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padfootastic · 1 year
“are you frustrated with me?” “never.” with prongsfoot please and thank you <3
hello! thank u for the ask (and waiting) <33 i hope u like this, because i’m so so happy with how this turned out 🙈
James finds him on the top of the Astronomy Tower, sitting atop the parapet in a way that makes his heart skip a beat even now, despite the fact that he should’ve gotten used to it. There’s a half gone cigarette in his hand and the ashes of several more all around him. Sirius’ lips are dry and cracked, his eyes drooping. James immediately casts his usual set of safety charms. As expected, that grabs Sirius’ attention.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Saving your skull from being turned into a pancake for the Hippogriffs.”
“Did I ask you to do that?” Sirius’ voice is sharp, a knife’s edge of bitterness and malice. (Though perhaps only James can sense the hollowness in it, see the performance he’s putting on)
“No, but I’ve done it anyway. Bully for you, Pads,” James shrugs, tucking his wand back into its holster. His posture is loose, unconcerned and he knows his nonchalance is only feeding into Sirius’ aggression. At least for now, when he needs to be angry to feel anything, needs that fire to remind him he’s still alive.
“Why are you here, anyway?” Sirius asks, turning his face away to exhale a puff of smoke. It makes James smile, though he hides it with a quick swipe of his palm, because even in this moment, with all the violence in the world itching to bubble out, Sirius still refuses to smoke around him, knowing his distaste for it.
“Just wanted to check up on you. See what you were doing.” James moves forward, until he’s almost within touching distance. It’s what allows him to see the twisting of Sirius’ features—a haunting sort of pain and agony painting a terrible picture with his beautiful features.
“I’ll do what I want, James,” Sirius sneers, face still turned away as if he can’t bear to look him in the eye while doing it, “and you can’t stop me.”
“Do you see me trying?” James asks, simply. That takes the wind right out of Sirius’ sails. James is used to this routine by now—having to prick the balloons of self righteous indignation and testiness and defensive anger that Sirius has around him in times like this. The trick, he’s learned, is to not take anything personally. Sirius has the ability to verbally destroy a person, leave his remains charred and smoking without looking back at the consequences of his actions. It helps him cope, expelling the ugliness that routinely builds inside him by directing out outwards. Sometimes, it’s some poor sod who didn’t sign up for being target practice being caught in the middle of it. More often than not, it’s James, though by his own volition.
Sirius tries, has been doing so since the moment they met, to protect him from this side of him—to shield him from the rough edges his family carved into him. It’s just his luck that James refuses to play along.
It’s that knowledge that pierces Sirius’ haze right now, as he knew it would, as it always does. Slowly, the anger melts into something softer, more contrite. The cigarette gets stubbed under his foot as he turns fully toward James, eyes downcast.
“Are you frustrated with me?” he asks in a whisper. James smiles at the action, the direct contrast from all his bluster mere minutes ago.
“Never.” He holds one hand out, facing up. It only takes a second before Sirius places his own in it, palm cold and desperately tight. James only pulls him tight, pressing a firm kiss to his temple, letting his actions speak louder than his words ever could.
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trollbreak · 9 months
[Lo has no clue how the hell a man manages to be precise about crashing their brand fucking new ship, but they’re hardly about to start chewing into him about it. Not with the way its holding shrapnel, just digging a little into the side of their neck, and they’re sure to tread carefully, because if they slip, if he slips, that jagged work of metal is going in. It looked like it hurt bad enough when he pulled the thing out, they’d rather not find out how much worse it is going in.
The threat of dawn weighs as heavy as the arm over their shoulders, the heat of it soaking into their layers like oil, and they’re almost certain that Bladed is making them bleed into their shirt. The coat is already a lost cause, what with how he’s thrown himself over them… they just don’t do red.
He gives them another jerk across the shoulders, redirecting their path yet again. They’ve got no fucking clue where he’s headed, but if it wants to die in the middle of nowhere, fine. Just as long as it doesn’t take them down with it. The trees grow thicker, heavier, but it does nothing to shelter from the heat. Or maybe that’s just the troll spread across half their back.
They’re not sure if he trips first, or if they do, but they yelp, and it lets up on the threat on their windpipe, just a touch. But, when they’ve each got their feet under them, they move to continue, and their muscles just… don’t. They refuse. It’s like the last inch before pressing their hand to a burning stovetop, or the catch that sets in when one gears up for a particularly dramatic dive, or…
It brings to mind injury. Usually, they don’t mind a bit of risk, but… it catches, somewhere instinctual.
A voice rings out, and they bring their gaze up from the bugs in the grass- when did they start watching these things so intently?- to see a short troll in a button down and a pair of glasses set low on their nose, practically scowling over the lenses at them.
Bladed huffs at their side, some wheezing, guttural, painful noise, and the metal falls from its grip, landing in the grass not far from the little ant trail. When they don’t move, he pulls at their coat, where his hand has fallen to keep itself up, trying to spur them on. But they just… don’t move. They… can’t quite make it past that… hitch, in the back of their mind. It crawls down in tension along their spine, spreading across their muscles.
They don’t know when exactly the troll gets so close, but some of the distress eases up as Bladed is lifted from their shoulders, the stranger cussing at him under their breath.
“Go on, get. I’ve got him. You don’t need to be here anymore.”
When the two have gained some distance, the pressure lets up, and it feels like breathing after being held underwater.
They’d love to say they take a mental note that he owes them, as they wander their way back to civilization, but…
Well. They did give him a countdown to work with, at least. He can’t blame them too harshly.]
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tvckerwash · 3 months
J.D felt horrible about it, but with everything that had happened the last few months—Hell, the last few years—He had admittedly somewhat forgotten that Terrence existed.
Looking through Connie’s data, dealing with corporate civilian bureaucracy, and being “demoted” into doing menial grunt work aboard the Staff of Charon has taken up the bulk of his time since returning from Longshore, so he hasn't gone to visit the guy and offer morale support during his grueling physical therapy sessions in quite a while.
Apparently, having a building collapse on top of you and needing surgical reconstruction of a large portion of the bones in your body really, really sucked.
J.D mentally grimaced at the prospect of speaking to the temperamental man. He had been waiting to tell him about their team until he was officially discharged from medical, and only after Sharky came to terms with the loss would he even think about introducing Connie into the mix. The man's hatred of the Freelancers was, understandably, incredibly intense.
He loved Sharky, he really did, and he wouldn't trade him for anyone else, but Terrance could be annoyingly stubborn and overly dramatic, and a lack of any semblance of a proper chain of command didn't make his job any easier. The guy just didn't respect his experience and skill as an ODST like the others did, which was beyond frustrating at times.
(God, what a mess). He sighed, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
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whumpsday · 2 years
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soft-hearted-scion · 8 months
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---- CW: Blood / Trauma / Graphic Description / Emotional Duress
Dancing lights drifted over his eyelids as senses began to connect, drudged from the inky tar of unconsciousness; his mind clawing uselessly into the numbed limbs that burned from the heat of the soil beneath him.
No, the ground wasn’t hot, it was his own blood searing cold skin.
It felt as a lifetime before he managed to beg his fingers to move, one to two, two to four. The hollow of his throat constricted with each attempt to breathe, to swallow the cotton metal tang that suffocated him. The taste of bile threatened the back of his tongue in tandem with the pain that bloomed over his whole body, his armor torn and shredded in multiple places served to ease the weight that pressed to his chest for a mercy.
Tired green irises barely held their luster in the smoke as the Elezen opened his eyes, squinting through the sparks of light that pulsed in an uneven rhythm across the battlefield. His thoughts were starting to focus through the shock of seeing the carnage as blurred gore was brought to focus. Bodies of comrades littered the area like forgotten children's toys, tossed haphazardly in a fit of rage, left to collect dust and decay, familiar colors of the Alliance and Garlemald alike not immune to the violence.
Auheron pushed himself up from the ground, using a dead man's arm as leverage, the weight of the limb giving little to no resistance against the action as he sat up, pushing aside a weight that laid over his lap with an effort that had his lungs seizing; the sight of his companion, a young Lalafell with the same uniform he wore, made the Elezen heave, the feeling of acid at the back of throat quick to staunch the feeling as he tore his gaze away.
The face was barely recognizable, unidentifiable - even to him.
His vision blurred and his knees buckled under his weight with his attempt to stand, forcing him back to the ground. The pain that flared along his body was overwhelming, pieces of Dalamund littered his abdomen and shoulders, burrowing into his bicep as shrapnel of his own armor dug into muscle and flesh. He didn't have the strength to pull them out - the effort of keeping himself conscious was already too much. He knew that if he laid his head down now, it would be the end, even as blood covered his lips and suffocated his probably broken nose, the man pushed on-
"Move… Get… up-" the words of the fading voice of a summoned fae were a hoarse whisper in the awareness of his senses as he attempted to force himself to his feet once more; only to be met with the resistance of gravity and the weight of his injuries.
Tired eyes looked to the side of him where the little fairy Eos landed against his shoulder to tug uselessly against his earring as if to help him stand, whispering words of encouragement as the small sprite fluttered around his head. Her tiny hands worked to mend what hurts she could, but there was little that could be done without his own aether for her to continue to draw from; her light flickered on and off as she used pieces of herself to try nonetheless.
"I'm trying…" his voice was hardly audible, and the pain that lanced through his torso at the effort of speaking made him cough and splutter, the copper taste of blood filling his mouth. The man knew he had no chance of standing on his own and with the thought in mind, Auheron reached for the hilt of his axe, the effort leaving his lungs screaming for breath as he gripped the metal with bloodied fingers. Gritting his teeth, the warrior forced himself to stand, leaning his weight against his weapon to steady himself.
Overhead the primal Bahamut still flew in wide arcs within the sky to part cloud and smoke alike, and Auheron’s attention was drawn by the movement with sparse breath as the dragon's maw opened wide as it let loose another volley of destructive breath to rend portions of Carteneau to ash.
Eos's whispers in his ear became quiet as the battle above raged on. He couldn't tell if the little fae was afraid or if his aether was simply failing her.
"Eos, Get back in the book."
"But, master-" His fae pleaded, her voice cracking with her own fear and panic with the gemmed tears on tiny cheeks as she began to push herself to the limit to heal more and more-
"Please." the warrior's tone left no room for argument - only a sorrowful understanding of a quiet plea; the little sprite nodded her head, wiping her cheeks with the backs of her small hands before disappearing back into the pages of the tome that sat locked to his hip, the pages charred by the calamity that was raining upon them. The arnmnets of the nouliths had long broken in the combat leading to the fall of Dalamund; but the pieces now stored with his book would keep her from fading…
The deafening sound of metal and panic was drowned out by the roar of Bahamut, a piercing cry that made his ears ring and his blood run cold as those deep injuries continued to plague him, the large axe at his side used more as a handhold than a weapon - after all there were no more enemies to fight. None of them were different in the eyes of that elder primal.
On stuttered steps did Auheron continue on, the shrapnel of that false moon in his chest and arm burned as they cut further into him - as if burrowing for the organs that lay inches away - his breathing began to dip into shallow pants and the air around him hung heavy. Slowly his fingers moved to grip one of the pieces, the jagged edges tearing his hand to the bone, but the Elezen's face never showed the pain as he tore the piece free from his chest person, blood poured from the wound and the Elezen fell to his knees, the metal shard falling from his grasp.
"I can…" He whispered, looking to his hip and the book that held his only companion, he could heal himself, she could barely keep herself aetherically sound - scraping the barest hint of his aether to create some gesture of healing light to staunch the wound. It was deep, and his manawell was drawn empty far before it would close-
A low whine caught his attention, pulling his gaze away from unfocused disassociation to the battlefield once again, a sound that made him wish he had never turned. A single, bloodied set of ivory talons reached out to him, claws grasping the dirt as a sooty speckled chocobo pulled herself closer, the creature's eyes dull and pained, one wing dragging after her as she trilled at her master.
"Fortuna…" the Elezen murmured as tears cleaned the dirt from his cheeks, the pain in his chest began to deepen as he shifted his weight to move toward his steed; a trusted bird he’d raised from a chick, one who followed him through this nightmare despite his attempt to leave her out in the safety of home - She’d proven her stubborn will, taking a portion of the blow from that falling satellite for him, saving his life in the process, as she ever did.
The Warrior's hand ran along her black tipped beak, and he smiled weakly at her, pulling himself to rest against her body as she curled around him, the warm of her feathers a comfort to him as he felt his consciousness begin to beg for rest.
"Stay… stay with me." He begged, his eyes growing heavy. "…stay."
The bird cooed, her head resting against her friend’s as his eyes slid closed with his breath a cough of such shallow comfort - gentle nuzzling of her preening to his white hair soothing his heart - that tired soldier spending whatever amount of healing he could muster to mend their bodies. Gently his head fell to the side as his hair caught on the bloodied feathers as the chocobo nuzzled her master with such a worried warbling that the warrior sighed, the soft chirp of his steed as sorrowful as his own pains.
"I'm sorry, Fortuna… I'm so sorry…"
Auheron couldn't help the sob that racked his chest as he pulled the bird's head to his shoulder with his only good arm, hugging her gently as if she’d vanish into a dream at any moment. The sounds of the primal's reign echoed through the sky and the world around him burned - a nightmare of reality. He couldn’t stay here, he couldn’t lay down and die and the soldier knew that. Swallowing gently, the man grunted with effort to stand once more as his chocobo worked helped to push him with her body, letting him lean against her as his world spun.
"Thank you, Fortuna." his voice was gentle as he stroked her feathers, repeating her name off and on with mumbled nothings, something to ground him to the moment - to each step as he moved. "Thank you…"
Stumbling forward Auheron found his vision blurring and his eyes growing heavy, the taste of blood lingering in his mouth made him sick yet he had nothing left to heave - his senses were overwhelmed by every ghost of touch against his skin or the sound of screaming so far yet too near; deafened by his heart beat pounding in his ears.
He needed to find his father, he needed to find Archon Louisoix.
That was the single thought that kept him moving as the dragon's roar drowned out the cries of the injured and dying around him.
The dragging thud of his boots on the bloodied ground were barely audible over the ringing in his ears and with vision blurred and doubled he pushed himself forward, the axe held loosely in his grasp to drag forward as a secondary handhold to the feathers in his grip as Fortuna followed him each step of the way, her wing dangling as the duo limped along. The Elezen had managed to stop their bleeding, but he could feel that he had reached the limit of his aetherical well, the healing he could muster would have to be enough, it had to be. Over and over the pair walked, past the bodies of men and women torn asunder, ignoring the crying, the begging - watching as those with the ability to run taking off far beyond them; with some only meeting the searing bolts of that raging primal.
"Keep going… just a bit longer…" his words were a soft whisper to himself, his breath coming out in labored gasps, each inhale was like fire - drowning in tightness and heat - the arm that clung to his steed barely worked, the shrapnel within his shoulder bringing more pain with each step until the warrior stumbled, tripping over the body of the fallen, his axe dropping from his hand in an instant - the ringing metal hitting the ground with a soft clang that was smothered by the deafening sound of his own heartbeat.
"Just…" Low was the poor man’s voice as his knees buckled. Fortuna trilled sadly as she lowered her body to once more curl around her friend for comfort, the soldier’s weight pressing against her as he shook, his eyes were burning as tears flowed from them freely and unbidden - unknown to the man who felt the world full of nothing but brimstone and pain. He couldn't stand, his legs wouldn’t respond-
A hand came to touch his shoulder and the man startled with what little energy he had left, the movement sending his world spinning as he turned to look up to see figures coming into focus. A tall Hyur with a familiar face - one who stood next to Louisoix.
The older Elezen’s expression was full of sorrow as he looked over his son and in an instant came to kneel before him without hesitation, his lips drawn into a thin line and the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth more prominent with the depth of emotion that covered his person in pair with the ash of war - and not a word was spoken as the mending magic from his staff took light and began to work without a single ilm of command.
"I'm here, I’m here- just breathe." His voice was so stern - the gentleness that often colored his words was lingering, yet it was obvious the carnage of the situation had brought a new thought to his ever seeking mind.
"Where-" Auheron couldn't finish his sentence as his words were lost to a shaking inhale - the Archon's arms wrapping around his shoulders soon after, holding him with knowing tears speckling kind eyes, letting his son cling to the safety of family. "I-I can’t move- I can’t- My legs-"
"Then lean on me, as you have since you were a child." Slowly Louisoix brought him to stand, pulling him tight and holding him with all the love and attention a parent could - as if knowing what little time they had left on this battlefield as the primal raged on above them.
The young man didn't know how long they stayed like that for that healing magic to take root but the pain in his chest was easing and soon enough the feeling in his legs came back, making the small walk they’d begun to take away from the main breadth of carnage easier, his green eyes now more focused to the bloodied world around him - studying his father with a hesitance that left a stone in his throat at the way that once calmed expression studied the sky with such a serious nature.
As if waiting - knowing of the events to follow.
The Archon's hands pushed them apart slowly after his son was no longer in danger of his wounds, his voice soft and stern as he spoke beneath the howling gale of Bahamut's rage; bolts of fire and magic searing the sky as Louisoix’s bloodied hands cradled his child’s face. A smile given, sombre, aware of a future he wouldn’t see.
"Take Fortuna and get as far as you can."
"I-" Auheron’s words stopped as he quickly put the pieces together as his fingers gripped tight to his father’s frame. He knew that there were no words he could use, no amount of begging or pleading would make the scion leave the battle - He understood the look in those kind eyes, that dedication, that love for the star.
This would be the last time they would ever meet.
"Go, please." the Archon pleaded, his hands gripping to the back of his son’s neck to gently bring their foreheads together as they shook - both men trying to hold back the emotion neither wished to bring to reality, the tears flowing freely from that young man’s eyes.
"Let me stay, I-"
"I’m proud of you Auheron, But this… this is not your time." the older man's arms wrapped around his boy, a hug that was far too fleeting, yet lasting longer than they could allow; and the man pushed his son toward his chocobo, giving Fortuna a pat on the head before stepping away. "Get as far as you can."
It was with a palm to his cheek to wipe away the tears that the young man nodded, unable to form any more words, the sound of the dragon's roar deafening, his body numb as his father gave him a smile.
"Go, now!"
The Elezen took the saddle in an instant, his steed already taking off the second he was seated. She knew, she knew the danger, and she was saving her master as he had done for her time and time again.
Tightly did his hands gripped the reins, his body swaying with each step his steed took as speed favored balance - a torrent of need to get as far away as they could from the growing heat of the looming sky behind them. The sound of the wind rushing past his ears was calming, almost peaceful - He wished that was the case. Behind him the behemoth form of Bahamut began to descend upon the fields of Carteneau, the primal's isle sized wings stretched wide and his jaws opening to reveal the fiery breath of the elder wyrm.
Light of the unnatural sun cast his shadow deep against the battlefield as death loomed so close.
Fortuna bound and leapt over rock and carnage, running faster than she’d ever gone before - her lungs heaving with effort as jumping steps carried them further and further-
Auheron leaned forward, his cheek resting against his birds neck as he closed his eyes and prayed; for his father, for himself, for Fortuna - For all of Eorzea.
It wasn’t enough.
Beneath him his steed cried out as the primal rend roared around them; a sound that the Elezen knew would haunt him forevermore - whole fissures in the earth cracked as the pure aetherical force of that overwhelming might began to tear chunks of land skyward, and it was with the feel of one of his chocobo’s talons slipping that the warrior opened his eyes to see the ground rising up to meet him, the sky falling with him as he tumbled - that iron soaked air becoming thick and the sounds around him dying away as his breath caught in his throat.
The speckled chocobo was catapulted with him, her broken wing flailing uselessly in panic as her body spiraled down out of his sight. The Elezen couldn't hear himself yelling as he crashed into the ground, the impact of that brave bird’s form on the dirt and the scorching body of aether of the primal’s attack looming the last thing he saw before the light took him-
…When Auheron opened his eyes, he was alone.
Fortuna was nowhere in sight, his axe was gone from the fall, and the book of his fae was torn - the pages scattered about him, the aetherical glow dim and fading as if granting one last mercy to the empty manawell in his core.
Slowly, Auheron pushed himself to stand with the aid of mossy stones around him, his knees wobbled and his whole body ached - pieces of the shrapnel still lingered in his flesh and the wounds in his body were raw - that limited aether in his veins was nearly spent from the attempts to soothe some unknown pain… but he was alive.
Nothing around him was familiar, the soil beneath him was dense with foliage - dense with greenery one would find within Gridania; malms away from the fields of combat. The sky above him was bright with a noonday sun and the air around him was cool and quiet as any peaceful forest.
There was no sign of his bird, no sign of his father - not even Bahamut.
No sign of anyone.
"Fortuna…?" his voice felt so small in the silence as bleary green eyes scanned the area, seeing the breadth of unfamiliar trees, of dark shrubbery and bone white stones. A dull thrumming ache came through his waking nerves at the back of his neck at the nape of his shoulders; The Keeper’s Sigil imprinted on his skin forever more.
It was after a handful of moments that he fell to his knees as the full realization caught up to him - the knowledge of his father’s temporal spells - and a weak cry left his lips as he closed his eyes tight in a rueful attempt to stop the tears that overwhelmed him. With his head hanging as bloodied fists pulled at the soil before him the young man curled in on himself, feeling the full blunt of his injures, his grief.
"Please…Fortuna…Fath-" the warrior's voice was strained as he sobbed and choked on his words, stained nails digging into broken armor as he came undone - He was alone.
He had lost everything.
Auheron woke with a start as the memory rose to haunt him once more; his breath catching in his throat as he swallowed the instinct to cry - feeling the ghost of blood lingering on his tongue with each moment. His chest was aching from the phantom pains, the sensation making him huddle in on himself to bring his knees close as he ran a hand through short white hair. The man was trembling so easily - the chill of the air around him made his whole body ache.
Within a few heartbeats he pushed the feelings down with a sigh, and the older man forced himself to sit up, his body protesting with each movement.
He wasn't on the battlefield anymore, he was in Mor Dhona. It was just a dream.
It was just a memory.
The Elezen sat in silence, the sound of the wind rushing through the open window was the only sound that filled the night. Idle noises of life outside drifted to his senses, even some from those beyond the walls of his room met his senses - yet still it was a silence too thick to sit within.
"Eos…" Auheron called out softly, and the pages of his book rustled atop the tableside of his bed, the little fairy coming into view after a moment with her little hands resting on her hips as she looked over the visage of her scholar. She knew what would be asked, yet her bell of a voice spoke all the same;
"Yes, master?"
"Could you-" He sighed, looking at his hands as if still feeling the warmth of that gore - or seeing the blooming red that stained them. "Could you put me to sleep? Just… just for tonight?"
The small sprite's eyes looked worried - ever and always would it be ‘just for tonight’ - but she nodded all the same and fluttered around her master's head before landing on the bed beside him as he laid down once more, and as he closed those sorrowful greens she pressed a kiss to his cheek with and waved her hand to cast their aether to slumber.
Auheron Leveilleur was met with the sweet embrace of the dreamless dark and the cold of the world disappeared - the phantom pains in his chest no more.
This time there would be no memories.
There would only be rest.
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rpclefairy · 2 years
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i’ve found i need a bigger text box than the one in the spacing generator by byluna, though this was most definitely inspired by it. other sites with text editors have distracting colors and look very cluttered so i decided to do something about it ^^
this is a full sized editor, simple and minimal to avoid any distractions with a wide text box and adjustable height.
the options supported by tumblr / that you can use to format your replies are:
source: copy and paste the code for your reply
B I U S : bold, italics, underlined and strike
styles > small : make text small
format: headline 1 and headline 2, h2 is the most commonly used headline
text color: like this. find the hex code for any color you want here.
numbered / bullet points
image (it has to be uploaded to tumblr!)
formatter mobile friendly
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important note! (legacy posts only, npf posts do not have this issues)
if your reply includes a @ mention or color text do not switch back to the rich editor, the color will be gone and the @ mention may or may not work at all.
if you want to preserve color text in your partner’s reply, click on edit reblog and switch to the html editor without touching anything. copy the code, paste it in the rp formatter to trim, write and format your reply as usual. this post explains it in detail.
i hope this is helpful ! liking and reblogging to share is appreciated ♡   
updates logs:
sept 7, 2022: general updates + night mode toggle + 2 text box options. log here.
sept 29, 2022: created a new version hosted on carrd instead of tumblr, which provides a better mobile responsive layout but can be used on desktop as well.
feb 10, 2023: mobile and desktop versions have been merged into one. read post here.
use it here.  
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nervousgardenerkid · 1 year
Strawberries and cigarettes
a/n: tumblr pls don't be stupid and cut my fic short i WILL die this is a fic i wrote but never posted LMAO have y'all heard the song strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan?? if not u should cause that's what inspired me to write this :) i hope u guys like it and credit to the gif owner!
warnings: modern au bc why not, smoking mentioned, the word girl is used like once, eddie being a little sweet and stupid, not proofread (that's a warning itself), and the italics are texts between reader and eddie!!
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Do you still have my lighter?
I never took it
Okay, I just wanted an excuse to see you. I’m outside
You smiled down at your phone and looked out the window, your heart skipping a beat when you see Eddie standing outside of his car.
Is this your way of asking me to come outside???
Mkay. I’m coming
Sneaking out of the house has become a talent of yours ever since you started seeing Eddie. You knew you probably shouldn’t be seeing him, but you couldn’t help it. There was something about him that always reeled you back in. He wasn’t a bad guy or anything, but he wasn’t the best either. He’s had some fights at school, and a couple of run-ins with the cops, but it was nothing serious. Just some noise complaints from old people about how loud he and his band were.
“What do you want, dork?” you asked while approaching him with a smile and stuffing your phone into your pocket.
“I just wanted to see my best girl.” he chuckled while hugging you. He let out a sigh of contentment once your arms wrapped around him. You were the one thing in his life that wasn’t fucked up.
“Everything okay?” you whispered while looking up at him.
He shushed you and started swaying you both back and forth.
“Let me have this moment. Just real quick.”
Eddie was someone who always had to be doing something. He had to have his mind occupied or he’d start thinking too much, and that's never done him any good.
“Do you wanna go out?” he asked while pulling away.
“We’re already dating-”
“I meant like...go somewhere, you loser.”
You let out a small laugh and grabbed his hand.
“Okay. let’s go.”
He smiled and reached into his pocket to grab his keys, but was met with nothing. He let out a nervous chuckle and reached into the other pocket, but was greeted with the same thing.
“Eds...you didn’t-”
“I drove here! Where could they-....ohhhhh,” he mumbled while turning around. "I can explain."
You let out another laugh as you watched Eddie stare at the inside of his car with defeat in his eyes.
“D-did you really lock your keys in y-your car?!” you laughed out while clutching your stomach.
“Shut up,” he whined out while turning around and pouting. He let out a sigh and tossed his lighter to you while grabbing a cigarette from its pack.
“Light my cigarette baby?” he asked while leaning in with the small stick sticking out of his mouth.
You weren’t sure what it was, but you loved lighting Eddie’s cigarettes. Maybe it was because he only asked you to do it, or maybe you liked how close he was to you when you did it. You gave him a small smile and lit the cigarette for him.
“So what do we do now?” he asked while blowing out the smoke that was once in his body.
You shrug your shoulders and leaned against the car.
“We can just walk around-”
“Can I kiss you?” he asked while throwing his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it. You felt a blush creep onto your face as you looked down and let out a giggle.
“You just can’t get enough of me can you Munson?” you whispered while looking up at him.
He let out a nervous chuckle and shook his head. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Enough of you? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a thing.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” you whispered while leaning in a bit.
He leaned in close enough so that if any of you moved just a teeny bit, your lips would meet. “I don’t know, do you want me to kiss you?” he asked quietly. You nodded your head and looked down at his lips then back up to his eyes.
Eddie was known for being a very passionate person. He always puts his all into everything and kissing you was no exception. Even if he didn’t mean for the kiss to be passionate it always was. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and he never knew where to put his hands. Sometimes they would find their place at your waist, or the back pockets of your pants, but you knew where their home was. It just took Eddie a while to get to it. Eddie loved holding your face when he kissed you. He loved how soft your skin felt against his fingertips, and he loved it when you leaned into his hand when you pulled away from the kiss. This time he was the first one to pull away this time.
He looked at you with a smile on his face as you leaned into the palm of his hand. He chuckled as he pulled you in for another hug and let out a sigh.
“You’re right,” he mumbled and looked down at you, grabbing your chin gently. “I can never get enough of you.”
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cherrykamado · 1 year
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HOW I USE COLOR GRADIENTS IN MY POSTS ! for my bby @kaidabakugou !!
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text colorizer page[ link ]
tumblr on desktop (you'll need to edit the html code of your post!)
warning: image heavy tutorial!!
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click the first link and in the big box enter the text you want to colorize.
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select the number of colors you want in your text ( i'll choose 3, since i want it the gradient gray-red-gray. you can choose as many as you want, though!)
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choose the colors! (make sure you enter the hex code and then hit 'choose')
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leave these as they are!
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hit 'generate color faded text' (aka the blue button). this is what you'll get:
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tip: you can change the color of the background you're seeing your gradient (so if you're using a light mode theme u can test it with a white background, or if you're using a dark mode theme u test with a darker color)
in the box below, you'll have the html code. click 'select all' and then CTRL + C in your keyboard (windows) // right click on your mouse > copy
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create a text post on tumblr (on desktop). click the wheel at the top right corner and at the very bottom change the text editor to 'html'
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paste the code you copied. you can preview it by clicking on the 👁 PREVIEW tab. the right image below shows the final result:
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tip: you can switch back and forth from html to preview to tweak the code. some useful things to know about html are: <;p> symbolizes the start of a new paragraph, &lt;/p> the end of a paragraph (the '/' means end!). moreover, in html: <b> =bold ; <i> = italics ; <blockquote> = indented text ; <li> = list (bullet points).
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There's no limit on how much you can use gradients so feel free to switch back and forth and fill your post as much as you want with colors. this was kinda long but i hope it was helpful!<3
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tojis-gf · 10 months
How do you do the gradient text in your pinned post? It’s really cute and I have no idea how to do it 🫠💕
hi anon!!! okie so im gonna try to be as thorough as possible, dis is really ez too btw (if on mobile, you may have to use browser mode)
so first, i use dis website right here
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n pretty much, what u do is paste or type whatever txt u want here:
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n then choose which kind of gradient u want, i typically do horizontal but its totally up to preference : ) then u pick ur colors using the hexcodes (if u tryna create like a certain palette from an image, use dis website click dis), and font for me i dont usually change, if i do its usually arial, i change the size tho depending on how big/important the txt is ! and for bold/italic, thats something u can always edit using the tumblr editor like how u would normally bold and italicize any other txt : )
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okie so i picked my colors n stuff n now what ur gonna wanna do is copy the html code (bottom box) if u wanna make the bottom box bigger, just drag the bottom right corner out : )
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next thing ur gonna wanna do is go to tumblr n go to whatever post/create a new post and click the gear in the top right hand corner of da post n then scroll all the way down to the bottom and change rich text -> html.
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so for this one, bc i'm doing a header for this ex, between the h1s, im just gonna paste the html txt from the gradient website. n honestly, if u wanna paste the text after the header, or u dont want a header txt at all u can just copy the html code into the html editor and it should be fine !
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and this should be ur end result ! (i made the txt smaller in tumblr editor lol
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heavenurl · 2 days
hey ! may i ask , how do u make ur text colours like fading ? ty
hello ! i'll try my best to explain how to do it.
first, i go to this website ! (click on this to open the website)
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second, i input the text i want to be coloured with a gradient.
next, i change the colour effect from horizontal gradient to three-coloured gradient. this gives you room to select three colour hex codes you want your text to be coloured with.
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this step is completely optional ! you can make your text bold or italic and you can change the font and the size of the text. i personally do not change anything for my text.
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you're almost done ! you will get to see the preview of your text show up on the screen so you can see how it looks after getting the gradient. make sure to copy the entire html code. for reference, it is the second code type on the website. i have provided the screenshot below.
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next, open tumblr and select the post you would like to edit. click on the 'gear' option and change the the text editor from rich text to html. this step is very crucial or else your post won't have the coloured text! i have provided screenshots below for where these options are located on the website. i am not aware on how to do it on the app so i use the website instead.
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last step ! you paste the html code from your clipboard onto the html code you see on the screen. to make it easier to distinguish where to put it, i usually put a full stop so i know where i'm putting the text so that it does not appear between images. after clicking 'done', you may see the post has the images being stacked one on top another instead of next to each other. it is easy to fix this problem by rearranging the pictures to how it was before.
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and voila ! now you have a post with the faded text. i hope this helped !
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lady-inkyrius · 4 days
A lot of apps seem to get rendering faux italics annoyingly wrong for some reason. As far as I can tell the tumblr mobile app basically just shears the letters horizontally, with the baseline being the invariant axis – not quite the worst place I've seen it tbh (top or bottom of bounding boxes lol), but close. The problem is, this messes with all the spacing!
On the mobile app, if you look at XXX you can see all three letters are evenly spaced (obviously), but if I make the middle one italic you get XXX which moves the centre of mass of the second X well to the right, causing it to intersect with the third X (and on my phone even reduces the advance width by a pixel so the third X moves even closer in).
When I write italics in tumblr posts I always place a thin space “ ” (U+2009) after the italic like this: XX X, the spacing isn't exact but at least the gap between the first & second and the second & third letters are more similar now. Now that I bothered to test it further I think a six-per-em space is almost exact (XX X) on my phone, but I sort of suspect these will be from the fallback font and won't be the same for everyone.
The proper way for the renderer to fix it would be to automatically add some space after the italics span with an advance width of (height of last character * tan(angle of italics from vertical)), or alternatively for an easier solution move the axis of the shear from the baseline to closer to the middle, like half of the x-height or cap-height. Firefox on desktop seems to use half the cap-height.
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s-lycopersicum · 2 months
i udnerstand if u do not want to reveal this secret bc it makes you very unique and fashionable but i am SO curious how u make text smaller than the smallest size posts allow for. ever since meeting u i have routinely had the thought "this line would work so much better if it was smaller." alas. i cannot do it.
Oh, I'm unique and fashionable? hihihihi ^u^
For the small text, I just use the <s> thingy in the tumblr editor, right next to the italics. I know it can be done with special characters (which is what I used to do on group chats), but I think there are accessibility issues with those, specially with screen readers.
But you're so right, some lines are really meant to be typed small.
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paradisaeaa · 1 year
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LIGHT OF KSHAHREWAR . (1/5, reqs open) ・₊✧
・₊✧ ABT ME.
hiii, i'm kie ! i use he/it/doll prns && i'm the biggest gayass u'll ever meet &lt;3 i'm also told i'm mean. that's all u need 2 know !!
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・₊✧ EDIT TYPES. (bold fav, italics selective)
icons (pride && regular), headers, layouts (specify site, if tumblr: w/ or w/o pinned), stimboards, card edits.
enstars, engirls, genshin impact*, haniwa, proseka, d4dj, milgram, hypmic, twst, persona (4&5), hsr, fanganronpas, vocaloid, tbhk, bsd. (+ unlisted.)
*i will do sumeru, but it is likely i'll deny the request.
trickstar, knights (enstars); kimisaki rock band (engirls); barbara, nilou, anemo charas (genshin); liphiyo (haniwa); haruka, kanade, tenma sibs (proseka); RONDO (d4dj); teddie (persona 4); danganronpa: despair time (fangans).
super pastel edits; shumika, izumako, sakuma rei (enstars); raiden ei/shogun, yae miko (genshin); ruikasa, akikasa (proseka); honkai impact.
irl/kin requests for sena izumi && fyodor dostoyevsky (bsd).
f/o requests for shinonome akito && tsukinaga leo.
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・₊✧ DNI.
proship/anti-anti, racist, terf/transmed/etc, nsfw/18+, yandere, endo sys, doubles of the irls listed above.
・₊✧ RULES.
be polite, specify platform and/or sizing. i can and will deny any requests without reason.
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Editing for fun!
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Natalie / Astro :: he/him/she/her
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Please read through before requesting!
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Anon list
♡ :: Legend: italic = selective, bolded = favorite, crossed out = listed sources ONLY
Edits: icons, headers, gifs, banners, layouts, moodboards, wallpapers, stimboards. please specify the platform if you request layouts. if you don't i will assume you mean tumblr layouts.
icon types: bordered/unbordered/circle/gif | layout types: discord/twitter/youtube/tumblr/other/gif | header types: default 1000x500/gif | wallpaper types: phone/pc/gif/please specify dimensions | moodboards: please specify theme / color or your request will be denied/i can do character themed moodboards/i can also do moodboards that are just aesthetic themed/but please just have a theme or your request will be denied
Sources: bandori, pjsk, love live, omori, vocaloid, oneshot, cookie run (all games), object shows, unlisted
Blacklist: viziepop media, genshin impact, real people's faces, dsmp, any minecraft smp, hetalia, homestuck, daganronpa, idolmaster, i probably missed some.
Characters: Almond cookie, eggnog cookie, captain caviar cookie or whatever the heck he's called, lilac cookie, yogurt cream cookie, pastry cookie
Do not interact: if you are on this list, you support lilac cookie/yogurt cream cookie, fans of anything on my blacklist (if you are critical your on thin ice), demondice/mori fans (even if ur critical), 18+ accounts / if u follow me and i end up being on ur dni i might block u or just ignore u
i'd also perfer if endogenic/non-traumagenic systems would dni, so as accounts who revolve around discourse... i might block u even if u aren't any of these. dont use my edits if you are on my dni. i will dm you if u do
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reshiram-and-zekrombw · 6 months
Hello, Humans
Resh: I am Reshiram, and over there is Zekrom. We have seen a few other legendaries do this, so Zekrom wanted to try. It might take us a while to respond, as we are doing this off of an old Rotom phone, which Zekrom managed to charge. Zek: Yes, so feel free to ask away! We want to see what the humans think of us, and how the other regions are doing.
Hi! This is a Pokemon IRL blog. Pelliper mail is on! I'm Rea, I go by she/her, and im a minor, so no NSFW things please. Im an avid Pokemon, Genshin, and Honkai Starrail player. Because of school and stuff, I wont be able to post a lot, but i'll try. And if I get any lore or anything wrong, please tell me! Also kinda new to tumblr, so I have no clue on how to do some of the text font things. Also please send asks, tho i cant guarantee that they will be answered right away! Any new blog things will be posted to @roselikespokemon !
Another update lol, but Bold text is Resh and Italic is Zek and Both is Kyu! Another another update, if u want ur ask to be to just one of them, then please specify which!
They all use they/them mainly, but he/him works as well for them because i feel like they are more male-ish. dont know why.
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strawbubbysugar · 5 months
Hihi Bubby!!
Golly it’s been lovely to catch up on your shenanigans! I took a break from Tumblr for a while around finals and haven’t really been back until now! Hope ya remember lil’ old me!
Anyway, I’ve been absolutely EATING your So(u)l rewrite! It’s been helping me through my bout with Covid over here. I hope ya don’t mind, but I’ve got a couple little proofreading notes I spotted on my way through.
My first couple are on Chapter eight. Nothing big, just a ‘your’ , a weird spacing thing between lines, and a spacing issue with italics.
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Next up, two for Chapter thirteen! Another one of those italics spacing issues and a mid-sentence line break.
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I only found one in Chapter fourteen, just a missing punctuation mark at the end of the lil’ paragraph here.
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Lastly, I found two in Chapter 15. The beginning of Goodbye’s line needs capitalization, and finally, every I’m in that last picture needs an apostrophe and the last one needs capitalization.
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Whew! That’s everything! Sorry if that was a lot, please don’t think that this is just me griping about little mistakes! I am absolutely enthralled in this world you are creating before our eyes! I’m really excited to see how So(u)l changes with this rewrite!
Love ya, Bubby /plat!!!!
Fixed!! Thank you so much for pointing these out!!! <3<3<3
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