree to it. Already Etro's Covenant was working backwards compared to all the others Luna had made.
The goddess gave a gentle smile again. “Then I will return you back to life with my Blessing. The magic of the Oracle will be restored to you, but it will work differently from what you're used to. You will not be alone: three others already have my Blessing. I will deliver you unto them. They will look after you as you recover. The youngest of the three will be able to guide you on your Blessing. The four of you must stay together during the dark days.”
Luna nodded to it all. She hadn't expected there to be others; the gods only ever interacted with the Oracle and the Lucis Caelums. She wondered what Etro's Blessing entailed for them. It was a relief to know she would not be alone when she returned to the world—Gentiana had had to leave her side before Leviathan's Summoning. She would not return. The Six would condemn this Covenant.
“Noctis goes to forge the last Covenant with Bahamut in Niflheim,” Etro said. “Save him before the Draconian takes him.”
“I will,” Luna vowed.
With a parting smile, the light around Etro began to dim, taking her with it into the darkness. “Until we speak again, Lunafreya.”
She faded away, and there was nothing.
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throneborne · 3 years
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Somnus stands at 6′0″ tall.
He has crystal blue eyes that glow pink just like the rest of the Caelums. 
He is lean but muscular, though taller than him, he is similar in build to Noctis. 
He has charcoal-grey hair, that he prefers to be styled with only his bangs hanging in his face.
His jawline his is strong, chiseled, and hardened. 
TW: ABUSE. From his childhood, he is littered in scars. The most notable is one across his back from his left shoulder to his right hip. 
He was a child that was full of lively hood and joy. He laughed and played just like other children. He was full of life and curiosity, bright eyed wonder that was always wanting to know about the world.
On that note, growing up, he always looked up to Ardyn. He was his older brother and he loved him dearly. He thought he was wonderful, and that never changed in his eyes until he was told that it needed to change. 
Even though they were years apart, you could always see the brothers playing together. When they were children, they were thick of thieves. 
When he wasn’t spending his time around Ardyn, he was spending time around their father being conditioned and trained to be the future King. He spent many long hours reading books, practicing with swords, and much other training.
Somnus grew up loving flowers, specifically white roses and sylleblossoms. He loved the meaning behind both of the flowers, loved the way that they smelled and thought that they always looked beautiful together in a garden. 
As he grew up, the softened personality that Somnus had had was forcibly removed from him. While it is still there for rare moments, or for certain people, for the most part he has been turned into a cold person. It was not by choice. His father raised him to be that way, saying that it was the Gods bidding. Eventually, the joyful child everyone knew disappeared. 
TW: ABUSE. Whenever he tried to disobey his father, tried to become what he wanted to be and not what he was being raised to be, Somnus would be locked away in a room far away from everyone for days at a time in isolation without food or water. Only once a day would be given a bowl of soup and some crackers and that would be expected to carry him over until his next meal. This was their father’s attempt him to break him into being more like him. When this method did not work, he resulted to physical measures. He would claim that this was what the Gods wanted and that anything less would not make him worthy to be King. 
By the time that Somnus was fifteen, the lively child everyone knew was destroyed. All that remained was the shell of a boy that the world once knew. Blue eyes reflected sadness and longing for a life that he once knew. 
By the time that Somnus and Ardyn’s parents passed away, it had been engraved in Somnus that his brother was the enemy and so he began to turn on his brother. This caused Somnus to grow distant and lonely in their home. He kept himself shut away from Ardyn, pushing him away at every turn until he stood alone alongside Gilgamesh. 
As he took the throne after taking it from Ardyn and claiming himself as the rightful King, he had been raised to listen to the Gods and not to listen to his heart. It was because of this that he made the choices that he had done, including locking his closest friend away, murdering hundreds of innocent people to clean the world of the scourge, and many other things that would make him viewed as a King of terror. Yet, he was seen as a hero because his actions saved the world rather than plunging it into darkness. 
Somnus is not proud of what he has done. He knows that his actions are not great. He knows that what the Gods wanted him to do was not right, but there is still a large part of him that is afraid to speak out against what he has done out of fear of facing the wrath of those above him. 
Because of his life and his history, Somnus is not an easy person to get under the surface of. He locks his true feelings away by using sarcasm or wit, nearly coming off as egotistical rather than genuine. At times, that genuine side of him comes out, it just takes the right person to bring that side of him out. Often times, it’s Ardyn that is able to reveal the boy he once called his brother from underneath the hardened exterior. 
Somnus was Aera’s friend. Yes, he had friends. She was his Oracle and they were friends for a long portion of their lives. When she got between him and Ardyn and he killed her was, in fact, one of the hardest days of his life besides when he was told to lock Ardyn away.  
Because of who he has become, Somnus spent most of his life alone. He did not want to get close to people out of fear that they would be taken away from him in one form or another. Eventually, he found love and married, but every day he feared that it would end because it was not what the Gods wanted of their Founder King. 
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unworthychosenone · 3 years
✏ -ofsylleblossomsandsteel Luna
A sketchbook full of you
He often found himself drawing memories of Luna. There were few photos of her in the years since Queen Sylva’s death that he had access too even through their journal so it was all he could do. The memories kept his hope of saving her alive. They were all he had in the moments he thought it was hopeless.
But now he has Luna at his side; his queen and confidant, the one he loved from so far away. So when she finds the sketchbook that he’d assumed was lost with the city so long ago, Noctis can’t help but smile. She’ll see memories of the sylleblossom meadows that she had pushed him through so often, the room he spent most of his time recovering in, and each and every smile she’d graced him with in that time when they were children.
“Maybe I should start drawing again. Add some more sketches of you to show the changes. Like how you only got more beautiful over time.” The remark ends on a smile and the king kisses her cheek.
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jazzraft · 3 years
Tagged Game
tagged by @amidalogicdive
last song listened to: Meridian by Eleventh Vibration
I listen to my Discover Weekly from Spotify every Monday and this is where I’m at in the playlist as I’m answering these memes.
last movie watched: Only Lovers Left Alive
It had been on my to-watch list for a while, and this past Friday I finally saw it available and nabbed it. I thought it was fantastic!
currently reading: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments: After
These books have only recently been localized in the states and I am so grateful that I get to add them to my Final Fantasy XIII collection after all this time.
currently craving: Mac n’ cheese
current project: My Sylleblossom Eyes fic.
current mood: Hungry... is that a mood?
current wish: For the world to feel safe again.
currently learning: How to crochet.
something that makes you proud: I very recently sent the manuscript of my first book out to agents to represent me in my publishing quest, and it was a very scary step to take.
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tenshiscientia · 3 years
I’m Sorry...
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*Click Click Click*
The heels to my boots moved quickly and precisely down the hall. I had one destination and I was not going to falter from it. When Ravus had returned from the Alter of the Hydrean, I had only caught a glimpse of him. But the glimpse I had caught terrified me. I quickened my pace and rounded the corner.
I was close to his quarters now. I happened to look down and I saw wet boot prints leading themselves out before me. My fears were confirmed. Reaching Ravus's quarters, I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. The door cracked open and I saw a small glimpse of him.
He must have realized it was me, because before I knew it the door was flung wide open and I was yanked inside. Slamming the door shut behind me, Ravus paced to the other side of the room and picked a towel up off the back of his desk chair tossing it over his head. He was soaking wet just as I thought he had been.
"Ravus, you need to get out of that coat too or you're going to catch cold..." I started.
"I'm fine." his voice was icy as he replied, not even bothering to turn around to face me.
I recoiled in shock from how he spoke. He had never spoken to me like that. His voice was always gentle and kind when he spoke to me. He would always smile at me. This Ravus in front of me, the cold tone, the way he wouldn't look at me...I didn't know him.
"Ray, please..." I started, my voice pleading and soft.
"STOP IT!" he yelled as his body moved lightning fast across the room to press mine against the wall beside the door, the towel fluttering to the ground, his heterochromatic eyes burning into my own pale lavender.
His Magitek hand took hold of my right wrist tightly, drawing it up level with my head. I glanced over at it, noticing that his hand was tightening more and more finally becoming painful.
"Ray, please...you're hurting me..." I whimpered out finally.
His forehead dropped to my shoulder, slowly moving to press his face into my throat.
"Hurting you..." his voice was barely a whisper, his breath ghosting its way across my throat.
His hand loosened but drew my wrist down so my hand rested over where his heart was.
"Do you feel how I am hurting, Angel?" he asked.
A confused noise left my throat. I didn't understand his question. Did he mean that he was hurt? Or had something else happened?
"I-I don't understand Ray."
He pulled my hand back so that the other could undo the snaps to his coat. Slowly, a thin black singlet stretched over taught muscles was revealed. He pulled my wrist back his chest so once again, my hand was pressed over his heart.
"Now do you feel?" he questioned once more.
Ravus's heart was pounding a staccato rhythm under my hand. Hard and strong, fierce in its intensity.
"You hurt me whenever I hear your voice beg me for something. You hurt me when you won't listen to me when I tell you to stay safe. I lost Luna today..." his voice faded away as he confessed something that greatly pained him, then came back as he confessed something that had always been in his heart, "I don't want to lose you, Tenshi. I can't lose you. For I love you far too much to do so."
My breath caught in my throat, my own heart beating fast as well. Ravus Nox Fleuret...Ravus, High Commander of the Imperial Army...my Ray...loved me. Just an ordinary, everyday girl, that had come to Fenestala Manor when I had taken a fine blow to my head. I had wandered out into the sylleblossom fields though I had been told not to, and had become dizzy. Unable to walk back to the Manor I had gotten stuck out in the field.
To my surprise and wonder, a young man in white found me sitting out there. Even more to my surprise that it was the Oracles brother, Ravus. And that was where everything had started...and thus led us to right here.
"Ravus..." my voice was barely there, no more than a breath of air, and I felt a shiver run through Ravus's body, then warm wetness dripped its way down my chest.
"Oh Ray..." my voice came out stronger this time.
My free hand drifted up and entangled itself deep into his hair, locking him against me. I didn't want him to move, didn't want him to pull away. I just wanted the world around us to melt away and let us stay like this forever. But cruel reality came back to the both of us too easily as I felt his body begin to tremble beneath my fingers.
"Six Ray, your trembling. You need to get changed and warmed up." I whispered, pushing him back and looking up at him, "Please Ray, I don't want you to get sick."
Finally, the smile I was used to seeing from him spread across his face and he let me lead him across the room to his ensuite.
"Get in there and get dried off. Don't worry about your hair, I'll get to that. I'll bring you some clothes and leave them next to the door. When you come back out bring a towel and brush so I can deal with your hair." I shoved him in the room before he could say anything, "By the way, I'm stealing a shirt to wear since you decided to soak my uniform by pinning me to the wall."
I heard a soft, low chuckle as the door shut, knowing he would be fine with whatever I brought him and whatever I decided to steal out of his wardrobe. Walking over to the closet, I pulled it open and started rifling through it. I really hated all the things that the Imperial army had given him and wished he had been able to find things of his own. But it really didn't matter. I pushed through a bunch of of dress shirts and the like until I came upon a shirt that I actually recognized.
It was one that he had worn back in Tenebrae, before the Imperials came and the fires had consumed it. Pulling it out, I brought it down against my chest, gazing at it in wonder. How had he managed to save it? Burying my face in the fabric, I took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of sylleblossoms. It even still smelled of Tenebrae...
Reaching back into the closet I pulled down another hanger with a pair of sleep pants on it that I thought would be okay for Ravus to sleep in. Pulling open a drawer below, I reached in and randomly picked up a pair of undergarments as well. I doubted he would like me rifling through them for a specific set, though the look on his face if I told him I had would have been worth it and entirely priceless at the same time. Carrying the clothes back over to Ravus's ensuite, I placed his set of clothes on a chair just outside the door. I turned and walked to another door that led to a different room and slipped inside that so I could pull my clothes off and pull on the old shirt from Tenebrae.
Walking back out into the main room, I found Ravus dressed in the sleep pants I had pulled from his closet, trying to hang his coat up properly. He was making slightly frustrated noises as his coat refused to cooperate with him. A small giggle escaped me as I walked over to help him. Slipping up beside him, I added my hands to the mix of straightening out his coat and within a matter of minutes we had the cumbersome thing all fixed up. It would need to be cleaned and pressed later, but at least it wouldn't be as bad.
Ravus still had a towel around his neck, so I gently grabbed a hold of it and pulled him over to the bed and pushed him down onto it. Pulling the towel off his shoulders, I threw it over his head and started to dry out his hair as a mother would a young child.
"Gah, Tenshi! What are you? Stop, right now!" he insisted from under the towel, his voice slightly muffled.
I shook my head and rubbed the towel against his hair a little harder as I laughed.
"Sorry Ray, you were the one who went and got yourself soaked. Now I have to get your hair dried off. Just think of how cross I would be with you if you ended up sick." I teased him.
His hand reached up and yanked the towel out of my grasp, and he turned to glare at me over his shoulder. I blinked my eyes at him for a moment before bursting out in a fit of laughter.
"What are you laughing at?" he tried to sound angry, but I could tell it was fake.
"Y-you...pfft...you look like haha, like a wet, disgruntled chocobo, ahahaha! Pfthahaha, with all its, hahaha its feathers ruffled! Hahahahaha!" I started rolling side to side on the bed, tears pooling at the corners of my eyes from laughing so hard.
A scowl plastered itself onto Ravus's face. Reaching his hand up, he ran a hand through his hair...or at least he tried to. As soon as his hand met the silvery-white strands, he understood what I was laughing about. His hair was a tangled mess and was ruffled up in almost every direction.
"You fix this mess this instant, Tenshi!" He huffed at me, grabbing his brush off the bedside table and thrusting it into my hands.
"Pfft, hahaha! Okay, okay Ray. I'm sorry! You just look so cute with your hair puffed up like that!" I giggled, taking the brush.
"I am not cute!" he hissed, turning his back on me and sulking until I started to brush his hair out.
"Oh Ray. You would never understand..." I whispered as I smiled, slowly running the brush through his hair, "The day I first met you back in Tenebrae, I thought you were cute. As we got older, you were still cute. Though you did get more and more handsome by the day. Even now, you are still cute to me. Hell at times, you are adorable.
You will always be cute to me, Ray. Nothing you say or do will change that. No matter how much you deny it, no matter how much you hate it. You're my cute Ray-Ray. My Sun, the Light in my dark sky.
Nothing will ever change that. Nothing could ever change that. When you found me out in the sylleblossom fields back in Tenebrae, I had been stuck out there. I lied to you that I had just decided to stay out there. You saved me, and when you did, you simultaneously stole my heart in the process.
What I'm trying to say Ravus, is that I can't lose you either, for I love you as well."
A twitch ran through Ravus's body. He silently turned, pulling the brush from my hand an setting it on the night stand. Dragging me to lay down on the bed beside him despite not being covered by the sheets of the bed, he pulled me against his chest so his chin rested over the crown of my head. His Magitek arm rested over my hip, his hand palming my lower back, the metal cool for now but it would warm up soon as the heat of my body melted into it.
"One day, Tenshi..." I heard him whisper, his voice rough with an emotion I couldn't identify, and he wouldn't let me look at his face so I could see his expression, "One day, I will reclaim Tenebrae as its rightful king. And you will stand beside me crowned as Tenebrae's queen, dressed in the most beautiful of silks of all Eos has to offer, the most beautiful gems will adorn the crown you will bear. The sylleblossom fields will bloom again...and perhaps if you are willing to bless me with the privilege and honor, our children will run through those fields. Enjoying them as my sister, my mother and father, and you and I once did. This I swear to you."
My breath hitched. I knew Ravus meant this. He rarely said things with such conviction, such determination in his voice. He was going to reclaim Tenebrae for the two of us, I knew he would. We would be together, the two of us, and we would be able to start over.
"Yeah, We can do that. We'll go back to Tenebrae. We'll rule it together, and we'll both watch our children run through the sylleblossom fields. It's a promise Ravus, one I'll help you keep." I whispered back.
I felt the gentle press of slightly chapped lips to my forehead and I smiled. Yes, finally I was happy again...and so was Ravus.
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