#nexomon atlas
Nexomon 1 but everyone dies at the beginning of the desert area because atlas is a robot
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anacharafan · 2 months
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Guys I posted a fic or something
Must've been the wind, anyway, meet this dumbass
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demonlordcosnime · 1 year
lets play nexomon extinction part 18
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player-1 · 19 days
And speaking of the Mandrass Incident, there is no end to the levels of comedy Nexomon Extinction fans don't know if they've only played the newest game for now. (The only playthrough I can find is w. commentary though, but it's still funny to see the reactions.)
Besides that, the Mandrass Incident goes as followed (with relevant context and spoilers below):
The Nexomon 1 protag defeats Omnicron and his kids in the main game, but post-game story makes our plucky hero travel to the literal afterlife (ie. the Netherworld) to destroy Omnicron's soul and ensure he never returns for vengeance in another doomsday plot. However, the door to Omnicron is guarded by Ziegler's Wardens; confidants of the Netherworld King that will do everything and more to stop anyone that threatens their job of keeping the dead safe and secure in their realm, since the Wardens' lives are tied to their prisoners while said prisoners live in a Inception-like dreamscape that keeps them unaware of their previous demise (and yes, the game references Inception too). Also Ulzar is there cause finishing overdue ghost business (and previously building each Nightmare prison), Deena out of obligation of being the guard between the border of Life and Death, and your usual partner-in-crime Atlas.
Because of this roadblock, Protag is forced to deal with the Omnicron fam all over again and send their souls to the Vortex (possibly the portal/birthplace/permadeath of all Nexomon) in order to get rid of the Warden they're attached to. Even the linked episode (at 8:47) mentions Ulzar previously making a prison for Nara before he realized she's on the side of humans (ouch), the one time Metta/Nexolord is mentioned by name; and how yes, he went MIA after Ulzar's previous fight against Omnicron and even his temporary Nightmare is still empty in the current age...so the N3 Metta theory is still valid >:).
At this point, the gang went through the gauntlet with Arqua (the "weakest") -> Fona (too angy to forget why he's angy at everyone that wronged him) -> Grunda (now Ulrich w. his jacked village chief vibe) -> Zetta (trigger-happy goober that treats humans (aka. Spencer) like a dog) and getting into Ventra's Nightmare for the second-to-last Nightmare (and Atlas is not at all thrilled about facing the bird-woman again).
But their path is blocked by a noticeably large Mandrass, a talking one at that, that refuses to move unless they find his 4 friends that were swept about the place from Nadine/Ventra's powerful winds. After a somewhat lengthy search through the area, they finally procure the missing Mandrasses and bring them back to the main 'mon. The Mandrass is overjoyed and grateful, and then the group (and player) realize far too late why it seems larger than the other four they've met...
He eats them. He eats the other Mandrasses...And absolutely everyone is shocked at the spectacle, stunning Ulzar so bad he legit forgets they were supposed to fight Nadine's Warden and obviously driving Deena to tears. But they still have a job to do, and they push through the troubling memory regardless...
Now after all of their loose ends with Omnicron's Children are dealt with, the Protag opens the massive door holding the King of Beasts inside...and finds nothing. Yet the confusion fades for now as a wall is broken away to find a trio of familiar faces; Atlas, Deena, and Ulzar... Wait a minute-
After a bit of back and forth (before Ziegler appears to rain on the parade), its revealed that the entire story of the Netherworld (minus the Omnicron kids' Nightmares) was a Nightmare all along; keeping the Protag oblivious of the mortal sin of travelling to the Netherworld without actually dying, failing the task of destroying Omnicron and letting him escape to the real world, and getting trapped in his stead with Ziegler himself being the Warden in charge as he crafted a world of dreamlike sights and fabricated allies to aid them in their journey...-Oh yeah, and all that happened two weeks before the story even began, so the real team were scrambling to find Protag while battling Omnicron by tooth and nail.
Yet the Protag perseveres despite it all, fighting off the fake Deena that's been with them since the beginning, the king of Death and the revived Wardens, and finally Omnicron himself as his soul is snuffed out for good...Yet all good things come with a cost, and with the Beast King's death comes the death of his monstrous subjects, starting a slow and painful extinction of all Nexomon that were bound to his command. Minus Nara for being the embodiment of Nature and Life, Metta out of spite, and the rest of his kids in undead limbo cause of mystical Netherworld magic, it's not a great time for everyone involved here.
Now after all of that, as the Protag is forced to process this monumental burden that's placed on their shoulders, they eventually go to talk to the real Deena/Nara for advice and emotional support. At some point, Protag would've mentioned the Mandrass Incident since 1. It's the first time they met another Nexomon that had human-like intelligence besides Omnicron's kids, 2. Questions how/why Ventra's Nightmare was built around a dog-eat-dog world unlike everything Nexomon was before, and 3. Most likely a "you'll never believe what I went through" story to laugh about in the future and mention how surprisingly accurate the fake/Nightmare Deena reacted.
And despite it all, even if the real Deena only got a second-hand account of the event, was just as horrified about the story as well. And after all of that, after a literal millennia until Nexomon Extinction takes place, she's still salty about the whole thing. Whether it's from the Protag not realizing anything is wrong about the world until the final stretch (which was the whole point of a Nightmare) or being dumb/complacent in leading those poor Mandrasses to their death (even if they were already in the afterlife?), she still held onto that horror/betrayal of her new human friend the entire time. Even after she started her own plot of getting her kid to become Omnicron's heir through extreme mental gymnastics and a whole lot of dumb luck...
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And that's what I love about the series so far. If you know the joke they were winding up in a previous game, you'll understand the punchline in another.
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nightlightdragon1 · 1 year
some nexomon extinction thoughts
Headcanon idea for nexomon extinction
when the main character is using their elemental powers their eyes change color, bonus points if it is linked to their emotions
excuse me while I write lil drabbles with my idea shush
they huffed, wisps of flames passing their lips in agitation, their eyes normally a subdued and calm green giving way to a fiery red. 
Their eyes were cold as the water froze before them, Atlas hovering nearby “Hm... Fascinating”  “What is?”  “Your eyes, they changed for a second”  The kid raised and eyebrow and looked in their reflection, sure enough they were a cold icy blue “That’s... Never happened before...”
One by one, Atlas listed off the tyrants disappearing from his radar. “I’m sorry... All of them are gone” The kid clenched their hands “Son of a....Amalie you fool!” They punched the ground, feeling it tremor for a moment, eyes hardened hazel before they breathed... Eyes slowly returning to a forest green. 
They approach the tree, taking a deep breath before using their power to summon the tyrants soul back to the living world, eyes changing from their deep forest green to something brighter.
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musekicker · 1 year
I started playing the first Nexomon game and I'm loving it so far. I'm pretty early in still. Ellie and Atlas are such great characters (Atlas has made me laugh more then once and Ellie is just cool)
Also, my chosen starter is Vulazy and I adore them.
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flotonki · 2 years
Nexomon best starter
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And so begins the quest where you go from town to town chasing Nexolord and stopping his evil plans. As you feel there’s something very shady about him and you decide to follow him, helped along by the robot Atlas your friend Ellie made for you. Yep, he is evil, you can see it clearly!Īt the current time, you are the child of two scientists that are getting visits from one of the world’s most powerful Nexomon tamers, a guy called the Nexolord. They won the war and the world has been at peace ever since.
In the centuries of fighting, some humans learned how to tame Nexomon and with their aid, fight the invaders. Long ago, humans were masters of their world, and then the leader of Nexomon showed up to wage war on them. When you take your first steps in Nexomon you’re introduced to a bit of history. Make the best-balanced team to help you in turn-based battle and meanwhile, save the world from the merciless Nexolord. It follows the standard routine of any monster catcher game, you choose from seven unique starter Nexomon to begin your journey and travel the world to catch, evolve and collect over 300 unique Nexomon. Originally released in 2017, it’s my first time in this critter catching game. Nexomon is the prequel to Nexomon Extinction that was released in 2020 ( find our review here). Is it? Let’s check it out! Gotta Catch All Them Nexomon So like I said, I think I would take the chance to jump into a new adventure if the game was good. In this monster catcher, however, Nexomon at the time resemble Pokémon and even the music has a distinct feel of the soundtrack from one of the Pokémon games. The catching mechanics of course, but there are more games out there that take thankful inspiration from the Gotta Catch Them All Formula. Frankly, I’m surprised at how much it copies the Pokémon games. What if I really enjoy a certain kind of game, and I have finished all the games in that series? And then I found a game that, in my ways, copies my favourite? Would I jump on it and take it on board with enthusiasm? I think I would…that’s the thought that entered my mind when I picked up Nexomon for review.
Review code provided with many thanks to PQube System: Nintendo Switch (also on Steam, mobile and Playstation)ĭeveloper|Publisher: VEWO Interactive | PQube
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empress-works · 2 years
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Finally done with my Nexomon: Original team fanart. I LOVED this series of games and I hope it continues. Looking forward to Nexomon: Extinction - Abyssals content coming soon!
If you would like to commission me or buy me a coffee, head over to my Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/empressworks
Or take a look at some of my work on Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Empress-Works/shop?asc=u
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beast-feast · 2 years
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Been fucking this dude who is NOT CUTE LMAO but he is cool to hang out w and I be faking like I don't got a little crush but I do 😊 I like his lil ugly ass. He's shot two people (/ref)
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thenexolord · 3 years
with the power of mspaint I can finally create forbidden fanart for my favorite nexofic scenes
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Why yes, I do have an entire 100k+ ongoing fic on AO3 right now, and both of these are canon.
Link in the comments!
Credit: *windows* (Nexomon Discord)
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anxiousanteaterr · 3 years
Hmmm, should I get the first Nexomon game? I’ve already played Extinction and I LOVED it, to the point where I’m tempted to get the first one, but I feel like playing the first in a series AFTER playing the second might spoil the experience a bit.
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anubisden · 2 years
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Nexomon é um jogo indie feito pela VEWO Interactive Inc. Uma empresa pequeninha que sempre quis tentar criar um jogo Monster Catcher mobile por volta de 2018, até finalmente chegarmos aqui, no Nexomon. 
Nexomon, como nome deixa a entender, é um jogo de captura de monstrinhos inspirado em Pokémon. Sabendo que vai ser duramente criticado como mais uma copia de Pokémon, Nexomon usa e abusa de vários elementos da franquia da GameFreak como cenários coloridos, monstros que parecem animais ou objetos, estilo de arte parecidos, e não poupam esforços para zoar e questionar os vários sistemas que se tornou regra graças a popularização de Pokémon, como andar apenas com 6 monstros e apenas 4 ataques.
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A história do jogo é bem simples: Você, uma criança de por volta de 10~16 anos, vai se encontrar com sua amiga Ellie, uma garotinha cadeirante de cabelo verde que é uma gênia da robótica. Mas assim que a encontramos, ela e seu recém construído robô, Atlas, estão brigando contra um dos aliados do Nexolord (um equivalente ao Champion no Pokémon)! Após vencer sua primeira batalha contra um dos inimigos e receber um dos primeiros Nexomon, o Nexolord em pessoa aparece na sua frente e diz que vai estar te esperando. E assim começa sua jornada.
Recheada de humor divertido, designs e trilhas sonoras incríveis, arte limpa e agradável e várias quebras de quarta parede, Nexomon é aquela pérola escondida nas profundezas da PlayStore/Steam, esperando ser descoberta por um alma curiosa. E o melhor, mesmo nos consoles ele não é um jogo tão caro!
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Pontos positivos:
Arte muito bonita
Cenários novos e interessantes
Personagens carismáticos
Humor no ponto certo
Mais de 300 monstros para colecionar
Preço acessível (Custa sem promoção 20,69 na Steam)
Jogo bem leve em questão de requisitos
Disponível para PC, iPhone, Android, Switch, XBOX, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Epic, Steam, XBOX Series X|S...
Trilha sonora ótima
Mais de 20 horas de gameplay
Te dar a opção de quando quer ou não lutar contra o bicho no mato ou treinador.
Minigame de vôlei
Pontos negativos:
Evoluções limitada a raridade. (Nexomon comuns, e alguns incomuns não evoluem)
Algumas travadas quando muda de um cenário para o outro graças ao autosave.
Falta de animações nos monstrinhos. Eles só tem animação de ataque perto, a distância, idle e recebendo dano.
Não dá pra nomear os monstrinhos, mas isso é resolvido na continuação do game.
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demonlordcosnime · 1 year
lets play nexomon extinction part 13
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empress-works · 3 years
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All right, flat colors done- now for detailing and shading!
UPDATE JANUARY 2022: Finished Final Art in link below!
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beast-feast · 2 years
Hey shitass wanna watch me become emotionally attached to Nexomon
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beast-feast · 3 years
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