#newly appointed gym leader and I'm already making apology posts
In light of recent events, it appears I've made a post that has displeased many of you. I... apologize. It was not my intention to make anyone upset. I believe... I typed largely without thinking, and defaulted to a train of thought that was once natural to me. I won't deny that there is a part of me that truly believes what I said, (and that squirms at the idea of acting remorseful for it), but that part of me is a leftover from a long time ago, and I'll make an attempt to rise above it. After all, it's a gym leader's job to be an example for others, is it not? I'd be dreadful at that if I didn't make more attempts to spread positivity...
With that said, allow me to humbly try to rectify my statements by taking a moment to... hmph... appreciate the types that I named in that post.
Oh, this will be difficult.
Bug types. Oh, bug types. let's just get the hardest ones out of the way first, shall we. I believe... I appreciate the transformations some bug types go through. Like going from Caterpie to a graceful Butterfree, or Grubbin to a fearsome Vikavolt. I see myself in that. It feels very inspiring, even if I still wouldn't allow a Vivillon to land on my arm.
Specifically, @artyburgh, Leavanny is one of the few bug types I'd be able to call "cute", and I appreciate its caring nature. It's expressive in ways I'm not accustomed to in bug types. I also think it's one of the few pokemon you can say has a sense of style, ehehehehe... hem. Furthermore, I enjoy the sense of style you bring to your gym, if such praise means anything to you from a budding gym leader such as myself.
Dark types... I respect the challenge they've presented to me in the past. Contrary to what one might think, I do enjoy being presented with hurdles to outsmart- not only does it make me appear capable when I manage to do so, but it's simply... engaging. Thrilling, even. As a former psychic type trainer, dark types being immune to my attacks certainly was a challenge I had to rise to meet. I believe battling some of them made me a better trainer. Not to mention, their cunning is ever so slightly reminiscent of the trickery I enjoy in fairies, even if it may be... annoying, occasionally.
@grimsley-official, I respect your restraint, but... I suppose... hmmmmph. I suppose just because I'm a "kid" doesn't make my platform any less impactful (at least I should hope so), and dark types already receive quite a bit of slander from the public as it is. I should not have said what I did. Also, Liepard is a wonderful choice for a pokemon- It's proud and elegant nature is very endearing. In fact, I find many of your choices to be quite respectable. If I had to pick dark types, anyway... @piers-official, I'd say I also find your cohesive team choices and commitment to your aesthetic admirable, even if it is one I'd never see for myself. Malamar, in particular... such a presence from a pokemon...
Poison types... poison types, poison types, poison types... Tch. I simply don't believe I like them. But, I can see that they're fierce battlers. In fact, I see that all the time, given that people are constantly bringing them into my gym. But that's beside the point. Their battle style is unique and all their own, and I can acknowledge that it might appeal to some. And of course there are a few I don't mind, like the Glimmora in Paldea or Roserade I see about Galar. Venonat looks like something Miss Opal would like.
@rockstar-roxie, I can not honestly say I enjoy any of your pokemon, but I suppose they need someone to care and vouch for them all the same. Hats off to you for doing so.
Steel types- this one happens to be quite easy. They're sleek, efficient, streamlined... very proper pokemon. Nothing to write home about, In my opinion, but not inherently awful for any reason either. Other than being very good at defeating my fairy types, I suppose.
I don't happen to want to go into detail about why they make me uncomfortable to be around.
I acknowledge that dragon types are extremely strong. I do believe the consensus in official leagues is that they are, pokemon for pokemon, one of the most powerful types there are. And anyone who would seriously invest in training even one of them... I understand that it is quite the ordeal, so I must respect anyone who has managed it as a pokemon trainer. Just... kindly keep those jaws at arms length from me. Please.
Ground types... from a battling perspective, it's difficult to completely disregard ground type moves, as it's the only type that is super effective against electric types. Even my Rapidash knows Drill Run. They have a very respectable battling niche, and I should not be so quick to dismiss them. It's only... the dirt... shudder. I realize that that's a personal problem, though, and I ought not to let it get in the way of the way I perceive the pokemon themselves.
@underground-boss-clay, even I have to admit that the Galarian Wild Area would never be the same without the Palpitoad song in the evenings. Perhaps appreciation for that pokemon is something that we can actually agree on?
And for those of you who I haven't mentioned by name, how about this- for the next ten relevant asks I receive, if you send me something about one of your pokemon, I'll be obligated to compliment it no matter what manner of creature it is. Does that feel fair to you?
Sigh... I HOPE everyone's satisfied now.
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