#neo shrimp
can you tell us about your aquarium
This is the best ask I have ever received. I hope you know the gates of Heaven have opened for you and only you, Anon.
Short answer: this is it.
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Long answer under the cut. Very long, 'cause it's my birthday weekend and my gift to myself is I'm gonna gush about my stupid tank.
This is the smallest tank I've had in years - a 3.6 gallon Fluval. It absolutely counts as a nano tank, which has been both a challenge and a relief.
(My last tank - which I had to get rid of years ago, the last time I moved - was a 40-gallon that mainly featured very dumb dojo loaches and destructively horny oranda goldfish. I miss them every single day but when I surrendered them to my local fish store, the 90-year-old proprietor told me very approvingly that it's very rare for orandas to breed and dojo loaches usually don't get as big as mine did, so that helped soothe the sting a little.)
This one's technically a betta tank, but I'm still split on if I'm ever gonna put a betta in it. The literature on how much room is humane is split and it's really the luck of the draw if your fish will tolerate the inverts or harass them to death.
For now, it's just neocaridina shrimp (mostly red rilis, although a lovely orange lad and a blue juvenile snuck in there and I'm looking to get a few more color morphs), bladder snails, a ramshorn named Guts, and plants. I did not actually buy any of the snails, which is a quintessential aquarium-owner experience.
I've been working on this tank for a few months now. It's my first heavily-planted one, and it went through a few stages.
First off: I fell for a carpet seed scam.
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Yeah. I know. I should've done more research. On the plus side, I got very, very lucky and wound up with something that can actually grow immersed (some kind of hygrophila, I'm 99% sure). For now, at least, it's eating all my ammonia, so yay, and I'm watching it and my water parameters like a hawk to make sure I can go full teardown at the first sign of melting.
(If I were smart and hard-working, I'd've taken everything out and redone it all soon as I figured out what a colossal fuck-up I'd committed, but I am me, so we're waiting, watching, and taking baby steps towards un-FUBARing the tank.)
But the java moss and tiger lotus, at least, are real plants, and they're doing great.
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Had a few issues with the neos, but they've stabilized.
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And I just recently rescaped the entire tank! Including adding in some more plant variety and tearing out ~60% of the hygrophila (yes, I disposed of it safely, I'm not going to be the reason that shit winds up in the Colorado River).
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The goal is eventually to remove all of it, but for now, what's left can stay; the animals like it and I don't want to stress them out anymore.
They seem to be doing great since the rescape; much more active now that the tank has some different environments for them to explore. They love their cobblestone path.
I've got a good male/female ratio on the neos, lots of wee baby bugs swimming around, and my girls keep getting knocked up!
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(Ignore the tweezers. Long story. And the discoloration on the hygrophila; after rigorous water testing and pinching and poking the leaves a whole bunch, seems like its ugly ass just Looks Like That. So glad my dad bought those stupid seeds.)
And that's my aquarium. I've got a little bit of duckweed in there that's not growing as fast as I'd like, and my tiger lotus does not seem inclined to make lilypads any time soon, so I'm planning on getting some water spangles for aesthetics and also shrimp thrills.
I might post some more photos once the spangles are here and I've picked up a few more shrimp colors from my LFS - I don't want everyone to be brown in a few generations, but. Some more diversity would be cool, I think.
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miraviglioso · 9 days
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Giving the people what they want and by that I mean sharing a photo of one of the shrimps cleaning its little butt
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chipped-chimera · 3 months
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Finally got a fancy(tm) pic of my aquarium - think I figured out the solution to awful photos is just I have to do them at night because the hugeass window in my room directly adjacent ruins everything. Going to try and take a pic like this weekly to track growth!
Anyway it's looking close? Closeish? to being cycled so the question is: WHAT COLOUR SHRIMP
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natalie-inkx · 1 year
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Decided to create my own addition to the Shrimps Is Bugs meme circling at the moment. I decided to go with a mantis shrimp! This design is also up on my Redbubble store! 🛍️🖤 https://www.redbubble.com/people/natalieinkxshop/shop
This was fun and a bit silly 😜 🦐🍤 Hope everyone has a good bank holiday weekend! Reel to come soon! 👀
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red-eft · 5 months
just got authorized to put a shrimp tank in the science building lab. im so excited
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somekindafairy · 25 days
i really am just like that 4chan shrimp guy irl btw. like literally i have shrimp and i love them.
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goleb · 1 year
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C. barnesi 
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endawn · 1 month
got distracted by my scrimpies
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shinkaishoujo103 · 3 months
eats you
damn....gets eaten i guess......
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
my planaria treatment order is LATE
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dryshr1mp · 1 year
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I haven’t posted in a bajillion years but i finally drew the neo 3 from this post :^)
Still don’t have a name for him but he is 100% one of those teammates that tries to use a support weapon like a slayer
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natalie-inkx · 1 year
Process TikTok
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marimojo · 1 year
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Thought I had vaguely figured out the basics of my shrimps genetics: a red rili + blue velvet resulted in wild color shrimp with some form of recessive genes, so the offspring from that group would probably be a mix of wild colors and slightly blue/red guys.
Was in the process of moving this second generation from the 10g to the shrimp tank and things seemed to go along with my predictions. Then lo and behold, I had this surprise! Not sure what this coloration is called but I really love it.
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claw00 · 1 year
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I love my shrimp so much
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elementalgod-aj · 2 years
Animal practice 32
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Arthropoda 3
Crustacean 1
Reinhold (Giant Isopod)
Spokes (Pill Bug)
Jouster (mantis shrimp)
Bonez (Skeleton shrimp)
Nix (Fairy shrimp/brine shrimp)
Valerie (Remipede)
Bijou (Copepod)
Giovanna (Barnacle)
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