#nikita kruschev
codesquire · 1 month
If you're teaching US History and you mention the Cuban Missile Crisis without mentioning, in the god-damned preface, that the US had put missiles in Turkey, you lose serious credibility.
This sort of US aggression abroad, being ignored, is part of how we got to where we currently stand...
I've unfollowed 2 history YTers over this.
This sin of omission is its own form of propaganda.
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
La guerra nuclear de Fidel Castro 
La guerra nuclear de Fidel Castro 
Han transcurrido 60 años del desplazamiento en Cuba de cohetes con capacidad nuclear, una lógica consecuencia de la visión mesiánica y redentora que Fidel Castro tenía de sí mismo, al igual que escoger a Estados Unidos como su enemigo número 1, después del pueblo cubano.  Esas ambiciones pusieron al mundo al borde de una conflagración nuclear en octubre de 1962. Castro se situaba en el núcleo de…
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silezukuk · 4 months
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David Levine - Mao Zedong & Nikita Khruschev (1963) / [***]
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terrainofheartfelt · 9 months
45 seconds into a call with my brother, he abruptly goes “OH KITA, KITA NO…..hey can I call you back? the dog just threw up”
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daco-showman · 5 months
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why can rockstar games institutionalise you for life like nikita kruschev for being autistic
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furby-organist · 1 year
alexa stop smoking crack you're building bridges where there are no rivers
> "Makeup influencer Nikita Dragun???"
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txttletale · 10 months
🔥Nikita Kruschev
steve buscemi playing him in the death of stalin was an inspired casting choice
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rainydayscore · 9 months
i'm reading the 1954 speech by Nikita Kruschev at the National Conference of Builders
the essay I'm reading referenced this speech, but it said it was at an "All-Union Congress of Architects" i guess this is just a matter of translation because I could find no other references to this org but i got results for this speech
apparently this speech was incredibly influential in architecture, even outside the USSR so that's why i'm reading it
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vertederodekratos · 1 year
LAS POLÍTICAS DE DISTENSIÓN ENTRE ESTADOS UNIDOS Y LA UNIÓN SOVIÉTICA, impulsadas por el premier Nikita Kruschev, sufrirían varios varapalos a principios de la década de los 60. Uno de ellos sería el vuelo del U2 pilotado por Gary Powers. No era el primer vuelo de espionaje por parte de la CIA sobre territorio soviético, pero sí el que mayores iras despertó en el gobierno de la URSS y el primero que se pudo abortar gracias a la nueva tecnología de misiles tierra-aire de gran alcance. La tensión entre ambas potencias se incrementaba.
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bunkerblogwebradio · 2 years
Somente as democracias permitem que autores as critiquem
Reflexão a respeito de alguns dos mais famosos autores sobre política do mundo ocidental nos últimos dois séculos. Todos são oriundos da liberdade de expressão concebida pelas mais diversas democracias liberais pelo mundo. Pode pesquisar: o que têm em comum os autores Zygmunt Bauman, Domenico Losurdo, Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek, Ayn Rand, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Le Goff, Georges Duby, Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans Hermann-Hoppe, Karl Marx e vários outros para evitar gastar mais e mais linhas com nomes? Todos eles são oriundos de uma democracia liberal ou encontraram refúgio nas mesmas para escrever sobre suas ideias.
Independentemente de suas ideias, propostas e concepções sobre uma democracia, é claro notar que todos estes encontraram o refúgio ideal para sua fama e legado nas diversas democracias liberais. O ponto de seu pensamento crítico pode ser ampliado aos limites que só são permitidos pela liberdade de expressão garantida por democracias liberais.
Selecionamos como exemplo os mais diversos autores marxistas que eu mencionei acima: começando com o pai de todos, Karl Marx, que, nascido na Prússia, fora perseguido na juventude pelo Kaiser por suas críticas ao sistema judicial alemão em um sistema plutocrático, porém encontrou refúgio próspero para produzir sua ideologia e sua ideia de ditadura do proletariado nas livres França e Inglaterra Vitoriana.
Sartre foi o maior defensor do stalinismo e do maoísmo do ocidente durante o século XX, porém fez isso não de Moscou ou de Pequim, mas sim de sua sala confortável na Sorbonne, em Paris, onde a liberdade de cátedra da universidade dava níveis de liberdade maiores do que em qualquer lugar do mundo na época.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, assim como Sartre, fora defensor do stalinismo; porém, quando Nikita Kruschev expôs ao mundo os horrores do stalinismo, o filósofo existencialista francês abandonou a doutrina e se tornou um crítico da mesma. Entretanto, tal qual seu contemporâneo Sartre, se opôs dentro de sua sala na Sorbonne, uma vez que em Moscou seria um convite ao Gulag.
Theodor Adorno e Herbert Marcuse, expoentes neomarxistas da Escola de Frankfurt, encontraram terreno próspero para suas ideias na Universidade da mesma cidade que leva o nome de sua escola, na Alemanha Ocidental, país construído nas bases democráticas ordoliberais de Konrad Adenauer em contraparte à sua metade soviética, responsável pela perseguição massiva de intelectuais pela Stasi. O antigo professor de ambos, Walter Benjamin, criador da escola, por outro lado, foi levado ao exílio, após a ascensão de Hitler, na livre França com a ascensão de Hitler, e posteriormente levado ao suicídio pela invasão do mesmo a Paris em 1940.
Tudo isso apenas mencionando seguidores marxistas.
Quando se trata dos libertários críticos da democracia, o padrão aumenta exponencialmente. Murray Rothbard foi professor universitário nos EUA, expoente da democracia liberal do século XX, enquanto criticava a existência da mesma nos moldes do país que lhe permitia essa liberdade.
Já Hans Hermann-Hoppe, libertário contemporâneo, dissertou em um livro sobre como a democracia liberal é ruim enquanto é professor universitário na mesma Alemanha que permitiu a Adorno e Marcuse serem livres para defender seu neomarxismo. Hoppe vai além e defende uma preferência por uma monarquia absoluta sobre uma democracia liberal. Enquanto filósofos políticos do século XVIII, como Voltaire, principal defensor da liberdade de pensamento, foi um dos elementos mais perseguidos por criticar o exercício de poder absurdo do monarca em seu tempo, precisando diversas vezes ser exilado de sua terra natal por tais críticas.
Estes autores podem criticar e até mesmo desmerecer o papel da democracia liberal em duas coisas: na ascensão da liberdade geral e na permissão de suas ideias contra a mesma prosperarem sem oposição coercitiva; mas todos sabemos que os benefícios gerais da democracia liberal permitem que possamos fazer estas colocações e observações sobre a mesma, coisa que qualquer outro regime impede de realizar.
Diante dessa breve reflexão e exposição, contatamos que o Brasil não se enquadra em uma democracia plena, mas uma democracia parcial e repleta de remendos favorecendo e mantendo pulhas políticos no poder.
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gonzalo-obes · 5 hours
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Día Mundial de la Bicicleta, Día Internacional del Sommelier, Semana Internacional de los Museos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Carlos Luanga y Santa Clotilde.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2018
Entra en erupción el Volcán de Fuego en Guatemala, causando más de 100 muertos y 200 desaparecidos, a demás, gran parte de la población se ve afectada por daños materiales.
Ocurre el atentado yihadista de Londres de junio de 2017, en el que tres atacantes atropellan con un vehículo a varios viandantes y luego acuchillan a otras personas. En el puente de Londres y en Borough Market, resultando un total de 11 muertos y 48 heridos.
Descarrila un tren de alta velocidad cerca de la aldea de Eschede, en el distrito de Celle en Baja Sajonia, Alemania. 101 personas murieron y alrededor de 100 resultaron heridas, siendo el accidente más grave de tren de Alemania y el de la alta velocidad hasta la fecha.
Ocurre el incidente del 'Chip Defectuoso' en Estados Unidos, en el que un chip defectuoso alerta de un ataque nuclear inexistente y casi desemboca en la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
Explota el pozo petrolífero Ixtoc, al sur del Golfo de México, provocando la pérdida de crudo más grande de la historia con entre 0,7 y 1 millón de toneladas de petróleo.
Mao Zedong, líder del Partido Comunista Chino, inicia la Revolución Cultural en China, argumentando que elementos burgueses se habían infiltrado en el gobierno y en la sociedad para restaurar el capitalismo.
El astronauta estadounidense Edward H. White, en órbita terrestre a bordo de la cápsula espacial Gemini 4, realiza el primer paseo espacial estadounidense, de una duración de 20 minutos. Los soviéticos ya han dado este paso anteriormente. White morirá, junto a Grissom y Shaffee, el 27 de enero de 1967 a bordo del Apollo I, como consecuencia de un incendio ocurrido durante la realización de simulaciones de vuelo en Cabo Cañaveral. (Hace 59 años)
En Viena, Austria, y con el objetivo de evaluar a Kruschev, descubrir sus puntos de vista sobre la carrera nuclear y otros asuntos, así como tener una impresión sobre su personalidad, se reúnen por primera vez el presidente estadounidense, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, y el primer dirigente soviético, Nikita Kruschev. Al finalizar el día 4, el encuentro no supondrá ni una victoria ni una derrota sino algo "útil" y "necesario", según las palabras de ambos dirigentes. (Hace 63 años)
Se inaugura en Monte Palomar (California, EEUU) el telescopio más grande del mundo con una abertura de 5 metros. (Hace 76 años)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, se crea en la ciudad de Argel (Argelia), el Comité Francés de Liberación Nacional, siendo nombrados copresidentes el General Charles De Gaulle y el General Giraud. En la misma fecha del año siguiente, este Comité de Liberación, pasará a llamarse Gobierno Provisional de la República Francesa. (Hace 81 años)
En el transcurso de la II Guerra Mundial, 300 aviones de la Luftwaffe alemana bombardean la ciudad de París. Las bajas civiles se cifran en 900 personas. (Hace 84 años)
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, reconoce a la República de Liberia, establecida en África con esclavos libertos. (Hace 162 años)
Para determinar la distancia existente entre la Tierra y el Sol, en Tahití, el navegante británico James Cook observa y estudia el paso de Venus frente al Sol que se produce este día. (Hace 255 años)
Se funda en Amsterdam (Holanda) la Compañía Privilegiada de las Indias Occidentales, de la marina mercante de los Países Bajos, que se convertirá en un poderoso monopolio comercial, con su capital dividido en acciones que se establecían en Bolsa de Ámsterdam, una de las más antiguas de Europa. Operará entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. (Hace 403 años)
Tras haberse constituido el 25 de enero, hoy se inician los cursos por primera vez en la Real Universidad de México. (Hace 471 años)
Las tropas de la Primera Cruzada, que en la madrugada del 2 al 3 han capturado Antioquía (Turquía) organizan una matanza de toda la población turca que es exterminada, sin perdonar la vida a los ancianos, mujeres o niños que habitan la ciudad. El saqueo y pillaje se extenderá hasta ya entrada la tarde del día siguiente. Con posterioridad, el 5 de noviembre, Antioquía será asignada a Bohemundo de Tarento, entrando a formar parte del Principado de Antioquía, en medio de la oposición de Raimundo IV de Tolosa, que será el único que insistirá en cumplir con el juramento de fidelidad prestado al emperador Alejo I, pero que los otros cruzados se negarán a cumplir, al no haberles prestado el emperador la ayuda prometida durante el asedio de la ciudad. (Hace 926 años)
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indiejones · 11 months
Whatever today's (Feb 26, 2022)scenario be,Ind can never forget how nice post-Stalin Rus has been to it,past 75 yrs! When even today's v.good friends wouldn't think much in threatening India's sovereignty,twas Russia that for mysterious reasons always held our back! https://youtube.com/watch?v=exlRuebKgqA We'd often hear in history lessons in school,& later first hand via TV,how Nikita Kruschev's Russia & thereafter, would always speak & seek good of India! & India doesn't betray it's oldest & such most valued friends! Yet..by the week's unfoldings,one thing is certain, "Putin sir,u r losing the perception battle,hands down". All we as friends can urge is,ask,"Are repercussions of the Ukr invasion,worth it,for economic welfare & prosperity of independent Ind's oldest brother nation?" In continued hope in the jt future of our 2 DEMOCRACIES. Coming to bottom lines of conflict- Argument for stalemate: Ukr is Rus's safest BUFFER ZONE with Eur. Why erode it,howso democratic Ukr turn,esp as: 1. Putin sir with long "technically democratic" image to its ppl 2. Eur's rebufd Ukr demands of NATO inclusion all decade 3. Rus'll always easy win any border war with Ukr (not the case, as we now know,1.5 yrs later, given the phenomenal US high powered arms dump into Ukr) In quest of peace- Statements from Rus ambassadors & govt officials to UN reveal how a few sentences from EU/NATO nations to the effect "Every nation has the right to choose it's allies",vis a vis Ukr,in near past,is at the heart of the mistrust & conflict,atleast officially. So why can't NATO issue statement like "We have no intention of allowing Ukr into NATO",if helps regain trust btwn the 2 parties,& prevents 1000s of deaths,most imp'y as this has been the truth of their actions over past decade & more,in indefinitely suspending any such decision? Today's (Mar 1) discussions btwn Prez of Rus & Fra indicate- 1.Biggest Rus demand is Ukr's 'demilitarization'(ie absence of any foreign military bases in Ukr?). But isn't that the case anyway? If not,wouldn't most negotiators find it to be reasonably fair today?https://youtube.com/watch?v=V45sM5Md0Gw & If so,'Neutrality of Kiev' then being fulfilled,atleast in military sense. Ofcourse,neutrality in political sense,mean a much tougher,internal fine-tuning of Ukr polity,as political narrative bldg btwn Rus speaking-sympathizing east Ukr & rest of Ukr,is part of normal life. & as everyone knows,poltx anywhere always veers to some grosser level,at some pt,in every elec cycle. So maybe such political aspect of the neutrality clause,that Rus could be lenient on? 3.Recognition of Crimea as Rus territory,if not mistaken,a given in UN circles anyway? Let's hope major breakthroughs can be achieved in tomorrow's (Mar 3) 2nd round of talks btwn Rus & Ukr,hopefully yet again well intermediated by Prez of Fra! The world needs calm,cool,visionary minds right now, not those with extreme endgames in sight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH2c8J3WyqY Extreme Endgames, as ghastly as the thought sounds, that btw, with due respect to all the heads of all the powers of Eur, have not been backed up with ability, & that history has repeatedly shown to only lead to mutual destruction,of all the nations around the region. And lemme state at very outset,if not already very clear- WE ALL LOVE UKRAINE! But what was & is the point,of continually publicly hyper-stimulating the Ukr Prez & contrastingly provoking Rus Prez with enunciations of support & a beautiful world order,WITH NO PLAN TO MEET IT. This is nothing more than a several months-long school backyard "Fight Fight Fight" exercise, sparked by boys seated comfortably on the sidelines, with no constructive vision & control,& that can only then lead to a all-enveloping ghetto brawl, ahem if you know what I mean! If you all evoked all those high-minded idealistic platitudes over past months, as did, in your position, then should've had the ability to back it on the ground..talk u knew to be bluff, w/o official NATO membership of Ukr,u urself kept in indefinite suspension decade & half! If the past 5-6 months, if reports accurate, of EU-US (I have to say it) leading on Ukr & poking Rus, were really on with solid vision behind it, then the past 5-6 days should never have happened! / BUT IT'S NEVER TOO LATE! There are only few options in damage control now- 1. Ukr coming to some sort of negotiated settlement with Rus,in not allowing any foreign bases on its territory in future. 2.Rus acceding to natural political rigmarole,in sovereign land of Ukr,during elecs,where Rus may come up in -ve convos off & on, & not take it to heart. 3. NATO to stop all narratives to the tone & tenor of "Putin will have to be stopped", instead proceeding along more dovish "Our aim is for a European region living side by side in continued joint peace, prosperity & growth" lines.
4.Any world order,only spring from fundamental depths of all-inclusive logic. Ie Rather than,UN having to re-constitute after 3rd WW,& resolve to create sound systems for future,have the vision to start on it now,RETROSPECTIVELY! IE NO-VETO ALL-EQUAL ALL-POWERFUL(FOR REAL) UN!
The wisest msg one can give EU region today is- To Ukr-U can either live as a v. small easily expendable pawn in the large world order, or as an independent Prince in your own sweet world. Choice is urs! To EU-If u really believe Green Energy is the future,time to show it is now!
Btw,per online media, Stock value of Top 7 Arms manufacturers,6 in US & 1 in UK'v suddenly gone up by ~20-35 % in last 3 months.. Of course ppl of Ukr don't have a choice in defending themselves,but Ukr Prez may have. The only ones to benefit from a long-drawn Ukr resistance,is West arms cos. Get it!?
If ever was greater proof of yesterday's (Mar 2) discussions.. You ARE on your own, Ukr. Take it as our Lord Jesus showering his grace on Ukr,that Rus Prez is satisfied with guarantees of 'neutrality' of Ukr. And GET OUT OF THIS GAME. COZ IT'S NOT YOUR GAME.
In some more detail (for the few in Ukr electorate not in the know)-
Ukr is not near enuf NATO land (certainly not as much as Transnistria,Moldova,Belarus,& other ex-Soviet bloc nations further ahead!), & is hence not as essential for Rus,as a Rus base directed at NATO.
All this being the worst case scenario analysis of course.. Only when Rus gets there,& further ahead into Romania,Hungary,Slovakia,Poland,etc, that NATO'S REAL TEST WILL BEGIN.
My only objective in this,is to alert ppl to any chance of war & innumerable deaths,being used by bystander nations for monetary gains..
And in this process, limiting wars & war designs & death & devastation to min.
Only when really'v to put ur life on the line,is ur talk distinguished from casual bluster.
U are better off on ur own. And out of this mess, NOW, Ukr!
I don't think there is any doubt in eyes of anyone around the world,that the Ukr ppl are a brave & worthy citizenry,who will maximize their resources,to defend their motherland at all costs!👏👏👏 But at the same time,it is so sad to see images of widespread destruction in Ukr.
Also knowing full well thru knowledge of history,how may well be heavily outmatched in those resources.
Let's hope ppl of Ukr can keep their self-esteem intact, also knowing how the world sees them everyday as inspirational patriots! But also,now's the time,to be calm & wise.
The only ltd advice,we laymen can give is- If you think a reasonable offer is being made by Rus side,take it as soon as possible & end this widespread loss of ur citizens & property,& PLS DON'T LET EGO GET IN THE WAY! U will be loved+respected around the world,for long,alive!
(Mar 5) Did You Know: Rus Prez Putin,soon after coming to power,in 2000,openly requested Rus to be let into NATO! But was unequivocally refused! WHY???? If chief purpose of NATO at inception in 1949,was to guard in every way against Rus aggression,doesn't it make sense for NATO to alleviate or ease its core fears,by gaining access to Rus military intelligence,atleast in a delineated area of "Russian Europe",u/Art 4,which EU primarily feared anyway. This in turn wud'v created "potent effective UN mechanism,within the UN",u/Art 1.
Everyone talks only abt Art 5,where attack on 1 member nation be attack on all,but Art 1 & 4,are ones which equip with tools to prevent attacks on each other,by each other,or outside. Looking back at history,wud 'v prevented Crimea 2014!Better coordination on Syria!& Ukr 2022!
Why would EU want to relinquish such a golden opportunity to create a all-encompassing peace-maintenance mechanism within its region(which secretly seems to regard as real owner of the UN world order anyway),w/o veto roadblocks,& the burden of 7 times more nations to convince?
& then wonder why few expert intl observers accuse 'em of purposely keeping EU-Rus friction alive,to keep their arms industries,& their chief election funders,in conducive positions for regular turnover.
& This also perhaps what Rus calls "deceptive democratization"?
Here's some Wikipedia info(which can be fact-checked by journos,if need be),offering another fresh perspective on this war: The Rus-Ukr 1997 Friendship Treaty,which among other things,requires one's territory to not be used to cause harm to the other.
Another perspective,offering another likely possibility in current Rus-Ukr war: Rus repeating on its Georgia 2008 playbook- Cut off or destroy the 'dangerous installations' it considers anti-Rus,in Ukr,establish some permanent barricading there,& leave Ukr. https://youtube.com/watch?v=a4LV6VnV9UI Let's state at outset that: 1.We don't know truths of these claims,& only neutral experts can verify. 2. No one is in favor of invasions. But solns to EU mess,lay in understanding some of the mindsets leading to it. Eg. This intl pc from Dec 2021. https://youtube.com/watch?v=MOkl2XgZlw0 Also lending lil more credence to above claims,is Rus FM's last talk,refuting any intention of Ukr annexation,& his focus on 'dangerous installations' in Ukr territory. Mere cheerleading on either side isn't gonna stop Rus military. So only makes sense for US media .to probe it further,with intent to bring abt peace at soonest. Are the "US missiles at Rus's porch", the installations in Ukr territory? For if Rus is ready to leave w/o regime change or takeover or any conditions over future Ukr elec environ,why else did it invade at all? Did You Know: Same Rus-Ukr-NATO scenario,atleast of fortnight back,presented itself exactly 8 yrs back! Rus-NATO had agreement where pro-Rus Ukr Prez Yanukovich would remain in power till end of yr,with Parl elecs meanwhile,& new Prez elecs in 3 mths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad5Fy3RNkY0 V. next day,a mob mysteriously infiltrated the,till then peaceful protests outside Ukr Parl,& overthrew Yanukovich,& agreement was effectively trampled. -Per late grt foreign expert Prof Stephen Cohen Followed by open 'defensive installations' by NATO at Rus borders. -On video Some more shock,for ppl like me just beginning to study this region,how US leaked tape,found its top foreign diplomats planning a coup inside Ukr 8 yrs back,to replace pro-Rus Prez(Yanukovich),with a supposed fascist(Yasnetsiuk),just coz was anti-Putin. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ROTwyP5no08 Also revealed,per impressive expert on region,Prof Stephen Cohen,(& I assume fact-checkable by official communique of time) how Putin offered US to jointly fund Ukr economy,leading up to its violent Parliament unrest(akin to Jan 6 in US)to get it back on track,but US instead trying to exploit(caught on tape,& not denied)the situation,to instead illegally force a pro-West regime change in Ukr,despite elecs scheduled within a yr! Ugh. Don't US Dems have enuf trouble with low approvals,to keep messing elsewhere? A area,where despite his Govt not being pro-middle class or pro-lower middle class,& Prez Biden's atleast better off,even if unwilling on their permanent rescue,despite having the power..Prez Trump's analysis or bet,with Putin,on foreign policy,resulted in more peaceful times outside US. Also,Prof Cohen,analyzing same threat of sanction on Rus's oligarchs,8 yrs back, opinionated how wouldn't amount to much, as: 1.Rus Prez 'd easily find new oligarchs. 2.Rus seems to have policy of compensating Rus oligarchs for amount of their assets seized in West. Some insights into Ukr polity- Its forever been divided in 2 sets of ppl- one pro-West & another pro-Rus. & elecs always swing btwn one set & the other. Current Govt is obvi pro-West. Dunno how much credence gives Rus claims of West inflammation,but that's the larger picture. (Mar 7) One swift way forward,for Rus in making world understand or sympathize with,what all's going on,is- To submit tangible proof over the 'dangerous installations' it speaks of,on a UN or some such forum. Unless these supposed anti-Rus installations are portable or camouflagable. The world will know true motives anyway, once war is over, by tangible changes affected thereby, .. but this could, if nothing else, minimize collateral damages & strife in world polity over its immediate future. Motives that could've been hidden,eg in Crimea,infact till today,where intellectuals safely guess- Twas purely business, Crimea being a major strategic Black Sea asset,for control of sea trade in the area. As evidence shows,no political support for it,b4 takeover,if not after. And vision ahead: Two wrongs dont make right.Esp with 1000s of lives at stake. Yes,US wrong attempting 2014 Ukr coup. Yes,EU wrong not letting Rus in NATO in 2000. But corresponding Rus wrongs in response,only mess future further. GET RUS IN NATO,IN JT BROTHERHOOD,& START AFRESH. Btw-Any wonder what,true or not,"neo-Nazification of Ukr",or promise of "only multi-nations in Ukr territory shall'v right to choose their Prez's" by Rus Fm Lavrov,meant? This just post-Crimea annexation convo,gives excellent (& i'm sure verifiable)context. https://youtube.com/watch?v=H-B1vWFdPXo Seems Ukr Govt formed,post ouster of pro-Rus/neutral/not pro-EU ex-Ukr Prez Yanukovich,in 2014,event leading up to Crimea..illegally banned 2 parties from pro-Rus east Ukr,from those elecs,as also Rus lang. Also> Per this convo(dunno if verifiable) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydxiGsFmCys
The pro-EU/US Ukr Govt so formed,allegedly committed brutal atrocity on east Ukr pro-Rus civilians,causing ~200,000 civilians to migrate. These,most likely are the "fascist" forces,rightly or wrongly,Prez Putin speaks of,in his speech. As I said,true or not,THIS is the context.
So,aside hazy "dismantling dangerous anti-Rus installations" part of Rus FM Lavrov's last presser,they intend to permanently destroy US-South Ukr sea links/help,& leave. Unless lying. In which case,be same old Georgia '08 ie biz playbook,of monopolizing biz,herein in Black Sea.
(Mar 7) Let's make ppl get,why declaring Ukr airspace a 'no fly zone',by US/NATO,almost be IMPOSSIBLE. Per MSNBC intv of a Dem senator,who in turn had it from high up military personnel,"no fly zone" mandates infiltrating planes be chased into their territory. U know what that'd mean. 🙄
(Mar 9) Great stand by Ukr Prez! Declares,Ukr won't pursue NATO membership,& also willing to enshrine neutrality in constitution.
Ukr's realized,what many onlookers saw from afar: Till Rus gets in NATO,Ukr can't.
Let's wish remaining negotiations are to satisfaction of both parties! 👍
(Mar 10) Key info(per Fra Prez in '18): NATO defense system,that till few yrs back'v withstood all air attack,was technicly breachd by Rus's advance to 'hypersonic missile'. Ukr Prez,with such system,shud'v been told its limitation. This war's not just a diplomatic, but a bureaucratic blunder.
(Mar 10) Btw, Did You Know:
Rus, till today, sells 5M barrels of oil / day, ~3.5M of it being to EU & UK. It receives ~$ 500M /day of it's $700M /day, from daily oil sales to EU & UK alone! Also, Rus receives ~ 1B / day, for oil & natural gas supply to the West.
(Source- Wion)
Also, Rus has made ~ $100B in oil sales, this year alone ie in just 60 days, on account of the nearly doubled oil prices in world mkts, in last few mths, ever since news of troop movements at Rus-Ukr borders began !
(Source - Wion)
Are 'Rus sanctions' merely smokes & mirrors then?
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homocausticus · 2 years
Meu lado Sakharov em tempos de Kruschev
Meu lado Sakharov em tempos de Kruschev
Nos anos 1950, a União Soviética passa por um tumulto político com a ascensão de Nikita Kruschev após a morte de Josep Stalin. A luta pelo poder no Kremlin ficou entre Laurenti Beria e o próprio Kruschev como foi bem retratado na comédia A Morte de Stalin, de Armando Ianucci. Logo entendo isso porque lido com os meus colegas do Educere em um grupo no Whastapp onde tenho que lidar com os pedidos…
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 months
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georgebucket · 2 years
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Chairman Mao made Nikita Kruschev have a meeting in a pool because he knew he couldn’t swim.
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