#new clone oc who has a very wrong impression about the the hell is going on with the war bc hes chillin guarding the senate
grogusdads · 3 years
it would have been really funny if palpatine enacted order 66 only to be immediately killed by one of his own clone guards who doesn’t really understand the difference between the sith and jedi and just sees palpatine with a lightsaber and goes “oh a jedi!” And point blank shoots him without hesitation
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mooleche · 5 years
FIRSTLY - Thank you for asking about my babs aaaa
SECONDLY - OH BUD YOU IN IT NOW - These are the current ocs of the week. I have more but I haven’t given them a lot of plot other then ‘I have a mad desire to create this’. Descriptions for them underneath the cut!
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1. Nina (Ink)Y’all know this oc. I will never shut up about this oc because she’s the one I put most of my attention to gdslkgdsl Nina is a 24 y/o french american mutant able to control ink that currently resides in New York for college after a bad vigilante bout that left her just wanting an ordinary life. She doesn’t get to enjoy this for long after trying to go toe to toe with Venom in a fight that eventually completely twists her life around for the interesting. She’s a good egg with a chaotic neutral attitude.
2. Ania (Neon)
Ania is Nina’s clone that isn’t introduced until a bit later in her story. Created after Nina was rescued by the X-Men in her teens, Ania was raised to be a sleeper agent for Essex Corp and only activated for assassination and/or bodyguard duties for the higher up scientist that created her. Her mutant power is neon manipulation and uses it with great prowess and has no trouble in taking Nina down, who is often reckless and blunt with her attacks. Her personality in the beginning is very short and closed off, but once she opens up she’s very shy and timid. She enjoys video games and tends to act a bit childish as she wasn’t able to have an actual childhood but Nina takes her in like a sister and treats her as such to keep her happy.
3. Milo (Scout)
Milo is a hot mess. She’s 23, a human, and has stuck her hand in the cookie jar of demons one too many times in order to avenge her family. Thinking it was a smart idea at the time she made a deal with the demon that murdered her parents to gain more power, but makes him stronger in the process. Desperate to right her wrongs she seeks assistance from Dante to take out the demon and spends her days after looking up demonic artifacts and intel for him and any other hunters looking for the good word on the current hot commodity under the wing of J.D. who she refers to as her uncle (no relation). She has her own demonic powers that involves releasing a shadow version of herself that increases her strength and speed, but requires red orbs in order to keep it tamed. She’s energetic, goofy and stubborn as hell, but she’s always got the best intentions at heart and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. 
4. Shortcake
Embarrassingly enough I don’t have a lot of information about her yet. I just really wanted a dessert oc and strawberry shortcake gave me a really cute idea to work with. All I can say is that she’s unabashedly horny on main and enjoys baking and modeling off cute clothes for fun sglkdsgls
5. Daisy
This fucking oc. She was my first cowgirl doodle years ago and she’s blossomed into a powerhouse of ideas. She’s 24 and the oldest of her siblings who are next in line to run their family cafe Baiser de Crème. I was going to include them all but there’s SO MANY. Daisy is very bubbly and kind though, and she makes sure all of their customers leave with full bellies and smiles on their faces because that’s what makes her day. She’s also the most forward of her relatives, which many of their customers enjoy, but that’s for another time. But yeah, Daisy lives in a town full of anthro creatures that I’m slowly but surely fleshing out more and more every day for fun, if only to satiate my need to create more monstergirls/boys but she’s one of my favorite ocs and I wuv her.
6. Thriller (Mercy Maye)
An Umbrella Security Service operative and locksmith specialist. Originally a part of the Wolf Pack, Thriller was disbanded for a solo mission involving the capture and elimination of rogue scientists from Umbrellas corporation during the outbreak.She was once a marksman with S.T.A.R, but was soon sought out by the U.S.S. due to her high ranking and impressive skills to get in places she shouldn't be in, Umbrella Corporation included. After breaking into their security system she and and her team were sent to investigate some of the more suspicious experiments before ultimately getting overwhelmed.With the risk of having her entire team being killed on the spot she agreed to switch teams and was taken under HUNKs wing to become a lethal weapon among their ranks. She spends most of her days improving the security in Umbrellas computer systems while exploiting other companies to step down when they threaten to blackmail the company. She uses humor to gain trust and friendship among her ranks but is not one to keep ties for long as she does not want people to be used against her again. During missions she often resorts to dark humor to keep herself rooted and instead channels her fear into blood lust to keep herself and her team alive, later given the codename Thriller as a result. She might seem like she trusts Umbrella Corp on the surface but deep down she’s just looking for the perfect moment to strike them and reveal all of the terrible secrets they’ve kept hidden away from the world.
And that’s about it! I wrote so much I’M SORRY. I just love me babies and I hope I can do more with them in the future aaaa
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