#n'zoth the corrupter
freakbullet · 1 year
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N'Zoth - by Tim Shevtsov
so starved for content of this eldritch squid that I literally keep track of some non-canon card game I don't even play just for the occasional scraps. and it is totally worth it
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druidonity2 · 10 months
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Backed into a corner during the 4th war Anduin makes use of manipulation tactics taught to him as a child by Lady Prestor. Anything to win the war, he tells himself, yet he can't see himself in the mirror anymore...
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cosmererambles · 25 days
I want my octodaddy back, even if I think it's an agender being without sexual characteristics. N'Zoth deserved better. Why didn't we get a N'Zoth plush? Why did Dragonflight further fuck over N'Zoth? Like his major triumph, corrupting the Earth warder over a millennia, was just retconned into oblivion. Shadowflame? Are you kidding me? Shadowflame is just a concept of corrupted dragons, you numbskulls. Oh you poor octopus :(
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wp100 · 1 month
ahn'qiraj my beloved
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petrenocka · 5 months
Maybe that's a hot take, but I do think Wrathion being absent in Legion is a great writing choice.
Sure, entirely sidestepping the character who self-fulfilling prophecy-ed the expansion into being might seem silly, but for Wrathion's own ark it makes perfect sense.
Because at this point Wrathion is absolutely convinced that Azeroth is doomed. His plans to muster an army capable of dealing with The Burning Legion could not have been more of a failure. He has every reason to believe that his vision of the end is guaranteed to come true and that he is the cause of it. Just from him touching the problem, even with the best intentions it got worse in every way.
That's entirely too much to take in for a person who's entire purpose is proving to the world and more importantly to himself, that his nature and heritage is NOT that of a world ending monster.
Not going to lie, big mood checking out of trying after fucking up so bad it reinforces every single doubt you have about your worth.
This is exasperated by Wrathions self perception as a ""smart guy who sees the reality for what it is"". When you conclude with certainty by using cold facts and logic that you are a failure, are always wrong and break everything you touch, a depressed mind won't catch the contradiction between "I'm always wrong" and "my self assessment is correct".
Not only does Wrathion's pride feed his faith in his doom prophecy, the irreversibility if his mistake. It most definitely makes him completely unpreceptive to the possibility that whatever he is currently thinking bout himself may not be true.
Makes sense why Wrathion would be paralyzed in a dark corner somewhere the entire expansion.
But then the unthinkable happens: mortals beat The Burning Legion, and we beat it so hard Fell is now more or less off the multiverse politics chart for the time being. We kill a Titan for god's sake!
Which for Wrathion was probably such a relief and, barrirring actual therapy, exactly what he needed. Not only could he rejoice that his mistake literally wasn't the end of the world, it meant his prophecy was wrong. More importantly here he has the best possible proof that mortals of Azeroth can stand up for themselves. That he doesn't need to be the one hero to save the day, but that perhaps just participating in the process is enough.
My headcanon is that it was enough to let Wrathion put himself back together somewhat and after climbing out of that hole he jumped into Void research as an outlet/distraction. Hence why he is suddenly the best specialist on protection against Old God corruption in VoN.
And after all of that Wrathion gets character development that allows him to be content with playing a secondary role in defeating N'Zoth. He was invaluable yes, but he allowed us to take center stage, puts his trust in us to do our thing. And in my opinion self isolation and paranoia/need for control where the main things that left Neltarion vulnerable to old god influence.
Which makes it so neat that this is how Wrathion finally gets an oh so needed W. As well as quite literally allows black dragons to return ro Azeroth.
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blackdragonbeauty · 1 year
Wrathion Slander
I really need to vent about this as it's REALLY bothering me.
Wrathion is... or WAS... such a better character. He's a far more complicated character than most might realize, and is a character I can personally relate to as an abuse survivor.
I'm so pissed off about Wrathions "development" in Dragonflight. In Visions of Nzoth; we get to see him being more mature, more calculated, more tempered compared to when we meet him in Pandaria. HE WAS ACTIVELY GROWING UP AND BEING MATURE. But blizzard turned it around and DESTROYED ALL HIS PROGRESS JUST FOR "haha young dragon is brat!"  and just.... It's so frustrating as someone who watched a character grow and mature and living vicariously through that.
I'm so pissed how people treat him. Both players and npcs. Sabellian and co had DECADES on Outland and had SO MUCH time to learn how to free their kin. Yet they CHOSE NOT TO. Now they scream and cry "OH WRATHION IS SO HORRIBLE! HE CHOSE TO KILL THEM INSTEAD OF HELP THEM!" When they BLANTANTLY leave out massive facts... ya know... Like how Wrathion was hatched DURING the Cataclysm??? The time where the entire flight was ACTIVELY RIPPING APART AZEROTH?!!?!?! His choices at that time were  a) get killed by the black flight. b) get killed by the red flight. c) get corrupted and then killed like the rest. or d) Protect azeroth from the flight.
Wrathion wasn't born with the information OR time to learn how to free them. Had he tried, he would have put himself at GRAND danger of being killed by the old gods or by Deathwing and the flight themselves. THERE. WAS. NO. TIME. contrary to what Sabellian and co say.
Wrathions trauma stemmed not just from Deathwing, but from the Red Flight too. We the players, get to help Rheastraza purge a black egg... which turns out to be wrathion. But those who didn't play Rogue in Cataclysm; don't know that. Which pisses me off as his origins are so hidden. and It's so vital. Now you and this red dragon put this egg through so many tests, which we later read in Wrathions journal; HE REMEMBERED THEM. And they were intrusive, violating, painful. But the agony doesn't stop there; he was taken to a red dragon area where he was "looked after." Based on the way the leader there (i forget her name) spoke about the egg when it was stolen away by the Rogues of Ravenholdt manor she clearly didn't care about him as a whelp. Just as a thing.. or seemingly worse. A *black egg.*   ya know.. despite being let in on the fact that this egg was purged.
now when the Rogue player character gets sent to steal him back; we find that he's hatched... and pissed. Wrathion hires you to help him fight off the flight, while sending back the red dragon who accompanied said player with broken legs with a message that "he won't be a prisoner to anyone anymore." ya know... reasonable. a tiny bit aggressive but reasonable. But that's the worst he did at this point. AND IT WAS JUSTIFIABLE.
Once you finish his final quest, "Patricide." You come back TO FIND THE WHOLE MANOR BEING ASSAULTED BY THE RED FLIGHT. Instead of trying to reason with him, treat him as a sentient person, or any care; THEY JUST DECIDE TO MURDER HIM AND EVERYONE IN THE AREA.
Now to Pandaria.. We find him a lot in the Valley where if we remember well, is DESTROYED with Sha menace. Sha.. or also knowns as "the Breaths of Y'sharj"... old god. If we remember how old gods work; they THRIVE on negative emotions; paranoia, fear, anger, pride.... Gee sounds familiar?? Ya, Wrathion was a PRIME target and was so actively close to it all. But we forget; N'zoth was still active at that time too. Wrathion makes a comment in later years, during Visions of Nzoth, about despite him being purged; ***he wasn't immune.*** Now why would Wrathion who wants to help and protect azeroth, go to lengths for chaotic actions?? He was led astray without being aware of it. And since he was so secretive; all we could assume was that his attitude was just him and that he was just a dumb idiot.... I believe that Wrathion during pandaria was influenced. And having consumed the heart of Y'sharj... only worsened his chaotic emotions that OTHERS have destroyed. Yet he's treated like he's just an idiot... Ya he fucked up; but there's so much more to him.
Now i'm so pissed how Alexstraza treats him. She seems aware of how his situation started; yet still makes scathing comments and COMPLETELY disregards the idea of perhaps mending the rift between them???? Some fucking "Queen." And from the history I've seen of her; she only really cares about herself, her flight and those she chooses. Unless it's a Very Big Event^TM which was like... 2 times?? So many things could have been stopped had she done her damn job.
SPEAKING OF DOING HER DAMN JOB: Doing quests with Emberthal, we found a recording of Neltharion talking about how Alexstraza and the other aspects refused to believe him when he tried to warn them about the Incarnates war. HE TRIED TO WARN THEM AND GET HELP. THEY ABANDONED HIM! THEY BETRAYED HIM AND HE SUFFERED FOR IT.
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mekandawn · 1 year
@daily-writing-challenge Words: Overcome/Blind Day: 3
Caythaes hadn't performed at Wings and Metal - they hadn't even performed for Fire Fest - yet already they were making plans for the Tournament of Ages. Why not? It wasn't as if they weren't already making plans for it; they'd floated the idea past Leon months ago, almost as soon as the World's Faire had ended. The desire to perform on a larger stage was not something new the corruption had planted in them…
…But as Caythaes gathered up their costumes and got ready for practice with Anzhin, they couldn't help but think about the themes and lyrics in their upcoming performances. About the themes and lyrics of their past performances as well. True, they'd always had religious and anti-Light undertones, but now…
See how you drape yourself in my regalia, the voice cooed as Caythaes brushed their fingers over their favorite red suit. They'd gotten cufflinks made of the black sun and upside-down symbol of Light made, and the symbol adorned the corset they liked to wear with it.
See how you cover your body in my symbol, it purred as Caythaes caught a glimpse of the red suns tattooed upon their chest.
"These are for Belore," Caythaes murmured, resting their hand over their heart so that their splayed fingers touched the tattoos.
Even the Sun can go dark, the voice countered, its tone light and teasing. Do you not call yourself the Solar Eclipse? My dearest Devoted One, how you wound me...
"I get your point. You're so sharp," Caythaes sang to themself as they took flight toward Shattrath. "Getting good reactions with your evil talk."
I understand all…  "I see no-"
Destructive urges… "I see no-"
It seems so perfect… "I see no-"
I see-
"I see no evil!" Caythaes shouted as they rocketed towards the ground outside Wings and Metal. The fire of their phoenix form blazed like a comet through the sky, churning up dirt and rock as they collided with the earth and skidded to a stop.
"Caythaes?" Anzhin poked his head out of the bar, dressed in his ghoul uniform and worriedly cocking his head at them. "Are you alright?"
Scowling at themself, Caythas dusted the dirt from the otherwise pristine priest robe they wore and shook their head. A moment later, they sighed and pulled their hair loose from its tie, running their fingers through the faintly glowing dark purple and orange strands. Once they were satisfied that they'd tamed any wild strands, they pulled it back into a ponytail, making sure to catch the lone tendril budding from behind their ear and tucking it out of sight. "I'm fine, I just…"
"Haven't slept well," they professed, giving Anzhin a tired but still reassuring smile. It wasn't a lie; ever since the whispers first started, Caythaes had slept fitfully, plagued by dreams of stardom and success. Perhaps in another context, Caythaes would have welcomed such visions, but normally they didn't dream at all. Squishy, the little voidbeast they'd adopted during N'Zoth's attempt to claim Azeroth, ate their normal dreams, leaving only those that were divinely induced.
"If you were a prophet…"
"I'm fine," Caythaes repeated tiredly, reaching up to cup Anzhin's cheek in their hand; he had his own share of burdens weighing him down. Caythaes didn't want to add their problems to the pile. "I promise. Don't worry. Everything is okay. I'll go to bed early tonight and everything."
"If you want company…" Anzhin began to offer, removing his helmet so that he could lean into Caythaes's touch, raising his hand to hold theirs in place against his cheek.
"No. No, it's fine," Caythaes demurred, shaking their head as they drew back and slipped past Anzhin into Wings and Metal. "Really. I've just been having trouble sleeping again. You know how it is."
"I do," Anzhin agreed, resting a hand on Caythaes's lower back as he ushered them inside, his expression still worried, but fond as they neared the stage. "And I know how you push yourself, my dear firebird. Please take care of yourself. For me."
"I will, I promise. I just can't wait to be on stage again."
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oldgodlover · 2 months
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There was a pretty big mirror in that room, and for the first time since he had taken over that body that he got to see what he was looking like and once the shock had passed, he put back his lower jaw against the upper one and just glared at his reflection, the sign of disgust all over his face wincing back at him. As he already knew, he had taken over the body of one of those abominations called a Ren'dorei, or Void Elf, and those stupid elves were believing that they could have some control over the void and its marvelous powers, not even realizing that by changing their body so much, they were allowing the corruption to flow it in more easily. And it was with that thought that N'zoth realized that if his plan to take over a dead body to survive had worked that well, it was probably because that body had been ready to welcome his true master as soon as it had meddled with the Void. Otherwise, the body's skin was going toward a white shade, with purplish undertones that weren't undertones anymore once it had reached the elbows and knees, coloring the skin with a purple color over his hands and feet. In the middle of his face, he could see that both eyes were working as attended but as he saw that bright blue color, he winced as he missed the orange of his real eyes. The hair was extremely long and displayed a deep and dark purple color, just as the little pointy beard on his chin, and just passing his hands through the strands of the hair, N'zoth knew that he needed to get rid of that mass of hair if he wanted to have some control over that life, especially that he was looking extremely stupid and that long hair was extremely dangerous as anything could grab into it. For his survival, he needed to get rid of it as fast as he could, and as soon as he caught the glimpse of a blade, probably a dagger that Eniel had forgotten there the day before, and before anything else could happen, N'zoth grabbed his hair and cut through it. Now that it was around his shoulder-length, it was feeling better, and yet, N'zoth wasn't satisfied enough and without breaking the eye contact with his reflection, he brought back the dagger to his head and kept on cutting the hair, shorter and shorter.
“A small, small God in a big, big world”
Chapter 2: "I wanted to do that."
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Between Wrathion and Sabellian... who has your vote? 👀
I've been asked this several times, and been thinking about it. I think part of why it's hard for me to decide is because I think there are some great stories to be told either way.
If Sabellian becomes Aspect, Wrathion would have to find a new purpose in life, or do freelance Earth Warding, so to speak. He'd be free to choose his own path in a way he has never been, which might be a blessing in disguise. Or Sabellian could turn out to be a bad guy and Wrathion would have to lead a coup. Or Sabellian could turn down the position because he realizes that Wrathion is what the flight needs for a fresh start, untouched by corruption. Lots of potential there.
If Wrathion becomes the Aspect, it could be a glorious culmination of all his efforts, a sort of "and he lived happily ever after" destiny...or it could turn into a disaster because he's immature, brash and impulsive. Or it could start out bumpy but we could watch/help him grow into the role. Or Sabellian could lead a coup against him. Or Wrathion could turn down the position because he eventually realizes his own shortcomings and recognizes Sabellian's superior experience. Tons of potential there, too.
Or...Ebyssian could show up and try to make Sabellian and Wrathion stop fighting about it, and everyone is like, "Wow, now there's a level-headed dragon who can smooth over conflicts, is uncorrupted, and has leadership experience. Let's pick him instead." I know a lot of people have suggested this with varying degrees of seriousness, but I actually wouldn't mind if it became canon. It wouldn't mean Wrathion and Sabellian would have to go away and not be in the story anymore; if anything it would free them from obligations and let them get up to different shenanigans.
That's from a writing/storytelling viewpoint.
If I was a black dragon myself, I'd either have been hiding somewhere on Azeroth, trying to evade Blacktalon assassins since Cataclysm, or I'd be arriving with Sabellian from Outland now. In that case, I'd be more inclined to vote for the devil dragon I knew.
If I was deciding as a mortal (i.e. non-dragon) character in Azeroth watching this all unfold, I'd be more apt to side with the guy I've worked alongside for years. I watched him geek out over mogu and mantid artifacts in Pandaria. I accompanied him through the August Celestials' challenges and heard the genuine fear and despair in his voice when he spoke of his apocalyptic visions of the Legion's return. I read the logbook detailing how he saved some of Admiral Taylor's troops from death cultists in the Spires of Arak. I saw him risk life and limb to take down N'Zoth. Yes, he's made mistakes, but so do we all. He means well and he's not afraid to throw himself into the action in pursuit of his goals.
As for game mechanics and purely personal sentiment, of course I'll side with, and do quests for, my precious son on my main character. That doesn't mean the first alt I get to 70 will, though...
Most of all, I love both characters and their stories, and don't like to see fans bashing one to support the other. They both have flaws and strengths, and (barring Old Gods turning puppet masters again) I think they both would be fine Aspects.
I also don't want to set my heart on a particular outcome because that's just setting myself up for disappointment. Even if Blizzard's storytelling seems to be improving with this expansion, their recent track record has made me wary. I love the black dragonflight story so far, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to be awesome, but if it takes a nosedive I won't be utterly shocked. Best to keep my expectations low.
So, uh...short answer? Wrathion.
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doctordragon · 7 months
To me visions of N'zoth is so emblematic on how I feel about bfa as a whole. The intro cinematic was only 2 minutes long but has changed my life immeasurably. I quit playing 3 weeks in because I hated corruption.
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thasdorah · 1 year
i'm thinking about actually structuring an outline of sorts of canon divergencies so hm. thoughts, for now
personally, i don't think the way alleria and sylvanas reunite makes sense. sure, during legion there's the excuse, maybe, they were both too occupied fighting to look for each other. but if alleria had time to reunite with vereesa and arator, she would also find sylvanas in whatever brief window of time there was for it. i won't write specifics about how this should go — i'd rather leave it open to plot with sylvanas writers. but i don't see alleria being outright antagonistic towards her for what she became. she carries a lot of guilt for leaving, regardless of her reasons, and that would be much worse because of what happens to sylvanas and her failure to be present and save a sibling for the second time. also alleria would not inherently hate her for being undead. despite her prejudices (most of which come from deeply personal, irrational and emotion-bound places), she tends to be open-minded, and she underwent changes of her own. sure, she's not patient, their reunion could easily derail, but i don't think hatred, distrust and resent are present from the start.
though i don't think they ever sat down to talk about their relationship ever, alleria being the most emotionally closed-off type of person and turalyon being cool with just pretending everything is fine, i think post legion, after they return to azeroth and things settle down, she would officially end anything between them. if a three sisters-esque sort of reunion still happens, in the sense of her gathering the other two to seek what exactly remains of their past bond (which is plausible, even if she reunited individually with each of them before, though it'd likely happen considerably different from the comic), vereesa's commentary about envying her may just be the last push she needs to realize she doesn't think there is anything to be envied — so why is she still in this relationship in the first place? i won't get into specifics again, but i don't think it'd have ended amicably. canonically, turalyon always had an i can fix her attitude towards alleria way before the void. with its influence and his dislike towards it, i just think he'd probably not easily accept this is the decision she's making without any outside influence and that she doesn't need saving or fixing.
arator is her everything no matter what. she'd do all she could to be present and make sure he knew it was never lack of love that led her away. if he wants her in his life, she'll be there. if he doesn't, it'll hurt greatly, but she'll respect it.
she would take a more prominent role in leading the ren'dorei, leaving less of it in umbric's hands, other than the day to day running of whatever it is they do. she cares for them greatly, and would personally do all she could to ensure they'd have the means to not only survive the void corruption but to thrive and use it to their benefit. they have the power to protect azeroth from the old gods and void lords. she'll make sure they're prepared for it, but also that they get to live their lives.
during bfa, i can see her role remaining similar. she'll take part in the faction war and go wherever it seems like she can be most useful. in many ways, war is a refuge — easier to deal with than whatever is going on in her life. that greatly depends on her relationship with sylvanas and sylv's own actions, though, so i'm assuming a more canon-aligned sort of situation.
that is, until n'zoth enters the picture. you cannot convince me the void elves wouldn't focus on fighting that threat. to not disregard wrathion's role, i think they would work together to make the old god's defeat possible and the damage he'd cause minimal.
alleria being anduin's teacher in how to deal with the void influence will always be my favorite i think they both deserve it but also not going to say 100% it did nor make it something that necessarily had to happen for my portrayal. just a possibility.
the bit in bfa where she suggests setting aside the faction war to focus on n'zoth is one i stand by. as much as she may have partaken in the faction war, that's not her focus. it hasn't been for a long time. she knows how much of a threat the void can be — it's why she chose to wield it in the first place, to understand it, to learn its weaknesses. if some orc wants to die for honor that's on him but azeroth has bigger problems.
i also think that, no matter how much she respects and genuinely cares for anduin (and she does! greatly!), she would ditch that fight to pursue void-related threats. alleria has never held great regard for authority; she didn't respect it from anastherian when he was her king and she was still ranger-captain of quel'thalas. i don't think she would respect it in this scenario either. she'll do what she thinks is right, first and foremost.
i'll skip over sl idc shadows rising who hunting her sister down what idk any of that she was uhhhh on vacation or something
anduin leaving stomwind and the alliance makes her greatly question if the ren'dorei should stay there. she knows it's a matter of time until it'll become an issue. she'd look into finding them some place that can serve as a base, though i don't yet know where. telogrus is useful of course, but it isn't in azeroth, and that's where they should stay in her opinion. still debating, but i might just say fuck it and say she also severs their bond to the alliance and goes factionless as of shadowlands.
the dragon isles are there. she won't care unless someone says the black dragons are being old god influenced or that any void influence remains anywhere connected to neltharion.
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amani-outrider · 2 years
MOTHER says: Signal interference negated. Connection restored. Magni Bronzebeard says: Yer back! What happened? The corpse of the Black Emperor dissolves, revealing it to actually be the n'raqi Ki'merax. Wrathion says: I learned that it doesn't take much for my friends to believe I betrayed them. Wrathion says: Champions, that vision was as much for me as it was for you. N'Zoth wants us to believe that my corruption is inevitable. Wrathion says: Doubt me if you must, but know that I will not rest until his smoldering corpse lies at my feet.
since i’m thinking about Wrathion in 8.3, I’m thinking about post-Fake Wrathion fight dialogue
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cosmererambles · 4 months
Legit the fucking retcon of Neltharion choosing to take in Shadowflame and thus that's what corrupted him vs the very slow burn of thousands of years of whispers and meticilous planning by N'Zoth pissed me off.
Cheapened everything. This dragon just...chose to be evil? instead of a noble soul that was gradually corrupted by a legit evil entity? Also no, the Titans are NOT morally grey, they are good guys and the Void is literal chaos and evil. Fuck all that noise. It's ok for there to be lines in the sand in fantasy, and Titans = good and Void = evil is perfectly fine. We already have grey areas with Light and Dark energies.
I was really excited about that chart at first when it came out they used it as justification for subpar writing and now I'm just wishing it never existed.
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jerek · 2 years
chase the fire away
(Dragonflight spoilers! Midha reconciles a past mission with the present.)
Midha was about to set out by the time anyone made any protest.
A deep shadow fell over her. "Champion," the shadow's voice said-- the voice of Baskilan. "You go to your death."
Beneath the wing, shrouded close, Baskilan's head loomed. His eyes cast an amber light into the dark, over her whole body.
"I've known the Black Prince for half of my life," she replied. "If following him were to get me killed, it would have happened when I was his age."
"No," Baskilan rumbled. In Draconic, every word was longer. In Common, which he spoke now, every word was like a wall of force. "You will not die in battle..."
His fiery pupils shifted out, looking into the daylight. "The burden you bear is not unique. Y'shaarj is dead, but an Old God all the same, and you are corrupted."
"I've been corrupted for years," came the same answer as before.
"You are still of use to him. He ignores it now because he can-- when the madness takes your skill, and then your guile, and then your loyalty, he will find you beyond redemption."
Midha said nothing. For a few seconds, at least. It wasn't an unfamiliar idea to her... and she wouldn't have been the first.
She nodded. Then, another wall of force.
Wrathion, maybe half the bulk of Baskilan in his true shape, cleared his throat and nearly nosed his way into the wing-nook.
"Whispering in my champion's ear, are we?" He was face-to-face with Baskilan, glaring a red light into his orange. "Our true shapes do not whisper so well, friend."
Baskilan had only a moment before Wrathion dropped into his mortal visage. "Come, Midha." He put his hand down firm on her opposite shoulder, his arm around her as that wing had been. "We have no time for gossip."
As he pulled her away, Midha didn't look back. But she could feel Baskilan's gaze still on her back, following her, and the deep silence when the dragon failed to speak.
"He lies, of course." Wrathion's fingers tightened on her shoulder. "Yes, I heard what he told you-- enough of it, at least. Tell me you don't believe this."
She shook her head. "The world is different. Y'shaarj is dead. N'zoth is dead. You saved Ebyssian."
He smiled. He'd always reminded her of the red leaves in the Vale, somehow even before they'd seen the Vale.
"I do not think you will ever lose your skill, champion. And to lose your mind? Absurd." His smile broke into a grin: "You would have lost it sooner."
Though it was near-silent, a laugh fluttered in her lungs. Her next words were quiet, too: "I'm not insane already?"
"Hah. There are far worse things to be than what you are, Midha."
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mikaila-orchard · 2 years
Something I wish WoW would've done, kept the main story separate, and have non-canon alternate what-if portals to cool boss fights or whatever. Wanna fight Illidan? Sure, do the main story then have a magic "Oh, what if we fought Illidan? That've been fun!" portal.
I mean, obviously requires competent people at the helm to begin with, so...
It has kinda done that in previous expacs. In Cata, there was a dungeon where you could fight ghosts of Baine, Tyrande, Jaina or Sylvanas left behind in an alternate future where the Hour of Twilight happened. In BFA, you could run through visions of N'Zoth in Stormwind or Orgrimmar where you could fight alternate Void Corrupted versions of Alleria and Thrall.
They've dabbled in it, but I wish they would do more than dabble.
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asharinhun · 2 years
OC Information - Neria
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// Art by me
General Information
Name: Neria
Nicknames Visage Name: Nerah
Race: Black Dragon
Faction: Neutral
Age: Undisclosed
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Facial Likeness: Kristen Stewart
Physical Appearance (Visage)
Hair: Ashgray
Eyes: Golden and black
Height: 5′7′’
Build: Slim, toned
Distinguishing Marks: Her curved horns, the burns covering the left side of her body, her cane (that acts as the prosthetic tail tip in her dragon form), her eyepatch which she can see through as if looking through a veil (it is enchanted to protect her overly sensitive eye), ornate armor
Accessories: The eyepatch, the cane
Physical Appearance (Disguise)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Lightbrown
Height: 5′6′’
Build: Slim, toned
Distinguishing Marks: The burns covering the left side of her body, a metal cane, a simple black eyepatch (which she can see through), being the odd human blacksmith in Ironforge
Accessories: The eyepatch, the cane, a blacksmith's apron with a hammer always in the front pocket
Personal Information
Profession: Blacksmith
Hobbies: Staying unnoticed and focusing on her craft
Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Common
Residence: Ironforge
Birthplace: Undisclosed
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Unnamed mother, Sabellian (father)
Siblings: Many, though she is the only one to survive from her clutch
Pets: None
RP Hooks:
NOTE: // I only RP on tumblr or on Discord, no in-game RP
Neria stayed on Outland with her father Sabellian until Deathwing was defeated, then returned to Azeroth, eventually ending up in Ironforge as a human who wanted to learn blacksmithing from the best. She returned to Outland briefly before the end of the Legion's invasion and came back only after the Old God N'zoth was defeated.
Her visage is reserved to be seen in the company of other dragons, so normal folk can only see her human disguise.
She is supposedly free of the corruption of the Old Gods, but didn't want to test it, hence her stay on Outland during those times.
Wrathion was unaware of her existence, which might change with the reemergence of the Dragon Isles. It is actually a female bronze dragon who visits her and convinces her to return to the Dragon Isles with her.
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