#my workplace has started leaking water from the ceiling again
trashpremiium · 1 year
god hates me :(
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exodusofthesun · 4 years
Eternal Rain, Part 1
“Dad, look! The rain has let up!” the daughter said, looking out the bedroom window. The father stirred, finally sitting up, and looking out into the city.
“Sweetheart, the rain is till coming down hard, it hasn’t let up in the least.”
“Dad, it’s let up a little bit. Now its just pat-pat-pat-pat-pat, not chhshshshshshshs.” The girl soon got down from the window, and sat next to the man, who now was sitting up on the side of the bed. “Dad, what was it like to see the sun?”
“It was warm, and nice. It encircled and held you in its glowing rays.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sounds like an amazing thing.” the girl sighed, looking through the window again, out towards the cooling towers, shrouded in fog. “I wish I could see the sun.”
“One day, my dear,” the man said, leaning over and kissing the top of her head. “One day the rain will pass, and the sun will come out again.”
The girl chuckled. “You keep saying that!”
The man laughed as well. “Haha, that’s right.” He kissed her head again. “Go get ready for school.”
“Alright.” the girl ran off to her room. The man stood up, and leaned on the windowsill, looking out on the dilapidated, fog covered city. “Every day, I promise her the rain will stop. Every day for eight years of her life. Not counting the years before that. Haha, I’m starting to think it will never stop, too.” he said to himself. With a sigh, he got himself ready to take his daughter to school as well as head to work.
“How’s it going in there?” he asked, exiting his room, and moving to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
“Almost done! Just putting my hair up!” she said. A few minutes later, she ran from her room to the kitchen.
“Cereal?” she asked.
“What else?” the man replied, chuckling. The girl sat down, and poured a bowl.
“What kind do we have?” she asked.
“The same as always, dear. Cheerios.”
“Ok. When will we have something different?” she asked.
“Not for a long time.” he replied. “Though, I would also enjoy something new. Hurry up, we’re going to be late.” The two ate their food, and placed the dishes in the sink. The girl ran back to her room, grabbed her backpack, made sure her hair was all set.
“Alright, now I’m all set.” she said.
The father chuckled. “You do know you will be wearing a hat on top of that ponytail right?”
The girl sighed. “Yeah, but I wanted a ponytail.” She paused. “Mom used to be able to do other cool things with it.”
The man looked morose at the girl. “Yeah, she did. She was an amazing woman.” The girl grabbed his hand.
“I miss her too, Dad.” The man nodded, and motioned her toward the door. The girl put her shoes on, as the man sat down and took his boots from under the kitchen table, and placed them on his feet.
The two went to fetch their coats and hats. The man took one look at his daughter. “You look like   a red marshmallow!”
The daughter laughed. “Well, you look like a bunch of plastic!” The two laughed, as they left the apartment.
The two walked through the hallway, which had all but fallen apart. Paint peeling, boards almost up ended. There were several leaks all around the ceiling. The two were fortunate that their apartment had yet to spring a leak.
“Do you think they fixed the railing on the second floor?” the girl asked as they approached the stairs.
“My guess would be not yet, sweetheart. Probably soon, though. The maintenance man has all but given up on trying to fix all the leaks in the ceiling.” the man replied. “Just remember not to much too much weight on the it.”
They made their way down the stairs, avoiding the railing on the second floor. As they exited the stairs, and walked toward the building’s front door, an old lady with some bags came through.
“Well, hello there! Off to the first day of school?” she asked.
The girl looked at her father. He nodded. She then looked back at the old woman. “Yup! Summer’s officially over!”
The woman chuckled. “Well, it didn’t rain as hard this summer, so I guess it was more of a summer than the last ten we’ve had! Well, you better run along now. Don’t want to be late!” The girl ran past the woman. As she did, the lady looked back at the father. “What do you think? Think the rain might let up finally?”
The man sighed. “We’ve had lighter rainfalls in the past. It always returns with force.” The old woman nodded, with a look of melancholy.
“Well, one can always hope. Oh, before I forget. I got some ingredients for cookies at the market. If she wants, your daughter can come help me bake them.”
“She’d like that. We’ll come up after my work, around 3 or 4.” he replied. The woman nodded, and then walked past him. He, in turn, headed out the door, where his daughter was playing in a puddle, at the base of the front steps.
“Hey, c’mon! You’re gonna get all wet! Remember the one rule?” he said, walking down the steps.
“Don’t play in the water, it’s not good for you.” the girl replied, as she stopped jumping. The water was about ankle deep.
“That’s right. C’mon, let’s go, we’re gonna miss the train.” the man told his daughter. He took hold of her hand and the two started down the street.
The buildings around them were all run down, falling apart. The only new structures were canopies along the sidewalks, keeping the rain off of the people going down the roads. Electrical pylons ran along the majority of the busy thoroughfares, and even they had seen better days. Rusted, falling apart, downed lines drooping from them, the pylons were now the only source of power transmission in the city, and in reality, the entire country.
Skyscrapers had been knocked down to make room for the nuclear and coal plants, which now made up the majority of the workforce in the city. The town the two lived in had no less than thirteen coal plants and five nuclear plants in the city limits. The cooling towers and smoke stacks reached into the sky, and along with the tower cranes used to build more plants and tear down older buildings, made up the majority of the skyline.
The man and girl had passed an abandoned construction site, the steel beams rusting in the rain, and the equipment deteriorated beyond repair.
“What were they trying to build there, Dad?” the girl asked.
The man sighed. “A hospital.” he replied, looking at the site, with a melancholic expression. He then looked back at his daughter. “But that was years ago. You were a lot younger then.”
They continued further down the road, before they finally reached the train station, which was more of a monorail subway.
“C’mon, dear. Let’s go.” They boarded the subway, which passed by two of the coal plants, smoke rising from the stacks.
“Huh.” the dad said looking out the window towards them. “Thought those ones closed down a couple months ago. Must’ve found more coal to burn.”
The girl looked at her father. “Does that mean we can have more power?” As she said that, the monorail powered down in the middle of the route to their destination.
“I’ll take that as a no.” the man said, with a chuckle. “Bet you we will be back up and running in five minutes.”
And sure enough, within five minutes, the lights flickered back on, and the monorail started moving again toward the center of the city. The father looked at his daughter with a look of smug wisdom. The two laughed at it, as the train moved toward the girl’s school and the man’s workplace.
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donaldresslerfanfic · 7 years
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language (little bit)
Word Count: 3026
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Four.
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
I was writing down the report of the findings on the house to deliver to my superiors.
Another week had passed, and so far we had the warrant and the walls were slowly coming down, we had to be careful not to take any possible evidence behind them, but the more walls came down, the more anxious I got. Reddington could be on the other side of the globe at this point.
The more of the house we uncovered the less we found, I was ready to start looking in another direction when Bobby called me.
“Please tell me you have something”
“Oh, it’s something alright, a big fucking something. I need you at the house now”
I hung up and got up from my desk, leaving the report unfinished.
When I arrived at the house I pulled out my badge in a mechanical move, and the armed men outside let me in.
When I walked, there were only the frames still up, the walls had been completely stripped, and I saw it.
A big metal box in the middle of the house, matching where the rooms had been narrowed down to fit it.
I walked around it to find the door of it look like the one out of a bank vault. What was Reddington hiding in there?
“I know, ‘what the hell’ right?”
“How did he got there on here?” The box appeared to be 7 feet squared, as tall as the ceiling. “What are the specs on this thing?”
“That’s what I’m onto now. Unfortunately the company that built the box are from Switzerland, and a representative can come in three days”
“The case is going to get cold in three days. I need to get in there”
“Unless you know a bank robber that can break into that vault I’m out of options Donnie.”
I placed my hands on my hips and paced the room, looking down at the floor.
“I need a warrant, blueprints, services charts of water, gas and electricity, a consultant pass, and I need you to set up someone to watch the security cameras from the time this house went up for sale onwards. I want to know the exact time for when this things could’ve been installed here. And I need it all within the hour”
I began to walk down the empty house to the front door
“Where are you going?” I heard Bobby speak from behind me
“To get us an expert”
On the way to Maggie’s house I called my man at the blacksite to get me her work address and a full background check. Her house phone wasn’t picking up, so I headed straight to her workplace.
I entered the neat and bright building and walked to the receptionist
“Welcome to Bronton Security how can I help you?” She said with a smile, I fished my badge from the inner pocket in my jacket and flipped it open to identify myself.
“I’m looking for Margaret Waters, tell her it’s an emergency”
She widened her eyes, looking for her phone and dialing.
“Tell her it’s Donald Ressler”
“Hey Maggie, I’m sorry to bother you but Donald is here? Ressler?” She paused then smiled “I’ll take him to you then”
She hung up and stood up to lead me.
We went through a set of doors, then through some cubicles of people working with computers to the left, a meeting room to the right. She stopped at one of the closed doors and knocked quietly.
Maggie opened the door and smiled at the receptionist, making a signal to make me enter the office
“Thank you Brenda, I’ll see him out” Brenda smiled and with a little bow she left the office.
Maggie closed the door and turned to me. Before she opened her mouth I took out my badge again.
“Maggie, listen. I’m with the FBI and” she gasped and took the ID from my hands
“I fucking knew it” she let out another gasp and looked at the ID “oh my God” she licked her lips “victory tastes so good” she let out a happy laugh and flipped the ID to me “Donald Ressler FBI.” She said imitating my voice tone  "Are you an agent?“
“Special agent” I took the ID from her hands and put it away.
“You’re like… The coolest dude I know” she took a deep breath and motioned at the chair behind him “what can I help you with, special agent with the FBI Donald Ressler?”
I gave her a smile and rolled my eyes
“What was my tell?”
“The suit, public employee payroll can’t afford that.” she linked her hands in front of her
“I need you to come with me” I motioned at her to the door
“Are you working on a case?” She whispered at me. I nodded “and it’s like… Classified?” I nodded again and opened the door. She gave me a big smile and took a short step to her desk, taking her phone and a colorful summer scarf, dancing it around her neck.
We began to walk out when we were stopped midway.
“Maggie I need the prints for the new safe house, today please” I turned to find an older but still fit men walking to us.
“I’m afraid that’ll have to wait” I said pulling out my ID “I’m special agent Ressler. Miss Waters has just agree to be a consultant for an open case. She needs to come with me”
“Paul Bronton, her boss. What’s this all about? I have deadlines to meet and she’s my best worker”
“I’m afraid I cannot trust that information, it’s classified”
“Tell Gina to get it from my office it’s in the first classifier” she took me by the arm and pulled me away, Mr Bronton gave her a nod and me a suspicious look before turning around and letting us leave.
Once outside I opened the door of my car for her, when I sat at the driver’s side she clapped
“This is the most exciting thing I’ve done in my whole life. Am I really an consultant?”
“Yes” I replied and began driving down “I don’t think I need to tell you that you cannot say anything of what you will see today to anyone. It won’t even serve as a funny anecdote, Maggie. I mean it.”
“Roger that” she gave me a nod and took a deep breath “what’s this all about?”
“We’ll discuss it at the site, it’s better if I show you”
My phone rang, and I picked it up without looking at the number ID.
“I’ve sent you the warrant to open the safe and background check on Miss Waters.”
I hung up and parked in thee street.
Maggie and I got out of the car, where another agent handed me the consultant pass that I gave to Maggie behind me
“Now you have your own ID to show”
She smiled and pinned it to the pocket of her loose jean dress shirt, underneath it she had a plain white shirt.
“This way” I lead her and we walked inside, I took the tablet with Maggie’s background check. All the info seemed to check out, parents deceased, sister in Rhode Island, recently moved to DC, address matched her current one. A series of red numbers made me frown, under thee credit car information it showed that she owned over 250k in medical bills still, and her paycheck had been seizured by the bank on a 40% to pay the debt.
I looked up to see Maggie in front of the vault, her hand was on her mouth, thoughtful, while the other was crossed on her chest and linked to her elbow.
“And?” I said walking to her, she glanced at me
“It’s a vault”
“That much I know”
“A vault that I would put in a bank, or the one I would put to secure chemical weapons, biological weapons.” She said with her eyebrows rose up. “Who is this guy Donald?”
“It’s a person who has secrets that could put in danger national security if he sold them, which he already has with some. I’ve been at him for years.” I walked to her to stand right next to her “Mags I need to get in there”
She looked at me with a frown, her green eyes searching in my blue ones.
“You want me to open it?”
“Can you?”
She looked at the vault and walked to it, pressing her hand against the metal
“The vault was made by a company in Switzerland am I right?” She looked at me, to which I nodded. “The inner mechanism is to be programmed with the representatives in the states and the owner of the vault, they make the mechanism accord to the level of security the client wants. For me to even attempt to open it I need the manual of the inner mechanism, the closest associate I know is this brand is in Bathesda. The associate goes by the name of Saul Kirkland. The office is called ‘Safe and sound’ or something lame like that. He won’t just give you the manual, you might need a warrant.”
She explained, Jonica had joined us and was listening attentively. When Maggie finished he extended his hand to her, to which she took with a smile.
“Robert Jonica, I’ve been working with Don to catch this son of a bitch for many years now. How do you know all this stuff?”
“It’s what I do for a living. Besides, I wouldn’t recommend this eye sore to my biggest enemy. The exterior can be good, and no matter the level of security a half decent safe intruder could break into this vault in a few minutes. I don’t work with this brand in specific” she crossed her arms at her chest and smiled
“With a look at the manual you can open it?” Jonica asked, she gave him a shrug and then a nod. “I’ll get you that manual”
Maggie smiled at him, and when Jonica left she moved her eyes to me.
“Let me take a look at those prints” she pointed at the desk we had set up in the far corner of the room. She eyed him and let out a hum “I’ll need you to cut out any gas supply there is.”
“If someone told me they want to conceal official, classified, dangerous documents on a safe this big, and told me that by any means it can’t be accessed by someone trying to break into it, what I would do is redirect one of the gas pipes to produce a leak on the inside of the vault, and as soon as the vault is tried to be accessed illegally, it would fire up a spark burning everything inside it. Granted you would loose that information, but it would be better lost than in the wrong hands”
“The person who put them there is the wrong hands, not us”
“That’s not the way he thinks, if he has them, he’s planning to do something you wouldn’t do, because of the moral choice and bureaucracy of the matter. Criminals do not believe in the beauty of 'innocent until proven wrong’. There’s a lot of criminals out there who hide it so well, you could be staring at one right now”
“You’re saying he could have info of things we know are wrong but we wouldn’t touch because there’s protocols and investigations to be done”
“I’m saying there’s a lot or corruption, politics, leaders of organizations, hidden organizations so big you could be under the orders of this kind of people, people who could take you to a different track in a case just to cover their footsteps. Criminals kill this kinds of people and you would put them to jail, access to a parole and have them out to continue their misdeeds in months time.”
“How do you know all this stuff?”
She smiled and shrugged
“I’m working on a tornado shelter of a men who’s a conspiranoic. He’s right about some things and batshit crazy about others. But they put your logic to the test and make you realize you’re naïve. Also, crime shows on Netflix.”
I nodded and looked away, she had leaned on the edge of the desk while I had moved to stand in front of her.
We put her theory to the test and found out that the pipelines had been redirected to the top of the vault. Maggie didn’t think of any other security measures, since she thought that would be enough.
Jonica arrived an hour later, in which we just sat down at the scene and talked, she talked about the new safe house she was designing for a very wealthy buyer.
She received the manual and flipped through it while nodding
“Yeah, it’s still garbage” she closed it “do you have a sharpie?”
I handed one to her from the desk and saw her crouch and draw a perfect straight line in the middle of it, she drew another ones to form a rectangle “This needs to be cut off with extreme caution, an inch of difference could touch the inner mechanism and it goes into lockdown. Someone will have to come and open it with a very specific movement of this spinny deal-io.” She motioned at one of the wheels near the edge of the vault door.
One of my men came with a powerful cutter and cut down the rectangle. Maggie took off her jacker and left in the floor.
“I’m going to need two more pairs of hands” she squeezed her arm in the rectangle and motioned at me to stand in front of a padlock. Jonica stood in front of the wheel. “OK, turn it to 30” she instructed.
I slowly began turning until I reached the 30 mark. She moved her arm and the door made a loud clicking noise.
“Now turn the handle, take the first handle as reference and turn it 20 degrees”
Jonica did as told, she frowned and moved her arm again, the door made another click.
She moved closer to me, I hadn’t noticed she smelled like lavander up until I was mere inches away
“Turn to 38” she instructed
I did, and the door made another clicking sound, this time followed by a second rustle of the metal.
She took her hand out from the hole, her fingers covered in grease. She took Jonica’s place at the wheel, turning it to the side until the door clicked again. She grabbed the handle that was in between us and twisted it upwards, the door clicked again. She then moved the wheel slowly. The room was dead quiet, we heard the faintest click, and then more rustling of the door.
She smiled at me and took the handle, twisting it to it’s original horizontal position and pulled.
The vault door began to open.
A team set up behind me and I drew my gun, aiming at the door, I gave Maggie a quick nod to ask her to continue opening it.
She pulled, taking a few steps back and ending up on the other side of the door, it blocked the view from the inside, to which I was grateful. It was not a pretty sight.
I put my gun away and sighed, aside from the body in an decomposition state, there was nothing else.
“I want to know who this guy is and why is he here.” I pointed and turned to look at Maggie, who was looking wide eyed at me
“Guy? There’s a person in there?!” She asked altered.
I took her gently by the arm and led her out through the back door. Her breathing was labored and she began to shook her head when we reached the front of the house
“Did he really trapped a person in there?!”
“Apparently he did Mags”
“Oh my god” she ran a hand on her hair, then left it on her forehead “what’s he gonna do when he finds out I opened his safe?”
“He will do nothing, not on my watch”
“He trapped a person in there!”
“He was probably a snitch, or someone who double crossed him. You have no connection to any kind of investigation agency and this job you’re doing, I’m leaving it off the records. And if he still thinks he can get to you he will have to come over me first”
Her eyes glued to mine, and a little smile appeared on her face as she let her shoulders down.
One of my men handed me the jacket she had left back at the house, and I held it up for her to put it on
“I’ll drop you home. If anyone asks you were with me the whole day” she fixied her jacket, and I led her back to my car.
The drive to her place was a silent one, maybe I could drop by her work tomorrow and say I need another day with her if she’s not feeling up to go to work.
I parked the car and hoped off to walk Maggie up to her apartment. Once in the door she turned to me and smiled.
“That was fun agent Ressler. How about we repeat it?”
I smiled and shook my head.
“You’ve been of great help today Maggie” I placed my hand on her shoulder “you have no idea what this case means to me.”
“But you didn’t catch him” she said with a disappointed twist on her lips.
“Not yet, but everyday we get one step closer. Someday he’ll have nowhere to run. Thank you Mags, I mean it”
She smiled and placed her hand on top on my forearm, squeezing it and ribbing her fingers over it
“Any time agent”
She unclasped the consultant ID I had given her, I didn’t receive it
“Let’s pretend I did take it back” I pushed her fingers to close them on the card. She smiled and opened the door to her apartment.
Back to the hunt.
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riveralns762-blog · 4 years
10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Air Duct Cleaning Companies
Good restoration business personnel are qualified in the use of psychometrics - the scientific standard for checking and command of h2o destruction. Keeping your residing natural environment mildew free of charge is critical to keeping very good health and fitness for the entire relatives. Gutters would be a fantastic option. Avoid excessive run-off. Use a damp-dry vacuum to collect added bleach solution. Waterproofing it entirely is out of the concern with out calling in a significant-time contractor, but if the trouble is minimal, the remedy is possible to be small, much too. Once your basement is dry, go all the things out of it and paint the entire partitions and ceiling with waterproofing paint. You may well, even so, want to excavate the total perimeter of the basis in buy to remedy the h2o leak in the basement. It is for this explanation, total educational facilities and workplaces have been shut down for mould treatment method. That makes the water a lot more probably to go down into the earth than to roll up on your basement partitions and strike them up for some of that sweet porous crack-to-the-inside of goodness it loves so substantially. If your plumbing method or roof is leaking, you will have to have to check out them comprehensively to guarantee that there are no h2o harm problems that could direct to health and fitness dangers down the road.
The use of this products will end result in rapid recoveries. Its mycotoxins have been experimented with by militaries as a chemical warfare agent, as a result it can be really lethal, specially when ingested, while if inhaled, it can consequence in shock and even demise. Symptoms of black mould could vary from skin difficulties, to coughing and congestion to even producing bronchial asthma connected challenges. Black mold can be toxic but there are simple strategies to attempt an avert it from invading your dwelling and wreaking havoc on your immune system. Those people who have immune suppression, lung disorder, and bronchial asthma are inclined to be vulnerable, but the resulting bad air high quality and musty odor are terrible for any individual. After all, it’s the wet season, and these of us who haven’t retained up on our basement waterproofing are starting to find out accurately what that suggests. Mold is aspect of the fungi kingdom and reproduces by means of microscopic spores. This usually means that every and every single house all around the property can now be restored to its former ailment. Check the ground all around your basis - it must slope away from your household.
I've certainly moved my photo albums and other treasures to increased floor. The marketplace typical has changed recently from drying out a household in a non-managed natural environment to focusing on appreciably managing the natural environment with point out-of-the-artwork airflow and heat temperature tools, moreover extraction, air motion and evaporation, dehumidification and temperature handle. However, mold is a really serious difficulty when it gets concentrated in an indoor surroundings in which folks are dwelling 24/7 and breathing indoor air that can be contaminated with fungal advancement. Also, clean up all air conditioners and HVAC programs for a mildew no cost ecosystem. These spots normally have bigger moisture concentrations then the relaxation of the dwelling developing an excellent natural environment for mildew development. We provide absolutely free mildew & dust mite command estimates in the New York space, which include Binghamton, Ithaca, Elmira close by spots these kinds of as Vestal, Johnson City, Endicott, Horseheads, Conklin, Newfield, Lansing and the surrounding places. People all around the earth desire of residing in or viewing New York. Some people believe that they can just put severe chemical agents on the place and that will stop the progress.
Air Movement / Evaporation: Air motion will transform h2o into vapor and is utilized in conjunction with humidity and temperature command. If you suspect mould is existing in your dwelling, or if you want to figure out the type or extent of the trouble, you can seek the services of anyone to take a look at the air good quality. This is an uncomplicated way to exam for irrespective of whether you are dealing with harmful mildew but is not successful in figuring out the severity of the dilemma and in several predicaments, true mildew development can be out of look at. This might or may not be taken care of by an skilled, based on the severity of the situation. The expertise and practical experience that your area contractor can offer you are valuable given that mildew elimination can be a tricky condition since certain methods need to be applied to isolate the contamination and eradicate the buildup. If the right contractor is chosen for the job, the trouble can be eradicated and doable well being complications avoided.
The Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each advise taking away mould in all household and professional structures as rapidly as feasible to restrict the wellbeing dangers of mold publicity. If h2o is entering the dwelling from the exterior, your alternatives selection from basically removing landscaping and irrigation heads in the vicinity of your slab to considerable excavation and waterproofing. House Mold varieties when an region stays moist and relatively heat for a interval of time, and is exposed to mould spores. Few matters are a lot less inviting than a residence with a musty basement odor. If you can odor a musty or disagreeable odor (some in the spouse and children might detect it although some others cannot), you have a harmful mildew dilemma. While it is not their job to seem for spores, most house inspection gurus will point out obvious symptoms of water hurt and the feasible existence of spores. Check for doable bleeding of hues/dyes. To check out your heating method, close all vents with the exception of just one which is furthest away from the heating/cooling method open up.
A mildewed surface area is frequently challenging to distinguish from a dirty 1. If sufficient dampness is accessible, the spores can germinate into new fungal colonies, producing multitudes of new spores that can come to be dispersed in the indoor air producing publicity by inhalation or by surface area get in touch with. As long as there is a dependable resource of dampness, mildew will continue to grow even soon after repeated surface cleanings. In order to stop it from coming again you want to slash it off from the meals source. At situations you could see the mould in the carpeting improve back afterwards in 4 to 6 months. Often sufficient, significant climate induced disasters are not the only key forms of water problems mildew. Mold could increase within your walls, and if not caught in time result in thousands of pounds in harm. As hundreds throughout the South deal with the effects of flooding from Florence and Michael, and for the reason that water warmed by local weather alter will supercharge storms in the potential, write-up-catastrophe mold is likely to turn into a bigger difficulty for community wellbeing. Getting it out of the household will eliminate it from producing your wellbeing worse. They generate fungi that manifest in wooden operates and insulation panels offering rise to bacteria which not only make pungent stench but also poses as a health and fitness hazard like allergy symptoms to the occupants.
Molds that are equipped to make contaminants are widespread. There are molds that can increase on wood, paper, carpet and foods. Books/Magazines: Do not depart books, publications or other colored products on soaked carpet or floor. Remove Oriental or other coloured place rugs from wall to wall carpet. They prosper on moist moist making elements, particularly drywall, cement, wall paper, ceiling tiles as perfectly as insulation. They generally arise from water problems which have not been cleaned up and consider spot in places like bogs, basements, attics as nicely as the ceiling. Electrical: Disconnect all ability to affected areas. It comes with a remote regulate and IQAir gives five 12 months warranty foe the item. When you opt to use chemical product for mould removal, constantly examine the instruction label for right guidelines. If obtaining a product for the course of action does commercial restoration company not appeal significantly to you, you can use vinegar as a environmentally friendly alternate.
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ritctfoul952-blog · 6 years
The Very Best Tips For A Sensational Home Improvement Project
New Post has been published on http://rubbishremovalsydney.xyz/the-very-best-tips-for-a-sensational-home-improvement-project/
The Very Best Tips For A Sensational Home Improvement Project
Do you want to add to the overall functionality or beauty of your house? Well, look no further! Keep on reading if you want to discover some easy ways to make your home even better.
You can make your ceilings appear higher by following two simple tips. You can put a lengthy floor lamp in the room or install striped wall paper. Additions like these mean optical illusions that people’s eyes can trace upward. The eye focuses on the tall lines, causing the ceilings to seem higher.
TIP! An addition can increase the value of your home. Think about adding a library or a custom wine cellar.
Purchasing brand new furniture is a very costly enterprise. Garage sales and thrift stores offer furniture options at affordable prices. You may find some real hidden treasures among used things, such as furniture. Some items you find might need some work, but they can add a great touch to your home.
If you do find leaks beneath the sink or the faucet, avoid fixing it yourself. Just place a container under the leak to collect the water and get in touch with a professional plumber.
You can make decorative pillows easily. You can sew a new cover from interesting t-shirts or vintage jeans by cutting to size and sewing them up. This projects adds a personal touch to any teen’s room without too much expense.
TIP! If you have old shoe boxes handy, then you have extra storage for any room. Take leftover fabric or wallpaper and cover the shoe boxes in order to get a pleasing design.
When hiring people to help you with home improvement, it’s important to do a background check and ask for references. Think of this as hiring someone to work for a business. Call the references and inquire about the contractor and his work.
You should make a list of everything you need before heading out to a home improvement store. By doing this, you will make sure to get everything you need the first time you are at the store.
You will not even believe what you can do to make your existing house better! Just follow the advice provided here and you will be in great shape. We hope this article, which has given you tips and information on improving your home, was enjoyable.
People don’t know how to find information about
Rubbish Removal in Sydney – How NSW Can Help
Rubbish removal in Sydney has actually transformed substantially in the past few years. Primarily since the regulations around rubbish have actually also altered. We remain in a much more environmentally mindful globe.
Australia as a country is one of the leaders in working in the direction of decreasing carbon footprints as well as being eco respectful.
As Well As NSW as well as Sydney specifically remain in placement with that.
I have been an independent Rubbish Removal professional for over Twenty Years. So I have actually seen a lot of change over that time.
What I intend to show you in this article, are some crucial elements regarding ‘the back end’ – where your rubbish goes, how it is being treated. All in maintaining with both eliminating waste and taking care of it properly.
Rubbish Removal Sydney
Waste centers Sydney There are over 12 waste recycling, handling as well as getting rid of facilities serving Sydney and also past. Each site has details types of waste they will as well as will certainly not get.
There is additionally an Indigenous seed starting baby room at Lucas Levels where they grow indigenous plants to rehabilitate shut land fills.
There are 4 land fill websites throughout Sydney presently open up that are created in such a method as also reduce the amount of room used, yet take full advantage of the amount of time the garbage dump will continue to be open for procedure.
There are waste receivals areas at the sites that are designed to minimize the amount of lorry motion and also supplying waste streaming services.
WSN originated the Eco-friendly Energy generation from waste in NSW in 1994, this procedure is spread out throughout the sites, and produces power to power up to 30,000 houses!
Exactly How Great Are Australians At Recycling? In NSW, families are reusing approximately 46% of their waste. Australians are the most effective newspaper recyclists on the planet – reusing 74% of their papers in 2005.
In 2005 Australians likewise reused 2.3 billion light weight aluminum canisters, which is 600 million greater than One Decade back!
Australians are the greatest manufacturers of waste, each, in the world.
Regrettably it is approximated that over 7 billion cigarette end up in Australian waterways, streets and also park lands each year. 80 Million plastic bags additionally end up as litter – which intimidates marine life.
Reusing one tonne of plastic will conserve enough energy to run a refrigerator for a month! Recyclable material composes nearly 80% of total house waste.
Rubbish Removal Sydney – What You Can Do In Order To Help Above, I was sharing some facts and also numbers that are related extra to house rubbish. A person like myself are generally phoned call to clear bigger things of rubbish. Such things are house furnishings or home appliances you no longer desire.
Rubbish from a remodelling.
Rubbish from a demolition.
Rubbish from Industrial Facilities – such as old data, computer systems, office devices.
There is in numerous ways no end to the rubbish that can be removed.
A few of the important things for you the client to know, is to plainly detail to someone like myself what the rubbish gotten rid of is.
How much of it there is.
And exactly what the access to your house or workplace resembles.
Currently these are simple points to provide.
Just what it will do, will enable me to work out exactly how ideal to approach your job, and exactly what idea I will should check out to deal with the rubbish.
All points that factor in your quote for the job.
Again all very easy to achieve.
I assume you will locate with both somebody like myself, or any of my coworkers – as well as I do belong myself to a group of independent professionals – as truthfully (we’re prejudiced) our team believe we do a better work, as we are much more consumer focused, compared to the larger Sydney rubbish removal organizations.
And I absolutely maintain that no job is also hard – that it is constantly concerning an option. As well as getting the job done quickly, expertly as well as leaving you with a tidy space where there was as soon as rubbish Sydney Rubbish Removal
Construction Rubbish Removal Sydney
Lots of home owners see rubbish removal as being a frequently overwhelming job. This is why the only thing you may want to do is to just obtain the rubbish as well as really hope that a person collects it. That claimed you could conserve or even make some cash if you get your personal rubbish. Points like metal containers, plastic bottles, glass containers, mirrors, old pianos and so on, can all bring you ditch rates at reusing plants.
Beginning by sorting everything out
If you intend to begin getting your personal rubbish begin by ironing out everything from the very beginning. The easiest means is to have 3 waste bins. You could label each bin plastic, steel, and glass. You could have a 4th container where you just throw away natural waste. This makes arranging everything prior to going to the recycling plant less complicated,Commercial Rubbish Removal Sydney.
Cheapest Rubbish Removal Sydney TIPS!
Cheapest Rubbish Removal Sydney professionals offers the most effective solution rubbish removal. We are mostly dedicated in clearing rubbish of all types and dimensions. Our Rubbish Removal Sydney Solutions are as complying with: Building Website Cheapest Rubbish Removal Sydney Residential Rubbish Removal Builders Rubbish Removal Mattress Disposal Garden Rubbish Removal in Sydney Commercial Rubbish Removal Sydney Appliance Rubbish Removal Sydney Furniture Rubbish Removal Tyre Rubbish Removal Refrigerator Rubbish Removal Carpet Rubbish Removal Scrap Metal Rubbish Removal Household Rubbish Removal Office Junk Rubbish Removal Sydney Rubbish Removal Skip Bin Alternate We specialise in all Rubbish Removal Whether it’s your non functioning computer to old cushion you’re struggling to move, for Cheapest Rubbish Removal Sydney building contractor requiring particles cleared fast, or any kind of Sydney local business owner needing a fundamental rubbish removal– we could help you with ALL RUBBISH REMOVAL SOLUTIONS IN SYDNEY.
Cheapest Rubbish Removal Sydney
Are you searching for a Cheapest Rubbish Removal in Sydney? Today, a great deal of organisation facilities and also commercial locations in Sydney seek to decrease waste as well as the expenditure of waste administration yet at the exact same time acquire removal remedy from a reputable firm. You have included the suitable area. We supplies the most effective commercial rubbish removal service in the location. Cheapest Waste Healing Solutions
Our Cheapest rubbish choice just uses cutting-edge, setting pleasurable and also reliable remedies that will absolutely fit your requirements. With greater than 5 years of experience in the removal solution market, We are the suitable partner for your rubbish removal requirements. We could eliminate your waste effectively in a snap at all. We provide quick as well as legislatively certified option. Our firm makes sure that we meet Australian needs of security as well as protection and also sanitation in all business locations we cleanse.
Video of Rubbish Removal Sydney
We also do services like: Residential Rubbish Removal Sydney Construction Site Rubbish Removal Sydney online. Luckily, this piece includes all you require to move forward successfully. Take this information, and start using it right away.
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sadpvp · 7 years
Seven Things You Need To Know About roofing Today.
When the roof is wet or slippery, you possibly can find yourself falling, inflicting main damage and even dying. Due to this fact, you must only work on your roof when the weather is sweet. Be secured as you traverse the roof. Losing your stability is a critical hazard, regardless of the steepness of your roof. A lack of stability could cause major injury and may be fatal in some circumstances. When deciding on a roofer, ask loved ones for his or her experiences and suggestions.
4700 W. Lake Avenue
Test to see whether or not the roofer is correctly licensed
Rye straw, generally used in a barn
Are their any financing options
What are the most effective products on the marketplace for my roof
Be sure they are ensured for both Public and Employers Legal responsibility
How to start a Roofing Firm
The variety of years they've been in enterprise? What warrantees and insurance-backed ensures are supplied? What's the associated fee? Can they supply a portfolio of their work? A wonderful roof company should have an area workplace, sensible cellphone number, trained labor and customer-oriented firm insurance policies. A golden tip: Potentialities are, if a roof company stays after a storm hits and doesn't fly storm to storm, you’re most likely safe with this firm. Determination to take it gradual. Something you ought to stay clear of is approaching a company that's in a hurry to get the task executed and transfer on to the next one.
Though it is standard follow for roofing supplies to hold a guaranty, it's best to see to it that the contractor gives a assure on the installation. This is generally an indication of confidence in their work, as a result of if anything goes flawed with the set up, they'll then be liable for it. You also need all supplies to be relatively new and have a guaranty that is nice for at least 25 years. Lastly, it's a good suggestion to ask concerning the employees who can be in your property. Are they licensed by any state governing board? Have they got special vocational or security training? Licensing: It is essential to check to see that the roofing company you hire has its papers so as. It ought to be licensed and registered to offer the sort of providers you require. It is reassuring to know that the individuals dealing with your property are nicely skilled and educated. You may even take the time to analysis the background of the corporate to ensure that you have all the knowledge you want. Communication: Getting the job achieved does not imply solely having your roof fastened. You also need to establish a working relationship with your roofing contractor. It's best to be capable of get along with the professionals dealing with the work. As an illustration, they need to listen to your wants and have the best answers to your questions and concerns. They key is to generate organic leads by building a superb reputation in your local space. It will guarantee earlier customers communicate highly of you to potential new clients. There are extra direct approaches available if you happen to don't have much experience and so haven't been in a position to build a status. Posting flyers by means of letter containers promoting your company can work properly. You may as well advertise to a wider viewers in your native newspaper. What you really would like to be working in the direction of is naturally generated leads which are the outcome of fine work you have got already completed. You need to do whatever you possibly can to leave a very good impression along with your clients which means going the extra mile in terms of service as well as finishing good quality work. Attempt to be approachable and friendly, join with your shoppers on a private degree and they are going to be way more more likely to refer you to pals and family. Your home’s roof is one among an important elements of your home. Without it, you and all of your belongings would be exposed to the weather. That’s why in the case of roofing repairs, you need to make sure you've gotten the very best roofing company round. You don’t want to leave anything to likelihood, especially if it is advisable have your whole roof replaced. Listed here are some issues to look for that indicate the roofing consultants you’re working with are the best. So for a 50 LB. Box of hand nails you will get around 25 sq. or seventy five bundles of hand nailed shingles in your roof. You might want to measure your valleys to see how long they're for Ice and Water Shield to guard your installation from leak. They are available 1 and a pair of sq. rolls. A single 1 sq. roll has 33 lineal feet per roll and it is twice as much for a 2 sq. roll. Final but not least you'll want felt and depending on your desire you can use a few differing types. You'll additionally need to buy some plastic caps to nail down the felt. Roof repairs London If you're in the strategy of on the lookout for roofing contractors to finish a job on your own dwelling, then it is imperative that you know what to search for and fascinated about. Experience: Experience is all the time one of many very first and most vital things you need to be considering along with roofers. They ought to own a wide range of expertise, and must have direct and firsthand experience dealing with issues of every kind, homes of nearly every kind and different potential elements as effectively. On no account select any individual who continues to be trying to study on the job. Better of all, James Hardie siding is non-combustible, with a limited, transferable guarantee for up to 50 years. No wonder it’s protecting over three.5 million houses in North America alone. Benjamin’s Siding and Painting carpenters can take care of all of your wants in making repairs to those difficult areas. The most important downside inflicting such early failure of woodwork is compromised paint and caulking on surfaces and the minimize edges of all wooden, especially corners. With digital photography, you don't have to worry about taking dangerous pictures-simply take as many as essential to get all the data you need. In case you have the unique blueprints for your own home, you may bypass this step. Once finished, take a full measurement of your existing roof and from both the pictures and the measurements, make a superb drawing of the roof that you may take to the provider you will be utilizing. At the provider, you can get the supplies you should carry out your newbie roofing. While there, chances are you'll want to go forward and ask any questions you might need concerning the procedure. The supplier will have assisted many people similar to yourself get started. Nevertheless, they are going to be used to dealing with professionals and might not be willing to offer you step by step directions on how one can proceed. While you come home after an extended day at work and you've had roofing work, would you like to come residence to shingles all over your yard and messy shrubs? No you do not. Clearly, it is not doable to repair a roof without making some type mess, there will be debris. Nonetheless, a reputable firm will be sure that these areas are cleaned correctly and will do a final stroll by with you to be sure the realm is clean, and the new roof is satisfactory. Roofing examination. We are going to completely inspect your roof to look for issues with overall building, chimneys, vents, and flashings. We may even test for downside shingles, broken shakes, open seams, or points as a result of excessive weather publicity. We additionally use infrared expertise in an effort to detect and fix some of the toughest to find and most difficult roof restore VA leaks. We take pride in our work and make it our first precedence to remove the burden related together with your roof’s problems with the intention to will let you get again to your daily routine. We always stand behind our work and are available if in case you have any issues or questions. It is important that the supplies used can effectively keep out rainwater and wind. Usually, when a roof needs repair or replacement, it is because water is leaking by way of the roof and by means of the ceiling. There are a wide variety of supplies with which one could make a roof. While thatched roofing has been used for a very long time, and is still used right this moment, advancements in know-how have allowed for other supplies to grow to be widespread. Installation methods, expertise and workmanship is an important factor even with high-quality materials. Chances are fairly good the roofing material will be durable if the company putting in them is respected. Generally a minor roof restore will lengthen the life of your roof, for example listed below are a few bother spots to look ahead to if you have obtained a roofing downside. The areas round chimneys, skylights and dormers are a common trouble spot where new flashing could repair a minor leak. Here is more info regarding gutters london (knowing it) stop by our own website.
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gaiatheorist · 7 years
Welcome to the UK in November 2017. On December 6th, I’ll take a £5 return bus-trip to the city centre, for an ‘open day’ for vacancies within the NHS, specifically for people with disabilities. I’d say I’m being over-analytical in assuming that the event is to back-fill the low-end vacancies that will be left as overseas workers return to their countries of origin in the midst of this EU-uncertainty, but that’s what it is. I’ll ‘lose’ a chunk of a day I should spend seeking suitable employment, explaining the things I can’t-do-now. I can do a lot of things, just not for a whole day any more, and the NHS pay-rates are awful, for the menial work that will be on offer. Yes, somebody needs to change the sheets, and push the tea-trolley, but I have brain injuries that make fluorescent lights unbearable, and only one of my hands works properly. I can’t even apply for the higher-paid audio typing roles, because my accuracy wouldn’t pass the speed-test, I have to correct so many red-underlines these days that my previously-phenomenal typing speed is now only average.
The irony, that I’ll have to explain my deficits to the NHS, who are the one agency that already hold that information, and just choose not to share it. Of course the staff at the recruitment day won’t have access to my medical records, my work-coach patiently explained ‘neurological condition’ to the person on the other end of the phone several times, and had to spell my name out three times. She was red in the face, and very angry when she had to repeat “No, absolutely not domestic or porterage service!” Box-ticking and back-filling. I’ll comb my hair, and smile politely, and explain what I can do, to ‘pass’ the sanctions-bar, there’s a possibility that I’ll be sanctioned anyway, for being ‘unsuitable’ for the roles that will be on offer. I bet the system is fast enough to take the ‘sanction’ from my December payment. Merry Christmas, DWP, I’m already trying to decide whether I can afford the £3 Morrisons ‘wonky’ veg box in my next grocery delivery, or whether I should take it out, and just buy the potatoes, carrots, and onions. 
That’ll be a new communication, phoning various companies to say I’ve had to cancel my direct debits because I won’t have enough money to cover them, the  contents insurance is extortionate at £26 per month, but there’s a chance my water cylinder might fall through the ceiling due to years of leaking. Oh, and the side-line that, as more people in the village are rolled onto Universal Credit, there will be an increase in burglaries. 
This all started with the lack of communication after the brain haemorrhage that ‘luckily’ didn’t kill me. Pretty much everything I know about the surgery, and the side-effects came from the internet, the hospital told me nothing. Absolutely nothing. Oh, wait, I’m exaggerating, the OT who assessed me on the ward, 10 days after traumatic-invasive brain surgery told me “Most people can go back to work within about 8-12 weeks.”, that was it, no questions about what I did for a living, no information on the crippling fatigue, or the host of physical and neurological side-effects of major brain surgery. She gave me a booklet, ‘Memory Strategies for Patients and Carers.’, that was it. 
I went back to work, initially mornings-only, after six weeks, because I couldn’t stand to think of other, less competent colleagues screwing up my caseload. I also went back quickly to get away from the ex and his parents, with their suffocating way of caring. I didn’t want to be ‘cared for’ by the in-laws dropping in unannounced several times a week, and tutting because I’d been in the house all day, and not picked up the ever-increasing pile of socks the ex insisted on leaving at the side of the sofa. I went back to full-time hours as much to spite the ex as because I was working from home in the afternoons anyway. He would have been far happier with me staying part-time, and being dependent on him, spending all afternoon cooking a dinner that he’d look at, and say “I’m sorry, love, I can’t eat that, is there anything else?” There wasn’t any communication from the hospital, there’s a line in one report from the Consultant Neuro-surgeon. “Having tolerated mornings, she has returned to work full-time as a teacher.” I said I worked in a school, not that I was a teacher. 
I wasn’t coping. I was trying to ‘get better’, and it was exhausting me, trying to prove that I could do everything I did before. Being me, I thought that was my fault, that I was weak, and just not trying hard enough, the rehab clinic discharged me after two appointments, because I’d already gone back to work, and wasn’t amenable to the smiley-nurse’s suggestions that I colour code timetables of household chores for different family members. My fault there, because I knew that the ex would ‘in a minute’ any task I set him, and not-do it, and that the kid would take so long, and ask so many questions, that I’d be as well doing any task I’d set him myself. Should there have been a flag-of-concern, back to the hospital, or out to Occupational Health? Probably. Was there? No, because all of these various departments work in isolation.  
My fault. I mis-managed myself horrendously in that initial denial/anger phase, superficially ‘accepting’ that a lot of things were now much more difficult, but doing them anyway, to stop other people seeing me as vulnerable, or less-than. I’m very much less-than, I’m a shade of what I was, but I didn’t want to acknowledge the enfeeblement, so I tried to work around, or through it. My resilience and tenacity did me no favours, I projected-coping, and that’s what people saw. I burned myself out, trying not to ‘let’ other people do things ‘for’ me. 
My first assessment under the PIP disability benefit programme suggested that I ‘could’ complete all of the arbitrary descriptor-activities, some with ‘aids or assistance’. I contested, and then the communication went completely out of the window, because I had my second round of brain surgery, so didn’t appeal the Mandatory Reconsideration  decision that I was fully fit for work. The additional paperwork that I’ve seen now, from the decision-maker’s report details some of the nature of my job. Should there have been a flag-of-concern within DWP, about the potential risks of continuing in that line of work, full-time, with brain injuries? Absolutely. Was there? Guess. 
Communication-wise, the next mistake was mine. I’d kicked out the ex, so I could concentrate on supporting the kid through his A-levels, without having to expend emotional energy on a petulant man-baby. There had been some changes at work, and I threw myself back into proving-myself again, I was, at the age of 39, going to turn my life around. Didn’t quite go according to plan, and, when I returned to work after the second surgery, some people genuinely did ask me if the procedure had been cancelled, because I was full-time straight away. I knuckled down, and got on with things, not wanting to complain about the pain from the noise, or the lights, because nobody likes a moaner. I did ask my manager if there were any less-noisy offices available, he said not, so I stopped asking.   
(There’s a side-thread I’m not including, but, again, known-information was not shared between various parties, on multiple occasions.) 
The hospital didn’t even bother re-calling me after my 6-month post surgery brain scan, the ‘outcome’ is 3 lines of text on my GP’s computer screen. ‘Good occlusion, recall September 2018.’ My optician ‘wrote a letter’ for me to present to my GP, to ask for an urgent referral to neuro-ophthalmology. The GP shook his head, and said he’d send the ‘letter’ to general ophthalmology, then took all three copies of the triplicate-carbon form. (One of the ‘poor quality original’ stamps on the latest batch of PIP-paperwork is because I’d taken a photograph of the form on my phone, and printed it out at home, this PIP-process is costing me a fortune in printing information that already exists, because PIP is utterly divorced from the NHS,) I tried to send the photographed form to my neuro-consultant via email. The woman in Patient Liaison replied that she didn’t have access to his email address, and I blew up in anger at her, because that’s bullshit, even if I do have brain damage. (It’ll be firstname,[email protected] I have brain injuries, I’m not a moron.) I emailed the form to his secretary, and found myself with an appointment at the city hospital, to have the same test the optician had already done, and the same test my GP was referring me to the town hospital for. (Nothing abnormal detected, because that’s not the test the optician had asked for, there’s some obscure funding reason why he can’t raise the referral himself, and it has to go through neuro, and I appear to be speaking Chinese, all the while, my eyes are becoming steadily less reliable.) 
Communication. ‘Workplace Well-being’, formerly ‘Occupational Health’, despite being part of the NHS, and despite me giving my informed, written consent for any-direction data-sharing, didn’t have access to my NHS patient files. (WHY?) I ended up photocopying the whole bundle at home again. WW requested a formal functional assessment of my cognitive abilities in October 2016. I still haven’t had it. I’ve had to chase it multiple times myself, and recently found out that my GP saying he’d make the re-referral I was asking for on 13/10/17 was delayed. He didn’t send it until 10/11/17, and then it was m chasing the surgery to fax a copy to neuro-psych, because the NHS computer systems are so outdated that they won’t send identifiable personal information via email.   
The bit of DWP that deals with PIP doesn’t communicate with the NHS, or the bit of DWP that deals with Universal Credit. (The bit of DWP that deals with PIP does, however, send letters to the tribunal panel, copied to the applicant, stating that the tribunal should not consider the case. Sneaky semantics there, DWP, some people will see that as “Don’t even bother.”, I’m not ‘some people.’) That’s going to be the next communication issue, articulating to an independent panel that some detached computer-monkey somewhere within DWP copy-pasting “You said you had difficulties with... I have decided that you can...” is in no way reflective of the difficulties I do have on a daily basis, and that the potential for the UC systems to compel me into unsuitable any/all employment places myself, or others at risk of harm, due to my disability. I have 25 pages of that ready to go, the ‘issue’, the ‘impact’ of that issue, and the ‘adaptations’ I have to make to work around it. Very clear, very coherent, and evidence-based, rather than the opinion-based statements DWP have pulled out of the atrocious nurse-report from my last ‘assessment.’
The PIP system is awful, it’s not in the least bit fit-for-purpose, the ‘assessment’ is heavily skewed towards physical activities, and there’s no pain-scoring involved. If I did say “That hurts.” every time an action caused me discomfort, I’d lose my voice, and, over a period of years of having other people either panic-flap, or roll their eyes when I did disclose discomfort, I just stopped mentioning it. (While the shrieky one blethered on for months about her lump, and being scared to go for her blood-test results without her Mum.) I can raise both arms above my head, it hurts my right shoulder. I can ‘stand on either leg’, but I feel incredibly unsteady doing so. I can read some of the letters on a chart a defector nurse is holding 2m away, with my glasses on, but it was physically uncomfortable to focus, because she’d decided to stand in the window, and the light was behind her. The way she recorded the results was appalling, it wouldn’t have been very hard for the ‘decision maker’ to cherry-pick the ‘can’ conclusions, and ignore the pile of medical evidence. 
Now, I’m waiting for a date for the tribunal, to communicate that the data held on me across various agencies and departments is not being shared appropriately, that I desperately need to work, because sitting at home being unproductive is a waste of me, but that I can’t commit to working full-time, due to my disability. I need the ‘buffer’ of the PIP payments because in-some-ways-brilliant as I am, I’ve been out of work for so long, I’m only likely to be considered for low-end, entry-level positions. The WW doctor’s report states that I ‘should be able to return to work, after counselling, and with a phased and supported re-integration.’ I’ve been having counselling for six months now, the general focus of the sessions is how unwell the PIP-process is making me. 
What the PIP and UC systems are doing to me is making me consider throwing myself into any sort of job that would pay my bills. Without the functional assessment, that’s exceptionally risky, because I’d effectively be declaring myself ‘fully fit’, and I know that I’m not. The ‘failure to disclose pre-existing’ isn’t the way I work, it’s dishonest, and ultimately presents a risk of harm. I can’t/won’t do that. Despite all of my careful juggling, very soon, my outgoings will be higher than my income, and I’ll be on the Helter-Skelter of bank charges for bounced payments. I’m spending more time ruminating on the PIP tribunal than I am on seeking employment, and I’m spending even more time wondering what else I can cut back on, so I can still feed the kid when he’s back with me for his Christmas break. 
Shouting into the void, I know, this is me practicing my case for PIP, and hoping that the way I communicate the massive holes in what should be a safety net comes across clearly. There’s the potential that the way I cross-reference and communicate will only make the panel see my hyper-functional side, and dismiss the case anyway, when I’m on-form, I AM phenomenal, I just can’t do that all of the time any more.    
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