#niamh charles blurb
jflemings · 3 months
— phases
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pairing: niamh charles x canadian!reader / part 2 here
synopsis: niamh is forced to watch you change
warnings: angsty angst angst, a lil smut, reader likes both men and women
a/n: this bitch is so long oh my god, part 2 won’t be this lengthy (hopefully)
♫ what’s queued masterlist
tryin' to find a new you but I heard you got lost
tryin' to figure your worth
what the hell does that cost?
niamh lazily lounges on her and jessie’s couch, her feet are comfortably propped up on jessie’s lap as the two of them share a big bowl of popcorn. zećira is sitting on the recliner to the defender’s left nursing her own bowl of popcorn, not paying attention to the way niamh shifts in her seat. the englishwoman checks her phone for what seems like the thousandth time that hour, groaning softly when she realises that you, yet again, have left her on delivered.
zećira doesn’t take her eyes off the movie playing as she speaks “she’s hanging out with the city girls” she says whilst stuffing a handful of popcorn into her mouth “i saw her on filippa’s instagram story”
niamh snaps her head towards her friend and teammate “who?” she questions uselessly, not even realising she was being watched.
“y/n” jessie answers, also still occupied with the movie.
“and how do you know that?” the defender says suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at the canadian
“i don’t” jessie shrugs “i just figured that’s why you were on your phone”
zećira points at jessie to confirm that she’s right, turning her attention back to niamh who’s nervously biting at her nails. the two women look at eachother with both confusion and concern before jess places a soft hand on her best friend’s shin.
“what’s up?” she asks quietly “something other than her being out and about is bothering you. what is it?”
“i’ve just heard that she’s been… i don’t know? different?”
jessie’s eyes drop slightly “she’s just sorting some stuff out, that’s all”
judging by the look niamh gives jessie, it’s clear that she’s not buying whatever her friend is trying to sell her “jess that’s bullshit. don’t sugar coat what she’s going through”
“i’m not” jessie defends, her face going hard “it’s not my business to say anything, niamh”
“she’s lost!” the defender pushes, fighting the urge to raise her voice and start a fight over something that isn’t worth it right now.
zećira sinks into her seat. jessie and niamh weren’t known to argue but she knows that you’re a sensitive topic given the fact that you’re jessie’s national teammate and niamh’s… ex almost girlfriend. she blows air out of her nose in anticipation as she watches jessie’s brows furrow and shoulders tighten, fully prepared to turn off the movie and sneak out of their house before they notice.
“she’s not lost. just because she’s trying to figure herself out doesn’t mean she’s lost, god” jessie defends forcefully before shaking out her shoulders and lowering her voice “let her figure it out. she’ll come around”
when I'm kissing ya, grippin' ya thigh
I realized you are destined and meant to be mine
jessie was half right, you had come around a week later, both figuratively and literally. you had texted her that you wanted to catch up and go out for dinner at you and niamh’s favourite shared spot which then led to the two of you making out on your couch.
you were currently straddling the chelsea defender, kissing her neck feverishly whilst your hands snaked up under her jumper and shirt. her hands grip your thighs and she throws her head back, a quiet moan passing by her lips with ease as you drag your teeth over her pulse point.
“missed you” you murmur into her neck “hasn’t been the same since i left”
niamh foolishly melts at your words, one of her hands moving to grip your breast through your bra “should just come back” she says breathlessly “team needs you”
you laugh lowly as you pull yourself off her neck completely and eye your handy work, guiding niamh’s jaw so you can get a better look “the team needs me or you need me?”
niamh wines when you undo the button of her jeans and slowly slither your hand into her underwear “is there a difference?” she questions breathlessly.
“i don’t make a habit out of having my hand down all my ex-teammates underwear so i’d say there is” you tease, brushing your fingers ever so slightly over where she wants you.
the defender is clearly done with talking. she crashes her lips into yours and leans forward, unintentionally causing your fingers to press to her clit. she moans into your mouth and shuts her eyes even tighter as you move your fingers “i need you too” you reassure her just as breathlessly.
as niamh watches you get off her lap and get on your knees in front of her preparing to take her jeans off, she decides that the two of you were made for eachother.
who am I to conflict with you living your life
just know when you call
i'm at the end of the line
no matter the situation, or the time of day, niamh knew that she would always be available to you. she knew that no matter how complicated your relationship got or how hard she fell for you, she would always answer your call.
she was always the one to let you come to her in fear that she would be interfering in your life. after speaking with jessie again, and kadiesha and ashley, she quickly realised that this really might just be a phase you’re going through at the moment. before you left chelsea you really did feel lost and like you didn’t belong. there had been nights where you were questioning your career and your place in your relationships, and everytime you had gone to niamh for some advice.
niamh remembers the night you decided that kingsmeadow was no longer home very clearly. you two were just sitting in bed when you’d abruptly said that you’d spoken to your agent about transferring and that arsenal, west ham and manchester city all wanted you.
she had been shocked but supported you regardless, reassuring you over and over that nothing was going to change for the two of you. in the beginning in truely hadn’t but the more settled you got with your new club, the further niamh felt you were going.
despite this, she would still stay on the phone with you when you’d call her at odd hours almost in tears because you were scared you’d made the wrong choice, scared that maybe you should’ve just stuck it out at chelsea. niamh would always interrupt you and tell you that you did what was best for you and your career, tell you that you had done all the growing you could with the blues.
that unwavering loyalty has lead niamh here, sitting up in bed at two in the morning blinking sleep out of her eyes and staring blankly at her phone. she knows that you’d only call her at this hour if you really needed her so she sighs and answers the phone.
“niahmy” you say quietly, your voice cracking in the middle of saying her name “i need some help”
she furrows her brows as worry begins to settle in her chest “anything”
hitting all the right cues
and you leaving your mark
but i know that ain't you
you're just playing your part, baby
since moving to manchester city niamh couldn’t help but notice how you’d changed on the pitch as well as off it.
people had speculated that you’d been brought in to replace hayley raso on the wing, having built a reputation surrounding your speed and the way you could get on the end of any pass and get the ball in the back of the net. you were also infamous for the non-aggressive way you played.
now though, you were getting yellow cards for shoving, shirt pulling, late tackles, the lot. despite this, you were still scoring goals and gliding past defenders with ease, leaving people to assume that your sudden aggression came from the way city was training.
niamh knew better though. the way you train doesn’t drastically change the way you play that quickly, especially since you were never one to play dirty. as she watches you argue with the ref over a yellow card and late tackle she can’t help but sigh and furrow her brows in disappointment.
it’s so clear to her that all you’re doing is putting on an act and filling a role you feel like you have to play. she rolls her head on her neck and crosses her arms over her chest, just hoping that you’ll end the little show you’re putting on soon.
jessie drops back and cokes up beside niamh briefly “i don’t know what she’s doing” she says quietly “she’s arguing a yellow that she deserves”
niamh sighs and uncrosses her arms, choosing to place them on her hips instead “does anyone know what she’s doing?” the defender says bitterly “if she wanted to hold up the match she’s got her wish”
“did you two get the chance to talk after dinner last week?”
niamh’s face burns “not really” she answers quietly, hoping that jess will just drop it.
jessie raises her brows and smirks “right. i still think you should, she really values your opinion you know”
“…yeah, right”
I'll practice my patience
while you're getting wasted
you’re bordering on drunk when niamh and alessia walk into the bar. the drink you’re nursing spills over the rim as you dance with mary, your eyes never leaving her face as you laugh and sway your hips.
niamh walks straight up to the bar before even going to find lauren to wish her a happy birthday, ordering her usual and finding a table to sit at by herself for a moment. to anyone else she probably looks like a miserable bitch the way she’s not celebrating her national teammate’s birthday but she knows that she can’t face you sober.
the defender sips her drink and scans her eyes over all the partygoers. she spots lessi chatting away with a group of girls and hums, grateful for the fact that she doesn’t seem to be pissed about being ditched almost as soon as the pair walked in.
niamh’s alone time is interrupted by a thick australian accent “you’re a very patient person, y’know that?”
the englishwoman looks up to see alanna kennedy standing at the edge of her seat. she’s got a party hat perched on the top of her head that reads ‘BIRTHDAY GIRL’ in bold pink lettering and the streamer pompon that sits on top of the cardboard looks like it’s been rugged at more then once. niamh smirks at the sight of the australian defender adjusting her hat before taking a long sip of what niamh can only assume is a rum and coke.
“what do you mean?” niamh questions almost stupidly
alanna sits uninvited and places her glass on a coaster “i love y/n, really i do, she’s great, but you have the patience of a saint”
it’s clear that the aussie is drunk, judging by her slightly slurred words and lax attitude, but niamh has a feeling that she means everything she’s saying. alanna waves her hand about and purses her lips “but you’ve gotta cut yourself some slack here charles, make a move!”
niamh rolls her eyes “i’ve made plenty of moves” she assures confidently, throwing her arm over the back of the booth seat she’s currently sitting in.
“not those kind of moves” alanna protests with a fake gag “have you told her you love her?”
niamh choked on her drink, spluttering and wiping her mouth whilst the city player opposite her just looks on with an amused twinkle in her eye. the question suddenly brings niamh back to earth. she’s sitting here having a personal conversation with a teammate of a teammate and she still has no idea what even lead to alanna sitting down with her in the first place.
the brit shakes her head just as alanna finishes off her rum and coke and slaps the table, standing abruptly whilst shaking her glass “until you tell her that, you haven’t made any moves”
you fucked with him but we both realize that he was bogus
I'm the one for you so why do I feel like I go unnoticed
I'm talking more than clothes hitting floors
we're falling off track but not the rack like a chore
the new guy you’re seeing is a twat and niamh would tell you as such if you didn’t have her in such a compromising position.
jessie, thanks to a fucking miracle, is out for the day and won’t be home until late in the afternoon, leaving you and niamh to be as loud as you want in an empty house. you’ve got her pushed up against the back of her bedroom door in just her bra and pyjama shorts, the latter of which you’re eager to take off, as you guide her hand into your own pants.
she gives you want you want slowly, ghosting her fingers over you whilst smirking, loving the sight of you squirming and almost begging for more. now that she’s got the upper hand, niamh pushes herself off the door and walks the both of you back to her bed, pulling her hand out of your underwear as she pushes you down onto the bed. you don’t have time to whine at the loss of contact because as soon as you’re in a comfortable enough position, you’re being stripped of your shorts and underwear, niamh’s fingers going back to their rightful place.
she runs a single finger over your folds, ghosting over your clit and back again in a repeated motion before using your own slick as lube and pushing herself into you.
you gasp at the intrusion “niamhy” you whine frustratedly.
“hmmm” she hums nonchalantly “you got something to say?”
“move. i need you to move”
she kisses her teeth and slowly pushes another finger in, absolutely loving the way your face contorts with pleasure “i didn’t hear a please in that sentence”
her dominant tone of voice has you uselessly bucking your hips in an attempt to create more friction “please move, niamhy, please” you beg whilst throwing your head back.
she slowly begins to pump her fingers, scissoring them every so often to ensure that she’s stretching you out enough “what would he say, hmm? what would he say if he knew i had you like this” she taunts, the cockiness overtaking her the more you beg.
the defender angles her hand awkwardly to thumb at your clit, her pace still not as fast as you would like. when you still don’t answer her she asks you again “what would he say y/n”
“h-he would say he knew” you gasp “he would say he knew all along”
“and why would he say that?” niamh taunts, now curious as to what your answer is going to be. at first she was just saying it to make herself feel like you had finally chosen her, like she had won.
“because– ah fuck” you groan loudly as niamh begins to tightly circle your clit “because he saw the-the hickeys!”
niamh can’t help but slyly smirk at the thought of her handiwork being on full display. butterflies erupt in her stomach at the thought of you stammering through an explanation, red faced and embarrassed that you had been caught and that he had figured out who was responsible for the marks that had littered your chest.
“might have to leave a few more, just to be sure he gets the hint”
even though you ain't mine it's the fact that I'm yours
you’re laying on niamh’s bare back tracing patterns down her spine delicately “what did you mean when you said ‘just to be sure he gets the hint’?” you question quietly.
niamh stirs under you ever so slightly before shrugging her shoulders “i don’t know, heat of the moment i guess”
you nod and begin to say something when your phone begins to ring from the bedside table. you climb off niamh and reach for it, pressing decline before texting back whoever was calling. you lock your phone and place it in your lap before turning to niamh sullenly.
your hand softly lands on the small of her back and you lean down to her ear “i’ve gotta go” your murmur, kissing her neck “but i’ll call you later?”
niamh nods and turns so she’s facing you. her mousy brown hair spills over her white sheets and her cheeks are still partly flushed from her comedown “tell him i said hi” she mumbles as you pick your clothes up off her floor.
you pause and fiddle with the shirt in your hands “we aren’t exclusive or official” you say softly, turning your back to her to avoid her eyes “so i’m not cheating on him”
“i never said you were”
I promise you, baby, I'm sober
just wait 'til you give in and finally come over
I can't wait to tell you
I told ya, I told ya, I told ya
niamh doesn’t really know just how she ended up in this situation.
actually, that’s a lie, she had spam texted you practically cussing out the guy you had been seeing on and off, insisting that you two were much better together.
now she stares at your contact lighting up her phone. she knows that if she leaves it you’ll eventually give up and just decide to text her but she so badly wants to just talk to you, she just wants to hear your voice.
niamh answers the call wordlessly, leaning on the wall next to the door of the club bathroom as she waits to hear what you’ve got to say.
“niamh” you breathe
“mhm” she mumbles back to you “what’s up?”
“you can’t say those things, you’re drunk and don’t mean them”
she scoffs loudly “i’m not drunk”
“well you should be!” you exclaim angrily “you can’t just say that shit”
“why not? scared your little boyfriend will see it?” she spits back just as angry, hurt and annoyance bubbling in her throat.
you go silent “he’s not my boyfriend” you speak quietly “but yeah, we’re going really well and i’m really enjoying my time with him”
niamh shakes her head and leans back against the wall, shutting her eyes and allowing a deep frown to grace her lips. she sigh’s frustratedly “yeah you’ll enjoy your time with him until he takes too long to call you back or can’t make you cum for the fourth time in a row. then you’ll come back to me”
“fuck you niamh” you spit angrily before hanging up without warning.
jessie walks out of the stall wearing a confused expression, her eyebrows furrowed and mouth pinched as she looks at her best friend expectantly. the taller girl offers no explanation as she waves her off, rolling her eyes and pocketing her phone before leaving the bathroom.
'till fate brings you home
I'll wait through your phases, phases
niamh is sat in between jessie and erin in the cafeteria picking at her food and only half paying attention to the mindless conversation being had at the table. the two of you hadn’t spoken since your argument two weeks ago and everyone could see that it was slowly killing her.
her usually bright demeanour was dull and drowsy and her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. a hard pat on the back breaks the defender out of her trance and she looks over to see erin’s smiling face
“she’ll come around” the scot tries to encourage “it’s not the end of the world”
niamh leans her head on one of her hands miserably “i’ve really fucked it this time”
erin shakes her head “no you haven’t, she probably just wasn’t ready to hear what you had to say. if the guy’s as much of an arse as you say he is then y/n will be back sooner than you think”
“it’s a phase for her niamhy” jessie assures confidently “her feelings for him are nothing in comparison to her feelings for you, you know that”
“the universe will sort you out, don’t you worry about that” erin exclaims with a final hard pat on the back “fate ‘n all that”
niamh smiles at her friend’s optimism, ducking her head to hide the blush that’s blossoming on her cheeks. jessie knocks their shoulders together affectionately before finishing off the last of her fruit and leaning into niamh’s personal space.
“all you’ve gotta do is wait it out. she’ll come back”
I'll wait, I'll wait through your phases, phases, oh
(girl, you know I'll wait for you)
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trulyhblue · 4 months
write the niamh **** i dare you!!!!!!! never knew i was this down bad for her until she came out in the captains armband and i was like…there’s something about this, she is confident and she is hot and respectfully i shouldn’t say any more
Back To You
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Niamh Charles x Aussie! Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, massive praise kink, degradation, vibrator, thigh-riding, edging, breeding kink, angst, a bit of Man U hate, semi-public themes, coarse language.
A/N — the demand for Niamhy is finally here…. I honestly don't know what came over me. Bit long, hope you enjoy!
Time after time, you had watched your girlfriend get angry on the pitch.
You had seen her push and shove, swear and tackle. Niamh wasn't an extremely violent person by any means. She could be kind, gentle, loving, and full of empathy, and in most cases, she was. She wasn't always an intolerance on the field, usually keeping the pace instead of arguing and slowing it down. She was determined, you were technical. All relationships aside, the two of you blended well on the field.
But, Niamh was many things that you weren't.
You had joined Chelsea after progressing through the United Academy. You were born in Manchester and grew up playing football. The move down to London was difficult, but you made your WSL debut in the Blues jersey, and have stayed loyal to them ever since. Unlike many of your teammates, you were very shy. You’d much rather carry the ball down the field than give a shot at goal. You liked weaving in between the midfield and opening up opportunities for your teammates rather than pursuing something for yourself. There was a joke among the Football community that you were allergic to the penalty area because you tried to avoid it at all costs.
You were on the younger side of the team as well, meaning you had less experience than some of your friends. The girls were always there to lift you up and support you, but you managed to stay under the radar, behind the inevitable spotlight.
“Ready for today, Y/L/N?” Sam asked, pulling you out of your daze as you laced your boots. The news of your skipper tearing her ACL was fresh in your mind, but her presence in the room still comforting before a game like this.
Millie was opposite you, patting your knee a few times as she chuckled. “Gonna show those reds a masterclass today, aren't ‘ya?”
You blushed at that, staring down at your boots to avoid the bashful compliments you were receiving. You didn't start often, being classed as a constant sub instead. Today, you were starting. It only made you more anxious that it was against your parent club, one that you used to stay loyal to. One that United fans still ridicule you for leaving. You were an anxious person anyway, but a sold-out stadium and a phone full of social media only fueled your apprehension more.
Your teammates knew of this stress you placed on yourself, and what others placed on you. They had told you thousands of times that Chelsea was lucky to have you, but you constantly lacked the confidence to agree with them. You wanted to prove to everyone that you were capable of exceeding expectations.
“Piss off, you two.” You heard a familiar voice snap. “Leave her alone.”
You looked up to find your girlfriend grabbing your hand, pulling you up so she could wrap her arms across your shoulders. You engulfed her usual scent and sighed in contentment, hugging her back with your arms around her waist, your head against her chest.
You heard Sam scoff, the two women giggling to each other like school girls.
“Captain Niamhy to the rescue.” Your usual skipper teased, poking your side. You yelped, and Niamh sent a glare towards Millie. Sam wobbled closer to the two of you, laughing at the blush that painted your cheeks.
“C’mon, Mils. Let's leave these two love birds by themselves.” She chuckled. “Niamhy wants to show off the armband.”
“I’ll take your crutches, Kerr.” Niamh retorted, ignoring the two women as they sauntered off, placing her attention back on you.
You had left her wandering hands, turned towards your cubby, searching your bag for a hair brush. The anticipation of the game was continuously creeping up on you, and Niamh noticed your apprehension from a mile away.
Your breath hitched when you felt your girlfriend’s hands grip your waist, her front pushing up against your arse. Her voice was softer, raspier. Your bent figure made her bend down so that her mouth was level with your ear.
“You're going make me so proud today, aren't you, Baby?”Her tone sent a shiver down your body, her hot breath fanning down your neck. “‘Gonna show everyone how good you are for me?”
You nodded, feeling your throat close at your flustered state. Your face flushed an embarrassing shade of crimson when Niamh pushed you further into your cubby, moving one of her hands down to the inside of your thigh.
“You’ve got to use your words, yeah?” She muttered, maneuvering your arse so it aligned with her front. “I want to hear you on the field today, okay? Even if I'm on the other side. Understood?”
“Yes.” You muttered.
Niamh tutted. “Yes…?”
You felt all your composure start to fizzle down to your core. “Yes, Niamh.”
You were about to groan before Niamh pulled you upright, tightening her grip on your waist once more before leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead. You threw your head back and sighed, trying desperately to compose yourself before anyone questioned you.
You followed the team out onto the pitch, not realising that Niamh’s little stunt was to take your mind off the game. You moved through shaking everyone’s hands with ease, taking your position without a second glance towards anyone.
The whistle blew, and you were off.
Chelsea were determined to prove themselves after the poor efforts of the West Ham game. People were doubting the Blues after Sam’s injury and the girls all wanted everyone to know that they were serious contestants.
You were never predictable in the midfield, despite never really moving in and out of the middle very often. You found yourself creating as many chances as possible, crossing the ball into United’s half to the best of your ability.
The constant booing from United and cheers from Chelsea were a healthy, even mix, heightening the odds of the game as it progressed. You made as many breaks as you could before you felt the air in your lungs deflate when your body hit the floor.
You were slightly winded from the tackle, needing a moment to gather yourself before making the effort to get back up. Katie Zelem was the one stalking away from you, holding in a smug grin when some of the Chelsea girls threw their hands up in contention — your girlfriend included.
You shook the exchange off, hoping Zelem thought you weren't fazed by the late challenge. The crowd spurred the game into a further frenzy, coercing both sides to exacerbate their emotions.
You strained your neck from side to side, picking up the ball that had rolled away and getting ready for your free kick. Fortunately, the penalty was within United’s half, so naturally, Chelsea banked up near the goal, waiting as you began to run. You watched as the ball was sent over the top of most of the players in the direction of Lauren near the goalpost. With a flick of her head, the girl sent the ball hurling past Mary Earps’ head, speeding over to you in celebration as the United fans were up in arms at the assist you just had.
The team surrounded the two of you, hugging each other before making the swift return back to your position. Millie and Guro made a show of patting your head. Lauren shook your shoulders while Erin jumped up and down. You searched the group for Niamh, but frowned when your girlfriend was on the other side of the field.
“What is she doing?” You asked to no one in particular, staring down Niamh as she spoke with the Ref and Zelem.
Erin shrugged, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “Who cares? All you need to worry about is doing more of what you just did.”
You chuckled at the Scottish woman, using your hand to propel her away playfully. Both sides took their positions, ready to start over. United started with the ball, passing back to their defensive line before weaving it forward.
You weren't too pleased with the style of aggression that both teams were playing with, wishing that you’d walk away with a clean win and sheet. You knew from playing with most of the Manchester girls that they were taught to fight back with twice as much wrath if they were placed into a compromised position like this. Millie Turner was marking you non-stop, and Maya metres away from you at all times. You struggled to keep the ball by your feet without someone coming up behind you and snaking away quicker than it arrived. You were growing more and more irritated as the game progressed, causing you to make stupid mistakes and overthink.
Hayley Ladds sent a shot through Hannah’s hands leading into halftime. Lucia Garcia was holding onto your shirt, yanking it back in an effort to stop you from defending. You watched the Manchester girls crowd each other like your team had done at the start of the game.
You had half a mind to stomp over to the group and pull them apart, but as you looked around, you realised the rest of your team wanted to do the same. The continuous physicality of the Reds was not something you were used to. Chelsea had been dominating the league for the most part — this was not something you were expecting.
The halftime whistle blew, calling the game to a temporary halt as both teams made their way to the changing rooms.
You marched over to Hannah, patting her on the back before retrieving the ball. The girls watched you run back to the middle of the field, placing the ball in its starting position and running back. You could hear the fans screaming as your studs hit the concrete floor, yet you kept your head down to drown out your internal disappointment.
On the rare occasion that you did start, you tried your absolute hardest to keep the ball rolling. You were determined to show people that you weren't just a sub, that you were a valuable asset to the team that deserved to be a part of the starting eleven each week. Back home, you played almost every game during the World Cup with the Matildas. When Steph wasn’t Captain, it was either you or Caitlin. When Sam came back, people found out why Chelsea was lucky to have the two of you. You grew up playing alongside your Aussie teammates, so it was no wonder you moulded so well with them.
You just couldn't understand why you couldn't apply yourself here.
You were about to walk into the Changing Rooms when you heard someone call you out from behind. You turned, finding Katie Zelem walking towards you.
“Can't handle a tackle, can you?” She quipped, watching you remove your shin pads from under your socks. “Even Charles thinks so.”
“You're real cocky for fourth on the table.” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. “See you in the second half.”
Zelem stepped forward, scoffing. “Thats if you're not subbed off.”
You shrugged, sliding behind the door and slamming it in response. You knew Katie was saying it in the heat of the moment, but it irked you all the same. Off the pitch, you would apologise and probably trade shirts or something. Now, all you were thinking about was staying on that pitch.
The break went by fast, and you hadn't talked to anyone except for Zelem during that short time.
Guro asked if you were alright, but you shook her off. Niamh had caught onto your mood and figured it best to let you internalise what you were feeling.
Walking back onto the pitch with this newfound persistence meant for a different game. You came on wanting this win more than anyone. Despite the contrary belief of fans, people on the internet, Zelem and anyone else, you wanted to prove this to yourself.
The whistle blew, and you sprinted across towards as an attacking mid. You held out your hand when Guro got hold of the ball, darting down the wing near the edge of the field. Soon enough, the ball fell to your feet. You were expecting the cross to be quick in your feat past Toone and Garcia, moving diligently through their backline for the first time that game.
It seemed that both teams were surprised at your spur of movement. No one was used to seeing you near the goals, now all of a sudden you were on your way to scoring one. You heard Lauren beside you in the penalty box, calling for a pass, but you felt your knees give out when unknown studs hit the back of your shin. The decision of a penalty sending everyone to their feet in either disarray or ecstasy. Everyone expected you to cry out in pain when the whistle blew for contact, but you sprawled back onto your feet in a heartbeat, shoving Katie’s shoulder with so much force it nearly sent her toppling backward.
“What's wrong?” Zelem asked, swiping her shirt in order to rid the mud that had tracked her jersey. “Why the grumpy face?”
“You’re an absolute ride-off, you know that?” You spoke, keeping your eyes focused on her.
“I'm not the one always falling—”
“Oh, fuck off, Zelem!” You snapped, loud enough for the Ref to hear, as you sent another potent push towards the United Captain. A yellow was shown to both of you, leaving Katie to storm off and you to contest the card as soon as it was given.
You were about to give the woman a mouthful when someone came up behind you, grabbing the fabric of your jersey and pulling it into their waist.
You looked up to find Niamh making sure you didn't gain a red, moving you away from the scene with a knot between her eyebrows.
“Did you see her knock her over?” Niamh asked the ref, who was shaking her head at you. “She's been on her the entire game. It's been contacted, late challenges the entire time.”
The ref gave your skipper a warning look, enough for both of you to step away. “You’ve been given the penalty.” She simply put it, motioning for the shot to be taken.
You managed to leave Niamh’s grasp, leaning your hands on your hips as you waited for Guro, who was standing not far from you, to take the shot.
“What are you waiting for?” She called out. “You take it.”
It wasn't much of a shock considering you were the signified penalty taker for your National Team, but Guro’s decision still surprised you nonetheless. You found Niamh beside you still, looking at you up and down with a concealed smirk. You were undoubtedly dirty from the amount of time you spent on the floor, your hair slightly chaotic with strands falling from your face. Your cheeks were tinged a stingy red from the demand of the game, and beads of sweat framed your face.
Your appearance reminded Niamh too much of something else, causing her mind to reel at the thoughts of you lying beneath her. There was someone about you today that sent her into a frenzy. Between the two of you, it was usually Niamh who got herself in trouble with the Refs. You weren't ever the one to contest a card — even when you only had a handful — and instead you’d be the one pulling Niamh away from doing just that.
The reversed roles spurred something within the Captain as she watched her girlfriend line herself up to take the Penalty. You were searching the box for somewhere to slot it into, knowing Earps was ready to defend like her life depended on it.
The stadium went into an eerie silence as you heard the whistle mark your turn. You felt the wind propel you forward, using all your might to kick the ball as hard as you could. Watching anxiously, teething in slow motion, you felt your legs carry you across the pitch, cheering when the ball crashed against the back of the net.
Teammates were on your back instantly, hurling you to the floor, screaming amongst the fans. They shook you, congratulating you, the feeling like you had just scored your first-ever goal resurfacing. You clambered up to face the crowd, smiling as a wave of blue rose to their feet.
The game ended with Chelsea fans swarming the tunnel, fans reaching their hands down so they’d meet yours. The short circuit around the pitch was full of euphoria. Everyone was reeling at the game, and compliments were showering at the sight of your Player Of the Match award.
“Yeah, the Aussie!” Sam shouted, meeting you in the Changing Rooms with a bone-crushing hug. You laughed at the woman’s energy, letting her sway you back and forth before lifting the trophy up into the air.
Following Sam’s mischief, Millie’s arms snaked around your waist, lifting you up on the spot. “Look at you go, Missy! Making us proud today, aren't ‘ya?”
“Wasn't all me.” You mumbled, cheeks fragmented with a prominent blush as your teammates scoffed and ridiculed your modesty from around the room. To say they were proud was an understatement. Half of them had already posted for social media, Sam letting everyone know that you were a Matilda with a of you with your national flag wrapped across your shoulders and the Player of The Match Trophy, with the caption ‘a smashing Tillie’ on her story.
“I remember your first goal for Australia,” Sam said, pretending to wipe tears from her eyes. You huffed, shoving her slightly.
“That was years ago, Kerr.”
Sam sighed, shaking her head. “I remember it like it was yesterday.”
Your shower was a nice treat for your teething muscles, your sweats and Niamh’s jumper keeping you warm as you packed your bag and waited for Niamh to finish her media duties.
Once you saw her leaving one of the reporter’s sides, you noticed the dark tinge behind her eyes when she met yours. The smirk that aligned her face on the pitch carried itself to now, making its way across her face as she trampled over to where you stood.
Wrapping her arms around your shoulders, shovelling your head into her chest, she groaned, breathing in the scent of your freshly washed as dried hair.
“Ready to go?” you asked, hoping your girlfriend was just as eager to get back to your shared apartment as you were.
“You did so well today, baby.”
You watched Niamh break away from your shared contact, looking at her jumper hugging the curves of your figure, making it known that she’d much rather see you without it instead.
“Want to show you how proud I am.”
She threaded her fingers across the hem of your jumper, tucking her hand underneath the waistband of your trackpants, and toying with the elastic. Your breath hitched at the cold that pricked your skin, hoping Niamh was too preoccupied with her antics to notice the ache between your thighs.
“Niamhy.” You whispered, looking down at the pavement, waiting for your girlfriend to unhook her lingering hands.
“What do you want me to do, Baby? Want me to show everyone here how good you are?”
“Niamh, I—”
“Good girls get rewards, y’know?” Niamh pulled you closer, her hand moving out of your pants and over your arse, giving it a small squeeze before using her arms to lead you towards the car. “Bet you’d enjoy me fucking you for everyone to see. Show everyone who’s slut you are.”
You couldn't reply. If you did, it wouldn't be coherent. You were silent the whole way home, save for the sacred whimper that fell from your lips when Niamh’s hand squeezed your thigh, the distance of her fingers growing closer to where you needed her in each growing second. You could feel the radiation of desire emitting through the car all the way home. You were itching to feel some kind of relief, especially after the stunt your girlfriend had pulled before the game.
You forgot all about Niamh’s actions throughout the game, only remembering it when the waves of arousal moved down to your core. All you could think about was the way Niamh’s fingers ghosted your clit, teasing you with soft patterns across your legs.
When you arrived home, both of you pretty much bolted inside, dropping your bags onto the floor, only just making it to the bed when your lips met hers in an endeavoured embrace.
You let a moan leave your lips when Niamh pushed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you to swallow your unseemly noises with her tongue. The air in the room was thick as you lifted your hips, attempting to grind against her hips for some well-needed friction.
“So desperate, aren't we?” Niamh tutted, holding herself up with her arms to watch your neediness from afar. She licked her lips at the sight of you writhing beneath her. Your thighs clenched together, rubbing together in despairing need. Much to your dismay, Niamh pulled your knees apart, holding them to the bed with her own legs and a potent smile.
“Niamhy, please.” You whined, the lack of touch sending you into a new dimension of misery. Niamh crained her lips to meet your neck, finding solace in your moans when her lips found your sweet spot. She sucked and licked, rolling her tongue around the growing hickey. She held your legs open, leaving no room for friction. Your head faced the ceiling, your eyes clasped shut as you sighed at the hot marks left all over your neck. With your arms, you threaded Niamh’s hair through your hands, pushing her head deeper into your neck, bringing it down near your breasts.
“Good girls use their words, don't they?” Your girlfriend asked, peeling away from your body, leaving a cold absence behind.
You audibly moaned at the loss of contact. “I've already been a good girl. Been so good, and you said I’d get a reward.”
“Been so good for me, haven't you Babygirl?” Niamh smirked, her lips shadowing your ear, teeth nibbling the skin. “Such a good girl for scoring, aren't you? But maybe I should've bent you over during the game. Show everyone what you deserve. To have you bent over and wet for me.”
“Yes, so wet for you.” You replied, squirming as you felt your core drip with arousal. “Just want you so bad, Niamh.”
“Bet you do.” You felt one of her fingers inch up your jumper, letting the cool air nip your skin. You arched your back, feeling a wave of pleasure overcome you when Niamh’s hand met your breast. “Always wanting me to fuck you senseless like you're mine.”
She fondled it slowly, flicking your nipple in between her fingers, watching your eyes roll back when she pushed down on your cleavage. “Such a good slut for me though. So ready for me always. Are you ready for me now?”
Your head seeped into the pillow, the feeling of your breasts being attended to sending you into ecstasy. “Oh— yes, Niamh. Please, so ready for you. Want you inside me so bad.”
“Let me take this off first,” Niamh muttered, stripping off your jumper hastily, groaning at the sight of your chest on full display. You moaned and wiggled at the air hitting your nipples, making them harden for Niamh’s sole exhibition. Without hesitation, she took one of your nipples into her mouth, sucking harshly, nibbling slightly, leaving dark, heavy marks across both your breasts. Her hands groped both of them, moving them to her liking and rubbing them back and forth at varying paces. You writhed beneath her, your cheeks aflame at the sight of the marks littering your chest.
“Marking me up so good, baby.” You sighed, hoping the praise would speed up the process. “Wanna be your good girl so bad, Niamh.”
“So perfect for me.” She mumbled, her speech impaired as she was too busy marking you to lean up. “Taking me so well, aren't you? Is that what you want? You want me to fill you up? Make you so full of cum?”
Your instant agreeance made the girl chuckle. “Want you to fill me up. Wanna make my captain proud, Niamhy. Want you so bad.”
When hearing those words fall from your mouth, Niamh couldn't help but moan. She didn't know you had been turned on by her captaincy. If she had known prior, she would've brought the fucking armband home with her. She wouldn't fucked you multiple times with the band stuffed in your mouth, around her arm, or anywhere that remotely turned you on. She would've been lying if she hadn't found your unknown kink arousing, for the thriving want of tasting you grew as your sweet nothings filled the air.
Niamh pulled her head down, kissing down your abdomen and torso, looking back once more at the mess she had made over your chest before kneading your hips for some sense of relief.
“You've made me so proud, Baby.” She found the waistband of your pants once more, this time, taking her time to find the strength to pull them down. “But rewards can vary, remember? Sometimes, good girls get to choose what they want when they've made their captain proud.”
“Just want you, Niamh.” You whined, crying out when you lifted your hips for what felt like the hundredth time, only to meet nothing.
Your girlfriend hummed, inching down your pants, hoping you’d make your decision more sufficiently than that. “I'm afraid you're gonna have to be more specific than that, my love. Good girls who get to choose their rewards have to use their words.”
When you didn't immediately reply, Niamh shook her head, looking towards the draw that sat by your bedside table. “I thought you said you were my good girl?”
“I am! Just want you, though.”
Niamh knew when you got like this, you just wanted to be told what to do. You were always the quieter one in every situation, introverted and kept to your own. In many ways, Niamh liked that about you. Your outgoing person today against United was something she could get used to. But she wanted to make you feel more comfortable in speaking your truth. She wanted you to know that your decision was valued among discussions. She was not sure how to implement this into everyday life just yet, but she found that during sex, even if Niamh was dominating the exchange — which nine times out of ten she was — she wanted you to have autonomy over what you did.
This was just one example among many, and when you didn't comply, she’d have different methods to get you speaking.
She waited an extra moment just in case you changed your mind before leaning towards the table and searching for something in particular.
You were so subbed out that you didn't even notice the noise until you felt Niamh pull you upright, pulling you up to stand in front of the bed while she peeled off her top, leaving her in a sports bra and training shorts.
When you noticed what she held in her hands, you groaned. “Niamhy—”
“Shut up and listen.” She ordered, her firmness overpowering the contrasted softness she once held before. You straightened up, rubbing your legs together and moaning at the basic sense of relief that flooded down to your clit.
“Take off your pants. Keep your underwear on.”
You made no argument in that, taking no time in chucking your pants in the opposite direction, leaving your tarnished, drenched underwear on show.
“Come here.” Niamh stretched her legs out and beckoned you over. “Don't sit but hover.”
You did as you were told, not entirely wanting to act like a brat after you've just been promised a reward. Your legs ached from the game and from waiting for some kind of relief, shaking ever so slightly as you waited over Niamh’s leg for further instruction.
“Here’s what's going to happen,” You felt your cheeks darken at your girlfriend's firm tone, biting your lips and watching the woman play with the vibrator in her hand.“Since you expect me to do all the work and make all the decisions, you've landed yourself here.” You nodded intently, not exactly sure where this was heading. “You've got to realise that you need to tell me what you want to do sometimes, okay? It's not always about what I want to do. You've got to want it to. Do you understand?”
Even with the sternness of her tone, her underlying motives were precious. You nodded again, your legs growing even more sore as your thighs flexed at the stretch over Niamh.
“Yes, Niamh. I promise I do.”
Your girlfriend inevitably noticed your ache but chose to continue on her rant, knowing that you knew you weren't going to go to sleep tonight unsatisfied.
“You’ll get your reward after this,” With a flick of a switch, you heard the vibrator sound from beneath where you hovered. “You're going to get off on my thigh and the vibrator without my help. All I'm going to do is watch you.”
You let out a guttural moan when Niamh placed the toy against your thigh, looking at her with the utmost displeasure when she chose to put it there instead of your clit.
“You get to come,” Niamh grabbed both of your hips, squeezing them and making sure they were up and away from any friction. “But only when you to tell me two ways you want me to fuck you tonight.”
Your jaw slightly dropped at that. You were never the one to say anything incredibly vulgar, always alluding to what you wanted through noises and actions. Niamh always got slightly annoyed when you weren't confident in what you wanted, especially after your climax when she’d cuddle up beside you and rid of all the juices that leaked from your core. Niamh knew how to please you better than anyone else could, and she knew that you knew that. In fact, she took great pride in knowing that you trusted her to get you off without needing to tell her. But it was a long time coming. You knew that Niamh wanted you to speak your truth, not just in the bedroom but everywhere. You didn't want to stand out or say something not worthwhile. You were quite content with staying under the radar.
But despite this, Niamh waited for your approval of the idea, only turning up the vibrator and placing her hands behind her head when you spoke audible clearance.
You lowered yourself onto Niamh’s thigh as soon as possible, reeling your head backwards when the vibrations made their way into your core. Your girlfriend groaned st the sight of you rubbing your heat against her, finding it difficult not to grab you and fuck you right then and there. She watched you roll your hips back and forth, letting you use the headboard for you to balance yourself with extra support. It took you a while to find a rhythm, only consistent in your movements when some of the fabric of your underwear rubbed up against your clit, making you moan out at the contact of your swollen nub. Niamh saw the vibrator appear in and out of your humps, finding herself staring at the gleaming patch of arousal coating her thigh. The toy buzzes against your thigh, aiding you in your endeavours to get off.
The flustered state and external shyness in what you were meant to say daunted you as you felt your climax approaching.
You refused to look at Niamh in hopes that she would forget about her orders and watch you cum all over her instead.
The fabric against your clit rubbed itself back and forth diligently to the extent that the combination of the vibrator, and the slick made your breathing uneven and the coil in your stomach build to higher distances. You felt your tits move as you kneaded one and pitched the other nipple, closing your eyes and imagining Niamh.
You let out a pornographic moan, euphoria almost washing over you when your core clenched around nothing and started to release. You were about to finally feel a sense of relief when hands found your hips, lifting you away from any friction whatsoever as the vibrator was switched off.
“I can do this all night, y’know.” You heard her say, scoffing when you pouted. “I know how to get off on my own. I've got the videos of you cumming all over my face to prove it.”
“I was so close.”
“You could be so close every single time,” Niamh took the vibrator away, wiping the creamy liquid that coated the toy. “But if you do it again, I’ll edge you all night until you're overstimulated and forget everything except my name. You’ll be begging to cum and you won't even think about cumming for the next month.”
“Niamh, that’s—”
She cut you off with a sudden buzz directly on your clit. Your eyes widened at the vibrator next to your nub, moaning and crying out at the instant pleasure that fell over you. Your core was already sensitive to the teasing and edging, so your senses were heightened at the feeling. You knew Niamh wasn't bluffing, and you knew you wouldn't be able to get away with this.
She slipped off your underwear, letting the air reach your swollen clit.
“You're going to hump my thigh with this vibrator inside of you and tell me how you want me to fuck you.” She started. “Or, every night, I tie you up and make you watch me fuck myself to videos of you for the next month.”
She lowered you back onto her thigh, smirking when you whined at the vibrator pushing its tip inside of you. The toy wasn't able to fit wholly inside of you, only having to latch onto your clit and slightly inside your hole for it to work its magic. It made you crave for Niamh’s finger to fill you up and push your prior orgasms into you. You wanted her to fill you up with her strap and fuck you into ecstasy while you screamed out her name over and over again. You remembered many nights when Niamh would coat her strap with her own cum and fuck it into you. Her phone would be propped up somewhere, showcasing the juices forced up your hole. Niamh has a photo of you doing absolutely anything.
“Niamhy, want you— want you to—”
“Tell me, sweetheart, what do you want?”
When she was away for National Camps, and you couldn't Facetime due to the time difference, you sent her a video of you fingering yourself while whining about how much you missed her fingers.
“Want you to fill me— with your fingers-”
“Gonna make sure you're full of me, baby.”
She had a video of you getting yourself off with her watching. She had photos of you in all types of positions. She had an album of you screaming her name, calling her everything under the sun, cause she told you to and you always complied.
“Your mouth— your strap, Niamhy, want your dick inside me so bad.”
“Pound into until you're subbed out, am I?”
You remember watching a video of you riding her strap with her England Jersey on, bouncing up and down on the toy with your tits bobbing in front of the camera.
“Want to ride you like now. Eat me— eat me out, Niamhy, baby.”
“Fuck, baby, say my name.”
You knew that if you didn't comply, Niamh had plenty of things to keep her occupied.
The vibrator rolled inside of you, sending your back arching and heat throbbing. “Niamh, baby, I’m— fuck! I'm so close!”
Niamh was flushed, encaptured by the visual show of your tits and the way you bounced on her thigh so that the vibrator would dig its way into your core.
“Come for me, baby.” She spoke, jolting her knee so that the pressure in between your thighs would double.
You screamed, letting out the loudest of moans, as you felt your come coat the vibrator entirely, leaking all over Niamh’s thigh and yours.
“Such a good girl for me, aren't you gorgeous.” Niamh’s voice was raspy and hoarse. “Ride it out for me, baby. Yeah— just like that.” Her grip on your hips sent your orgasm out as she moved your hips back and forth until it was too much.
You moved to the side, collapsing so that your back was against the bed.
Niamh climbed on top of you, a devilish, content smirk lining her lips.
“We’re not done yet, love.”
You whined, but internally, you were excited for the night you were about to have.
A/N — oh my god.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
can we have a lil sumn for niamhy captain please 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 she’s buff n she knows it!
captain charles II n.charles
you should have clocked she was up to something the moment that cocky little smile had settled on her face when you woke up in bed together, instead assuming it had something to do with the activities you'd partaken in last night, the evidence which was scattered across both of your bodies.
"good mornin gorgeous." the brunette had grinned as you finally joined her in the kitchen after your shower, a plate of breakfast waiting you as she pushed you to sit down at the table, kissing your cheek and nudging your chair in.
"you're awfully chipper for a match day baby." you chuckled at her clearly gleeful demeanor as she tucked into her omelette with a shrug. "just excited to be back, first game of the year!" niamh beamed as you hummed, falling into regular conversation.
but now as you sat in the stands of stamford bridge watching your girlfriend lead her team out with the captains armband snugly wrapped around her bicep, her behavior all made sense.
you'd of course figured it out for yourself when the team lineup was posted, but by then niamh was warming up and you had no way of being able to yell at her for withholding the news from you.
as much as you wanted to throttle her for the secret keeping you also couldn't deny the sense of pride which flooded you at watching her both play and lead her team brilliantly, the blues bagging yet another win and maintaining their spot top of the table.
knowing your girlfriend always made time for the fans you busied yourself chatting with some of the other girls families who'd been at the game, having met most of them before.
but tired from a hard fought ninety plus minutes you didn't need to wait long, niamh appearing with a few of her teammates up in the box in what you'd deem as record time, the freezing chill of the winter wind also discouraging most of them from staying out with the fans for too long.
meeting her eyes across the room you excused yourself from speaking with millies mum and stepped away, shaking your head slowly at your girlfriend who strode over with the same infuriatingly attractive smirk plastered on her face.
"hello beautiful!" niamh grinned, hands on your hips as she pulled your body into hers, your arms still staying firmly crossed across your chest. "hello captain." you quirked an eyebrow as her grin only widened.
"good surprise hey, thought you'd enjoy it more if you didn't see it coming." niamh shrugged with a smug smile, letting go of your hips to wrench your arms apart and wrapping them around her.
"see? isn't this much nicer babe." niamh sighed happily, moving your arms back over her shoulders as you let them fall limply to your sides, giving in and hugging her properly.
"you truly are insufferable sometimes." you shook your head, your girlfriend kissing your cheek in a silent apology as the two of you pulled away. "ready to go?"
once alone together in the car her confidence tripled, the same smug smile never once dropping from her lips for even a second as she drove the two of you back home.
"surprised it could fit around my bicep you know, being so huge and all. no biggie!" niamh stretched her arms behind her head purposefully flexing as you closed the front door after her, the brunette sending you a wink as you looked on unfazed.
"thats not as cute as you think it is casper." you pinched her cheek and ducked under her arms, finally succeeding in getting the smugness to fade from her features. "casper!" she scoffed in offence, her lack of tan really the easiest way to hit at her ego most days.
"casper!" she repeated with a frown, glaring at you from the doorway of your bedroom as she tossed her kit to the side and you rolled your eyes. "how many times niamh, really?" you huffed, picking it up and moving it to its proper place which was not in the middle of the floor where you'd be sure to trip over it.
"why do you always have to go after my skin? you know it wounds me very very deeply baby!" your girlfriend clutched at her heart dramatically as you sighed.
"you really should treat the captain of chelsea with a little more respect." the smug smile was back as she wiggled her eyebrows at you and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop a smile of your own forming.
"fine. do your dirty washing then, captain." you smacked her cheek playfully as again you ducked under her arm and out the door. but you barely made it downstairs and two steps into the living room before her footsteps thundered down after you and suddenly you were in the air.
"niamh!" you gasped as she spun you around and effortlessly dropped you onto the lounge on your back, pouncing on top of you before you could move an inch. "i said, with a little more respect." niamh grinned wolfishly as you suddenly noticed the new addition.
"oh seriously? you brought it home with you?" you sighed as the bright yellow armband was again wrapped around her bicep. "don't act like you don't love it." niamh winked, sitting back on her heels and making a show of flexing her arms in different poses.
"are you going to be giving up football for body building then?" you shook your head with an amused smile. "maybe i will love, you know about my new pb's i hit in morrocco, i'm basically a tank." niamh sighed continuing to pose and flex.
"too bad body builders need to have a tan then isn't it?" you smirked beneath her as she stopped, arms suddenly either side of your head caging you in as her hair fell around you like a curtain.
"you know this disrespect just isn't acceptable baby." niamh tutted, lips ghosting over yours. "neither is your-" you couldn't finish your words as she kissed you, much less softly or as sweetly as she normally would, often treating you as if you were made of glass and could shatter at a moments notice.
your hands tangled in her hair pulling her even closer as hers squeezed your hips, and before you could even blink she'd moved so that she was sitting up on the sofa and you were sat on top of her, lips not even disconnecting for a moment.
your breath hitched as niamh rolled your hips against hers, using the momentary lapse to slip her tongue into your mouth. "why do you always do that?" you pulled away as she smiled into the kiss. "do what!" niamh laughed, trying to lean back in as you ducked back.
"smile like a twelve year old boy getting his very first kiss!" you chuckled, thumbs tracing down her jaw with a shake of her head. "oh you've properly killed the mood with that." niamh grimaced making you grin.
"its true! every time we makeout you can't help but smile." you shook your head, pressing your forehead against hers. "what i can't be happy to kiss a very pretty girl who just so happens to by some miracle be my very lovely girlfriend?" niamh gasped quietly, rubbing her nose against yours.
"didn't think captains were supposed to be so soft." you teased, pecking her lips a few times but moving your head back as her mouth chased yours to deepen it.
"niamhy!" you laughed as she suddenly stood taking you with her and raced upstairs, your legs wrapped around her waist before suddenly your back was meeting the mattress and again she hovered on top of you.
"how about i show you how captain kisses then?" niamh raised an eyebrow, fingers digging tighter into your hips pressing you down deeper into the bed with a smirk.
"tiny bit of a turn off to speak about yourself in the third person baby." you scrunched your face up with a smile as niamh shook her head and ducked down, smirk melting into a cheeky grin as she flexed her arm and the bright yellow armband tensed around her bicep.
"captain charles disagrees."
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ugotcooneycrossed · 5 months
social media posts with niamh charles!!
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liked by _jessflem and 15,732 others
niamhcharles17 my substitute gf
your_username *our
_jessflem i didnt know about this
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liked by niamhcharles17 and 12,421 others
your_username you wouldnt believe how long this took
niamhcharles17 thank you baby!
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liked by aggiebjones and 16,925 others
your_username thank you @/aggiebjones for this stunning photo
niamhcharles17 @/aggiebjones i hate you
your_username not nice!!
aggiebjones yeah! listen to your gf and be nice
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liked by niamhcharles17 and 14,739 others
your_username so proud of how far you've come!
_jessflem what happened
niamhcharles17 we're done 💔
aggiebjones omg
niamhcharles17 dont.
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insta stories!!
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347 notes · View notes
gunnerfc · 7 months
— nsfw alphabet masterlist
— dating HCs masterlist
⚡️Alexia Putellas
-> your camera roll as Alexia's partner
-> Bad Game (implied smut)
-> insta stories as alexia's partner
-> Stuck (implied smut)
-> Tension's Rising (18+)
-> Whatever it Takes
-> Charity Event
-> (Un)Stuck (18+)
-> Mommy? Sorry. (18+)
-> soft launching your relationship on instagram
-> hard launching your relationship on instagram
-> Three's a Party w/ Jenni Hermoso (18+)
-> Next Step (18+)
⚡️Alessia Russo
-> your camera roll as Alessia's partner
-> insta stories as alessia's partner
-> Dreaming (18+)
⚡️Leah Williamson
-> your camera roll as Leah's partner
-> First Times
-> Protective (fluff blurb)
-> It's Tradition (18+)
⚡️Aitana Bonmatí
-> your camera roll as Aitana's partner
-> insta stories as aitana's partner
-> Private Celebrations (18+)
-> soft launching your relationship on instagram
-> hard launching your relationship on instagram
-> Hot and Heavy [implied smut]
⚡️Steph Catley
-> your camera roll as Steph's partner
-> insta stories as steph's partner
-> Replacement? (18+)
-> Baby Fever
-> Distracted (18+)
-> Wingwoman
-> breakup with your boyfriend, im bored (18+)
⚡️Cloé Lacasse
-> We can't both win
-> By Your Side
-> Needy (suggestive)
-> insta stories as cloé's partner
⚡️Stina Blackstenius
-> your camera roll as stina's partner
-> 5 times you almost said I love you and the 1 time you did
⚡️Lia Wälti
-> insta stories as lia's partner
-> first meeting (blurb)
-> Just Breathe
⚡️Lucy Bronze
-> insta stories as lucy's partner
-> your camera roll as lucy's partner
⚡️Alex Greenwood
-> Manchester Date
-> soft launching your relationship through insta
-> hard launching your relationship through insta
⚡️Hayley Raso
-> your camera roll as hayley's partner
-> Did it Hurt? (When You Fell From Heaven)
-> Rivals (18+)
⚡️Emily Fox
-> Valentine's Day (blurb)
⚡️Mary Earps
-> your camera roll as mary's partner
⚡️Katie McCabe
-> Fallin' for You (blurb)
-> Consequences (18+)
-> Roles Reversed (18+)
⚡️Alanna Kennedy
-> One More Chance
⚡️Aggie Beever-Jones
-> First Time (18+)
⚡️Kyra Cooney-Cross
-> Double Trouble [platonic]
⚡️Ashley Sanchez
-> insta stories as ashley's partner
⚡️Jenni Hermoso
-> Three's a Party w/ Alexia Putellas (18+)
⚡️Niamh Charles
-> Casual (18+)
⚡️Teagan Micah
-> insta stories as teagan's partner
⚡️Alexis Loera
-> insta posts as alexis' partner
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skipper1331 · 7 months
would you mind making a list of fics you’re currently working on? i love your work i would love to know what there is to look forward to!!
Wips atm
Alexia Putellas (request)
Jessie Fleming (request)
Lionesses (request)
Feli Rauch (request)
Ellen Whiten platonic (request)
Pernille Harder (request)
Mary Earps (request)
Esme Morgan (request)
Jessie Fleming (request)
Lucy Bronze platonic (request)
Alexia Putellas (request)
Felicitas Rauch (request)
Merle Frohms (request)
Patri Guijarro (request - request)
Esme Morgan (request)
Esme Morgan (request)
Felicitas Rauch (request)
Jessie Fleming (request 1 and request 2)
Leah Williamson (request)
Lynn Wilms (request)
Jessie Fleming (request)
Alessia Russo (request - dm)
Lauren Hemp (request)
Chloe Kelly (request)
Niamh Charles (request)
Alexia Putellas (request)
Grace Clinton (request - dm)
Grace Clinton (request)
Leah Williamson fic
Secret (2) // Alexia Putellas
Secret (3) // Alexia Putellas
Secret (4) // Alexia Putellas
Grace Clinton (request)
Secret blurb/headcannons
The fics don‘t have a name yet, need to think about that
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lessi-lover · 3 months
Niamh Charles lash lift blurb pls? x 💕
of course! in the wips! 🫶🏼
0 notes
pixiesfz · 5 months
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woso world
jessie fleming
adoption papers (fluff)
frat boy jessie p1, frat boy jessie p2 (p2 18+)
bestfriends sister (suggestive)
jersey swap (smut 18+)
blushing beauty (fluff)
hard launch (online and real life)
little O , part 2 (fluff)
stupid canada (smut 18+)
on the wall (funny)
morning runs
practice? (fluff)
moving on series (multiple parts)
new home (smut 18+)
father to be (fluff)
parting gift (smut) (+niamh charles)
something new (smut)
I didn’t know
Microphone drop (blurb)
sam kerr
stubborn girls (fluff)
tattoo artist
give up (angst)
kyra cooney-cross
debut (fluff)
chicken shop date
falling behind (angst)
ugly christmas sweater (very suggestive)
on sale (angst)
rent a girlfriend (suggestive)
first time (smut 18+)
time (slight angst)
tattletale (blurb)
steph catley
sunshine masterlist (child!series)
katie mccabe
afl day (fluff)
shitty melbourne weather (fluff)
what happens in vegas (very suggestive)
kerstin casperij
chookas (soft)
teammates , jealousy p2.
such a tease
leah williamson
chelsea royalty (suggestive)
bad dream (fluff)
ass girl (suggestive)
jill roord
baby fever (fluff)
like he can (smut)
blessing in disguise
secret love
georgia stanway
best wag (coming soon)
niamh charles
parting gift (smut) (+jessie fleming)
first meet
mackenzie arnold
lucky charm (fluff)
hayley raso
yellow card
teagan micah
take the punch
bruins suck
an old friend from school
lucy bronze
world cups (blurb)
lucy blondes (fluff)
charli grant
awards night (fluff)
lionesses x reader
break-up (angst, fluffy)
arsenal x reader
spiked (angst)
caitlin foord
winners are grinners (fluff)
secrets we keep
katrina gorry
duty calls (angst)
patri guijarro
bad thing (blurb)
lotte wubben-moy
invaded (angst)
vivienne miedema
so long London (fluff, angst)
alexia putellas
prison for life
ninja turtles
344 notes · View notes
the-book-queen · 6 years
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Your Thursday thread of #ebookdeals is ready, FREE to $2.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
 FREE ✦ Her Devoted Hero by Caitlyn O'Leary
Navy SEAL ends up on a dating site, thanks to his buddies, falls for a single mom on there. There's also a killer on the loose and she may be the next target.
#RomanticSuspense | https://amzn.to/2qHkPEu
 FREE ✦ Kissed by You by Sophia Knightly
After being dumped, her car breaks down in front of a doctor's house on Christmas Eve. PSA: I'm side-eyeing this b/c the blurb calls him the "handsome exotic Dr. Alex" and UGH, don't!
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2HLQN9S
  $0.99 ✦ Contract for Marriage by Barbara DeLeo
Magazine editor returns to claim her family's home; oops! half of the estate was left to the hero (his mom was the housekeeper). Now he's a Greek tycoon. Marriage of convenience.
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2HI9CuD
  $0.99 ✦ Escape to Pirate Island by Niamh Murphy
Cat is a smuggler, Lily was left her father's treasure map. Together they go on an adventure to find the lost treasure, all while falling in love. Set in 1720.
Historical Adventure – F/F Romance | https://amzn.to/2H8TdP2
  $0.99 ✦ Holding Onto Forever by Heidi McLaughlin
1st POV. He's a starting quarterback. She's a sports journalist. Friends to lovers.
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2HaXZzk
  $0.99 ✦ The Pact by Karina Halle
1st POV. Friends to lovers; they made an agreement that if they were single @ 30, they'd marry. Scottish helicopter pilot + ambitious businesswoman.
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2HHtZYZ
  $0.99 ✦ Saints Protections and Investigations Box Set by Maryann Jordan
3 books.
1) Ex-Special Forces, started his own PI co. + neighbor (runs family cabin rental)
2) Ex-undercover detective + Red Cross nurse
3) Ex-SEAL + psychologist
#RomanticSuspense | https://amzn.to/2vpC0PN
  $1.99 ✦ A Seditious Affair by K.J. Charles
Enemies by day, lovers by night. Radical bookseller = well-born gentleman official.
#HistoricalRomance – M/M | https://amzn.to/2HJjAvZ
  $1.99 ✦ Man Candy by Jessica Lemmon
1st POV. He's on a camping trip to escape, runs into her in the mountains. Forced proximity when a storm hits.
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2JTIr0V
  $2.99 ✦ East in Paradise by Tif Marcelo
1st POV. She's opening a culinary retreat, he's an Army reservist returned to reopen his family's vineyard. The two are put on a reality show, complete with a "fauxmance".
#ContemporaryRomance | https://amzn.to/2EV7H2R
    Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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jflemings · 2 months
— one shot
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pairing: niamh charles x canadian!reader / part 1 here
synopsis: fate has brought you home
warnings: technically cheating, a lil bit of angst, the end is kind of lazy but whatever
♫ what’s queued masterlist
flashbacks in italics
think I got the blues from you but I don't know
I just can't see why you keep holding on
every time you call me, girl, there's something wrong
three weeks. you had been radio silent for three whole weeks before you called niamh drunk off your ass and babbling.
she had thrown herself completely into training as a way to distract herself from your absence, trying to avoid thinking about you for too long. jessie had cornered her roommate and best friend one afternoon after niamh had all but stormed into the change rooms after training, throwing around her bag carelessly and loudly before sitting down with her head in her hands.
she had been worried sick about you and that worry only amplified when she picked up the phone to you crying on the other end.
“we fought and he, he, got up and stormed out of the bar” you sob into the phone, words slurred from both the alcohol and the crying “please niamh”
she shoots up in bed, already sliding out from under her covers and looking for her keys “i’m coming, okay? i’m on my way. send me your location and i’ll come get you”
“o-okay” you hiccup “i’ll be waiting outside”
“ask for some water, i’ll be there soon”
“thanks niamhy”
just give me one shot
with all my speed, I'll give you one heart
so bet on me, I'll play my cards right
you stumble into niamh and jessie’s place, your attempt at being quiet failing miserably as your knee collides with the wall. niamh cringes but keeps her hands planted on your hips, guiding you straight into her room.
she sits you on the end of her bed whilst she pulls out clothes for you to sleep in, sparing an innocent glance at you every so often. the sound of rain against niamh’s bedroom window is almost enough to send you to sleep whilst you’re sitting up but you blink yourself awake and lean back on your hands, squinting at the defender’s figure in the low light of her bedroom.
“niamhy” you whisper “can i tell you something”
niamh stands up and throws the clothes on the bed next to you before outstretching her hands “anything” she replies just as quietly.
you take her hands and stand before she begins to unbutton your jeans, allowing you to hold her shoulders to steady yourself “we argued about you tonight”
“me?” she asks shocked, pulling your jeans down your legs as swiftly as she can “why me?”
“because i couldn’t tell him that i don’t have feelings for you”
niamh is shocked into silence. if you had asked her before everything went to shit how you felt about her she would’ve been able to give you an answer no problem, but with this new guy in your life and everything surrounding your relationship getting mixed up, she had begun to think differently.
she decides not to answer you and instead holds out the pyjama shorts she grabbed, allowing you to step into them without much hassle. she snaps the waistband against your skin and holds the hem of the crop top you’re wearing.
“i’m gonna take this off, okay? just so you can wear this sleep shirt” she assures you, wanting to be clear about her intentions.
you nod uselessly and lift your arms, your eyes still half lidded and dazed “sorry” you mumble almost directly in her ear.
“what for?” she asks confused, her cold fingertips brushing your ribcage “you’ve got nothing to be sorry for”
“i treat you like shit”
“you don’t treat me like shit”
you huff frustratedly just as niamh gets your top over your head, fully exposing you to her. she focuses on pulling her shirt over your head rather than what you just said, wanting nothing more than to leave this conversation for when you’ve got a clear head.
“you think me coming over here to fuck you and then not speaking to you for weeks isn’t treating you like shit?” you ask her accusingly, your voice muffled by the shirt “you don’t even call me out on it niamh”
the defender pulls the shirt fully on and kicks your discarded clothes into a corner of her room along with your shoes. she really doesn’t want to do this with you right now but you don’t seem to get the hint as she walks to the other side of her bed.
“niamh!” you exclaim louder than intended “call me out on it!”
“will you pack it in, jessie is asleep” she whispers harshly through gritted teeth “you want me to call you out on it? fine! yes, you treat me like shit. yes, i let you do it. yes, everybody fucking knows i let you do it but what else am i supposed to do?”
“stop letting me!”
“why don’t you just stop doing it?” her voice is just above a whisper and despite how tall she stands, she looks so small in the dim light of her bedroom “just give me one chance! that’s all i’m asking for”
tears well in your eyes as your arms fall by your side helplessly. every part of you wanted to give in, wanted to tell her that you’ve given her chance after chance but you know that’s not true. you had been stringing her along and not being honest with her for the sake of yourself, for the sake of never confronting your feelings and the wrong you had been doing.
you sigh “just give me a bit of time” you plead “just so i can end it with him and have it be completely done”
niamh rubs her brow bone tiredly, fatigue plaguing her features “i’m not waiting around forever”
“and i won’t make you. please, i just want to do this the right way” you beg her, dropping one knee on the edge of her bed heavily. you sway slightly and you plant your right hand on the plush comforter to steady yourself as you try your hardest to at least look sober.
she cracks a slight sad smile at you as she plays with the hem of her own shirt, her brows furrowed in thought “okay.”
I think he knew about me all along
“where’d you go the other night? to niamh’s?”
he shoulders past you and lets himself into your flat, his tone accusing and blunt as he loudly tosses his keys. your shoulders drop as you shut the door and you turn to face him with your arms folded over your chest.
“she’s my best friend” you scoff “and it’s not like i could come back here after you made a scene in the pub”
“so what, you leave me to come back to your place while you go and fuck your best friend? c’mon, y/n, how is that fair?” he exclaims, the rasp in his voice only amplifying his accusation
“i didn’t sleep with niamh!”
“maybe not that night but i know there have been other times!” he shouts at you “you can’t even deny it! i saw those hickeys!”
you run your hands from the top of your head to the base of your skull, slightly pulling at the roots frustratedly while you try to hold it together “we weren’t exclusive”
“maybe not in your eyes, but i’ve been serious about you the whole time” he grits out, slumping down into one of your bar stools “you can’t even show me the same respect”
“i was very clear with you about how i wasn’t looking for anything serious. if you saw something different even after i said it to you multiple times then that’s on you” you say bitterly whilst walking past him and to your couch. part of you felt like it wasn’t fair to react the way you were but what you were saying was true: you had been extremely honest with him about what you were looking for.
there’s a beat of silence before the bar stool creaks ever so slightly as he shifts his weight. you keep your back to him and flick through every streaming service you have, almost praying that he just up and walks out of your place without more arguing.
he rubs his hand over his face “be honest with me” he sighs out, causing you to turn to him “i was never gonna be able to compete with her, was i?”
“no one can” you mumble almost immediately, your eyes beginning to sting “i wanted to try, really i did, but she’s just—”
“she’s niamh”
it’s your turn to sigh “yeah”
I bet it hits you when you breathe it in
I bet he wonders where the hell you've been
I bet you told 'em we were nothin'
“she’s my best friend!” you almost shout “there’s nothing going on”
“you two have slept together, y/n!”
“once. we’ve slept together once.”
he rounds your bed picking up his clothes carelessly, throwing on his shirt and grumbling as he goes “once my ass” he accuses, throwing his arms out “you run back and forth between us like there’s no issue! i can’t believe i’m letting you make a fool out of me”
“there’s nothing going on!” you shout, throwing your covers off you as you stand hastily “niamh and i are best friends and we have been for years! you wouldn’t be reacting like this if i was hanging out with alanna”
“oh, so you’re fucking alanna too?!”
“i’m not sleeping with either of them!”
the silence that suddenly over takes the room is deafening. the tense discussion had quickly turned into a full blown argument with you being on the receiving end of accusations. it’s not like he was wrong exactly, but you haven’t seen niamh in weeks with all your time being taken up with training, games and the man standing at the end of your bed. it wasn’t fair for him to say for a number of reasons — as you had relentlessly tried to argue — but he wasn’t having a bar of it, his mind had been made up about niamh for weeks now.
it started with a hesitant question about where you’d run off to after a night out, followed by a smart ass comment about your best friend, which had then lead the two of you here arguing after spending what you would call a lovely night together.
you feel as though all air has left your lungs, deflating them rapidly and crushing your chest from the inside “there’s nothing going on between me and her” you mumble into the quiet
he sighs deeply and sits on the end of your bed, broad back facing towards you “i’m sorry” he mumbles back to you “i shouldn’t have yelled like that”
“it’s okay” you assure him before sitting down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder “she’s my best friend though and she’s not going anywhere”
he turns and places his lips against your forehead “i know” he murmurs quietly, both regret and disappointment present in his voice “all i ask for is honesty”
your stomach churns and you screw your eyes shut. honesty. right.
“i know”
when you say you love me like that
you ain't gotta hold back
It'll just take a second
to believe in us, to believe in love
as soon as you had broken up with him you had cried by yourself in your living room, the weight of the situation and your actions suddenly crashing down on you. no one would come before niamh, you have known that for a while now, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t try to see other people. there had been other men and women before now, every single one of them ending too soon because your heart just wasn’t fully in it, your head always being too distracted with thoughts of niamhniamhniamh.
you’d cried and then picked yourself up and gotten in the shower, preparing for a quiet night in alone. what you didn’t expect was niamh to turn up on your doorstep with your favourite takeaway and a soft smile.
“what are you doing here” you rasp, stepping aside to let her into your home.
she shrugs “thought you could use some company” she says quietly, placing the plastic bag down on your counter and pulling out cutlery and plates “you stopped responding to my texts so i thought i’d check on you”
her blue eyes shine in the low light of your kitchen, the worry that was present before beginning to fade once she really takes a look at you “thanks niamhy” you say to her before moving to sit on a bar stool.
niamh begins to plate up your shared dinner, mindlessly humming along to the theme tune of the show you’ve been binging. she moves through your kitchen freely and comfortably like she lives here, and you realise you’ve never been more grateful to live somewhere that’s still close enough for you to see her like this.
“i love you” you blurt out without thinking, the words simply escaping you.
she turns around shocked, her jaw slightly dropped as she tries to figure out exactly what you mean by that. her lack of reply has you reeling and suddenly feeling insecure, like maybe you’re moving too fast. she’s here for you as a friend. not a girlfriend.
“uhm, wait no i—”
“don’t take it back” she interrupts, her expression going from shock to worry rapidly “please. don’t take it back”
under the weight of her intense stare you feel small “okay” you say quietly, your cheeks heating up and making you dizzy.
“i love you too” she says back just as quietly, her voice firm and sure. niamh leans over the counter and takes your hands in hers, kissing your knuckles carefully “so much. i love you so much”
the soft nature of her actions and her words bring tears to your eyes again, relief crashing over your heart in waves. you’d spent so long searching for her in other people that you almost can’t believe where you’ve ended up, the crushing feeling that had once weighed you down so heavily finally being lifted off you by her hands.
a stray tear falls down your face and she’s quick to wipe it away with her thumb, smiling softly at you again “c’mon, let’s eat”
you nod simply and stand, grabbing your dinner and leading her to your couch where you sit thigh to thigh, picking food off of eachother’s plates and giggling at the characters on your tv.
niamh throws her head back laughing loudly at whatever she thinks is funny, her eyes screwing shut and her hand coming down to slap her thigh repeatedly as she catches her breath. you love seeing her like this, like you always have. in every way that she’s tough and determined she’s just as soft and gentle, and you can’t help but feel like you’re falling in love for the first time all over again, with the same person.
no more dreamin'
give me one shot
when you awake the next morning clothed and in niamh’s arms you can’t help but smile. her soft snores fill your ears as she snuggles further into your shoulder, her arms tightening around your waist in her sleep.
you manage to roll over in her hold and face her, the defender’s loving aura somehow only amplified as she sleeps peacefully. you trace the lines of her face delicately, running your pointer finger over her jaw, chin, lips and nose before holding her cheek. as her eyes begin to flutter open the pad of your thumb soflty caresses her cheekbone.
“morning” niamh mumbles, her voice thick from sleep “you alright?”
“mhm” you hum back, admiring how blue her eyes look in the morning light. your hand moves from her cheek to down her neck before you wrap your arm around her neck, pulling her impossibly closer to you.
her arms tighten around you as her face finds the crook of your neck. she presses her lips to your neck lightly, trailing kisses up the column of your throat lazily “let’s just lay around” she says against your neck “i don’t wanna move”
you can’t help but giggle as she rolls the two of you over so you’re now fully laying on her front. your heart flutters in your chest at the domestic nature of waking up in niamh’s arms, the warm feeling spreading through you freely once you notice that she’s slowly begun to go back to sleep.
despite how the two of you got here, it’s in this moment that you know there’s truely no one else for you except your niamhy.
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jflemings · 27 days
thinking about jessie reader and niamh all living in one apartment!!
i’m not sure if you mean that there’s a romantic pair in the mix so i’ve just defaulted to reader x jessie
niamh likes to tease you and jessie any chance she gets, especially if she’s heard you having sex
jessie loves her quiet time which often leaves you and niamh to occupy yourselves
the three of you love to make meals together since it brings a sense of normalcy to your otherwise conflicting schedules
niamh can’t really cook but she’s a great sous chef
the three of you have a chore chart just to keep yourselves on track and it works really well
niamh will stay the night at a friends at least once a month so you and jessie can do what you please
niamh and jessie are attached at the hip and will often bicker with eachother over little things
it’s really funny
there’s also not any secrets in the house, much to jessie’s dismay
it’s not intentional, it’s just that it’s hard to keep things private when she’s living with het partner and best friend
one time the three of you went to celebrate a big chelsea win and you and jessie had loud drunk sex when you got home, completely forgetting about the other occupant of the house
the two of you were mortified
niamh is really good at getting her chores done because she hates having to do them. she gets them done so that future her doesn’t have to do them
most of the time the three of you just end up wearing eachother’s clothes because sometimes you can’t be bothered to sort them into individual piles
jessie wakes up the earliest out of you three based on pure habit, it’s the most peaceful time of her day
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trulyhblue · 5 months
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Niamh Charles x Chelsea! Canadian! Reader
Warnings: fluff, cocky! Niamhy, suggestive.
You were quite new to the team, only joining the Blue’s side in July, but it felt like you had known Niamh for a lifetime.
You were Canadian, but you grew up in Manchester with your parents, playing in the City Academy before playing professionally for them until your move to London. Because of this, you knew Jessie and Ashleigh well. You grew up playing alongside Jessie at the National Camps, debuting for the Senior team in the same year. Winning the Olympics was a dream come true, especially with girls you have known since you were little.
Manchester City was a dream worth chasing. You were friends with Lauren Hemp, Ella Toone — before and during her move to United — and all the rest. When you found Chelsea interested in you, it was undeniably difficult to say no. While you had grown up in the North, the move down was something that ignited a certain thrill within you.
You met Niamh at your first training session. Jessie had been partnered with you for drills, and you were in the middle of introducing yourself to Guro when the brunette came barrelling in. Her flyaways were barren across her face, cheeks nipped red from the cold weather. Her hands stuffed in her pockets, she nearly tripped you to the ground at the speed at which she ran towards you. You had known her from previous matches against her, both for Canada and City, but something about being on the same team with her felt distinct. Sure, you had admired her beforehand, but it was different now.
“Jeez, Charles, give her some room, will you?” Guro scoffed, playfully pushing the girl back a bit. You watched as she nipped the inside of her cheek, looking at you so intently that you struggled to keep eye contact.
Niamh held out her hand, grabbing yours and shaking it. You could hear Jessie giggling from behind you. “My name’s Niamh.” She announced, continuing to shake your hand. “I’m Niamh.”
Her nervous state was apparent, and Guro was in a fit of laughter at the interaction she was watching.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” You replied, hoping your dismissal of her apprehension would cool the flames in both your cheeks. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you.” She gulped, obviously baffled at what to say.
You couldn't help but smile, nodding. “Erm, yes, you too.”
“Fuck, let go of her hand, Charles, you're ‘gonna tear it off.” A voice called from behind. You turned to find the Australian Captain trampling over, slinging a welcoming arm over your shoulder. Her laid-back persona made it easier for introductions. Unlike Niamh, who was a worrying mess in front of you.
“Right, sorry.” The English woman muttered, tearing her hand away and shoving right back in her pocket. Her cheeks seared with an even deeper embarrassment, and you shook off the motion with a tight-lipped smile.
“You’re alright, really.” You smiled, hoping the reassurance consolidated the girl.
It must've, since Niamh gave you a wide smile back, shuffling by your side ever since.
All of the Chelsea girls were lovely. You had no problem fitting into the Grove there. After a few weeks of making scare appearances as a super sub, you became a regular starter for the Blues. Your presence on the field was noticeable, and fans reeled at how you brought more opportunities down the field and into the back of the net.
“Would you be able to give this to Niamh for me, please?” One fan said after a game, handing two matching friendship bracelets with your names on one of them each. Erin was beside you, signing off the posters, when she caught a glimpse of them. Without a second thought, she waved over Niamh, who wasted no time in sprinting towards you.
“Hello.” She spoke, trying hard to discreetly slip her arm around your waist. You leaned into her side, showing her the two bracelets.
“Look how cute.” You smiled, ignoring the way some fans had started recording. You slipped a hand into Niamh’s jacket pocket, holding out the present with your other hand.
Niamh picked up the one with your name on it, slipping it on her wrist and displaying it to the little girl who had made it. “Very cute. I wish we could wear them during games.”
Subconsciously, you put yours (Niamh’s) one on too. The two of you were pretty much hugging at this point. The wind had sent chills through you, your kit doing little to warm you up.
The two of you took a photo with the fan before calling it a day and trudging off back to the changing rooms. You shivered as the wind picked up, holding your arms over your chest tightly as you tried to fight the cold.
Without much thought, Niamh shrugged off her jacket, hauling it around your figure and zipping it up for you.
When you got back to your apartment, engulfing the comfort of your bed after a hard-fought game, you opened up your phone to find hundreds of people tagging your account. You managed to click on the video, smiling to yourself at the sight of you and Niamh huddled together, talking to the little girl with bracelets adorned on your wrists. You clicked on another image, this time a photo, of you blanketed in Niamh’s jumper, your arm wrapped around her waist with one of her’s around your shoulder. The photo was everywhere on social media, including the Chelsea Account. 
After a couple more months, you ended up extending your contract until the end of 2027 by Christmas. You loved it there. Your friendship with the team had grown all the more closer. You felt a sense of home and solidarity that you had never felt before.
Your relationship with the team was selfless. Jessie and you had never been closer. Sam and Millie had taken you under their wing, calling you the baby of the group, since you were the shortest between you, them, Guro, Niamh, Erin, and Jessie. Fans had taken a ripe liking to you all over social media. But not just you by yourself, but with a certain brunette in your wake.
You and Niamh had grown very close over the time you spent in London. She wasn't as shy as she made herself out to be when you first met. She was cunning, confident, funny, and easy to be around in any environment. All of your teammates teased the living daylights out of the two of you, especially Niamh, who didn't waste a second in making sure you were always okay.
She would check on you when you went quiet. She always ran to you for partner work during drills, after goals, and when the full-time whistle would blow. The two of you had a habit of huddling together in any setting, holding each other’s hands or waist, cuddling their side or touching you in some way.
Everything you did with each other was full of love and adoration. It was only you two that didn't see your friendship blossom into a relationship. You weren't daft, you knew the speculations surrounding what the two of you were. There was no denying the physical acclimation you had around each other. Hell, Sam sent at least two memes a day about how whenever you were seen together, you were always touching each other.
Over Christmas, Niamh asked you out. She was a nervous wreck, which reminded you all too well of when you first met her. It was after a game, in the changing rooms. She had been given a bouquet of flowers by a group of fans, who told her to ask you out with them. She was reluctant, not only because she didn't want you to feel uncomfortable or pressured by the media to say yes, but the mere fact of ruining the relationship you already had with each other made her hesitant enough.
Of course, you said yes. It was a no-brainer, and after a few more dates you were officially together. It wasn't any more public than before. Only your close friends knew, but the public was already quite content with the PDA you already showed each other before you were dating. The only thing they needed was confirmation, but Niamh and you were happy to keep in vague.
After you said yes, the two of you became inseparable, both on and off the pitch. Niamh ended up extending her contract as well, and the chemistry you built made for an unstoppable case on the field. By the time the season came back after the break, you had moved in together. The happiness both of you felt was indescribable.
Today, Chelsea was up against Manchester United, your old rival team. Ella Toone was one of your childhood friends and was who you were marking. Not only was ManU a competitive, difficult team, but it was a team you were familiar with. They were always pushing in the midfield and up against the forwards. Their chances during set pieces were worrying to any defensive back line. With the combination of Mary Earps and a sophisticated midfield variation, you knew that you were in for a ride.
When Sam did her ACL, people started to underestimate Chelsea’s shot at winning the league. Everyone was starting to wonder whether the Blues were even contestable for the semis. After a poor attempt last week against West Ham for the FA Cup, you were adamant about proving yourself to the people who were doubting your ability to win. You were a midfielder, and while you had masterclasses in the centre field, your stats didn't excel in goals. You had many assists, but never many goals.
You were tying your laces when you felt your girlfriend's arms curl around your waist. You were leaning against your cubby, back facing Niamh. You were slightly bent as your finished the knot in your shoe, feeling the women behind you grasp your hips with a slight squeeze.
“You ready to smash it today, baby?” She muttered, her lips shadowing your ear, sending shivers down your body. You held composure well enough, straightening up and letting her wrap her arms over your abdomen.
“Mh, bit nervous, but yeah.” You replied, relishing Niamh’s pattern of breath. “How ‘bout you?”
Niamh pulled your body to face in front of her, your back now flushed against the wall. You managed to make eye contact with her dilated pupils, feeling one of her hands make their to the back of your neck.
Before she spoke, your eyes filtered down to the fabric that wrapped around her arm, the word ‘Captain’ sprawled across the armband. Niamh watched the way your eyes widened, and how you bit your bottom lip at the sight. Niamh smirked in response, pressing her front into yours so that most of your body was hidden to the rest of the room.
“What's the matter, baby?” She gloated, rubbing a hand up your side. Your cheeks flushed when she refused to break eye contact, holding tranquillity at the sight of your girlfriend as captain. It was a sight you weren't used to, but it was something you couldn't get enough of.
“Nothing. I'm— we should go line up in the tunnel.” Your breath hitched. Niamh was staring down at you while groping your waist.
Neither of you said anything until you were out on the field. You could hear the crowd cheering in anticipation. You shook your opponents’ hands aimlessly, your mind sauntering on the previous sight of your girlfriend.
“Earth to Y/N, hello?” Jessie’s voice snapped you out of your trance. She must've watched you wander to your position in a haze, since she was smirking knowingly at your flushed cheeks. Erin came up behind the two of you, laughing when she caught a glimpse of your state.
“She looks like she's already played the ninety minutes.” The Scottish woman quipped, bringing her hands up to play with your cheeks. You pushed her off playfully, gushing at the ground. “Shut up, you two.”
“God, if this is your reaction to Niamh in an armband, I wonder what Niamh would do if she saw you.”
“Go away, you pricks.” You snapped, flanking them away with your hands, trying to cool your cheeks before the game.
After the team photo, you ran back to your position, jumping up and down as the whistle blew.
The game was inevitably tough, but something had ignited inside of you at the sight of your girlfriend. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you were running up and down the pitch with the one endeavour to make your girlfriend watch you.
Chelsea was controlling the game for the most part, and it didn't take long for Guro to find you inside the box.
The crowd erupted in cheers, your teammates sprinting over to where you stood starstruck. This was one of the scarce amount of goals you had scored that season.
As you were making your way back to the middle, you felt a familiar figure creep up behind you with her hands soothing the tension in your shoulders.
“Making me so proud today, aren't you, baby?” Niamh whispered, running back to her spot in defence before you could reply.
The first half ended as quickly as it started. United had sent a flyer into the back of the net just before the whistle blew. You avoided Niamh like the plague in the changing rooms, knowing you would cave to her touch as soon as she laid hands on you. In any other circumstance, it was you who would tease, but it always ended with Niamh taking over. The two of you were strict in keeping your private life and career separate, but no one seemed to mind your change of game when Niamh was Captain.
You were having an absolute masterclass of a game by the sixtieth minute, scoring your second goal on seven minutes in. Chelsea was now up two-one, and Man U were starting to bring on subs after a close set piece that almost led to a goal.
You made a break down the wing after Lauren sent a cross-over to the field. You sprinted down the line, trying to find a way into the middle. United were tight in keeping you out, and by the time you had made it down the line, attempting to pass it to one of your teammates, you felt a pair of boots collide with your own, sending you face-first fo the floor.
The ball was long forgotten by the ref, who blew the whistle immediately, medics were sent over. While your muscles started to strain at the energy of the game, you didn't feel instantaneous pain from the fall.
You were rolling onto your back, wincing as you got up, when you first heard your girlfriend’s voice boom over the hustle of the crowd.
“Are you alright there, Zelem?!” She scoffed. You watched a smug Katie Zelem trampling off from where you sat. She didn't look like she meant the tackle, but the heat of the game left her feeling less apologetic than usual.
“Oh, let it go, Charles.” Zelem clapped back, walking towards Ella and Millie, who were tense at the sight of Niamh’s uncommon anger. “She's fine.”
“I don't think you understand.” Niamh marched towards her, grabbing the girl’s jersey, and forcing Katie to face her. “You get the fuck off her and the rest of my players. Don't be salty cause we’re winning.”
Katie rolled her eyes at that. “Don't be salty cause your girlfriend can't handle a tackle.”
Erin and Jessie were surrounding Niamh moments later, dragging her away from the United mob and towards you.
The medics have already cleared you to keep playing, and you were already up and ready to go by the time your girlfriends grabbed your hand.
“Are you sure you're okay?” She asked, taking in your flustered appearance. What she didn't know was that you were overwhelmed at the way Niamh looked just then, not by the absolute mouthful of grass you just inhaled.
You could only muster a nod, squeezing your girlfriend’s hand once before slipping away from her touch. You were now hungry for not only Niamh but that third goal. You wanted to prove yourself to everyone that you could do it.
And so you did.
It was a Chelsea corner, and you made the run from outside the box near the open post, where no one had thought to mark. You jumped as high as you could, feeling the ball hit your head in the right direction. You fell to the ground before you knew where the ball was going, letting the movement and relief of the crowd pull you to your feet. You ran to the corner of the field, taking in the shouts and cheers of the crowd and letting your teammates engulf you from behind. The weight of everyone sent you down as more and more girls piled on top of you.
This was your first hat trick ever at Chelsea, and you were relishing the feeling of the euphoria for the rest of the game.
When the final whistle blew, you nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Everything you wanted to go right in the game went right. You were reeling at the win, looking across the field for a particular someone.
“Guess I know what to do to make you score some goals.” Niamh chuckled, grabbing your waist and lifting you into a spinning hug. You gripped onto her and giggled, letting her twirl you around.
“Thanks, Niamhy.” You smiled, gazing up at your girlfriend’s proud eyes. “You looked so good today, baby.”
“You think so?” She asked, though both of you knew she was just egging you on.
“Mhm. Looked so good.”
“You always look good, my stargirl.” The taller girl grinned, looking down at you slyly. Her lips met your ear, her voice sending chills down your spine. “But I guess I’ll need to reward you for doing so well. Show you how good you were for me.”
You didn't get to respond, feeling Jessie pull you away with the Player of the Match trophy shoved into your chest.
You knew you’d see her soon… you were looking forward to it.
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niamhcharles — she scores more when I am Captain.
Tagged: Yourusername
samanthakerr — yeah the girls 🙌🏼
*liked by yourusername, niamhcharles
User8 — they will never beat the dating allegations
^ user10 — at this point they are embracing it
guroreiten — she always score goals, Charles 🙄
^ niamhcharles — READ THE CAPTION
^ guroreiten — I DID
^ niamhcharles — i said she scores “more” goals
^ guroreiten — oh, okay.
^ user1 — LMAO
yourusername — always complimenting me 😍
^ erincuthburt — too much apparently… as if she didn't do it enough in the Change Rooms
^ niamhcharles — i did it more when we got home
^ erincuthburt — youre blocked.
User22 — they are so pookie together
^ user76 — omg yes
jflem_ — that armband ignited something within her
^ yourusername — EXCUSE ME?????
^ user2 — LMAO JESSIE
^ user3 — don't expose her like that 💀
^ yourusername — Ikr 😖
erincuthburt — Niamh needs to be in that armband more often 😂
^ yourusername — maybe I just had a good game?!?!
^ erincuthburt — we all have our superstitions
User78 — If you look closely I’m jumping off the bridge
^ user90 — mood.
User67 — okay but when Niamh protected Y/N at the Man U game!? 😋😋😋 wishing I was Y/N right now.
laurenhemp — where were those hat tricks at City, Y/N???
^ yourusername — you stole them all
yourusername — can a girl just score a hat-trick because shes good? 😖😖😖
^ niamhcharles — you did it all by yourself 🫶🏼
^ yoursusername — thx niamhy 🥰
^ guroreiten — suck up
^ samanthakerr — suck up
^ milliebright — suck up
^ niamhcharles — a proud suck up x
^ jflem_ — 🤢
^ niamhcharles — ok bye.
542 notes · View notes
wileys-russo · 6 months
camp champ II n.charles x reader
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had lots of reqs for some niamhy content so here we have a lil bit of angst and a lil bit of softness camp champ II n.charles x reader
"your missus is out of control man." you looked up from your book with an amused smile as ella collapsed into the bean bag beside you with an annoyed huff. "whats she done then?" you chuckled raising an eyebrow and snapping your book closed.
"she is refusing to get off the table tennis unless someone beats her and her ego's the size of australia!" ella groaned dragging her hands down her face, her head moving to thump into your lap.
you were all at base camp in the central coast of australia, riding out the high of your first win in the knock out rounds of the world cup. you had tomorrow off so most of the girls had made plans to spend the day together, almost the whole team staying up late still riddled with adrenaline from the victory.
"go sort her out, please!" ella begged, throwing her hands up into the air as alessia joined the two of you, annoyed scowl on her face. "niamh?" you asked, wincing as alessia nodded frantically, frown deepening as she crossed her arms.
"she smacked me with the paddle!" alessia accused, ella moving off of you to lay on top of her now as the two of them looked to you expectantly. "y/l/n!" you looked behind you before you could even say another word, millie, rachel and hempo all charging over now.
"mate your girlfrie-" rachel started angrily as you held up a hand, silencing their chatter. "yeah yeah, i'll sort her out." you sighed, having wanted to get a good start on your book tonight with niamhs attention elsewhere but clearly that was off the cards, your girlfriend apparently unable to be left alone without supervision.
"she's relentless!" "she's a bully man!" "she's annoyingly good at table tennis." "she's not even that good she just hits the shit out of it!" "i'd like to smack the shit out of her!"
"okay okay! i'm goin." you rolled your eyes as all five girls continued to talk at you, waving them off as they all sat together, your book tucked under your arm as you left, heading down toward the rec room.
as you entered the sight before you had you sighing, shaking your head unsurprised.
a few of your friends seemed to be lined up waiting for their turn, esme stepping up with a hesitant look and asking your girlfriend to go easy, niamhs smirk only growing as she sarcastically agreed.
you winced as esme served and niamh smashed the ball back, the blonde darting out of the way with a yelp, dropping her paddle to the floor as niamh cheered, pumping her fists.
she clearly couldn't but you quickly picked up the tense vibe in the room, the unimpressed scowls and closed off body language of your team mates even further proving the point the brunette was doing a tremendous job of isolating herself with her cockiness.
"niamhy." you approached the table, not missing the way esme sighed in relief at the sight of you and a few of your team mates mumbled to one another. "mm?" the girl didn't even look at you, instead egging esme on to serve.
"think its time we head up babe, its gettin late." you tried, a few of the girls backing you up as niamh waved it off. "nah i'll be up later. i'm on a winning streak, the camp champ is on a roll!” the older girl smirked happily as esme hesitantly served, niamh once again smashing it back at her as this time she attempted to hit it back but it went sailing into the net.
"niamhy come on, let someone else have a go now." you sighed, feeling as though you were scolding a greedy child rather than your fully grown twenty four year old girlfriend.
"thats not the rules love, if someone beats me they take my place. and so far they're a bunch of losers!" niamh grinned, again missing the unimpressed eye rolls of your friends, a couple more of the girls giving up with a mumble and wandering off.
"niamh you're acting like a five year old. you've been at this for hours now, share!" you rolled your eyes, the brunette finally meeting your gaze as you raised your eyebrows. "fine. you beat me, i give up and we go to bed." she challenged with a smirk, esme very happily offering you her paddle.
"go on, shut her up for once please!" jess all but begged quietly beside you as niamh shot her a look before her eyes returned to you as you sighed. "mind this please." you mumbled to esme, trading her your book for her paddle as her body all but crumpled in relief.
"hey! wheres my support?" your girlfriend scowled as the girls all cheered for you, again missing out on the fact she'd clearly rubbed them all the wrong way tonight as you tossed her the ball.
"i'll go easy on you baby." niamh smiled charmingly, twirling the ball inbetween her fingers as you rolled your eyes and gestured for her to serve.
true to her word she hit it with a hell of lot less force than she'd been whacking it at the rest of the girls tonight and the two of you got into a rally, attracting the attention of a few more members of the team.
niamhs frown deepened as again they all cheered you on, and you recognized the competitive look shift into her features as you took advantage of her slight dip in attention and managed to score a point.
"niamh." you warned as she huffed, readying for the serve. ignoring you she sent it your way with some force, your arm only just able to shoot out and make contact as the ball went skidding off beside you, smile now returning to her face as georgia handed you the ball back.
"hurry up!" the defender moaned impatiently as your eyes narrowed, rolling your shoulders and serving, again the two of you getting into a rally before your girlfriend smashed it and you ducked as it bounced over your head.
"steady on!" you scoffed with a glare as the brunette shrugged. "can't handle playing with the big girls then hand the paddle over babe." she smirked, infuriatingly attractive as she did but you refused to be enamored by her tonight.
"pardon?" you gave her a chance to apologize, a few of the girls whistling and pulling faces. "your serve." she grinned, bouncing the ball back to you as you rolled your eyes. "take it easy, this isn't the olympics."
"if it were i'd already be top of the podium with the gold."
you only sighed at her cockiness, serving to her and not even getting the chance for a rally as niamh's arm swung back and she connected with the ball, sending it hurtling into your cheek with a smack
you dropped the paddle and clutched your face with a hiss of pain as a couple of the girls hurried over to look you over with concerned frowns, a nasty red welt already forming as your girlfriend looked on in shock.
"niamh louise charles!" you roared angrily as she dropped the paddle to the floor, eyes filled with fear as your team mates parted not wanting to be in your way. "go!" you ordered pointing to the door as her head dropped and she sulked off, dragging her feet.
"fucking thank you!" lucy groaned in relief, taking her place as esme and jess fussed over you. "ill be fine, just a nice little shiner tomorrow." you sighed with a pained smile, collecting your book from the tall blonde and wishing her and jess goodnight, hugging a few of the girls on your way out.
it didn't surprise you to not find niamh waiting anywhere for you, the girl clearly having run away in fear after her actions, likely already practicing her apology in your shared room.
"woah what the hells happened to you?" millie and mary ducked into the elevator after you, headed up to their own rooms as millie grabbed your face turning it side to side. "niamh!" you huffed with a scowl.
"she hit you?" mary spat in disbelief, fists clenching by her sides. "yeah with the fucking table tennis ball!" you frowned as the goalkeeper let out a small sigh of relief and you pushed away millies large hands.
"are we still on for tomorrow?" you asked changing the subject, not missing the look shared between the two older girls as the elevator stopped on their floor first.
"not tomorrow, we all need a niamh break she's been insufferable with her bloody table tennis and her attitude!" millie answered as the two of them stepped out and you stopped the door with your foot.
"what! why am i being punished for that?" you frowned as mary squeezed your cheek apologetically. "guilty by association. where you go, she goes. sorry!" and with that they were off toward their own rooms ignoring your calls after them.
your mood now somehow worse with your girlfriend having no idea what was coming to her you brooded silently in the elevator, marching to your room as the doors opened.
sure enough as you stepped inside her head snapped up, having already changed into more comfier clothes. she opened her mouth to speak but you didn't give her the chance, and she winced as the bathroom door slammed shut.
a hot shower helped to ease your anger a little, annoyed not only at the stinging tenderness of your cheek but also that your plans for your day off tomorrow had been tanked for a reason you couldn't even help or control.
normally had you stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel the taller girl would be on you within a second, showering you with cheesy compliments and attacking your lips feverishly with hers.
but you were instead met with a tense silence as you hunted about in your case for clothes, slipping on a pair of nike shorts and a large faded harley davidson tee you'd worn to death and back, always stealing it back from niamh whose closet it just so happened to accidentally appear in.
you felt a tap on your shoulder as you grabbed out your hair brush, glancing over to see your girlfriend offering you up her favorite hoodie with a hopeful look, you not having spent a single night all tournament not sleeping in it.
which is why she realized just how badly she'd messed up as you turned back around wordlessly, grabbing a jumper of your own and slipping it on, ignoring her completely.
as you brushed out the tangles in your hair you made your way around to the other bed, neatly made and so far untouched, you and your girlfriend having only slept together in the other bed which niamh was currently perched on.
you pulled back the covers cringing silently at the unrustled sheets but getting in none the less, punching your pillow a few times to soften it up and getting comfortable, placing your brush down on the bedside table.
your back now facing her niamh sighed, rubbing the back of her neck as you busied yourself with your phone, still ignoring her completely not having said a word since you'd entered the room around an hour ago, and it was killing her.
she waited a few more minutes, ticking things over in her head and going to use the toilet, flicking off the light sending the room into a dim darkness, only illuminated by the lamp on her side and the blue light of your phone.
you weren't surprised to feel the bed dip behind you, an all too familiar hand landing hesitantly on your side. "baby-" she started softly as you pushed her hand away with a huff. "i think i'd rather you yell at me and bite my head off than ignore me much longer." niamh admitted honestly with a frown as you resisted the urge to meet her eyes.
"which is exactly why i have been ignoring you." you mumbled, the defender perking up just slightly at the sound of your voice. "baby, beautiful girl, love of my life, keeper of my heart, owner of-" she started to grovel, eyes boring a hole in the back of your head.
"this is one situation that cheap flattery and cute nicknames will not get out out of charles." you warned sharply as her words fell short and she sighed.
"love i am so so sorry i got carried away. i lost my head and i was an arrogant cocky idiot, and unfortunately you were the collateral and i can't apologise enough. please!" she apologised with hopeful eyes as you sighed, dropping your phone onto the table and turning onto your back.
"thats one word for it!" you pointed to your cheek, finally meeting her gaze as the taller girl winced. "i'm so sorry baby, really. i can't say it enough!" she mumbled, leaning down to gently grab your chin, turning your head slightly and inspecing the fast forming bruise.
you stayed silent as she pressed a few very cautious kisses to the tender skin, running over it with her thumb as her eyebrows knitted together into a concerned frown. "if its still sore tomorrow i'm taking you to the medics to get it looked at." she stated more than asked.
"mary thought you hit me." you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest as niamh's eyes widened in shock. "what? i would never ever! does she still think that? oh my god she's going to kill me." the defender squeaked in sheer terror as a small smile formed on your face.
"no i told her the only thing you assaulted me with was a stupid plastic ball." you sighed as she breathed out in relief, continually muttering her gratitude. "but your behaviour means i am now suffering the consequences in more ways than one!" you sat up a little more and fixed her with a glare.
"what'd ya mean love?" she frowned confused at your words. "you may been too thick to have picked up on it but your little i'm a superstar at table tennis routine has ruffled a lot of feathers niamhy, you have made some friends turn into enemies!" you warned seriously, poking at her shoulder.
"maybe i have been a little bit much." she admitted quietly with a sheepish wince and you only hummed. "and now because of that no one will let me hang out with them tomorrow because they all need and i quote 'a niamh break'." you bent your fingers sarcastically as her eyes widened.
"a what?" "yeah! i had plans and now they're ruined and its all your fault. dickhead!" you kicked her lightly from under the covers with a huff.
"m'sorry baby." she apologized sincerely, opening her arms hopefully as you hesitated for a moment before giving in with a sigh, shuffling over and melting into them.
you breathed in the scent of her body wash feeling a familiar sense of calm settle over you as she squeezed you tightly, laying the two of you back down as you got properly comfortable, your head tucked into her neck.
"how about instead i take you on a date tomorrow? a proper one. i'll organise everything!" she asked softly, glancing down at you hopefully as you nodded. "i think thats the least you can do. and you'll apologise to all of the girls at breakfast tomorrow!" you warned as she eagerly agreed.
"i promise i'll fix everything tomorrow and take you on the best australian date you'll ever have. may i have a kiss now please?" she asked with a small pout as you rolled your eyes, lifting your chin up as she met your mouth halfway.
the last few drops of your animosity and anger toward the defender melted away at the blissful feeling of her lips moving against yours, her hands on the small of your back flushing your bodies as close together as she could as you hooked one leg over her hips, moving on top of her.
the brunette sighed happily as you straddled her, tangling your hands in her hair and scratching at her scalp sending a slight shiver down her spine as her own hands gripped your hips tightly, fingers digging in and likely leaving a small bruise as she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip quickly taking control of the kiss.
now you sighed in pleasure as her tongue roamed your mouth, hands moving your hips to rock against her slightly as your forehead pressed to her shoulder and she broke the kiss, lips focusing now on your neck as one hand moved to brush your hair out of the way and nudging your head to the side giving her a little more room to work with.
“baby i’m so sorry but can we please move to the other bed? this is so stiff and weird it’s killing me!” she broke away with a guilty smile as you couldn’t help but laugh quietly, unable to disagree as the two of you quickly moved back into your regular bed, taking up your normal positions.
“cuddles and back scratches please baby.” niamh requested tiredly after she’d flicked off the lamp, shuffling her taller body around to press into you just how she liked making you smile.
“back scratches.” she mumbled again, taking your hand and dropping it on her back as she pressed a few lazy kisses to your jaw, mumbling sweet nothings in your ear as your nails raked gently up and down her back.
“my needy niamhy.” you teased softly, affectionally kissing her forehead as she whined, pinching your leg for the nickname, eyes already squeezed shut and you knew it wasn’t long before she’d drift off, having done this little routine with her for years now.
“stop teasing me, i just love you and i wanna be all up and close to you.” she grumbled grumpily, squeezing you tightly to prove her point.
“sorry baby. camp champ just needs her cuddles, hm?”
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wileys-russo · 6 months
can we have a ficlet for camp champ for niamh please
camp champ ficlet
"niamy! niamy! niamhy!"
"oh no." you winced knowing exactly what those chants would be for, burying your face in millies shoulder as she patted your head. "watch out! crazy legs is on the dance floor again." the blonde laughed as you dared to sneak a peek and groaned.
"who lets her do this? who tells her its a good idea? why encourage her?" you shook your head, downing your drink making millie laugh even louder. "everyone! cause she's fucking hilarious." the girl shrugged honestly as you playfully punched her shoulder.
"oi! ya missus wants ya." ella collapsed next to you with a grin and a wiggle of her eyebrows, everyone having a drink and a dance to celebrate the semi final win over australia earlier this evening.
"sorry tooney i'm single for tonight, crazy legs is not my girlfriend." you shook your head again more firmly, stealing millies drink as the taller girl pinched your leg and strode off to find a refill. "crazy legs is the best!" ella laughed clapping you on the back.
your girlfriends nickname stemmed from the way that her limbs seemed to refuse to function normally when she was drunk. combine that with the passion she seemed to have for cutting a move on the dance floor and the way she would erratically spasm and wiggle her body lead to grave embarrassment for you and endless amusement for everyone else.
you'd known crazy legs for far longer than anyone else, having babysat her at many parties or bore witness to her shenanigans late night in your shared living room after a wine filled date night or family dinner.
"baby!" speak of the devil and the devil shall appear, ella scurrying off as niamh stumbled her way over.
"hi love." you couldn't help but grin as she danced her way toward you, still encouraged on by your team mates as you bit your bottom lip. "do ya find this sexy? this is my love dance." niamh slurred swinging her body around as you covered your mouth with your hand.
"i think its time for some water niamhy." you quickly stood to grab her as she stumbled, tripping herself over as she let out a loud boom of laughter and you struggled to keep her taller form upright. "nooo babe don't be a buzzkill!" the defender groaned.
"dance floors looking lonely charles!" at that she was back up and out of your arms, trapping your hand in hers as she pulled you with her despite your protests.
"niamh no!" you laughed as she dragged you with her, pulling you now into her arms as she swayed and swung her body around, hanging onto you somewhat restricting her normal flailing about as the music pumped around you.
"niamh!" you yelped as she dipped you, letting go of you as lotte hurried to save you from falling, your girlfriend smiling guiltily as you were back on your feet.
"you can't stay mad at this baby, look!" niamh swung her arms around, looking more like a chicken than a footballer as her legs kicked and bent, the small crowd around roared with laughter only spurring her on further.
the chant of crazy legs echoed around you as the song ended and niamh struck a pose as you covered your mouth with your hand and a shake of your head.
that was after all, the love of your life.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
niamh charles, "me jealous? Yes." morocco pre-season camp
niamh charles
normally post a covid world there wasn't any shared rooms on camps and that was something you were immensely grateful for. however with a slight mess up from the hotel booking system you suddenly found yourselves all sleeping three to a room until alternative arrangements were made.
it suited you well enough, you'd grown up with five siblings and shared a room for most of your childhood. you'd learn to take up as minimal space as you could, keeping your head down and taking whatever you could get.
so when you were slotted into a room with niamh and jessie you breathed a sigh of relief, much to the canadians protests she didn't want to be the third wheel or witness 'adult activities' as niamh smacked her upside the head and told her to shut up.
the three of you grabbed your bags and raced for the elevator, stepping in and sticking your tongues out at jess, erin and guro who were forced to wait for the next one.
"dibs!" jessie dropped her bags and dove onto the double bed, leaving you and niamh with the single. "oh in your dreams fleming get off!" niamh grabbed the poor girls ankles and dragged her to the floor with a yell and a thump.
"m'lady." your girlfriend gestured to the bed with a charming grin as you helped jessie up who huffed. niamh squared up to her as they went chest to chest, the canadian letting out a war cry and tackling the defender to the floor.
"but you're the third wheel? sure jess!" you rolled your eyes with a chuckle, stepping over them and dropping your bag to the bed, grabbing out your toiletries and moving them to the bathroom.
"babe help!" you heard your girlfriend cry out as you returned to the room, finding jessie sat on top of the taller girl with her arms pinned beneath her, quite the amusing sight as niamh struggled and squirmed.
"i wrestled for fun in college." jessie beamed to your questioning look as you laughed. "of course you did flem." you patted her head and dove onto the bed, niamh finally shoving her off as the two of them continued to smack each other around.
leaving them to it you grabbed your book out and settled on the bed getting comfortable, though before you could even turn a page there was knocking at the door.
"oh i'll get it shall i? no worries." you rolled your eyes as neither of the other girls made a move, too busy now laid down and arm wrestling on the floor as you stepped over them again and hurried for the door as the knocks continued.
"im coming im coming!" you huffed flinging it open, barely able to step aside before a horde of bodies piled inside. "oh do come on in!" you rolled your eyes as they made themselves comfortable.
"you brought it right jessica?" zećira asked impatiently as the canadian jumped off the floor with a nod, rummaging through her bag and unpacking her switch, making a move to connect it up to the tv.
"oh come on! we're in morroco and you're gonna spend the night playing fifa?" you sighed in disbelief as the game loaded and jessie tossed niamh and guro a controller each.
"what else are we supposed to do? we've got curfew remember, no leaving the hotel after eight." guro shrugged moving over so jessie could slot in between her and maren.
"its only six!" you laughed, only receiving dismissive waves and shushes as you sent a pleading look to your girlfriend who was busy selecting her team. "fine!" niamh groaned as she was unable to avoid your gaze any longer, handing the controller to sophie and wriggling off the bed.
"come on then." niahh took your hand and allowed you to drag her out of the crowded room. "i love you." you grinned happily, kissing her cheek a few times as she rolled her eyes as if bothered, cracking a smile and moving to properly kiss you before the doors opened.
"so miss tour guide where we goin then?" niamh chuckled as the two of you strolled out of the hotel, pausing for a moment to look around as you pulled your phone. "theres a beach over there!" you pointed in a random direction.
"or maybe there?" you frowned as you turned your phone making niamh chuckle. "i'll do the navigating then. you just look pretty!" niamh cooed taking your phone and kissing your cheek.
"well that comes easy for me." you shrugged cockily, swinging your intertwined hands as niamh guided the two of you away from the hotel. "oh ice cream!" you perked up, niamh nearly dropping your phone as you yanked her into the small shop.
"see! easy." niamh grinned happily as the two of you arrived to the beach, taking a seat on the sea wall overlooking the ocean side by side. "you nearly done babe?" niamh sighed, head falling to your shoulder with a pleading look upward as her bottom lip jutted out into a pout.
"why?" you laughed, taking another bite of your ice cream. "its gettin more attention than i am." the girl huffed as you gave her a look. "annoyed my lips are touching something else are we?" you teased as your girlfriend groaned, laying down and glaring up at the sky.
"niamh!" you laughed in disbelief, poking the sliver of skin which poked out where her shirt had rode up. "what?" the brunette pouted as you took another bite of your ice cream.
"are you jealous of an ice cream?" you challenged with a smile. "me jealous? yes." she laughed then looked at you dead serious making you shake your head. "you're ridiculous charles." you tutted, gently tapping her nose with your ice cream and a grin.
"baby!" niamh gasped as you did it again, leaving a trail of ice cream against her lips, ducking down and pressing your own against them as her breath hitched in surprise.
but the moment was ruined as something sticky landed in niamhs hair, your girlfriend gently pushing at your chest as she sat up. your hand flew to cover your mouth with a guilty smile, a now empty cone in your hand as the last small mound of ice cream sat melting into your girlfriends hair.
"i mean love you did say you wanted to wash your hair tonight right?"
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jflemings · 3 months
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i write one shots based off of my favourite songs 🌷
there is no schedule for these one shots which mean i will write and post them as i please because they don’t necessarily take priority over my other ones <3
☆ angst ✿ fluff ❥ nsfw
♫ RUN (by taylor swift). . . kyra cooney-cross ✿
♫ SAFETY PIN (by 5 seconds of summer) . . . kyra cooney-cross ☆ ✿
♫ THE ONLY EXCEPTION (by paramore) . . . kyra cooney-cross ✿
♫ GOSSIP (by sleeping with sirens) . . . jessie fleming ☆ ✿
♫ IRIS (by the goo goo dolls) . . . jessie fleming ☆ ✿
♫ DIE FOR (by maggie lindemann) . . . jessie fleming ✿
♫ SHE KNOWS IT (by maggie lindemann) . . . alessia russo ☆
♫ YOU COULD START A CULT (by niall horan) . . . alessia russo ✿
♫ YARD SALE (by alex warren) . . . alessia russo ☆
♫ PHASES (by prettymuch) . . . niamh charles ☆ ❥
♫ ONE SHOT (by prettymuch) … niamh charles / phases p2 ☆ ✿
♫ RUN FOR THE HILLS (by tate mcrae) . . . niamh charles ☆ ❥
♫ INTO YOUR ARMS (by the maine) . . . leah williamson ☆
♫ GARDEN (by meet me @ the altar) . . . steph catley ☆ ✿
♫ ALL OF THE GIRLS YOU LOVED BEFORE (by taylor swift) . . . grace clinton ✿
♫ LOVER OF MINE (by 5 seconds of summer) . . . katie mccabe ☆ ✿
♫ STILL INTO YOU (by paramore) . . . sam kerr ✿
♫ LOOK AT US NOW (by daisy jones & the six) . . . hayley raso ☆
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