#my roommate’s puppy shat in my room
sirpainbagel · 3 years
I’m never getting a fucking walking animal that can roam around my house
Either a fish or a clean cat fuck puppies
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doberbutts · 4 years
As I'm curled up on my floor in the bathroom unable to move thanks to a disability flare, I must say I'm impressed with my puppies. I brought Fae with me because she sleeps in my arms and I knew she'd shit if I left her in the bedroom- she shat in the bathtub where I put her and then insisted on cuddling and comforting me as I moaned in pain. Sushi was left for a few hours longer than expected in her crate during a time she desperately needs to potty and held it for me until I could call for one of my roommates to go potty her, and has been screaming for me since I ran out of my bedroom in desperate need of the toilet and cold floor.
Logically I know it's because she saw me disappear while in severe distress and also because she had to potty, but part of me wants it to be because she's starting to pick up, like Fae has, that something's wrong.
I can hear Creed pacing in my room, agitated just the same. The dogs might not understand the reason why, but they all know something's up this morning.
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