Drug Abuse by Parents Is a Key Factor Behind Kids' Untimely Death, Says Report
Drug abuse by parents is a major reason behind maltreatment of children, often leading to their death, a recent report by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services reveals. It says that a majority of children who had died of abuse and neglect in the state had a substance abusing parent to blame.
Such children who had suffered fatalities had either been smothered in their sleep, or were drowned when they were in the bathtub. Some of the children had succumbed to the trauma, while yet others died when they were left unattended in a hot car. It was also evident from the report that children who were driven around by inebriated parents had high risks of dying of negligence.
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Overall, the report indicated that the numbers of child abuse and negligence fatalities had dropped by 22.5 percent in 2017. However, nearly half of the deaths happened as a result of parental drug or alcohol use. The findings were similar to the previous year (2016) report. Half of the 222 children who died were under the supervision of a parent or caregiver who was on drugs or alcohol.
Some key findings of the report are:
In the last five years or so, children aged 3 years or younger formed a major chunk (80 percent) of the abuse and neglect fatalities.
52 percent of the fatalities were caused due to a substance abusing parent.
23 percent of the child abuse victims had a parent or a caregiver with mental health condition.
Incidents of domestic violence were responsible for 17 percent of child fatalities.
More than 57 percent of children who had died from abuse or neglect in fiscal 2017 were too young for school and were not enrolled in day care. In 2016, the numbers were 40 percent.
History of domestic violence was noticed in 40 percent of child fatalities.
The 2017 report also stated that marijuana was the most commonly used substance connected to child abuse and deaths caused by negligence, followed by alcohol, cocaine and methamphetamine; and sometimes a combination of substances.
Drug use and impact on children
Unfortunately, many parents do not realize how their substance abuse impacts parenting. As they stone themselves with marijuana, they feel that they are just doing weed and their child is unlikely to be harmed. However, a stoned parent is unlikely to mete out the same levels of love and care that someone who is not addicted to any substance can provide.
Dimple Patel, associate director of public policy at TexProtects – an organization focused on child welfare policy – said every case is a “different and unique situation” and that sometimes parents can be functioning drug users who don’t impact the safety and well-being of their kids. One of the reasons why parents are unable to access the right kind of treatment is due to fact that they cannot take time off from work or lack the support system that would ensure that their kids are being taken care of while they are treated.
Choosing a life devoid of drugs
One can easily choose a life devoid of drugs. However, before embarking on this journey, it is necessary to remove the traces of toxins from one’s system. Detoxification is the first step to attain recovery. Therefore, it is important that the detox facility chosen is equipped with all the conveniences that make the path to sobriety easier and effective, thus paving the way for a successful recovery. Enrolling in a program at any of the accredited rapid detox centers can make the journey less cumbersome.
If you or someone you know is looking for detox centers in Texas, the Detox Facilities Texas can help. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know about the evidence-based rapid detox centers in Texas.
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Busting Myths Around Detox
Detoxification is a process of getting rid of alcohol, drugs and their metabolites, and nurturing the body with essential minerals and nutrients. Due to lack of knowledge, many people harbor negative views about the process and hesitate taking the first and most important step of addiction treatment. It’s only after cleansing the body of all the toxins and making it stable, a patient can be administered further treatment targeting emotional and behavioral change.
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Detox is crucial to monitor withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. But many people assume that it’s unsafe and some fear change in their lives. Here are some facts debunking myths surrounding detox, which can help a person to take the right decision of entering a rehab:
Myth – Detox is always difficult and very painful.
Fact – This is one of the most common myths. Detox might be painful as the body tries to get used to the absence of the substance that was once taken regularly. However, under medical supervision, it can be made tolerable where one is helped in transitioning to other steps of recovery.
Myth – Detox is only for heroin addiction.
Fact – Many people think that detox is only for people addicted to heroin or other strong drugs, but it is a myth. It is needed for those addicted to alcohol or prescriptions drugs as well.
Myth – Detox happens only once.
Fact – Many people believe that detox can happen only once and if a person fails, there is only a downward spiral. The fact is that many people who have been in recovery for years swear by the number of times they attempted a detox before finally quitting the substance for good.
Myth – Detox lasts for 24-48 hours only.
Fact – The length of a detox program varies from person to person, depending upon the drug of abuse, duration and dosage. It can last from a few days to a couple of weeks.
Myth – Once detox is over, a person is fit.
Fact – This is again a misconception. Detox is the first step towards attaining sobriety; it should never be considered as a stand-alone procedure. Quitting treatment after detox can result in an imminent relapse.
Getting maximum out of detox
Here are some tips to help a person gain maximum from a detox or a rehab:
It is important to keep reminding oneself why one entered a detox facility or a rehab. Affirmations help in reinstating one’s belief in the treatment and keep hopes alive.
One must ask questions whenever in doubt as it will give clarity.
It is important to stay focused on the present rather than ruminating over the past or getting anxious about the future.
One must follow the rules and be patient. There should be no hurry to finish the program. Discipline and perseverance are essential in recovery.
It is important to keep one’s mind open to all the possibilities, consequences and disappointments. It helps in learning and unlearning many things about oneself and the process, and this knowledge can be enlightening.
One should not expect a quick fix solution to the problems. Clinically-administered detox gradually removes the drug effects. If it’s done suddenly, it’s bound to have repercussions.
One should prepare for the best and the worst days in advance. Some days might be challenging, while some might be easy. Be grateful for each day of life.
It’s important to be friendly as one might have to attend several group therapy sessions. Befriending other people offers an opportunity to share and learn from them.
Detox and recovery
Drug or alcohol addiction is a treatable disease only when a person seeks help. Though recovery can be faster during the initial days of addiction, it is not impossible to wean off the drug effects when a person has been addicted for long.
If you know someone who needs help in treating his/her addiction, you can contact Detox Facilities Texas for information on renowned rapid detox centers in Texas and other parts of the U.S. Call our 24/7 helpline (866) 671-4308 for further assistance.
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Benzodiazepines Not as Innocent as Commonly Believed
People frequently taking recourse to anticholinergic drugs, like painkiller codeine, antianxiety medication valium and beta blockers for increased blood pressure (BP), are 59 percent more likely to suffer from a stroke and 86 percent more likely to succumb to it, a recent study by the University of Aberdeen has found. The anticholinergic drugs cause these problems by affecting the cholinergic system responsible for regulating vital organs like heart and guts. In addition, anticholinergic drugs are ill reputed for inflicting memory loss.
The risks were higher among pensioners and senior citizens, as more than 37 percent of people aged 65 and above took these medications on a routine basis. According to the study, the risk of stroke was less pronounced among people who took these medicines intermittently compared to those who consumed them daily. These drugs have emerged as the leading factor behind blood clotting, which causes stroke.
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Surprisingly, these medications were once considered as a godsend for people above 65. As the body slows down, they are more likely to suffer from physiological impairments, such as difficulties in sleeping at night and chronic hypertension. To overcome these problems, medical practitioners prescribe medications like valium and beta-blockers. These medications cause side effects similar to the symptoms of heart failure, such as shortness of breath, tiredness, etc.
The study is a cause of worry as many Americans die from stroke every year. The consumption of such medications is believed to make the heartbeat faster or erratic, which increases the risk of blood clotting. A blood clot reaching the brain can cause a stroke, and result in paralysis, functional impairment, memory loss and even death. According to Dr. David Gamble, lead author of the study, the finding will play a pivotal role in lowering the number of strokes by making doctors and other concerned medical practitioners to think carefully before prescribing such medications.
Risks of popping benzodiazepines
While the latest research highlighted how antianxiety medication increased the risk of stroke, there are other consequences of taking benzodiazepine medications. These are generally prescribed for conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), insomnia, panic disorders and seizures. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers benzos as Schedule IV drugs, suggesting the medications run the risk of causing dependence and addiction despite being used for medical purposes.
As per a recent report, America might be bracing for its next epidemic due to the rapid increase in the number of overdose deaths due to benzos. According to another report published in the American Journal of Public Health, the benzodiazepine prescriptions and overdose deaths among the American adults have increased phenomenally in recent times. Statistically, the prescription of these pills increased by a whopping 67 percent in the period 1996 to 2013. Such a considerable change in the prescription and consumption pattern of benzodiazepines can be reversed by undertaking effective interventions.
The problem could be attributed to the fact that most people overestimate the benefits and underestimate the risks. Moreover, physicians are guilty of not informing their patients about the risks of addiction beforehand. Some of the other short-term risks of the benzos are diarrhea, constipation, impaired locomotor skills, depression, confusion, fatigue, etc. People indulging in chronic and persistent abuse of benzodiazepines could witness long-term problems like respiratory depression, addiction, slurred speech, coma, etc.
Find help to overcome substance abuse
Before popping a valium or a Xanax, one needs to think twice about the repercussions. These pills should be taken according to the advice of the consulting doctor or physician. Furthermore, crushing these pills or taking them in combination with other drugs like opioids or alcohol increases the risk of overdosing and premature loss of life. The first step to treat the problem of benzodiazepine abuse is detoxification, which expunges the stored toxins from the patient’s body. A successful detox makes the other steps of substance abuse treatment easier to cross for patients.
If you or your loved one is suffering from the addiction to benzos or any other prescription or illegal drugs, you must seek immediate professional help. The Detox Facilities Texas is a 24/7 helpline that can assist you in connecting with one the best treatment centers in Texas. Call at our helpline number 866-671-4308 to know about the rapid detox centers in Texas.
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An effective way to remove toxins from the body, ease withdrawal symptoms, and prevent chances of relapse, detoxification is the first step in the substance abuse treatment process. A successful detox is followed by an intensive treatment program involving therapy and counseling. A medical intervention procedure, detoxification at a certified detox center in Texas helps remove the toxins from the body and assist one in the recovery process. At the Detox Facilities Texas, our representatives can help you connect with the best rapid detox centers in Texas.
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Tips to Undergo Safe Detox from Codeine at Home
Codeine is an opiate which is prescribed for the management of mild to moderate pain and treat cough. It is a highly addictive drug and is easily available as tablets and cough syrups. It has the potential of inducing euphoria, relaxation, drowsiness and apathy. Many people do not stop at codeine addiction and they try to increase its potency by mixing it with other substances.
For some people, codeine is a getaway drug for abusing oxycodone and morphine. Like any other drug addiction, codeine also affects the user’s psychological, physical and emotional well-being. It is important to get the right treatment at the earliest. The first step towards weaning off the effects of the drug is detoxification. It is an important action in cleansing the body and preparing it for further treatment.
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It is advisable to undergo detox under the supervision of medical personnel to manage the withdrawal symptoms and reduce the chances of relapse. However, for those who are afraid of checking into a rehab but willing to cure their addictive habits, the following steps can be useful in practicing detox at home:
Dealing with muscular pain using over-the-counter painkillers – One of the harrowing symptoms of an opiate withdrawal is acute muscular pain. When the body stops getting the pain-numbing substance, the user starts feeling pain in muscles, bones and joints. This can easily cause a relapse; hence, one must be prepared by stocking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like acetaminophen and aspirin.
Dealing with diarrhea and vomiting – Constipation is a common occurrence of drug abuse. However, during the withdrawal, one develops diarrhea and vomiting. To prevent such symptoms, one should also have some stock of OTC medicines.
Getting plenty of sleep – The withdrawal symptoms can be very intense. The person should take at least eight hours of sleep every day, which helps to rejuvenate the mind and the body.
Taking a short hiatus from work – It is extremely difficult to keep going to the school or office while one is undergoing detox. One should take a break and spend time at home as the withdrawal symptoms are very challenging to deal with. The less the stress, the greater the chances of recovery.
Sharing grief – One of the earliest symptoms of withdrawal is anxiety. This can be handled efficiently by talking to the loved ones and sharing about the troubles.
Tapering off the drug – If one is carrying out detox at home, he/she should be mindful of tapering off the drug, rather than going cold turkey as the latter can cause relapse, or in worse cases death.
Drinking lots of water – Some of the serious withdrawal symptoms of codeine are excessive sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. This can cause dehydration. Therefore, one must drink a lot of water and keep the body sufficiently hydrated to avoid fatigue and weakness.
Maintaining consistent temperature at home – Detox can make one sweat and feel hot at one time and cold and chilly at other times. Make sure to maintain consistent temperature at home so that less inconvenience is caused. Keep the necessary clothing handy.
Taking care of oneself – During the detox process, it is important to engage in some sort of physical activity and eat a well-balanced diet. It is also important to cleanse the mind of all negativity through yoga or meditation that also helps the person to feel grounded and balanced. One should engage in activities that bring happiness and peace.
Road to recovery
Sometimes, the withdrawal symptoms of codeine can get overwhelming and might increase the susceptibility to relapse. If that happens, instead of trying alone again, one should reach out for professional help immediately before it’s too late.
If you or your loved one is battling an addiction to a drug, contact the Detox Facilities Texas to locate state-of-the-art detox centers in Houston that offer holistic recovery programs customized according to the needs of the patient. Call our 24/7 helpline 866-671-4308 for more information on reputed rapid detox centers in Texas.
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Modafinil Analog Shows Promise in Cocaine Addiction Treatment
In the 2007 sci-fi film “The Invasion,” Nicole Kidman plays a psychiatrist who is desperately trying to save herself and her son from an alien virus that infects humans when they are asleep. In the opening scene, an exhausted and sleep-deprived Nicole pilfers a “Good Neighbor Pharmacy” for medications, such as modafinil, Adderall, Ritalin, etc., to help herself stay awake.
While the film is a work of fiction, the facts about the potential of these drugs to promote wakefulness are real. Unlike Adderall and Ritalin, modafinil isn’t an amphetamine but a psychostimulant that has been marketed by the American pharmaceutical company Cephalon as a “cognitive enhancer” due to its ability to boost certain aspects of the working memory, such as calculation performance and pattern recognition.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States has approved modafinil for conditions, such as narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder and other sleep disorders. This performance-enhancing agent has burgeoned as one of the favorite smart drugs among medical practitioners and patients due to its multifarious benefits, particularly as an anti-relapse medication.
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Although the way modafinil affects patients is not well understood, several clinical trials suggest that modafinil is a potential anti-relapse medication for treating impulsive gambling, cocaine use disorder and withdrawal symptoms. Being a weak stimulant and slow-acting drug, modafinil is classified as a Schedule IV drug due to its low potential for abuse and fewer side effects.
Atypical DAT inhibitor curbs cocaine dependence
In the U.S., cocaine addiction has been a serious public health concern for decades with no effective pharmacotherapies available for treatment. Although antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are still prescribed to treat cocaine dependence, there is a lack of evidence to support its efficacy.
As a powerful stimulant, cocaine blocks the dopamine transporter (DAT) that causes a stark rise in the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It affects the reward center of the brain that causes the user to feel euphoric, active, attentive, and hypersensitive to sight, sound and touch. Although many individuals experiment with cocaine, its powerful reinforcing effects can lead to abuse and addiction.
By affecting the three chemicals of the brain that include dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline, the long-term use of cocaine hijacks the chemical pathways that trigger immediate gratification. As a result, one develops increased tolerance and dependence on cocaine, which pose serious hurdles in the path of sobriety.
As of now, there isn’t any medication approved by the FDA to treat cocaine use disorder. However, scientists from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have developed DAT inhibitors that bind to the DAT and block cocaine from attaching in those brain regions without mimicking cocaine’s reward-like properties. The NIDA scientists have obtained a unique modafinil analog called JJC8-016, which is an atypical DAT inhibitor.
Preclinical findings indicate that JJC8-016 has very little or no potential risk for abuse as cocaine poses and has the ability to impede cocaine-taking and cocaine-seeking behaviors as observed in rats administered with the novel compound. The modafinil analog also affects other receptors that may contribute to its unique role in reducing the cravings and effects of cocaine.
The future treatment of cocaine use disorders will undeniably incorporate an integrated approach, including both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. Modafinil and JJC8-016 are being considered as an opportunity to develop advanced medications for cocaine treatment. However, further research is necessary to fully realize the long-term effects of modafinil use on the human brain.
Take the rational step to cease abuse
When it comes to the treatment of cocaine addiction, relapse to drug-seeking behaviors is the most challenging issue confronting patients and experts. Because of this, there is a high demand for anti-relapse medications. Although the modafinil analog has been effective in treating cocaine dependence and constraining cravings to an extent, it only seems to work on individuals without an addiction to alcohol and tobacco.
If you or your loved one has developed an addiction to cocaine, it is imperative to seek help. The Detox Facilities Texas assists in accessing the finest detox centers in Texas that specialize in delivering evidence-based intervention plans. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know more about the rapid detox centers in Texas.
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Risks of Opioids And Marijuana For Athletes
Prescription drugs are meant to help manage pain, ease suffering and improve the quality of life. However, when these medications are consumed in a manner other than prescribed, it significantly raises the risk of developing the associated adverse effects, such as drug tolerance, dependence and addiction. Irresponsibly handled prescriptions and opioids, which were intended to address acute or chronic pain, are now responsible for the United States’ drug epidemic with over 33,000 overdose deaths involving prescription opioids in 2015 alone.
Reports about the serious medical consequences of prescription drugs have become a major concern, especially for those involved in sports activities. Injuries during sports activities are quite common, especially in contact sports, such as football and basketball. In the U.S., approximately 30 million children and teens engage themselves in a wide array of organized sports and over 3.5 million injuries like sprains and strains are reported each year.
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For aspiring and pro athletes, injuries lead to the loss of time in terms of participation that can affect their careers. On being caught using drugs in competitive sports, an athlete usually is warned, penalized or suspended. The risk gets magnified when athletes are exposed to prescription opioids to manage their pain from injuries.
Marijuana - an alternative to prescription drugs
Many sports officials and personalities too reckon the dangers that prescription drugs pose and suggest looking into alternative pain therapies that can help athletes getting back on their feet. In fact, many sports celebs, such as Nate Jackson (NFL) and Blake Griffin (NBA), have been found to advocate the use of marijuana to treat pain from the injuries, suggesting that medical marijuana is a better choice than providing a bottle of prescription opioids to the recovering athletes.
The use of medical marijuana to treat chronic pain has been widely debated for years. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved medical marijuana due to inconsistencies in the study results, as well as the overshadowing of the benefits of marijuana by its repercussions. Marijuana continues to be listed as a Schedule I drug under the U.S. Controlled Substance Act (CSA) with no medical application in the U.S.
Both drugs pose risks for addiction
Although the use of opioids increases the hazards of developing an addiction, the risks are comparatively lower when used as per the prescription. Being highly addictive in nature, opioids can cause confusion, sleepiness and other health consequences while rendering a person susceptible to using other such medications or heroin in the future. Due to injuries being more common in sports than other fields, athletes are more prone to unintentionally developing an addiction to opioids. The need to excel, maintain a consistent track record and recover from injuries faster may play a key role in increasing the risk of developing a long-term addiction among athletes. In addition, because opioids and heroin are chemically similar, athletes also run the risk of using heroin.
Although marijuana may help in managing certain forms of pain, such as chronic nerve pain due to an injury or a surgery, and the health risks of marijuana may not be as extreme as an addiction to opioids, marijuana addiction cannot be ruled out. However, marijuana has the ability to impair thinking and affect memory. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an active mind-altering ingredient in marijuana, interferes with the brain regions that control balance, concentration and coordination. Thereupon, people run the increased risk of developing severe cognition-behavioral problems and witness other major changes in the chemistry of the brain.
First step to recovery
Though the consequences of the misuse of prescription drugs and marijuana vary significantly, they both pose a risk of developing an addiction. Marijuana is seen as a “gateway drug” that enhances the risk of abusing harder drugs. So it’s better to avoid it until it becomes necessary.
If you or your loved one is battling an addiction to a drug or an illicit substance, it is important to seek help. The Detox Facilities Texas assists in accessing the best inpatient detox treatment in Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know more about the residential detox treatment in Texas or an effective non-residential program.
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Opioid Overdose Patterns Highlight Geographic, Demographic Imprints
Drug overdose news reports, such as “Fentanyl-related overdose deaths continue to mount in Western Pennsylvania” and “Overdose cases spike in Louisville: 52 calls in 32 hours” have become a common sight all over the United States these days. Despite such intimidating reports pertaining to neighborhood areas regularly, the number of overdose-related deaths has rocketed across the nation.
The U.S. is at war with drug abuse that has risen in its backyard, especially opioids and heroin, making it an epidemic leaving a demographical imprint. The leading newspapers have highlighted the fact that opioid addiction is America’s 50-state epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), opioid (prescription opioids and heroin) deaths surged over 33,000 for the first time in recent history in 2015.
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So severe has been the magnitude of the effect of opioids that the number of deaths due to heroin alone exceeded the incidence of gun homicides. As more synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl and carfentanil, are making an appearance in America, they only add to the damage already caused by prescription opioids and heroin.
Impact of opioid abuse on different regions
The cumulative effects of self-prescription, acceptability of medications for different problems and vigorous marketing by the pharmaceutical companies have created the environmental availability of opioids. According to the CDC, 91 Americans die of opioid overdose every day. However, such deaths are not uniform across the nation, with stark differences from state to state. In 2015, opioid overdose was highest in the following states:
West Virginia (41.5 per 100,000)
New Hampshire (34.3 per 100,000)
Kentucky (29.9 per 100,000)
Ohio (29.9 per 100,000)
Rhode Island (28.2 per 100,000)
Between 2014 and 2015, the Northeast and South Census Regions saw drastic increase in drug overdose deaths. However, places like Texas, California, the Northern Plain states and Hawaii saw low rates of opioid overdose. While heroin overdose has taken a number of lives in Ohio, Western Virginia and Massachusetts, places like Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire had relatively low heroin overdose rates.
Similarly, deaths due to synthetic opioids like tramadol and fentanyl in particular are mainly an East Coast phenomenon. At the national level, the rate of death due to synthetic opioids is 3.1 per 100,000; however, these rates are far higher in the following states:
Rhode Island: 13.2 per 100,000
Massachusetts: 14.4 per 100,000
New Hampshire: 24.1 per 100,000
Generally, opioid overdose deaths do not occur because of a single substance. They occur due to a combination of different opioids or when opioids are mixed with alcohol, cocaine and other drugs. With high potency opioids flooding the drug market, even individuals buying legitimate prescription opioids are no more safe due to the availability of many fake pills disguising the real medications.
This remains a great concern, especially for opioid-dependent communities who may congregate at certain common places to procure their next batch of drugs. If such batches were to be mixed with a substance, it can immediately result in a great many numbers of death in a short span of time. As they imitate prescription drugs, they can cause an overdose in unsuspecting victims.
Seek assistance to reverese epidemic
The opioid epidemic is a complex development that has threatened the nation for over a decade. It has no one-size-fits-all solution, as it cannot be attributed to one drug. Through effective efforts, such as better training for medical practitioners, monitoring of drug distribution channels, etc., one can curb this problem. Besides such well-intentioned efforts, health officials believe that both supply and demand for prescription drugs need to be reduced.
If you or your loved one is battling with prescription drug abuse, it is important to seek professional help. To get the most out of any treatment, patients need to undergo the process of detoxification to remove toxins from the body accumulated because of drug abuse. The Detox Facilities Texas can assist you in accessing the best outpatient detox treatment in Texas that specializes in delivering holistic and evidence-based intervention plans. Call us at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know more about the available comprehensive treatment plans.
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Tips to Live Happily With an Individual Recovering From Addiction
Addiction is a chronic mental illness that afflicts people from all sections of the society. Its far-reaching consequences are not just limited to the individual who is addicted to a substance, but also leads to a drastic impact on his or her family and friends. Drug addiction can be the root cause of severe long-term problems related to one’s physical and mental health, career, relationship and the law.
Any kind of addiction can be successfully managed through proper collaboration between doctors, family, friends, and support groups. However, identifying the signs and symptoms of drug use in a loved one, and then motivating him or her to seek treatment can be an uphill task. Once a person addicted to a drug decides to undergo a detox program, it is important for the family members to provide the required support to make his or her path to recovery smooth.
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Therefore, it is important to give up all misconceptions and provide a helping hand to the loved one who wants to quit addiction and lead a sober life. Listed below are some of the ways in which one can lead a happy life with the loved one recovering from an addiction:
Being curious: It is important for the family of a recovering individual to be aware about different aspects of recovery from drug addiction. This can be done by seeking more information on various kinds of addictions and understanding the ways to handle the stress associated with the treatment procedure. At the same time, one needs to understand the importance of having a healthy relationship between the person fighting drug abuse and his or her near and dear ones.
Seeking professional help: Once an addiction patient successfully recovers, it is very likely that his or her family members will face several challenges, such as financial, health and relationship issues. The best way to tackle such situations is to consult an expert advisor to deal with financial problems, visit a doctor regularly for health consultation, and attend family-based therapy to get rid of relationship woes.
Finding support for family members: While the recovering individual finds the required support in the form of recovery program, it is important for the family members, who are also struggling at home, to find support for themselves. Support groups offering help to cope with the emotional and physical stress can go a long way in reducing the excessive stress and worry. Seeing one’s family members looking for support can be a great motivational factor for the affected individual to reach his or her goal of recovery as soon as possible.
Reducing stress: Stress can be a major barrier in the recovering person’s path to sobriety. Generally, stress may stem from family conflicts, relationship issues, health concerns, etc., which are a regular feature in a drug user’s family. Thus, it is important for family members to seek help for their stress so that it does not percolate down to the newly recovered individual.
Supporting sobriety: It is the responsibility of the family members to provide a drug and alcohol-free atmosphere to a person struggling with substance abuse. Living a sober life in an environment free of alcohol and drugs is crucial to promote sobriety.
Seeking professional help
It is important to enroll in a comprehensive detox program that will help in removing the harmful toxins accumulated in the body due to a prolonged abuse of alcohol or any drug. Moreover, detoxification done under clinically controlled conditions also helps in managing the severe withdrawal symptoms that might occur during the abstinence process.
If you know someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs, get in touch with the Detox Facilities Texas to find the best inpatient detox treatment in Texas. Call us at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 and our representatives will assist you with the required information on outpatient detox treatment in Texas.
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How Drug Detox Can Help Improve Relationships
Alcohol and drug abuse is the root cause of many problems in an individual’s life. From developing severe mental health issues and physical troubles to encountering serious challenges in one’s relationships, abuse of illegal substances is linked with innumerable adverse effects.
It is a widely known fact that long-term, committed relationships and substance abuse do not go together. Having a partner who is engaged in drinking or abusing drugs can be an unsurmountable challenge, with the negative effects rippling and influencing all the near and dear ones. In worst cases, substance abuse problem can take a heavy toll by causing an emotional distance between the partners, which eventually results in frequent fights and violence at home.
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Sadly, a person fighting substance abuse is deprived of the emotional connect with his or her partner resulting in the loss of trust and affection. Overall, such couples have a tough time dealing with this downward spiral, wherein a person drinks or uses drugs to reduce tension arising out of frequent conflicts, and vice versa.
Substance abuse and impact on relationships
A person abusing drugs is very likely to have a poor sex drive and may fail to maintain a healthy sexual relationship. This is because when someone is addicted to any substance, there is no room left for anything else. Some of the telltale signs that the substance abuse problem is negatively affecting one’s relationships are:
Not taking care of responsibilities or staying out late.
Rising instances of domestic violence.
Isolating from friends and relatives to hide the drug or alcohol problem.
Experiencing financial problems.
When it comes to intimate relationships, believing that one can prevent problems by avoiding sexual relationships post sobriety is incorrect. A complete recovery is possible only when a person gets enough love and care from his or her partner. Since intimate relationships are considered one of the most rewarding parts of human existence, a lack of it can leave people feeling unwanted and incomplete.
For a person recovering from an addiction, lack of sexual relationships might lead him or her to revisit the places that had triggered drug or alcohol abuse.
How detox can be helpful in restoring relationships
When a person fighting substance abuse enters a detox program, he or she needs to work harder to recover from the addiction and regain his or her ability to enjoy fruitful relationships with the loved ones. While undergoing treatment, it is important for a person to not just focus on maintaining sobriety but also reshape his or her habits and old attitudes that could act as a barrier to his or her interpersonal or intimate relationships.
While detoxification might pave the way for a person’s recover from an addiction, it is important to ensure that it also brings back his or her sexual drive. With low self-esteem and confidence, it becomes difficult for the recovering individual to even think about any personal relationship. Undergoing a detox program can be a great help in gaining enough confidence to deal with relationship problems.
Recovery road map
If you or someone you know is dealing with problems in relationships, due to addiction to drugs or alcohol, and is looking for the right outpatient detox treatment in Texas, get in touch with the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308, and our representatives will assist you with details about the facilities offering outpatient detox treatment in El Paso and other parts of the United States.
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Compulsory Drug Detention Centers Aren’t of Much Help, Study Shows
Traditionally, opioids have been used by doctors to relieve excessive pain, related to surgeries, injuries or chronic health conditions such as cancer. When used correctly, under the supervision of a doctor, opioids can be a safe option to relieve painful conditions, but misusing the drug or not following the doctor’s instructions could lead to horrifying results, including addiction.
Opioids usually work by lowering the number of pain signals sent to the brain and by changing the way the brain responds to it. When used for a prolonged period, opioids lead to a dependence, which in turn may cause various side effects. An addiction to opioids generally begins when a person starts using these drugs for purposes other than relieving pain. This could be due to an array of factors, such as genetic, biological or environmental.
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Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options, such as detox programs, rehab centers and counseling sessions, available today, which can help addiction patients get rid of the devastating habit. However, one of the lesser known treatment options available for opioid addiction is getting admitted to a compulsory drug detention center.
As per a December 2016 study, published in the journal The Lancet Global Health, people with chronic opioid use disorders who are treated at a compulsory drug detention center are more likely to relapse as compared to those treated at a voluntary drug treatment center that use methadone maintenance therapy.
Compulsory drug detention centers and relapse
The study was the first of its kind to examine the risk of relapse from compulsory drug detention centers. As part of it, the researchers examined 89 people from compulsory centers and 95 from voluntary centers, who met the study criteria for an opioid use disorder. Both the groups underwent drug tests and participated in interviews, first at the commencement of the study, and then at one, three, six, nine or 12 months post their discharge from the treatment centers.
It was found that people held in compulsory centers relapsed within 31 days as compared with 352 days for half of those in voluntary centers. After one month of their release, just 51 percent of the participants from the compulsory centers were opioid-free as compared to 90 percent of those from voluntary centers. On continuing the analysis after six months, it was found that only 19 percent of those from the compulsory centers were still opioid-free, as compared to more than 69 percent of those from voluntary centers.
Professor Frederick Altice, Yale University School of Medicine, also an author of the study, said, “Our findings strongly support international calls to eliminate compulsory drug detention centers by showing that they are ineffective in treating drug dependence, especially for those who use opioids.”
Voluntary treatment centers more effective
A compulsory drug detention center might not necessarily employ medical professionals, have legal oversight or might even make use of some unproven measures, such as spiritual programs and exercise, to help people overcome addiction.
On the other hand, voluntary treatment centers are willingly opted by the patients themselves. Moreover, these centers medically assess people at the time of their treatment with methadone, based on which they are allowed to use a variety of treatments, including psychosocial counseling and recreational activities.
Right treatment crucial for sobriety
As the number of people addicted to prescription drugs grows, usually after being administered narcotic painkillers for medical reasons, there is a greater risk of death due to an overdose.
If you know someone who is addicted to opioids or any other substance and is in need of help for an inpatient detox treatment in Texas, get in touch with the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 and our representatives will help you connect with the best centers offering inpatient detox treatment in El Paso or in other parts of the U.S.
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Supervised Drug Injection Facilities to Curb Drug Abuse
"If we cannot destroy the drug menace in America, then it will surely in time destroy us," said former president Richard Nixon to the Congress in 1971. Since then, the war on drugs in the United States has gone through various ups and downs, right from being one of the most expensive and long-term policy ever run by the U.S. administration to filling the jails and prisons with innumerable citizens accused of drug-related crimes.
However, nothing much has been done to clearly understand the root cause of the problem in the nation. While factors such as stress and mental illness have emerged as major contributors to the rising drug abuse cases across the country, every year, a family history of drug addiction is also a significant influencer.
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Nevertheless, the authorities are also doing their best to counter this menace. One such move has been the advent of supervised injection sites (SIS), also known as supervised injection facilities, or safe injection sites. These offer some hope to people fighting addictions to deadly drugs.
SIS are medically supervised facilities that provide a hygienic, safe and stress-free environment to drug users, helping them inject illicit recreational drugs intravenously, under the supervision of health care professionals. Although, these facilities have been legally approved in various parts of the world, the U.S. government still does not approve of such sites in the country, except the one in North America, located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Benefits of SIS facilities
It has been found that SIS greatly helps in reducing public drug use and the associated health risks. Use of drugs under medical supervision aids in eliminating the number of overdose cases and risky injection practices widespread in the country among drug abusers.
Some more benefits associated with SIS are:
1. Reduction in risky behavior: Injecting drugs at a safe site reduces the risk of transmitting infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, among the drug users.
2. Decline in overdose cases: The health care professionals in SIS provide proper training related to safe drug use. This, in turn, helps in reducing the number of fatal overdose cases and related deaths.
3. Access to proper health care: Drug users generally face problems in accessing proper health care services. Injecting illicit drugs at these facilities can help them get easy access to social services and health care networks, which, in turn, can encourage them to lead a sober life.
4. Minimized open drug scenes: Providing a well-managed facility to the drug users helps minimize cases related to law and order that are sometimes fueled by issues related to open drug scenes, drug use in public places, used syringes lying in public places and drug problems in residential areas.
 5. Reliable support network: A number of drug abusers may be in need of a strong support system that can help them recover faster from their addiction. SIS can provide them with the required support to get detox treatment and stay clean.
Drug addiction ruins lives, choose sobriety
The basic idea behind SIS is to provide a safe and hygienic environment to drug users. However, the ultimate aim is to help them avail detox programs and stay clean. The major benefit of SIS is that it helps people addicted to drugs establish a connection with the health care system, which is generally a far cry in certain societies. These facilities do not force people into treatment but rather, foster an environment, which enables them to receive treatment when they are ready.
However, undergoing a detox program is the first step to attain sobriety, which is essential to lead a healthy life. If you know someone who is addicted to any kind of drugs, and is looking for rapid detox centers in Texas, get in touch with the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308, and our representatives will be happy to assist you with details about rapid detox centers in El Paso, and other parts of the United States.
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Crystallization of α4β2 Nicotinic Receptor May Help Treat Nicotine Addiction, Suggests Study
Nicotine, a highly addictive substance found in all tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, etc., is greatly abused by both teenagers and adults in the United States. In fact, a number of studies in the past have suggested that nicotine may be as addictive as drugs such as heroin, cocaine or alcohol. Moreover, once a person develops an addiction to nicotine it is as difficult to recover from it as is recovering from say heroin addiction.
According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately seven out of every 10 adult cigarette smokers in the U.S. admitted to wanting to quit completely in 2010. As such, quitting smoking or nicotine addiction demands determination and continuous effort to endure painful withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, irritability, etc.
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Scientists are always trying to find new ways of treating an addiction. In a similar vein, a new study, conducted by the researchers at the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center and published in the journal Nature has come up with an interesting finding that can enable efficacious treatment of nicotine addiction. It is being hailed as a major achievement.
The researchers of the study have managed to crystallize a protein called the alpha-4-beta-2 (α4β2) nicotinic receptor, which helps in understanding how nicotine addiction occurs in the brain and its molecular effects. Moreover, this would assist the medical fraternity and pharmaceutical companies in developing new treatments for nicotine addiction.
Molecular effects of nicotine addiction now within reach
The α4β2 nicotinic receptor is located on the nerve cells of the brain. When a person smokes or chews tobacco, nicotine binds to the receptor, which causes the protein to open a path for ions to enter the cell. Although this process assists in enhancing certain cognitive abilities, such as memory and concentration, it is also highly addictive.
With the crystallization and identification of the 3D structure of the protein, the findings will help the scientists in examining the cognitive and addictive effects of nicotine at the atomic level. Moreover, it will assist in developing new treatments by understanding the molecular effects of nicotine. Besides the above benefits, the finding will help in creating new medicines for certain types of epilepsy, mental illness and dementia connected to the nicotine receptor.
Scientists make use of viral infection to produce nicotine receptors
After many failed attempts, the researchers by focusing on a common receptor found in the electric organ of a torpedo ray were able to derive biochemical information and a high-resolution atomic map of the protein.  
The new study took this further by developing a new method for the mass production of nicotinic receptors by using the viral infection of a human cell line. This was done by inserting the genes encoding the proteins that turn the receptor into the virus and led to the production of a large amount of the receptor due to the infected human cells.
This was followed up by a cleansing process using detergent and other purification steps to separate the receptor from the cell membrane and rinse all other proteins. Once this step was completed, the researchers were left with milligrams of the pure receptor that was mixed with chemicals known to promote crystallization.
Undergo detox to overcome addiction
The researchers now plan to determine the various structures in the absence of nicotine, as well as in the presence of molecules with different functional effects. This will enable in conducting a comparison to understand the effects of nicotine and the ways by which it is different from other chemicals.
While people often start abusing tobacco products and other substances out of curiosity, peer pressure or for fun, this soon develops into a full-fledged addiction. One of the best ways to overcome an addiction is to undergo detox programs available at various treatment centers.
If you know someone who is addicted to nicotine or some other substance contact the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to connect to the best rapid detox centers in Houston.
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Positive Habits That Help During Detoxification
The first stage in recovery from addiction is detoxification and without this step, the treatment would be incomplete. A patient who has just recovered from addiction needs to tread very cautiously so that he or she does not stray into the gorge again.
Addiction is triggered by the cravings for the substance and factors like smell, place, belongings or friends who used to take the drug together could lead to a relapse. It is important to be vigilant to thwart any temptations of taking the substances. Adopting positive and healthy habits go a long way in achieving a long-term recovery. Learning healthier skills and habits to replace negative ones is very much a part of the recovery process.
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Here, we look at some of the positive habits that could be adopted during detoxification and even after the treatment to keep a relapse at bay:
Exercising: Regular exercise can help recovering addicts both physically and mentally. It bestows loads of benefits to those who exercise regularly and religiously. Regular exercise helps increase levels of dopamine and feel-good endorphins, something which will be needed in plenty for a recovering patient. It brings about clarity, improves sleep and helps in overall physical well-being. Depending on the condition, one can take up various activities like running, yoga, aerobics and swimming. For a person recovering from an addiction, strengthening oneself, both physically and mentally, would expedite the process of healing and ensure a prolonged sobriety.
Jotting down emotions and thoughts: Jumbled up thoughts and confusing emotions stir a tempest within that could be quite perplexing for any individual. For a person recovering from an addiction, this may bring about a state of utter confusion, creating a vicious cycle which makes coming out of an addiction difficult. One of the best ways to appease these ruffled inner thoughts and emotions is to jot them down as they come. Organizing perturbing thoughts and emotions by writing them down on a piece of paper can help resolve them.
Helping others: Offering a helping hand to the needy and deprived ones is a great soul caressing endeavor. It also helps release endorphins. Giving away willingly, be it in cash or kind, is enriching for an individual. The pent up emotions and rage dissipate as he or she goes out to help others. This, in turn, would help in the recovery process. Helping others can aid in elicit feelings of contentment.
Socializing: The inherent nature of man is social and he cannot live alone and secluded from others. Being in the midst of others is a great feeling for humans and sharing is just a natural instinct for them. Those who become addicted to substances tend to drift away from others and over time become recluses. Socializing becomes a far cry for such people. However, when a patient tries to mingle with others, friends and family, it brings about a sea change in them, which is beneficial for them.
These and other similar traits can hasten the healing process of patients and they should try to imbibe them for a faster and long-term healing.
Recovery roadmap
Addition is a scourge which should be avoided and in case one is suffering from addiction, then the immediate step should be seeking treatment in a good facility. One should not delay as it could worsen the situation. There is a host of treatment methods like neurotransmitter restoration therapy for patients.
If a loved one is addicted to a substance, contact the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know about the best neurotransmitter restoration treatment in your area.
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Alcohol Dependence Among Youth Can Have Long-term Health Effects
Drinking at a young age can lead to lasting impacts on individuals. The effects could surface even after years of quitting alcohol. This was revealed by a study, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in November 2016. It said that young adults with alcohol dependence may see its ill effects later in life, even decades after defeating their problem drinking.
The researchers analyzed 664 U.S. male veterans who had symptoms of alcohol dependence for at least five years during their younger days (young adulthood). The researchers found they had poorer physical and mental health when they reached the age of 60. It was despite the fact that they had gotten control and overcame their drinking problems by the age of 30.
It is known that quitting alcohol has its benefits and the quality of life improves dramatically. However, the researchers wanted to ascertain whether there are any long-term effects even after quitting alcohol. It is evident that drinking heavily has a debilitating effect on one’s physical and mental health. But its long-term impacts are still not known.
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According to lead researcher Randy Haber, Ph.D., of the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Menlo Park, California, drinking problems during early adulthood leads to silent but grave and permanent harm in later life, once these adults become old.
The researchers studied men who had taken part in a larger study of Vietnam-era veterans. They zeroed in on 368 men who were not alcohol dependent at any point in their adulthood. Some 221 men had minimum three symptoms of alcohol dependence in young adulthood and middle age and 75 of them had symptoms in early adulthood but not after the age of 30.
Drinking as young adults can have lasting impact on brain
The researchers found that those who had alcohol dependence symptoms for at least five years during their early adulthood had poor physical and mental health once they had reached the age of 60. They found that those with alcohol dependence symptoms during young adulthood had three medical conditions in later life, while those who didn’t exhibit any alcohol dependent behavior had two physical ailments.
Even on the scale of depression, the alcohol dependents remained ahead of the abstainers. Their scores on a depression scale remained twice as high than others. And these effects persisted even when they remained away from alcohol for decades.
Although no specific reason could be attributed to these developments, Haber presumed that this could be due to the effects of alcohol in certain areas of the brain that are involved in emotional regulation, self-control and decision making. And alcohol abuse during early adulthood could have lasting impacts on these areas of the brain.
The study is, however, a generalization and needs further extensive research. There is hope for people who quit drinking. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating well, indulging in physical activity, not smoking and taking care of health, a person who has stopped drinking can have the tables turned and expect to lead a healthy life even in old age.
Road to recovery
“If you have entered (alcohol dependence) recovery, keep going. Live your life to its fullest,” Haber said. There are countless instances when people regained their lives after entering rehabs and quitting substances.
Addiction is not the end of the road for people as treatment is possible. The first step of treatment is medically supervised detoxification which helps flush the toxins out of the body. If you have a loved one grappling with any addiction, contact the Detox Facilities Texas for an immediate assistance. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 to know about the best rapid detox centers in Houston or other places in Texas and around. Connect today and avail services of quality detox centers in Houston for a comprehensive treatment.
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Energy Drink-alcohol Cocktail May Affect Teens' Brains Like Cocaine - Study
Adolescence is the age to indulge in unbridled parties and to have fun with friends. It is also the age when youngsters get easily swayed by peer pressure. Drinking, smoking and hanging out with friends is normal for adolescents. One habit that is quite common with this age group these days is lacing the drinks with drugs in parties to get a high. Consuming these spiked drinks can often lead to overdose and other problems.
According to a recent study by the Purdue University, drinking a concoction of energy drink and alcohol can bring about changes in the adolescent brain which is similar to the one seen after taking cocaine. These changes last into adulthood as an altered ability to deal with rewarding substances. These energy drinks may contain as much as 10 times caffeine as soda. The health effects of these drinks, when consumed with alcohol, are not widely researched.
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The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE in October 2016, tried to analyze the effects of caffeine-rich energy drinks and highly caffeinated alcohol on adolescent mice. Since these experiments cannot be performed on humans, they chose the mice model.
Concoction can change neurochemistry in brains
The researchers gave high levels of caffeine mixed with alcohol to adolescent mice for their experiment. They observed that the changes in these mice were similar to physical and neurochemical signs in mice that were given cocaine.
“It seems the two substances together push them over a limit that causes changes in their behavior and changes the neurochemistry in their brains,” said Richard van Rijn, an assistant professor of medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology. “We're clearly seeing effects of the combined drinks that we would not see if drinking one or the other.”
The researchers noticed that repeated exposure to the caffeinated alcohol made these adolescent mice more active, just like the mice that were given cocaine. Not only this, they also noticed increased levels of protein, which is a marker of long-term changes in neurochemistry. This protein can be seen at an elevated level in those who abuse drugs like cocaine and morphine.
"That's one reason why it's so difficult for drug users to quit because of these lasting changes in the brain,” said van Rijn.
 The researchers noticed that the same mice, as adults, exhibited a different preference or valuation of cocaine. Graduate student Meridith Robins observed that mice exposed to caffeinated alcohol during adolescence became less sensitive to the pleasurable effects of cocaine. However, this is not a positive outcome, because this way the mice would crave for more cocaine to experience the same level of feeling.
Hence, adolescents who use a lot of caffeinated alcoholic beverages are prone to develop addiction later in life. They stand the chance of becoming addicts to illicit substances as adults.
Speaking about these mice, van Rijn said, “Their brains have been changed in such a way that they are more likely to abuse natural or pleasurable substances as adults.”
Dealing with substance abuse
Substance abuse is a scourge which can wreak havoc in one’s life. Chronic addiction to any substance can be dangerous and unless a treatment is sought at the earliest, it may turn fatal. But treatment is possible and one can regain sobriety with a little commitment to the treatment. The first step of treatment is detoxification, which helps flush out toxins from the body.
If a loved one is addicted to any substance, contact Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 for information on rapid detox centers in Houston and other places. Our experts can guide you to one of the best detox centers in Houston, where treatment is comprehensive and recovery long-term.
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Medications That Can Help Treat Alcoholism Are Ignored, Says Study
Alcoholism is a problem faced by millions of people in the United States and is considered a major public health issue. Amid a pandemonium over alcoholism, public health officials claim that two of the most overlooked medications might be of help to some.
Despite more than 18 million people in the U.S. being alcohol dependent, a recent study has found out that only 20 percent of them will ever receive any form of treatment. The study, which was funded by the federal government, found that only a little over 1 million alcoholics take any kind of formal help, including attending a counseling session or meeting a doctor for a specialized treatment program.
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“We want people to understand we think AA is wonderful, but there are other options,” said George Koob, director, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). “Let a thousand flowers bloom, anything helps.”
Two successful drugs that can help alcoholics
The two drugs available in the market to help people with alcohol cravings are naltrexone and acamprosate. “They’re very safe medications,” said Koob. “And they’ve shown efficacy.”
A 2014 analysis published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that both the drugs were “linked to a reduction in return to drinking.” These drugs have helped severe alcoholics who could not get relief from other forms of treatment.
Naltrexone which helps treat opiate addiction is available in both oral and injectable form and has no known side effects. In 1994, it got the approval to treat alcohol addiction, while acamprosate became a legal medicine to treat alcohol problems in 2004.
During the initial days after its launch, naltrexone was not welcomed with open arms. The non-physician administrators who make treatment decisions in addiction clinics had a big-time problem in administering naltrexone. Many of them failed to comprehend how and for whom the drug worked. Some of these problems continue to haunt even today.
Dr. Henry Kranzler, director, the Center for Studies of Addiction at the University of Pennsylvania, said the drugs got three years of market exclusivity. “Three years is not a very long time to make a market where there really isn’t much of a market and they didn’t,” he said.
The company got disillusioned and discontinued its effort to market the drug in 1997. Much of the reputation of naltrexone also got dented due to its history in opioid treatment. Since it obstructs the effects of opioid receptors in the brain, many patients who took it without flushing out the opiates from the body experienced agonizing withdrawal. Moreover, the label urged doctors to prescribe the drug to only those patients who were off opiates for at least 10 days.
But it cannot be used for treating patients of alcoholism. It doesn’t have the same effect on patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD). This is one thing that doctors treating alcoholism need to know.
Doyens like James Garbutt, M.D., Department of Psychiatry at University of North Carolina, who was on the expert panel, encourage complete abstinence for patients, but also support patients who would rather set a goal of harm reduction.
“If we can reduce your intake 80 percent and reduce your heavy drinking days a lot, that’s also very positive,” Garbutt said. “Some people just aren’t ready. The idea of sobriety is just too big of a concept for them to wrap their head around.” And naltrexone can come to the rescue of patients with either of these goals — abstinence or reduced drinking.
Dealing with substance abuse
Substance abuse is a scourge which should be dealt with at the earliest. Chronic addiction can create a lot of troubles for patients.
If you have a loved one struggling with any substance abuse, contact the Detox Facilities Texas. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-671-4308 for rapid detox centers in Texas. Whether it is rapid detox centers in El Paso or elsewhere, our members have the best advice for you.
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