#no but for real. as long as you arent transphobic or homophobic or any of that shit i really don't care if you're straight or cis
askfrancie · 2 months
๑ About!! (Last updated: April 25th, 6:20pm, central time)
☆→ This is an ask blog for the character Francis Mosses from the video game That’s Not My Neighbor.
☆→ There is no planned plot or story for this, I’m just doing this for fun and as a warm up.
☆→ This is an art ask blog. All art is mine unless it’s stated otherwise. Effort put into each piece may fluctuate violently. The amount of effort put into answering an ask is not an indicator for how thankful I am for you sending in asks. Every ask is very much appreciated no matter how much the effort put into the art in the answers fluctuates.
☆→ Francie uses he/him. You can call him Francis, but I just prefer calling him Francie
☆→ Mod Moss uses any pronouns and does not use labels.
☆→ This blog will answer 5 asks a day at minimum. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send in asks, just please be patient. (Note: Out Of Character answers aren’t counted towards this)
☆→ Asks are not answered chronologically.
๑ Rules!!
(nsfw posts will be tagged as #☆→ NSFW. Suggestive posts will be tagged as #☆→ Suggestive.)
☆→ 2. If you send asks pertaining to certain kinks or fetishes they will not be answered (I.E. anything to do with bodily wastes that arent sweat, feet, feeding, belly, inflation, incest, or including anything to do with children in any capacity.) (selfcest is fine, along with cannibalism, pet play, hypnotism, bondage.)
(Though I will say I don’t plan on this being exclusively nsfw.)
☆→ 3. No bigotry whatsoever I literally don’t care keep that shit away from me. I’m usually okay with some slurs but not for this ask blog.
☆→ 4. Be. Nice. Remember there is a real living breathing person behind this account. You can be mean to Francie that’s fine but not to Mod Moss. If you aren’t happy with a response you get it’s not my fault. ☆→ 5. No asks about politics. The owner of this account is very much radical left if that’s what you call it if you’re curious.
☆→ 6. If you want something tagged then ask.
☆→ 7. Magic anons are a-okay! Though we might be a bit picky.
☆→ 8. If there’s an outfit you’d like to see Francis in, I will gladly accept those requests, just remember, keep it tasteful and make sure it follows all of the other rules.
☆→ 9. Ship asks are okay as long as you’re not getting upset over Francie being shipped with a different character than you want him to be shipped with in a post.
☆→ 10. Gore is ALSO okay, but as long as it doesn’t carry into other peoples asks who want nothing to do with that.
(Including eye gore.) (gore will be tagged with “☆→ Gore” and censored with post cuts)
๑ DNI!
☆→ Pro isreal, antisemites, neo nazis, transphobes, transmeds, truscum, anti-mogai, terfs/swerfs, anti-endogenics, sysmeds, MAPS, homophobes, aphobes, anti contradicting labels. Anti-kink, purists.
I think that’s it LMAOAOAOAO
○・,~٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ooooooooo sparkles.
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yveltalreal · 4 months
Redoing this because Yveltals old one was shit.
Welcome to the rotumblr blog for the real actual god of death Yveltal! They/It/She/He pronouns. She enjoys Barbie media, baking, playing various video games I show him, listening to classical music like the old geezer (/aff) she is, and spending time with its family and friends. Do not call her a bacon bird or a murder chicken or anything like that, she doesn’t like it. Also you can ONLY call her Yveltal. If you are allowed to call her something else they will tell you. This is primarily their blog, I just live here.
I’m Maple, host of the Reaper System! I use He/She/They and we use She/They/It collectively! We’re Yveltal’s Chosens and frequent hijackers of this blog because we can’t be assed to make our own!! There’s me (#from m), Whirlybird (#whirlybirds musings), Circut (#circuits circus), Marble (#marble posting), and Acer (#acer speaks). We’re attending university at Naranja-Uva Academy and also are Paldea’s very own Dark Type gym leader (Fuck you, Iono! It’s my gym now!) You might also occasionally hear from my rotom, .ZIP, or my Ninetails, Glacier. I don’t think any of the others know how to use rotumblr.
some of the others in question are:
Pickle - Meowscarada (Service/Partner pkmn)
Dash - Cyclizar (We do a lot of racing)
Hephaestus - Houndoom/Lycanroc hybrid (Service/Partner pkmn)
Glacier - Chimeric Shiny Alolan Ninetails (Alpha)
Little - Shiny Scolipede
Bubblegum Bitch/Bibi - Shiny Lopunny (Freak)
Eepy - Zoroark
Tami - Absol (Basically my mom)
Biscuit - Hydreigon (General in the Deino Army)
En Passant - Kingambit
Wave - Wattrel
Sneeze - Houndour
Theres a couple others like the rest of my gym team and all of en passant's army and a few others. Also I USED to have a kilowattrel named storm but. lets not talk about him :D
Oh, also sometimes I turn into a houndoom for a little bit and it’s Zygarde’s fault apparently.
okay hi second pinned post yippe.
likes and follows come from @vibossvi
peliper mail, musharna mail, and magic anons are on if i think theyre funny enough/arent like annoying or really fucked up, and in this vein musharna malice (sending nightmares) is off. you can also send ic anon hate just dont be like. too over the top with it. i may smudge the rules if what you send is something im not particularly freaked out by and can figure out how theyd respond, but dont push it. if you aren't completely sure just like ask me with a dm or something, either here or over on discord if you already know it (im not giving it out just in case. if you know you know, and if you dont you dont.)
mod and characters are adults however reaper system does include a little in it and also im just generally not comfortable with nsfw?? i might make slur jokes or kys jokes so keep that in mind but i do tag them and thats p much the extent ill go.
while high stakes shit might be mentioned (i will tag it as high stakes) uhhh it probably wont be too much?? at least other than occasionally mentioning offhand highstakes events.
maple and yveltal primarily exist within a discord rp, meaning events, characters, lore, and places specific to that rp may be mentioned on this blog ans maple and yveltal will favour interactions with people from that rp as they will have already been friends/know eachother but i will try to interact with others as well as long as you dont contradict any of my lore too much!!
mod and character are both systems so please be normal about that. this means dont be systemphobic but also dont try to drag me into like discourse about endogenic systems.
homophobes/transphobes/racists/other bigots are not welcome. neither are pedophiles/maps/no-maps/pears or whatever the fuck you call yourselves. also general rule of dont be a freak /neg and just dont be an asshole. the amount of batshit anons i have that you people should not be sendinf a random guy roleplaying a bird on the internet is insane.
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
ok so first and foremost i dont agree with ppl being mean and insulting you because thats not how you get people to listen to what you have to say so i am sorry about the prev ppl immediately going to attack you but im not going to sit here and minimize their anger because its not baseless and they are well within their right to feel that way. im coming here to try and at least offer my view as a lesbian, which i doubt will do anything but its worth a shot i guess.
i dont agree with the implication that 'bi/mspec lesbian' labels are not harmful when they are fundamentally lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic from the talking points ive seen, and hurt us. implying that lesbians can feel attraction to men is the same rhetoric homophobes push onto us in real life to try and imply our sexuality is a phase and can be cured. "you just need to give men a chance." yk things of that nature. im not going to dive deep into the biphohia of it because i do not live the experience of a bisexual and i dont want to talk over bisexuals but i think it speaks for itself when people are so adverse to the label. you must ask yourself why are you so afraid to identify as bisexual? lesbianism has always included nonbinary, trans, gnc, and intersex people. and if its 'too restrictive' then it does not apply to you. lesbians do not and will not ever be attracted to men, i know its hard to believe but yes! people who arent attracted to men exist! we exist! i feel people are so angry and emotionally charged is because we are tired. tired of facing lesbophobia from outside and within the community. sorry for the long ask i tried to keep it short and concise. all i can say is please listen to actual lesbians.
hi, thank you for not being an ass an providing an actual argument, i very much appreciate that /gen. there genuinely is a horrid amount of lesbophobia, biphobia, and transphobia within the community. i know that there are a lot of arguments that the mspec label contributes to such. i just cannot get over the fact we are having fights like this within a community that is actively being attacked so heavily as a whole, especially right now.
your argument's reminiscent of the idea that the pan label is biphobic. genuinely, some people just identify with one label more than another, and sometimes people feel best defined by a combination of labels. even if the difference between the definition of bi and pan is miniscule to you, it might be big enough of a difference to someone else for it to matter.
it's not about "fear" of identifying as a certain label, sometimes it just doesn't. feel. right. once again! i could identify with bi, pan, omni, whatever label! but it's just not me. this has been said before, but nothing about identity is simple. feeling like we need to separate each other all into our own little boxes is incredibly isolating. the point of having this community to begin with, is so we all know that we're not alone.
everyone's just trying to live their lives. you genuinely seem like you have good intentions and god, i KNOW that this argument's tiring, and i can't imagine what it's like to deal with all the other arguments targeted against lesbians in particular, and i won't act like i'll ever understand the struggle with lesbophobic arguments, since i'm not a lesbian.
but people outside of the community are taking advantage of this argument even existing in order to make life worse for us as a whole, regardless of whatever label you choose to use. whether you're bi, a lesbian, or a bi lesbian, doesn't matter to the people passing bills against our rights and healthcare and protection. any difference to them is equally wrong. i'd rather stand against that idea as a whole than go along with it to suit whatever i'm trying to convey.
i just don't want to cause people to struggle to be themselves and live their lives simultaneously. majority of us have that same goal. even if we don't agree with each other along the way, at the end of the day, we all just want to feel safe and happy.
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I posted 157 times in 2022
That's 157 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (17%)
131 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 102 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#fav responses - 65 posts
#babbles - 17 posts
#heartstopper - 7 posts
#asks - 7 posts
#solitaire - 6 posts
#thftd - 5 posts
#important - 3 posts
#radio silence - 3 posts
#kit connor - 2 posts
#alice oseman - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#honestly a lot of responses to this question has been 'i'm not sure' so don't feel too bad lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
If you condone or facilitate what happened to kit Connor today, kindly unfollow me and delete your reblog of my post. I don't want you here.
You can't headcanon real people's sexuality, and you can't force them to come out. They don't owe anyone their sexuality, let alone people they don't even know. Grow the fuck up.
15 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Tag your thought for The day answer with thftd so that we can look at each others answers in one place!
17 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I didn't want to do this, but I'm going to split the recipients to Thought for The day into two. Group 1 will get an ask today, and group 2 will get the same ask, but tomorrow. It just makes it easier for me.
‼️If I find you are racist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, or a bigot in any way, shape or form, I will remove you from the list and I reserve the right to do so‼️
Group 1 is (in no particular order) @lizziesblog @pessimistic-lonerr @queer-cat-katherine @edwardcullenisadilf @capncronch @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @geolato @venusqq @monochrome-anomaly @silentlydying @thequietfox @newtness532 @tea-time-with-dragons @utterly-disappointed @meloncholic-bookworm @ghostbakery @devotedlyfuzzyperson @mumr1ksnufk1n @sugaroto @mentalbreakdownmachine @bread-cat-luna @cheesepizzabro @mydeargoodbye @fabricated-pessimist @staticfrom-typeiisupernova
Group 2 is @canonsunkmyships @aaristea @butterfliesareamyth @tesseract-s @person4924 @solitairians4ever @jeguslay @pheliau @undescribed1mage @evrythinginitsrightplace @secretlyafrog7 @anadreamland @heartstopperobsessedgirl @humanmurphyslaw @lifeofadrian @henrythepug @pessimistic-book-lover @shysaladsludgeoperator @mars-is-tired @rothefish @freedle-8a @radiosilencedtori @papermacheworldd @that-monochrome-rainbow @lazylama9 @dreamingintheosemanverse @literatureisdying
77 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
There's something I've wanted to say for quite a while.
Because of the nature of Solitaire, it attracts many fans that have poor mental health, and can relate to Tori's struggle and pessimism.
And I'm not trying to spread toxic positivity. The world is fucked up. People are fucked up. Depression, anxiety, and all the other mental health problems arent going to be cured by some false image of sunshine and rainbows.
But, please. Don't be so hard on yourselves. I pretty frequently surf my Follower's blogs, and I see so many posts of people saying that they don't want to be alive, they hate who they are, etc. And, ironically, all these people seem lovely, and any interactions I have with them prove me right every time.
Maybe you've done some bad things. Maybe you've had bad things done to you. But you can start over. First impressions aren't everything. Nothing lasts forever, no matter how long it might seem.
My ask box is always, and I mean ALWAYS open. I won't always be able to help, but I will listen. If you want, you can send me vent messages and ask me not to reply, if you just want to get it out. If you ask me not to, I won't .
92 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reblog if you would like to receive Solitaire style Thought of The Day asks
I reblog responses I find funny or interesting under #fav responses.
332 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mogaifurs · 1 year
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🐾 [About my blog] ----------
MOGAIfurs is the idea of turning MOGAI and related terms into fursonas! This is my blog for the topic!!
You can submit your designs here! and you can request designs here!
Run by me, @nightfallsystem, and @catboy-clowns
🐾 [MOGAIfurs rules] ----------
You can do any term as long as it isnt harmful (eg. transid) and as long as the creator is ok with it. If a creator tells you to delete the design then you must.
You can use any base and colours, just make sure the design is based off the flag!
Don't use MOGAIfurs to promote transid, consang, pro contact harmful para, and other harmful things, etc. (Obv, anyone can make a fursona based off something, just don't use the MOGAIfurs name).
You are allowed to make 2nd designs of an already designed term.
Don't steal any designs!
No NSFW content of any OCs. NSFW gender designs are ok though, just don't send it to my blog, I am a minor!
Please don't use the MOGAIfurs name if you are on the DNI (found at the bottom of this post). Obviously you can make a fursona for anything, just don't use the name.
Don't use AI art to design anything as AI art is just stealing from artists.
🐾 [Tagging system] ----------
🐾 reblogs! - reblogs.
🐾 for you! - requests that have been completed
🐾 open request - request that others can complete if they'd like
🐾 closed request - was once an open request but is now completed.
🐾 questions - questions!
🐾 off topic - stuff that isn't really on topic.
🐾 texts - just text posts
🐾 non-fur - mogai oc designs that arent furry!
🐾 mogaifur design - any mogaifur designs!
🐾 [DNI + BYF] ----------
DNI if you are / support
Proshippers --- Including supporters of loli/shota, "fiction doesn't affect reality" sayers, etc.
Queerphobes --- Including anti-queer, homophobes, biphobes, stelliophobes/anti mspec gay/lesbian, anti turigirl/lesbian/straightbian/straightgay/etc, thinks a-spec is not part of the LGBTQIA+ community, use the term "bi-spec", aphobes, super-straight/super-gay/etc.
Transphobes --- Including TERFS, transmeds, anti neopronouns, anti emojipronouns, anti xenogenders, anti-MOGAI, anti neurogenders, etc.
Ableists --- including supporters of autism speaks, thinks 'narc abuse' is real, thinks people with low/no empathy are bad/evil, thinks there's always an 'evil murderous' alter in systems, supports the film 'split', thinks personality disorders are evil or bad, wants to "cure autism", etc.
Cringe culture supporters --- including r/fakedisordercringe users, r/systemscringe users, thinks bullying furries is actually funny/good/deserved, thinks harassing people is okay, pretends that all furries are zoophiles, etc.
Racists --- including using names that aren't of your culture, cultural appropriators, introjects from another culture that uses a name that is not of their bodily culture (it is cultural appropriation).
Radqueer --- including transabled, transracial, transautistic, support the term transplural, any transX identity, thinks any paraphilia is LGBTQ+, zoophiles, necrophiles, pro contact in harmful para, "contact-neutral", "contact-complex", make "pride flags" for harmful para, sway/persuade people with harmful para away from getting help, etc. Non-harmful para is okay here JSYK.
Pedophiles and related --- including shota/lolicons, DDLG/CGL(re) and variants, NSFW agere, MAPS/NoMAPS, boy/girl/child liker/lover (pedo term), cub, etc.
NSFW --- including porn blogs, nsfw blogs, fetish blogs, post/reblog NSFW/fetish often, etc.
MLM/WLW fetishizers --- including fujoshi/variants, weirdos, etc.
Anti plural --- including anti-tulpas, anti-endos, sysmeds, think DID/OSDD is the only way to be plural, think people with DID are evil/always have an evil murderous alter, thinks switching is "possession" or "evil spirits", don't listen to systems about system experiences, etc.
I'm pro-endo.
I'm Hazardqueer
I'm anti-proship
I'm anti-transID
I'm pro KFF, but I won't block you if you're against it, just letting you know so you can block me if that makes you uncomfy.
I'm neutral on factkin
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jayfeathersstick · 3 months
This post will mostly be to my irl friends but even if you have no clue who i am you can keep reading😀👌
Warning: the rest of this will contain topics such as, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, xenophobia etc.
Also please excuse my grammar and writing style. Im just writing down my thoughts.
I don't really know how to start this. I have been thinking about writing this for a long time. But today i finally decided to do it.
I live with my parents and (half) sister who's in college.
The problem is my dad.
No, he's not abusive, at least i don't think of him as abusive. That may sound strange but i genuinely don't know if he is and im just so immune to it that i don't think of it as abuse or if im just overreacting .
The real problem is his memtality.
He was born in the very late 60's so yes he is in fact old.
He has this mentality that he is right and EVERYBODY else is wrong. Everyone in my house has acknowledged this. Except him obviously.
Unfortunately (as some of you may have already realised based on the warnings) he is in fact xenophobic.
He is very very transphobic. For example:
"don't you think it wierd that people are out there pretending to be the other gender?"
"its either she or he, there is no they"
"this kind of 'stuff' wasn't around when i was your age"
Yes these are all direct quotes from him.
There are many many more that i cant think of right now but if i do remember any more i will add them.
Also, i know this is an age old argument but, ehat do you have against trans people? They arent bothering you? If anything YOU are the ones bothering them.
That's only his transphobic side.
We've barley touched his homophobic side.
Now, i will say the is very slightly more accepting of, this commumity than trans people.
By slightly i mean he dosent sit me down after seeing thr word "nonbianary" on the back of one of thr books my friend lent me and tell me all about these "odd people" that are-LIVING THEIR LIVES WITHOUT YOU BOTHERING THEM.
Exuse me.
A little cough came out there.
Also yes "odd people" is another direct quote.
Continuing on.
This one is very very vague because he's only given me a sexist vibe a few times but it still bothers me.
StOrY tImE
I was telling my dad about some of thr fights at my school and his legit resposlnse whaen i told him a teacher had gotten involved was "sometimes boys need to fight and i know your school will never agree with me but its true"
As you can see, very much a self believe that he is the only right person to ever exist on earth.
Another example:
I was telling him about some of my friends breaking up (platonically) and moving lunch tables because they weren't talking to each other anymorw.
" you see that happen a lot, girls fighting, but you just get used to it"
Like ?
He grew up with two other brothers, no sisters. How many women did you watch fight?
Also kinda off topic but he seems oddly against Chinese people💀
Idk what he has against them but he just...doesn't like them?
Anyways thank you for comin to my ted talk about all my dads problems.
I will update this if i ever feel the need to.
Originally posted on Mar 7 2024.
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twink-flags · 5 years
cishets are big stinkiy smelly send me more death threats about it
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craftykinnies · 2 years
Do not follow if:
- You are racist, homophobic, transphobic/TERF, white supremacist, pedophile or “MAP”, etc
- You are a DDLG/CGL blog. Sfw regression is okay, but please dont request it (just makes me uncomfortable personally. kidcore, childish crafts, and system littles are totally allowed)
- you plan to involve me in discourse
- you defend or condone bad actions of your kintypes (eg, a hisoka kin is fine, but a hisoka kin who thinks his behavior towards gon is okay is not welcome here)
- You think otherkin are systematically oppressed or dont let kinfolk use the term “kinnie” for themselves
- Please send me a description or name of your kintype, as well as a source for fictionkin.
- fictives, synpaths, otherhearts, and any other form of alterhumanity or fictionkind are welcome! please just specify if youd prefer me to not tag your post with kin
- Specifying a skill level, medium, or type (eg jewelry, home decor) is helpful but not required. each craft is labeled with difficulty in 1-5 star emojis
- Only one request per ask, please! but you can send multiple asks
- Don’t harass me over time constraints, please. I am doing this for free and for fun. It’s alright to ask if I’ve received an ask, though! If you’re unsure, you can also check the current requests page.
- I will not do factkin, and characters based on real people (eg hamilton, youtuber identities) as well as factives are case by case
- please check the blacklist. it isnt very long, i promise, and you can still follow if you are kin from most of those sources i just wont do requests for them
- If I think you are a troll I’ll delete your ask. If you’re genuine, go ahead and send it again, my mistake!! hate and discourse is also deleted.
- DO NOT HARASS OTHERS. Multiple people might enjoy your request. That is their right. if i find out you have been harassing, insulting, or invalidating people who share your kintype in reblogs, tags, or replies, you will be blocked.
- I have the right to deny any request i am uncomfortable with.
please don’t request these things. your ask will be deleted.
- steven universe
- dsmp
- eddsworld (creators arent comfortable with it)
- killing stalking
- sources that glorify p3d0philia/ince$t/$exual as$ault/z00philia (eg boku no pico)
- sources that glorify su!cide, SH, or EDs (eg 13 reasons why)
- w/nd/gos or sk/nw/lkers
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davethot · 3 years
Aysha is homophobic but more so in the realm of being lesbophobic. Remember that she completely removed all Rosemary interactions from Pesterquest for more Davekat, decided to push for Yiffy the cuckhold child to be forced into the narrative during Lesbian Visibility Day and has made sure to demean any positive Rosemary interactions in lieu of Davekat which she is solely invested in. Her being transphobic more relates to her poor handling of Jade (dog dicked sex fiend isn't good transfem rep)
You do realize you sound fucking insane right???? This is literally what I’m fucking talking about when I mentioned people in my og post about hs2 pointing fingers and giving someone a really harsh label such as LESBOPHOBIC because they didnt quite handle a lesbian couple EXACTLY how you would have.
First of all i want to mention that Aysha is non-binary poc and is married to a woman. This doesnt exempt her from possibly writing some shitty things, but its good to have perspective here. Shes not some cishet white person writing these characters.
So are you going to ignore the literal thousands of pages of the original comic where we had a PLETHORA of Rosemary interactions??? And absolutely no davekat? And if you remember Kanaya was still having hang ups with Vriska, so it only made sense that that was explored a bit in Pesterquest rather than jumping straight to Rose and Kanaya cuddling on a couch and spewing gay poetics at each other. Like I genuinely dont know what you fucking want.
Also i would like to point out that romance wasnt even the fucking focus of Pesterquest. Dave and Karkat’s interactions were barely anything more than characters mentioning them and them being in the same place together for one single ending and mspar implying that they had a feeling they were supposed to be good friends. Tbh it sounds like you and the people who often have this complaint are way more fucking obsessed with what’s going on with Davekat than Aysha or the rest of the team will ever be. Maybe you should redirect your efforts into creating more wlw content for Homestuck since you think the new team is so lesbophobic for portraying two grown ass women having some marital problems (and acting like that cant happen in the real world with real people literally every day).
You and tons of other people fucking love to point to Kanaya and Rose’s issues in hs2 and preach that it’s suddenly lesbophobic that theyre not happy go lucky 24/7. Again, Davekat didnt even fucking happen in the og comic. We had one flash where Dave rests his head on Karkat’s lap and they’re playing hopscotch on a poorly drawn dick on the ground, meanwhile Rose and Kanaya had comfortably been together for Awhile at that point. I just don’t understand how Dave and Karkat finally having a semi-functional and happy relationship in hs2 is promoting lesbophobia. Also we didnt even get to see the comic FINISH!! We dont KNOW what exactly was going to happen with Rose and Kanaya, and we arent going to for a long fucking time because it’s people like you who are perpetuating this narrative of the team and that theyre horrible awful people because they did two fucking things you dont agree with. It’s honestly fucking exhausting. And you know I can throw this right back at you right? Like, pretty homophobic of you to only be focusing on wlw ships and invalidating Davekat, one of the only healthy relationships PERIOD in Homestuck, not just a healthy mlm relationship. Like, pretty shitty of you anon :/ kind of homophobic of you fr.
And this isnt even mentioning the genuinely nice interactions we have seen with Kanaya and Rose in Homestuck 2. Everyone’s really fucking eager to forget that in meat Kanaya was wistfully looking out at the stars missing her wife and told Dave she’d do anything to get her back, esp since it’s implied that Rose was being manipulated pretty heavily by Dirk. But no, according to yall that never happened and Aysha + the rest of the team are just spitting on all wlw folks.
Also again I feel like youre coming to insane conclusions. You think it was a purposeful move that Aysha and the team introduced Yiffy on lesbian visibility day??? Like???? Also pretty lesbophobic of you to invalidate a child born from two women. Like hm pretty shitty of you anon. Rose and Jade explained why they did what they did, and tbh, again, we could have had more information if people like you didnt indirectly harass the creators and cause it to go on indefinite hiatus.
As for the Jade dog dick thing, I have multiple friends who are trans women who have issues with people blowing it out of proportion. Its important to remember that every trans woman is going to have a different opinion on this, and we shouldnt invalidate any of them, but at the same time what one trans woman says about it isnt the end all be all of the situation. Some trans women think this portrayal is transphobic, while plenty others think it isnt, and that people are making way too big of a deal out of it. Therefore I’m going to leave it at that. Personally I dont know if how Aysha and the team wrote Jade is transphobic and its not for me to decide. However, my trans friend would like to be quoted saying this:
“People claiming that the writers intended for Jade’s dick to be the driving force in her emotional and sexul appetite shows someone’s willingness to ignore Jade’s actual reasons for doing these things that she STATES in the actual text. All in favor of projecting their own transmisogynist reading onto the writers.”
This probably ended up being longer than my og post lmfao but fr anon im sick of people like you. Even if you didnt directly contact the creators of hs2, you’re literally the problem here. I wish you and others would stop throwing around these terms like lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic, etc, because it literally makes those words lose meaning. Someone writing a lesbian couple having marital problems, especially in the context of Homestuck, is not fucking lesbophobic. And i hope i helped you understand that by throwing the terms back at you because tbh, im sure youre a good person with good intentions, and I would never seriously call you homophobic for this. But i hope you can have some fucking perspective and stop targeting marginalized authors and creators moving forward. Its embarrassing fr.
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
Discourse/political opinions:
Note: I am ok with people following/interacting with me if we disagree on certain subjects on this list but if its got a ❎ next to it, i am not ok with you interacting with me and i will block you. Take everything thats on the ❎ list to be a informal dni
Throwing this at the top: Isreal is an apartheid colonial state and has no right to exist. It is on stolen land. Zionists are committing a ethnic cleansing of Palestine and I will forever stand with Palestine.❎
All cops, especially ur uncle/brother/dad/friend, are bastards. ❎
Black lives matter ❎
Im neutral on ace discourse, idrc but i do feel safer around ace exclues than ace inclues cause yall get pretty gross sometimes
Longsword lesbians are transphobic ❎ but battleaxe bis are vaild
Cis het means cisgender and hetero- in any capacity, cisallohet is not a thing
Aros/aces/aroaces do face discrimination for being aspec and aphobia is a good word for it but its not a systematic oppression. ❎
Bi/pan lesbians, bi/pan gays and other " mspec" gays are homophobic as fuck and the label is bigoted no matter what arguement you have for it. ❎
Punch your local terf and her nazi friends, especially jk rowling( read another book) ❎
Polyam cis hets, kinky cis hets and gnc cis hets arent lgbt for " going aginest society's standards" ❎
Q*eer is a slur, as well as an identity, and calling everyone it is ableist aginest lgbt people with ptsd and flat out just rude. If q*eer is your identity, great but to pretend it's suddenly not a slur anymore just because "q*eer studies" exists is flat out misinformation. ❎
D*ke is for all wlw, F*g is for all mlm, tr*nny is for all trans ppl and sn*wflake is only for nb people cause let's be real, it's not really applied to binary trans people.
The split attraction model is only vaild for aspec identities, all other uses are lgbtphobic ❎
Aspec can mean aro/ace/aroace-spec or autisitc spectrum, i litterally dont care enough to argue it. But if you say ur " on the spectrum" to mean ur aroacespec and not autisitic, ill rip out ur esophagus. ❎
Saying asexuality/aromantisim/aroasexuality can't be a spectrum is litterally just aphobic
Allo isnt a slur nor is meant to be derogatory in any way. I will call you allo if ur allo in the context of ace/aro but if u dont like it i wont.
Making fun of ace/aro/aroace pple isnt funny to anyone other than aphobic pple and you should really ask urself why you think bullying in any form is ok as long its a group of mostly young, disabled, trans and neurodiverse people.
Dont say ur an ace/aro/aroace ally then turn around and call urself aphobic proudly. Your an oxymoronic moron and ur not our ally.
I dont care if you "would be *insert ace identity* therefore you can comment on *same ace identity as before* validity" you dont identify as it, shut up, no one asked ur opinion on the matter
Fiction 100000% affects reality you nasties, theres not justification for the romanization of r*pe, pedophilia, abuse, incest, etc. Dark topics are 100% ok but not if ur trying to make them look good. The only good villian redemption arcs are zuko and bakugo. ❎
You dont need dysphoria to be transgender ❎
Im not anti-pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual but i am critical of the labels' history and the huge biphobia issues within their communities. All i ask you consider the label bi as bi has historically been defined as attraction to all genders, it has 100+ years of history over pan/poly/omni, its origins are much more humane and you dont spread misinformation about the bisexual label. Bisexuality has a shameful title in society and biphobia is very prevalent so its understandable why people would not want to connect to that label but thats not an excuse to demonize or sexualize bisexuals.❎
Skolio/ceterosexual are only vaild if its a nonbinary person who feels unsafe dating cis/binary people. ❎
Nazis and other bigots do not deserve a platform, thats how fascists and dictators come to power. ❎
Just because trump is worse than biden dosent make biden good. Vote bernie.
Reg means nothing because its all personal interpretation
Gatekeeping is a term made by trans women to explain them being excluded from healthcare, it dosent mean keeping people from invading other communities. Im not a doctor therefore i cant " gatekeep" you.
You have to have did/osdd to be a system and you have to have trauma to have did/osdd. Therefore you have to have trauma to have a system and endos can fuck off, ur ableist. ❎
Tulpamancy is part of closed poc-exclusive religious practice and has nothing to do with systemhood so if ur white and/or claim ur system cause you made a tulpa, ur not only racist and cultural appropriating but also ableist!❎
Pedos/maps/pears are not lgbt. Its a kink not an orientation. (Pocd people are not pedophiles and deserve support!) ❎
Stop stanning freaks like pewdiepie, jenna marbles, thomas Sanders, james charles, fya, cais/bunga, biggest gaudiest patronses, i am fish or other nasties. ❎
Most problematic sources can be consumed critically ( especially if its an autistic person with a hyperfixation) but some sources cant be saved and should burn.
Trying to say which intrusive thoughts are "ok" and " not ok" to have defeats the purpose of supporting those who have them. I have them, shut up if u dont. ❎
Kinnies are rad and i am one. ❎
I support all mogai identities as long as they arent; copycats to make something more " progressive", trans trivializing, fetishizing or otherwise gross. Im mogai neutral as long as the identity is harmless. Xenogender and like altersex stuff is rad as hell ❎
Nonbinary people are allowed to be uncomfortable being around/dating binary people, even if the binary person is trans. Enbyphobia is prevalent in all circles and we're allowed to be wary of ALL binary people ❎
Two-spirit and intersex/intergender people are not inherently lgbt but if the two spirit person is ok using western lgbt labels or the intersex person is trans, then they are lgbt. It is a personal decision and if you arent one or either, it's not your choice to decide if we are or aren't.❎
The drinking/smoking age should be 18.
*insert offputting kawaii death penality insta discourse image* anyway the government shouldnt be allowed to kill you period. Dont care who you are or what you did. ❎
Bring back the guillotine. Viva la revolution ❎
Dismantle the police system ❎
Supporting trump inherently makes you a shitty person cause it means you put no value the lives of those imprisoned at ice concentration camps or literally anything for the betterment of humanity. ❎
Seperate art from artist. Pirate. Fuck disney. Fuck notch. Fuck cavetown ❎
Conceal and carries shouldnt be allowed in hospitals, schools, places of worship, homeless shelters, fesitvals or any places that house oppressed, sick, injured, young, old or otherwise harmless people and peaceful places. ❎
Fujoshis and fundashis are homophobic and nasty asf ❎
"Factkin" dont exist, you cant be another living person, especially seince you dont and never will know everything about their life ❎
Hamiltons music was amazing but idk how to tell you that you shouldnt be supporting a musical that romantizes slave owners. ❎
Hazbin hotels/helluva boss's creator is a horrible person, the music and art style suck ass, alastor is a walking aphobic sterotype, angel dust is a walking homophobic stereotype and the show completely disregards the protags orientation. ❎
Christianity should be abolished and held responcible to the many it has killed and harmed but other abrahamic religions should be supported ❎
Self diagnosis is vaild if the person is well informed. Especially if the idividual is forced within a medical system that would kill, take away their children, refuse them the right to marry or otherwise be oppressive over the idividual if they were successfully diagnosed. ❎
Criminals dont need to be reformed, the system that creates them needs to be. ❎
Descalation officers and social workers who are trained to deal with people in scary situations would kill less people than cops ❎
Neo-pronouns and emoji pronouns are vaild ❎
Micro-labels are not inherently good or bad
Emo and alternative people are not oppressed for getting bullied wtf is wrong with you. ❎
It's not ok to bully people people over relatively harmless identities like pan/poly/Omni, demisexual/romantic, etc. Like idk how to tell you that isn't ok or responsible just because you think the labels are stupid. It's one thing to advocate aginest a community and it's another to personally harass someone just for being that identity. I may not like the history or the community but it isn't cool to bully these people. Not to mention ur a fucking idiot giving them attention and a person to point at as being "dangerous" to them. ❎
Sysmed and tramascum are transphobic and ableist labels, there is nothing wrong with medicalizing a fucking debilitating mental disorder.❎
Transandrophobia exists and if you still think trans men don't face any issues or suddenly gain male privilege, your a fucking idiot.❎
Autism speaks can die in a deep dark abyss❎
If youre still trying to defend a white YouTubers black face in 2023, what are you even doing?❎
Measuring race/ethnicity by percentages and trying to interpersonally decide whether someone is "x race enough to claim it" is just recycled ethnic purity bullshit, racist and it doesn't matter how low or large your percentage is as long as you are happy and respectful. ❎
Certain media can be consumed critically(mha, soul eater, FNAF, etc ) but other media simply can't( Harry Potter, hazbin hotel, hetalia, etc) and you'll have to deal with the consequences of supporting the entirely irredeemable media.
Will add to this as time gose on
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dragonairstim · 4 years
My phone will not for the life in its battery let me look at your faq on mobile, not even the faq for mobile link you sent someone at one point wants to work for me. Is there any way at all that I can get I a newer link (that i hope hope hope will work aaa) for mobile users? Sorry to bother but this is real annoyin!
here ill copy and paste for you
ddlg, cgl, cglre, abdl, kink, littlespace (including sfw)even if you claim to be “sfw” or not kink related you are using kink terms therefore associating yourself with the kink [this does not apply to system littles]
terfs, swerfs, truscum, transmed, radfem, gender critical, against neo/nounself pronouns, against nonbinary genders, biphobic, transphobic, transmisogynistic, lesbophobic,homophobic, dont believe in asexuality/aromantics
incest/pedo shippers (even for “coping") or “anti anti”, “fiction doesnt affect reality”, “ageing up” characters, map, nomap
thinspo, pro ana/mia/ed, etc (i am recovering from an eating disorder this is triggering for me!)
racist, fascist, nazi/neo nazi, pro trump, conservative, support the military/cops, blue lives matter, etc
your blog is “anyone can interact” or “anyone can interact just respect the banners”
you support any of these things
if i post a problematic character/series please tell me! i dont know all of the sources people request. additionally, if i interact with a problematic person please tell me! i dont know everything about everyone in the stim community
why cant kidhearts interact?
because i said so
can i request multiple things/multiple times
yes, i dont care at all but please send them in seperate asks and dont spam
i dont know if youve done [request] but..
search if ive filled the request before you send it in! this is something that actually annoys me, please dont do this.
can inclusionsts/exclusionsts interact? [someone] is an aphobe!!!
this blog is ace discourse neutral. if you dont want me using your gifs because i allow either interaction i understand just shoot me a polite message
can you tag [thing]
no, im very forgetful and i dont want to say ill do something and forget and trigger someone thinking that my blog was safe
something about my sources not being in order
im lazy
can i request kins?
can i request ships?
yes, as long as they arent of underage characters or otherwise bad (ie an abuser, a rapist, age gaps, etc)
can i request [thing im not in to]
yes; make sure you name the source material
can i request an oc or a pet?
yes; submit a picture of them and give me details about likes/colors
can you promo me?
i dont do promos, sorry! good luck though
search if your request has been filled already (https://dragonairstim.tumblr.com/search/keyword/)
dont send requests through the submit or fanmail, only send them through ask
including details about what stims you like and dont like is helpful but not obligatory
if you dont know if your requests has been eaten here is a list of requests currently in the inbox/queue https://dragonairstim.tumblr.com/requests
(there are more not here this is a general list)
blood, gore, body horror, needles, zombies
trypophobia inducing things/lots of poking
real life people (youtubers, youtubers sonas/characters they play, famous people dead or alive) (requesting characters played by real actors is fine)
country/state flags
series or characters that romanticize things like rape, abuse, incest, age gaps, etc
i have the right to deny any requests i dont want to do even if not specified here
dako, 21, fae/faers or he/him
aromantic nonbinary lesbian
other blogs i mod @ufco (mod comrade nova); @nova-stims (original gifs); @nova–stims (reblogged gifs); @nebulousstimming (my systems stim blog); @hellokittystim; @87170528 (pride flag edits and also the main blog of this account)
dragonairstim birthday june 28 2017
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beemomo-blog · 5 years
Hey here’s the law bois
Stay off my damn blog if you are:
-A terf
-transphobe of any kind
-pretty much any party pooper
-R#pe fetishizer
Or anything similar. I’m cool with you as long as you don’t hurt anyone. I’m a weird person and so are you. It’s okay to be weird as long as you know what’s right and wrong man. If you are any of these please get help for real. You aren’t helping society and I’m too nice of a person to say “kill yourself XDXDXD”. Just. Get help and I won’t talk to you until you understand and can have healthy interactions with other human beings.
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drowninginfelines · 6 years
octopath traveler is a great game with some real interesting stories, and ive been way too fuckin busy to make progress on it but i still care about it a lot, and still (somewhat) enjoy engaging with fandom about it
buuut like all fandoms, theres always gonna be a couple bad eggs, and octopath is no different. id like this fandom to be chill and not full of fuckin weirdos, so i hope yall will take the time to scope my post here and wise up to some unfortunate people in this server
im not gonna put this under a readmore cause really this isnt that long and im not gonna fill it up with pictures, just links cause idc about hiding anything. also i just dont actually care enough to so shrug
so anyways, as you all know i love exactly two things: being gay and making my esteemed facetious shitposts about being gay. naturally, straight people arent a fan, and you all know that i do not and never will care about strangers jumpin on my posts, and told the one that did just as much. i received this hysterical rant in return, i showed it to all my buddies and we had a good laugh about it, and i promptly forgot about it
...until i noticed some bitching about my post in a public octopath server. i dont actually like care if someones linking my blog and whining about me, but like, have the balls to do it to my face? in any case i had another chuckle at this dudes expense and then promptly forgot about it again
couple weeks later, the owner of this server hits up my dms talkin about how they werent comfortable with what i said. which was........me sarcastically saying that i was glad they liked my post? you know, im not actually even sure what even the issue was. in any case, the conversation VERY quickly devolved, and the owner of this server turned out to be a homophobic, transphobic fucking lunatic. im linking the full conversation here because, i shit you not, this bitch goes on to compare me to hitler. like, completely ironically. and then kicks me from the server before i can finish saying my piece
all this because some dude rants and raves at me and calls me a bitch and then links it in that server....yet somehow im the one for bringing the drama to the server, or whatever. and as far as im aware, that conversation is still in there. i technically was banned or kicked or whatever but you all know me. i always got a finger in every pie :o)
also while the homophobia is pretty blatant, when i first joined the server i introduced myself as being nonbinary, but as you can see in the last screenshot of that conversation, starts misgendering me for no real reason other than being a hateful cunt.
so yeah tldr this is just my word of warning to avoid @jackspade54 and the owner of that public octopath traveler server, @biffjerkyy, and if youre in that server, maybe consider if those are the kind of folk you want to keep company with. and if there are any public octopath servers that are actually lgbt+ friendly, id love to know about one!
keep it classy and sexy out there babes. danni loves u 😘
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alyciagaynam · 7 years
about the 'hating taylor swift' meme
you know what i hate about social media these days? if you wanna turn the world against someone you just gotta say theyre racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc even if it isnt true
and i get it, if you tell me someone did a racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc thing my whole perception of them would change because i simply do not tolerate that shit
but it has become a problem i see clearly in the whole taylor debate. i mean, people have always loved to hate her for their own stupid and awful reasons like their own sexism (she dates too much, she writes too many love songs!!!), their delusion about a guy (he is mine bitch!!!!), and have used truly disgusting things to insulte her, like body-shaming her (yikes)
they never had a valid reason to hate her and when the whole kanye/kim vs taylor thing happened they embraced it like their lives depended on it. forget kanye supporting trump, forget the gross things he did to rihanna, amber rose and taylor herself, forget that kim isnt an outstanding human either; i mean, taylor got 'exposed' why should they care about anything else????
people ignored their common sense, which if they had listened to, they wouldve heard it saying that taylor never said she wasnt informed of the "taylor and i might have sex" lyric, she was probably angry and annoyed at the gross as fuck music video or at the 'i made that bitch famous' lyric. if they had actually heard taylors ""shade at kanye"" they wouldve seen that she only said 'hey girls! your success is yours and dont let people tell you they made you who you are!' (hows that shade?)
self proclaimed feminists started saying she was racist for "demonizing a black man", which wouldve been a very valid reason to get angry had that been the case. we're so used to white people being racist and assholes that when someone merely suggested that this was racism everyone jumped on it and refused to see it any other way (spoiler: its not racism, its just someone defending herself against someone who wronged them, and they happen to be white and black individuals, respectively)
and despite not having any proof, people still actually think taylor swift is racist. granted, most people who spread hate against her are people who arent involved at all and just happen to see a viral tweet about it so they join in on the 'fun' so they can get a retweet or two. which saddens me to be honest because they dont find it in themselves to actually fact-check that info. sad.
so yeah, hating taylor swift has become a meme. i can bet all the money in the world if you ask someone why they hate her they wont have any real reason, hell, they might just answer with one of those stupid rumors! and every day they aim to find new things to pin on her to make her look bad.
now, im not saying everybody has to like her, but this senseless hate does hurt her! she is a fuckin human being stop thinking celebrities are immune to the things they are exposed to.
hopefully this long-ass message makes people question their behaviour.
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kasunex · 7 years
Yesterday me and @heiligelanze were bored so I made this trash complaining about P4. Don’t read if you like P4. Unless you are very chill about people hating on it. 
we talk about why p4 is not good. 
#1 - Boring characters
Yosuke: Wah wah small town is borin (why doesn't he just plan to move when he's older), also homophobic in way that suggests writers thought we were too. neck is too long. Also not closeted >:/
Yu Narukami: Stupid name, stupid design, stupid fuckin face, I hate him, no character arc or character at all, Gary Stu. Boring peice of shit. Also. Not GAY Enough >:/
Yukiko: Boring. Thinks she's trapped into being innkeeper when not at all. Never tells parents she doesn't want to or makes any attempt to change anything. Only other character trait is laughs (annoying)
Chie: Guyz I like kung fu n meat isnt that quirky, (bc apparently women don't like meat?????) also not gay or trans >:/
Kanji: Almost good. But misleads to think he is good representative media pushing artistic gay man strugling against stereotypes that gays rnt tough. Actually about gender roles but not well explored. Hinted to be bi at best. Atlus u fuckin cowards let me be gay for once >>>>>>>>>://////////////////
Rise: 2 kawaii. Gets annoying. Unwarranted, undeserved crush on main character you cant say no to. (But unlike p3 game doesn't make u with her but we will get to THAT LATER FUCKING P4G)
Naoto: Too good for game. Shoulda been trans tho. 
Teddie: Remove or kill. Annoying af. Tries to steal ur girl. Major mysognist (game is like lol) 
Mitsuo: Insulting to ugly people and to gamer fanbase
Moorako: Insulting to ugly people. Hahah who cares hes dead he was uggo lol
Hanako: Fat ppl r gross rite guys lollolollolllollolololollollololl haha she thinks she's atrratcievew lolololo fat pppl thinkin their hot lololololololo
Kashiwagi: She's old but busted except she looks 30 and treated as gross icky old woman when real teens would be like "I wanna bang dat shit on de desk"
Dojima: Ok I guess
Nanako: Emotional manipulation. doesn't die. unrealistically precious and mature. 
Adachi: Presents as awkward relatable BUT NO ACTUALLY EVIL OVER THE TOP EVIL MUHAHAHA because he couldn't just be a cool guy with a darker side, had to be ANIME CRAZY EVIL DID IT FOR THE LULZ
Namatame: Not built up enough, comes fuckiin out of nowhere
Izanami: Comes even more da faq outta nowhere (GUYS THAT GAS STATION ATTENDENT SHAKING YOUR HAND OBVS EQUALS EVIL OR PLOT SIGNIFICANT LOL) also rips off Nyx and does it shitty
Ameno-Sagiri: Comes even MORE da faq outtta nowhere and vanishes da faq outta nowhere, also irrelevant to plot and meaningless distraction
Margret: Boring af, no personality at all, Elizabeth was more fun 
Saki: Underdeveloped bitch, supposed to be so sad when dies despite not being shown for anythin but bitch also supposed to feel bad for yosuke when she dies even tho she hated him and he would have been rejected anyway seriously wtf
#2 - Shit plot
Boring af. Crappy tonal issues all the way thru. WAY TO SLICE OF LIFE WHO FUCKIN CARES. 
HEY IM A TRANSFER STUDENT JUST LIKE LAST GAME LOL. Everyone loves me immediately even tho im a lil bitch. 
Oh noes murder of some random chick we never met so sad ;~;
Meet Chie n Yukiko both boring af, immediately like me 
Yosuke is trash can, Mitsuo is creppy and wierd b/c gamers r uggo and uggo ppl are socially inept and suck
Bitchy girl shows up and then dies
Yosuke does1n't get dick wet (he wouldn't anyways but still) so sad 
See TV world, meet worst character in ORGINAL game (assult of bear puns)
fight dumb fuckin demon frog bc yosuke is bored (wtf is dis shit)
Chie is gay bUT NOT REALLY  
Boss of dungeon is too hard, someone went missing or something idk who cares
Meet gay but nOT REALLY
Chases u bc u judge him but NOT REALLY
Gets kidnapped, gay dungeon bUT NOT REALLY actually about gender and cuz he likes cute stuff means he's gay STUPID but actually he's not because gays r icky lol 
Campin time yaya the girls can't cook pffffft a WOMAN CANT COOK TF WOW WOW SO FUNNY A WOMAN CANT COOK WTF WHAT TEH FUCK and also HANAKO IS FAT AND That's' bad
Sexism next day when Yosuke is like I bought u girls sexy swimsuits and will now shame you to wear them ARENT I AN ENDEARING CHARACTER but no dicks are wet except with water (also vomit) including kanji lol abuse (also that could have seriously injured but never brought up BECAUSE ABUSE IS LOLOLOLOOLLOLLLOLLLLOLLLOLLLLLLLLOLLLL) Also game forced u/Yu to be sexist too fuck off game
Nanako is sad whatever who cares
Yosuke wants idol puss so yay idol but shes sad so we stalk guilible peepin tom who is the killer but NOT REALLY while adachi is quirky
Rise is sad that she doesnt know who she is or something fuckin idk STRIPPING TIME BOWCHICAWOWOW also teddie feels useless so everyone dies or smth
Teddie comes out of TV and is now human and annoying mother fucker, Rise is now not sad but KAWAII and Yosuke no longer wants idol puss idk but but IDOL PUSS WANTS BORING FUCKBOY YU DICK (not pandery at all, just your average sexy teen idol wants boring fuckboy)
Teacher is dead he was dick and uggo so who cares lol
Chase after uggo game lover nerd haha dungeon is nerdy game shit lol video games cause violence right guys? Didnt u know that video gamers are all ugly socially inept muderous pathetic freaks????? THATS U BTW UR UGGO INEPT MUDEROUS CREEPY LOSER FREAK LOL 
Also rise cums when you kill enemies 
Now murders are solved rite so lets have celebration!!!! Girls make omlettes but they CANT COOK LOL wasnt that so funny last time joke so nice they made it twice
Summer festival time Rise wants yu dick and Yosuke wants wet dick but teddie claims all three girls for himself and they go without protest despite not wanting to because they are STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS WHO KNOW THEIR PLACE AND KNOW NOT TO BACKTALK THEIR MAN (isnt this game so progressive) 
PERSONA 3 REFERENCES also underage drinking bUT NOT REALLY JUST SEXUAL HARASSMENT BECAUSE LOL also teddie stalks them lol also teacher books SEX HOTEL???? How wacky
Naoto is strong masculine manly mc man detective but gets kidnapped and is actuallY TRANS BUT NOT REALLY IS ACTUALLY JUST GIRL AND THINKS SHES CHILDISH OR SOMETHING but NOT REALLY ACTUALLY SHE’s JUST LONELY but not really idefk. Remember kiddies being different is okay!!! uwu (so long as you ARENT ACTUALLY DIFFERENT U FREAKOZOID kill urself)
Cultrue festival Rise wants u 2 do her in school halls balls deep but game doesn't let you????? lame 0/10 
But then YOSUKE FORCES GIRLS INTO UNCOMFORTABLE beauty pagent that they cant back out of even if someone else signed them up under penalty of DEATH AND RAPE (I presume) because yosuke remains such an endearing character BUT THEN girls get revenge by forcing him into drag contest and u and kanji too even tho it was only yosuke because the GIRLS ARE SUCH AMAZING FRIENDS lol girls are objectified lol fatty thinks shes hot lolllollollooololooloololoollolololooll0lkooolloollololoololol (game designers had to stop in order to finish laughing at own jokes)
then drag contest ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssssssssssssss icky teddie wins because................a dude? PASSING AS A WOMAN??????? Totes not transphobic vibes none at ALL
then HOT SPRINGS SLEEPOVER at inn because there is just SO MUCH MORE FUNNY TO BE HAD (isnt this all so relevant to plot and character??? rich narrative very necessary part of story, game would be UNSALVAGABLE without it) 
Girls are bitches and think that guys are perving because hot springs doesn't tell them when it's time for girls to go? ?????? Great fuckin service amagi inn also why would the guys perv by just casually walking in??? Why why why why why qwhyw why why anyways they throw buckets at the guys and it's HILARIOUS and not at all uncomfortable, guys run away in terror and the girls are like YEAH GIRL POWER!!! Then they find out about mistake and apologize like good friends, people and normal humans would b/c even for pervin that was extra  no just kidding LOL They actually keep it a secret becausE LOL GIRL POWER STRONG RELATABLE FEMALE CHARACTERS AMIRITE WHO HASNT ABUSED THEIR FRIENDS WITHOUT ANY FEELINGS OF REMORSE OR GUILT LOL (also nanako saw that all bad influence on child)
since the friendships are all so wholesome and not at all toxic or unhealthy the guys totally write this off and try to explain themselves to the girls. NO, actualyl, since Tedide and Yosuke are still such ENDEARING characters they instead decide to molest girls in sleep RELATABLE but uh oh they accidentally molest fatty and uggo old teacher who looks 30 and then fatty and teach are like cool let's fuck and like REAL TEENS they are grossed out at being offered sex because yuck women over 20 and fatty also why are fatty and "old" lady hangin out anyway?? Apparently if ur gross u hang out together, b/c that's how it works rite. such grea t non contrivences
Nanako is dying whatever who cares 
Namatame then kidnapps nanako or somth who cares dojima dies but NOT REALLY
then they go to heaven because nanako is sad but nobody gave a shit narukami never cared to ask or try to keep her company isn't he just so GREAT and considerate to the girl being boderline abused and neglected in his own fuckin house no who cares BUT NOW WE CARE RIGHT GUYS
Namatame is cray cray and his boss design is uggo and bullshit
Nanako dies, Yosuke advocates MURDER because he is still SO ENDEARING and player has to chose EXACT FUCKIN DIOLOGUE WITH NOT ONE MISTAKE OR EVERYTHIGN SUCKS AND ITS ALL UR FAULT also in some endings you murder because fuck you 
but then if u dont murder NANAKO WAS DEAD BUT NOT REALLY but only if u dont murder so congrats u were emotionally manipulated into killing the mentally ill b/c ur so great good job
then it turns out Namatame you know how he was cray cray well turns out he wANST REALLY CRAY he just had plot-convient-tempo-insanity-itius as the doctors call it then u talk to him and u know how he was the killer? Welll...NOT REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he was actually good guy u almost killed innocent man fck u then u have three chances to guess killer and only u can and if you dont get it in three guesses you get, as the doctors call it, plot-convient-stupid-cant-think-anymore-itius and thus you run out of time and nobody in the world can guess except you and even over the next three months nobody can guess because who cares I guess lol 2 ppl r dead it turns out you know quirky relatable cop man well NOT FUCKIN REALLY he is actually crazy because he's bored and as everyone knows when youre bored you kill also he's sad that he doesn't have talent even tho he is sucessful detective???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? then god bullshit end of world or smth who cares
then everything is over also i forgot teddie disappears so sad but NOT REALLY
Christmas eve sex ( i banged rise on top of christmas cake) 
Girls can now cook character development girls learned how to cook 10/10 v progressive 
Then flash forward to three months later because fuck you and Yu is leavin because idk and the game ends BUT NOT REALLY ashkually you can get TRUE SUPER AWESOME ending if you are able to figure out that you have to go to junes for no reason except fuck you 
turns out the gas station attendent u know him? well he was super bored and he's actually a GOD WOWZERS so amazing did you know jesus was a part timer at a gas station????? NO??? That's why youre playing this sack of shit anyway humanity wants ignorance or so god says (sound familiar, Nyx??) and she almost wins BUT NOT REALLY Because yu has the power of frienship and you know that awesome scene of makoto fighting nyx? Well imagine thaT BUT SHIT b/c no buildup
for all ur xtra efforts u get teddie saying hearts are connected anime KH cliche (wasnt that so worth the extra bullshit dungeon) 
THE END 0/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
so p4 is gr8 rite m8? well no but apparentlly dumb 14yr old boys were like "omg this game half akcnowleges gays exsist so PROGRESSIVE also i can fuck mai waifu n have friends" and so p4 made a shit ton of money atlus saw dis money printin out and were like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so dey were lyke "lets release a buncha shit”
Persona 4 The Animation: Imagine the same shitty p4 plot but with EVEN MORE HOMOPHOBIA!!!!! also racism!!!! plus MORE FAT JOKES!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaahahahahah also the animation is piss poor shit!!! Doesn't this sound wonderful????? 
Persona 4 Arena: So Atlus was lyke yannao wat totes goes with our super serious and super "mature" jrpg seriess? Do u kno? BLAZBLUE!!!!! The over the top weeb fighting game!!! YEah son!!!!! So anyways a fighting game comes out with barely any playable characters??????? Great. Fantastic not the least bit fanficy character writing. Also, there is a plot b/c dis shit be canon. Dats right!!! Now you may be thinking "mmmm how does that work????" well the geneiuses at atlus say "B/C SHITTY P3 RETCON CHARACTER IS SAD ABOUT DESTROYING FRINEDS WHOLE TV WORLD BECOMES ARENA WERE PEOPLE HAVE TO FIGHT FRIENDS" and u may hear that and wonder?? "what deh fuck, wasn't tv world gone also when did this ever happen in p4????" to which fanboys proply accuse u of hating fighting games and behead u. 
So at this point in time, P4 is offically dead. It is dead as doornails. but atlus is lyke "Hey let's rape the corpse" and they release shitty remake on overpriced shit system nobody bought. You may be wondering "2012 didn't p4 only come out less than five years ago????" to which atlus says "shut the fuck up and give us money" hence P4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden: Added marie, inistant failure trashfire BUT WAIT!!!! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!!!! Added events!!! 
a) Yosuke wants dick wet and will cum if he feels boobs on his back!! So Yu and Yosuke team up to get shitty dumb ugly bikes b/c they're sooooo cooool rite mitsuru? You and ur dumb motorbike p4 is the real mature game. Anyway. Then they go hit on girls and yosuke gets one!!! YAY!! BUT OH NO!!! IT'S ACTUALLY STUPID FATSO STILL THINKIN SHE'S HOT WHEN SHE'S ACTUALLY STUPID BC SHE'S FAT!!! She then sits on yosuke's bike and it breaks because lol shes fat get it get it get it get it????? Doesn't this add so much to the story??? RICH NARATIVE RIGHT GUYS?!
b) BEACH TIME!!! Because that's where the real compelling drama is!!! Anyway they go to the beach and yuckerbears kanji is in a speedo!!! Gross!! I hope yosuke doesn't catch the gay!!! Then teddie tries to molest the girls bc he's such an endearing character lol then kanji's bathing suit falls off!!!! How did this happen u may ask?? ANIME MAGIC!! So then they dress kanji in seaweed like birth of venus and girls scream and run. the end. 
c) Fireworks festival yay time ted-fiya so memorable. Yosuke wants to murder Teddie bc PORN so funny haha more fat jokes also teddie wants 2 bang nanako
d) Nanako is sad again whatever who cares
e) Halloween party!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!
f) SKIING TRIP!!!! YAY!!! P3 REFERENCES!!! YAY!!! Shiptease!!! Yay!!! Teddie steals food so Naoto advocates for his MURDER!!! YAY!! IF YOU DID MARIES SLINK YOU GET XTRA AWESOME DUNGEON!! ALSO IMPLIED RAPEY SEX IN THE SNOW BUT NOT REALLY!!! ANYWAY turns out that marie sucked up the ameno sagiri fog! What u thought it just went away on its own?? BULLSHIT!!!! Next you'll be questioning the ever so important role of NPC John Smith in creating Izanami's gas attendent disguise. Or NPC Billy Bob in giving Ameno Saigiri directions to the boss fight. RIVETING DIOLAUGE LIKE "is this like the part in movies where the bad guys lair collapses??????" WORST GIRL IS DEAD BE SAD EVERYONE ELSE IS U MONSTER!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!! INSTEAD SHIP FUEL!!!! Also marie is polite for half second, AMAZES ENTIRE CAST GREAT WRITING!!!!!!!!! dont u love it when ur friends treat u like shit? then there’s a lovely scene where the dudes perv on the girls who are sexaulized and marie attacks them. Riveting. Then they all died and we were all happy. 
g) New years eve. That is all. also new stupid persona evolutions that look stupid. 
h) Valentine's DAY!!! I bang Rise on the da beach!!! Also if u slink with marie at all she forces you to cheat!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
i) OH, NO! Yosuke is going to have to move maybe idk wasnt he supposed to want to move??? idk shut up. anyways. to keep yosuke miserable his friends have to become a band in TWO DAYS!!!! How will they ever do that??? well guess what with zero experience the entire group becomes master musicians in TWO DAYS!!!!!!! That's right, it's that easy!!!! U 2 can become as good as Green Day in two Days!!!! not that they ever play again lol or ever bring this up again lol. Then the dudes jump into the crowd and lol the crowd dodges thme aand nothing is accomplished. 
j) New super awesome epilogue you only get if you slink marie even tho she isn’t there for 90% of it whatever the new designs suck
Anyway since the game isn't slice of life enough you can now bang rise in the movies and the hot springs also you can go out at night so exciting.
You can now force Naoto into sexy outfits against her will because isn’t it so cute when girls don’t like being objectified??? Also they molest her at the hot springs??? Also 
So yeah P4G sucks ass. But ATLUS didn't stop there!!!! OH no! Atlus then went on to make Persone Q!!! They decided this time to drag innocent bystander P3 as well!!
Persona Q: some bullshit about a dying girl causes the P3 and P4 cast to meet in a wonderful culture festival crossover!! With lovely gameplay and no regression in character!! Chie always had nothing to her past loving meat right????? Also yu can fuck the dog from p3!! isnt this so believable and not the least bit stupid or contrived? isn't it?? Isn't it???????? Not much to say its just dumb surely Atlus must be done now right?? RIGHT?? WRONG!!!!!!
 Now you see since P4G came out, OBVIOUSLY the anime needs to be partially remade! You may be asking, isn't the anime less than TWO YEARS old at this point? Why remake it? Did golden really have such a different story? No. 
P4 Golden Animation: Marie, marie, marie, marie, ten episodes of marie, never goes anywhere, confusing and boring af but look 16 yr olds in bikinis and nude and not totally shit animation so it's ok right? RIGHT? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P4 at this point has been raped to death all over again and the corpse is still being fucked and they won't just let it die. BUT NO!!!! Enter p4 arena ultimax!!
P4 Arena Ultimax: B/c the first was so great, they made another!! Game so nice they made it twice!! but now the dark hour from p3 is back because idk we ran out of ideas. Also junpei and koromaru and adachi great. But guess what!!!!!! AWESOME NEW CHARACTER!! His name is sho!! He is the secret son of dude from P3, how is this possible? fuck you. Anyway he is so tragic and sad he hates friendship!! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :((((( But never fear!!! The p4 team will show sho the glory of frienship isnt this so interesting and original and great????
p4's violated, torn up corspe now has zero dignity left so atlus decided to reanimate the corpse with dead horse dildos and force it to dance 
P4 DAN: Dancing. Shit dancing. Nobody knows how to dance. Remember how P4 used to be about murder and accepting uncomfortable truths???? Well now its about shittily animated dances. Isn't this so great? Guess what we lean about the characters? We learn that they can't fuckin dance and watching them is cringy af. Also now the tv world is a dance stage because the tv world just does whatever the fuck we want it to. what if a characters shadow is a rapist, would they be forced to rape?? is that how atlus would make a porn game?? if we wanted to make a chess game a famous chess player who feels forced to play chess will then make u forced to play chess. .... so obivously, the P4 fandom realized that Atlus was raping their game and refused to buy it right?? RIGHT??? WRONG. They actually will castrate you with a rusty carving knife if you ever so much as imply P4 is a cash cow.
It totally is tho
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tumblunni · 7 years
Man its so weird to think back and see how many signs there were that I was transgender long before I realized it. I was SO fucking oblivious, I had no clue that being nonbinary was even an option, all I knew was 'well I don't wanna be the opposite gender but I don't wanna be the one I was assigned at birth'. (Except obviously I didn't even know the correct words to describe it) And like... I bought into A LOT of horrible transphobic bullshit, cos I was raised with a biased view of what being transgender even is. 'Trans-sexual people are turned on by wearing women's clothes'. Ugh. And I was completely disgusted by it, since I'm a sex repulsed asexual and everything about foreplay or whatever disgusts me. My parents and pop culture and stuff all treated it like trans people were the equivelant of someone into BDSM wearing nipple clamps out in public or something. 'Well in theory I have nothing against them having that kink, but why do they have to show it in public?' Being trans was ALWAYS only shown as 'oo kinky I like to crossdress in the bedroom', as if it was a fucking sexuality, as if there was NO OTHER REASON why someone would wanna wear the 'wrong' clothes and use the 'wrong' pronouns. I felt viscerally disgusted at myself whenever I didn't want to wear my birth gender's cliche outfits, I denied absolutely everything cos I didn't want people to think I was a pervert. I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to be transgender and asexual, or even that being transgender wasn't the same as being gay! I said SO MUCH fucking horrible transphobic and homophobic stuff as a kid, just parroting what I was told, and overcompensating for hating myself by making it clear I hated everyone remotely similar to me. While being in huge denial that they were similar to me! And I'm gonna carry these regrets forever and always worry that I stopped someone else from feeling comfortable about theirself and just... GAHH! And I did all the same too about parroting stereotypes of 'crazy people' and 'r*tards' before I learned that this big ol stereotype about autism was bullshit and real autistic people look EXACTLY LIKE MYSELF It just makes me think a lot about how many other people out there might be trans and not have the ability to find out because they've been buried so utterly in this false, bigoted image of what a trans person actually is. Tho also I hate the dumb stereotype that 'all homophobes are secretly gay', like seriously wtf why u wanna escape all responsibility for your actions and say the only problem is gay people systemically oppressing THEMSELVES... ANYWAY I went off on a sad train of thought there but back to the point! I'm just remembering this one part of a school trip that was like one of my most treasured memories for no logical reason until I realised I was trans. I met a new classmate and he mistook me for the opposite gender, and I was like 'HOLY SHIT WHY AM I HAPPY' until someone else 'corrected' him. I mean.. I knew I wasn't that gender either, but it felt like a weight off my shoulders to at least be misgendered the opposite way for once. I felt inexplicably happy that I was looking ambiguous enough to even be in question! And this was when I was like 11, I had no clue what word to even assign to these feelings... And I mean, it was SO DUMB that I never noticed these signs! This is what internalized transphobia does to you! Like 'hey there's probably no reason at all why I always play as a different gender ever time I buy a pokemon game, and get this self hatey feeling in my gut when both options have very stereotypically gendered costumes'. And 'wow there sure is no reason why I got inexplicably attached to this genderless character and can't stop thinking about ways to prove they aren't real'. Seriously all that debate about 'quina is really a girl/boy' with weird evidence in stat builds and equip items and stuff! I got REALLY into that transphobic bullshit cos it was something that shook up my perception of the world and I felt like if not being either gender was ACTUALLY AN OPTION then id have to address painful things about myself. If I knew I could be that, I couldn't keep lying to myself. So I went in aggressive denial mode and missed this chance to come out of the closet at like 9 years old and save myself a damn lot of trouble! And then I just went through the same bullshit at 14 with Chrona from Soul Eater, and could not explain why on earth I was so upset that the English dub assigned them a random gender instead of translating it properly... And OH MAN how fucking dysphoric I was about puberty even before I knew that dysphoria was a thing! It was like 'hey look you're growing up!' 'NO IM NOT DEAR GOD NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN'. And that led to this stupid thing of me just saying 'well I have the mental age of a seven year old LOL' to excuse whenever I acted 'weird'. My forum avatar and stuff was a doodle of myself in chibi form, etc. (Even literally wearing chest binding... I only knee at the time that it was 'a martial arts thing' tho.) Like, I'd got all these messages that not wanting sex was 'childish' and not wanting my body to change was obviously 'immature', and when I was undiagnosed with mental illness and trying yo make up excuses for how I TOTALKY didn't have a mental illness, all I could say was 'ha ha I'm totally uhh... Doing it on purpose? Cos I'm so... Quirky?' I got obsessed with overacting as a class clown, cos I mean you can also excuse cross dressing as a thing that 'the comic relief character' does... And OH MAN, like my big Special Interest throughout all of high school was Norse myth, more specifically Loki. I was FASCINATED with the idea of a shape shifter who could be either gender, and was completely unashamed about it. And, of course, I used to play it off as 'ha ha isn't it so funny he turned into a girl', when I seriously did not have any clue WHY it was funny, I just thought I had to say it. It HAD to be the reason I was so sympathetic yo this character, right? Because he's A FUNNY JOKE?? And man then I got so obsessed with researching non gendered English pronouns from the 18th century and championing how they should totally come back into modern language and EVEN THEN I was in denial! It took until I played Magical Diary to realise 'well fuck I'm trans'. It took a game outright saying that these genderless pronouns arent just 'to be inclusive of both genders' but can be used for A THIRD GENDER, A GENDERLESS GENDER, A BOTH AND/OR NEITHER GENDER!! A game saying that this gender does exist in human beings, and EVEN THEN I took ages to be sure that it was really real and not just a fantasy thing that the game made up. I mean, quina was totally only genderless cos they're a magical creature, right? (Completely ignoring the fact that the other two members of that magical creature town are both male...) And just.... AAAAAAA I feel like I'm the human personification of that 'no Patrick, put it on the lid' meme No, you're trans. No, TRANS. Trans, bunni! TRANS!! This is what societal prejudices do to people. Even LGBTQ people usually grow up within homophobic, transphobic society, absorbing all the same messages. It destroys our ability to be okay with being ourselves... Its so fucking sad that this happened to me, and it hurts even more to think of all the times I said insensitive offensive stuff to other LGBTQ people back when I thought I was cis and straight... Gahhhh... ALSO, it makes me extra sad that Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 never got released in Europe. There's a character there called Arno who's NB and very out about it, and the English translators didn't make a mess of it, or anything. People actually call Arno 'they', and literally their catchphrase is 'Are you a boy or a girl?' 'I'm just a child of the wind~' Like seriously NO ambiguity, character actually getting to dish out sick burns when being misgendered, absolutely NO room for the ol 'well they just don't MENTION a gender, it doesn't mean they were intended to be nonbinary' excuse. Arno outright stating 'I am not a boy, and I an not a girl'. And your protagonist respecting it! Arno is still my absolute fave best handled nonbinary character in all of games. And the summon night series is very inclusive with a lot of gay romance options! Its a shame tho that the only other game with a nonbinary character was never dubbed even in america. But apparently the protags of previous games get a cameo in the upcoming Summon Night 6 which finally will be released in Europe! I just hope they handle Corlal's pronouns respectfully, considering how they managed to do it so well a decade ago with Arno. But then again the Swordcraft Story series is a spinoff so the main games might have different translators? Anyway, let me hug my tiny enby dragon child! Also I'm sad the cellphone app trading card game never got dubbed either, cos Corlal got some cute cards for the valentine's day event. All three dragon kids just got adorable scenes making platonic family chocolate for their siblings cos they're too young to really participate. And they thankfully got super cute totally non-lolicon maid and butler outfits like SERIOUSLY THANK GOD FOR THAT! Just cute ten year olds playing dressup like normal kids. Corlal got two cards for that one! Them being nonbinary continues to be 100% canon, they got a version with both a dress and a tuxedo. AND ITS SO FUCKING CUTE MY GOD ...man I'm sorry this just went off topic into how great that series is But anyway! If I've ever said anything that offends you, please message me about it! I'm still unlearning a lot of internalized prejudice. Also if you want a quality nonbinary werewolf in a cool side scrolling GBA jrpg, look for Arno! Im on mobile rite now so I can't send links n stuff, but as soon as I finish moving my PC desk to the other room I shall spam you all with my obscure fandom's!!!
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