#naoyazenin x reader
naoyaslut · 1 year
Ch. 9
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warnings: physical abuse, blood mention, talks of pregnancy and being unable to conceive, nudity, light smut.
wordcount: 5,174
The doctor that had seen you the day before, was the same older man who had examined you upon your arrival at the Zenin estate.  He determined that you were no longer ill and made sure to note that you were no signs of pregnancy either.
The following days were frustrating, to say the least.  You were left to your own devices whereas Naoya still seemed to continue to avoid you in any way that he could.  You caught a glimpse of him every now and then, but he did not return to your shared bedroom.
Surprisingly, his behavior was beginning to unnerve you.  For him to be adamant about trying to get you pregnant for months on end, then completely avoid you… it was troubling.  What if he had actually decided to take on another wife or a concubine?  That left you here, sitting stagnant, and existing.
The library had become your second home.  You openly chose to spend your free time here rather than being locked up in your chambers alone with Lianne.  Emi was seen few and far between as well.  She tended to avoid you when she could, and you were content with the decision.
Closing the book that you had been skimming through, you huddled against the glass window that gave you an unobstructed view of the open garden outside.  The morning air was chilly, but there was a beautiful field of vibrant tulips and further down a trail of weeping willows.
If it wasn’t freezing out, you would have enjoyed the view up close.  Something weighed heavily in the pit of your stomach, making you feel sick.
Lianne calling out to you brought you back to your senses as you had been letting your mind wander.  She had a solemn look on her face as she stood a few feet away waiting for your acknowledgment.
“What is it?” You asked, taking the time to stand allowing the heavy gown you were wearing to unfurl onto the floor.
“Naobito-sama is requesting your presence,”
Her announcement earned her silence. You stood rigidly, trying to make sense of what she was saying.  Why on earth with Naoya’s father need to speak with you?  Was Naoya aware of this? Did he even care?
Nodding in acknowledgment, you hesitantly allowed Lianne to guide you to a study that you had never stepped foot in before.  Lianne closed the doors as you entered and you eyed Naobito cautiously from his seat at a nearby table.
He was looking over a map sprawled out over the table, a glass of wine in his free hand while doing so.
“Naobito-sama, I was told that you wished to speak with me?”
Naobito looked up from the map he had been studying and sat his glass down to give you his full attention.  He stood after a moment of silence eyes heavy with disdain as he looked you over.
“You’re still not with child, I see.” He closed the distance between you and stood a mere foot from you, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.  “What use does my son have with a woman who cannot bear children, please enlighten me.”
Your throat tightened at his brash words, your hands winding themselves in one another out of nervousness.
He was stepping closer into your personal space without a hint of how uncomfortable it made you.  Without warning his large palm placed itself on the bodice of your gown grasping at your taut abdomen.  It seems he was searching for any kind of roundness about your belly that may have been hidden by your gown.
“Not even an inkling of promise that you may be pregnant,” he dropped his hand in disappointment and moreover fury.
“Naobito-sama, with all due respect…” you swallowed down the knot forming in your throat before you continued.  “I didn’t ask to be brought here and married to your son, and maybe it’s not me that is broken.  Did you ever think that Naoya may be-“
You should have known.  Normally anything that came after “all due respect” had a little bit of contempt behind it.  Although you hadn’t meant to insult Naobito or his son, you doubted he saw it that way.
Before you were able to finish your sentence, Naobito’s heavy palm connected with your cheek leaving behind the icy tingling from the open palm slap he had inflicted on you.
You could feel your lip split at the contact, the taste of iron blooming instantly at the tip of your tongue.  Biting back your tears you only managed a strangled yelp before righting yourself and tucking your lip into your mouth.
“I see you still don’t know when to mind your tongue either,” Naobito seethed, turning his back to you.  “You disrespect my son, your husband, right to my face.  You really are a bold little bitch, aren’t you?  Just like your father. Look where that got him,”
You stared in disbelief at the man in front of you, blown away that he had struck you.  Your anger was palpable, but instead, you stood there in silence as Naobito continued his rant.
“Get out of my sight, woman!” Naobito spat, walking back to grab hold of his cup of wine.  He drank the remnants in his cup. “You’d better hope that he doesn’t cast you aside like some piece of trash, I don’t understand why he insists on keeping you around,”
You could still feel the sting at the side of your face, and it was obvious that your lip was beginning to swell, but you refrained from shedding tears until you stepped out into the hall. 
Lianne stood waiting for you, her eyes widening in surprise once she saw your face.
“M-My lady, are you alright?!” she asked, her hand gently cradling the side of your face. 
Pulling away from her in pain at the tenderness of your face you simply nodded before heading back in the direction of your quarters.
“I’m fine,” sniffling under your breath, you wiped at the tears at the corner of your eyes with the back of your hand.  You intended to get back to your quarters and cry your eyes out, never had any man laid a hand on you, not your father, not even Naoya.
Two guards standing on the outside of one of the adjacent rooms stopped to greet you in passing as you waltz past a moment later the wooden doors behind them began to open.  The guards stepped aside and out strode Naoya halting in the middle of the hall.
You stopped mid-stride as you made eye contact with him, your eyes drawn to the streak of red rouge smeared along the collar of the white kimono he was wearing.  Your heart sank into your belly, your already wet eyes meeting his grey ones once more.
He looked confused; eyebrows pinched together in agitation as he studied your appearance.  Your swollen lip and the flushed side of your face that was already beginning to bruise.
“What happened to your face?” He inquired angrily.
You caught sight of Emi coming out of the room after Naoya had, her lips stained with the same red rouge that was visible on clothes.  She was dressed beautifully in a kimono decorated with Zenin colors; she looked like a brand-new bride.
  You weren’t sure why, but the unfolding scene before you made you sick.  It was disheartening to see that Naoya had so easily thrown you aside when you were open to making this work.
Not bothering to respond to him, you turned away from him to flee from any further embarrassment.  You didn’t get very far, his hand grasped ahold of your bicep before tugging you toward him once more.
“Let me go!” you retorted angrily, attempting to pull yourself free from Naoya’s grasp but he was stronger.
Grasping at your jaw, he pulled you toward him so that he could observe your face and you only winced in pain, more tears gathering at the corner.
“S-stop it!” you whined, tears clouding your vision completely.
Naoya grabbed your forearm once more and began to drag you behind him down the hall toward your chambers.  Clumsily following behind him, you began to sob under your breath darting to the opposite side of the room once he shut the doors behind the two of you.
Naoya reached for you once more and you slapped his hand away only to push yourself further into the corner of the massive room.
“Don’t touch me!” you cried angrily, cradling the side of your face that seemed to throb from Naobito’s attack on you.
First Naoya ignores you for days on end, then Naobito puts his hands on you as if all this nonsense was your fault.
“Tell me what happened to your face, right now,” Naoya insisted.  His voice was low and those grey eyes of his burned with something you’d never seen before.  “Who put their hands on you?”
After what you had just witnessed, you didn’t want to be anywhere near Naoya.  Hell, you didn’t want to be in this estate at all, you were upset, and you were in pain.  What on earth was Naoya doing in that room with Emi?
“Your father did,” you said, wiping away the tears still escaping your eyes.  “It was well deserved,”
The last bit was mumbled under your breath as you sat on the side of the bed, testing your stinging cheek with the tips of your fingers.
Naoya stilled briefly, his jaw tightening.  You noticed his hands balling into fists, he was upset that much was clear.  Crossing the room he stood in front of you, staring down at you angrily.
“What do you mean you deserved it?  What could you have done to warrant my father putting his hands on you?!”
Meeting Naoya’s gaze you began to speak, and your confidence begins to wane under his hard glare.
“I suggested that you were impotent,” Dropping your gaze down into your lap, your tears began to well up in your eyes once more.  “He insisted that I was unable to bear children, so I insulted his pride and joy right to his face and he struck me for it,”
Naoya again crossed the room to kneel in front of you, attempting to cradle your face once more.  You could tell by his solemn expression that he was furious, but he didn’t say a word as he tilted your jaw upward to get a better look at the cut on your lip. 
Pulling out of his hold you folded your hands in your lap before responding.
“It’ll be gone by tomorrow,” laughing bitterly, you held up your arm that had been cut weeks before by the curse.  Flashing him your forearm, you revealed your skin that had healed over without a scar in sight.  “Perks of being a l/n”
“I apologize that my father put his hands on you, it won’t happen again,” Cradling your cheek, he leaned in to try to kiss you, only to have you push him away.
“I won’t have you touching me if you’re entertaining your whores,”
Naoya’s eyes widened in surprise before confusion washed over his features.  He stood, towering over you before he answered, seemingly oblivious to your accusations.
Standing up to look up at him, you began to cry all over again.
“Don’t play dumb, Naoya.  I saw Emi follow you out of that room, there’s still rouge from her lips on your kimono,” Dropping your hands to your sides, you glared at him through blurred vision.  “It’s just as your father said, you force me to come here to marry you and then you throw me aside when I can’t give you what you want.  Was that all it took for you to just abandon me?”
Naoya’s features began to soften as he observed you crying not far away from him and he opened his arms for you, his intent to console you.
“Come here,” he said, sighing in exasperation when you refused.
“No, I won’t!” you cried, wiping at the tears still falling from your eyes.  “You blatantly ignored me for days and made me feel like an idiot,”
“Y/n…” Naoya warned, his voice took on an annoyed edge and he crossed the room to wrap you in his arms.
For the time being you allowed him to embrace you, crying into the fabric of his kimono while he ran his fingers through your hair.
“I haven’t touched another woman since I married you,” Kissing the top of your head, he wrapped his arms around you tighter his breath hitching suddenly.  “I wanted to give you some space, you were adamant about leaving.”
This indeed was the most emotion that Naoya had displayed toward you since you stepped foot in this place.  He seemed genuinely upset and frustrated that his father had struck you, what was he going to do about it?  You had no idea.
“I will speak with my father, he will never lay a finger on you again.”
You were aware that the Zenin clan was dysfunctional… but the extent to which it was, again you were clueless.  Rubbing at your eyes, now red from crying you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him, finding some comfort in his warmth.
Naoya lifted you in his arms abruptly and sat down on the edge of the mattress that you’d been sitting on not too long ago, placing you in his lap.
“Show me your face,”
Leaning further into his chest, you resisted the urge to turn away from him and reluctantly looked up at him so he could see the side of your face.
The place of impact was still flushed, but no there was no bruising.  Naoya let out an exasperated sigh and turned his head back to the entrance of the bedroom.
“LIANNE!” His booming voice startled you, the doors to the room opening next gaining your attention.
Lianne rushed in standing near the entrance and acknowledged Naoya’s call immediately.
“Yes, my lord?”
“Bring ice and prepare a bath for us,” Naoya continued to examine your face gently, his eyes taking on a faraway look before he began to speak again.  “And we will have our dinner in our chambers, I’m not leaving this room tonight so don’t bother me or my wife unless you’re coming to do what I told you.”
Lianne nodded in response and quickly retreated from the room, leaving you alone with Naoya his gaze seemingly transfixed on your profile. 
You assumed he was staring at the ugly blemish, the slight swelling of your lip.  It had even split when you were struck, you couldn’t imagine it being that captivating.
Turning your face away from him, you pulled out of the grasp he had on your face the obvious attention starting to wear on your nerves.
“Please stop staring at me,” It would all be gone tomorrow, just as if it had never happened in the first place.
Naoya’s hand returning to its place along the angular of your jaw startled you moments later, with him forcing you to meet his eyes.
The stretch of silence caused your nerves to become wound tight, just an ounce of panic settling within your ribcage.  Had you done something else wrong?  Possibly stepped out of line to upset Naoya even further?
The pad of his thumb passed over the splitting skin in your lip gently, his brows tightening into a harsh knot as he pulled it away.  The tip of his tongue replaced his thumb as he leaned down into you, a free hand grasping firmly at your nape to hold you in place.
Obviously startled at the sudden shift in the atmosphere you remained rigid in his hold briefly before attempting to weakly push him away.  You didn’t go anywhere; you were wound tightly in his other arm that had been wrapped snugly around your waist.
The exchange began as being one-sided.  You were hesitantly parting your lips to allow the wet warm muscle to slip its way into your mouth. 
Embracing Naoya, was something you had gotten used to.  You wouldn’t deny that there were indeed underlying emotions that were tied to the man you were straddling but in all honesty at this point he knew your body better than you did. 
Your body suddenly became warm to the touch, a harsh flush was creeping up the back of your neck causing your ears to burn in embarrassment.  You became painfully attuned to everything that was happening around you, the swift movements of his tongue, his fingers tangling in your hair to pull at the pins that held it in place.
Your hair fell free from the updo it was pinned in and Naoya wrapped the mass of it into his fist to angle your face away from him, your lips disconnecting with a loud pop.
Slightly out of breath and eyes heavy you watched him from the corner of your eye his mouth now lapping at the column of your throat.
“I’ll stare at you when and as long as I’d like,” Each word was pronounced pointedly after he kissed along the hollow of your throat, beckoning faint groans of satisfaction from you.
Your head was hazy, it seemed as if a thick veil had fallen over your eyes distorting everything around you.  Things were taking place at that time, doors opening and closing, a large basin of hot water being brought in, and the faint silhouettes of bodies whisking in and out of the room.
“Naoya,” you flinched at a slightly painful pinch against your throat, shifting in his lap uncomfortably as your stiffening nipples rubbed uncomfortably against the front of your dress.
You were literally on fire, seemingly burning from the inside out.  Naoya obviously didn’t care enough to mind anyone going in and out of the room, and rather continue giving your (your body) all his undivided attention.
Humming into the bare skin of your shoulder, the hand that had been jumbled in your hair freed itself before it began to unlace the backing of your dress.  You wanted to stop him… you did.  There were slow movements still visible out the corner of your eye as you turned your head, locking eyes with Emi carrying an oversized silver tray.
She moved so slowly as if she were afraid of startling a timid animal before she sat the tray down, her eyes never leaving your own.  She was studying you, eyes momentarily shifting to Naoya’s back as he continued to very much so ravish the exposed skin of your throat and shoulder.
Her hands tightened on the edge of the tray before she released it, startled by Naoya’s booming voice.
Naoya’s agitated voice echoed about the chambers once more, his patience obviously wearing thin.
“Hurry the hell up and get out,” Emi, including the rest of the staff hurriedly left the room the doors closing softly behind them.
Naoya had finally finished unlacing your dress from the back and he moved to stand moving you from his lap to sit on the bed.  Once he stood, he began to undress, first untying the sash to his kimono before slipping the entire thing off and lying it across the bed. 
You sat motionless while watching in awe as he strolled across the room to stand beside the basin of steaming bath water in all his naked glory.  He turned to look at you over his shoulder before beckoning you to come over.
“Come here, y/n.”
Slowly, almost hesitantly you slipped off the mattress to cross the room to meet him face to face.  Your nerves were still frazzled, and you swore you felt a jolt of electricity shoot up your spine when he touched you.
“Turn around,” the phrase was mumbled low, the tips of his fingers skimming along the length of your spine while he pulled the dress off your shoulders.
You shuddered in response, chills shooting through you watching as the silk gown pooled around your ankles.  Naoya stepped in closer proximity to you, his hardened abdomen brushing along your lower back, allowing his fingers to grasp at the elastic band of your undergarments before he slowly pulled them over your thighs so that they joined your dress on the floor.
Grasping your hand, he glanced over you nonchalantly before guiding you towards the basin of bath water as if to help you inside. 
Taking his cue, you stepped over the metallic edge of the bath and gasped faintly as the near-scorching water singed your skin.
“Too hot?” he asked, his head canting off to the side in question.
You merely nodded in response once you became used to it, slowly slinking down into the water.
“No… it feels nice.”
Naoya climbing in after you was surprising.  He sat within the basin behind you, his longer legs encasing your body with him wrapping an arm around your abdomen to pull you close so that you were flush against him.
After holding onto you for a brief moment, he pulled a washcloth from the small pile of towels that had been placed on a nearby table. 
The room was silent, the wood in the fireplace crackling from the heat of the flames.  Slowly, almost meticulously he began to run the now damp cloth over your exposed skin. 
Tucking both legs against your abdomen, you sat silently as Naoya washed you himself.  The soap he used smelled faintly of hibiscus, the creamy substance rubbed into your skin until it began to foam.
He seemed determined.  All his attention focused solely on scrubbing you over and wiping you down.  But after a few minutes of stifling silence, he did begin to speak once again.
“You are to never be alone with my father in the same room ever again,” Naoya said.
Your hair was now drenched as he poured the now-warm water over your head after forcing you to lean back.  He was careful not to get it in your eyes and then proceeded to begin washing it with the same soap from before.
Pulling both knees tightly against your chest, you wrapped your arms around them not bothering to respond to his earlier statement. 
In all honesty, it may have been easier said than done.  If Naobito wished to speak with you all he had to do was come to find you.
“To make sure of that I will have Toji keep an eye on you if I’m not around,”
Those words made you go rigid, a tightness beginning to form in your throat.  Considering what you knew… or what you thought you knew about Toji.  You weren’t sure that was the best idea.
There was no way you could disclose to Naoya what happened that night.  You doubted he’d believe a word you say. 
A sudden rush of warm water flowing through your strands brought you out of your thoughts, Naoya’s free hand again tugging you back to avoid getting water in your eyes. 
Once he was satisfied, he placed a light kiss along your jaw before he began to wash rather hastily. 
You saw quietly, waiting until he was finished.  The longer you sat still between his legs, your curiosity began to eat at you.
Hesitantly, you cast him a glance over your shoulder to witness him pouring water over his head to rid his hair of the suds from the soap. 
Running the heel of his palm down his face, Naoya cracked an eye open a faint smile quirking at the corner of his lips.
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you tore your prying eyes away from him in embarrassment.  He saw you; you knew he did, and it was obvious that he was amused.
You didn’t expect Naoya to draw his arms around your naked body, one of his large hands fondling your breast before pulling you tight against him.
“You have curious eyes wife,” he rolled a pebbling nipple between his thumb and middle finger.  “Do you wish to touch me? Or do you wish to be touched?”
Letting the breath, you had been holding, your body bowed against him underneath his abrupt touches a needy whimper clawing its way up your throat.
“I-I didn’t mean…” an unexpected surge of heat pulsated at the pit of your belly, Naoya’s other hand now wedged between your thighs underneath the bathwater.
You couldn’t form coherent words while he toyed with you, your bottom lip finding itself wedged between your canines to stifle any more of the unsavory sounds you may have made.
“You can ask me to touch you, if that’s what you want,” Naoya breathed into the column of your throat lapping tenderly at the flesh.  “We are husband and wife,”
Naoya’s heavy erection rested firmly against your lower back, the rigid muscle seemingly pressing painfully into your spine while slowly rolling his hips against you.
Between the feeling of your impending orgasm building slowly and almost painfully that haze seemed to fall over your eyes once more causing the inside of the room to blur.
“I-“ hesitantly, your legs began to part for him, wider even.  The pallets of his index and middle fingers rub languidly at the pulsing bulb located between your legs. 
In a way, it was freeing… to know that Naoya seemingly had eyes for only you.  You loved the idea that he grew stiff and his body taut at touching you.  He was right, you are husband and wife, and your body craved his touch.
Releasing a stifled whimper, you brought an arm up to loop around his neck while he still was settled behind you.
You could hear his breath hitch momentarily, the low rumble of his voice vibrating against the column of your throat.
“I want to hear you,” the points of his canines pinched at the skin along your throat, the wet of his tongue lathering over after.  “I don’t care if the whole estate hears you,”
Lianne’s voice from outside of the chamber's doors caused Naoya to stop his pursuit instantly.  He growled under his breath, his voice slightly ragged as he forced out a response.
“What is it?”
Lianne cleared her throat and proceeded to talk through the barrier of the door. 
“I have brought dinner for you and the lady, may I enter?”
Naoya still remained still, his fingers lax for one… two… three… four seconds before he dropped his hands from between your thighs.  He sighed, rather annoyed, and moved to help you stand along with him. 
He took a clean towel and began to wipe you down after helping you out of the bath following directly behind you. 
Once the two of you were dry and dressed in robes for bed, he allowed Lianne to enter the room with the dinner that he had told her to bring a while ago.  Two other young ladies followed her in, including Emi as well.
Each of them sat down a tray on the low-rise tabletop located to the far right of the room near the fireplace.
One included two large plates filled with rice, white fish, and plenty of steamed vegetables covered in a citrus-scented scent.  Another had fresh fruits and freshly baked desserts made from sweet pieces of bread.  Emi lacked a tray, she simply carried a small dish filled with rounded sugar squares.
She sat the dish on the tray she had brought in earlier before forcing a stiff smile in your direction.
“Sugar for your tea, my lady.”
Naoya urged you to sit down at the table atop of large pillow where he joined you right after.  The women went on to set the dishes out across the table and filled Naoya’s glass with a light golden-colored wine. 
Once they finished, he dismissed while sipping his wine in contentment.
“Eat, you must be famished,” Naoya insisted.
And famished you were.  Your stomach growled in anticipation of tasting everything displayed on the spread before you.  And so you did.
You didn’t hesitate to leave anything untouched.  You cleared your main entrée and indulged in some of the sweet slices of bread that had hints of vanilla bean and drizzled honey.
Naoya watched you in silence, seemingly satisfied that you were eating everything that was put in front of you. 
Once you reached for another dessert, he found himself smiling, genuinely in your direction.
“I didn’t realize you had such an appetite on you, normally you pick at your food,”  He took a long drink from his wine glass and sat it down on the table stop before taking a bite of the vegetables on his plate.
Once the desert was in hand, you offered him a quick glance and nodded in agreement.
“It was because I wasn’t comfortable here, at all.” Running your thumb over the side of your face, you winced forgetting about the soreness still lingering in your cheek.  “I’m still not… but I feel safe as long as you are around.”
“And you should, I swear to you right now y/n,” Naoya tucked both of his hands into his lap his gaze stony but determined as he eyed you.  “No one will ever lay a hand on you again; I will deal with my father this won’t go without consequence.”
Putting the dessert back on its tray you tore your eyes away from Naoya and began to pour yourself a cup of tea. 
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, Naoya,” Dropping two of the sugar cubes into your tea, you took a spoon and began to stir it until they began to dissolve.  “Although I already have… I am fine…”
Lifting the glass teacup to your lips, you took a tentative sip of the tea that was now lukewarm.  It was a bit bitter, so you added more sugar. 
Naoya didn’t speak any further, just observed you quietly from his seat on the floor. 
He seemed uncertain about the situation but returned to finishing his dinner instead of asking more questions. 
The two of you finished your dinner not long after and Naoya pulled you into his arms while simply holding you against him.  He made no move to ravish you, he was content just having you in his embrace.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, his palm splayed flat along your abdomen.
Your stomach felt as if it were wringing itself into a tight knot.  You felt off, to say the least, nausea building steadily the longer you sat in silence.
Naoya ran his hand over your back, rubbing over your bare skin in an attempt to relieve the repugnance simmering in your gut.
“I’m okay,” you lied, swallowing down the bile that threatened to spew forward at any second.  “I’m just…”
Sitting up abruptly, you threw your legs over the side of the mattress to hover over the empty pail that was waiting for you.  The sickness had returned, and you retched again all through the night.
13 notes · View notes
naoyaslut · 2 years
differences ch. 5 NSFW +18 Only MDNI
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warnings: arranged marriage, profanity, sex under the influence, dubcon if you squint
wordcount: 3,797
t@glist: @tirzamisu @pulchritxde
It was time.  The day of your small wedding ceremony had finally come.  You stood in your chambers alone, nerves frayed as you paced back and forth across the marble tile.  Lianne had dressed you in a rather traditional kimono, bright red and gold pigments etched along its front.  It was a beautiful kimono, it fit snugly around your body accentuating every curve that you possessed.   
Your hair was pinned up eloquently, secured by a golden lily pin.  It belonged to your late mother, Sanosuke had brought it along with him. 
The doors to your room opened briefly, your older brother gliding into the room with a faint smile on his face.  He was dressed in the same-colored garb as you, a red and gold hakama with traditional pants.  These were the colors that belonged to your clan.  
“You look beautiful, y/n.” He said, slowly making his way to where you were standing. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you crossed the room to meet him, speaking to him quietly.  This was the first time you had seen him since your home was destroyed.  In your mind, he should have been as upset as you were, but he was seemingly unbothered; carrying on like the Zenin hadn’t destroyed your home. 
“Sanosuke.  What happened? I want to know why I have to go through with this right now.” your frustrations were starting to get the better of you, you assumed he would whisk you away before any of this nonsense even occurred. 
“I’m doing this for you, you know.” was his only answer. 
You frowned, angrily grabbing ahold of his hand. 
“I don’t want to do this! You’re pawning me off to a murderer!” tears began to gather at the corners of your eyes as you pleaded with him.  “I’m not doing this! Let's leave right now! We can go, please!” 
Sanosuke rolled his eyes at your hysterics raising a free hand cupping your cheek before wiping away the tears on both sides of your face. 
“Stop crying, you’ll ruin your makeup.” His smile had faded, his expression growing sterner.  “I don’t want Naoya to think I’ve upset his bride.” 
You froze, affronted by how he simply brushed you off.  You were siblings for God's sake.  Why was he treating you like livestock being sold to a commoner? 
“I need you to do this y/n.  It’s the only way our family, or what’s left of it can get from underneath the Zenin clan.” 
Sanosuke crouched down so that you were face to face with him.  Cupping your chin in one of his hands he began to speak. 
“You will be safe here as Naoya’s wife.” He canted his head thoughtfully as he examined your face. 
“You’re a beautiful woman.  Do what you’re told, seduce him. Make him fall in love with you… give him a son. When the opportunity arises, I will avenge our father. I promise.” 
So, this was his plan.  He legitimately wanted to use you as an asset to get revenge.  You were appalled.  Nausea began to stir in the pit of your stomach, bile collecting at the back of your throat.  You wanted to agree with him, but... something just wasn’t sitting right with your conscious.  
You looked away from him as the whites of your eyes began to sting from the salt of the tears yet to spill over. 
The soft pads of his fingertips against your cheek brought your attention back to his face, a soft empty smile etched onto his face. 
“I’m counting on you, y/n.”  
The doors to the room began to creak open, and Sanosuke wrapped his arms around you pulling you into an embrace.  He placed his large palm on the back of your head as if he were consoling you, speaking low... almost threatening so only you could hear. 
“Fix your face.” he rubbed the back of your neck, in a soothing manner. “You have a role to play.” 
You collapsed into your brother’s arms, allowing him to hold onto you.  From a distance, it looked as if you two were in a loving embrace, your gentle older brother comforting you before your wedding ceremony. 
You nearly broke down, right then and there as you rested your forehead against Sanosuke’s chest.   
Before you could think to burst into tears, Lianne stepped into the room a worried expression falling over her features as she observed the two of you in such an intimate embrace. 
“Is everything alright?” she asked, stepping further into the room. 
Pushing yourself away from Sanosuke, you wiped at your eyes to get rid of your tears before looking up. 
“Everything is fine.” forcing a smile, you stepped away from your brother inserting your hands in the wide sleeves of your kimono.  “Is it time?” 
Lianne nodded, stepping off to the side.  “You can escort her in my lord.” 
Sanosuke held out his arm for you, grinning down at you as he waited for you to take it.  
Hesitantly, you reached out and placed a hand on your brother’s arm.  He began to walk towards the doors, and you silently followed beside him without a word.  You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.  All of the mixed emotions swirling about inside of you made you physically nauseated. 
The two of you walked down the hall with Lianne in front, guiding you into what looked like a large study.  Naoya was present, along with Noribito and his two brothers that you saw when you first arrived here.  There was also a third man, towering over all four with dark hair and vivid green eyes.   
He looked to be the least entertained, expression flat and emotionless as he stared off into a nearby corner at nothing in particular.  He looked menacing, even more so than Naoya with the scar that was nestled across the right side of his lips.   
Once Sanosuke stepped through the threshold with you holding onto his arm, the entire room turned facing the both of you.  Sanosuke kept a steady tread until the both of you stood in front of Naoya. 
The distant voice of a clergyperson began to babble on in the background, the sound of his words snuffed out by the sound of your own heart thundering in your ears.  Sanosuke dropped his arm, and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead, before he descended behind into the small crowd of people gathered in the room. 
And there you stood, beside Naoya eyes wide open but unseeing as the ceremony went on.  It seemed as if you were watching everything unfold from outside of your own body, whatever language that was being spoken seemingly foreign to your own ears. 
Blinking rapidly, the haze that seemed to cloud your vision slowly began to clear.  Naoya comes into your vision standing erect before you. 
“You may now, join as one.” the phrase snapped you out of your stupor, your gaze shooting over towards Sanosuke, an overwhelming tightness forming in the middle of your chest.  He was giving you a knowing smile, his face content an eyebrow raised, expectant. 
It took everything in your very being not to recoil as Naoya took ahold of your hand, lifting it to only press a soft kiss there. 
There was low applause from the small crowd, nearly everyone in the room bowing respectfully as Naoya took your hand in his own.  Everyone except the dark-haired stranger, whose attention was now transfixed on you. 
His brows knitted together in what you assumed was a pity, causing you to lower your own eyes down to the floorboards.   
The night went on in a blur.  Food, wine, and talks of a great future for the Zenin clan went on around the estate.  The men used the small celebration as an excuse to drink excessively and eat their fill before retiring back to where they came from. 
Naoya made sure you were seated next to him at all times, especially during dinner.  You sat quietly, sneaking glances around the table when you were sure Naoya wasn’t paying you any mind.  It was as if you were some... glorified lap dog.   
The atmosphere at the table was less tense than it had been during the ceremony, Sanosuke had long parted from the estate leaving you in the hands of the Zenin family, alone.  Your jaw tensed at the thought as the bitter realization set in, festering in the hollow of your chest. 
Glancing up from your drink, you briefly met eyes again with the green-eyed stranger from earlier.  From the conversations going on at the table, you had learned that his name was Toji.  He was also a member of the Zenin family and from what you understood Naoya’s older cousin. 
He pinned you with an intense stare, lips tilting up offering you a faint smile before you tore your eyes away in alarm. 
You indulged in the sweet red wine that was available at the table, downing four cups relatively quickly before Naoya put a stop to it. 
You were already buzzing when he leaned down into your ear, his hand smoothing down your lower back. 
“You’ve had enough,” he said, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.  “I don’t need you sick before we retire for the night.” 
You stilled against his touch, his fingertips dancing languidly along your spine as he spoke slow and deliberate. 
Swallowing the tightness that was beginning to form within your throat, you only nodded slowly failing to meet his face. 
“Look at me.”  
Naoya’s gruff voice startled you out of your own thoughts, and hesitantly you turned so that you were looking him in the eye.  
Everything was hazy, moving in slow motion as he grasped hold of your jaw staring down into your countenance.   
Your eyes only widened at the contact, glassy from your drunken state.  Naoya tilted your face up as he examined you, heat rushing to your face from embarrassment.   
“Drunk.” Naoya clicked his tongue in distaste as he released you, turning his attention back towards the table. 
Letting out a shaky sigh, you nodded defiantly grasping hold of one of Naoya’s hands.  Leaning towards him you spoke softly. 
“I’m not drunk Naoya-sama, I promise.” 
Naoya shook his head as if disappointed pushing his own chair back from the table.  He didn’t bother to say a word as he stood, pulling you up with him.  The chatter and drinking at the table didn’t stop one bit as you were led behind your new husband against your will.  
As much as you wanted to voice a complaint, you didn’t.  But allowed him to pull you along until you were back in his quarters, the door slamming shut behind you.  The room differed from what you had last seen of it.   
You even realized that some of your own things were now in the vicinity.  The realization of everything that was happening up until now was slowly dawning on you.  That you were actually the wife of Naoya Zenin.  You were a Zenin.  And Naoya was free to do with you, whatever he pleased. 
You’d been standing in the middle of the room, since the door had shut behind you, your attention zeroing in on the large bed in the center of the room. 
The ruffling of cloth was audible behind you, the sound of soft fabric unfurling and meeting the wooden floors underneath.  Your head was swimming, ordinary sounds you would normally never bat an eye at booming in your ears.  
You flinched, snapping your head around when you heard the soft padding of Naoya’s bare feet coming towards you.  He was shirtless, the only other piece of clothing he wore being his hakama bottoms.  The haori he wore was long forgotten in the middle of the floor. 
Following his quick movements, you nearly curled into yourself when he stopped in front of you both hands latching onto your hips through the fabric of your kimono.  You were certain you were supposed to be afraid, but the alcohol seemed to douse your fraying nerves. 
Without so much as an explanation, he began to paw at the kimono you wore quickly untying the sash around your waist.  His digits worked quickly and familiarly as if he’d done this a million times causing you to gasp out in a panic. 
“N-naoya-sama.”  you squeaked pathetically as he shoved a hand into the thick fabric of the kimono to nudge it off of your shoulders leaving you in the thin fabric of your juban.   
Naoya observed you patiently, his large palms settling back at the curve of your hips one of them leaving momentarily to pull away the sash keeping the juban sealed. 
Panic began to flood your system as you took a step back, the hand on your hip guiding itself around your waist to pull you flush against him.   
You were bare underneath the juban, the sleek fabric nearly translucent and not leaving much to the imagination, and Naoya took note. 
His attention was focused on the curve of your breasts pushing against the silk fabric, admiring the dusky outline of your areolas.  He hummed thoughtfully, a thumb grazing over a pebbling nipple through the fabric of your juban. 
The action caused you to jolt involuntarily, a wave of electricity seeming to set your nerves on fire.  The sensation was unfamiliar, that same puddle of warmth from before working its way back up from your belly.   
Another gasp of surprise as you clenched your thighs against one another in an attempt to relieve the harsh ache building between your thighs. 
Naoya’s lips curved into a satisfied smirk at your response, taking the liberty to slip the juban further off of your body until it pooled at your feet.   
Now you were bare for him, naked as the day you were born while those foggy grey eyes drank in every minor detail. 
Embarrassed, your hands went up to cover yourself from Naoya’s searing gaze but his hands stopped you abruptly. 
“Show me.” the words were barked out, barely above a whisper as he leered down tongue swiping along his lower lip as if he were about to devour a meal. 
His following movements were abrupt, both hands reaching around your thighs to lift you up against him.  Reflexively, your arms wrapped around his neck to keep yourself upright as he stalked towards the bed laying you flat on your back. 
Wordlessly, you stared back up at Naoya eyes wide and doe-like unsure of what was going to happen next.  You weren’t stupid, and you weren’t naïve either.  You knew what was going on, but the dense fog clouding logical judgement was sending your mind into a frenzy, wisping by 100 miles a minute. 
“Perfect.”  Naoya purred as he slotted a knee in between your legs, the mattress dipping under his weight while he climbed over you. 
One of his hands slithered its way between your thighs, his index and middle fingers slipping along the wet of your heat testing moisture of your arousal that had gathered there.   
Alarmed, you shrank away from his touch only to be held in place by a firm grip on your hip.  His thumb skimmed over that sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to cry out at the foreign sensation. 
“Responding so well, making a mess of yourself between your thighs.” Naoya pinned your hip down against the mattress as he knelt in between your parted thighs, eyes lingering on the mess between your thighs. 
You yelped in surprise as a finger was pushed into you, your body tensing at the foreign intrusion.  Your bottom lip wedged itself in between your teeth to stifle a whine threatening to spill-free. 
“Relax.” Naoya’s middle finger plunged itself deeper into your slick, his eyes fixing on the way your brows were knitted together. 
There was a burning stretch that accompanied the thick digit, replaced by a niggling ache at the pit of your belly.  The next second it was gone, along with the digit he had been prodding you with.  Naoya shifted again, his form descending down your own as face was nestled between your thighs. 
Before the wedding ceremony, you were again subjected to a group of handmaidens who were instructed to scrub you down until you were immaculate.  That included every shred of body hair tediously removed. 
There was a long silent pause from Naoya, one that caused you go to stiff as humiliation washed over you.  Tensing underneath his gaze you shifted, breath lodging in your throat as his mouth descended on your bare cunt. 
A strangled moan passed through your lips as you tried to assess the foreign sensation you were feeling in between your thighs.  The tension in your gut intensified tenfold, an intense burn filtering its way up down your spine before settling in the depths of your abdomen. 
His lips fixed onto your pulsing clit offering a gentle suction as he hooked both arms around your thighs, each hand grabbing a handful of the plush meat of your thighs.  His grip was firm, fingertips dimpling the flesh of your thighs as he seemingly burrowed himself further into the heat of your slick. 
You inadvertently whimpered, forcing yourself up on your elbows while peering in between your legs.  Your heart was already thumping vigorously in your chest, the room now seemingly sweltering as you struggled to breathe. 
The sight of Naoya in between your thighs, grey eyes feral and incessantly burning into your own causes your guts to clench in anticipation.  You were ashamed, embarrassed even as you watched him devour your pussy shamelessly.   
He never looked away as his tongue swirled around your swollen nub, his face glistening in a mix of his spit and your arousal.  It was mesmerizing to watch, unable to stop the pathetic mewls that fell from your parted lips. 
A surprised yelp escaped your lips as two of his fingers slipped into your heat, the foreign appendages resting tightly along your walls. Your throat was tight, a strained whimper filling the air as they began to move, diligently and well-practiced as they worked you open. 
“N-naoya-sama,” you groaned, breath hitching in your throat as the coil in your belly began to tighten. 
Naoya never ceased his actions, eyes taking in your writhing form as the thick digits were removed and pushed back in with a lewd squelch. 
The friction was painful at first but was then transformed into a heady delight that had begun to cloud your thoughts. The combination of his fingers and his mouth pushed you further to the edge, and you were sure you’d fall off at any given moment. 
You whined, uncontrollably breaking eye contact with your new husband as your back bowed off of the mattress at the prelude of a newfound orgasm. 
The knot in your abdomen snapped abruptly, your thighs trembling vehemently in tandem like a well-orchestrated berceuse.  
Naoya removed his mouth from your slick as he watched you squirm, inhaling harshly as you came down from your first orgasm. You looked lost, your confused gaze hazily shooting around your empty bedroom as your fingers curled tightly into sheets underneath. 
He wasted no time as he sat up pulling his fingers from your core and nestling himself between your thighs still twitching in excess from the aftermath of your orgasm. Grasping the base of his shaft that was standing erect, the tip covered in a thin sheen of his own arousal he lined himself up along your sex.  
You came back down to earth to the feel of his girth slipping between your folds, the tip of him going in easily. Your body tensed involuntarily as his girth continued to bully its way inside, a sharp pain knocking the remnants of air out of your lungs. 
“It hurts.” you gasped, wriggling underneath the weight of Naoya as he pulled you closer. “Naoya!” 
Naoya shushed you as he hovered over you, pressing a reassuring kiss to the side of your temple. 
“Relax, wife.” he soothed, taking both of your hands and intertwining them with his. He waited until you relaxed underneath him, slowly drawing his hips away from your own leaving a trail of unfamiliar warmth to bloom along your insides.  
Another jolt of surprise as he forced himself back inside the lewd squelch of your pussy echoing within the bedroom. He didn’t stop there, repeating the motions until the head of his cock was nestled so deeply inside of your womb you couldn’t help but cry out. 
“That’s it,” Naoya mumbled hoarsely, groaning in contentment at the way your sopping core wrapped snugly around him. “You fit me so perfectly.” 
The pain had long ago subsided, the subsequent powerful thrusts causing your body to quickly tumble into the depths of another orgasm. Your vision had gone blurry with tears, the faint silhouette of Naoya visible as he perched between your hips smacking wildly against your own. 
His thrusts became erratic, the grip his hands had on your own tightening and he lowered himself onto you to press his lips to your own in a heated messy kiss.  
“I’ve been waiting for the night to be inside you.” he snapped his hips forward eliciting a soft whimper for you. “To give you my seed, you’re going to be a wonderful mother.” 
The knot in your belly tightened at every sway of his hips, the feel of his rigid length carving out its place within your walls. 
You were in tears, the overbearing sensitivity brought on from your first orgasm causing your body to take uncontrollably, as Naoya continued to mow into you languidly until his hips began to studder to a complete stop. The warmth of his release flooded your insides, the residual warmth remaining as he pulled himself free as he sat up on the bed. 
The loss of warmth caused you to choke on your tears even more as you turned over on your side, flinching involuntarily as his thick fingers found their way back into your abused hole. 
Your mind was going a hundred miles a minute, the words of your older brother racing through your head. Were you actually going through with his request?  
You found yourself in Naoya’s embrace, tight and warm over the next few moments. His form was sturdy and comforting as he ran his hands through your hair as if he was attempting to lull you into a deep sleep. 
“I’m going to take care of you, wife. And our son.” 
Those were the last words you heard from him before he ended up fast asleep, snoring lightly with you still held tight in his arms. 
Nausea returned as well as the tears as you stared blankly into his chest. 
I can’t do this. 
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naoyaslut · 2 years
differences ch. 7
Tumblr media
minors do not interact +18 only
pairings: naoya x fem reader, toji x fem reader, cursed spirit x fem reader
warnings: profanity, light smut,
wordcount: 3,350
t@glist: @nemoyr
Darkness.  A smothering warmth wrapped around you with every single breath you took.  Your body was no longer seared with pain, but there was niggling ache that seemed to be relieved at every sway of his hips.
Whimpering incoherently both of your hands squeezed at the large palms nestled along the base of your throat.
Pretty thing… ha ha ha and warm too.
In the back of your mind, you knew what was happening.  He was touching you, taking you.  His body was flush against yours, touching the most inner recesses inside of you.  The furnace between your thighs continued to burn furiously all and any energy you had left burning away from trying to keep your libido at bay.
Amongst the darkness, you were only to see two eyes sanguine the color of blood hovering over you as his slick appendage slammed into you over and over again.  Those eyes belonged to no one.  Only a shadow with a wide grin full of pointed teeth and the voice of your tormentor the day before.
That deep masculine voice rumbled in your ear and as much as you tried to shake it free from your thoughts, that maniacal laughter persisted.
Is this what you like, girl?
Forcing your eyes open, the red disappeared only to be replaced by a stark grey swarmed with the heat of passion.  It was Naoya.  His slick body, pressed against your own while a strong arm held you tightly against him.
His breathing was hoarse, pink lips now adamantly suckling at the column of your throat. The previous nightmare was over and now you were wrapped in the arms of your would-be lover willingly.  Throwing your arms about his shoulders, you nestled him close as he finished inside of you the warmth of his seed flooding your womb.
Shuddering beneath him, you closed your eyes as a shiny veil of tears covered your eyes.  You’d never get used to any of this.  Though clinging to Naoya was much better than seeing and hearing any demon in the depths of your dreams.
After Naoya caught his breath, he lifted his head to stare down into your solemn expression eyes full of unshed tears.  He grasped harshly at your wounded wrist, careful not to agitate the wound itself.
His eyes were hard as steel, it was clear that even though he had just had his way with you he was completely agitated.  The room was still dim, although it was morning the thick drapes drawn over the windows to keep the light out.
“Is a life here with me as your husband so atrocious that you would rather end your own life?” he asked angrily. 
Curling in on yourself as if to make yourself smaller, all you could offer him was silence.  He thought that you had tried to take your life again, for a second time.  In truth, you knew that wasn’t what happened.  But how could you convince Naoya of that?
You had been wandering around the estate on your own and into a place where you had no business.  Toji must not have mentioned any of it to Naoya.
“Answer me,”
You’d forgotten about the closeness of him after observing the fury in his eyes that seemed to be reserved solely for you at this moment.  You closed your eyes as a muffled sob escaped your lips and in return, Naoya kissed placed a kiss to your temple, in what would have been considered loving despite the circumstances.
“I didn’t, I swear,” those were the only words you were able to get out before you fell into a fit of sobs underneath him while he tried to console you underneath his touch.
The wound you sustained didn’t appear as if you had tried to take your life.  But perhaps there was no other explanation.  Still, Naoya wrapped you in his arms as if you were his most treasured possession pinning you beneath the heat of his body.
Cradling your cheek in his free hand, his lips covered your own in a placid kiss while he thumbed away the tears along your cheek.
“You will want for nothing here; I will make sure of it. Your children will have a known name, they will be prodigies.”
He kissed you again, more aggressively and you could actively feel him becoming erect once more while still inside of you.  His hips began to push into you once more, knocking the breath from your lungs and eliciting a small whimper.
“Isn’t that what noble women want?” he rasped, his hands trailing over your front to find purchase at the curve of your waist.  “To marry a known lord, to birth sons and daughters?”
The loud squelching of your bodies against one another echoed throughout the quiet room, a mixture of sweat, and bodily fluids from the two of you making the bed underneath uncomfortably sticky.
“N-Naoya-sama,” you begged, your insides blistering hot from his constant attentions.
And he took you again, all through the morning as if he had a point to prove.  Until your body was sensitive and limp from exhaustion. He filled you over and over and worshipped your body covering you in his scent.
The next couple of months after this specific incident were stifling.  Naoya seemed to leave the estate less often and you weren’t permitted to go anywhere on the property alone.  Lianne was never far away and if Lianne was busy the pretty brunette who went by the name Emi was there to help out.
Emi was the young doe-eyed girl who had walked into Naoya’s quarters without being invited.  You were surprised that she was still on the premises.  However, you didn’t pay it much mind in the beginning.  Only when she began to speak out of line, was when you started to grow annoyed.
Life at the Zenin estate hadn’t been as awful as you depicted.  Even though you were here against your will, trapped in a marriage you didn’t want… Naoya treated you well.  He showered you with gifts at every chance he was able.
When he did leave the estate on business, he always returned with some sort of gift whether it be a new gown, jewelry, or even a new book since he discovered that you enjoyed reading.  Naoya was a decent man although he was stern at times.
You dreamt less and less of the red-eyed demon who inhabited the ancient artifact and his voice had all but seemingly vanished from the back of your head.  You wondered if it was of its own volition or if it was because you had not interacted with him.
Toji.  You’d also seen less of him.  At some point, he had left the estate, gone on official business from what you managed to overhear from Emi while talking with the other staff.  You enjoyed Toji’s company, but it seemed that Naoya didn’t want you anywhere near him.  They didn’t get along with one another as well as you thought, initially.
Toji was an outcast of the Zenin family, and his presence here at the estate was more out of duty than anything else.
Sitting quietly, beside your husband you picked at your meal trying to eat as much as you could.  Your stomach was unsettled from the anxiety blooming in your chest.  Naobito, Naoya’s father openly spoke of his contempt at the fact that you were not with child yet.
It had been at least three months since you were married, but even you knew that sometimes these things took time.  You were relieved that you weren’t, but as much as you found yourself underneath him in your bed chambers it was a miracle that you weren’t.
“And here we enter month three, still there is no sign of your bride being with child.” Naobito swirled, his wine in his cup, his eyes blank while he stared at his oldest son.  “Perhaps she’s barren.”
Placing your utensils down on the table, you reached for your own cup of wine only for Naoya to intercept it himself tossing the cup over his shoulder.  It shattered against the wall behind him, the red liquid splashing against the walls.
You sat in silence, startled at the sudden action but kept your gaze pinned to the table.  These men were discussing your body and be that as it may.  You had no say in the conversation.
Immediately, one of the servants began to clean up the mess while Naoya scowled in the direction of his father.
“She could be pregnant right now; these things take time.” He spat.
Naobito sighed in disinterest before taking a sip of his wine.  “I know for a fact, that she is not.  She still bleeds.”
This was inane.  How much more could Naobito embarrass you in front of the whole house, including the servants.  Still, you remained quiet in fear of retaliation from Naoya or Naobito himself. 
“Impregnate her or take a second wife who can carry a damned child.” Naobito stood from the table slamming his cup down on the tabletop.  “I don’t have the precious amount of time you do before I leave this world, secure an heir or lose your seat as mine.”
With those words he left the table, leaving you alone with Naoya and his two uncles.  Jinichi was drunk, Ogi stood without a word, seemingly not entertained at the display from his older brother.
“Naoya, should you need assistance…” Jinichi mumbled, laughing under his breath.  “You could always send her to my chambers,”
Naoya didn’t acknowledge his uncle, ushering you to your feet before forcing you out of the dining room in front of him.  He seemed to restrain himself, but at the last minute, he turned back to pick up his own glass throwing it at his uncle.
The glass shattered against his forehead causing the older man to shrink in on himself cradling the newly opened cut that had formed there.
“If you ever disrespect my wife again, I’ll kill you Jinichi.”
Naobito insisted that Naoya took another wife.  The thought alone as much as it was insulting left a bitter taste in your mouth.  The time you’d spent with Naoya over the last few months showed you that he in some way may have harbored something close to affection for you.
If Naoya did take a second wife, what would come of you?  Naoya said that he promised your brother that he would take care of you.  It seemed as if Naoya had an entire future planned out for both you and the children that you would supposedly give him.
But what if things didn’t go as planned?  What if you were in fact… broken? Your mother never had any issues with fertility, but there was always the chance that you may.  What if it… wasn’t you?  What if it was Naoya?
Naoya had spent the remainder of the evening outside of your bed chambers.  You were left with Lianna with her helping you prepare for bed.  After a bath, you dismissed her immediately, simply because you didn’t trust her. 
Sitting in front of the fireplace on a thick brightly covered rug that Naoya had brought back a month or so ago, you read over a romance novel that Naoya had also gifted to you over your time together.
It depicted the perfect marriage, a princess and a prince who lived happily ever after.  It spoke of no marital issues, no family issues, everything was perfect.  The pair were in love, and nothing ever went wrong.  The princess birthed three healthy children and her husband loved her even more for it.
You sighed internally, placing the book down beside you while gazing into the roaring flames of the fireplace.  The warmth was welcoming, almost mesmerizing.  What would you be doing if you were never brought here, you wondered. 
As far as you knew the feud, the war was over and done.  But your brother, you’d heard nothing from him during your captivity.
Naoya slipping behind you startled you momentarily.  His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his lap while he nosed at the column of your throat.
“You scared me,” you whispered, relaxing into his hold as his palms splayed themselves flat against your abdomen.
“I’d never let them hurt you,” Naoya mumbled, kissing along the back of your shoulder.
His body was tense, you could feel that much.  Allowing your hands to cover his on your abdomen you sank further into the warmth that his body offered.  You could feel your skin against his, he wasn’t wearing a shirt the ridges of his muscled abdomen pressing firmly against your back.
“That much, I do know,” your voice was barely above a whisper.  Naoya’s scent along with his warmth was alluring, vaguely lulling you into a strange sense of safety.
“Don’t pay attention to my father’s words, he has no say on whether I take another wife or not,”
Your throat tightened at the mention of another woman.  The way that Naoya treated you, the things he did to you daily… caused you fear.  You didn’t want to think of Naoya treating another woman the same way he treated you.
Turning in Naoya’s lap so that you faced him, you looked into those grey eyes of his.  You were searching for something, but you weren’t sure what it was you were looking for.
Placing your hands on his breast, you leaned into him pressing your lips against his jaw.
“I don’t want you to…” you trailed off slightly, your hands drawing themselves around his nape before pulling him into you, kissing him lightly on the lips.  “Touch another woman the way you touch me, Naoya-sama.”
Naoya stilled at your admission leaning further into you pushing his tongue into your mouth and pressing further against you. 
Even though you could sense that he was getting aroused, he made no move to disrobe you.  However, he did pull away from you his eyes narrowing slightly as he stared down at you.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, dear wife.” A slight smirk pulled at the corner of
Freezing underneath his smoldering leer; you watched as he closed the distance between the two of you once more taking your lips in his own.
“If you don’t want me to strip you down right here and bury myself inside of you, I advise you not to tease me,” Reaching for one of your hands, he brought it to his lips pressing a kiss along your fingertips.  “Whether or not you’re bleeding means absolutely nothing to me.”
There was something eerie about this day, something that had been bothering you since the sun had risen early in the morning.  Your body was often cold, and a dense foreboding cloud seemed to loom about the presence of the Zenin estate.
No matter what you did, you couldn’t shake it.  It was the same feeling that overcame you when you’d made contact with the cursed spirit that was being housed in this particular estate.  You only brushed it off, even though you could sense of anxiety overcoming you the longer you stayed here.  It could be assumed that it was just your nerves and the talk of you being barren.
Naoya’s presence lessened it all.  Only within his embrace were you able to push the dread further down into a place you’d be able to forget it for the time being.
His hands began to wander once more, peeling the strap of your chemise off your shoulders before his hands began to knead at the soft flesh of your bosom.  His words had obvious intent and just as he had said, he began to undress you before a heavy hand at the double wooden doors startled you both.
The door was pushed open with little regard for your state of undress, Naobito storming into Naoya’s chambers.  Biting back curses under his breath, Naoya shielded you with his body before he began to redress you his back still facing his father.
“Come, we must depart.  Immediately, there’s been an attack on the village in the south.”
Standing, Naoya guided you over to the bed before grabbing a robe and slipping it over your shoulders.
“Toji is patrolling the south, if he is there a successful attack wouldn’t have been possible.”
Naobito said nothing more about specific details, he instructed his son to prepare himself to depart as soon as possible and left the quarters.
It was clear that Naoya was just as clueless as you were, but after meeting with his father and uncles he returned only briefly to see that you were confined to your quarters with both Lianne and Emi.
There were guards posted everywhere, outside of your quarters and you were sure that they were on the outskirts of the estate as well.  What was happening?
“Get to bed, I’ll return before morning.”
You merely nodded, intending to follow his instructions.  Although you wanted to ask questions, you’d probably find out more information from Emi and Lianne than Naoya himself.
Naoya kissed you on the forehead before he turned to leave, closing the doors behind him as he stepped out of his quarters.  You could hear him instructing the guards on the other side of the doors before he strolled down the halls.
“No one gets in, and no one comes out.  You’ll die before any harm comes to Lady Zenin, and if harm does come to her and you do somehow survive.  I’ll gut you myself.”
Something… big was happening.  You could feel it in your bones.  You could sense cursed energy rolling in like a storm.  It made you nauseous.
Slipping the drapes aside to catch a glimpse of the grounds, you could see an enormous party before the front gates.  All of them clad in light armor some of them on horses and others on foot.  It was no less than 300 men from what you could tell.
Something big indeed was happening at the forefront.
“Lady Zenin, you should get some rest.” 
Lianne’s voice cut in from behind you and you offered her a skeptical gaze half wanting to inquire about your brother.  But that wouldn’t do with Emi here, so you simply agreed with her.
“Naoya-sama is very taken with you Lady Zenin,” Emi commented.
You blatantly ignored her, climbing into bed while trying to calm the deep sense of uneasiness prickling at the back of your neck.
“Now is not the time, Emi.” Lianne chided, the two of them settling themselves in front of the fireplace.  “We will wake you if there’s any news, my lady,”
Surprisingly, you were able to sleep for a time, until you were awakened in the dead of the night.
The fireplace had long burned out and the room was dark.  Lianne and Emi were nowhere to be found; you were alone.
Shuffling yourself out of bed, you turned your attention to the wooden doors of your quarters that were left wide open with no guards in sight.
It was eerily quiet, too quiet.  Stepping out into the halls, you glanced about to again see nothing.  There appeared to be no one in the distance, which was an extremely rare sight even if it was the dead of the night.
Wrapping your arms around yourself to warm yourself from the cooling temperature of the estate, you tried to wrap your head around what was actually going on.  The temperature was deceptively cool.  You could see a heavy fog escape your mouth from every breath you took.
Upon further inspection of your surroundings, you could make out a faint glow that illuminated the walls of the estate.  There was another force at work, a cursed technique for sure.  Someone or something inside the estate was distorting the atmosphere, from what you could see.
“Lady Zenin, it’s nice to meet your acquaintance,”
The unfamiliar voice echoed in the distance and from the corner of your eye, you were able to lay eyes on a dark hooded figure at the end of the hall.
13 notes · View notes
naoyaslut · 2 years
differences ch. 6
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warnings: profanity, injury, mention of self-harm,
wordcount: 3,733
t@glist: @nemoyr
You were awakened by the distinct sound of birds chirping in the distance and the warm rays of the sun nearly blinding you.  Upon opening your eyes, you were met with a rather ornate painted ceiling the visible silhouettes of bodies moving from the corner of your eyes.
Startled, you sat up in the oversized bed drawing a blanket over yourself you were still naked from the previous night before.  The soreness between your thighs was heavily apparent, a cruel reminder of what you endured and enjoyed alike.
Guiding a hand between your legs, you pulled back upon the realization of the sticky mess that resided there.  The tips of your fingers were smeared with a pearl color substance tinted pink with what you assumed was blood. 
“Uhm...” Shifting nervously, you let out a surprised squeak when you noticed Lianne standing quietly at the foot of Naoya’s bed.  “What...?”
Your eyes surveyed the room once more realizing that Naoya was nowhere in sight.  A sigh of relief followed by the overwhelming feeling of dread so deeply seated in your gut. 
“W-where is he?” you asked meekly, taking the time to draw your blanket tighter around your form.  You felt out of place and exposed even though everyone in the room except Lianne was going about their duties.
“The young master left the estate for a while, my lady.  He will return before the sun sets.”
Lianne smiled as she extended a hand for you to take.  “Come, I’ve drawn you a bath.”
Hesitantly, you did as she asked allowing her to pull you to your feet and escort you to the bath on the other side of the large room.  Your head thrummed faintly from a slight headache brought on by the wine you had last night, and your body ached even worse. 
The relief that flooded your bones from the scalding water caused you to slouch against the porcelain rim of the tub the heavy scent of lily and rose wafting from the water.  You felt God awful.  Never in your life did you remember feeling as sore and beaten as you did at this very moment.
“You did very well, my lady,” Lianne spoke, only low enough that you could hear.  “Master Sanosuke will be pleased to hear of this news.”
Your jaw tensed at the unexpected words from the woman, the heavy fog of exhaustion miraculously lifting from your shoulders much like the steam from your bath.  Lianne worked for your brother.  The very realization made you quiver in disgust.  Between the Zenin’s staff and Lianne, your lady-in-waiting.  You would have no privacy.
Rather than reply, you simply offered her a stiff smile slipping further into the warm depths of the bath.  It had only been one night since Sanosuke had taken his leave.  If Lianne was under his instruction, she must have been looking over you since you arrived. 
“The bath will soothe your body, you’ll feel good as new after a long soak.” Lianne smiled, reaching into the bath to fill a small pail with water.  She poured it over your shoulders and began to unravel the braid that was still in your hair.  “I’ll prepare you for your dinner with Naoya-sama, he wishes to spend some alone time with his new wife, he’s very taken with you.”
Lianne seemed as cheery as ever, but you however were not in the mood to converse with her.  If you decided to confide in Lianne, your brother would hear whatever was spoken sooner or later.  Truly, as things were, you were destined to be alone in this place.
Lianne continued to converse with you, and you attempted to act as if nothing was wrong.  That you weren’t full of guilt and despair about the predicament you were in.  You wanted to talk with your brother again, get a grasp or at least a little insight on what was going on.  Naoya wouldn’t tell you anything but maybe your brother would if you could see him again.
A good hour or so had passed, with Lianne insisting that she help you prepare for the day.  She’d brought to you a more casual gown than what you had worn at your ceremony.  It was made of fine lavender-colored silk embroidered finely with a silver thread.  It was comfortable and breathable.  The only thing that bothered you was the length.  You were forced to hold the hem above your ankles just so you didn’t trip over the fabric. 
Lianne was insistent on doing your hair as well, sweeping your unruly locks into a twist before wrapping them into a bun so that your hair wasn’t all over the place.  You thanked her, less than thrilled that she was still hovering around you while still within the suite. 
The other women had long gone after they finished cleaning and swapping out the soiled linen of the bed.  None of them batted an eye at the stained sheets, simply completing their tasks and moving about their day in silence.  You on the other hand were humiliated and unnerved alike at having others wait on hand and foot for you.
The loud sound of your stomach growling in protest broke you out of your own thoughts as you stood with Lianne at your side before preparing to leave the room.  It had to be well past noon and you were famished. 
Lianne shooed you away, insisting that you head down to the kitchen for something to eat.  She promised to join you after clearing out everything else in the room.
You, on the other hand, were hesitant to do so.  You weren’t quite familiar with the layout of the enormous estate and honestly, would have been more comfortable if Lianne guided you.  Quietly trailing through the halls, you tried to remember where the kitchen was located.
This place seemed to be nothing short of an enormous maze, the halls wide and busy with personnel who worked within the estate.  You got glances here and there but none of them went out of their way to talk to you.  You’d get a glance and quickly they’d look away and scurry off in another direction.
You sighed slightly confused as you continued down the corridor nearly tripping over the skirts of your gown.  Gasping in surprise your eyes cinched themselves shut as you tumbled forward your hands shot out to grab onto something, anything, which happened to be another person.
Your fingers dug into the fabric of a black set of Hakama pants, curling into the cloth so that you wouldn’t fall over.  Upon opening your eyes, you realized the curious predicament you were in when a set of verdant green eyes peered at you from over a masculine shoulder.
Your eyes widened as you struggled to upright yourself, apologizing profusely as you did while releasing the man in front of you.  It was Toji, Naoya’s older cousin.  He turned to face you, narrow eyes sweeping over you as you took three or four tentative steps away from him.
Nervously, you fell into a respectful bow keeping your eyes focused on the tile below as you began to apologize.
“Toji-sama, I’m sorry, I-I wasn’t watching where I was going.” 
A few seconds passed without any reply from the man standing in front of you, which only made you twitch in anticipation.  Was he upset?  You weren’t brave enough to look up at him, he was intimidating.  And he was enormous, at least 2 heads taller than Naoya himself. 
Swallowing the tightness that had begun to form in your throat, you bravely turned your gaze up at him to make sure he heard you. 
Surprise washed over your features as your eyes met, he was smiling down at you, that scar at the left side of his lips quirking up in response.
He adjusted his arm that was placed in a sling, he finally spoke as he reciprocated the bow you had given him earlier. 
“Lady Zenin,” he said, smiling as he began to upright himself, his smile tapering off somewhat.  “Your husband would have a fit if he saw you bowing to me.”
Confusion heavily marred your features as you went to grasp the fabric of your skirt so that it was no longer underneath your feet.
“I was just being courteous Toji-sama.”
“Please, just Toji.”
You nodded at his request your gaze going around his wide frame to peer further down the hall.  He must have sensed that you were indeed “lost” because he offered to help you immediately.
“Where are you headed?” he asked, stepping aside so that you could get a clear view down the corridor.
“The kitchen, I haven’t eaten yet.  I awoke later than usual...” your voice fell off into a whisper as Toji quirked a brow in curiosity.
He didn’t inquire any further, but he did offer you his free arm to take while turning in the opposite direction.
“I’ll escort you, sweetheart,” he said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
You nearly stopped breathing at the usage of the nickname, a bit of heat tinting your cheeks.  Hesitantly you took his arm and allowed him to guide you through the halls.
“Did you enjoy your wedding ceremony?” he asked offhandedly.
Your chest tightened at the inquisition, your lip tucking between the confines of your teeth.  You hated every minute of it.  Every moment after your brother disclosed his plan to use you for his revenge made you feel ill. 
Although all of this happened in such a short amount of time, it didn’t sit well on your conscious to purposely mislead someone so that another may inflict harm on them at some point.  You were terrified.
“It was fine.” you were lying through your teeth at this point, and your memory didn’t serve you well enough.  You knew you were distraught, but you didn’t recall many of the events of the night before.
Toji turned down a corridor, the smell of food being prepared assaulting your senses.  Your stomach growled in response gaining Toji’s attention instantly.
“We should get you well and fed before your husband returns, he won’t be happy to know that you’re running around here famished.”
The prickle of heat began to rise once more in embarrassment as the two of you stepped into the kitchen.  All eyes were on both of you, one of the cooks stepping forward to ask what you needed.
“Breakfast for the lady of the house, nothing for me,” he said, as he escorted you to a nearby table out on the balcony. 
Like a gentleman, he pulled out the chair for you and you sat watching as he did the same.
“I hope you don’t mind if I keep you company while you eat.”
One of the maids brought over a tray that had an assortment of breakfast foods placed on it.  Even though it was well past noon, the cook had still put together quite a few selections for you.  There were boiled eggs, rice, and even some steamed vegetables.  Three different baked pastries were there as well, you could only guess what they were filled with. 
Your stomach only began to rumble louder as the scent of your meal wafted up to your nose and without hesitation, you began to eat your fill. 
You sighed contently as you ate, Toji’s dim green eyes following every movement you made.  For some reason it didn’t bother you, you were too hungry to care.  You could tell he was amused though, the chuckling under his breath catching your attention.
“Is there something funny Toji?” you asked, eyes narrowing as you bit into one of the pastries.  It was sweet, filled with strawberries and some sort of cream.  You hummed your approval, getting another chuckle from Toji.
“It’s satisfying to watch you eat, you don’t hold back, do you?” he asked.
Your face flushed in embarrassment at his reply.  Had you been eating like some sort of starved animal?  Finishing off your pastry, you hastily wiped your hands on a damp cloth nearby embarrassment overwhelming you.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Shooting Toji a confused glower, you picked up a small teacup filled with warm tea before sipping at it.
Where you were from you ate when you were hungry.  Never had you been a victim of being laughed at while trying to consume a meal.
“Noble women normally eat like birds.  A couple of pieces of lettuce here and there.”
You could feel the heat rising up your neck once more the embarrassment now all-consuming.  Toji’s words although not hurtful made you feel as if you were doing something… appalling.
Clearing your throat, you sat your cup down before closing your eyes to calm your nerves.
You could hear Toji laughing under his breath, but he spoke quickly after.
“I don’t mean to offend.  It’s just refreshing to see a woman of your stature actually eating.”
An older man stepped onto the balcony as soon as Toji began to speak and bowed over so slowly, you thought he might snap in half.
“Master Toji, Lady Zenin… forgive my intrusion.”  The man righted himself just as slowly, his dark eyes focusing on Toji.  “It is time for your daily treatment.”
Toji stood up giving you a nod as he began to stalk off with the older man. 
“Excuse me.”
The two of them walked off in silence and you wondered what the exchange was about.  Was it about Toji’s arm?  The one was in the sling?  Or did he suffer from some other sort of ailment?
He seemed healthy and sturdy enough.  You lingered only a short time later to finish your meal before standing to excuse yourself.
Lianne did not arrive before you finished eating and you did not plan on waiting around for her.  You spent your free time wandering around the estate escort free.  No one batted an eye at your wandering and in truth, you wanted to find your way back to the library.
Walking down the corridor toward the south wing, or what you thought was the south wing you found a set of enormous wooden double doors and pushed your way inside. 
The room was lit brightly, with several metallic stands housing different artifacts on each.  Some were shiny with gold and silver and others were speckled with sparkling gems.  All the items were pleasant to look at, but there was one in the corner that caught your eye.
It was a Tantō, displayed in an elegant silver sheath.  There was intricate lettering that had been etched on the outside and polished wooden handles on the edge of the blade.  It looked out of place amongst the other items that appeared to be valuable heirlooms maybe.  In comparison it was dull, but the sheath was still remarkable.
The Tanto began to vibrate as you came nearer a faint glow surrounding the sheath.  It wasn’t strange to see things of this nature, considering the existence of spirits and demons.  The sheath must be tied to a curse or spirit.
Cautiously, you walked around the other instruments staring intently at the Tanto on the stand.  The closer you got, you noticed that it was covered by a glass box as if the item was on display.
Come closer, girl.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up followed by a numbing chill reverberating down your spine.  It was a male’s voice sultry an amused chuckle ringing out into the air. 
The atmosphere of the room was changing from the lukewarm comfortable temperature to the frigid temperatures of a terrible winter.
“Why?” you asked, wrapping your arms around yourself to warm yourself from the shift in temperature.  “You’re trying to freeze me out, you shouldn’t treat guests that way…”
In your time as a sorcerer, your talents were centered around defensive, clairvoyance.  You were in tune with the demons, the curses, the spirits.  It was impossible for you not to hear them difficult to avoid them. 
In your childhood instead of trying to ignore them, you often struck up a conversation with them to see what they wanted or how you could possibly help.
Mmm, just want to see you up close, hm?  Don’t be afraid… I can’t get out of here without being let out. 
Kissing the back of your teeth you fell instep toward the scabbard stopping to peer over the inanimate object encased in glass.
A great beauty, you remind me of one of my wives… I’m sure you taste delicious. Ha ha ha.
Ignoring the comment, your splayed hand on the top of the glass began to feel a warmth gathering on the surface.
“Who are you?”
Curiosity got the best of you.  You wondered why the Zenin had a cursed object in their possession, what the purpose was and who was inside of it.
Come… inside, and I’ll show you pretty human.  Want to feel that warm flesh against mine.  Come play.
A dark pool of what appeared to be ink began to form underneath your palm and you tore it away in surprise the inky substance sticking to the tips of your fingers.
It looked as if it were a thick miasma slipping down your fingers.  Frowning in disgust you watched as the dense substance began to swirl becoming larger.  It was a portal, from what you could tell, and you were surprised that whatever was inhibiting this scabbard was able to manifest it.
A clawed hand shot from the darkness and latched onto your arm causing you to shriek in surprise.  It was human, or so it appeared to be covered by flesh with sharpened talons at its fingertips attempting to pull your arm into the darkness.
Come here, little one.
Flailing like a fish you tried to pry yourself away from the bands of black ink around its wrists constantly rearranging themselves at a dizzying space.
“N-no! Stop!” Panicked, your face tear-struck and your fear was beginning to overcome the boldness that you had initially.  Something about this curse was overpowering and smothering you at the same time.
“What the hell are you doing in here?” Toji’s voice boomed behind you, pulling you up from the floor by your wrist. 
Snapping your eyes toward the man in front of you, his arm still hoisted in a sling his eyes narrowed in aggravation. 
“I-“ Glancing back toward the Tanto the portal was gone, the object still tucked into its encasement. 
“What did you do to yourself?” Toji tugged at the sleeve of your gown that had been torn and underneath four open gashes were visible.  Your sleeve was soaked in blood
Staring in disbelief at the wounds went your glance went back to the Tanto once again.  Toji hadn’t witnessed any of it.  He assumed that you did this to yourself.
“Let’s go, you need to go see the house doctor.”
Toji escorted you against your will to see the doctor, who treated the wound on your arm and bandaged it for you.  Toji inquired about the events that had occurred while in that room, but you didn’t dare disclose that there was a curse actively tied to Tanto you saw. 
He probably already knew.  The whole house probably did, for all you knew. 
“I don’t remember what happened… exactly.”
Toji’s green eyes narrowed in suspicion watching you from the doorway.  He turned to exit the room, but not before acknowledging the medic. 
“See that Lady Zenin gets back to her room to rest, Naoya isn’t going to be happy about this.”
At this point, you were seen to your room, where Lianne had brought food and a bath had been brought to your quarters.  Lianne helped you bathe and helped you in bed to rest.
“You can leave it there Lianne, I’ll eat when I’m hungry.”
Now lying in bed in a simple silk chemise under the large comforter your mind began to fog over.  You were exhausted, drained from the contact with that curse.  You could feel your energy leaving you the moment you started replying to him and the worst of it when it made physical contact with you.
“Lady Zenin, I apologize for leaving you alone for so long…” She stood at the end of
“Lianne please, just leave me to rest.”
With that Lianne left out of Naoya’s chambers and you lay in silence attempting to gather your frantic thoughts.  What were these people hiding?
Unknown to you, while you were resting.  Naoya turned the estate upside down in a rage when he heard that you had been injured within the walls of his own home.  He demanded to know who was responsible and when no one came forward, two of the lowly maids were made an example of.
A warm hand on the small of your back awakened you from your slumber, rubbing soothing circles into your skin.  Stirring from your sleep, groggily you shifted against the sturdy body behind you.  Naoya’s hands were roaming over your skin pulling away the chemise from your shoulders.
You began to pull away from him immediately in surprise, unsure of what was happening.  He shushed you, free hand grasping the angular of your jaw firmly.
“Be quiet,” he hissed, releasing you once you relaxed in his arms.  “I’m just making you are not wounded any further.”
You doubted it.  The doctor looked you over from head to toe beforehand and you were sure he told Naoya the same thing.
Remaining still his hands continued to roam slipping underneath the chemise and between the apex of your thighs.  Panic seemed to rear its ugly head, causing you to push against his chest again.
“N-no, please!” clamping your thighs tight around the wandering hand, you heard Naoya huff in aggravation.
“Are you still in pain?”
The room was dim, windows to the bedroom wide open the only light filtering through from the white of the moonlight.
Nodding, almost ashamed you relaxed in Naoya’s arms as he pressed a kiss to your temple.  
It seemed as if he wasn't going to take you again even though you could feel the firmness of his length pushing against the small of your back.  He was a man.  Whether you liked it or not, he could hold you down
and do to you what he saw fit.
“How are you feeling?”
Your mind went back to the clawed hand that came out of the black miasma and the Tanto itself.  What could be sealed into an object and still have enough power to…
“I am fine,” you replied a sense of relief beginning to bloom in your chest.
Capturing your lips in his own he tugged you closer against his naked body, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“We will talk about this in the morning, go back to sleep.”
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naoyaslut · 3 years
differences ch. 1 // Naoya Zenin x !femreader
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synopsis: Your father's estate was attacked by a neighboring clan, and now you're being held against your will as a pawn.
wordcount: 1,432
warnings: 18+ fem!reader, dark themes, eventualdubcon, eventualsmut, blood and violence, slowburn, slight manhandling, suicide attempt, loosely edited.
it had been hours since your older brother had shoved you down into a hidden room at the back of the safe room.
“Stay here, shut up, and don’t come out until I come and get you.”  You panicked, grabbing onto his forearm before he turned to leave you alone.
“W-wait Sanosuke! What’s going on?!” You searched his face for any hint of emotion or what was going on, but he gave nothing away.
His lips pressed themselves into a flat line as he gazed down at you. Placing his hand over your own, he leaned down to press a firm kiss against your forehead.  “Promise me you won’t leave this room until I come back for you.”  He stared at you intently waiting for you to acknowledge.
Nodding slowly, you released the death grip you had on his forearm.  Sanosuke grasped ahold of your hand, flattening his palm and pushing a small dagger into your own.
“Lock the door when I leave, and don’t make a sound.”
That was the last thing you heard your brother say. it had been countless hours since you’d shoved yourself into the corner of the small room, both knees drawn up to your chest in somber silence.  You were beginning to worry, and your emotions were starting to get the better of you.
The estate was much more silent than it had been earlier, the sounds of distant explosions causing the walls of the estate to shake, chunks of dirt and rubble falling from its foundation.  Upon hearing footsteps on the above floor boards, you curled in on yourself further trying to make yourself small and invisible.  There were shouting voices, loud thuds, and what you thought to be gunfire and then silence.
“What’s going on?” The sound of feet shuffling outside of the door reached your ears soon after, the sound of the door folding in on itself and splintering completely.  Your heart was beating wildly in your chest as you watched the barricade before you reduced to nothing but ash.
Forcing a palm over your mouth you stared out towards the open-door way, dim light filtering into your small hiding place.  You remained unmoving until you began to hear voices again.  Before you could register what was happening, you were grabbed forced out of the small opening and thrown down onto the hard marble floor below.
You landed on your knees hard, both palms slapping painfully against the slick floor.   The pain from your knees and up through your spine causing you to groan involuntarily.  Keeping your eyes locked on the ground below, you slowly began to acknowledge the coppery substance that you happened to be kneeling in.
Swallowing thickly, you lifted your palm to see it painted with what appeared to be coagulated blood.  For the first time since you had been wrenched free of your hiding space you looked up to see yourself surrounded by a group of three men. None of them looked familiar.
One was older than the other two, a deep scar seated right below his widow’s peak.  The other two considerably younger but still grown men at that.
Shifting onto your behind you pushed yourself away from the group, your feet slipping in the mess of blood underneath you.  You didn’t utter a word, just attempted to distance yourself from the unknown men.
One of the younger men stepped forward, laughing haughtily as they all eyed you.
“Look what we have here!  Naoya was right, there was cursed energy seeping from out of that room... And look what was inside.”
“Who... Who are you?”  drawing your hands around your shoulders as if to protect yourself from the man who happened to be inching closer.
“Are you F/N L/N?”
Pausing, you inspected the men around you, and decided against speaking.  You didn’t know what time it was; you didn’t know where your brother or your father was, and the more you took in your surroundings you realize that you were sitting in the middle of a dozen dead bodies.
There were men everywhere, all of whom were wearing your clan’s colors.  You suppose it had been inevitable, that your father’s estate had been attacked.  It was only a matter of time before the unseen enemy had closed the gap that you had only heard hushed whispers about from the servants and maids alike.  You were beginning to feel ill, your stomach beginning to turn uncomfortably and bile making its way up the back of your throat.
Glaring towards the stranger who spoke your hands fisted the sleeves of your white hakama, now stained red from the blood you were sitting in.
“If you’re responsible for this, may you die a slow and painful death.”
He only laughed.  Loud and obnoxious as he again closed the distance, fisting a hand full of your hair and yanking you up to stand.
You let out a pained yelp as he yanked you against his front knocking the wind out of you.  Whimpering slightly you bit your tongue to stifle the scream that had been bubbling at the back of your throat.
“Go on, scream.” he teased. “I want to hear it.”
The start of tears began to pool at the brim of your lashes, the salt causing them to sting.  You shook your head from side to side and he tightened his grip only forcing out another pained groan.  His grip was unyielding, the tightening grip causing your scalp to prickle with numbness.
“What are you morons doing now?” a flat stoic voice called into the room, sturdy footsteps following after.
A new face entered the room, regally chiseled features and steel grey eyes glinting in the dimly lit room.  He observed the room taking in the abundance of unmoving bodies and finally landing on the young woman who was being confined in the middle of the floor.
Naoya Zenin, the man who was next in line to take over the Zenin clan once his father stepped down or passed away.  He seemed utterly uninterested in the state of the environment, but held utmost interest in the small woman who was supposedly likely F/L.
The man who had been manhandling you instantly released the death grip on your strands and you crumpled to the floor shielding your head with both hands to protect yourself.
“Were you going to kill her before interrogating her?  It’s that hard to follow orders, right Jun?”
The small group of other men stepped aside to let Naoya pass through as he came to stand in front of you along with the other man.
“I asked, she ain’t talkin’.”  Jun kissed his teeth as he took a step away from Naoya, bowing his head slightly.  “I was just trying to get her to talk.”
The two continued to have a conversation while you stayed in place down on the ground.  Reaching into the lining of your hakama, you pulled out the small dagger that Sanosuke had given you.  Wrapping delicate fingers around the bronze hilt you pulled it out placing the serrated edge against your jugular.
You didn’t know who these men were, you didn’t know if your family was alive or dead, and you had no intention of being tortured to give up any information you may have had.  You didn’t have a choice, you were going to take your own life.
The quick movement caught the attention of all the men in the room, eyes quickly snapping over to your location.  Trembling you sat up eyes blown wide with fear as you frantically searched the room.
Naoya frowned as he observed you, a sneer forming on his handsome features as he glared in your direction. “You’re going to end your own life, right here?”
Narrowing your eyes, you shoved the blade towards your throat expecting to feel the searing pain of the blade being lodged into your esophagus.  A strong hand had gripped onto your wrist, squeezing it harshly until the dagger slipped from your fingers hitting the ground with a metallic ���schlink’.
Wincing, your attention went to Naoya, who was now towering over your shaky form.  You attempted to jostle yourself from his hold, pulling back on your arm as you frantically fought to get free.
“No!” the tears were falling freely now, and all of your efforts were in vain because Naoya didn’t move an inch.
“Can’t have you offing yourself just yet.  Your brother is still alive, I’m sure he will want to see you again.”
Snapping your attention back towards Naoya, his grin was the last thing you remembered seeing before everything went black.
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