naoyaslut · 2 years
differences ch. 7
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minors do not interact +18 only
pairings: naoya x fem reader, toji x fem reader, cursed spirit x fem reader
warnings: profanity, light smut,
wordcount: 3,350
t@glist: @nemoyr
Darkness.  A smothering warmth wrapped around you with every single breath you took.  Your body was no longer seared with pain, but there was niggling ache that seemed to be relieved at every sway of his hips.
Whimpering incoherently both of your hands squeezed at the large palms nestled along the base of your throat.
Pretty thing… ha ha ha and warm too.
In the back of your mind, you knew what was happening.  He was touching you, taking you.  His body was flush against yours, touching the most inner recesses inside of you.  The furnace between your thighs continued to burn furiously all and any energy you had left burning away from trying to keep your libido at bay.
Amongst the darkness, you were only to see two eyes sanguine the color of blood hovering over you as his slick appendage slammed into you over and over again.  Those eyes belonged to no one.  Only a shadow with a wide grin full of pointed teeth and the voice of your tormentor the day before.
That deep masculine voice rumbled in your ear and as much as you tried to shake it free from your thoughts, that maniacal laughter persisted.
Is this what you like, girl?
Forcing your eyes open, the red disappeared only to be replaced by a stark grey swarmed with the heat of passion.  It was Naoya.  His slick body, pressed against your own while a strong arm held you tightly against him.
His breathing was hoarse, pink lips now adamantly suckling at the column of your throat. The previous nightmare was over and now you were wrapped in the arms of your would-be lover willingly.  Throwing your arms about his shoulders, you nestled him close as he finished inside of you the warmth of his seed flooding your womb.
Shuddering beneath him, you closed your eyes as a shiny veil of tears covered your eyes.  You’d never get used to any of this.  Though clinging to Naoya was much better than seeing and hearing any demon in the depths of your dreams.
After Naoya caught his breath, he lifted his head to stare down into your solemn expression eyes full of unshed tears.  He grasped harshly at your wounded wrist, careful not to agitate the wound itself.
His eyes were hard as steel, it was clear that even though he had just had his way with you he was completely agitated.  The room was still dim, although it was morning the thick drapes drawn over the windows to keep the light out.
“Is a life here with me as your husband so atrocious that you would rather end your own life?” he asked angrily. 
Curling in on yourself as if to make yourself smaller, all you could offer him was silence.  He thought that you had tried to take your life again, for a second time.  In truth, you knew that wasn’t what happened.  But how could you convince Naoya of that?
You had been wandering around the estate on your own and into a place where you had no business.  Toji must not have mentioned any of it to Naoya.
“Answer me,”
You’d forgotten about the closeness of him after observing the fury in his eyes that seemed to be reserved solely for you at this moment.  You closed your eyes as a muffled sob escaped your lips and in return, Naoya kissed placed a kiss to your temple, in what would have been considered loving despite the circumstances.
“I didn’t, I swear,” those were the only words you were able to get out before you fell into a fit of sobs underneath him while he tried to console you underneath his touch.
The wound you sustained didn’t appear as if you had tried to take your life.  But perhaps there was no other explanation.  Still, Naoya wrapped you in his arms as if you were his most treasured possession pinning you beneath the heat of his body.
Cradling your cheek in his free hand, his lips covered your own in a placid kiss while he thumbed away the tears along your cheek.
“You will want for nothing here; I will make sure of it. Your children will have a known name, they will be prodigies.”
He kissed you again, more aggressively and you could actively feel him becoming erect once more while still inside of you.  His hips began to push into you once more, knocking the breath from your lungs and eliciting a small whimper.
“Isn’t that what noble women want?” he rasped, his hands trailing over your front to find purchase at the curve of your waist.  “To marry a known lord, to birth sons and daughters?”
The loud squelching of your bodies against one another echoed throughout the quiet room, a mixture of sweat, and bodily fluids from the two of you making the bed underneath uncomfortably sticky.
“N-Naoya-sama,” you begged, your insides blistering hot from his constant attentions.
And he took you again, all through the morning as if he had a point to prove.  Until your body was sensitive and limp from exhaustion. He filled you over and over and worshipped your body covering you in his scent.
The next couple of months after this specific incident were stifling.  Naoya seemed to leave the estate less often and you weren’t permitted to go anywhere on the property alone.  Lianne was never far away and if Lianne was busy the pretty brunette who went by the name Emi was there to help out.
Emi was the young doe-eyed girl who had walked into Naoya’s quarters without being invited.  You were surprised that she was still on the premises.  However, you didn’t pay it much mind in the beginning.  Only when she began to speak out of line, was when you started to grow annoyed.
Life at the Zenin estate hadn’t been as awful as you depicted.  Even though you were here against your will, trapped in a marriage you didn’t want… Naoya treated you well.  He showered you with gifts at every chance he was able.
When he did leave the estate on business, he always returned with some sort of gift whether it be a new gown, jewelry, or even a new book since he discovered that you enjoyed reading.  Naoya was a decent man although he was stern at times.
You dreamt less and less of the red-eyed demon who inhabited the ancient artifact and his voice had all but seemingly vanished from the back of your head.  You wondered if it was of its own volition or if it was because you had not interacted with him.
Toji.  You’d also seen less of him.  At some point, he had left the estate, gone on official business from what you managed to overhear from Emi while talking with the other staff.  You enjoyed Toji’s company, but it seemed that Naoya didn’t want you anywhere near him.  They didn’t get along with one another as well as you thought, initially.
Toji was an outcast of the Zenin family, and his presence here at the estate was more out of duty than anything else.
Sitting quietly, beside your husband you picked at your meal trying to eat as much as you could.  Your stomach was unsettled from the anxiety blooming in your chest.  Naobito, Naoya’s father openly spoke of his contempt at the fact that you were not with child yet.
It had been at least three months since you were married, but even you knew that sometimes these things took time.  You were relieved that you weren’t, but as much as you found yourself underneath him in your bed chambers it was a miracle that you weren’t.
“And here we enter month three, still there is no sign of your bride being with child.” Naobito swirled, his wine in his cup, his eyes blank while he stared at his oldest son.  “Perhaps she’s barren.”
Placing your utensils down on the table, you reached for your own cup of wine only for Naoya to intercept it himself tossing the cup over his shoulder.  It shattered against the wall behind him, the red liquid splashing against the walls.
You sat in silence, startled at the sudden action but kept your gaze pinned to the table.  These men were discussing your body and be that as it may.  You had no say in the conversation.
Immediately, one of the servants began to clean up the mess while Naoya scowled in the direction of his father.
“She could be pregnant right now; these things take time.” He spat.
Naobito sighed in disinterest before taking a sip of his wine.  “I know for a fact, that she is not.  She still bleeds.”
This was inane.  How much more could Naobito embarrass you in front of the whole house, including the servants.  Still, you remained quiet in fear of retaliation from Naoya or Naobito himself. 
“Impregnate her or take a second wife who can carry a damned child.” Naobito stood from the table slamming his cup down on the tabletop.  “I don’t have the precious amount of time you do before I leave this world, secure an heir or lose your seat as mine.”
With those words he left the table, leaving you alone with Naoya and his two uncles.  Jinichi was drunk, Ogi stood without a word, seemingly not entertained at the display from his older brother.
“Naoya, should you need assistance…” Jinichi mumbled, laughing under his breath.  “You could always send her to my chambers,”
Naoya didn’t acknowledge his uncle, ushering you to your feet before forcing you out of the dining room in front of him.  He seemed to restrain himself, but at the last minute, he turned back to pick up his own glass throwing it at his uncle.
The glass shattered against his forehead causing the older man to shrink in on himself cradling the newly opened cut that had formed there.
“If you ever disrespect my wife again, I’ll kill you Jinichi.”
Naobito insisted that Naoya took another wife.  The thought alone as much as it was insulting left a bitter taste in your mouth.  The time you’d spent with Naoya over the last few months showed you that he in some way may have harbored something close to affection for you.
If Naoya did take a second wife, what would come of you?  Naoya said that he promised your brother that he would take care of you.  It seemed as if Naoya had an entire future planned out for both you and the children that you would supposedly give him.
But what if things didn’t go as planned?  What if you were in fact… broken? Your mother never had any issues with fertility, but there was always the chance that you may.  What if it… wasn’t you?  What if it was Naoya?
Naoya had spent the remainder of the evening outside of your bed chambers.  You were left with Lianna with her helping you prepare for bed.  After a bath, you dismissed her immediately, simply because you didn’t trust her. 
Sitting in front of the fireplace on a thick brightly covered rug that Naoya had brought back a month or so ago, you read over a romance novel that Naoya had also gifted to you over your time together.
It depicted the perfect marriage, a princess and a prince who lived happily ever after.  It spoke of no marital issues, no family issues, everything was perfect.  The pair were in love, and nothing ever went wrong.  The princess birthed three healthy children and her husband loved her even more for it.
You sighed internally, placing the book down beside you while gazing into the roaring flames of the fireplace.  The warmth was welcoming, almost mesmerizing.  What would you be doing if you were never brought here, you wondered. 
As far as you knew the feud, the war was over and done.  But your brother, you’d heard nothing from him during your captivity.
Naoya slipping behind you startled you momentarily.  His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his lap while he nosed at the column of your throat.
“You scared me,” you whispered, relaxing into his hold as his palms splayed themselves flat against your abdomen.
“I’d never let them hurt you,” Naoya mumbled, kissing along the back of your shoulder.
His body was tense, you could feel that much.  Allowing your hands to cover his on your abdomen you sank further into the warmth that his body offered.  You could feel your skin against his, he wasn’t wearing a shirt the ridges of his muscled abdomen pressing firmly against your back.
“That much, I do know,” your voice was barely above a whisper.  Naoya’s scent along with his warmth was alluring, vaguely lulling you into a strange sense of safety.
“Don’t pay attention to my father’s words, he has no say on whether I take another wife or not,”
Your throat tightened at the mention of another woman.  The way that Naoya treated you, the things he did to you daily… caused you fear.  You didn’t want to think of Naoya treating another woman the same way he treated you.
Turning in Naoya’s lap so that you faced him, you looked into those grey eyes of his.  You were searching for something, but you weren’t sure what it was you were looking for.
Placing your hands on his breast, you leaned into him pressing your lips against his jaw.
“I don’t want you to…” you trailed off slightly, your hands drawing themselves around his nape before pulling him into you, kissing him lightly on the lips.  “Touch another woman the way you touch me, Naoya-sama.”
Naoya stilled at your admission leaning further into you pushing his tongue into your mouth and pressing further against you. 
Even though you could sense that he was getting aroused, he made no move to disrobe you.  However, he did pull away from you his eyes narrowing slightly as he stared down at you.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, dear wife.” A slight smirk pulled at the corner of
Freezing underneath his smoldering leer; you watched as he closed the distance between the two of you once more taking your lips in his own.
“If you don’t want me to strip you down right here and bury myself inside of you, I advise you not to tease me,” Reaching for one of your hands, he brought it to his lips pressing a kiss along your fingertips.  “Whether or not you’re bleeding means absolutely nothing to me.”
There was something eerie about this day, something that had been bothering you since the sun had risen early in the morning.  Your body was often cold, and a dense foreboding cloud seemed to loom about the presence of the Zenin estate.
No matter what you did, you couldn’t shake it.  It was the same feeling that overcame you when you’d made contact with the cursed spirit that was being housed in this particular estate.  You only brushed it off, even though you could sense of anxiety overcoming you the longer you stayed here.  It could be assumed that it was just your nerves and the talk of you being barren.
Naoya’s presence lessened it all.  Only within his embrace were you able to push the dread further down into a place you’d be able to forget it for the time being.
His hands began to wander once more, peeling the strap of your chemise off your shoulders before his hands began to knead at the soft flesh of your bosom.  His words had obvious intent and just as he had said, he began to undress you before a heavy hand at the double wooden doors startled you both.
The door was pushed open with little regard for your state of undress, Naobito storming into Naoya’s chambers.  Biting back curses under his breath, Naoya shielded you with his body before he began to redress you his back still facing his father.
“Come, we must depart.  Immediately, there’s been an attack on the village in the south.”
Standing, Naoya guided you over to the bed before grabbing a robe and slipping it over your shoulders.
“Toji is patrolling the south, if he is there a successful attack wouldn’t have been possible.”
Naobito said nothing more about specific details, he instructed his son to prepare himself to depart as soon as possible and left the quarters.
It was clear that Naoya was just as clueless as you were, but after meeting with his father and uncles he returned only briefly to see that you were confined to your quarters with both Lianne and Emi.
There were guards posted everywhere, outside of your quarters and you were sure that they were on the outskirts of the estate as well.  What was happening?
“Get to bed, I’ll return before morning.”
You merely nodded, intending to follow his instructions.  Although you wanted to ask questions, you’d probably find out more information from Emi and Lianne than Naoya himself.
Naoya kissed you on the forehead before he turned to leave, closing the doors behind him as he stepped out of his quarters.  You could hear him instructing the guards on the other side of the doors before he strolled down the halls.
“No one gets in, and no one comes out.  You’ll die before any harm comes to Lady Zenin, and if harm does come to her and you do somehow survive.  I’ll gut you myself.”
Something… big was happening.  You could feel it in your bones.  You could sense cursed energy rolling in like a storm.  It made you nauseous.
Slipping the drapes aside to catch a glimpse of the grounds, you could see an enormous party before the front gates.  All of them clad in light armor some of them on horses and others on foot.  It was no less than 300 men from what you could tell.
Something big indeed was happening at the forefront.
“Lady Zenin, you should get some rest.” 
Lianne’s voice cut in from behind you and you offered her a skeptical gaze half wanting to inquire about your brother.  But that wouldn’t do with Emi here, so you simply agreed with her.
“Naoya-sama is very taken with you Lady Zenin,” Emi commented.
You blatantly ignored her, climbing into bed while trying to calm the deep sense of uneasiness prickling at the back of your neck.
“Now is not the time, Emi.” Lianne chided, the two of them settling themselves in front of the fireplace.  “We will wake you if there’s any news, my lady,”
Surprisingly, you were able to sleep for a time, until you were awakened in the dead of the night.
The fireplace had long burned out and the room was dark.  Lianne and Emi were nowhere to be found; you were alone.
Shuffling yourself out of bed, you turned your attention to the wooden doors of your quarters that were left wide open with no guards in sight.
It was eerily quiet, too quiet.  Stepping out into the halls, you glanced about to again see nothing.  There appeared to be no one in the distance, which was an extremely rare sight even if it was the dead of the night.
Wrapping your arms around yourself to warm yourself from the cooling temperature of the estate, you tried to wrap your head around what was actually going on.  The temperature was deceptively cool.  You could see a heavy fog escape your mouth from every breath you took.
Upon further inspection of your surroundings, you could make out a faint glow that illuminated the walls of the estate.  There was another force at work, a cursed technique for sure.  Someone or something inside the estate was distorting the atmosphere, from what you could see.
“Lady Zenin, it’s nice to meet your acquaintance,”
The unfamiliar voice echoed in the distance and from the corner of your eye, you were able to lay eyes on a dark hooded figure at the end of the hall.
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