#my sister says i need to stop treating this game like a dating sim…
acacia-may · 29 days
I am WAY too invested in the love story between Julio Sánchez (my farmer OC) and Penny in Stardew Valley
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #30
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Dear Diary, Lacy's play was so good last night. I'm still so confused by the ending though, Lacy went straight to bed after coming home last night, and then left super early today so I haven't had time to ask her about it.
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Saturday afternoon Violet and Janie met on the pier for a date. "Have you started packing for Mt. Komrebi yet?" Violet asked. "You leave Monday morning." "I only have a few things packed," Janie admitted. "I guess I'm hoping the slower I pack the more time I'll get here with you"
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"We can't stop time, but we can take some pictures," Violet suggested and the girls got situated for a photo together. "They usually last longer anyways," Janie told her.
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Violet and Janie headed over to the photo booth to take some more pictures. Violet seemed pretty pleased with how their photo turned out, and to be fair it was super cute.
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"I really need to head home," Violet said. "But I'll see you at my mom's dinner party tomorrow? It starts at 6:00pm." "I wouldn't miss it," Janie assured her, and Violet pulled her in for a goodbye kiss.
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Leo decided that it was time he start prioritizing his goals again. He'd had enough with all the girl drama, and it was about time he start focusing on college again, he was about to be a senior anyways. Leo got up early that morning and went for a run and researched universities
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While Mads began getting everything downstairs set up for their dinner party that evening, Ethan kept Rosie preoccupied by doing some flash cards with her. Needless to say, she enjoyed spending some quality time with her father.
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Sunday, when Lacy returned home from their final show, she immediately dyed her hair. It felt good to have this little piece of herself back. The remainder of shows went well, Owen avoided her, and the watcher stopped cheating Wade's energy so he was actually able to go on as Eli
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Meanwhile, Mads was downstairs prepping all the food they'd need for the dinner party. She enjoyed hosting guests and was extremely excited that her friend Parker had agreed to come tonight. Mads hadn't seen them since Leo and Nat's birthday so it was going to be nice to catch up
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Before anyone knew it 6:00pm was here, and guests began to arrive. Jackie immediately challenged Ethan to a game of chess. "You're going down Hope," she teased. "In your dreams, Wilkes," Ethan taunted. "Oh please, I've beaten you at every game we've played since college."
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"You don't know how happy I am that you were able to make it!" Mads exclaimed. "It's been years." "Well, you know how it is," Parker responded. "Work is always calling my name." "Strangerville is so far too. Is it true there are aliens out there?" Parker let out a nervous laugh.
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Parker excused themself to grab a plate of food just at Mikayla sat down next to Mads. "So how's the grandparent life treating you?" she asked. "Don't call me that, it makes me sound so old," Mikayla complained. "But Sawyer is the sweetest, just like Nat was."
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Rosie managed to track down the only other toddler invited to this dinner part, and very quickly struck up an incoherent conversation with Sawyer. Whatever they were talking about both girls seemed to be enjoying themselves.
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Nat spent most of the night trying to avoid Leo, so this led her into a conversation with both of her mothers, and Parker in the back hallway of the Landcaster residence.
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Nat's younger sister, Jayda, took a seat next to lacy making her feel quite tense. "You haven't seen Janie wandering around have you?" Violet asked. "I've been looking all over, but there are so many sims it's hard to move." "I haven't seen her yet," Lacy responded. "Sorry."
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Jayda had enough of Lacy's mood and went to search for Parker's son, who was the only other child at the party. Violet scooted over next to Lacy. "She just promised she's come," Violet complained. "And she's nowhere to be found. Maybe I should go look again."
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"Can we talk?" Leo asked after he was finally able to corner Nat alone. "I guess," Nat relied. Deep down she knew a conversation with Leo was inevitable. "I'm sorry," he told her. "I was a jackass for not showing up for Sawyer's birth when I promised I would."
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"Honestly, Leo," Nat began to say. "You shouldn't have promised anything to begin with. Sawyer isn't your baby, and you were with Sofia at the time. It was unfair of me to expect you to be there, I guess I was just jealous." "But we're friends," Leo said "Wait, jealous?"
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"And at the end of the day I don't want him to get hurt, and he just can't seem to understand that, " Lacy was venting to Violet. "It sounds like you have some issues to resolve here, Lacy," Violet pointed out. "I have no issues," Lacy snapped clearly irritated.
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"Violet has a point," Ethan interjected. "You do seem to have some issues trusting yourself in relationships, also it seems like this Owen fellow really likes you. I could set up an appointment with Violet's therapist for you." "Absolutely not," Lacy snapped. "I'm fine, I swear."
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Jackie decided to do some flash cards with Sawyer in a puddle of mystery pee.
(Seriously I have no clue who pissed on the floor)
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As the evening drew to a close, Mads was finally able to meet little Sawyer. "Oh, Nat, she's just adorable," Mads exclaimed and then turned to Sawyer. "You really are lucky, Nat's going to be such an amazing mother." "What can I say," Nat shrugged.
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Violet ended up heading outside to get some air. After everyone had left Mads decided to have a chat with her daughter. "Everything okay?" "Janie never showed," Violet told her. "She promised."
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"She even asked how important it was to me that she come tonight, and then never showed," Violet ranted. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry" Mads tried to console her. "Like I'm starting to wonder if she even likes me at all" Violet admitted. "One second it's great and the next it's not"
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Mads pulled Violet in for a hug. "I'll always be here for you," Mads assured her. "Thanks mom," Violet said. "But I actually kind of just want to be alone for now, can I take a walk. To clear my head?" "Sure," Mads told her. "Just be safe, alright." "Okay."
0 notes
themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - A special night
Prompt: Any Fandom | Any Characters/Pairings | Ordering a sweet treat to be delivered to the other person at home/work
Word Count: 2,136
Author/Team: LadyMonotone
Fandom/Original: Redacted ASMR (Gavin/Freelancer. Vincent Solaire/Lovely) 
Rating: T
Triggers: NA
Summary: Having an Incubus boyfriend comes with many perks. The Freelancer and Lovely really should have seen it coming. 
ConCrit: Y 
Well, I guess this can be a sequel to my previous oneshot, REDACTED verse - Those that stood above the rest. I really wanted to write the Freelancer and Lovely interacting after their first, proper meeting so this oneshot suddenly comes to mind! 
Exam week is the bane of every student, everywhere — even for the magical ones. 
An uneasy atmosphere lingers around D.A.M.N as the current semester hurl the students into an intense week of revisions, study groups, and extra classes; all for the upcoming exams. 
The seniors are frantically cramming for their final papers and projects under the watchful eyes of the lecturers. The Freelancer doesn't envy them one bit when they caught a Sonal Energetic screamed into his backpack for a solid ten minutes. 
His scream shakes the student lounge, and the windows shattered. 
Once he got that out of his system, he focused back towards his textbook, expressionless. The rest of the students around the Energetic hardly bat an eye over what just happened. 
On that day, the Freelancer learned to avoid a large group of seniors until the exam week blows over. 
"The tension alone in that lounge could make a Serenity Daemon hide underneath a bed." The Freelancer narrates their experience to Lovely. The two of them are currently having their own study session over at the Freelancer's apartment. 
It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and yet here they are - flipping through textbooks, reviewing and swapping notes and downing cans of coffee and Red Bulls from as early as 9 AM. "Even the janitor wasn't fazed by it. He just snapped his fingers, and the windows were good as new!"
That night after their proper introduction, Lovely and the Freelancer had become quite good friends, much to Vincent's annoyance and Gavin's pleased smirk when the Freelancer told him that Lovely would be coming over for their study session. 
"Aww, look you, Deviant. Arranging a little study date with that friend of yours," Gavin teased during breakfast this morning. They both woke up early to prepare meals that could last the Freelancer and Lovely throughout the whole day. When his Deviant absentmindedly replied, "Uh-huh" as they were busy chopping the vegetables, Gavin couldn't help but plant a fond kiss on top of their head. "Anyway, I'll be popping into Aria for a bit today. A few of my, ah, older brothers and sisters called for a meeting. Can I trust that you two won't be having too much fun without me?"
The Freelancer stopped chopping to gave their boyfriend a deadpan stare. "Gavin, we'll be studying." They explained. "Our first paper is literally next week. So I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there won't be any fucking happening." They then stop themselves. They suddenly recalled something. "I don't want to be on that Solaire Prince's hit list too."
Gavin just cooed at their disgruntled partner, as if the genuine possibility that the both of them being shred to pieces by Lovely's possessive boyfriend amused him. 
Nonetheless, Gavin pulled his weight to ensure there was enough food and comfortable pillows and blankets in their shared apartment so that his Deviant and the Electro Energetic would be comfortable for their revisions. 
An hour before Lovely arrived, Gavin kissed the Freelancer goodbye and Rifted into his home dimension. 
And now we're back in the present. 
"I think those students around that guy were his classmates," Lovely commented. They take a quick sip of the lemonade that Gavin prepared to refresh their parched throat. Even in a simple pair of slacks, baggy t-shit, and hair pulled up in a bun, they still look as breathtaking as ever. "They reacted as if it was like a regular Tuesday for them. It's so crazy to think that we'll be seniors like them soon."
The Freelancer pours more lemonade into their glass from the pitcher beside them. Their books, notebooks and snacks are spread all over the dining table. A large and fluffy pillow is propped behind the Freelancer so they can lean back on their chair comfortably. "Urgh, mood. I can already imagine the coursework we'll be forced to do in our final semester." They groan. Their brain is fried from all the information and notes they've been reviewing since this morning. On top of that, the thought that they will be getting even more work once they hit their senior year is starting to freak them out. 
Seeing the Freelancer is having an internal crisis, Lovely quickly glance at the time on their phone and decides, "OK, I think we seriously need a break. You look like you're going to pull a stunt similar to that Sonal Energetic, and I don't think your boyfriend appreciates coming back to a half-destroyed apartment."
"Gavin can fix the apartment with his magic, don't worry." The Freelancer is quick to assure Lovely. "He did that after he and Vega trashed the place anyway."
"Uh, what? Who's Vega?"
The Freelancer snapped their attention back to Lovely once they realised the name that they accidentally dropped. "N-Nothing! I didn't s-say anything!" They laugh awkwardly, doing their best to brush off Lovely's concerned expression. "Anyway, break! Yeah! That's a good idea! Are you hungry? We can watch something on Youtube and eat in the living room. You're OK with that?"
Lovely gingerly nods; it's best not to comment or ask about this Vega person since the name alone made their friend jumpy. They push their chair back, stretch their stiff spine, and get up to help set the plates and cutleries while the Freelancer heats the lunch they made in the morning. 
They then move to the living room with a tray of food and drinks, where the couch and coffee table are surrounded by pillows and blankets thrown around messily. 
"You play video games, right?" The Freelancer asked after Lovely settle down on the couch with a blanket over their lap. "Do you want to watch a playthrough or something?"
"Sure! Do you and Gavin play video games too?"
"Gavin does, though he usually only plays those dating sim games for girls. It's a guilty pleasure of his."
"Oh, Otome Games? My respect for your boyfriend just levelled up. Has he ever played Hatoful Boyfriend?"
"Uh... I don't remember he ever mentioned that title. What is it about?"
"We're watching a playthrough of that game. Right now. You can watch it with me, but you can't tell Gavin anything, OK? I promise you're going to love his reactions."
Lovely's eyes light up with glee and grin widely as the Freelancer switch on the Smart TV. When thumbnails of pigeons with pink hearts in the background pop up on the screen, they immediately throw an incredulous look at the Energetic. 
"That top playlist is good to watch. Come on, sit beside me." Lovely pats on the empty spot on the couch beside them, unperturbed at the look the Freelancer is giving them. "I think you're going to like Okosan."
The Freelancer press play on the first video and kick back on the couch with the Energetic. What's better than having a break after a long study session? Hanging out with a friend with some good food while watching a crazy romance video game about pigeons! 
However, when the fourth video starts to play, the doorbell rings. 
"Uh... are you expecting someone?" Lovely asks curiously; their head is tilting towards the door. Their plate of eggplant pasta and buttered abalones are polished on their lap. The Freelancer internally preened when they enthusiastically complimented on theirs and Gavin's cooking skills. 
Anyway, the Freelancer moves their empty tray onto the coffee table and flip over the blanket to get up. "Not really. Gavin said he'll be coming back home at night." They explain and went towards the door when the doorbell ring once more. 
A delivery man greets the Freelancer with a stoic face, an armful of flower bouquet, and a thick, rectangular item wrapped in hot red packaging. 
"I, uh, think you got the wrong address?" They said, confused to hell and back. 
The delivery man blinks, unfaze at the Freelancer's greeting. "Good afternoon. Delivery for..." He pauses to read the card attached to the bouquet. "Deviant? We received a request from Gavin to arrange a flower bouquet and some... special chocolates. He also left a message for you: My Deviant has been working so hard lately~ So I got you something to... help you relax. PS: give some of the special chocolates to that gorgeous friend of yours and their boyfriend."
The Freelancer could only gape when the delivery man finished reciting Gavin's message. From the living room, Lovely is also doing an excellent mimicking of a goldfish. Their stunned expression made the man sigh tiredly. "Look, I'm not going to judge your... bedroom activities. Just take the packages already. I still have more stops to deliver."
"O-Oh my god! I'm really, really sorry about my boyfriend!" The Freelancer finally snaps out of it and stammers an apology. Their face is bright red. They hurriedly accept the flowers and package, shoot a quick thank you and slams the door shut. 
Lovely watches as the Freelancer stares into the bouquet with a mixed feeling, something between fondness and extreme embarrassment, before they scream into the large sunflowers. 
They patiently wait for the Freelancer to get it out of their system before Lovely delicately asks, "So, uh, does Gavin do these sort of things often?"
"No. This is the first time ever." The Freelancer replies. Their voice is muffled because the flowers are still pressed onto their face. "That's what I get for dating an Incubus, I supposed..."
"Aww, don't be embarrassed, dude! I think it's super sweet how much Gavin loves you. Flowers and chocolates? Boy got some serious game; might even give Vincent a run for his money, and you should've seen how we first met."
The Freelancer peeks through the petals and is relieved to find that Lovely wasn't put off by Gavin's forward nature. In fact, they are very accepting of the Freelancer and Gavin's relationship.
Feeling the warmth on their cheeks slowly disappearing, the Freelancer made their way back to the couch. The rectangular package is tossed onto the couch, and the bouquet is on the coffee table. The Freelancer figured they could put the fresh flowers in a water-filled vase later. 
"The guy said that Gavin sent you some chocolates?" Lovely reiterate as the Freelancer began to untie the ribbon and unwraps the box. 
"Special chocolates, and knowing Gavin, I kinda have an idea of what kind of chocolates they are." They admit and make quick work of tearing the paper wrappings. 
Apparently, Gavin ordered two types of chocolates for his Deviant. One box holds a fancy gourmet assortment of salted almonds dipped in rich Belgium chocolate, double chocolate raspberry truffles, vanilla pieces powdered with light matcha and some white praliné hearts. 
Lovely whistle, impressed over the spread. "Your boyfriend really went all out for you!"
The box below it contains rows of heart-shaped chocolates, but the short message written on the card of said box proves it's anything but ordinary treats. 
'These are homemade chocolates made by one of my close associates. She's a Succubus, by the way, and renowned for her aphrodisiac desserts. You can try some first if your Energetic friend doesn't mind being a voyeur.'
The Freelancer promptly throws away the card and cues them, and Lovely shrieking in embarrassment. Neither of them expects the second batch of chocolates. 
"These are sexy chocolates? Like, legit aphrodisiac chocolates made with magic!? Oh my god, I didn't know they were a thing!"
"I didn't either! I was expecting sex toys below the chocolates!"
"Wait - didn't Gavin wants to give these to Vincent and me!? Dude, does he has a thing for Vincent? Because at this point, I should tell you: he noticed that Gavin was purposely riling us up when they first met, and he's been thinking that your boyfriend is out to get him. But, uh, not in the sexy way, but I'm thinking otherwise now. And if that's the case, then you can warn that Incubus to be ready and catch these hands."
The Freelancer groans and hides their face in their hands. "OK, you know what? I'm going to put the special chocolates in the fridge, and then we'll continue watching a few more videos from the playthrough and get back to studying."
"... You're in denial."
"I'm just trying to keep whatever sanity I have left. It's been a crazy year."
"Urgh, tell me about it."
That night, at Lovely's and Vincent's apartment: 
"Vincent, baby? I'm back. Look what I got!"
"Welcome home, Lovely. Dinner's ready if you're hungry. Hmm? What's that?"
"It's homemade aphrodisiac chocolates made by a Succubus. Gavin and the Freelancer gave some to us."
"...I'm gonna punch that Incubus in his smug ass face."
"...Does that mean you don't want them in the bedroom tonight?"
"OK, I'll punch him tomorrow. C'mere, Lovely. I've missed you."
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
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Playing Favorites (part 2)
Here we go again! Another 4 TS2 premades that really strange my town! (I’ll see myself out.) Anyway, I have to preface this with saying that so far I’ve only played the 3 base game hoods and although I really enjoy PV and VV, I added them to Strangetown just recently, so I’m still getting acquainted with their casts. That’s why my Playing Favorites posts are so dominated with desert-dwellers - but I definitely plan on including more non-ST Sims once I got to play with them more!
And I also low-key love everybody in Strangetown.
TOP 15 TS2 Premades (according to my personal tastes somewhere in May 2021) (not in any particular order) (and I can’t guarantee I stop at 15 either)
Tank Grunt (Strangetown)
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Yes, I am one of them. I am a Tank Grunt apologist. Brace yourself!
Similarly to the Pleasant twins, I view Tank as a victim of his father (Buzz Grunt, the esteemed Strangetown's Worst Parent Award nominee). Of course, that's not to say he's innocent. He is absolutely guilty of bullying Ripp and Johnny and equally guilty of being a bigot. And, most importantly, totally guilty of casually wearing camo face-paint. (that he canonically gets tatooed on his face down the line, which is... its own kind of tragic.)
But that is exactly why I like him so much!
Let me elaborate.
Tank is a very multilayered character, albeit a bit cliché. He is very artistic a eager to always do his best, whether that is in school or home where he competes for his father's affection and approval. Buzz provides both of that but it always feels conditioned – if Tank was to stop getting A+, stop parroting his opinions, stop working out, stop following in his footsteps, would that go away? Even though the answer depends on your interpretation of Buzz and his levels of horrible, Tank definitely thinks so. Just take a look on how his father treats Ripp!
I read Tank as somebody who believes firmly in order and good but has a very twisted understanding of both given his militaristic and hyper-masculine upbringing. He has an enormous potential for character growth. Can he gain (psychological) independence of his father? Can he follow his dreams and become a dancer? Can he free himself of his father’s biases now that he’s out on his own? Can he mend his relationship with Ripp and Buck? (...or maybe even Johnny?) It makes him so fun to play.
Also, I think that it was indeed very cowardly of the developers not to set his gender preference as gay.
Conclusion: Tank is fun! (Although he would probably resent me for saying that.)
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Dina Caliente (Str- wait, Pleasantview)
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Finally someone who doesn't live in the desert! Both Nina and Dina are such interesting characters, with their connection to Bella’s disappearance, their alien bloodline and their opposing personalities and ambitions.
I feel like the sisters are often getting unjustly demonized. (or mixed up together, I’m looking at you, TS3 and TS4) They’re young, very attractive and in unconventional relationships, thus often labeled as predatory. They’re not.
Dina is a very nice Sim, with Nice points above the average and many Playful points and she tends to roll wants to start a family by the start of the game, although she is not a Family Sim. She’s actually a Fortune Sim, smart and business-oriented. She’s a widow who wants to remarry and has her sights set on the husband of her missing former sister-in-law.
I know that doesn’t make her sound that nice but there is nuance. First of all, the man in question is Mortimer Goth, well in his twilight years, a father of two, simply an adult. He is not a hapless trophy, the decision to start an affair with Dina not long after his first wife got pronounced missing, is his own. He knows he won’t be here for long and doesn’t want to die alone, he wants someone who can make him feel young again and loved once more. Dina, on the other hand, pursues a shotgun wedding to take an advantage of the Goth fortune that will kickstart her business ventures but she is ready to provide what Mortimer needs. She canonically loves him. (proven by the love flag in her relationship panel)
In my personal gameplay, I had Don take Dina on a date before their marriages to their respective Goths, and Dina kept rolling wants to flirt with Mortimer instead. Later down the line she also helped out the Brokes financially, and after her close friend Brandi died young in childbirth, she took in her youngest children, so that her oldest son Dustin could go to college and not worry what’s gonna become of his younger siblings in his custody while he’s gone. I figured it made sense because of Dina’s Nice points, her relationship with Brandi and her now being partially in charge of so much money it isn’t even funny.
In conclusion: I support and condone Dina! Even if it’s somehow implied that she and her sister might’ve just staged her rival’s alien abduction.
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Circe Beaker (Strangetown)
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Circe is yet another... unwholesome character on my list. She canonically tortures people, namely Nervous Subject, and her bio eludes to there being more in the past or the future. She's cunning, ambitious and very mean.
But she is also very fun to play! Her aspiration being Fortune (not Knowledge) puts an interesting spin on the whole evil scientist routine. She doesn't do it for the love of discovery like the Curiouses and she doesn't care about credit as her husband does. She's out for power and she may as well get it.
Her rather extreme personality would lead one to think she has to be rather disliked around the town but her default relationship panel says otherwise. She doesn't have any close friendships except her husband, though. That makes me think she is superficially charming and tends to act diplomatic to obtain people's loyalty without necessarily caring about any of them. It makes playing her unique from most other Sims.
She is also canonically bisexual! I personally have a deep appreciation for each and every Sim that Maxis sneakily preset to be LGBTQ+. I may not seem like a big deal now but it is.
Conclusion: "She could gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss me any day.” - half of Strangetown’s population
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Lazlo Curious (Strangetown)
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Lazlo is a ray of sunshine in the Curious household! A very sloppy ray that makes messes wherever it goes, true, but sunshine nonetheless.
I’m very fond of Lazlo because he’s the type of person that looks like he can barely count to five with his easy-going and messy nature but is in fact very clever and, by some measures, the most competent Curious brother, since he is the youngest and it seems like he’s fresh out of college, yet holds a higher career position than his older brothers. “A smart person that doesn’t necessarily seem smart on the first glance” is a trope I have a big soft spot for. (...and it shows)
In my current gameplay, Lazlo wanted to resurrect Vidcund (who died in childbirth), so he switched from Science to Paranormal to swipe a Resurrect-O-Nomitron and, like the madlad he is, succeeded before their round was over (in a span of few days). It was a combination of dumb luck and him having a compatible degree that gave him a hefty bonus but it still made me realize Lazlo could achieve whatever he sets his sights on.
Luckily, his sights are generally set on pizza and video games.
Anyway, I find Lazlo somehow cute, most probably for his constant and very unfruitful attempts to make Vidcund laugh, and in general, how friendly and easy to get along with he is. While he doesn’t have that many Nice points (5, which is a pretty average number), combined with his playfulness he usually tends to act very amicable.
In conclusion: I simp for Knowledge Sims and it shows.
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Ok, I’ll be back with another 4 when my horrible procrastinating gruel of a brain feels like it. See ya!
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/genevealiu1 | 19k followers | currently on a journey as a junior doctor living in 🇦🇺🤎 | blm.card.co🖤 | sk💛
26 years of age
Born and raised in Glastonbury, England
Pisces sun? + libra moon?
Mother is Guyanese and works for a non-profit organization
Her father is Nigerian and works in property management
has one older brother who is a Prosthetist and resides in Nigeria with his pregnant fiancée
She can’t wait to be a auntie!!!
And a younger sister who is a medical laboratory technician
To say the least, their parents were happy that their children fell into the medical field. Based on their cultures it was a honor to have their children in these professions
Vieve grew up with a sassy demeanor and her parents have old videos on their camcorders to prove it lol, it never fails that the pair brings out the embarrassing vids during the holidays but vieve genuinely appreciates them 
Although thanksgiving is a RACIST American thing, vieve never misses the opportunity to share what she’s thankful for in life and counts all of it as blessings! But it’s still fuck the pilgrims
Has held a friendsgiving before, loves any moment where she can host gatherings or attend them! either is quite fine. She loves being around people
the only time she likes to look back on the past is to see how she and her family carried themselves then and how the evolved into who they are now, it’s interesting to see
Loves “how it started vs how it’s going” posts and might have participated in a few
Always knew from a young age that she wanted to help people in some way, she was always doing something to help around the house and especially her aging/sickly grandparents
Felt offended that many people around school that she thought were her friends would stab her in the back labeling her as this “fake saint” since she rather spend her time volunteering instead of going to house parties in hs
Don’t get it twisted, she still went to those too & had her fun but definitely felt like it was the same routine and nothing ever felt fulfilling at these functions after awhile
Well known with all the cliques around school but had her own group of friends that fit into many of those cliques but she never felt obligated to stick to one social group. If you were nice and cool with her, she was the same to you, if you weren’t? Depending on her mood, she’d ignore you/say things under her breath or be “fake nice” as a form of being the bigger person
Has a curly hair routine that she consistently follows (after struggling to find the right products to make them flourish) and gets annoyed with if her curls don’t turn out the way she knows they can, it’s always frustrating when things don’t turn out the way you want them to but isn’t afraid to at least try
Three times is the charm! Is one of her mottos
loves bright colors, flowy attire, big hats, brimmed hats, bucket hats, berets, etc...
Has faced racism/prejudices and bullying growing up in public spaces—mostly school/uni & some of those same hatred actions online now that she’s dating seb
Because of that there were times where she felt insecure but deff grew to forgive, heal, and rise above the hate, she knows her worth
Has never been happier in a relationship than she is with seb, he’s her “moody long-haired, soft-hearted bby”
they’re both complete fools for each other and vieve is more vocal about her being in love/finding her soulmate whereas seb doesn’t mind showing it rather than speaking it—even tho he’s on a podcast but we mind our business okay?!
Seb is thinking of moving to Australia with vieve, he’s ready to risk it all for this woman, HIS woman 🤩
canon: gives more than she should/taken advantage of/not reciprocating in relationships... ex) how she dated a guy that she did everything for! especially financially and also struggled to find her worth but once she did? Her aura shined brighter than before— Ik chill out there Rocco
Also believes in loving yourself first to attract what you need in this world and found that in her career and seb. I hope they’re endgame! Since they’re the only couple I rooted for this season? Except for tai & ciaran maybe? They’re probably not endgame but whatever
They still get nervous/shy around each other even tho they’ve been together for months now + are in a long distance relationship which is too cute! I think since they’re in this for the long game they can look back on moments and still feel the way they felt in that moment. You know if you get the chance or have already heard elderly people talk about their relationships and how they get all starry eyed? That’s vieve & seb, that shit gets me right in my feels ew
Vieve’s love language is quality time, it’s what she shows and likes along with acts of service from her partner
Makes the best jollof rice & her fav dish is Metemgee
Trying to be on a plant-based diet only but will have her cheat days on occasion—mostly when she’s drunk and forgets her diet plan lmao that’s me getting double cheeseburgers or anything with dairy drunk af
now living in Australia, she tried to like vegemite but...the it’s a no for her, respectfully ofc! She never wants to disrespect anyone
besides the food, the atmosphere is much nicer since she feels like she’s on a holiday almost everyday and that there’s much more to see and do when she has the time
Loves the beaches and is thinking about surfing lessons
yes she enjoys those doctor shows and can agree that most scenarios are not the same as rl ofc but great question!
Since she’s a junior doctor now, and on her way to graduation! She feels so accomplished and having this chance to complete what she’s wanted her whole life in a different place, makes her super emotional
All those stressful all-nighters will be worth it. She mostly did it on her own but is nothing but humble and Is thankful to those that have helped her along the way, what kind of person would she be if she didn’t mention them?
and when COVID hit, she was one of many already on the frontlines. Her studies became altered but this wouldn’t stop her for her mission on this earth, this was her purpose and she knew we would conquer it all—but definitely has empathy and gets angry with how it’s being handled from time to time
She’s been exposed to it first hand which aboustely worries her parents, seb, her friends, and friends from the villa
Keeps up to date when all medical news, has a whole app dedicated to health
Learning French with some of her free time and is doing well at it
It was only natural for her to become closer to elladine since their men are homies and have a podcast together
They’ve hung out a few times on a double dates before the boat vacation & once just as girls before vieve left to Australia
Vieve is always offering advice but knows that every relationship is different and what works for her and seb won’t work for elladine and Nicky, she loves them together and knows everyone has bumps in the road
feels there’s some sort of tension between her and Harry now? Which she found a little off putting since they were supposed to be friends but she realizes that Harry has a condition but it’s also not an excuse for him to treat her shitty sometimes which he does and feels like it comes out of nowhere most times but he always apologizes yet vieve is slowly getting tired of this unhealthy habits
So they’re talking less these days, which he notices!
She wants Harry to find his happiness too! If he hasn’t found it in mc first that is
has met Tim— he’s a great laugh and seems like a nice guy—they follow each other, talia and jake in person when she was out with seb—they were also super nice and congratulated them on their win, she went up to miles once on a night out—he’s still a arsehole, priya reached out to her via dm about her new boutique that she wanted her to model in someday, Hope was just as stunning in person along with Siobhan, Chelsea & mc s2 were also kind, and a couple of the guys also wished her and seb well
She’s also noticed some of the shit talking coming from Elisa, Allegra, Lucy, and mc s1 (subtle shade from mc, basically about how vieve reacted if mc decided to give Harry a go but that was only brought to her attention thru fans) online but again, vieve peeped it and felt majority of it didn’t require a response. She was too happy in life rn and she had a man and they don’t
Plans to get a komondor, thinks they’re super cute! — seb does not “if you love me, you’ll love our child.” “It’s a bloody mop dog! And I’m a cat dad, you know that!” “Don’t talk about him like that, he’s got feelings just like your cat babies!”
I feel like she’s a matcha & Frappuccino lover, tries to keep her drinks simple and feels guilty when she has to make adjustments but the heart wants what it wants
Mini Countryman owner, she also drives like a “granny” better safe than sorry! She hates fast drivers, there’s absolutely no need for it!
Minimal makeup: eyeshadow, moisturizer, & a nude lip and she’s good to go
Secretly obsessed with among us, second life, and SIMS!!!
Celeb crushes? Heath ledger, Tyler posey, KENDRICK SAMPSON, Jordan fisher, Algee smith, Donald Glover, Mack Wilds, Khleo Thomas, Robert Ri’chard, Tahj Mowry, & Hasan Minhaj
Listens to: DaniLeigh, ABIR, Mary J. Blige, TORI KELLY, Us the duo, 11:11, Jacob Latimore, fifth harmony, joya mooi, & Greentea Peng, etc...
Anthem: The Cheetah Girls — Cinderella
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pizzaintheuk · 4 years
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About two month ago started a new Sims 4 account which has a Hetalia character as townies. I don’t have all the packs for Sims 4 but I do use a lot of Mods to do this. Most of the house building I found online.
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Each household has background and drama which was fun the think about. I have written over 10 pages of notes for this town so enjoy.   
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Luper Family
Boris Luper (Bulgaria) - CHILD, VAMPIRE Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid  
Vladimir Luper (Romania) - ADULT, VAMPIRE Traits – Good, Cheerful, Family- Oriented/ Aspiration – Good Vampire
Mai - (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Clever, Friendly
Vladimir (Vlad) adopted Boris because of his vampire powers
They took Mia in as most people think black cats are unlucky
Vald doesn’t need the money but has a part time job at a coffee shop
Vlad and Arthur have afternoon tea once a month
Vlad wants Boris to be creative so he started playing the violin
Positive atmosphere in the house
Vlad will cook for Boris as he can still eat human food however not very good
Vlad is a good vampire
Vlad hobby is annoying Elizabeta  
Boris talks to Mia when Vlad goes out
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Oxenstierna Family  
Berwald Oxenstierna (Sweden) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Family – Oriented, Bookworm, Perfectionist/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Simon Oxenstierna (Denmark) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Bro, Goofball, Self- Assured/ Aspiration – Fabuluosly Wealthy
Tino Oxenstierna (Finland) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Good, Goofball, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Lukas Bondevik (Norway) - YOUNG ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Family- Oriented, Love Outdoors, Bookworm/ Aspiration – Purveyor of Polions
Emil Bondevik (Iceland) - TEEN Traits – Gloomy, Loner/ Aspiration - Angling Ace
Charlotte (Dog) Traits – Jumpy, Smart, Independent
Berwald and Tino are married, Simon is in a relationship with Lukas and Emil is Lukas brother.
Berwald and Simon are brothers but 90% they can’t agree to anything which leave them fighting over stupid things. For example TV remote, who cleaning up and food shopping
Simon is a Manager of a top end company, to bad he to lazy to move out.  
Everyone love Charlotte that the dog get the best treats and love.
Emil keep to himself and hide in the bedroom. No one know he seeing someone 😛
Lukas is over protective with Emil
Tino is a stay at home mum so he does most of the cleaning which Lukas help out using magic
Berwald my find it difficult expressing himself with words but he good at writing it down. His works as a writer.
Simon my be a pain but always help out with bills  
Tino take any holiday seriously!
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Wang Family  
Yao Wang (China) - ADULT Traits – Materialistic, Family- Oriented, Foodie/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Kiku Wang (Japan) - TEEN Traits – Genious, Geek/ Aspiration – Computer Whiz
Li Xiao Wang (Hong Kong) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Gloomy/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Im Yong Wang (South Korea) - CHILD Traits – Goofball/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy
Lin Yi Wang (Taiwan) Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Rambunctious
Pochi (Dog) Traits – Loyal, Smart, Adventurous  
Yao work as a Chef  
Lin Yi wanted a dog for a very long time so Yao after work went and bought a dog so she can shut up.  
Yao favourite is Kiku because of his talent this make Li Xi jealous.  
Yao too old to deal with drama.
Every meal everyone must come to the table and sit together as a family
Lin Yi and Im Yong are trouble maker when bored.
Kiku goes to see Alfred for game night
Lin Yi love flowers  
Li Xiao goes to Emil for emotional support
Yao helps other household with meals
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Belischmidt Family  
Gilbert Belischmidt (Prussia) - ADULT Traits – Family –Oriented, Self- Assured, Dog Lover/ Aspiration – Friend of the Animals
Ludwig Belischmidt (German) - TEEN Traits – Active, Bookworm/ Aspiration –Academic
Aster (Dog) Traits – Smart, Couch Potato, Friendly
Blockie (Dog) Traits – Adventurous, Active, Independent
Berlitz (Dog) Traits – Sleuth, Couch Potato, Friendly  
Gilbert work as a manual laborer great at his job and the people love him
Francis or Antonio will walk into the house at random times
All dogs are well behaviour and won't hurt anybody
Ludwig can be shy when near to Feliciano
Every Sunday they have a father and son time which include playing football or watch TV
Gilbert is trying to give up drinking because one time he got so drunk Ludwig had to help him get home.
Gilbert and Elizabeta are rivals with who can do the most push ups  
Ludwig very close to his dad will ask about anything
Gilbert want more dogs in the future
Ludwig need to relax than worry what other people will think about him 
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Edelstein Family  
Roderick Edelstein (Austria) - ADULT Traits – Snob, Lazy, Music Lover/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Elizabeta Edelstein (Hungary) - ADULT Traits – Active, Good, Cat Lover/ Aspiration – Bodybuilder
Feliciano Edelstein (North Italy) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Art Lover/ Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire  
Buffi (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Friendly, Lazy
Roderick work as a professional pianist
Elizabeta is a stay at home mum but gets bored so she goes to the gym or babysit other children round the area
Felliciano has a twin brother (Lovino) but got kick out over a disagreement with the father
Elizabeta still upset about Lovino but Roderick won't speak to him
Elizabeta and Feliciano cook together  
Buffi is the best hot water bottle  
Roderick will drop dead if he has to clean  
Feliciano spend 65% of the time napping
You can tell what mood Roderick by the way he plays on the piano
There is always music playing in the house
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Carriedo Family  
Antonio Carriedo (Spain) – ADULT Traits – Childish, Music Lover, Clumsy /Aspiration - Freelance Botanist
Lovino Edelstein (South Italy)- TEEN Traits – Hot-Headed, Loner/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Antonio is a part-time gardener
Lovino ran away because of an argument with his dad. He doesn’t talk about it but grateful Antonio support him.
Antonio is an old friend of the Edelstein family that why Lovino know him
Antonio is very patient with Lovino
Lovino really miss spending time with his brother
Lovino gets jealous when Antonio goes out with Gilbert or Francis  
Lovino like his own space but does get lonely
Antonio just wants everyone to be happy and will do anything to help them
Tomato solve everything  
Lovino is angry with everything including himself
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Branginsky Family  
Katyusha Branginsky (Ukraine) – YOUNG ADULT Traits – Clumsy, Family- Oriented, Neat/ Aspiration – Successful Lincage
Natalia Branginsky (Belarus) - CHILD/MAGIC Traits – Mean/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid
Ivan Branginsky (Russia) - TEEN Traits – Borderline Personality Disorder, Shy/ Aspiration – Big Happy Family
Katyusha work at a coffee shop, she tries to be the older sister but is ashamed about how little money they have
Very poor but they get by
Natalia has a ghost friend that she talk to at night
Ivan want friends doesn’t know how to do it without freaking people or say something weird
Natalia is slowly making friends
Katyusha gets worried when Ivan doesn’t want to leave his bedroom
Ivan will knit anything  
Yao will come by with food
Something always breaks in the house
Natalia is scary when she angry
(Will Upload image soon!!!!!)
Zwingli Family  
Basch Zwingli (Switzerland) - ADULT Traits – Family- Oriented, Loner, Perfectionst/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Eva Zwingli (Liechtenstein) - CHILD Traits – Good/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy  
Basch is Eva father  
Basch is the chief of the town
Basch double check people background (doesn’t trust no one)
Eva doesn’t have a bad bone in her body  
Elizabeta babysits Eva when Basch is busy working
Basch and Roderick are old friends  
If anyone upset Eva expect Basch to threaten them with his gun
Eva love drawing pictures of Basch looking happy  
Eva is really good friends with Natatia  
Basch never talks about his job
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Kirkland Family  
Arthur Kirkland (England) - ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Hot-Headed, Bookworm, Snob/ Aspiration – Spellcraft + Sorcery
Alfred Kirkland (America) - TEEN Traits – Active, Goofball/ Aspiration – Leader of the Pack
Arthur work as a teacher  
Arthur is Alfred father  
Arthur is divorced to Francis. One night at a pub he saw Francis flirting with someone else. They spilt everything which including Alfred and Matthew.
Arthur not happy with Alfred tattoo even though he got a big tattoo on his arm when he was young
Alfred wants to be everyone friends and try to fix everyone problems which can make the issue a lot worst
Alfred doesn’t like Ivan because Ivan knows how insecure Alfred is with himself (doesn’t like rejection)
Arthur can’t cook but his magic can fix that
At times when they have a heated argument Arthur wish he had Matthew instead of Alfred
Alfred will make a cup of tea for Arthur before telling bad news (example bad report in school)
Alfred spend most of his time gaming or going out 
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Bonnefoy Family  
Francis Bonnefoy (France) - ADULT Traits – Art Lover, Foodie, Romantic/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Matthew Bonnefoy (Canada) - TEEN Traits – Shy, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Bestselling Author  
Francis works as a celebrity chef  
Very close with Matthew will cook together
Alfred comes in after a big argument with his dad. Francis will reason that Arthur doesn’t mean what he says and love him no matter what
People who are not Francis, Alfred or Arthur will forget about Matthew  
Matthew start getting knitting gifts but doesn’t know who it’s from
Francis is back on the dating game but still thinks about Arthur and wants to give it another go
Matthew is never stress  
Arthur calls Matthew once a week to check up on him  
Francis regrets that night and tries to hide his emotion in front of Matthew and friends
Francis love his food however looking good is more important  
I also made clubs for everyone because I am THAT bored 😊
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Freedom  - Party till they drop/ Having a great time/ Good vibes/ Away from family drama and life  
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Gym  - To keep fit/ Started out with Simon and Berwald/ No drama or Basch will get involve/ Gilbert behave in the gym and it help him stop drinking  
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Lets Party - Old friends meeting together/ All trying to get a date but end up getting drunk and gossiping all night/ Antonio end up paying for everyone drinks  
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Playtime - Yao set up a play date so it keeps Im Yong and Lin Yin in line. That was a mistake/ Everyone friendly/ They love watching Pokemon/ If someone upset they help one another
      'Ohana' means 'family. ' 'Family' means 'no one gets left behind”
I hope people like this stupid project now I’m heading to the kitchen to drink my problems away 😛
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megacarapa · 5 years
Hey man! Sorry, I’m a newbie to tumblr so I don’t know if this is the wrong way to contact you. Anyways, I just wanted to know if you had any plans to review the OVA episodes. A lot of people, including me, agree that the extra three episodes did a much better job of ending the season, as there wasn’t exactly an unnecessary conclusion, nor was the season just cut off. It felt like a lot better of an ending, so you might enjoy them if you haven’t seen them yet. You could even talk about Season 2!
hi there! first of all damn im flattered you liked my videos enough to try and reach out to me over here hahah so thanks!
basically the short answer is that no i currently don’t have any plans for future hsg videos (or really any analytical videos), the extended answer is that while i don’t really plan to make more im also not opposed to it, like, if one day i though “oh man i still wanna say this and this and this!” i could totally make more, since i got a lot of enjoyment out of making the first few (and im really glad to see so many people enjoyed watching them as well)
the super long extended answer is that you see… my first time watching hsg was such an experience that by the end of it i had so much i wanted to say about it and get off my chest, and since my sister and i have already been joking about making youtube videos for so long i thought why not. half of what i wanted to talk about was actual praise for the show and half was my own narrative of how my opinion on the show changed, going from thinking its gonna be super bad on a first glance at the promotional art to genuinely connecting with it and it becoming one of my favourite anime. so really the biggest reason why i didn’t feel a big need to make a video about the ovas was because they didn’t change my opinion about the show in any big interesting way that i wanted to talk about for hours. my opinion on it is that its more hsg and therefore i love it, but i don’t really have anything super interesting to say about it
for those of you who are Really Hungry for me talking about the ova here are some random scattered thoughts i can remember:
first to get the one negative thing out of the way: hidaka’s character after confessing really kinda stops progressing altogether and just becomes her obsessing over haruo, you think that she’ll finally get over it after she loses her match, but it just keeps going… yeah i get it’s a love triangle but its just a real shame to see her character be boiled down to this one thing (but well the last few chapters of the manga haven’t been translated yet, so theres still hope, vote Good Things For Hidaka 2k19)
now for the good stuff, i love the way they handled the arc of akira’s  teacher, having her actually realize that the way shes been treating akira is wrong and trying to fix it and give her more freedom, its really a breath of fresh air that the arc was handled so maturely when at first i was really thinking she was gonna be a cartoony villain who always tries to separate the two leads.
i really like the addition of akira’s sister into the cast, i love her interactions with akira and you can just feel the energy whenever shes on screen
i LOVEE the scene with haruo playing a dating sim lmao, really one of my biggest wishes for hsg is that they would include more scenes like this where the characters react to different games they usually don’t play, its so fuckin fun
WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE THE PLOTLINE OF HARUO MAKING A GAME BY HIMSELF AS A PRESENT FOR AKIRA, this is what his entire character has been leading up to, its perfect, also their date at the end of the last episode is so sweet, they love each other so much, i cried
oh god sorry for the bloated answer i am literally incapable of shutting up, hope this was satisfying, hype for season 2 is REAL
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Survey #196
“what separates man from beast? turn to your master.”
What's a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? 13 Reasons Why. How many times have you been in love? Twice. Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? 7th grade, however old that is. How many years older than you would you date someone? ~9, maybe 10. Depends on just how much I'm interested in the person. What was the last thing you pinky-swore on? *shrugs* Don't even recall the last time I did that. Would you consider yourself a nice person? I think I am. Are you a car kind of fella? No. I don't even know the names of the most basic models. Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? Not at all. There's like... two. Who’s the laziest person you know? Proooobably me. True or false: Glee is annoying. All musicals make me cringe. Would you make a good teacher? Why? Fuck no. I'm not dealing with 20+ kids, and I'm also way too awkward for that. Is the fan on? Actually no. I have a small heater in my room that turns on/off to regulate the temperature. Otherwise, my room is frigid this time of year. Have you ever broken someone else’s bone? No. Do you really believe in your ‘one true love’? I don't believe in that concept. There's billions of humans on this earth; you don't have just one that you'd be wonderfully compatible with. Do you worry more about other people’s happiness than your own? It depends. Have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?
 Yes, Jason and Juan until I picked between them definitively. You could also say Sara and Girt, but I'd come to learn my feelings weren't romantic towards Girt. Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea? Sure; if you're even considering someone other than your s/o, that says something anyway. It's a far better alternative to cheating. Is it possible to ‘fix’ a ‘broken’ relationship?
 Mixed emotions, idk. Would you ever throw out/give away something an ex gave you?
 I've thrown out stuff, but I haven't given anything away, though I'd probably be able to. If you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?
 No chance. Who is the first person you see in the mornings? Well, I live with only Mom. Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year?
 In love, probably Jason. I consider someone being in love and just loving someone are of different intensities. Do you have a secret life?
 The RP site is unknown to just about anyone. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt?
 Yes, but she was just changing her shirt rq, and I didn't really look anyway out of respect. Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you?
 No. Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
 She's the same person lmao. Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
 Jelly. If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? At this very moment, probably my left daith. Do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking) Most obviously, I knead my hands and I'm fidgety. My eyes dart around, and I bite my lip a lot. Current favorite song? I've been hopping around between a lot lately. Maybe "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums" by A Perfect Circle. Do you know anyone famous? No. Do you own a Bible? No. Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else? No. The last time you held a baby: Moooonths ago, like last summer when Colleen needed me to hold her son for whatever. The last form you filled out: Something for vocational rehab. The last time you stayed up past 12AM: Saturday night/Sunday to see the super blood wolf moon. It was incredible. The last time you gave up on or quit something: Well it's not like I'm ever doing anything noteworthy to remember quitting. The last video game you played: Some of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. The last time you were in a big city: Not since March '18. The last television show you watched: Avatar: The Last Airbender with Sara. I'm surprisingly really into it and can't wait to keep going ahhhhhhh. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. Do you wear socks to bed? No, I hate socks. How many Canadian provinces have you been to? None. What kind of car did you take your drivers test in? N/A What is your first memory of being in a hospital? I have very faint memories of when I was a very little kid, my sisters and I played in the room where my mom and her three co-workers worked. I can't remember why we were ever there? All I know is we always wanted to go to the little gift shop to get candy lol. Does anyone in your life treat you badly? Are you allowing them to treat you that way? Or do you stand up for yourself? Not consistently. Have you ever cut someone out of your life because of how they treated you? Rather how she treated most of the human population. How much was the rent/mortgage at the cheapest place you’ve ever lived? Idk, probably here, where I think it's $700-something. Do you still keep in touch with your very first best friend? We're friends on Facebook, but that's it. Who got married at the last wedding you went to? Oh JEEZ. I think he was one of Ashley's co-worker's nephews or something like that?? I can't remember the exact connection, but it was complicated. What was your favorite home-cooked meal when you were a kid? Like, made from scratch? Um. I dunno. Nothing stands out. What was the topic of the last conversation you had with your dad? The laptop we're working on getting. Have you ever been to a wedding where the bride was a total bridezilla? No. How often did you visit your grandparents when you were growing up? Almost never. Dad's were in Ohio, Mom's mother was in Florida (my grampa died when I was like, two), and here we are in NC. We couldn't afford to travel much. Have you ever had psoriasis? I don't think so? I do have super dry skin, but I don't think I've ever had scaly patches. How much of your time to do you spend being bored? What could cure that boredom? Almost every day past afternoon, really... and having shit to do that doesn't confine me to this house, or have Sara here. Do squeaky toys annoy you? Yes. Animals: love ‘em? Why or why not? I absolutely love them; they're our neighbors. It's amazing how creatures that can't speak can be so interesting. Is a solitary person necessarily an unlikable person? Um, no. Are you a picky eater? You have ABSOLUTELY no idea. If you play Sims, have you ever saved a Sim from death? I've played the animals one, in which case, yes, lol. Are you hopelessly addicted to the computer? Admittedly so. Almost everything I do is on there, and it's sad just how lost I am on what to do if I don't have WiFi or a gaming console. I've been this way since I was a pre-teen though, so it's not exactly something I think I can un-learn. Like I'm not one of those people who puts every opportunity behind sitting here on it at least, I'll happily jump up for something fun and/or interesting, but it's still my go-to thing to do. Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication? Why? Depends on the person and my mood, but more often than not, online because I'm a socially awkward abomination. What kinds of things do you watch on YouTube? Let's plays mostly, but also random shit from some people I'm subscribed to, beauty videos with Jeffree Star solely because I love that hoe and am there for his personality, uhhh other misc. things that make me laugh. If you’re offered a trip to either Hawaii or Alaska, which would you choose? Probably Alaska, esp. if it's a good season for the Northern Lights. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? No. If you could have any job/talent, what? (regardless if can or not)? Hyperrealistic traditional artist or meerkat biologist. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer? I wouldn't know. Does your mom eat meat? Yes. Was your dad ever in a sports team? Yeah. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza? I stroooongly prefer thick. Thin is just flaky and hard. Have you ever had an eerie/paranormal experience? What happened? A lot. The top two that scared me the most follow: 1.) I was home alone, very late in the night watching TV, and Teddy, who was glued to me, would not look away from the bottom of the bed and was barking and growling relentlessly. I even tried forcing his head to look away with how badly it was scaring me, but he absolutely would not let it. Me personally, I "felt" a strong and malevolent female presence just fucking staring at me, and I called my mom literally crying. I was so shaken up that at like 4:00 A.M. I think it was, she had to call our poor neighbor to sleep in the house with me. Safe to say, I did not sleep in my bed; I'm pretty sure I didn't for a good few days. 2.) I was outside one night, walking with my iPod as I did most nights. I suddenly stopped dead when I saw this white, transparent thing walk very fluidly out of the woods of my backyard and just vanish. It was fucking crazy because it felt like time had slowed, and I remember perfectly it looked like a bipedal creature walking on all fours instead, but it was not a fucking human or animal. It reminded me of some Rake depictions (which I don't really believe in), but not precisely. My entire body absolutely chilled, and I was like a deer in headlights for many seconds, but after that, I have never run faster than I did going back inside. I immediately told my mom, freaking the hell out, but who knows if she believed I actually saw something. I didn't do nighttime walks for I think around a week, and for a loooong time, I'd altered my path so I couldn't see the spot it had appeared, and I over my dead body would ever go to the clearing at night. I also either saw a star do some weird-ass shit over the course of a week or so, or it was some UFO doing something okay only facts here. All three of these things happened at our old house, sooo glad that is no longer home lmao. Do you have any friends with the same name as you? No. How many people of the same name as you have you ever met? Oh jeez, plenty. How often do you see your best friend? Our history so far has been every ~2-3 months. Do you like incense or does it give you headaches? I love that shit oml. Do you prefer to watch or attempt? Depends? Do you shout when you’re upset? Occasionally. Where was the last place you ate, except from home? I believe Wendy's. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Play Spyro or make-believe with my favorite toys. Do you take any vitamins? Which ones? Yes, for vitamin D, as my deficient of it beforehand was absolutely abysmal, and it was probably the cause of my knees wanting me dead. Have you ever lost something really precious to someone else? Maybe? Who makes you feel small/inferior? It's entirely unintentional, but my psychiatrist, ha ha. He is a fucking genius with incredible knowledge of like... everything. Are you protective of your family? Well yeah. I'm especially protective of my younger sister, but not like, incredibly. What size ring are you? Idr. What’s something you regret buying, but you just can’t get rid of it? Sad as it is to say, my rat Mitsu. She's nervous of being held, yet she always jumps up onto the cage's bars when I'm passing and enjoys me petting her through them, but that's all I can do, and I feel awful. Her claws also reeeaaally irritate my skin (maybe from the bedding, idk), but getting rid of a pet rat isn't exactly easy, especially with the fear of her being bought merely as food. What villain do you believe is most worthy of a redemption arc? Is Harley Quinn still even a villain??? What was your favorite school project you ever made? Idr. What role do you take on when you have to do a group project? (for example: leader, delegator, slacker, etc.) The meticulous writer/taking the notes. What’s a funny mistake you’ve made recently? Oh boy, how is nothing coming to me among certainly a million options in the back of my mind??? OH WAIT. I was texting Sara and mentioned I was watching Shane Dawson, but it autocorrected to "Shame," and I was like, "still accurate." What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My mom's long past that age. And my parents are divorced. How many friends do you have that don’t live in the same country as you? One of my long-time Internet buds, off the top of my head. What is always in your wallet that doesn’t need to be? HAHA. One time in high school, me a few friends got together to just wander the mall. We went into a tux store and got a card there for literally no reason, but it's still in my wallet for memory's sake. What is a strange red flag you have when pursuing a relationship? Excessive and/or raunchy flirting. If a single thing you say fits the latter, you're fucking out. How many people have you thought “Glad I don’t have to interact with them ever again” about? Probably a decent number. What do you NOT want on your tombstone? Don't mention shit about God or Jesus or whatever. How many couches do you want in your residence? One long one or two average ones for the sake of accommodating company. What is the strangest website you have bookmarked? Nothing strange. What is your typical number of windows/tabs open on your computer? Ha, usually 4-5 tabs. Sometimes more, sometimes just two or three. Do you follow the expiration date on food? Like, religiously. What is the coolest name that you would never name a real human child? "Magnus" is the first that came to me. What fish scares you the most? Probably stonefish. Hard to spot 'em, venomous as hell, enough to sometimes kill. How do you feel about snails? In almost all cases, they gross me out. Just not as much as slugs. I hate slimy things. How often do you think about what guys will think of you? The older I get, the less I give a fuck what one thinks, at least about how I look. If you are on birth control that allows you take pills and skip your period, how often do you opt to skip it? How come? I can't skip mine. Is there a book series where you loved the first book, but for some reason the other books in the series just didn’t measure up? Idr. Are there any stores/restaurants that you would like to shop/eat at, but there aren’t any located near enough to you? Oh, I'm sure. I'd have to think. If you are a part of a certain fandom or are a fan of a popular series/musician, is there a rivalry between your fandom and another one (e.g., Lady Gaga fans vs. Katy Perry fans or Marvel vs. DC)? The Silent Hill and Resident Evil franchises are often compared, but I haven't seen much "rivalry." There are some people who pit Markiplier and JackSepticEye against each other with them being close in subs, but it's wonderful that I usually see only great bonding between the two fandoms instead, and they usually overlap with fans. Metallica is constantly shit on by Slayer fans. There's more, I'm sure, but I don't feel like digging deep into the thousand fandoms I'm in lmao. Do you ever have smell hallucinations? Don't think so. If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? Honestly? I'd be fucking ecstatic. I'll probably never have hetero sex ever again, but rapists always worry me. I don't at all want kids. Is there something that you did not used to take seriously, that you either now take seriously or wish that you had in the past (e.g., a relationship that you miss, your education, etc.)? Man, I don't know. I would say my college, but I didn't really have a choice in my decrepit mental state, and fuck that school from a trillion different angles anyway. Are you physically affectionate with your friends? Just with hugs. I'm not a platonic cuddler/kisser/hand-holder. Are any of your friends/relatives actually impressive artists or writers? Are you willing to share an example of their work? My cousin is an incredible artist, but I don't believe I've seen her work in years. When it comes to relationships/crushes, are you more often the pursued or the pursuer? Pursued, I guess. Do you ever find yourself making negative comments about other people’s appearances, whether it’s people you dislike or even just people on tv? I generally keep comments to myself. Have you ever dated someone on the football team? No. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? There is this pointless dolphin in the corner of our backyard?????????? Why????????????? Who made you???????????????? Have you ever made a summer bucket list? No. Have you ever stayed in a hotel suite? No. What type of waffles do you like? (Plain, blueberry etc..) Plain or chocolate chip, 'pending on the mood. Have you ever been to a night club? No. What was the last thing to make you sad? A picture on Facebook of some dick posing beside an elephant he killed at a watering hole. It was in an anti-trophy group or something like that. Do you kill spiders when you see them? If it's in my house and not tiny, unless it's too close to me. Are you allergic to any animals? Which ones? No. Does it bother you when people play with your hair? It would if it was anyone but my s/o or maybe my mom, but even from her, that might feel weird. What is your favorite movie series? SHREK, BITCH. I haven't seen the fourth one though and I am legitimately mad. Not sayin' it for the meme, I legit love Shrek okay. Did your parents get married before or after you were born? I actually found out recently it was after I was born. True/False: You’ve had an odd dream this week. It's weird, I've actually been briefly recalling them lately... but not for long. I believe I have, though. Who was the last person to let you down? Mom, probably. Can you dry swallow pills? I'm capable with small capsule ones, but I don't. What was the last thing you ordered online? Sara's Christmas present. Are you happy with your relationship with God, or do you want more from it? I have no relationship with him, if you're addressing the "God" I'm assuming you do. Even with the entity I believe in, I don't really see us as having a "relationship" in this life. They're just my silent judge that sees me according to how I deserve. Is your spirit made for adventure? Eh. Yes and no. Have you ever been rejected by a church? No.
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cromulentbookreview · 6 years
Yes, that’s right, menstruation! Something half the world’s population experiences on a monthly basis - the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from inner uterine lining through the vagina and...are all the dudes gone? 
Let’s talk about Mackenzi Lee’s fiercely feminist follow-up to The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue: The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy!
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“You’re trying to play a game designed by men. You’ll never win, because the deck is stacked and marked, and also you’ve been blindfolded and set on fire. You can work hard and believe in yourself and be the smartest person in the room and you’ll still get beat by the boys who haven’t two cents to rub together.” - From the ARC of The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy
For some reason, I have a terrible time writing about things I really, really like. I can go on and on about that one thing that I hate (and I do, often), but when I like something, I say “hey, I like that” and then not much else. My eloquence deserts me when I have to articulate why it is I love something beyond “aw man it’s the best” and then nothing else. Not sure why that is. What I do know is that I finished reading The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy on August 28th, actually, it was August 1. I know how dates work. I started writing a review as soon as I finished it, then just...didn’t. Perhaps it’s pure laziness. Perhaps its writer’s block. Perhaps it’s because I’m in the middle of another epic book binge (five books in, four to go, plus a novella and possibly an ARC of book 10!). 
Whatever the reason, I’ve come back to this review over and over, determined to be clever and such, but...man it’s just harder to write about things you love versus the things you hate. It’s very easy to criticize (fun, too), but writing endless praise gets boring fast.
So how am I supposed to describe how much I love Mackenzi Lee’s books?
Mackenzi Lee’s works are the book equivalent of a warm, comforting hug. A hug delivered directly to your brain, with words. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue was one of the best books I read last year, and its sequel does not disappoint in the slightest. Lady’s Guide is 100% pure feminist awesomeness. If you’ve ever been angered by the patriarchy, then this book is definitely for you.
Since praise is hard and complaining is fun, let me take a moment to complain.
All girls, all women, really, know how it is to feel “less-than” for simply being female. That shit starts the minute we’re born and it’s pervasive as fuck. It never stops. Even in a world where a family cannot survive on just one income, women are expected to work two jobs: one for pay, and one for free. Women are described not as people, but as extensions of others: “Wife”, “Mother”, “Girlfriend”, “Daughter” - as if that is all we are, and all we’re expected to be. (On a related note, I am so tired of books with titles that end with “wife”, “daughter”, “sister,” etc. Also, describing women as “girls.” Fuck that shit, I’m an adult, don’t you call me “girl.”). All the bad things that happen to women are our own fault somehow. Rather than teaching men not to attack women, women are expected to take every single precaution in the universe to protect themselves from men. A single “lapse”? Well, then, anything that a man does to you is your fault. Ladies, have you ever had to fake a hypothetical male partner in order to avoid being harassed? Because men would automatically respect a non-existent male before a real human female?
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I am so fucking tired of all of that shit. I am so tired of women being blamed for every single bad thing that happens to them. I am so tired of men getting away with harassing, demeaning and belittling women. I am so tired of male authors saying shit like “Mary Shelley didn’t really write Frankenstein!” I am so tired of women’s accomplishments being treated as “less-than.” I am so tired of a woman’s value being equated with whether or not she has a husband or children. I am so tired of a woman’s worth being equated with her appearance. I am tired of being paid less for the same work my male coworkers do. I am so tired of job interviews with loaded questions meant to suss out whether or not you’re planning on taking maternity leave (because it’s illegal to ask if someone is planning on having kids, but perfectly OK to ask “what are your future plans?” wink wink). I am so tired of all of it. It’s bullshit. All of it is bullshit, and the fact that being a woman means fighting an uphill battle every goddamn day just makes me tired.
And all I’ve described above is just a fraction of the bullshit women of color experience. It’s the fucking worst.
This is why we need books like Lady’s Guide. The patriarchy might not be as visible or obviously terrible as it was in the 18th century, but it’s still here, and still as toxic as ever. 
Ahem. Anyway. Ladies Guide! See, I can complain forever. When it comes to things I love I’m like “uh, I love it, you should read it” and that’s it.
Lady’s Guide takes place roughly a year after the end of Gentleman’s Guide - Felicity is living and working in a bakery in Edinburgh. She’s been trying, and mostly failing, to get accepted into medical school. But, this being the 18th century, and Felicity being a woman, she doesn’t get very far. After her coworker at the bakery proposes to her, dismissing Felicity’s desires for an education as nothing more than a phase, Felicity decides to take off and try again in London. She sets up shop with her brother and Percy, living happily ever after (because Monty/Percy forever, goddamn it!) and attempts to get into one of the London medical schools via subterfuge. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out. Felicity is on the verge of giving up when one of the hospital’s more enlightened board members gives her the contact info for Alexander Platt - a trailblazer in the medical field and Felicity’s idol. Dr. Platt might just take a woman on as a student, but he’s all the way in Stuttgart...
...about to get married to Felicity’s childhood best friend, Johanna Hoffmann. Sounds like a perfect way for Felicity to ingratiate herself with Dr. Platt, right?
Except Johanna and Felicity had a falling out years ago. As kids, Felicity and Johanna loved exploring and science and getting dirty, but, as they got older, Johanna started showing more interest in “girly” things while Felicity’s interests never strayed. Nothing like that painful phase of adolescence where you look around and see that all your friends have changed, gotten into boys and makeup and all that shit, while all you want to do is read Tolkien and watch Sailor Moon...
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Such a classic episode. 
Anyway, Felicity decides to say “fuck it,” and head off to see Johanna in Stuttgart anyway, because this is her chance and she’s not going to throw away her shot.* So Felicity teams up with Sim, a friend of the pirates from Gentleman’s Guide, ditches Monty and Percy and heads off for the continent. 
And if reuniting with an ex-best friend who you haven’t spoken to or seen in years isn’t awkward enough, meeting your hero, who is about to get married to said ex-best friend, is even worse. Like all heroes, Dr. Platt isn’t exactly everything Felicity thought he would be. And his upcoming marriage to Johanna isn’t exactly a love match on either side...
Lady’s Guide is not only a massive brain-hug, it’s existence-affirming. Felicity writes herself a message, one she returns to time and time again throughout the book, and something all women and girls  should hear: You Deserve To Be Here. Yes. Yes you fucking do. Felicity deserves to attend medical school - but men block her path. She deserves to be her own woman, an intellectual, a scientist - all of that, without being scoffed at. 
Lee also makes the point, throughout the book, that the patriarchy is not just men. Women perpetuate patriarchy as well by bullying and policing the behavior of other women. We’re kept down by our own infighting. We see this in the relationship between Felicity and Johanna, whose friendship fell apart because of their differing views on femininity. Felicity was keen to reject feminine trappings, like clothes, makeup, boys, etc., focusing instead on her books. Johanna wanted to embrace her femininity and be a scientist. Felicity looked down her nose at Johanna’s embrace of the traditionally feminine, and Johanna resented Felicity’s high-and-mighty-better-than-you attitude, and thus their childhood friendship fell apart.
The relationship between Johanna and Felicity and their views on femininity is very much like Sansa and Arya Stark. On the Sansa-Arya spectrum, Arya is all about rejecting traditional femininity - no frilly dresses or talk of marriage for Arya. No, she’s all about sword-fighting and vengeance and wearing other people’s faces as masks. Sansa, on the other end of the spectrum, embraces traditional Westerosi femininity, at first suffering it’s trappings, but then she learns to embrace it in another way. Sansa learns to wear her femininity like armor, and use it to her advantage. First, she uses it to survive in King’s Landing, where one wrong move would have gotten her killed, then she uses it to get the same thing Arya hopes to get with her assassin skills: vengeance. Independently, Sansa and Arya are both powerful women. Together? Aw, man. Shit’s going to go down.
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I do have one nitpicky complaint, re: Lady’s Guide.
At one point, Johanna tells Sim: “I will drag you back to Bavaria by the ear and take you to court there if I must.”
OK, so in the novel, Johanna lives in Stuttgart. Stuttgart is in Baden-Württemberg, though so...why is Johanna threatening to drag Sim to Bavaria? In the early 1700s, Stuttgart was part of the Duchy of Württemberg which was definitely not in Bavaria. I’m not sure how the Swabians would take it if they were mistaken for Bavarians. Or vice-versa. And heaven forbid you mix up Bavaria and Franconia, even though Franconia is technically now a part of Bavaria…
Ok. Here’s the thing, though. Germany, as it is today didn’t exist until the 90s. The 1990s. Until then the 99.999999% of German history is trying to figure out the goddamned map. There was no unified “Germany” until 1871, and even then the borders didn’t mesh with what they are today. The area that we refer to as “Germany” historically was about 100,000,000 little Kingdoms/Grand Duchies/Duchies/Electorates/Principalities/city-states/what-have-yous tangled together by the Holy Roman Empire, until Napoleon kicked the Holy Roman Empire’s ass in 1805, leading to Francis II to dissolve the Empire in 1806 then it was the German Confederation with the same amount of Kingdoms/Grand Duchies/Duchies/Electorates/Principalities/city-states/what-have-yous … Jesus, just look at the maps. I mean, look at  Baden-Württemberg in the 18th century alone! 
I honestly don’t know how actual Germans sort this out. It’s easier to just be like “OK, we’re just going to start at 1871 and go forward, OK? Let’s just call everything that came before Germany and move on.”
Still, if you’re from Stuttgart and you show up in Bavaria to file a complaint, you’d probably get laughed at by a bunch of mustachioed dudes who’ve been drinking since 9 AM.  
But really, that is my only complaint. Read The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy. If you pre-order it, you can get a bonus ebook epilogue to Gentleman’s Guide!  So...go do that. 
RECOMMENDED FOR: Everyone, women especially.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Assholes, men’s right’s activists.
TOTALLY UNBIASED FANGIRL RATING: 5,000,000,000,000,000/5
RELEASE DATE: October 2, 2018
AMOUNT OF TIME IT TOOK ME TO WRITE THIS RIDICULOUS REVIEW: 21 days.  Hahaha, no it took me 48 days. Because...fuck...I don’t know.
* (curse you, Lin-Manuel Miranda!)
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unkindnessofone · 7 years
Sleeps  With Butterflies
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He couldn’t breathe as he practically galloped through the empty stsdium. Ashton felt like an idiot for feeling so happy, his feet having not touched the ground for the last five months. He should have known a shit storm was swirling in the distance and waiting until everything was going well to slide in and pour on him. His hair was bouncing as he was madly searching through his phone, finding Simone’s number. The call went straight to voice mail. With his shoulder and great force, he pushed open the door and let the humid Sao Paulo morning air smack his face. It wasn’t until he was standing still between two tour buses that Ashton realized he was panting.
He called her again, but it just went to her voicemail. It brought on his worst fear. She was pissed and ignoring his calls, purposefully pressing decline whenever his name appeared on her phone. He knew she was busy and it would figure that right now they would be as far away as they could be from one another. He was in Brazil and she was back in London, working diligently on orders.
Furrowing his forehead into waves, he earned his hands to stop shaking and started to furiously type out a text message to his girlfriend, the woman who had become the love of his life almost instantly. He didn’t even know what to say, but he hoped his thumbs would come up with something beyond, “Call me ASAP. I LOVE YOU. 🐲” Luckily as he was deleting his emoji choice, his screen changed and Simone’s father’s number flashed before him. Terrified, Ashton felt a sharp lump stab at the middle of his throat. His anxiety was rising to an all time high and he had to choose between crying while ripping his hair out or taking a deep breath and handling the situation.
“Arthur, I can explain…” He didn’t even know what time it was in London, he just launched right into his monologue  - the one running through his head for Simone.
“Oh, it’s not him. It’s me.” Sounding posh as ever, Simone jumped in. She heard Ashton sigh a sigh that sounded like it weighed more than he did. “My phone is on one percent so I just borrowed my dad’s to call you back. Is everything okay?” They usually texted until one of them asked for a call or Skype date. Simone worried that he must have been having a terrible day.
“I just…” He inhaled deeply and tried to keep his emotions under control. She didn’t sound upset, but Ashton had found himself trapped in a game like this before. A girl would act cool as an autumn breeze and then wait til he was relaxed to break into a complete freak out, trying to massacre his soul with the most verbal insults in under five minutes. “There’s a girl all over YouTube saying we slept together and have been. She does have pictures out with me, but they’re from like this three months before we dated. I swear to God, Sim. Nothing happened.” Ashton clenched his eyes shut and prayed mentally that she would listen to him. He didn’t know what would be worse the sound of her crying or her possibly not believing him. “I wanted you to hear it from me first.”
“I’ve already seen the video. It woke me up. Stella texted it to me.” Her baby sister was a perpetual gossip which usually amused Ashton when they were all together for a meal or drink. “And it was tweeted at me a million times.” She informed him with a heavy sigh. Ashton swore he could hear her disappointment like bass notes pounding through the phone.
“Are you okay?” It seemed like a dumb question, but he didn’t know what else to say. He cared too much. His relationship with Simone meant more than any of the ones in the past. He wasn’t sure now if he had actually been loved in return by a partner before her. “I swear I would never do that to you. I slept with her a couple times but it as all before I met you.”
“I’m fine. I mostly just can’t believe you ever dated someone who thinks they can pull off a turtleneck with breasts that large.” Ashton was completely confused by her response. He leaned into the bus behind him and rubbed between his eyebrows, pinching at the skin. “To each their own, but it looks as if she is smuggling an airplane neck pillow under there. She doesn’t have very good friends if they let her record herself like that.” It wasn’t that Simone was shallow, she had just been a student of fashion her entire life. She took it as seriously as her father did a polo game. “How are you? I can’t believe someone would be so classless to air all of that about another person.” Now she sounded upset, hurt that someone out there had treated her favorite person so carelessly, like they were a joke. “Obviously, you trusted her enough to he intimate and then she just - ” Simone stopped herself once she realized she hadn’t let him answer.
Ashton didn’t want to admit it to her, but he hadn’t been in a great place when they met. He was angry and didn’t care about too many people outside his immediate family and the band. Girls were just warm bodies and he changed them with every tour date or every few hours, days, or weekends. Most of the women he slept with during that phase, he barely recalled the names of. He wasn’t proud of the person he let himself be, but he credited the London business woman for shaking him out of his reckless loop and forcing him to be the person he wanted to be. Simone loved him too much for him to be a terror to himself or anyone in his path. She had high expectations and he loved meeting them. Ashton loved that she thought he was an incredible human. It was like winning the approval of an actual angel.
“I was so worried you would hate me. I thought you wouldn’t believe me and you’d want to break up.” Now that he knew she wasn’t livid and had taken a more understanding approach, Ashton could begin to think about how to handle the actual situation.
“Don’t be silly.” Lightly, she let out a laugh like sweet ice cream truck music. “Ashton, I trust you. This only works as well as it does because we trust each other.” Ashton’s anxiety had taken him on such a wild ride in the last ten minutes. He had gone through every feeling since Skye, his assistant, showed him the video to talking to his girlfriend now. “I know you wouldn’t do that me. I know you love me.” She kept talking only because she didn’t know that he was crying on his side of the phone. He was right. He had never been loved back before. Not like this, not without conditions or without selfishness.
Sniffling, Ashton took his arm and ran it across his eyes with force. It shouldn’t have been him crying, he thought as he tried to pull himself together.
“I can’t wait to get home to you.” He didn’t have his own place in London, but wherever she was he considered home. Ashton was positive that he would follow Simone if she walked across the planet. “I really want you right now.” She was right. He did feel hurt but Ashton hadn’t realized until he knew that Simone wasn’t crushed either. He needed to hear that she was okay first.
“You have me.” Leaning into the phone, she promised even though she knew what he really meant.
Ashton rested his phone against his phone, sighing with his eyes shut. He could faintly hear her breath and he tried to focus on the calming sound. He was still sniffling.
“I’m so glad we’re okay. I thought you might end things.” Well, he was scared would. Ashton didn’t know he would react in a reverse situation, but he hoped he would have the same grace she did.
“You have me.” Sweetly, Simone repeated to remind him. This time she heard him choke out a sniffle crystal clear.
“I love you, Sim.”
“I’ll see you soon, love. Message me tonight.” She knew she would be sleeping by the time he walked off stage, but she loved waking up to his good nights and falling asleep with his good mornings.
Ashton hung up after she did, waiting a moment before actually taking the warm screen from the side of his face. He had felt so close to losing her, but now minutes later felt closer to Simone than ever before. His heart was still pounding as it had when he was trying to call her at first, but Ashton felt entirely different than he had before. He couldn’t control what people said about him off and online, but he was still in charge of his own life and he was not going to wait any longer to make Simone, Simone Irwin.
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robultrash · 7 years
Reasons why the RFA is Shitty
I’m seeing a lot of discourse about the characters (Particularly Jumin and Seven) and I would just like to clarify that all of them have done pretty shitty things, or are capable of doing shitty things (Examples being Bad Endings) and here are the reasons why
Yoosung: First of all. his Rika dealios. Grieving is difficult, and honestly I never understood the reason for anger about Yoosung mentioning Rika so much, but as the new route shows, while they are not related by blood, they do share one thing in common, and that is they do not get the help they need, to the POINT that it HURTS their friends and loved ones. Yoosung’s refusal to get help damages his relationship with everyone, but especially Seven. I don’t think they are all that good of friends to begin with, but his inability to accept Rika’s death, is unhealthy, kind of annoying, and most of all, damaging, to both himself and his loved ones. Also, he’s reckless. Like, to the point of toxicity. 3/5 of his bad endings are him either dying or getting hurt because of his lack of patience, and that is at the expense of his life, your life, and Seven’s life. Usually for selfish reasons. Another thing, he’s still a child. Like, in the after ending he does grow up, but that’s only after his sacrifice for you. In every other child he shows no signs of growing up. And that’s if he isn’t working for Jumin (And even then he’s still pretty child like) And also, like, he switches personalities on you fast if he thinks you like someone else. Yandere Yoosung is basically canon and that is unhealthy AF
Zen: Let’s not talk about the narcissism, because that’s explained away and honestly we could all afford to love ourselves like that. Let’s talk about his terrible habits, like riding motorcycles in places where he could easily die. Or maybe his referral to his sexual drive as the beast, and that he openly admits that some men, including himself if enticed enough, can’t control themselves. In one of his bad ends, he literally peruses and hunts an uninterested MC. Like, he does not take no for an answer, and he admits that. And his rude relations with Jumin? Uncalled for and unacceptable. I get that Jumin reminds him what he should have been, but the game says Jumin was never once mean to Zen when he wasn’t mean first. Zen just refuses to get along with people he doesn’t like. What if he didn’t like Mc’s brother or dad or sister or friends, how would he treat them? Also, the whole princess and prince thing edges of sexist, but I would be willing to let that slide because of how often he sometimes flips the trope on it’s head, but he literally treats MC like a maiden in distress in almost all the routes. He’s much better about it in the V route but in the canon one’s he is possessive and demanding of MC even when he’s not the love interest (and probably especially because he is not the love interest) And this is a problem with all Zen and Yoosung, but they are super anti-gay. Like, the smallest of suggestions make them defensive. Again, this one is nit picky, but at least Jumin simply refuses such accusations.
Jaehee: (I’m not gonna lie, this one took me a while) She burns herself out on work so much that while it’s unhealthy for her, it would strain a relationship to the point where it wouldn’t work out at all. Her aggression towards MC in Zen’s route is pretty uncalled for. It even happens if you aren’t pursuing his route. She knows she can’t control Zen so she immediately jumps to going after you to try and intimidate you, which is pretty messed up. (If you have more problematic Jaehee things please share! I need my wife exploited.)
Jumin: He’s possessive, and while there is an explanation for it, there’s no excuse. He practically pushes MC to her death in his bad routes, and while you can argue and say that that wouldn’t really happen because it was the bad route, you have to take into consideration good route doesn’t mean most accurate. I probably would freak out and try and flee from the crazy almost stranger who was keeping me in his house under the word of ‘protection’. And also being kinky is okay, but his tying up of MC and picking out her clothes and the complete domination of one is not. That can be what both partners want, but the game doesn’t exactly make it clear that this is just some sort of sex thing. It could be MC’s whole new life, with no real say because of fear of Jumin. And why might MC fear Jumin? Maybe because he presses her into walls when he gets frustrated, and then half asses an apology, again under the ruse of protection. Even his good ending seems pretty damn controlling. 
Seven: Seven is a fucking douchebag, in all routes, in every stage of his route, and people who deny that are probably being hypocrites. If you can give Seven an excuse for all the shit he does, then literally everyone else gets one too. How is seven a douchebag? Ignoring the big things to start, he’s a dick to his so called friends. He tricks Yoosung constantly. And while they aren’t Sam Pepper level pranks, they are unjustly cruel, and constant, and he only does it to Yoosung because Yoosung is the only one openly intimidated by Seven. (Seven would probably go after Zen as well, since Zen has expressed his fear of Seven, but Seven knows if he did, he’d have Jaehee up his ass). He like, practically tortures Vanderwood, who literally babysits him when he’s being super fun Seven, and then has to try and control him when he goes serious Saeyoung. And, hes fucking mean as shit to MC when he does to the apartment. I totally understand the whole, have to push her away deal. But jesus he takes it too far sometimes. Remember when I said good end isn’t realistic end? Realistically, if someone did that to someone, they would turn the other direction immediately and nope out of there. He is a prick, and we’re expected to forgive him because... we want his good ending. 
V: He’s a liar, first and foremost. Even if it’s for the ‘protection’ of everyone, in the end it was because he didn’t want to out Rika to the others. The people who would have been most vulnerable to her. He did a pretty shitty job at protecting them too, because they die, like, a lot. I think Jaehee and Jumin are the only one’s who don’t have bad endings were they aren’t killed or controlled by Mint Eye. V knows the whole time she plans to drag them down and he just...does nothing? Like, at all. He doesn’t really ever try and stop Rika until Seven’s route. And he never really warns the RFA except through cryptic pleas, that like, make you want to just find out more. And also, he does not hide that he is in contact with Seven more than he is with the other members, which, must make everyone feel pretty fucking awful, especially Jumin, who is supposed to be V’s best friend, and V never really gives Jumin a break with that. And he’s just super self destructive. Like, if you are not a perfect goddess, he’s probably either going to lie to you, or become obsessed with you, or leave you to go right back to Rika. 
Saeran: Thought I was just gonna do to the RFA? YOU FOOL. Saeran I feel, legitimately has an excuse for his behavior, so I excuse a lot of it, He’s cruel and torturous and doesn’t give a damn about the innocent if they get in his way, but he’s literally under the mind control of drugs, and feels he relies on them. One of the only things I don’t think is excusable is his involving MC in all of this. Of course, without that there would be no game, but it’s one of the one things he pretty much had control over. Rika wanted to distract the RFA so she could get her files in the canon routes, and in V route MC is used to try and get secrets from the RFA. Literally, all of that could have been done without an outsider. They have plenty of followers that would have worked, who would have willingly lied for Rika and the cause without question. Like, this is less a fault in him and more a fault in the whole plan, it was just shitty to involve an outsider in the first place. 
Rika: I am actually not going to type one out for her because I know her actions speak mountains to all the bad shit she has done. One thing I would like to bring to attention though is that, she literally does to Saeran what her parents did to her, and while that’s common amongst the abused, my love for her won’t even erase that. 
I know probably no one read through all this, but I wanted to add this here: They are all bad people. It’s what makes them so human. One of the worst things about dating sims is the characters are near flawless, or their flaws make them more endearing such as fear of rejection. Dream Daddy is a big victim of that, one of the exceptions being Joseph. But it’s so important to recognize and accept these flaws. Because none of them are as extreme as I make them. If there was an option to just be friends with the RFA, that would resolve almost all of the flaws I mentioned above. They all have something bad inside them, but when they are at their best, what makes them so great shines through. Somethings are bad, Zen and Jumin’s bad endings being one, but that isn’t who the character is. That is who they are when they get pushed over the edge. Rika, is an extreme example of that. So stop this nonsense about pointing out flaws in other characters, because those flaws don’t make up the character, and they don’t mean shit in the end.
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