mx-hyperfixation · 4 months
This is nOt war, this is pESt control!!
iii uhhh
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persephonaae · 1 year
Anyway I’m confiscating Hades and Persephone from tumblr until everyone learns to behave themselves, and giving them Dionysos and Ariadne to play with in the meantime
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oppasims · 1 month
moccasin day is soon!
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debleb · 10 months
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they're really friends, they were just sparring
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blueparadis · 8 months
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ On Christmas evening of 2009 Geto Suguru receives an unexpected gift, a cure to his loneliness, and a curse to his mission of creating his "new world".
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ fem!reader, cult leader!geto suguru, canon divergent, profanity, prostitution, yandere!getou suguru, possessive behavior,smut, f1ngering, hand job, mutual masturbation, nipple stimulation, mutual pining, heavy angst, angst and tragedy, canon-typical violence; 4,7k word count + this this for @nagumoan's collab: 'dance with the dead'
| blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. + cross-posted to ao3.|
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30th of September, 2007.
The warmth and the humidity in the air have been settling on Geto’s skin for a while. The shrill cry of cicadas has been ringing in his ears. Even now, he can hear it amidst the sound of running water, washing dishes, and the table fan. 
“Otou-san will be home soon, Sugu. You don’t have to wait for him to come back. Nowadays, he works till late at night.” The elderly woman puts the poached egg in the ramen bowl and places it in front of her son. Suguru stares at the food with plain slate eyes. “Your father thinks he can help you with your higher studies.” —his mother wipes her frail, slightly wrinkled hands in her apron before dragging the chair and sitting in front of her son, face to face— “But actually, he just misses having you around the house since you moved in the dorms last month. Is the food there okay? Are you eating well?”
Suguru does not speak. He gulps remembering the taste of curses. He has been doing his job like a robot all this summer— exorcise, absorb, digest. exorcise, absorb, digest, exorcise, absorb, digest, absorb, digest— “How is Satoru?” his mother asks pulling him back into reality. Her smile was so soft smile that Suguru thought it could make lilies bloom. He just listens to his mother like he usually does whenever he visits her. His eyes fall onto the ramen bowl again, there are hot fumes emerging from it. They must smell delicious like he remembers. But unfortunately, it failed to thrum the strings of Geto Suguru’s heart. 
“Okaa-san, it’s okay. I’m not that hungry. I can wait for Otou-san to come home.” he remarks, smiling at his mother letting the food get cold. He has done this so many times, engaging his mother in talk so that she does not notice how hard it is for him to chew, swallow & eat without experiencing the taste and smell of it. All he can feel on his tongue is the rotten taste of curses, the aroma of dying corpses of his fellow jujutsu sorcerers. Maybe this is why he is losing weight so fast, not because of the heat. The more he tried to cling onto the mundanity of humans the farther it slipped away from him; like sand spilling through the gaps of his fingers.
“But why aren’t you in your school dress, my dear?” His mother asks, noticing him in normal black trousers and shirt.
“Oh! It got too much dirt.” He responds, looking at the clock in the kitchen. 
This time will be the last time he sees his mother’s smile, hears her voice, sees her cook food for him, and the last time he welcomes his father to home.
3rd of February, 2008
“Oka-san. Otou-san. I’m turning 18 today.”  Suguru jocked down to sit in front of his parents' graveyard. He places a few incense sticks with the fragrance of chrysanthemum, two bowls full of ramen, and some sake in front of the graveyard. He looks at the poached eggs, and the lump in his throat bobs once. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come on your funeral day.”
“Neeh—Oka-san, are you listening?” His eyes perk up. “Is it bad that I don’t regret any of this?” There is a pause before he stands up again. He finishes his last bit of cigarette and burns the butt with his cursed energy. “But you know what? I’m now less angry and more guilty. Guilty of so many things—”
“Geto-sama, we don’t have much time. They will tail us soon if we are here any longer than this.” Manami speaks with worry carefully buried under her commanding tone. His phone vibrates. He checks the caller ID. Shui Kong it read. A salacious curve appears at one corner of his lip. Disbanding the star religious group was a piece of cake for him. And, now with the help of Shui Kong, he will get an endless influx of money and curses in no time yet it would not be enough to defeat ‘the strongest’; he thinks. nope, that’s wrong, deep down, he knows that.
“Yeah, you are right. Nanako and Mimiko will get scared if they wake up and find none of us.” Geto smiles before turning on his feet to walk. As he starts to walk Manami waits till he goes ahead of her, at least eight feet from her and then she follows Geto Suguru. Geto's shadow does not even touch Manami’s, never does, she makes sure of that. She does not belong to his shadow, nor as his comrade but perhaps a part of the ‘family’ that Geto-sama keeps talking about. 
“I won’t be here next year,” Suguru murmurs to himself before stepping out of the graveyard. He never looked back that day not while walking, not while getting in the car, and not even through the mirror. He did not feel the need to look back.
24th of December 2009
Geto Suguru skims through the thick crowd in the front lounge of one of the most expensive brothels in the city like the bow of a ship through the waves. There are men on couches, beautiful women over them, and the blended aroma of strong cologne and burning tobacco fills the air. Not only that, the tingling music mixed with waves of laughter of women and men makes Geto slaver at the thought of killing them all. He could do it now. He has both, power and confidence. But he is not here to create a massacre.
“Getou-sama,” a familiar low hum reaches his ears making him turn his head. At first, he thought he was just imagining it then he felt a tug in his baggy pants. He lowers his eyes to the ground.
“Ahhhhh! Nanako—Suguru takes her in his arms and clears his throat before speaking making it tart at every stretch of his words— “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me at the car? It's not safe for you here.” Not only it is unsafe but also inappropriate. A girl of her age should not witness the path that could also been her if he had not saved Nanako and her twin sister two years ago. Geto strolls back towards his car. “Negi, make sure she does not follow me. ” He instructs this young lad who drove Geto today keeping a sleeping Nanako inside the car. 
“Well, she wouldn't have been here if she didn't fight with her sister,” Negi responds before bowing down. Geto watches the car go inside the parking area and then he vanishes into the thick crowd like a pebble in the wind of lust, power, money, and scandal. He earns a few curious stares and with such enormously handsome features and elegantly electrifying personality who would miss? It dawns on his mind that he killed the Yakuza who owned this brothel a week ago. The crowd is bearable, well, penetrable at least. Walking amongst non-sorcerers makes him nauseous at times but now he has reached the point where a part of him is willing to abolish this useless crowd in a snap. But he does not need to, not now. Now is not the time, nor the place. 
Geto Suguru should have been at his new home with his new family spending this fine Christmas evening drinking. In all honesty, he did not even have to cut through this lustrous mob if Shui Kong kept his word, that is, delivering the money in the proper place and time. The only reason why he came in person to collect the money was because Shui Kong was the one who helped him to get a grasp on the star religious group. Not only that, he kept giving Geto information about such groups, and with his cursed manipulation technique he gobbled them up in no time. It was a walk in the park for him.
There was a steady flow of curses and money. Even certain small yakuza gangs, the smart ones but with lower manpower, started to send favors to appease him. He is like a god of the underworld now. But some dumb power-hungry yakuza men refused to retort to such steps and hence, they fell prey to his curses. He is going to eventually kill all these foxes but not now. He needs them now, he needs them to dilute his presence and make himself untraceable in the hands of jujutsu sorcerers. Killing the lions has already been a huge loss. 
“There you are, Mr.Kong.” Geto remarked walking into the room. He does not take a sit rather stands against the door almost covering the entrance. 
“Forgive me—” Shui starts with a brilliant smile that has cracked more deals than existed. He is not a pawn but a rook. “I would have gone to your place but I am needed to resolve an issue here.”
Geto chuckles. “Maybe it's your need that brought you here.” He quipped as Shui kept two briefcases on the bed. 
Shui Kong gives him an assertive look before smiling. He lights up a cigarette and says, “ Would have been a happier man if that were the case but— ” There is a ridge between Geto’s eyebrows as he refuses to finish his thoughts. Blowing a puff into the air he turns his head to the other side of the room, towards another door, and yells from the bottom of his lungs. “Princess, I don't have all day.” Geto’s eyebrows do not let go of the tension. His arms are now crossed tightly across his chest, lower lip gleaming since he swiped his tongue across it. He just needs to see this princess, just for once. 
“You see, someone asked for her, a fox from a rival gang.” Kong starts to explain. The cigarette in between his index and middle finger keeps sizzling in scarlet red. “he is saying he is gonna pay full for her— you know — but she was attacked while working —”
Geto’s dark eyes are now stuck on the doorknob. It starts to rotate. He registers Shui’s words who is scrolling through his phone to call them. The click of the doorknob makes Geto release the breath he was holding back, slowly. Before the slightest part between the door and the frame, Geto’s lips part exclaiming, “Shhhhhhh!” with a hiss at the end. 
You unlock the door and wait for an opening to interrupt their conversation.
Shui Kong looks at Geto and then he follows those dark drunk eyes of Geto Suguru that took him to the other side of the room. There you stood, in a translucent white dress covering you from head to toe. There is a rose around your neck and rose leaves on the hem of your full-sleeved dress but beneath the dress, anyone could easily see the bandages around certain parts of your body — scattered and ripped. Your nipples are visible too. They are perked. Geto maintains his stance, hands inside his pocket and standing by supporting his shoulder against the door frame. Only his lips move, growling and raging underneath. “So, there are still those who don't obey me,” His eyes drink in your appearance so shamelessly; utterly shamelessly. 
You rake away your eyes from this man of Six feet and some inches, clamping your palms around your upper arms. Geto walks inside the room. “There will be no exchange of anything from here, Shui Kong-san.” He does not take any of the suitcases just your cell phone from the dressing table.
You exchange glances with Shui Kong before opening your mouth. He nods. You answer him, “4444.” Geto's eyes flash onto you checking if you are mocking him or not. You are not. He unlocks your phone checks the search history. 
“There’s a lot of porn here.” 
You rub your upper arms slowly and say, “It’s not like my clients are interested in my pleasure— or my well-being.” 
“You need to check her phone to tell? Can't you tell just by looking at her?” That earns Shui Kong a momentary glare. 
“Yet you are willing to sell her,” Geto prompts sarcastically with a smile plastered on his face. There is an edge in his voice. Shui does not protest. He knows what he is doing. “You can stay with me,” He offers, without thinking about the consequences of it. “Of course, you’ll keep working, then.” It takes you a moment to decipher his words but it is not something unexpected. 
“Oh, I don’t mind, whatever you want.” You say quickly. “I can follow orders.” Embarrassment seeps into your skin as you realize how rushed those words were that came out of your mouth. Scanning him through the corner of your eye, you find him smirking still checking your phone.
“Get her things in the car. She will be staying with me from now on.” Geto remarks slipping the phone in his pocket before leaving.
Shui Kong sits on the bed, soft and pink with a thud. “Do you realize what you are doing, Y/N?” 
“You heard him.” You say getting out of those high heels and changing into flats. Even though you are bruised you managed to get your trolley. It is a good thing that you wore a long coat to cover yourself up. People are already staring, what would they have done if you turned up in such scantily dressed attire? Your Madame has already been summoned. Getting out of the building you look around and find Geto Suguru talking to your Madame. Shui Kong is also there. The moment you open the door of the car you spot a kid sleeping on the back seat. This must be Nanako. You adjust the kid's head on your lap. She's gonna get her neck sprained if she sleeps like that. Through the window, you see Geto still talking to your Madame, as he keeps jerking his leg impatiently and occasionally scratching his forehead with his thumb.
“We can't afford to do that — her regulars — they will complain. ” she tartly remarks. 
“Well, give them a discount. You know how the system works, so figure something out with Shui Kong-san.” 
“Have it your way then. She was a jinx anyways ” She remarks letting all the disappointment out. It piques Geto’s interest because when he saw you, you were not looking at him, you were looking behind him. A feeble curse not visible to normal people but visible to people with enough cursed energy to become a sorcerer or an exorcist. He specifically customized this curse after digesting it to pick up ‘talents’ like you who are considered as ‘freaks’ by those idiots. Just like Nanako and Mimiko.
“What do you mean?” He tries to sound curious hiding his disgust underneath the question because he has seen all the gore behind the glory of it all. 
“People say that she is a witch. She kills men and takes their money. She’s got a black cat, a big one. Can talk to birds. I’ve seen her—” Suddenly the street lights, the honking of the cars, and the sound of footsteps of passersby became loud. Geto could not hear her properly anymore. Damn filthy monkeys.
“Excuse me, I’ve got to make a call.” One more minute of her blabbering nonsense he would have killed her. Geto calls Manami stepping aside in the dark shade of the alley. He talks for about five minutes before looking your way. You do not look away, rather give him a warm smile and bow your head to appreciate his kind gesture. He immediately turns around. You think he did not see you or maybe looking at someone else or somewhere else but all he could do is stumble on his words while talking to Manami. It’s distracting. You’re distracting. 
Geto Suguru walks towards the car and you fold Nanako’s legs a little to make space for him but he disappoints you thoroughly. He sits beside the driver, the barrier is up so you can not see his face. Disappointment and hurt sedimenting at the bottom of your heart you arch your head and close your eyes. It feels like, after a long time, you have closed your eyes and not for the pretense of pleasure.
January, 2010.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Geto drawls lazily as he sits on the sofa, still in his kasaya freshly finishing after seeing his visitors. He was out of town for almost a week and hence today's session was longer than usual. He needs a bath, a nice warm bath, not some scum to show up at his doorstep begging for you.
There are a bunch of men standing behind the older man, who seems to be the leader of the group; all armed, and Geto sits alone at the opposite. At times like these, he feels a little closer to the god. A middle-aged man, speaks keeping his gun on the center table, perhaps to assert dominance Geto thinks too but it makes him nothing but widen his smile. “You have something that belongs to me. And I have something that would interest you more so why don't we—”
Splotches of blood fall on his gun, warmth settling on his cheeks too like drops of oil. He turns his head to find that one of his men is sliced into two. Geto clears his throat gaining his attention again. “What a mess you have made, Toshiro-san. ” He gets up from his seat and before leaving he remarks huskily, “Please clean this up before you leave, Toshiro-san” The man, dumbfounded by what just happened, nods in agreement watching the man disappear into the inner quarters.
The dawn dies, painting the blue sky with its blood-red, agony welcoming the full moon and her bevy of stars. At night, Geto Suguru is not a monk anymore. He is much more than that — a father figure to two homeless orphans, an idol to a few who believe in his dream of creating a ‘new world’ and a savior to you.
It has been almost a month since Geto Suguru brought you to his home. At the dawn of the 25th of December 2009, when you woke up, Manami was there to help you with the chores and show you around. You have spotted Negi a few times while roaming and exploring the house, but there was no sign of that man, your so-called ‘savior’. When you asked Manami, she was rather cold while answering, “Geto-sama will be home around New Year's.”
It was not hard to pinpoint her jealousy for you. “Whore”, “Slut”, “Homebreaker”, “Witch” — the list continues. Her jealousy is just the tip of ice-berg. Maybe she had to sacrifice something greater when Geto took her in, something more important than freedom. Apart from her cold demeanor, everything was just fine; it was more than you could ask for. The wounds and bruises have started to fade. They are barely pinnable now. Nanako has a twin sister, Mimiko. They have warmed up to you more quickly than you imagined and a part of you was grateful to them since Manami became humbler in her gestures.
This fine morning, you noticed a new pair of shoes near the doormat. You knew it had to be his, Geto Suguru. He is home. Today might be the first time you get to talk to him, pay off his debts, or maybe keep working while staying here just like he said or whatever he decides to do with you. It was odd that he did not suspect you at all, or maybe he told someone to do a background check. He seems like the kind of person who would hold such powers. You have heard about him even if they reached out to you in the form of rustling rumors.
“Are you comfortable here?” 
Losing your balance you topple on your feet and eventually fall on the ground. Nanako and Mimiko peeks by his legs. They are not even at his knee length, so small, so fragile and so full of life. They laugh and so do you. Geto Suguru is unimpressed. He crouches down pulling the girls in front of him. “Go and play in my room but don’t fight, alright?” The shift in his demeanor amazes you. He has changed. He is nothing like you have been warned about. 
As soon as the twins leave, giggles and voices filling the corridor Geto’s eyes shift on you. You are still on the ground, legs half-folded. He extends his hand towards you to help you get up but you flinch away, sliding against the wall. In the middle of this long corridor, Geto Suguru is on his knees before you watching as if something fell from the sky, a boon, an angel. 
His lips extended from ear to ear, flashing his teeth. “What's up with this coy act of yours?” He wets his bottom lip.“Too timid for a whore. I know you can see things.” Your eyebrows grew closer as you got up and formed a response in your head.
“It's hard to break years of habit,” you speak, “Sir.” you quip, seeing him still on his knees. Why isn’t he standing up? Does he need a hand?
“Not gonna complain that I called you a ‘whore’ ?” He taunts, standing up and facing you.
“Too timid for that sir,” you say keeping up the eye contact. But that does not last long. Geto’s dark globules follow your behind. You notice too that there is a shadow on the wall of the corridor of a lady. He sighs heavily exclaiming, “Manami. You can come out now,” 
Timidly she walks out of the room exclaiming in a firm tone after clearing her throat, “Getou-sama, your bath has been prepared.” 
“Have you prepared my clothes too?” He narrows the gulf in between the two of you and grabs a few strands of your hair smelling it, letting his lips graze over a little, and checking your reactions as Manami answers.
“No. Not yet. I’ll do it right—“Actually, prepare two sets of clothes.” Geto interrupts. The way your chest heaves, up and down, frantically tempts him to tease you more. “Hers too. She will be joining me.” 
Geto was kind not to ask you to strip in front of him. It was not like you would not be used to that; you had practiced enough still you thought his eyes would alone eat you away if you were to undress in front of him. Curling up your braided hair in a bun and securing it with a clip you enter the bathroom. He is already in the bathtub, head arched, eyes closed, chest heaving up and down. You walk slowly trying not to make any sound. “You know, of all the curses I’ve swallowed—” you gasp loudly palming your face. 
“Can you not do that, please? Every time i feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest.” So many words in one sentence; a question; a request; a demand; a plea. Suguru blinks: once, twice, and thrice. “Yours have a very distinct sweet smell.” His words slurred, inaudible at the end. This is the first time he has seen you speak so much and that too, only to him but that is not what warms his heart. ‘Sir.’ you did not add sir. He hated the honorifics with you. “And . . . I’m not a curse.” You mutter before dipping yourself in the bathtub sitting against the wall of the bathtub facing him.
You notice the huge X-shaped scar over his chest. “How did you get that?” you ask playing with the water not meeting his eye. His toes touch the side of your hips, hands resting on the white of the bathtub but when he does not answer you look up to him and see his hands near your ankles. There is a brief eye contact of realization about what’s he up to and in the next blink you are close to him.
“Do you wanna feel it?” He asks touching his forehead against yours.
“The pain?” You say, running his hands over his chest careful enough not to touch his nipple. “Or just the scar.” 
“How did you get this?” He rubs the mark of one of your wounds on your arm. “And this?” he asks, a little concerned by the number and place of the wounds you have all over the body. They have faded but not totally. The agony on his face is clear but you remind yourself it is not because of you. It must be because he is reminded of how he got his scar. 
“Mostly clients.” You answer noticing his hands trailing up to your breasts. Your mouth parts, eager moan willing to escape. “But some men like them. Some men don’t. So, they pay to heal them in a way like they were never there,”
“What kind do you think I’m?” Suguru asks but you fail to answer since his hands have started to massage your breasts, nice and slow. Your moans have started to weigh more, the bottom and lower lip parting with each other more. Your vision turns black as his mouth latches on the column of your neck but that is not where it is needed now. Your taut nipples need desperate attention. Moving closer to him, your palm is over his cock. He is hard, leaking even. A gran escapes from his mouth, edgy and elongated. One of his fingers dips inside your vagina. Woah. You’re wet, so very wet. Even under the water, he can feel your arousal, even smell it. You buck your hips a bit giving him an invitation. The sloshing sound of water feels more embarrassing than your moans. He does not take it but when you start to pump his cock in long, deep, and fast strokes he leans towards you taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You should have known how strong he is when he dragged you closer to himself because the way he is sucking and biting you think you will cum soon. He starts to rub your clit in rough, rigorous movements as his mouth works on your nipples. For a moment your hands feel lithe; your hands pause working his cock.
“You smell so good,” He murmurs unlatching his mouth and licking up to your collarbone from the base of your cleavage. You twist and tilt your head as his lips explore your neck while pushing his fingers up and down inside your vagina, nudging your sweet spot. Your hands start to pump his cock again, harder and faster this time, reverting him the favor with the same intensity and emotion. You feel him smirk against your skin before he bites your earlobes making you jolt. Another arm that rested on the valley of your waist tugs you closer, again; you think he is going to pull you onto his lap, fuck you deep, nice, and full. “Fuck” he mutters feeling his cock tense up. The sloshing of water now gets mixed with your loud moans mixed with his low grunts. Geto looks at your face, your eyes meeting his and occasionally landing on his lips and one of your hands gripping too hard on the whites of the bathtub. Both of your hands pick up the pace, matching the intensity and the ragged breathing. Eyes rolling white, jaw clenching hard, head arching back as the wave of orgasm approaches both of you.
“You’re close,” you huff and pant in between feeling his warm ejaculated fluid onto your hand.
“So are you,” he murmurs cumming as you keep pumping his cock till it stops. Geto pulls his fingers out of your messy aching cunt and shamelessly puts them in his mouth, licking and sucking it to the base of his fingers. You watch him as if he is the man to take your first time. The loneliness, the affection, the desire— all hit Suguru in a flash like a downpour as he notices you looking. He gets out of the bathtub and steps into the shower zone. When you hear the water running, you step out of the bathtub too but do not join him in the shower instead grab your phone with a towel that was in the pocket of his previous attire. Typing a number, you hit the send button and immediately delete it from the history.
The message read: [“I’m in.”]
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note: special thanks to my dearest fumi aka dom ( @akiniku ) for constantly listening to my ideas, talking me through them, and beta-reading this when I finished it. I finished writing this today and it was so rushed by Dom talked me through it and gave me the course I needed. hope you enjoyed reading it. thank you for making it this far. i do want to continue this but will see if i can manage time to write after october.
also tagging @orchid3a @semisgroupie
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528 notes · View notes
lilypads17 · 1 year
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neeh whats up doc
163 notes · View notes
miroslavcloset · 11 months
Arsenal FC Smash or Pass
let's go LET'S DO THIS
Aaron Ramsdale - Smash! Pretty nice way to start
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Matt Turner - Pass. Apparently, this team is full of adorable non-thirstable bois
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William Saliba - Ok, hear me out. He looks reaaaaally good, but I don't know, he has a certain something... that doesn't let me fully dig in, so Pass for now
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Jakub Kiwior - WHY IS ARSENAL FULL OF ADORABLE MEN I feel like I'm doing something wrong by saying I'd smash him, so pass
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Oleksandr Zinchenko - Hmmm... Pass. He looks good but neeh
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Kieran Tierney - Smash smash smash yes I love his smile
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Takehiro Tomiyasu - sMASH YES he looks so goooooooooood gimme Also he looks so serious *wink wink
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Martin Ødegaard - 100/10 would smash on a daily basis, why does he look so perfect?
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Kai Havertz - SMAAAAAAAASH I love my German boy <3 also, he looks so happy now, I love it
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Bukayo Saka - pass, again he's too adorable to do sinful stuff
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Eddie Nketiah - Smaaaash that's what I'm talking about, also that magazine cover, yes, that one
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26 notes · View notes
opossauce · 2 years
but uh if it's euhghh an uh area that's na- wha- very spawn neeh eh hasn't been. if it's an area that's been around for a very ver- er not been verer. if not been area ræround meuch, then it. can spawn. if y-.
185 notes · View notes
skaruresonic · 1 month
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Rarerúhaʔ ra-reh-ROO-ha. "he is a runner" ---
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Rareruháhaʔ ra-reh-roo-HA-ha. "he is a little runner" ** [**] a play on the word "raʔniháha·," (pronounced ra. nee-HA-haa), a colloquial term for "little man," or boy. -ah is a diminutive
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Nehraʔθwę́·θę·t neh-hra. THWIHH-thiiid "he has two (attached) tails" ---
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Račtęhratì·rahč rach-dih-hra-dee-rahj "he fortifies stones" ---
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Yečihkwahà·wiʔ yeh-jeeh-gwa-haa-wee. "she carries a hammer" ---
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Utiʔθrę́hsteh oo-dee. THRIH-sdeh "shadow; shade; overhang; anything that produces shade" ---
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Yečtęhranę́hskwahs yehj-dih-hra-NIH-squahs "she thieves stones; she steals stones" ---
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Kahwihstanù·ręʔ gah-hweeh-sdah-noo-rih. "silver; precious metal" ---
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Yakuʔneʔtahkraʔníhrę yah-goo. neh. dah-krah. NEE-hrih. "she blazes" ---
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Waʔnyé·thęr wa. NYEHH-tihs "cream" Čhíhs CHEEHS "cheese" Čhá·kuręʔ CHAA-goo-rih. "chocolate" ---
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Wanì·raʔ wa-nee-ra. "vanilla" ---
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Nehraʔnę́ʔyar neh-hra. NIH. yass "he observes; he watches intently"
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Ręθrí·yu· rih-THREE-youuu "he is big"
Ruteʔkrárči roo-deh. CROSS-jee "froggy" ---
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Wariʔáh wah-ree. AH "Little Mary" Ręʔtikęhnę́·tyęh rih. dee-gih-NIHH-dyih "he contemplates; he ponders" ---
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Tá·kteh Uʔnihsę̀·reh Uhnę̀·weh DAA-kdeh oo. neeh-sihh-reh ooh-niih-weh "doctor star line/mark; dr. belly button line/mark" ---
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Uwè·nęʔ oo-wehh-nih. "metal; steel; clock" ---
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Tá·kteh Uʔnhę́hseh Raʔníha· DAA-kdeh oon. HIH-seh ra. NEE-haa "doctor egg man; doctor testicle man"
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sizzlerseth · 2 months
Neeh me just woke up and i got bored soo
I just woke up feeling like tracing shapes on some people's cute little bellies, maybe I have a volunteer?
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lilianlay · 1 year
Liars get tickled
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This fic was inspired by the new event and card game Sacred call of the seven. And I was attracted by the dialogue between Diluc and Diona, and I immediately wanted to write the consequences of that. And I really love these two ^^
Summary: Kaeya is lying, which means he broke the main rule
Warning: This is a tickle fic. If you don't like this, don't read it^^
Diluc and Kaeya
- I knew I would find you here. - Diluc crossed his arms when he saw his brother.
- Hehe, of course, this is my office. - Kaeya smiled contentedly and approached to user of pyro element. - And what brings you here, Master Diluc?
- Today I was in the Cat's tail tavern and met a traveler there.
- Oh, Aether is in Mondstadt, I definitely need to say hello to him.
- I haven't finished yet. - Diluc huffed.
The sword user covered his mouth with his hand, but his smirk could be heard.
- Like I said, I met a traveler who was learning to play Sacred call of the seven.
- Really? I must certainly arrange a duel with him and see what he can do. - the blue-haired chuckled, but then again covered his mouth with his hand, as he caught a displeased look on himself. - Okay, okay, I shut up.
- And while Diona taught him, I noticed a card with my image. Do you want to explain anything?
- How do I know where she got this card.
- Really?
- Of course. Are you suspecting me? Oh, brother, I'm offended to the core. - the user of the cryo element dramatically put his hand on his forehead.
Diluc raised an eyebrow and sighed.
- It could be anyone, why did you immediately think of me? I don't even go to that tavern.
- Because.. - the red-haired fell silent, he decided to bring his brother to clean water. - So it wasn't you?
- Not me.
- Hmm. - the two-handed sword user pretended to think.
He began to move closer to Kaeya, who in turn began to back away until he crashed into his desk.
- Why are you stepping back? You aren't to blame for anything.
- Oh, I recognize that look, even after so many years.
- What look? - the redhead chuckled.
- Ummm.. I have business, maybe we can continue later? - the man with the eyepatch tried not to show his nervousness.
- You have got things to do for the first time? It seems to me somehow begins to lie very strongly. - the user of the pyro element moved forward.
Everything happened very quickly. The red-eyed quickly grabbed his brother's wrists and pulled them back.
- Um, Diluc? Of course I miss you, but everything happens too fast. Maybe you'll invite me to the Tavern first, give me some free wine, and then we'll continue. - he said it with a smile.
- Dreaming is not bad. - the two-handed sword user dug into the side of the cavalry captain without warning, causing him to squeak.
- Luhahahac! Nohohohohot thehehere - Kaeya shook squirm and giggle.
- You seem to have forgotten the most important rule. - the red-haired spoke in a calm voice.
- Whahahat's the rulhehehe? - the user of cryo element squealed as his brother squeezed his side.
- Liars get tickled~
- I'm nohohohohot a lihihihiar!
- Hmm, really? - Diluc took off his glove with his teeth and made his way under the blue-haired's shirt.
- Oh no no nohohooo, Luc noho neehed
- No need what? - he put his hand on his brother's bare side and tapped him lightly.
- Eeeek no need to thihihickle - Kaeya bit his lip.
- This is actually for prevention, so that you remember the rule..
- I'm already!
- And at the same time, so that you finally remember that interrupting the interlocutor is very bad. - the fingers began to tickle the side of the user of the cryo element very quickly.
Kaeya kept his mouth shut with the last of his strength, and only soft giggles and snorts could be heard.
- Do you want to say anything? - the cavalry captain shook his head in response.
Diluc shrugged his shoulders and his hand reached his brother's back and he began to tickle the soft skin with his nails.
- NohohOHOO nohohot theHEHEre NOHOHOT THEHERE - Kaeya began to laugh out loud and quickly shake his head.
- You know that only the truth will save you.
- I tohohohohold the truhahahahahahath - he snorted.
- You so stubborn. - Diluc rolled his eyes and began a very gentle tickle on his back that always drove Kaeya crazy.
- LuHAHAHAHAHAC - the blue-haired began to squirm very strongly. - PleHEHEHEHAHAHase, NOHOOHOHOT THAHAHAHAHAT! ANYTHIHIHIHIHING BUHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAT - he threw back his head and laughed out loud.
- I know you very well, you can't stand it for so long. - red-eyed smiled, but so that his brother didn't notice.
The sword user's legs began to give way, but Diluc held him very tightly so that he would not fall. He drew scribbles, sometimes touching his sides to hear the squeal.
- I'm listening to you - the tickling became even more tender and that's what Kaeya couldn't stand it.
- I lihihihIHed
- I understood it, what exactly?
- It wahahahahas me whohohoho leheheheft the cahahard in the tavehehern
- Why? And where did you get this card?
- I thohohohought it wahahas funny and cuhahate. I dihihihid it mysehehelf, oh plehehehease I cahahan't taHAHAke it anymoHOHOHOre
- You did it yourself? - Diluc stopped, and the blue-haired sunuggled closer to him.
- M-mysehelf. Only no mohohore questions, I drihihied up - he was still giggling.
- Hmm. Then I'll ask later~
- Nooo - Kaeya hid his face in his brother's shoulder and giggled even more.
Diluc chuckled very quietly, but the sword user could feel it. When they both calmed down, the cavalry captain sat down at his desk.
- So, you found out the truth and punished me at the same time, I hope you're happy.
- In general, my first purpose of the visit was to punish you right away, since I knew from the beginning that it was you who left this card, but I decided to play by your rules. - Diluc chuckled slyly.
- Wait, did you really know everything right away?! But how? Did Diona spill the beans? - Kaeya became again.
- It doesn't matter.
- But Luc, you know that hiding information from your brother is very bad. It's like lying, and you know what liars get~ he started wiggling his fingers.
- Don't come to me. - Diluc began to move back.
- Why are you stepping back? Hehe, it's too late to run somewhere~
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asknarashikari · 5 months
Kotaro: Neeh, Rita-ousama…
Kotaro: Can I try something while were here?
Rita: Are you going to test your abilities?
Yanma: maybe that’s interesting.
Yanma: Oi, Rita, provide them with a place where we can see these two battle it out.
Gira: Kotaro… Fight, Lucky?
Himeno: Why not?
Lucky: Yossha Lucky!
Lucky: How about it Kotaro?
Kotaro: Your Saikyou Kyutama with my Ouguma Kyutama.
Lucky: Yossha Lucky!
---- one sparring with an all white Lucky summoning weapon after weapon against a giant Kotaro happens ---
Yanma: Oi, Sukapon Tanuki!
Yanma: Are we sure these aren’t your siblings.
Gira: No.
Gira: Besides they’re using their own weapons different than ours.
Himeno: Still teleporting from place to place
Kaguragi: And the ability to turn into a giant.
Jeramie: But not as big as the Bugnarak when they grow into a giant.
Gira: Jeramie
Jeramie: Everyone, I would like everyone to meet Tsurugi, he’s here for both Lucky and Kotaro
Lucky: Yossha Lucky!
Kotaro: Tsurugi!
Tsurugi: Still, what a legendary tale!
Tsurugi: A sentai team from a different planet!
Tsurugi: But also the same as Earth.
Tsurugi: Anyway, let’s all go home once Balance is able to stabilize the way home.
Kotaro: looks like we’re stuck here for a few more days.
Lucky: Yossha Lucky!
Yanma: Does this tanuki know any other words besides Yossha Lucky?
Kotaro: Even still, that luck has helped us a lot in our battles.
Gira: Yossha Lucky? Help?
For once I agree with Yanma- does this guy know anything else but Those Words I Refuse to Even Write on Account of Them Being the Most Annoying Catchphrase in Sentai History
(Yes I'd rather type that whole thing than the two words that's how much I detest them)
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astralikacastle · 8 months
Weird question. I literally don't know how to ask this except like this.
Does anyone know of a song that starts or has a part in it that's like:
'neeh ne-neeh neeh ne-ninl-ne-ne-neeh neeh ne-ninl-ne-ne-neeh neeh neeh, neeh'
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opinion time. this one is for dutchies, and whoever else that somehow knows what this is.
i got my annual complementary banketletter from work, how are we feeling about banket? yeeh or neeh?
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king-and-his-consorts · 9 months
Bad Choices
Luffy starter for @kaizokugaris
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The sunlight shining over the Sunny's lawndeck was hot and painfully bright. There was a surprising layer of quiet settled over the ship. Far too much quiet for Luffy's liking. Already shooed away from both the galley and the map room, Luffy was looking for something to appease the raging need for excitement crawling under his skin.
"Neeh, Zoro. I'm bored." Luffy called, voice a low whine. He wrapped his legs around a ledge behind Zoro. His torso leaned backwards, hanging like a limp noodle over Zoro's shoulder. He looked up at his friend and grinned. One arm wrapped around Zoro's neck, Luffy's other fist punching into the air. "Yosh! Let's so go swimming!"
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kwnnn · 11 months
Aan baizaarai bi eron dandaa depressdej irjee ene undurluguus harahad. Yahab odoo teriigee darah esvel martah neg argiig oljee. Gehdee tern butehguiee. Neeh butehguiee bishee gehdeeel mdhguee. Coping mechanism maani neg l buruu baih shig. Yhav nadad tusalj bgaach busdiig zovoogood bga yumshgee. Eeish uhaan orchoochdee chi bvr hzee neg sehee orood huuye gehinbee?
Zaza aliin bolgon chmg buruutgahvdee, gehdeell setgel gedeg togloom bish gej manai bi chamd hairtai-gn Bayraa ah goyoor helj bsndaa.
Eoo za ter yahvee bii ch ygd ch shunu untaj chdkuimaa, hzee neg hvn shig untaj hvn shig amidrahiin boldoo, yg ene ertontsiin haana n amidraad bainaa bvsgvi min🥲
Unuu Midori egch maani “Bvderch unaad uhaan oroosoi gej hvseh ch hvsleer min bolohgui yum aanai l nmg anzaarahgui chi hviten hundii hvn yumaa Watanabe..?” gej bsniig anh unshihdaa bi midori bailaa. Odoo jhn Watanabe bolood baigamuudaa.
Ugasa anhnasa chi uurigu evdleh hreggu l bsii hvn bolgond zvrhee siichuuleh hreggu bsin.
Tehde ngu talaraa aldaj baij uhaardag gdg shg nadad bvhnii utga uchriig medruulsn oilguulsn blhr ter bvhend haramsahguimdoo.
Bvderch unaj sehee oroh bolgondoo bvhnee uguud bval hzeech dahij gazraas bosohgu bsnshdee… Anhnasal bvderch unahgui yvahn zuwuu. Watanabe min chinii zuw. Gehdee Watanabe chn setgeln oilgomjtoi todorhoi zaluu bsnldaa.
Huurhido yvj2 bi chin hamgiin iheer durgui Naoko bolood duusjaam bainadaa gej.
Hahah eoo gutsaj ugjiiinaaa nooorog devter dre saraachij bga aytai alj ugjiinoo.
Aan nre ghdee ih sonin shvv, hvnii hairiin hel gej ynz ynzaar ilreh yumdaa. Goy duu sonsood l hairlaltsah, esvel engertn erhelj hairlaltsah, esvel zugeerl hamt baihad l hairlaltsah…. Mash iheee. Gehdee bayrlalaa horwoo ertonts deer mash olon goy medremj goy vibe saihan zvils baidgiig medreed l yvjiigaa zaluu nas min hzeech btgi duusaasaii hehe
Zozo untloo hichneen ugluu ert bosoh ajiltai bsan ch 4,5 gj untaad ch hmagu ugluu bosood yvj chadna gj het ih uurtuu itgej amidarj bainadaa
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