#next up i think is some ducktales fanart :0
esa-marie · 3 years
Danny Phantom Mermaid?
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I spent a good chunk of time on this one, though I did op for flat coloring. I bet the rest will not be full bodies, because of how long it takes me, and how much I want to do some fancier shading next time!!
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notgrelloo · 6 years
Tagged by @versacel (ayy thanks a lot! <3)
Rules : Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
Star Sign | pisces
Gender | female
Height | around 160 cm (the Internet says its around 5′3 ft??)
Sexuality | i guess I’m bicurious to het?? It’s complicated
Wallpaper |
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(by @spinyoctopus - heyyy I never knew it was yours :0 it’s my fav Taric/Ez fanart! <3)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? | my biggest dream is to finish my studies, find a love and to have a nice small house near city, two kids maybe and dog and cat (and now maybe a duck) and to have enough money to get everything i need or want but to have time to do things with my family. OKAY BUT LET’S BE REAL I never had someone and I don’t think it will change anytime soon SO my option nr 2 is to become the best autie ever, I don’t even have siblings but my friends told me I can be Aunt for their kids. I want to live in a small house and play games and dress very nicely and tell a lot of stories to my Nephiews (or for me they will be called Auntitos or Ciocięta) and I will be very happy because they will be my big big huge family
If you could be anywhere else right now, where? | since I will be moving to another city in like a month I’m very fine with staying in my room right now
What was your coolest Halloween costume? | In my country we don’t really celebrate Halloween since Christians (they are majority) are screeming that this is for praising Satan and that the next day is a Catholic day of going to cementary etc buuuuuuut in my Secondary and High School I used to wear some costiumes for a special ocasions. My very first one was canibal, then I was a hippie and a Santa and Kenny from South Park and last year I was also a Dryad aaaand my very last one was Naruto in a japaneese uniform
What’s your favorite 90s show | I’m just going to pretend that a cartoons I watched as a kid were 90s shows so uhhh Ducktales and MLP and Gummi Bears???
Last kiss | never had one ; -DDDDDD
Ever been stood up? |  I don’t think soooo
Favorite pair of shoes | I love femine high heels but I can’t really stand wearing them 
Favorite fruit | strawberry 
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done | I used to go to my Secondary school wearing Naruto headband and saying things in japaneese and I guess it is more like the cringiest but honestly I had fun and I will blame it on the weeb phase. Also then I used to stay in my room for a 3 weeks, eating only noodles and trying to watch the whole Naruto and Naruto Shippuden (plot twist: I did it, now every noodles taste like tears because of a lot of ppl dying later lmaoooo)
Favorite book | I like the first two book of The Witcher by Sapkowski and Drag Queen by Josh Kilmer-Purcell and also Kordian by Słowacki
Favorite gif | I can’t find it rn but let’s pretend this one (bad boys bad boys.. . .. .)
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Tag: @stvrguardian @coffee-paws @lazy-butler @shinydarknessao @lostlightfirrib @green-tunic-of-destiny @jaycetechmaturgics @pupwick @master-of-something-q @anempty-dream (but you don’t have to!!)
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