#never thought i'd get an ask
300iqprower · 1 month
Honestly, your criticism of Barghest feels rooted in gender-essentialism. Muscles=masculine. Muscles can be feminine too.
That...was literally the point I was making. My point was that FGO's constant gender-essentialism means it feels a need to apologize for making a remotely buff female character by constantly emphasizing her femininity (she wants a lover, she like cooking, she's constantly drawn in aprons and blushing timidly, everything about her second ascension exists and her third ascension is more focused on making her sexy than making her intimidating, etc) and explicitly doing so in a way that portrays her muscles as something monstrous to be ashamed of.
This is most of the official in game art for the "first real buff woman" in fgo. I think it's self demonstrating.
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And while you can argue that, yes, just because a woman has muscles doesn't mean she can't have feminine interests and/or aesthetics, it IS an issue when the piece of media the character is from ONLY has those kinds of female characters to begin with. You can't have "a bit of column A and a bit of column B" if you never even set up column B in the first place.
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300iqprower · 9 months
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...Ya know i'm 100% fine with characters not "looking their age" but this crosses at least 2 lines I didn't even know exist
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300iqprower · 4 months
Taigong Wang was the best part of Tunguska (he's got super cool nerd loser energy and I live for that)
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Taigong was so good in this event that he was even actually useful in the beast fight. It's a shame his actual kit is so meh but at the very least I was taking notes for my HRU's for him.
Frankly, Taigong Wang being as well written as he is just further cements how it should have been two seperate stories about Tunguska and Da Ji. Give Tunguska to Dobrynya, and give Da Ji to Taigong Wang. (And no i'm not just saying that because I have my own fanservant ideas that are exactly that.) Lord knows based on previous FGO storylines there's about a dozen other ways to have the same "it did nothing! :D" moment without outright making her NOT Da Ji.
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300iqprower · 21 days
Did they ever officially say why Artoria Lily has roughly 3-star stats? Or if it had anything to do with her being a welfare unit? Asking for research
I have zero hard evidence of anything but there could be like 7 different reasons most of which circle back around to her being a year-1 welfare. General powercreep, servant stats have always had a certain degree of variance particular with non-exclusive servants, Welfare servants have always been extremely underpowered statwise, the fact she's very intentionally just a worse freebie version of Artoria classic, etc.
I wasnt even stuck in this hell before year 3 tho, so I can only speculate. It's still stupid she's in the friend pool but no other welfare is including the three that came before her.
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300iqprower · 4 months
When you realize that the Pokemon world would be kinda awful to live in, thanks to the literal reality breaking monsters. (Still would go though)
A common fallacy! For this to work you would have to assume that the cruelty of our reality is concurrent to others, but this is not the case.
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300iqprower · 1 year
>Buster has OG Saber and Ibuki
>Quick has Okita Alter and Charlie
>Arts only have Muramasa
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300iqprower · 4 months
It saddens me that we will never see the full potential of alot of servant in holy grail wars, my favorite example is Edison, his NP basically SHUTS DOWN ALL TYPE OF MAGECRAFT AND PRESENCE CONCEALMENT (his profile has details on what it does)
“it saddens me we’ll never see the full potential” frankly sums up my feelings towards FGO, full stop.
thats what happens when you sell the fuck out to gacha.
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300iqprower · 9 months
Who is the best Indian Servant's writer in your opinion at least? Higashide or Minase?
On the one hand Minase seems much more interested in researching and implementing various aspects of Hindu myth and Indian culture.
...on the hand Higashide is a MUCH better writer.
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300iqprower · 8 months
Last ask for the night, what's your opinion on the nasuverse's magic system? It's always bothered me, in part due to "Older is Automatically Better" rule thing. Like??? It's not??? Another hang up I have is simply the fact it's so damn inconsistent. Ugh, part of this is prob my own writing experiences and the like influencing me, but I've found the more I write, the more I find flaws in works and authors I used to like.
Nasu doesnt have a magic system he just makes shit up as he goes.
I could genuinely rant, not analyze or anything just fucking rant in pure anger, at how awful Nasu's "magic system" is.
I am going spare both you and I that though and simply describe it as such: The "rules" of Nasu's magic "system" are literally designed around the idea of "i have no idea how to explain his" being an acceptable answer in-universe.
I say "the rules are fake and nothing matters" regarding FGO's """lore""" and """""worldbuilding""""" a lot, but in regards to its magic *that is literally how it works*
It is designed from the ground up to automatically excuse the author telling us nothing about how it works. To a lesser extent, this is also the entire reason "mystery" is a thing and I know i've talked before about how that wastes what could otherwise be such a good explanation for so many things about IRL lost history and overlap between myths and legends.
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300iqprower · 9 months
Imagine Summer 6 if Kadoc and Chaldea Anastasia were allowed to interact. She doesn't understand why Lost belt Anastasia cared about him. So she speaks to him. She speaks to him and she understands why, even if she doesn't feel the same things. She wants to befriend him. And then she just stuffs a snowball down his hoodie and tries to convince him to help her with Prank Wars vs Sei or something
nahhhh that sounds WAY too compelling and character driven.
What, PHH Anastasia reaching out to Kadoc with childlike whimsy and blissful ignorance? Highlighting not just the tragedy of such an innocent girl being ruthlessly executed, but bringing comfort to Kadoc once again in an opposite way? Or even worse, perhaps even reminding him of what it was he first saw in her he wanted to protect so badly, and how he destroyed that by infusing her with so much power and changed her spirit origin, thus highlighting the futility of his own attempt to hold onto her in his lostbelt and how his resentments and insecurities destroyed what few things he could bring himself to love in a cycle of self-destruction?
....Seriously? That's what you want? The fuck you think this is, some sort of philosophical character driven RPG or something? Get out.
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300iqprower · 3 months
So as a Valentine's gift, Theseus gives the player a crochet Asterios plush
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300iqprower · 7 months
I made a specific Gif for Kagetora enjoyers who quit the game
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God's work
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300iqprower · 7 months
Do you support ?
Please answer yes or no so that I may edit the screenshot in order to defame you
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300iqprower · 20 days
Honestly, I respect your opinion on Tezcatlipoca, but I can’t help but feel that killing him off before your rewrite of Lostbelt 7 even begins is just petty.
But ignoring that because it’s ultimately your decision, Daybit will lack a purpose without ORT (assuming he has a purpose that relates to his mission) and will have no servant. Not that he needs a servant per-se, since he can handle himself well enough, but he does lose out on someone to talk to. Every other Crypter had someone to interact with, so it would be a loss to not give Daybit someone to interact with in absence of Tezcatlipoca.
Well, if nothing else, the only thing pettier than killing off Tezcatlipoca before the Lostbelt begins is having the reason for his death be the bad meat he ate in India.
Dont worry the pettiness is very much the point lol. I actually didn't plan for him to die because I wanted to try and use as many of the same servants as I could, since the point is to make a better version of the existing story. The way things lined up though it ended up making the most sense for Tez to not appear at all, and at that point I know how I'm already seen well enough to embrace the pettiness.
So that said while a funny coincidence it actually is just how the cards ended up falling, and that's shown in the whole reason he's already dead as well as the consequences of his self-sacrifice having actual narrative weight (TLDR it both was the reason the lostbelt didn't collapse in on itself, but also something that IMMENSELY backfired in a way no one expected)
As for Daybit....what makes you think I didn't give him a different servant? Someone much more fitting Grand Berserker at that (hint: ask @agnerd-bot who their Grail War Berserker is).
Same goes for his purpose! ORT being there doesnt mean he's meaningless, it just means he has a different meaning. I will definitely say that Daybit has been the one consistent thorn in my side in trying to rewrite Lb7, but that's cause there's a lot of stuff that isn't easy to work with, not because there's nothing to work with at all.
For all my complaints about the official lostbelt, I am grateful if nothing else for it inspiring me through sheer spite to make this rewrite because it's some of the most fun i've ever had as a writer.
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300iqprower · 24 days
Do you dislike how Tezcatlipoca’s is written or something? Most people at least liked his character, even if they hated his design.
I hate literally everything about him! Shit writing on top of a shit design.
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300iqprower · 30 days
Why do you hate ORT
Bro you can't drop this ask in my inbox the night before I have a presentation due.
It would be shorter to list what I dont hate about that thing and what it narrative represents.
But to narrow it down to the biggest reason, it's this:
FGO for all of part 1 and the first half of part 2 was a story about human history and how it's intertwined - how everything that has happened is a part of our history and all of it matters and has shaped the world as we know it today. This is like 95% of why characters like Solomon, Moriarty, and Ivan are such fantastic antagonists. ...so to say that the story's themes and motifs are annihilated from orbit by making it about the author's evangelion fanfic space aliens is a massive understatement
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