#neglectful and abusive parents can in fact also love their children! they are not devoid of emotion! they just don’t know how to parent
heroesriseandfall · 1 year
Fanon mischaracterization of the Drakes is how I end up making a post defending Tim’s parents from baseless fanon bashing only to immediately after make a post complaining about their canon parenting.
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gaytoshi · 5 years
Yeah, I can accept and buy that Enji deeply regrets what he did to his family and wants to atone for it rather than to have them pretend it never happened. It's also pretty mature from him to accept that asking forgiveness won't be enough.
What I will never ever, eveeeeer accept or even believe is that there was ever love between Rei and Enji. The idea that ~perhaps~ he wasn't always, at the very least, neglectful of his family, including Rei, feels fake af. Natsuo talks about how Enji acted like they didn't exist and obviously he's talking about his mother too, who doesn't deny it, who never tells us "it wasn't always like this" or anything that suggests their relationship was ever at a good point
Sure, she brings up the flowers and the fact that it's probably relevant because she told him she liked that flower back when they first met, but that's it. That's all she has to say. The only positive thing so far is the fact that he remembered and the fact that they had what seemed to be a decent conversation at least once, not even a "he used to give me this flower when we first dated". Which makes sense considering that his marriage to Rei was arranged, forced on top of that and that he married her solely for her quirk, with that idea in mind. We don't get a "they were highschool sweethearts and then he became obsessed about AM and, blinded by his ambition, forgot he loved her". He was already blind by this obsession before he met Rei:
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In this particular translation it says he *ingratiated Rei's family*, but if I remember well, many other translations say he used his wealth and fame to *force them* to agree into the marriage. He also says "devoid if any love" instead of "of any logic".
It's also extremely hard to believe that Enji loved her because, abuse aside, he was able to abandon her in a hospital for a decade, without seeing her at all, but hey, that's normal, I mean, would it be easy to believe that the man who uses the kanji for "animal offspring" to refer to his child instead of calling him son and the man who called her "idiotic woman/fool/moronic woman" after she had her breakdown (obviously caused by him) would care about visiting the woman that, according to him, just got in his way and threatened his ambition?
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Now, I don't think Rei hates him anymore. But I don't want to believe it's because "she loves him/loved him". I mean, how can you love a man that bought you, used you, neglected you and abused you??? Like Enji was extremely absorbed by his obsession with AM and, while I don't think he abused Rei out of cruelty and malice I also highly doubt that he ever showed her any kindness, even at the beginning. He was most likely formal.
So yeah, I won't mind if Hoshi makes them try to amend their relationship even a little, as parents, but I will puke if he tries to make these two get back together or if he tries to feed us some *actually, there was love* after the narrative has been doing nothing but extremely suggesting that there was NO romantic love there, ever.
Plus I can't be the one who thinks it'd be even more unnecessarily tragic if we find out she did love him (for whatever petty, forced reason) because imagine, loving someone that doesn't love you back because they're too busy abusing your children, using you as a breeding machine pretending you don't exist.
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the-golden-ghost · 5 years
Prime numbers for Davy!
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
Davy was not raised by his mother, who left when he was two years old in order to escape an abusive relationship. She had passage aboard a ship that would take both of them far North, but the ship was not leaving until the following spring, and unfortunately, by that point, she’d given birth to a daughter. Since she couldn’t send her infant daughter and toddler son alone on the boat she decided to leave Davy since he was older and stronger. She always intended to come back for him but never was able to. 
Obviously, he knows nothing of this. All he knows is that his mom left when he was a baby. As Davy’s father put it, it was because she didn’t want to put up with either of them. So Davy feels very little for her other than a quiet contempt.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
He has a younger sister named Tabitha and a half-brother named Nico, but he doesn’t know about either of them. Tabitha was raised by their mother, while Davy was raised by their father. Letitia, their mother, later remarried and had Nico.
Letitia’s had a good life since her escape, but she’s never been able to get over the loss of her son. Even worse, since Davy changed his last name, she has no idea that the notorious pirate is actually her child. She has no idea where he is or what became of him.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Definitely not, no. Elvar Vandern was a neglectful man, angry, hateful, bitter, and really did not want to be parent at all, let alone a single one. Basically if Davy got any attention at all it was in the form of threats, complaints, or having things thrown at him. 
He luckily found other, makeshift guardians, but they didn’t exactly shelter or overprotect him either. 
7. What was the economic status of their family?
Middling. They were well cared-for by the government of Twinsgate, who gave Elvar a pension due to his service in the military and subsequent injury. So they were never exactly low on money, the trouble was the Elvar didn’t spend it responsibly and so there were times when they may as well have been in poverty. But they had a decent house, food, clothing, all that stuff. 
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
He is intelligent, and knows this. However due to Elvar being a sub-par parent he was never actually enrolled in school. So he self-taught until he was fourteen, using Faith’s schoolbooks to study, and then applied to go to a private school in Swansglen, which he failed at.
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
No, no, and no. A recently orphaned and chronically abused fourteen year old thrown into a foreign city with no history of previous public schooling is not going to suddenly excel. He tried his hardest, but was just too nervous, too easily stressed, and didn’t have the discipline or rule-following ability to make it. 
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
So, after dropping out of school, he instead turned to sailing and found his niche. Bought his own boat with his private school funds, a tiny little vessel called the Sea Dragon, and used her to deliver cargo around the Five Nations. 
Soon after, he ended up in the war effort and became something of a smuggler as well as an honest cargo dealer. But he traveled everywhere on that little boat for as long as she lasted. He still goes all over by sea. 
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
I don’t know what this really means. He was always kinda raised on the idea that life is bitter, harsh, and cruel. So I’m not sure he had the fortitude as a kid to be disillusioned by anything. 
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
In a partner he wants to be loved, respected, and to feel absolutely safe around them, both physically and emotionally. If he’s going to live his life with someone he doesn’t want to live it on guard, constantly worried that the person he loves is going to turn on him in an instant. He would rather be alone than that. 
Sex is a very weird area for him. He understands that he’s usually supposed to take control and doesn’t particularly like being submissive, but he also doesn’t know what to do during the actual practice. Mostly it makes him extremely uneasy, and leaves him feeling vulnerable and anxious. So, needless to say, his actual sex experiences are... few. 
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
His weird knee-jerk attack response to any perceived threat, and his tendency to isolate and shut out anyone and everyone and flee to the safety of the ocean, even if that means running away from his troubles and his friends. 
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
This is a strange one cause I... have a theoretical ending for SotL where Davy does, in fact, have a daughter. However, this is only one of a few theoretical endings I have for the story. So Lydia may not make it into canon at all, and may be one of many characters that show up briefly during process and is scrapped in final. 
Therefore, I’ll answer, but keep in mind that Lydia’s existence is not set in stone.
Given how Davy was raised and what happened with Reynard, he is absolutely terrified when Lydia is born. He’s afraid he’ll somehow become his father and damage her beyond repair, or that some terrible fate will befall his child before she’s even old enough to walk. 
That said, he loves her. And even though he knows he cannot change himself or what fate may have in store for her, he IS her father and he can do everything in his power to do right by her. He doesn’t think he was ever meant to be a father, and doesn’t consider himself a very good one, but by all the gods, he adores Lydia!
And Lydia loves him too. She’s raised at sea, away from the politics and problems of land, and doesn’t even realize that her father is so hated, considered a wicked criminal by most of the world. She only knows him as her dad, the noble captain, and fearless defender of his crew, and of her. 
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
I don’t even know honestly. I think his imagination is probably pretty batty! He doesn’t dwell on memories, I know that, and he doesn’t daydream. But that doesn’t mean his mind isn’t a weird place to live. 
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
He lives on self-irony. Basically he is aware of who he is, even if his view is a bit grim and devoid of any perceived ability to self-improve. 
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
His whole life and existence is a secret. No one knows where this guy came from. 
I’m kidding. People have dozens of rumors, some of them true. But Davy rarely reveals truths about his past, so the truth gets mixed in with the fiction and causes a lot of bizarre and conflicting origin stories. The only person who knows just about everything about him is Faith.
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
He doesn’t project an image. He just is. Perhaps he wants to appear more poised, intimidating and confident than he actually is, but he certainly prefers to remain invisible, hidden in the shadows until the right moment. 
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dandystones · 4 years
Yes means no.
***There are two parts to this long ass post because I didn't realise I had so much to say oops***
Setting boundaries, I recently learnt I've been terrible at that for most of my life.
I hate when people tell me what to do, to the point I'd do the exact opposite, but I always wanted validation. I sought it from everyone and their mothers because I never got it from myself.
The internet seems to talk a big game about how the universe will keep on sending you lessons in all it's glorious forms if we don't pick up on it; like how we always encounter the same toxic people and relationships, one after another.
It's funny when I recall them now.
***PART 1***
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I like to think I've been very blessed when it came to friendship. All through my life, I've always felt that I made friends easily and had plenty of platonic support. However at different stages of my life, I've also noticed that despite all the good friends I surrounded myself with, I've always had that one person in my life who was just a little too self absorbed, borderline narcisstic and treaded way too close for comfort.
For reference, I'm going to list some people but not their whole names: my mum >> X >> O >> H >> C
The most coincidental thing I've come to realise is 1) that each person had a specific time in my life where they rose to prominence, or in other words, where they suffocated me the most 2) the end of each 'stage of prominence' was the start of the next. For example, when I thought I'd finally stepped out of my mum's narcissistic shadow, X stepped and morphed into that narcisstic figure until I'd decided it was time to cut ties. Around the same time, I met O and she slowly morphed into that person.
Continously, I realise I've always had that one presence in my life and each person would stay for many years until a breaking point, after which I would draw the line and keep my distance. As a rough estimate, I took about 25 years to understand that this exhausting cycle of going through toxic loved one after another is simply a lesson of setting boundaries.
I came to this realization in the past 6-12 months because I was having a particular hard time adjusting at work and it was really tough to master the art of stakeholder management. I won't say I'm an expert now, but I've gotten much better at putting my foot down and helping people to understand how their basic (read: brainless) actions are making my job unnecessarily difficult and defying my work ethics. I started to understand the importance of setting my own boundaries because we can never assume anyone would know them if we don't speak it.
Around the same time, I noticed the last person in this cycle, C had started to transition out of her role as the narcisstic shadow in my life entirely on her own. I've never had that happen to me without having to ruthlessly cut ties before. It's like something just clicked. On hindsight, the lesson just made sense and perhaps because I understand what it is now, there was no longer a need for the lesson to remain.
I always thought I was good at saying no to people, because I didn't care what they think which is true for the most part, I don't care what strangers think. What I came to realise about myself was that I needed help saying no to non strangers, people I care about, the people I need in my life.
***PART 2***
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The word 'no' carried too much grief and associated history with abuse and neglect. My parents never made it easy for me growing up; affection was a competition between myself and both my younger sisters. My father could never find balance at work, so he overcompensated by trying to take control of everything at home. Nothing I said nor did could ever please him, he was always angry about the tiniest thing.
Everything was someone else's fault; between denying me any help with school work because I didn't go to a school of his choice and completely beating my self esteem down because I dare ask him for any help to a seemingly insignificant act like him accidentally stepping on my toes at the supermarket, he would twist and mold all my words until they made him looked like a hero in his own fantasy, that I was beneath him, and that everything bad that happened in his life was my fault and no one else's.
You couldn't fight him with reason even if you tried to, because he wasn't fighting for anything, he just wanted to win and he would say anything to wear you down. Every night would end in the same way, a disgustingly heated verbal mess between him, myself and my mom; abuse of any kind is simply the cheap power you get when you destroy people for the sake of your ego.
My mum was completely helpless in that regard, she stayed the hell out of his way whenever he had an outburst, even if it meant leaving me to fend for myself. I refused to back down from the injustice and his words dug its claws deeper in my gut, every quarrel we had made me sick with anger because no matter how hard I tried to defend myself, every takeaway was how each of his mistakes were the result of my failures even if it had nothing to do with it.
This went on for years. I knew I couldn't run away because I was underage, financially unstable and still needed a roof above my head. I felt absolutely helpless and remember crying myself to sleep all the time, praying to God to take me away - away from here, away from being the family's punching bag, away to another universe where parents actually protected their children, built them up and supported them.
Growing up in an environment where your survival thrived from avoiding all the stressors that could result in rage meant that I became extremely cautious in expressing my needs and opinions out of a fear of of displeasing my parents. Every subsequent outburst was a slap in the face, a painful reminder of how abandoned and unsupported I was in this family.
This led to a series of bad behaviors where I was desperate to please and longed for a life devoid of rejection. For the parts of myself who had endured so much neglect, I just couldn't bare the same devastation over again. Putting myself second and others first was easy as long as they were happy. I had this belief that if I accidently let myself be honest, people wouldn't accept me and I couldn't risk letting my guard down again.
Over time, I started saying yes to everything I wanted to say no to. Yes means no, no came with a '... but I'll do this for you instead' to overcompensate my fear. Slowly but surely, I became exhausted from pleasing people all the time. I said yes to social events I didn't care to be at, I patiently listened to every word of every person who needed me even if they didn't care to be there for me, I helped every toxic person who saw an opportunity to exploit my time and kindness. Without realizing, I was unnecessarily deriving a form of validation from being a yes-girl, I didn't know how to say no. Beyond that I'd lost my sense of self because I didn't know if anyone would care about me if I stopped doing all these things.
This obviously manifested in many unhealthy coping mechanisms and constantly wanting to be alone because I felt that everyone around me wanted something from me I couldn't give. It became a toxic cycle of self harm, feeling absolutely hopeless and finding sick joy in dreaming about the many different ways to end my life. At age 17, I've never felt more alone.
Ive had to see a counsellor for prolonged periods of my life and thisemotional abuse was one of the key moments that contributed to it.
Recovery was one hella of a slippery slope and had relapsed so many times I've lost count. I was convinced my abuse had rewired my body's ability to understand what love was, all I felt was the fire of resentment, burning my insides with the anxiety of having to live out the rest of my life in a bubble of 'my mistakes'.
Through my counsellor, we had to un-learnt the act of being too harsh of myself, as a result of the years I spent projecting my dad's expectations on myself. Rewiring your brain to calm itself down when you're triggered is difficult but not impossible. There were many scenarios where I became aware of the fact that the voice in my head mimicked my dad's in giving all but bone crushing criticism, guilt tripping my every move and spiralling myself into depression again.
Re-learning the notion of 'giving myself to others' whilst being 'unapologetically myself' was interesting and refreshing. Mostly, my subconscious got better at unlearning the act of constantly censoring myself for the sake of others; how to live freely & become a more honest version of myself regardless of the people around me. Not in any manner that might be of harm to others though, just in a way that allows me to stop relying on other people’s validation to keep my spirits lifted.
Every relapse back then sunk me into my depression, harder. Looking back now, I'm glad I didn't give up even though the chance was present and tempting every step of the way. Everyday still feels like a challenge, but I get it now when people say it gets easier
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allurehq-blog · 7 years
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blood status: pureblood clubs: duelling club pronouns: he/they sexuality: gay
To be ignored or to be groomed into a perfect little pet, to be shrieked at or to be spoiled. There’s a very fine line between negligence and puppeteering, if you really think about it. After all, it is entirely neglectful to force your child to walk along a line that you deem proper, just as neglectful to turn your nose up at them and ignore them when it isn’t necessary to your own goals.
Willful neglect, a sense of blankness and maybe disdain, was what he got from his father. The shadow behind Walburga, Orion Black never scared Sirius the way his mother did. He was the paper shuffling in the morning and the paper shuffling at night, he was racking coughs, he was judgmental eyes and scoffs but he was never violence, never more than a raised voice. Walburga was the fiend in the night, the one that Sirius still has nightmares about now. Sirius was too loud or too rambunctious, too bright or too annoying, tooeverything. His existence was a bane on hers, and so he made himself louder, made himself more rambunctious, made himself brighter, made himself even more annoying.
After all, it kept her eyes off of Regulus.
He tried to run away, once, after his mother had nearly pulled all the hair from his head trying to catch him running down the halls. He was ten, and he would be starting Hogwarts the next year, and he nearly ran that night. He did not. He could not. He was far too afraid of what would happen to him in the real world.
That had nothing on the day he was sorted. People who knew his family’s name gasped, narrowed their eyes, whispered behind their hands. A Black, in Gryffindor? Oh, his family will be ashamed.
Fun fact, they were not ashamed. They were absolutely and without a doubt livid. It didn’t help that he made sure to rub it in their faces every time he returned home, hanging up banners and erecting a shrine to Godric Gryffindor in his room. His jaw was set hard and herefused to give in or take them down, because if there was ever something that Sirius Black was proud of, it was the fact that maybe, deep down, there was something worthwhile in him and the Sorting Hat had seen that. So he fought tooth and nail, threw it back in their faces, and watched them tear themselves apart over it. His apathy towards his family stemmed from a bone deep ache, pain he couldn’t deny, but would never admit.
Still, his parents put some influence on him, a sneer and cold eyes to those who he disliked, and a cruel streak towards those he hated. Severus Snape was the prime example, and an example that occasionally makes Sirius sick to his stomach when he thinks of the damage he nearly did because of his own damn pride and stupid prejudices. He is too much like his parents sometimes, and he cannot deny it. He cannot always fight it, either. It’s under his skin like an old world curse, but Sirius would do anything to make it all end.
Leaving his family’s home was an easy enough decision, all things considered, if you look back on the abuse and pain he’d endured. Of course he didn’t sit awake at night with his head between his knees, sobbing and trying not to puke. Of course he didn’t stare himself down in the mirror and snarl out through bared teeth that he was nothing more than a coward. Of course he didn’t feel his heart tearing completely in two when his parents said nothing as he walked out the door. Of course it didn’t kill him inside to take up residence in the Potter home, the place that had been sanctuary. Of course it didn’t knock him to his knees to be welcomed so easily, to be loved so openly. Sirius had never made an easier decision in his life, of course.
Of course.
A patchwork boy who glued himself back together, a masterpiece with tears all the way through. The brightest star in the room, the dawning of a new day. Sirius Black, though broken, will never give up.
the marauders; the family by choice. meeting the marauders was fate. he could’ve chosen any carriage on the train that morning as he boarded his first express to school, but choosing to sit in the one all the way in the back was a gut instinct - and it’d been the right one, one that he’s been thankful for ever since. it’d only taken a few minutes for the initial shyness of a first meeting to wear away - at least with the one who eagerly greeted sirius and called himself james. and from that initial hello, sirius felt like he’d known him all his life with the way they got along. through that first evening in the school, as sirius stuck by these three boys, watching as one by one they were sorted in gryffindor, he was left with a bittersweet feeling inside of him. all his life he was told he was going to do wonderful things in slytherin, like his family before him, and he was ready. there couldn’t be anything better than that, making his family proud - but there was also something that made him want to stay with james and remus and peter. during that first evening in the gryffindor dorms, as he came to terrible realization that this meant he’d have to write home and tell his parents what he’d done, how he must’ve done something wrong to end up in gryffindor - it was a comfort to know that these three boys were by his side as well, trying to speak kindly to him and cheer him up. they might not have understood the immense weight that sat upon his shoulders, nor did they know of the pressure that his parents put on him to follow in the plans that had been laid out for him since he was a child - but they were kind and understanding when sirius hadn’t expected them to be. they stood by him through everything that unfolded over the next years, more than he could’ve ever expected. when living with his family was out of the question, it was james who offered to open his doors to sirius, without a single moment of hesitation. sirius knew he’d never be able to repay the potters for their kindness and their generosity, so he knew he’d have to show his devotion to the marauders in his own ways. in his undying loyalty to james. in his solemn swearing to make sure nothing happened to remus, full moon or not. in his caring words and compassion to peter. these were his brothers now - this was his family, and he’d do anything to protect it.
regulus black, narcissa black; the family by blood. there’s an age old saying of blood being thicker than water. in the realm of the pureblood idealism, this term was often used as a source of advocacy for blood purity. and so, with the black family, it’s no surprise that it was a widely used term within their family. family came before anything - but there was something that the children had yet to understand. of how when they said family, they meant the black name, and not the people beside them. when sirius’ parents had told him they were having another son, sirius was barely two. and still, he’d known enough about what that meant. there was something so overwhelming about the thought of having a friend for life, and in that very moment he swore that he would teach his brother everything. as the two boys grew up, sirius stuck to that promise, taking care of regulus, teaching him everything - from how to tie his shoes to how to fly on a broom. they were inseparable as children, as they only had one another in a house that had quickly become devoid of love and affection. they relied on each other and they clung to each other, quiet whispers of reassurance late in the night as they snuck into each other’s room. when sirius left for hogwarts, regulus had pleaded with him to write all the time, telling him of the adventures in slytherin. however, when sirius wrote for the first time and told him the news of gryffindor, the response had a different tone than what he was expecting. over time, months passing, the replies became shorter - the love and adoration in regulus’ voice became colder. his whole family has turned his back on him following his decision to move in with james, which only tends to make it more difficult when he sees both narcissa and regulus at school. it’s not as if he’s seeing family, but strangers. he can feel the separation between them - he can feel the animosity that’s grown in the family. he loves his brother, but the question that still remains unanswered is whether or not his brother still loves him. 
fabian prewett; the friend with benefits. they were partners in herbology in fifth year. that’s how it started, at least. sirius knew from the start he had lucked out because he constantly fell asleep in that class - something about the greenroom always being warm and talking about plants made him doze off immediately. but he needed to learn enough for the OWLs that year if he had any hopes of being able to pass them, and fabian was friendly and knowledgeable in the subject. even better, they were willing to study with him without asking for anything in return - simply doing it out of the kindness of their heart. sirius was never one to particularly hit the books, goofing off with james whenever lily or remus tried to get him to do so. but there was something about fabian volunteering their afternoons to study with him in the library that made sirius actually want to put in the effort to do better, as if he wanted to show fabian that he wasn’t a waste of time - that he wasn’t this big screw up that was bound to let down everyone who put their faith in him. when he received an ‘exceeds expectations’ on his OWL, he had let out a yell of joy, before running to the hufflepuff dorms in search of fabian before anyone else. sirius found them there, a wide and excited smile on his face as he showed them the results. i’m so proud of you, fabian had said, and the words left sirius blindsided for a moment, unsure if he’d ever heard the phrase before. his heart ached something fierce, because how could someone so pure and so good actually be real, and without thinking, sirius kissed them. it had been an accident, something he was prepared to quickly apologize for, but fabian didn’t stop him, so sirius didn’t stop either, everything becoming a blur. it’s continued on through the past year, and they don’t talk about what it is or what it isn’t - because they don’t know. it’s uncomplicated and it’s casual and it’s enjoyable, and that’s all it is.
hestia jones; the enigma. sirius has been familiar with the pureblood lifestyle since he can remember. it’s been bred into him, with the black family motto of ‘toujours pur’ following him whereever he went. and just in the way that he seemed to do so with everything that his family placed in front of him, he rejected the ideas as quickly as he could. it wasn’t easy, and it certainly wasn’t something that happened overnight, as he’d been raised thinking that muggleborns were beneath him - that anyone less than a pureblood was lower than he was. but as soon as he entered hogwarts, he was surrounded by muggleborns and half bloods, and saw that there was truly nothing that separated who they were from who he was. he’d made his stance on pureblood ideology and the death eaters very clear from the start - which it’s why it’s more confusing to him that hestia jones won’t let up on him. she follows him, antagonizes him, and repeatedly tries to interrogate him in the corridors, as if she’s looking for him to make a mistake and slip up somehow. he can’t pinpoint what her angle is exactly, but he’s seen and heard enough about her that he knows she’s fallen in deep with the slytherin crowd that he’s hear so much about. it’s a odd story, of course, considering that she is a muggleborn, and this group of people make a habit of antagonizing the muggleborns in the school, but motives aside, sirius knows that she is in farther over her head than she realizes. playing with the world of dark magic and the people known as death eaters is not something be taken lightly, especially is you do have muggle blood running in your veins. though these people may accept her in this moment, there will come a time when they will turn on her. yet, despite his best intentions of explaining this to her, she ignores him every single time. 
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Drug Abuse by Parents Is a Key Factor Behind Kids' Untimely Death, Says Report
Drug abuse by parents is a major reason behind maltreatment of children, often leading to their death, a recent report by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services reveals. It says that a majority of children who had died of abuse and neglect in the state had a substance abusing parent to blame.
Such children who had suffered fatalities had either been smothered in their sleep, or were drowned when they were in the bathtub. Some of the children had succumbed to the trauma, while yet others died when they were left unattended in a hot car. It was also evident from the report that children who were driven around by inebriated parents had high risks of dying of negligence.
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Overall, the report indicated that the numbers of child abuse and negligence fatalities had dropped by 22.5 percent in 2017. However, nearly half of the deaths happened as a result of parental drug or alcohol use. The findings were similar to the previous year (2016) report. Half of the 222 children who died were under the supervision of a parent or caregiver who was on drugs or alcohol.
Some key findings of the report are:
In the last five years or so, children aged 3 years or younger formed a major chunk (80 percent) of the abuse and neglect fatalities.
52 percent of the fatalities were caused due to a substance abusing parent.
23 percent of the child abuse victims had a parent or a caregiver with mental health condition.
Incidents of domestic violence were responsible for 17 percent of child fatalities.
More than 57 percent of children who had died from abuse or neglect in fiscal 2017 were too young for school and were not enrolled in day care. In 2016, the numbers were 40 percent.
History of domestic violence was noticed in 40 percent of child fatalities.
The 2017 report also stated that marijuana was the most commonly used substance connected to child abuse and deaths caused by negligence, followed by alcohol, cocaine and methamphetamine; and sometimes a combination of substances.
Drug use and impact on children
Unfortunately, many parents do not realize how their substance abuse impacts parenting. As they stone themselves with marijuana, they feel that they are just doing weed and their child is unlikely to be harmed. However, a stoned parent is unlikely to mete out the same levels of love and care that someone who is not addicted to any substance can provide.
Dimple Patel, associate director of public policy at TexProtects – an organization focused on child welfare policy – said every case is a “different and unique situation” and that sometimes parents can be functioning drug users who don’t impact the safety and well-being of their kids. One of the reasons why parents are unable to access the right kind of treatment is due to fact that they cannot take time off from work or lack the support system that would ensure that their kids are being taken care of while they are treated.
Choosing a life devoid of drugs
One can easily choose a life devoid of drugs. However, before embarking on this journey, it is necessary to remove the traces of toxins from one’s system. Detoxification is the first step to attain recovery. Therefore, it is important that the detox facility chosen is equipped with all the conveniences that make the path to sobriety easier and effective, thus paving the way for a successful recovery. Enrolling in a program at any of the accredited rapid detox centers can make the journey less cumbersome.
If you or someone you know is looking for detox centers in Texas, the Detox Facilities Texas can help. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know about the evidence-based rapid detox centers in Texas.
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