#ncis yankee white
supernovagifs · 4 months
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𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝟏𝐱𝟏 - 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞
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chevaliermalfets · 9 months
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Gibbs + Ducky
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
NCIS Reaction: Yankee Whites
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts [with (maybe) occasional asides by Jezebel (@typicalopposite)]
The honorable Introductory Conversation, for your viewing pleasure:
Wench: I’m only halfway through my workkkkk. Jezebel: OOOOOF *two minutes later* Wench: Ya know what, heck it.  Episode now, work later.  Cool? Jezebel: YESSSS.  Don’t forget to send me the link too.  I wanna watch with ☠️ I can just work while I do it Wench: kjl;kadjf okay.  I'm gonna dish out some soup first, though. Jezebel: 😂😂😂 ok! Wench: I'm gonna get coffee too Jezebel: You bastaddd Wench: Oh shit, I already had coffee Jezebel: 😂😂 Wench: I thought I'd finished that half an hour ago a;lskdfj.  Clearly it's not doing its job 
I know that our random introductions are amazing, so I gift you with more!  Anyway, on to the ep…
– – –
That opening screen felt like the opening to a Dark Angel alskdfj
New guys are always suspicious; never trust new recruits
[Kateee]  idk who Kate is, but she’s apparently important
Well, I guess they know each other.  But still
Always expect problems.  YES!  Exactly!
[Welp.  Look at that. A problem]  Ma’am, what art thou doing.  [This isn’t even my reaction.  I can’t help it]
Wait.  Didn't he already meet her?
Well shite, buddy's dying.
The president is the murderer, obviously
Whoa, damn.  That's an impressive boat
LOGAN  Er.  Tony.  I mean.
“If we had our own jet-” kasjdf;lksadjf
"Details are sketchy" I see you, Sketchy-from-Dark-Angel reference
“NCIS.  Never heard of it” They never have
“Only if you’re dyslexic” Damn, Logan, go off
Loving the recurring conversation about the jet alskdfj
[Ducky] idk who Ducky is either, but cool!
Y'all, please, consider the foam.  Please.  That is the best clue you've freaking got.
"Looks like a natural death to me" I'M SORRY?!!??!?!  WHAT THE- WHAT
Stop.  talking.  about.  food.  and focus.  on the possible. poisoning. [Just wait lol]
I.  I'm not sure this is how things are supposed to work.
Y'all, handshakes aren't supposed to last that long; now you're just holding hands (cough cough)
They're.  Taking the plane.
I once again am about 99% certain this isn't how things work
This.  Is veryyyy suspect.
lkjas;ldkfjas; Tony, sir.  Now who's a cocky, "happy-go-lucky sociopath."
Y'all, please stop ranting about a model on a magazine and FOCUS ON THE DEAD BODY
I greatly appreciate the Air Force One references
How do you not know liver temp stuff; it's in, like, any CSI episode.  Which clearly exists in this universe
I'm sorry, why.  Why.  Please stop.  Liver temp isn't that accurate
[Good luck keeping up with all the rules]
Tony is indeed Alec-coded, ngl.  And I actually like him okay in this one, thus far.  Cocky little shit?  Yes.  Decently acted?  Thus far.  Aka: not bad, currently.  [Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂😂💕]
I swear, every single organization in these kinds of shows are represented as the underdog.  CTU in 24; NCIS in, well, NCIS; CSI in, oh yeah, CSI.  Y’all don’t have to make your organizations cool by making them the unknown-but-not-to-be-underestimated group
I'm.  I'm sorry, but what is Tony's job?  Is he the crime scene photographer/sketch artist or an interviewer or-? [Comedic relief ☠️]  NOOOO  [I mean he is]  FAIR
"Or the only presidential detail you'll get will be walking Spotty"  ngl, walking the dog doesn't sound too bad
"Where's the body?" "I don't know" … Not that convincing, bud
“Never say you’re sorry” What rule is that?
Oh, damn, no crocheting it?  That poor rule feels so unappreciated
alksdjf They're going to solve the case off of that few-ribs-and-coleslaw evidence, I call it now
Okay, I admit, that was hilarious
Was that President Logan from 24?  I only got a glimpse (I think it was)
– – –
So, I confess that I kinda forgot until a bit past halfway, but I’m gonna keep up the midpoint reaction thing for these.  SO…  
It's more enjoyable than I've expected thus far, I'm gonna be honest.  Currently --- and idk how I feel about saying this, but... *sigh*, I guess I will --- Tony is indeed top character.  Then Ducky.  Then, I guess, Kate, but I don't feel strongly.  [Yusss!  Successs!  😂😂😂😂 love it!  Also. You haven’t met Abby yet]  This is true!  It does kinda annoy me, however, that they stillllllll seem to be ignoring the fact that the guy had white foam coming out of his mouth because THAT IS A SYMPTOM THAT CAN GIVE THEM A HEADS-UP ABOUT WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN THE AUTOPSY but anyway… *clears throat, calms self*  Not bad thus far!  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
Now I’m gonna go get that coffee.  Back in a few :)
– – – 
Coffee is obtained; onward we go!
"What's this?"  "A mole"  Buddy, leave it to the experts aslkdfj
Sir.  Sir.  Why are you trying to sleep on the autopsy table.  [Cause buddy don’t sleep]  AND AN AUTOPSY TABLE WILL HELP?  [Be prepared for sad ass back story for Gibbs.  Idk what ep]
Health snacks are poison
"Bless you"  "What are you, my priest?"  "... Curse you?"  Abby, I like you already
HER GLOVE.  I’m obsessed [😂😂😂]
lkajsdlfkjsad;lkfj not going after the diet!!!
How can anyone trust what NCIS says at this point?  They're legitimately lying constantly.
I.  Don't trust this "natural death"
He said please!  [I love that you say that… Just wait]  ABBYYYYYY
Y'all, it wasn't a stroke.
CHECK THE DRINKKKKK They don't mention shit unless it's important
Oof.  The Ted-centric scene is a bit sus- OI WHAT DID I SAY
I confess that I didn’t expect him to die, but whatever.  I called it.
“He’s here because his gut is still churning, isn’t it?”  At least it’s not poisoned (yet)
NCIS = Naval Criminal Investigative Service, I see
Y’all.  Why are you eating.  On a plane.  Where you can’t see the preparation.  When a guy died there.  Yesterday.
Ma’am, the fact that you feel the need to justify your choices is telling.  This is very Max-justifying-Eric-coded, just saying
“Everyone on-board has been vetted by us”  Yeah, and the body was allegedly secured by you too, but that ended up being Tony, so.
I love Abby's necklace
That hair is not laboratory-regulation-compliant, but I ignore this for style
"Doesn't appear to be a robbery" Y'ALL.  THE FOAM.  I'M BEGGING YOU.
Abby, you're adorable and I love you
You know, maybe, if you’d considered what poisons cause frothing at the mouth, you’d have gotten there faster
Oh, damn, poor... uh.  first dude.  I feel bad for not knowing his name
Damn, Alec-coded characters get no rest; leave Tony alone [Moooood]
Two people in the bathroom isn't suspicious at allllll
Gibbs, you're kinda an ass.  Just saying.  [Tis true.  You grow to love him but he is lol]
This is so hectic.  The President's whole staff boutta get killed by snakes that aren't even in the room.  [And another one bites the dust.  I’m tired of these mfing snakes on this mfing plane ]
Y'all.  Pay attention to the suspicious guy who immediately turns away
I’m crying.  That’s hilarious.
But also.  How tf did Air Force One not change stuff after the movie.
What was the plan there.  How was that possibly gonna do anything.
Oh, no, not the paperwork
Kate gonna go work at NCIS… Maybe you can have relationships with supervisors there
"Pull that crap at NCIS, I won't give you a chance to resign" mmmhmmm
"FBI this", "Secret Service" that… Poor NCIS, getting no love on the television
ngl, I don't think I'd *want* that attention.  Attention means attention for the good, but also attention for the bad
– – –
Unlike Jezebel, I’m cool enough to give you my summary reaction at the end of the liveblogging post, so…First episode was decent!  I'm not in the practice of judging a show by the pilot --- The X Files proved that one, as did Dark Angel (well... the entire first season was misleading, technically) and a number of others --- but it was decent!  And I'm willing to keep watching for (currently) Tony and Abby, so.  I'll do another episode today, I think, and then switch back to my work.  See if I can fit in another at the end of that.  Savvy?  [Sounds good 🙂]
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kbade · 6 months
I recently watched the first episode of NCIS (Yankee White) and all throughout the episode I couldn't help but wonder what all the other agents from later seasons were doing at that moment. And then I started thinking about the ages of those agents.
Yankee White premiered September 23, 2003
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Age: 52
Nick Torres
Age: 23
Tim McGee
Age: 26
Ellie Bishop
Age: 19
Tony DiNozzo
Age: 35
Jenny Shepard
Age: 40
Kasie Hines
Age: 11 what??
Jessica Knight
Age: 19
Jimmy Palmer
Age: 26
Abbie Sciuto
Age: 34
Ziva David
Age: 24
Leon Vance
Age: 40
Alden Parker
Age: 47
Kate Todd
Age: 30
Clayton Reeves
Age: 18
Jack Sloane
Age: 36
Alex Quinn
Age: 30
Donald Mallard
Age: 70
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crazycurly-77 · 1 day
Hey, Ms. Secret Service! - Chapter 1 
Working at the NCIS as a pilot you met a bunch of strange and slightly crazy people. 
Tim was unfortunately shy, but so cute! Since he was the probie in Team Gibbs he was pranked by his teammates Tony and Kate very often. 
Tony was very good looking and a womanizer, but in all honesty, he didn't get as many women as the teamleader Gibbs.
That one was a silver fox, which talks rarely, but had a quick mind and very fascinating ice blue eyes. 
A woman was a member of the team, too. Her name was Kate and she always seemed to have to prove herself. At every opportunity she tells the people that she was approved yankee white and was handpicked to protect the president in the secret service. Oh, man. 
She could be nice, if she wanted. But most of the time she bickered with Tony and was a little bit arrogant, as if she was the best of the best. To that you only rolled with your eyes. 
Yes, she protected the president, but the others were really good, too. 
And you? You were just a trained pilot who flew several missions since you completed your pilot training. Your duty was to fly the people in a dangerous place or to fly them out of there. Okay, you had just done that multiple times, but that's your job. No need to get pretentious. 
In this point you were like Gibbs. Nothing goes without coffee and you had completed numerous commitments, but you didn't spoke of them. 
So you continue to observe the team, roll occasionally with your eyes and think your part. 
One day Kate was particularly bitchy. And she was once again going on about “I was handpicked to protect the president” and looked at you as if you were a bug under her shoes. 
Gibbs seemed to like her, so you tried to keep your calm. But every person has a point of no return and explodes. 
So you just looked up at her and said coolly “that's nice. But I don't want to be yankee white. I'm only here to fly your asses out of dangerous situations and that's enough for me.”
“You are very self-confident yourself!” she immediately argued. To that you narrowed your eyes and answered “yes. Yes I am self-confident. Because if I am not self-confident up there, I am dead. And with me my possible passengers.”
With that you sipped from your coffee, turned and walked back to your desk. Leaving Kate standing behind you and gaping at you like a fish. Nobody said a word and there was a lot of tension in the air. 
Gibbs stood slowly at his desk and looked at you both “any problems?” You both answered “no” shaking your heads, so he said “good” and sat back in his chair again.
An hour later you packed your things. Seeing that, Tim asked “Y/N, where are you going?”
“Flight Training. Today with an airplane, because the helicopter needs to be repaired. You wanna come with me?” you answered. 
He considered “yeah, I would very much like to go and watch.”
Turning to Gibbs he asked “Boss?” 
Gibbs looked up considering the question and said “good idea, McGee. Since we have no case to solve at the moment, we are all going to watch. Tim, get the truck. Y/N, you with me. Let's go.”
With that he threw the keys to Tim, got his own keys, gun and badge and walked towards the elevator with everyone running behind and following him. And so you all headed to the airport. 
The drive to get there was mainly silent as it was always with Gibbs. But just as you pondered why you had to drive with him in the car and how it had come that now the whole team was watching you, he said “what are you training today?” 
Surprised you answered “landing with a standing engine and getting out of a spin. Haven't trained this for 3 months.”
“What plane are you flying?” 
“Today a Cessna T206H a very reliable and flexible bush plane - it's one of my favorites.” 
To that he only nodded and then you were on the airport, exiting the car and walking to the others.
But before you could say anything you heard “hey, Y/N! You ready to crash and burn?” You were greeted laughingly from your former flight trainer and now friend, who was patting you on your back. 
“Hey John! Of course! I'm as ready as one can be” you greeted back. 
“I'm taking Sally today. Is she ready to fly?”
“Yeah, you can directly start with the pre-flight check and then start.”
“That's good. You know she's the best next to the little sheep” you nodded. 
“Yeah, I know you love them both” he laughed. 
Then you took a look at your colleagues who were standing nearby and asked him “Look, since the weather conditions are really good today…think it's safe to take passengers with me for the adventure?”
John looked at Kate, Tim, Tony and Gibbs and began laughing out loud “these greenhorns? They don't look like they know what awaits them. But yeah, no problem. But make sure that they will clean the plane, when they puke because of fear.” The two of you were laughing madly. 
“Okay, see you for the instructions” 
“Yeah, I'm coming”
Then you turned to Tim, Tony and Kate looking shocked towards you and said shrugging your shoulders “what? That's normal training. You have to train this so that you know what to do, if the worst case happens.”
Gibbs only narrowed his eyes “you sure of what you do?” 
“Yes. I've done this multiple times. Sure, there is always the possibility to really crash and burn, but when you are thinking about that, you should not fly” you stated. 
Looking to Kate you smirked devilish “hey, Ms. Secret Service. Already crashed today?” 
She only blanched horrified…. 
(To be continued...)
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vertigoartgore · 9 months
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NCIS's pilot episode (Yankee White) is turning 20 today. Feel old yet ?
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months
Reaching 1,000 episodes for the franchise was insane, and, by the way, I’m pointing out that almost 500 of those are just us,” says NCIS star Sean Murray ahead of that milestone. “I just have to throw that out there because I’m proud of that.”
That episode airs on the mothership on April 15, and Murray has been around for most of the ones to air on NCIS, having recurred in Season 1 and becoming a series regular in Season 2. So he has been there for a lot, including some necessary changes on set.
“It’s unreal. We had a lot of people asking what it was like, and I kept kind of shaking my head because it’s really unfathomable,” he tells TV Insider. “Shows are not supposed to go 21 years. It’s a miracle to get picked up. It’s a miracle to go past one year. It’s a bloody miracle. Sorry, I’m Australian, so I say bloody a lot. It’s a real miracle if you go five years. It’s an insane thing. And for a television show to go 21 years… We have had to rebuild our permanent sets because the partitions and stuff have fallen apart because they’ve been there for so long. And I’m not even joking with you. Chairs that were brand new when we started the series, these beautiful $1000 conference room chairs are falling apart like crazy because we’re in year 21, so we’re having to replace a lot of that stuff.”
Murray’s hesitant to share too much about the 1,000th episode itself (we already know Hawai’i‘s Vanessa Lachey and LA‘s Daniela Ruah will appear) but promises that both longtime and newer fans will enjoy it.
“My favorite thing of what we’ve done in the 1,000th episode is we have got little Easter eggs and things hidden all through the episode—and not even just hidden. We call back to a lot of things, but it’s a little hard to describe,” he admits. “It’s a great show for the people that are just tuning in for the first time or new fans. For the people that have been with us for a long time, it’s really something special because you’re going to see, like I said, Easter eggs of things. You’re going to see things that tip-off to old episodes, famous episodes that we did. Little moments. We have characters come back that we haven’t seen in a very long time.”
For example, like it was very much part of the first episode of the series, “Yankee White,” he continues, “Air Force One is very involved in that as are characters from that episode and from our past there. It’s going to be a cool one.” One such character from that episode is Fornell, played by Joe Spano, who we also know is back for the 1,000th episode, thanks to photos Murray shared on Instagram.
While there are those aforementioned characters from other NCIS shows appearing in the 1,000th episode, don’t expect a crossover outside of that, necessarily. (Ruah directed an episode, which Murray loved. “I know that she’d been doing a lot on LA, so it seems like a natural thing for that to happen,” he shares.)
With the shortened season, “we really want to make the most of our 10 episodes as possible, and so we’ve really turned a lot of it inward, and it’s even more character-focused,” explains Murray. “We really want to just buckle down and make it about our team there.”
But he’s not ruling it out for the future. “We like to do crossovers and do that stuff, and it’s a lot of fun. We know when the show continues, if the show continues, that that stuff will happen and everyone plays within the franchise,” he says.
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And those crossovers are fun! After all, with the three-show event in January 2023, Murray reunited with LA‘s Chris O’Donnell (G. Callen) and LL COOL J (Sam) after he worked with them in the two-part backdoor pilot, “Legend,” during NCIS Season 6 in 2009.
“I will never forget doing that interrogation scene with Chris and Todd. That was so much fun because I’m the one in there usually grilling everyone, so I was on the other side of the table, and that was a lot of fun, having those guys there,” Murray shares. “I remember when they did the spinoff when we were in year 6. It’s wild. So to see the success that they had and the way that that show went was really cool. As much as it’s inside the franchise and we share names, the shows were very different, too. I know they didn’t want a carbon copy of NCIS, even though they share the name. It was a different kind of show, but being able to have those characters over with us was really fun.”
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Harmon Watch Chronology
It was only a matter of time (no pun) that I tried to put together just how many watches Mark Harmon wore on NCIS. I wish I’d saved many of these images with the season and episode number (I only started doing that recently); it would’ve helped me figure out the length in which he wore each watch. But we’ll do what we can and maybe come back and edit it as I figure it out. Or maybe you can send the info my way! 
Okay, let’s give this a shot:
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S1E1 “Yankee White”
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S1E9 “Marine Down”
I dunno, the more I look at the top and middle pic, the more I think they’re 2 different watches. But the middle is definitely a Sinn 144 St Sa due to the red second hand.
Then we get this watch:
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S2E1 “See No Evil”
The mystery digital watch that he only wore once, and on the right hand. 
He then changes to this one:
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S2E13 “The Meat Puzzle”
Pretty sure that’s a standard white Omega Seamaster with a black band.
And yet another watch in season 3:
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S3E19 “Iced” (And if those aren’t quarterback hands, I don’t know what are.) I’ll have to go back and check out this season more to see if I can get a better shot of this watch, because I’m not sure what it is right now.
Then this monstrosity in season 4:
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S4E7 “Sandblast” Unidentified ugly watch. Only wears it once. Can’t say I blame him.
Thankfully, he moves back into the Omegas in season 5:
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S5E5 “Leap of Faith”
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S6E6 “Murder 2.0″
Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean.
But by season 7, he’s changed again. We finally get to see my favourite:
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S7E19 “Guilty Pleasure”
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S8E11 “False Witness” (and a can of beans)
What I love about this episode is, at the very beginning, he’s wearing the watch outside his jacket cuff. There’s a rumour that Mark had a friendly contest with Michael Weatherly about who could get their watch on camera. This was clearly Mark taking any advantage he could. Lol!
But then, he’s back to the trusty Omega Seamaster in season 9:
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S9E11 “Newborn King”
Oh, no wait. The return of my favourite in season 10:
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S10E11 “Devil’s Trifecta”
Oh, what’s this in season 11?
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S11E16 “Dressed to Kill” 
Hmmm. There are more watches with the crown at 4 o’clock than you might think, but unless he bought the compass band separately, there are few watches with both. Honestly, my first answer is a Bertucci or a Fossil! But considering both are under $100 and the number dial looks like a classic font, I’ll have to come back to this one in the future to say for sure.
Now, the second worst watch he’s worn in the series:
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S12E11 “Check”
The Breitling Bentley Super Sports Limited Edition Lightweight Titanium 49mm. He wore this for only a handful of episodes, which makes me wonder if it was some kind of product placement. Blech.
Because he changes it by episode 18:
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S12E18 “Status Update”
Classic Omega Seamaster, white face, black bezel.
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I just watched NCIS 1x01 "Yankee White"
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data2364 · 2 years
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Mark Harmon as Jethro Gibbs 2003 in NCIS “Yankee White“
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eclecticaddiction · 3 years
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Gibbs and Kate
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supernovagifs · 4 months
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ᴅᴀᴠɪᴅ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟᴜᴍ ᴀꜱ ᴅᴜᴄᴋʏ ᴍᴀʟʟᴀʀᴅ
𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝟏𝐱𝟏 - 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞
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Gibbs’ Rules #6 - Never say you’re sorry...
First mention of this rule, but Gibbs didn’t complete his sentence...lol!
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myncisworld-2point0 · 4 years
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Kate Todd. -- in: NCIS 01x01 “Yankee White”
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teamgibbsncis · 5 years
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All NCIS Episodes  01x01 Yankee White
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Oh Kate, early lesson here: NEVER underestimate Gibbs’s gut!
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