#my stats teacher talked about her boyfriend plenty of times
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I find the whole "gay teachers telling their students they're gay is grooming🤬😡" crowd funny because I remember in second grade when my teacher explained she would no longer want to be called "ms." because she'll be a "mrs." after she married her long-term boyfriend. Or when I saw teacher after teacher getting pregnant and after they came back from maternity leave, they showed pictures of their new family and they expressed their happiness and how much they missed us. Our class - made of eight-year-olds - understood that this is just what happens in teachers' lives. We weren't scarred for life, and we especially weren't groomed to be one way or the other (if that were the case, this blog wouldn't exist because I'd be cishet). That isn't how this works, y'all.
Heterosexuality is seen as inherently non-sexual no matter what, so it is acceptable in all circumstances. Queerness is seen as inherently sexual, however, even if it is a teacher saying he has a boyfriend or a woman embracing her girlfriend, or a person changing their name - it is deviancy in these peoples' minds
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
About You & Your Background Do you know where you were conceived?:: no idea. australia i’m assuming How old were your parents when they had you?:: my mum was 25, dad 32. Were your parents married?:: yes. What is the meaning of your name?:: the goddess of wine. Did your parents have any other names picked out?:: yeah. the only one i know of is erica.
Do you share a birthday with anyone?:: bek and my mum’s friend, jane. Do you look more like your mom or dad?:: i’m a perfect mix of both tbh. What is your heritage(s)?:: filipino. Can you speak any of those languages?:: i can fully understand. i’m a bit rusty when i speak it, but it’s possible. Do you consider yourself “normal”?:: normal enough. How do people usually spell your name?:: wrong. especially since my name is spelt differently to the usual way. Have you always lived where you live now?:: no. since ‘99. Do you wish you were taller, shorter, or the height you are?:: a little taller. Do you have a religion?:: i do, but i don’t practice it much. Were you raised as a certain religion?:: catholic. Do you have any relatives of other races?:: hmmm i gues. Do you have any step-relatives?:: nope. Do you have any pets?:: a dog. Do you go to school?:: not anymore. Have you ever considered dropping out of school?:: nope. Do you ever talk to yourself?:: only in my head. If you were an animal, which would you be?:: a panda. Do you have siblings?:: one sister. How old are they?:: 19. Are any married / have kids?:: nope. Where do you like to hang out?:: home, mall, friend’s houses etc. Who do you hang out with the most?:: my boyfriend. What do you like to do in your free time?:: sleep, eat, cook, shop.
Relationships & Friends
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?:: yes. What is their name?::   dwayne. What is their age?:: 26. Where did you meet them?:: through friends. When did you start dating?:: back in 2009 lol. Do you have any mutual friends?:: yes. plenty. How do your parents feel about him / her?:: they like him. How do your friends feel about him / her?:: they like him too. How do YOU feel about him / her?:: i love him. just going through a bit of a rough patch. Do your friends have a lot of influence on who you date?:: no. How many exes do you have?:: wouldn’t really count any. Are you friends with any of them?:: - What was your longest relationship?:: my one now. nearly eight years. Why did it end?:: it hasn’t. Which friends can you tell almost anything to?:: probably irene. Do you have friends that you just can’t talk about certain things with?:: yes, definitely. i’ve learnt my lessons. Are your friends virgins?:: tbh i can’t think of anyone who is. Do your friends drink or do drugs?:: all my friends drink. some have/do drugs but nothing serious. Would you say you have a lot of acquaintances or a few very close friends?:: few close friends. Do you consider your parents your friends?:: no lol. Do you have any furry friends?:: like a pet? haha.
Are you a virgin?:: no. Do you believe in waiting until marriage?:: in this day and age, not really. i feel like you should know each other in and out before committing.  Have you / would you ever have casual sex?:: never have. not sure if i would. Do you need to love someone to have sex?:: for me, yes. What do you feel is the appropriate age to have sex?:: whenever the person is ready i guess. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?:: i have. Do you think you make the right choices when it comes to sex?:: yes. Have you ever “sexted” someone?:: i have, years ago. i don’t do that shit anymore. Have you had sex under the age of 18?:: yes. Do you feel awkward buying condoms?:: i would but there’s no reason to. Are you on the birth control pill?:: yes. Is having sex against your religion?:: before marriage, yes. Does the amount of sexual partners someone has had, matter?:: to a certain extent only for like disease purposes.  Have you ever been tested for STD’s?:: no. Do you ever lie about how many people you’ve been with?:: no. Do you have any sexual fetishes that you’d like to share?:: i don’t think i even have any. Foreplay: Yay or Nay?:: yay. Drugs & Alcohol Have you ever drank alcohol?:: yes. Have you drank to the point of being drunk?:: yes. Have you / do you smoke cigarettes?:: yes. Have you done any inhalants? (Pot, cocaine, meth, other inhalants):: yes. pot and coke. Have you done any intravenous drugs? (Heroin, morphine, other opiates):: nope. Have you / do you do drugs regularly?:: no. Have you drank more than 3 shots in a row?:: three was my limit lol. Do you feel that some drugs are more dangerous than others?:: definitely. Should any drugs be legal?:: idk. Why do you feel that way?:: haven’t given it much thought.  Have you ever sold drugs?:: no. Have you ever bought drugs?:: yes. Ever watered down your parents’ alcohol so you could drink it?:: no. Are you straight edge?:: no. Are drugs more helpful or hurtful in your opinion?:: hurtful. except weed. Did your parents used to drink or do drugs?:: tbh my parents weren’t drinkers and never did drugs after they had me. they were smokers though. Does that affect your choice in doing / not doing them?:: no. Have you ever tripped on acid?:: no, don’t think i’d ever try acid. Do you take prescription drugs when you don’t need them?:: no. Do you take OTC drugs when you don’t need them?:: no.
Politics, Religion, & Philosophy Do you have a political affiliation?:: no. Are you more liberal or conservative?:: liberal. Does the government have too much power?:: obviously. Is America too intrusive in other countries?:: i don’t know much about this shit seeing as i’m not american, but seeing shit on the news makes me think yes. Is the Iraq War a war on terrorism?:: to some extent. Do you support the troops?:: well yeah. How would you feel if the draft was reinstated?: i’d feel pretty sad for the men around me. Should ANY country be allowed to have WMD’s?:: sorry to say, idk what that stands for. How do you feel about biological warfare?::   pretty fucked up tbh. Is war necessary to solve conflicts?:: at this rate i don’t think it’ll ever solve any conflicts. Have you / would you consider joining the military?:: no. Do you think gay people should be allowed to join the military?:: of course. Should gay marriage be legal?:: yes. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?:: pro choice ultimately. If a woman is raped, should she be forced to have the child anyways?:: no. Should there be an age limit on birth control?:: no. but obviously a 9yo shouldn’t be taking it. Should schools give out condoms?:: yeah but knowing the idiots in my high school there would’ve been a shitload of condom balloons flying around everywhere. Should creationism and evolution be taught side by side in schools?:: well both were taught in my school. Should there be harsher laws for drunk drivers?:: yes. Should all people have access to medical marijuana?:: if it’s needed. Is there such a thing as “God-given” rights?:: i guess. Is marriage an outdated concept in today’s society?:: yes and no. Is statutory rape really rape?:: this is a bit of a grey area. if one is 16 and the other is 17 i don’t think it’s much of a difference. in cases where the minor was clearly taken advantage of, then yeah i’d consider it stat rape. Do you agree with age of consent laws?:: yeah i guess. Do you believe there is a meaning to life?:: hopefully! Do you believe there is an after-life?::   we’ll all end up finding out someday. Do you believe in karma?:: sorta. Do you believe in any forms of magic / witchcraft?:: nah. What religion BEST fits your beliefs?:: i don’t really know. i was raised catholic and believe certain values but i don’t really practice it. Is the bible complete bullshit?:: i don’t think so. Are some things simply unexplainable?:: yes. Do you believe in the supernatural? (ghosts, etc.):: shit creeps me out but nah. Should the drinking age be raised, lowered, or kept the same?: in australia it’s 18. i think that’s fair. Does the government have the right to intervene gangs and cults?:: yes. Should health care be universal?:: yes. Could peace on Earth ever be achievable?:: haha not while i’m alive. Do you believe there is life on other planets?:: maybe not in our solar system but probably in the universe. Does astrology hold some truth to it or is it just nonsense?:: haha i don’t get astrology. Can someone really be psychic?:: i don’t think so.
Have You Ever…. kissed on the first date?:: hallucinated?:: baked a cake?:: dated someone 5 or more years older than you?:: dated someone 5 or more years younger than you?:: seriously considered marriage?:: seriously been engaged?:: witnessed a crime?:: fallen asleep in a pool?:: found an error on a receipt?:: been on a cruise?:: been to Disneyworld or Disneyland?:: ate squid?:: played strip poker?:: sent someone a naughty photo?:: talked to a celebrity?:: lied about your age?:: been to a bar?:: been bought a drink?:: been recognized from online?:: had sex with the window shades open?:: had sex in a place other than a bed?:: made out for more than 1 hour?:: failed a midterm or final exam?:: flirted with a teacher?:: wore your boyfriend / girlfriend’s clothing?:: talked your way out of something?::
The Last Time You… ate a snack?:: today. met someone new?:: a couple days ago. talked on the phone?:: today. went to a store?:: today. went to school?:: years ago. kissed someone?:: two days ago. crossed a street?:: yesterday. had sex?:: a week ago. watched a movie?:: right now. ate a popsicle?:: hmm maybe a month ago. went to the beach?:: start of the year. went to a concert?:: april. went for a walk?:: today. held someone’s hand?:: i forgot. aced a test?:: years ago. updated your facebook status?:: years ago lol. smoked a cigarette?:: a couple hours ago. saw your boyfriend / girlfriend?:: two days ago. went out to dinner?:: last night. checked your email?:: today.
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