#niantic labs
otakunoculture · 1 year
Looking Back and My Hopes for Pokémon Go in 2023 (After its First Community Day)
#Niantic #PokémonGO had quite the mish mash of hits and misses back in #2022 and hopefully it won't be the same going into #2023. #editorial #videogame #kecleon #communityday review too!
Niantic’s Pokémon GO had quite the mish mash of hits and misses back in 2022. From massive coding gaffes that made gameplay frustrating to the release of new pocket monsters with statistics that can break the game, I’m glad this year is off with a good start. This weekend’s Community Day went off without a hitch! I’m guessing the coders learned from their mistakes. As I look back at everything…
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sonodaten · 2 years
Niantic Labs (creator and publisher of PokemonGo) CEO speaks positively about the “benefits” of blockchain technology, Crypto, and Web3. Fucking loser.
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53v3nfrn5 · 7 months
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Susan Kare, Apple’s “Macintosh Artist,” relaxes at her desk (1984) photog: Norman Seeff
born February 5, 1954 Susan Kare is an American artist and graphic designer, who contributed interface elements and typefaces for the first Apple Macintosh personal computer from 1983 to 1986. She was employee #10 and Creative Director at NeXT, the company formed by Steve Jobs after he left Apple in 1985. She was a design consultant for Microsoft, IBM, Sony Pictures, Facebook, and Pinterest. As of 2007 Kare was an employee of Niantic Labs. As a pioneer of pixel art and of the graphical computer interface, she has been celebrated as one of the most significant designers of modern technology.
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abwwia · 1 year
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Susan Kare (/kɛər/ "care"; born February 5, 1954) is an American artist and graphic designer best known for her interface elements and typeface contributions to the first Apple Macintosh from 1983 to 1986. She was employee #10 and Creative Director at NeXT, the company formed by Steve Jobs after he left Apple in 1985. She was a design consultant for Microsoft, IBM, Sony Pictures, and Facebook, Pinterest and she is now an employee of Niantic Labs. As an early pioneer of pixel art and of the graphical computer interface, she has been celebrated as one of the most significant technologists of the modern world. via Wikipedia
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guillaumelauzier · 5 months
Impact of Niantic's Policies through the "GO Raiding a ESG Survey" on Pokémon GO
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In the evolving landscape of mobile gaming, Niantic Labs' Pokémon GO has not just been a game but a phenomenon. However, recent changes in the game's mechanics, specifically the implementation of remote raid limitations and price increases, have raised questions and concerns within the gaming community. My project, "GO Raiding a ESG Survey," delves into these concerns, focusing on the broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) implications of Niantic's decisions. Importance of the Survey The survey's core purpose is to address the consequences of Niantic's policy changes, particularly on inclusiveness and sustainability. With the reduction of remote raid opportunities and increased costs, a significant portion of the player base might find themselves excluded from key aspects of the game. Furthermore, encouraging in-person raids could inadvertently lead to increased carbon emissions, as players may resort to using cars to travel between raid locations. This survey aims to quantify these impacts and provide a platform for player voices. Survey Scope and Results The survey, updated last on April 21st, 2023, covers various areas including player satisfaction, purchase behavior, and the overall impact on gameplay experience. It also looks into changes in social interactions, the importance of open communication, and Niantic Labs' commitment to global sustainability. Key findings include: - Demographics: 710 participants from 51 countries, covering a wide range of age groups and including players with physical disabilities. - Player Concerns: Over 55% of players are concerned about ESG issues, with a significant impact on their overall game experience. - Inclusiveness: The Inclusion Score, standing at 64.30/100, reflects the extent to which players feel able to participate equally in the game. - Behavioral Changes: The survey indicates changes in players' likelihood of purchasing raid passes and participating in raids, both remote and in-person, post-implementation of the new policies. - Social Engagement: Notable shifts in social engagement patterns before and after the remote raid changes were observed. Methodology Our approach involved aggregating survey responses across multiple languages, focusing on various metrics such as player satisfaction, ESG concerns, and purchase behavior. The Inclusion Index, a crucial part of our analysis, assessed the accessibility and suitability of the game for diverse groups, including those with disabilities and parents with children. Implications and Moving Forward The "GO Raiding a ESG Survey" illuminates the delicate balance Niantic Labs must maintain between business objectives and community interests. The data suggests a need for more inclusive and sustainable gaming practices. Our report, along with the Google Sheets file and Google Analytics folder, offers a comprehensive view, intended for use by media companies, investors, and the gaming community. Our work emphasizes the importance of player feedback in shaping a game that is not only enjoyable but also responsible and inclusive. We encourage our community to engage with our main project, GeneratedArt, and participate in ongoing dialogues about the future of gaming in the context of ESG concerns. Closing Thoughts In the dynamic world of Pokémon GO, the "GO Raiding a ESG Survey" serves as a critical tool for understanding player sentiment and guiding future developments. As we continue to explore the intersection of gaming and social responsibility, we remain committed to advocating for a gaming experience that resonates with our diverse and passionate player base. To see full report, analytics, results and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dQC_IJd_s8Bf7FZ5Mlro9sx1gevyzuva?usp=share_link Read the full article
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nurnberg2 · 7 months
Лжец. Беларусь официально впустила транзитом росийское вооруженре. Хороший лизун в загашнике, клевое дело, и там вылижет и тут вылижет, вай моллдец.
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Да ну, это в очевидной форме - Нюрнберг 2.
А вот такие министры, потом визы продают с мусорьем, своячкам, устраивая международную коррупцию, бизнесс на крови, потому как не своячкам, на визовых центрах очереди просто даже не найдется и мест на посещение визовых центров, у нас "работы многа, сваих хватае", вон паглядзь, у двскорд, 12 лямау, тых хто вас будзе убиваци, больш чым у стране, ня прауда ли? Так вот, пупс, ты когда с мерса и со стола урегулирования после всего этого, пересядешь на парту Нового Нюрнбергского процесса, поймешь с подельниками(оборотнями в погонах, и другими делителями) на сколько ответственна эта работа. А они вполне понимают, комментарии закрыты.
И да кстати, а эта коррупция с визами - это мвд, да, мвд, тут вносит лепту свою, и мвд, вносит лепту в бытовой геноцид, в прямом смысле слова, и вот почему это Нюрнберг, потому как убивают людей не только в Укра не сейчас, и устроили такую большую фашистскую диктатуру, да, о территориальной обороне в гражданском той что сделали с помощью ингресса, дискорда вам никто не расскажет видимо. Google сделал приложуху, а выродков шизофренических понесло. Гугл не виновник, это по сути инструмент, как автомат, хочешь используй, хочешь не используй, хочешь фашизма, видимо, - используй, и никто не заставляет его использовать, ровно как и дискорд.
Теперь на поприще этих вещей Google продал само приложение, т.к. это может сказаться на Google репутации. Отдельная левая контора, Niantic Labs. Это как с IBM гитлером, ультразвуком, и зомбяками в обществе, а виновники, реальные - СС группы кураторы, в дискордах, и ингрессах, в том числе некоторые руководители стран, которые решили "поделиться".
Ах да, такие же клиенты - клиенты эпидемиологических центров, тюрем. Да подельники фашизма?.... как активненько вбросили пупсикам приложуху, для активации доминаторов... и еще переигрывая свое же население в странах отправляя людей на убой, еще с 14го года в украину, да, пупсики? Финансируя из карманов жертв и населения, да мусорятки?
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О политических репрессиях в сообществе Haiku-OS.(зная что такое дискорд, ингресс такое расценивается как фашизм)
Да мои сообщения там не раз уже удаляли. Вот поэтому я сохранил в pdf. И выложу тут.
upd:Там видимо может обновляться. Значит просто смешно смотреть на этот дибилизм уже. Вот будете знать о комманде HaikuOS, которая занимается фашизмом, травлей, и делает акробатику различного рода, со многими вашими соседями сообща, это вам нужно будет знать.
Что бы пользоваться технологиями, если вы новичек, и открыли для себя хайку, закрывайте этот "раздел". Изучайте программирование сразу, изучайте электротехнику, и пишите свой велосипед. Есть основное ядро на котором строилась Haiku, - newos, может быть не плохой вариант для начала.
upd: А вот вам, результат, перед этим изображением посмотрите на сохраненные страницы:
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И пометьте для себя почти любое сообщество, в телеграмм каналах и других площадках кроме дискорд, что очевидно. Что там формируются фашистские сообщества(не сообщества, айнзац группы), вот что сейчас формируют фашистские ублюдки в сети интернет и в обществе. Точнее уже практически сформировали.
Да, что бы вы знали, что нынешний фашизм прогрессировал. И терминами жонглируют как и людьми. Двоесмыслие, политкорректность, маргинализация. Очень много под этими терминами скрывается смертоносных, конкретных действий в отношении людей, групп людей. И ими пользуются именно кровожадные и смертоносные фашисты нового времени(в основном тот кто добрался до кормушки, и в виду своей физической формы, когда гле то сам и маргинал, мразь такая вот вам характер фашистского петушья, да, есть действительно унизительный характер маргмналов, и это именно такие ублюдки, что по своим физическим характеристикам не родились идеальными, кстати добавлю "кхек" от довольного застенного петушка) изящно манипулируя сознанием в обществе так можно делать группами лиц, в широком реально масштабе, имея определенные группы "поддержки". Тех кто сейчас разделяет государственное имущество, грабя простых рабочих людей, именуя их маргинальной прослойкой. Ровно как перешагнул современный фашизм Гитлера, да это прогрессировавший фашизм, когда определенные группы в прямом смысле слова на государственном уровне применяют, и маскируют, под определенные категории, скрывая смертоносные, вредоносные действия в отношении каким нибудь термином, просто хватая в кулак манипуляции сознанием, мгновенно уничтожая человеческое достоинство, и смертоносно унося жизни людей. На сайте Haiku-OS нсть раздел, кто приветствуется в сообществе, там так и написано, "маргинализированные".
То что называется заговором, - когда вы не замечаете как вами реально манипулируют, ваши же соседи, которые в дискордах ведут статистику на ваше психическое состояние, и обсуждают дальнейшие действия, что бы уничтожать ваши жизни с вашими локальными органами как исполнительной, так и законадательной власти, и по пирамиде выше на международном уровне(да Ingress Niantic labs?).
Вот вам пирамида. Ваши инопланетяне, и другие поехавшие на всю голову долбаебы. Которые сейчас эксперементируют над вашими жизнями, подсыпая отраву, расстреливая магнитострикцией, ультращвуком, взламывая ваши устройства, потому что доступ неограниченный, в виду того что преднамерянные специальные уязвимые устройства делают, для "вашего же блага". Да, раньше не было таких материнских плат, где в прямом смысле так открыто и нагло пихают антенны, и сунут это в пластиковую упаковку. А потом вот такие ублюдки на форумах, в сговоре с вашими соседями пишут о вашем самочувствии, обвиняя вас в том что вы говорите непонятные вещи. И действуют группами лиц, предыдущий комментатор, тролль сразу же написал о том что я плохо написал по английски, указав мне это, это уже вести борьбу, это так же отлаживают, - во первых это не этично, указывать на недостатки, которые не касаются самой темы вопроса, сбивая с толку. Аот как такие действия расцениваются по факту, это враждебные, агрессивные действия.
А потом появляется "гераиня", которая чистит твои сообщения, когда ты указал в ответ на грубые действия по отношению к тебе открыто на форуме.
Фашизм, HaikuOS, qam, virtio, ваша "лучшая" операционка.
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lutoogyan · 1 year
Peridot review: Niantic’s pet game is a next-gen Tamagotchi
It’s startling when a cuddly little critter, called a dot, stares at you with its gigantic eyes — even if it’s happening through a screen. Dots are the stars of Peridot, the latest release from Pokémon Go creator Niantic Labs, and they’re sort of like puppies, only a lot weirder. Depending on their type, they can have fuzzy bellies or huge horns or feathers like a peacock. Some look like walking…
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chiasemodcom · 1 year
Pokémon GO là một trò chơi điện tử miễn phí dành cho điện thoại di động, được phát triển bởi công ty Niantic Labs và được phát hành vào tháng 7 năm 2016. Trò chơi này là một trò chơi thực tế ảo, nơi người chơi có thể đi bộ hoặc di chuyển để bắt, huấn luyện và chiến đấu với các Pokémon trong thế giới thực. Khi bắt đầu chơi, người chơi sẽ được yêu cầu tạo một tài khoản và chọn một nhân vật của mình. Sau đó, họ sẽ được đưa vào bản đồ 3D, hiển thị vị trí hiện tại của họ và các vật phẩm Pokémon và PokeStop xung quanh. Người chơi có thể tìm kiếm các Pokémon bằng cách đi bộ hoặc di chuyển trong khu vực của mình. Khi người chơi gặp một Pokémon, họ sẽ phải sử dụng Pokeball để bắt chúng. Mỗi Pokémon có một mức độ khó khăn khác nhau để bắt, tùy thuộc vào cấp độ của chúng. Sau khi bắt được Pokémon, người chơi có thể huấn luyện và nâng cao kỹ năng của chúng bằng cách sử dụng Stardust và Candy. Ngoài việc bắt và huấn luyện các Pokémon, người chơi còn có thể chiến đấu với các nhà huấn luyện khác và tham gia các trận đấu Gym. Các Gym là nơi các nhà huấn luyện có thể đưa Pokémon của mình vào để chiến đấu và giành chiến thắng để chiếm giữ Gym. Người chơi có thể tham gia vào một trong ba nhóm (Team Mystic, Team Valor hoặc Team Instinct) để tham gia vào các trận đấu với những người chơi khác và cùng giành chiến thắng cho đội của mình. Trò chơi cũng có các vật phẩm hỗ trợ cho người chơi như Incense, Lure Modules và Lucky Eggs. Incense được sử dụng để thu hút các Pokémon, Lure Modules được sử dụng để thu hút các Pokémon đến một PokeStop cụ thể và Lucky Eggs được sử dụng để tăng kinh nghiệm nhận được từ các hoạt động trong trò chơi. Tất cả các hoạt động của người chơi đều được theo dõi và tính điểm thông qua hệ thống XP (Experience Points). Các XP được tính dựa trên các hoạt động của người chơi như b ắt đầu chơi, bắt Pokémon, tham gia trận đấu Gym và hoàn thành các nhiệm vụ. Khi đạt được một số lượng XP nhất định, người chơi sẽ lên cấp và mở khóa các tính năng mới của trò chơi. Ngoài ra, trò chơi còn có tính năng AR (Augmented Reality) cho phép người chơi chụp ảnh với các Pokémon bắt được trong thế giới thực. Tính năng này sử dụng camera của điện thoại để đưa các Pokémon vào ảnh và tạo ra các hình ảnh thú vị. Trò chơi cũng có tính năng định vị GPS, cho phép người chơi tìm kiếm các vật phẩm Pokémon và PokeStop xung quanh khu vực của mình. PokeStop là các địa điểm đặc biệt trên bản đồ, nơi người chơi có thể nhận được các vật phẩm hỗ trợ như Pokeballs, Revive và Potion. Trò chơi cũng có tính năng thời tiết độc đáo, ảnh hưởng đến việc xuất hiện của các Pokémon trong thế giới thực. Ví dụ, trong ngày nắng, các Pokémon thuộc loại Fire sẽ xuất hiện nhiều hơn và trong ngày mưa, các Pokémon thuộc loại Water sẽ xuất hiện nhiều hơn. Trò chơi Pokemon GO có tính tương tác xã hội cao khi cho phép người chơi tham gia vào các nhóm và thảo luận về trò chơi trên mạng xã hội. Trò chơi cũng thường xuyên tổ chức các sự kiện và hoạt động đặc biệt như Halloween Event, Holiday Event hoặc Community Day, trong đó người chơi có cơ hội bắt được các Pokémon hiếm và thu thập các vật phẩm đặc biệt. Tổng kết lại, trò chơi Pokemon GO là một trò chơi thực tế ảo hấp dẫn và đầy tính tương tác xã hội, cho phép người chơi khám phá thế giới thực và chinh phục thế giới Pokemon trong thế giới ảo.
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niyotech · 1 year
Pokemon Go developer Niantic is working on a new augmented reality basketball game
Pokemon Go developer Niantic is working on a new augmented reality basketball game
Niantic Labs, a developer specializing in augmented reality games, including the hugely popular pokemon go, has just announced an augmented reality basketball game project. Beta testing of NBA All World will soon begin on limited markets. The game joins a series of other recent projects launched by Niantic, including Pikmin Bloom3D world mapping and of course many updates for pokemon…
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motiveadvice · 1 year
Highest Downloaded Game In Play Store
Highest Downloaded Game In Play Store Below is the list of the most downloaded games in the play store.
Pokemon Go The official launch of Pokemon Go began in 2016. It is an augmented reality game. Niantic is the developer of this game. It uses mobile devices with GPs features to catch and train Pokemon creatures and has more than 500 million downloads.
highest downloaded game in play store
This game has 147 million active users. The game is all about catching your favorite pokemon and creating your own adventure. Initially, the game has 150 species of pokemon and increased to 700 now.
Subway Surfers The endless running game was released in 2012. Kiloo and SYBO Games are the developers of this game. The graphics of this game is very amazing. This game receives very good game. The characters in this game are very funny and cool. Anybody can play this.
highest downloaded game in play store
This game attracts people of every age group. This game is just 34 MB in size. Any device could play this game easily. The game has 4.4 stars out of 5.
Garena Free Fire Garena Free Fire is a Battle Royal game. The developer of this game is Garena. It was released on December 4, 2017. This game is considered one of the most downloaded games in 2019. Free fire has 4 modes to play which are Battle Royale, Clash Squad, Lone Wolf, and Craftland.
highest downloaded game in play store
Also, it has more than 50 characters in this game. The benefit of free fire is that it really supports low-end devices so that anybody could play. The game has 4.2 stars out of 5. It has a 372 MB size which is considered very small compared to other high graphics games.
Despicable Me: Minion Rush Another highest downloaded game in play store is Despicable Me: Minion Rush. It is an endless game released on June 10, 2013. This game is developed by GameLoft, Sparkling. The idea behind this movie is taken from Despicable Me 2 movie.
highest downloaded game in play store
There are plenty of characters in this game. The game has different types of modes such as Special Missions, Jelly Lab, Events, and Minion Races. This game has a download count of more than 500 million. It has a 4.6-star rating out of 5. The game size if of 104MB.
Jetpack Joyride Jetpack Joyride is another action endless running game. It was first released for ios devices in 2011 and later it was released in the android version in 2012. The main character in this game activates with one touch.
highest downloaded game in play store
The main mission of this game is to go further as far as possible, collecting coins and surviving. This game is very interesting to play with excellent graphics. The game has a 4.3-star rating and the game size is 124 MB.
PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds) Mobile Another highest downloaded game in play store is PUBG. It is a Battle Royale game developed by PUBG Studios and published by Krafton. The game was released in the android version in 2018. This game receives a positive impact from all audiences of any age group. This game needs a good internet connection and can only be played online.
highest downloaded game in play store
The game has different types of modes and various maps to play. Different types of weapons and accessories can be bought. The game has 4.3 stars and its size is about 712 MB.
Fruit Ninja Another highest downloaded game in play store is Fruit Ninja. This fruit-slicing arcade game was released in 2010. It was developed and published by Halfbrick. This game is very easy to play. All we need is to slice the fruit that is thrown into the screen. The more we slice the fruit, the higher the winning chance is.
highest downloaded game in play store
Billions of players are playing this game worldwide. The game has a size of 142 MB. The download count of this game reaches more than 500 million.
Clash Of Clans The clash of clans is a mobile strategy game developed and published by Supercell. It was available on android in 2013. In this game the player has to build their own village from different types of resources, earning and buying medals. Basically, the players must maintain their habitat from other attacking players. So, this is one of the most exciting strategic games.
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otakunoculture · 2 years
What's Next Niantic, After Daring to Cancel Transformers: Heavy Metal?
The shakeup at #Niantic and cancellation of #Transformers Heavy Metal cannot go unnoticed. So what's next for this company after #pokemongofest? #videogames #augmentedreality #editorial
The shakeup at Niantic Inc. cannot go unnoticed. As published on Entrepreneur 360, Tristan Rose wrote, “According to Niantic’s Crunchbase profile, Niantic, the developer of Pokémon GO, has raised $770 million over 5 rounds giving them a post-money valuation in the range of $1 billion to $10 billion as of November 23, 2021.” And eight months later, this company is laying off workers (up to 90,…
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cripta-today · 1 year
Animoca Brands расширяется до музыкальной метавселенной с Pixelynx
New Post has been published on https://cripta.today/blokchejn-i-tehnologii/animoca-brands-rasshirjaetsja-do-muzykalnoj-metavselennoj-s-pixelynx/
Animoca Brands расширяется до музыкальной метавселенной с Pixelynx
Pixelynx — это платформа, созданная Deadmau5 (Джоэл Циммерман) и Ричи Хотин (Plastikman). Платформа также является продуктом ветеранов музыкальной и игровой индустрии Бена Тернера, Дина Уилсона и Индера Фулла. Эта уникальная смесь музыкальных исполнителей и технологов предлагает многообещающее видение будущего веб-медиа. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать больше о Pixelynx и о том, как Animoca Brands планирует развивать новую музыкальную индустрию.
Что означает приобретение Pixelynx для музыки Web3?
Animoca Brands получает контрольный пакет акций Pixelynx, что означает, что направление музыки web3 находится в надежных руках. Приобретение позволит блокчейн-гиганту строить, инвестировать и приобретать; студии, инфраструктура и технологии, которые будут определять будущее музыкальной индустрии. Благодаря этому партнерству бренды Animoca привносят свой многолетний опыт работы с ведущими игровыми и веб-сообществами.
Pixelynx — это музыкальная и метавселенная из Лос-Анджелеса, работающая в 5 странах. Стремясь к будущему музыки в Интернете, бренд создает физические и цифровые экосистемы для артистов и фанатов. Кроме того, компания позволит создателям направлять, как они могут создавать впечатления для своих поклонников, партнеров и платф��рм. Переход к более новым способам сделать это позволит создателям создавать новые способы для любителей музыки разрабатывать, делиться и монетизировать музыку.
У Pixelynx есть предстоящая дебютная игра под названием «ELYNXIR» на своей платформе. Elynxir — это мобильная игра нового поколения с эксклюзивным музыкальным контентом, внутриигровыми коллекционными предметами и захватывающими играми. Кроме того, Elynxir использует технологию дополненной реальности Niantic Lightship и имеет серьезные планы по объединению физического и цифрового опыта.
Elynxir, мобильные игры нового поколения
В игре расширенная дополненная реальность сочетается с геолокацией, чтобы игроки могли находить игры, музыку, исполнителей, предметы коллекционирования и фанатский контент. Это открывает совершенно новый уровень опыта для создателей и фанатов. Кроме того, аспект игр, слитых с системами, является важным толчком для новой музыкальной индустрии. Огромные коллаборации, подобные этим, также способствуют большим изменениям в музыкальной индустрии. Поклонники теперь могут иметь возможность выйти за рамки слушателей. Теперь они также становятся коллекционерами, соавторами, влиятельными лицами и инвесторами в свою любимую музыку.
Ят Сиу, соучредитель и исполнительный председатель Animoca Brands, сказал: « PIXELYNX — одна из компаний новой волны, прокладывающих новые пути для музыкальной индустрии в условиях серьезного технологического перехода от централизованного к децентрализованному владению». 
Индер Фулл, генеральный директор Pixelynx, заявляет: «Animoca Brands зарекомендовала себя как доминирующий игрок в создании общего видения открытой метавселенной. Наконец, эта сделка знаменует собой начало новой эры в музыкальной индустрии, в которой Web3, игры и трансмедиа-контент откроют новые форматы, потоки доходов и бизнес-модели, поддерживающие артистов, фанатов и лейблы».
О брендах Animoca
Animoca Brands — мировой лидер в области цифровых развлечений, блокчейна и геймификации web3. Компания работает над продвижением прав на цифровую собственность и созданием открытой метавселенной. Некоторые из продуктов Animoca Brands включают ��иганта метавселенной The Sandbox, Crazy Defense Heroes и Crazy Kings. У Animoca Brands более 380 инвестиций. К ним относятся Colossal, Axie Infinity, OpenSea, Dapper Labs (NBA Top Shot), Yield Guild Games, Harmony, Alien Worlds, Star Atlas, а также другие.
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dailyupdate-24 · 2 years
Pokemon Go Creator Thinks Metaverse Needs to Keep It 'Real'
Pokemon Go Creator Thinks Metaverse Needs to Keep It ‘Real’
Niantic Labs CEO John Hanke has been working on technology that helps people navigate and enjoy places in the real world since he helped create Google Maps nearly 20 years ago. So it’s not surprising that he isn’t a fan of the current hyperbole surrounding the notion that technology is poised to hatch a “metaverse” — a three-dimensional simulation of the actual world populated by digital avatars…
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transportpiner · 2 years
Pokemon go live map computer
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#Pokemon go live map computer how to
#Pokemon go live map computer apk
#Pokemon go live map computer full
#Pokemon go live map computer windows 10
#Pokemon go live map computer android
When done, hit the back button to switch back to the map and select the desired location.Ĭhose the entry and hit ‘Save’ button to add the location to your favorites. Now, click the three-dotted button in the top right, navigate to the Settings menu, check Expert Mode, read the warning message, and confirm with OK.
#Pokemon go live map computer how to
Then, click FakeGPS from the list and chose the Launch App option.Ī manual guiding you on how to operate the window will be displayed. If not, access the Search at the bottom, select Filters, check System Apps, and hit the Apply tab. Set Up FakeGPS! Open Lucky Patcher and see if you can find FakeGPS entry in the list of apps. Turn off the location if it is set to ‘On’.
#Pokemon go live map computer windows 10
Access Windows 10 Settings App, chose ‘Privacy Section’ > Location. If you have BlueStacks opened, click the cogwheel, select Settings, move to Location, and set the mode to High accuracy.įor proper functioning of the game on PC, it is essential to have all Windows GPS service disabled. You need to ensure some settings are in right place.
#Pokemon go live map computer apk
It’s time to install the most awaited game – Pokemon Go! Similar to the previous steps followed for KingRoot and Lucky Patcher, install the Pokemon APK file but restrain your urge from launching the app now.
#Pokemon go live map computer android
Here, as you are required to reboot BlueStacks to apply those changes, you can hit Yes or use Restart Android Plugin. When prompted for confirmation, hit ‘Yes’ button to install. Here, pause for a moment, select the APK file for Fake GPS and Install as a System App. Now, inside the application navigate to ‘Rebuild & install’ > SDcard > Windows > BSTSharedFolder. You should agree to grant the app access so, hit the ‘Allow’ button to confirm the action. Simply click the APK option residing on the left-hand side of the BlueStacks window and select the APK file on your computer to complete the installation process. When done, install and Run Lucky Patcher. To do so, click the folder icon from the BlueStacks sidebar on the left and open Fake GPS. Now, it’s the turn to copy Files from Windows. Then choose the ‘ Restart Android Plugin’. Find the cogwheel which can be found in the top right corner of BlueStacks. When found, click it and then hit the ‘Fix now’ button.Īfter that, upon noticing your Security Index, select ‘Optimize now’ option and then close KingRoot. Next, scroll to the bottom and locate ‘Try it’ option. For this, once you have finished installing Bluestacks, open it and click the APK symbol visible on the left, click open the respective APK file on your computer to set up the KingRoot application. The next step in the process includes installing this tool from. Once you have installed BlueStacks on PC, set up your Google account with the application because it will be easier for you to connect to the game.
Pokemon APK Play Pokemon Go on a Windows computer.
You need to install the following in the given order: To get the gaming experience of Pokemon Go on your Windows PC install the latest version of the Pokemon GO PC game on your laptop or computer by installing BlueStacks. As such, every iOS, Android, or Windows OS user is busy finding ways to make the game run on their version of the OS. The global appeal of the game is phenomenal. Update: While multiple Reddit users have reported this method working for them, a Google engineer on Twitter pointed out that it wasn't a viable short answer: no.Pokemon Go, the fastest mobile game ever to hit revenues of $500 million has successfully managed to expand its user base, and the number keeps blasting with each passing day. Niantic Labs is aware of the battery conservation issue and said it is looking into ways to fix the problem. Players should also notice a decrease in the amount of data needed to run the game.
#Pokemon go live map computer full
Even with the maps being offline, players will still have full access to the game through their data. In order to download the maps and use them offline, all players have to do is open the Google Maps app on their phone, go into settings, click the option for offline maps, hit the plus sign and add their location. Players have reported that after trying the method, they noticed an increase in battery life conservation and decrease in data usage, but mentioned that phones were still dying anywhere between three and six hours of continuous usage. Since Pokémon Gouses Google Maps API, players can simply download the maps from Google and use them offline. Now, thanks to a suggestion from Reddit user throwaway96388, players may be able to conserve battery and cut their data usage down using one simple trick.
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guillaumelauzier · 1 year
Niantic Labs' Remote Raid Limitations: A Call for Greater Inclusivity and Sustainability in Pokémon GO
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Recent changes to remote raid limitations in Pokémon GO have raised concerns among players about Niantic Labs' commitment to global sustainability goals and game inclusivity. Based on the Go Raiding Survey, the majority of players express negative sentiments towards the changes, which may have unintended consequences on CO₂ emissions and overall player engagement. Niantic Labs must prioritize the diverse needs of its player base to foster a more inclusive and sustainable gaming experience. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of balancing economic recovery with environmental and social sustainability. Niantic Labs' recent changes to remote raid limitations in Pokémon GO have sparked concerns among players regarding the company's alignment with global sustainability objectives and its impact on game inclusivity. The Go Raiding Survey highlights that over 55% of respondents are very concerned about Niantic Labs' commitment to global sustainability objectives due to the remote raid limitations. These limitations may inadvertently increase CO₂ emissions as players resort to using private vehicles for in-person raids. This outcome conflicts with sustainable investor goals and calls for Niantic Labs to reconsider its remote raid limitations policy. Moreover, the survey data emphasizes the importance of remote raiding in fostering game inclusivity. Many players who feel partly or entirely excluded from raids due to various factors, such as childcare responsibilities, physical disabilities, or lack of local raiding communities, have found remote raiding to be a valuable alternative. The recent changes have left these players feeling disillusioned and disconnected from the game. The overwhelmingly negative sentiment expressed by survey respondents indicates that the majority of players are unhappy with the remote raid limitations, which could lead to decreased engagement, reduced in-game purchases, and a weakened sense of community within the game. To maintain Pokémon GO's long-term appeal, Niantic Labs must address these concerns and prioritize the needs and sentiments of its player base.
Niantic Labs needs to actively listen to player feedback and adjust its policies to create a more inclusive and sustainable gaming experience for all players. Fostering a positive gaming environment and prioritizing the diverse needs of the player base are essential for the continued success of Pokémon GO. My GO Raiding report GO-Raiding-Balancing-Accessibility-and-SustainabilityDownload Read the full article
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