#na'vi languagep
nightlyteaandpaper · 11 months
My Avatar Fanfic has been update and here is some of Chapter three.
If you want to follow more of the story, click this link.
The Battle Within Chapter 1: Miles, an avatar fanfic | FanFiction
Chapter 3
                Whispers danced around him, words he didn’t know. Miles opened his eyes to see dark feet standing around him, and when he flipped over onto his back, he saw the bodies and faces that were attached. The same dark faces that reminded him of the woman who saved him. They were the same species of Na’vi.
                Miles sat up, his hand reaching for a gun that wasn’t there. Something blunt and thick landed under his chin. Cool to the touch, smooth like ore. It smelled of rotted earth, of wet dirt. Miles froze.
                One Na’vi spoke to the other, and it was only the little words that Miles understood. “Stranger,” “here,” “people,” “Na’vi.” He watched as they threw sentences at each other, speaking fast. When they noticed him staring at him, the one holding the stick press hard on the tip, pushing the blunt and broad end into Miles’ throat. Something deep and guttural sputtered from Miles’ lips, but all the Na’vi did was crouch down.
                He was young, no older than Spider, perhaps even a year younger; there was still light in his eyes. He said something that Miles couldn’t catch and when no response came the boy pushed hard on the stick, knocking Miles back. He yelled the words again.
                Mile’s hands went straight to his head. No weapons.
                “I don’t know what you want from me,” he shouted over the boy. “I can’t understand you!”
                But the boy kept yelling and his friend behind him laughed. They were all around the same age. The boy came face-to-face with Miles and grinned. The boy pressed harder on the rod and for the second time since he got here, Miles saw the end just before him. He couldn’t breathe round the stick.
                A shadow passed over them and the boys stopped, their ears plastered against their heads. A low and deep growl came, making the boys scramble back, the stick now hiding behind the his back. Several pairs of feet fluttered around him, and long Na’vi the color of rich blue surrounded him. Two pairs of thick arms grabbed him from the ground. A Na’vi female spoke to the boys, her words sharp and clipped. She must had been their mother by the way they all looked alike when she turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw Miles.
                She looked to the forest, and ipped. Silence, then an ip back.
                Miles looked around. These were all the same kind of Na’vi, the same kind as the woman who saved him from the mud pit, but none of them were as…friendly as she was.
                The branches and the leaves of the forest surrounding them rustled and out came an older Na’vi man, perhaps 27 or 28. He was a little taller than his people, who were only up to Miles’ chin, but what he lacked in stature, he made up in presence. The young man strode of the forest with a speed that told him if he decided to take all day to get there, they would just have to wait.
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