#my main blog doesn't have it yet but i logged into here to make this post and. i have it
cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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anghraine · 6 months
Dealing with images on Dreamwidth
Okay, one more Dreamwidth post!
DW is geared around text posts and currently handles images rather awkwardly. But it does actually have image hosting capabilities, though the space isn't unlimited (I've never come near to maxing it out). I was thinking about that and figured I could make a post over here about how I back up images to Dreamwidth, and then post them using the Rich Text Editor.
I tried to explain what I do as clearly as I could, but the detail might make it sound more complex and difficult than it really is. I'm sorry if so! But here goes:
Step 1: Go to the main page at www.dreamwidth.org. It should look something like this:
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Step 2: Click the red button in the upper-right to log in. Once you do, the main page should look something like this:
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Step 3: If you look below the Dreamwidth logo, you'll see five categories of things you can do. You want the first category, "Create." Click on it and select "Upload Images" from the drop-down list. I've put a blue circle around it in the picture below:
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Step 4: Upload your picture!
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The picture above is the standard "Upload Images" screen. From here, you can click the link to "View all your images" to see everything you've uploaded, and I think "manage your images" lets you adjust titles and descriptions of the images and such. But what you want is the "Browse" button. It'll take you to your computer files and you can upload the picture or pictures you want.
Let's suppose I want to upload two pictures from Baldur's Gate 3:
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Okay. So after I click "Browse", find the right folder on my computer, and use CTRL+click to select both of these pictures (you can also upload pictures one-by-one if you wish), the space below the "Browse" button will show the pictures you've uploaded. It should look something like this:
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There they are! You can give the pictures names in the "Title" boxes, but if you want the file names saved, make sure you click the "Save descriptions" button below the pictures (circled in blue below):
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At this point (much faster than it sounds like), you've uploaded the pictures to your account where you can look at every picture or file you've ever uploaded to Dreamwidth. That's cool, but they're not actually in a post yet.
Step 5: Make a new post.
In a new tab, open Dreamwidth (www.dreamwidth.org) again. It's important that this is in a different tab and you don't navigate away from the one your pictures are showing on.
You should see the "Post" button in the upper right of the main page, below your username. I've circled it in blue here:
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Click on "Post."
That'll take you to the Create Post page where you actually put things on your blog.
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I'm currently trying out the beta version of this page that's going to get applied pretty soon, so the style looks a little different here than in standard Dreamwidth. I figured I'd use the beta version because a) it's what people will see in the future, and b) we're going to use the old Rich Text Editor that is the same in both styles.
The Rich Text Editor has a blue rectangle around it and a blue arrow pointing at it in the picture above.
Let's narrow in on the Rich Text Editor. Like in any post, you can just start typing into the Rich Text Editor, if you want words at all. So here I typed a little explanation for the BG3 pictures and put the cursor where I want the pictures to show up.
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You can see that there's a bar of options above what I've typed, with buttons that let you bold, italicize, underline, etc. We want a button further on—the square button with a yellow background that looks like a tiny landscape of mountains and sunshine. I've put a blue circle around it on the screenshot below:
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Step 6: Add your pictures!
Clicking on the little landscape button will open a box where you can paste the URL of any image you want to put in your Dreamwidth post. The image doesn't have to be hosted on Dreamwidth—you could paste a link to a picture on Tumblr or whatever—but it'll be more stable if it is, so that's what we're doing.
It looks like this:
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Since we already uploaded our pictures to Dreamwidth in the earlier steps, we just need the URLs for the pictures. There's a pretty easy way to see what it is.
Step 7: Copy-paste the URL.
Click back to the tab with your newly uploaded pictures. There will be a code at the bottom of each one. In our case, it looks like this:
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It might look a bit intimidating if you're not used to code, but you can ignore the most of it. You just want that little part that begins with https and ends with .jpg.
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Copy the URL (I've put a blue box around it above) and click back to the Create Post tab. The "Image Properties" box from Step 6 should still be up.
Paste the URL into the top box that says "URL." I've surrounded the correct box with a red rectangle in this picture:
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Hit the "OK" button at the bottom and:
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You'll see tiny boxes around the frame. Those will go away if you click anywhere other than the picture; they're for adjusting the size.
Step 8: Adjust the picture if you want
You know how Tumblr automatically stretches/shrinks pictures to make them fit? Dreamwidth just leaves them the way they are, so if your original picture is very big, it will look very big, and if it's small, it will look small. But you can adjust the picture yourself.
Maybe my picture of Shadowheart seems really big compared to the text and I want it smaller. I'll click on the tiny box in the upper-left corner of the picture (that one simply because it's the most convenient) and drag it inwards until the picture is the size I want.
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And there she is!
BTW: No matter what size you make a picture look in your post, once it is posted, you can always right-click with your mouse and say "open image in new tab" to see it in its real size.
Here's a real post I made with a picture of Shadowheart I'd slightly shrunk in the Dreamwidth editor:
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But if I right-click on the image and tell it to open in another tab, you can see that the saved picture is actually full-size:
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So feel free to adjust your picture in the post however you want; it won't change the version you originally uploaded to Dreamwidth.
I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but that's how I get images uploaded to Dreamwidth and then embedded in Dreamwidth posts!
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laurensxox · 2 years
Hello! Just an Announcement! 💙
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Also pinned in my sideblogs (@allensimpsforcorpse | @geosallen)
Good day/evening, everyone!
Just an Announcement concerning my activity in this account and future writings and art under the cut!
It's your choice if you wish to know why I've been inactive regarding my content, what I plan to do next, and my new account or not, this is for people who were curious why I haven't written or drawn the content I promised ^^
REASON why I have been inactive with posting content
To be honest, there really isn't any important or big reason why I have stopped posting or completing my promised tasks (stories, arts...), the clearest reason I can think of is I got overwhelmed with everything. A burn out, really.
I had those continuous days and months of being very motivated to write requests and update my own fanfics, it was a very good timeline for me. My confidence was off the roof and I was very inspired and motivated to post everything I think of and been requested.
Eventually, at some point, I started feeling like I couldn't write anymore. I've been doing it for days straight and I suddenly had a huge writer's block that wouldn't go away for so long. Not to mention, I keep getting sick and having personal issues. All that added up together wasn't good for my mental health.
Recently, I thought I can go back to writing (The Birthday Event in my Corpse blog) but turns out, I was not. Thankfully, there wasn't much requests that came in from it, that was the very first time I was happy I was ignored 😂
Tldr; The reason I stopped posting is because I got overwhelmed by non-existent expectations from followers and I had a sever burn out which caused me to dtop writing for a long time.
What do I PLAN to do next?
This account doesn't really feel comfortable to me anymore. Nothing specifically happened to it but the sight of this account and my constantly reminds me of my burn out stage and honestly, I couldn't stand it much.
It does have its good memories, I met a lot of amazing people through this account and they made logging into this account a lot more comfortable but as of now, I really couldn't do it much longer.
So as of now, my main plan to create a new account! And write stories and drawing for myself first until I'm more comfortable before accepting requests again. The new account is already made which leads to the last point of this post.
My new account is @allens-underground-lair (couldn't tag it for some reason) and if you want to follow me there or not is up to you, I wouldn't be upset if you don't because I understand that I'm not really a active creator and I don't really follow creators who are not active either.
It's not complete yet! The navigation isn't done yet and I haven't really posted anything yet but I'll soon start shitposting in it so if you wanna see me just be a total menace and simping 24/7, you'll see it there soon 😂😂
So that's all I wanna say! That new account will have a lot of fandoms in it as I don't plan to make new side blogs anymore, it'll all be there... mashed together... in one mixing pot of a blog 😂
I'm not sure if I will delete this blog (and the sideblogs) or just keep it as an Archived for the content already posted here but for now, I'll keep it up for archiving reasons and for the event I signed up in using this account, or rather my sideblog.
See you or not see you there, I hope you have a great month of May and thank you for being here! 💙💙
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quietcaveat · 9 months
Disclaimers and whatnot.
Hi there, this is a venting and complaining discourse blog I made specifically to talk about issues related to sexuality or sex dysphoria since it kind of started stressing me out to see it on my main blog whenever I'd log on just to see something light-hearted for a laugh.
Bad-faith anons get ignored, should they crop up. I'm here to share experiences and open a dialogue or discussion because ultimately I care about finding the best possible solutions and answers for people and I only have the energy to spare for other people who also care about pursuing solutions and knowledge.
This is mostly a context post in case something isn't clear or got forgotten about.
About me & my history (as it relates to sex dysphoria):
[TLDR, I'm a 20-something adult with a history of sex dysphoria since early childhood that transitioned as a minor. As an adult I'm now medically detransitioning about 10 years later for health reasons and because my transition was unsuccessful, but have not yet decided if I will socially detransition or not.]
I'm a 20-something that has had persistent and unabated symptoms of sex dysphoria since early childhood, around 7 years old or so, which is as far back as I can remember anything at all. I was diagnosed with what was then called Gender Identity Disorder and later medically transitioned as a minor -- the very week I turned 15 was when I began HRT which I was approved for prior to turning 15. I was offered surgery while under 18 but refused several times to get doctors and parents alike to stop offering it to me, and I refused it because something felt off about doing it as a kid and so quickly after only just starting hormones. I waited and got the surgery done later as an adult and to this day am still happy that I got it done even though my results are not as great as I'd like them to be.
Now in my 20s I have discontinued medical transition due to health reasons and because my transition was unsuccessful in making me pass as an adult member of the opposite sex. My dysphoria is not as bad as it used to be before I transitioned but it is still quite bad and will never get any better in the future. Currently I'm still deciding whether to continue being social transitioned and weighing my options. The only label I definitively call myself is sex dysphoric and transitioned/post-transition since those are the only objective and unchanging truths of my situation.
I'm very familiar with the ins and outs of what it's like inside an adolescent transition clinic as an underage patient, and I'm very familiar with the details of transitioning from what hormones do to what a trans youth support group is like to how a name-change on different documents gets conducted to how insurance will refuse to cover transition surgeries unless they're labelled as medically necessary in the paperwork. My experiences are based mostly in pre-2020 USA so they may not apply to the European transition scene for example. I also like to read and follow studies and scientific findings about sex dysphoria, and I like to stay updated with current WPATH SoC and transition care procedures and models.
If anyone is ever curious about my experiences with anything I've witnessed or gone through, I'm happy to tell the stories either in a post, ask, or DM. It doesn't even have to be for or against any argument, we don't even have to agree on anything or even bring up debates at all, it can just be if you want to hear about what someone like me has been through.
Bullet list of general opinions:
Minors cannot consent, especially not to something as permanent, potentially harmful, and severe as a medical transition.
Sex dysphoria is a real condition that develops in utero and is permanent. This stems from studies and scientific evidence for which there are much better blogs than mine to find and read about, such as myragewillendworlds or gillygeewhiz.
Genders other than male and female do not exist. Intersex conditions are not new or other genders, they are disordered developmental conditions. See above recommendations for studies and scientific evidences about this.
Sex cannot be changed (as elated as I would be if such a change were possible.)
As far as I know, transition is the only way to alleviate symptoms of sex dysphoria. There is no cure and no way to get rid of it.
Transition might be the only treatment but it is not guaranteed to be effective. Until transition can have you magically grow natural, functioning organs of the opposite sex, it will never be a 100% cure and will not be effective for everybody.
Pronouns = sex (or perceived sex should it differ from sex.) They are identifiers of observations, not requests and outfits to don on a whim.
Neopronouns are harmful and ableist to sex dysphoric people (also called transphobia though I fear that word has lost its edge with its current overuse) by belittling and mocking a very serious and observable condition, equating it to 'pretending' to be something that isn't real.
Sex dysphoria is a very rare condition that affects less than 1% of the population. The majority of people claiming trans labels today are non-dysphorics that are either misdiagnosed or self-diagnosed (which is usually measurable by when and how symptoms appeared; sex dysphorics have a consistent, completely or near-completely lifelong history of symptoms.)
Affirmation care models are harmful to both sex dysphorics and non-dysphorics as it destroys spaces and resources for sex dysphorics by letting in people who do not need them and it misdiagnoses and mistreats said people with no need for dysphoric resources. Careful gatekeeping to make sure as little misdiagnoses occur as possible is important and beneficial to all parties.
Since humans can only be male or female, this also means human sexuality can either be solely same-sex attracted, solely opposite-sex attracted, both opposite- and same-sex attracted, or perhaps lack sexual attraction altogether -- homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, and asexual respectively. No other sexuality is possible.
Sex dysphoria's recognition as a condition is vital. Without it, transition care would be impossible to access for all but the wealthiest who can afford to pay for it out of pocket, since insurances don't cover cosmetic procedures.
That's all I can really think of at the moment.
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Salem wants to start another Great War
So, I was working on this on my other blog, a few, delays happened. And then I got logged out of it, so I couldn't get this Theory out then
Now I have literally a Day Until volume 8 comes out wich could very well result in this Theory ending up being disproven, so I guess I'll just try this out now, Ahem.
As you've read above, I believe Salems plan is another Great War.
For starters? Well it starts with a Different theory, that being that Salem was behind the first Great War.
Back in world of Remnant, were told how it was an Incident in Mantle that caused it to pass a 'Strange and Unexpected' Decree that basically caused them to go Full dictatorship, And when hearing about that we get this shot of A bunch of Grimm Eyes...
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And of course were told how Nobody knew who fired the First shot that led to the war to begin with, all of which REEKS of an Outside force manipulating things.
And Of Course for more proof that the War was secretly between Oz and Salem, there's the Videos literal Thumbnail on YouTube.
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Now that we got that out of the Way, there's the Main idea, that the Events of the show have all been Salem's second attempt.
My main Evidence is the Fall of Beacon, and all the Goals and Results of it. One result was making the world think that the Kingdom's were at the Brink of war as well as Frame Atlas for attacking Vale, thus creating huge tensions between the Kingdoms that, as we're told, actually was Edging Remnant closer to another War. It also resulted in James becoming increasingly Authoritarian in how he Ran Atlas. Similar to Mantle years ago, and if the Protagonists never went to Atlas, he would have likely declared Martial law once Either Robyn or Jac were elected to Avoid them stopping his plan. Another goal was of course Wrecking Vale and Killing Ozpin, taking him out of the Game long enough for Salem to initiate her plan(We know that Oz coming back so soon was A huge thing they didn't expect).
And on the James bit? From what we here in Volume 6, Salem planned and is counting on James Paranoia clouding his Judgemant and she wants to Avoid him getting Vacuo for help. Wich Confirms that she both Wants James to continue going dictator and avoid him managing to Soothe relations with the other Kingdoms, and that Vacuo is a Particular threat to Salem. And by the end of Volume 7 James has also made it clear he's willing to screw over the rest of the world for Atlas sake.
That last aspect could be for a few reasons, it could be that Vacuo is the only kingdom Salem hasn't been able to wreck to some degree yet(As she was atleast able to have Mistrals huntsman killed) or it could be because Oz was able to win the War with the Sword of Destruction in Vacuo(That Salem directly mentions in Volume 6)
It could Even explain why Salem is actually hunting The relics, she wants to Use them the same way Oz is Implied to have used them in the War to help him win it, wich the Volume 8 trailer certainly lends credence too, As she wants to actually ask the Relic of Knowledge a Question, implying she doesn't 'Just' want to bring all the Relics together as per the Fan theory of her wanting to Summon the Gods is.
So overall, with Salems plan, the tensions between the Kingdoms would have been very high and Atlas would be more or less a Dictatorship, and Unlike last time, Oz wouldn't be in a Major position of power and wouldn't be able to get assistance with the Relics, and the Kingdoms beside Atlas would already be slightly Wrecked so there wouldn't have a Major chance of Victory against the Far stronger Atlas
I may be horrible at explaining myself and is also partially dependant on the idea @luimnigh Had that I agree with of James joining Salem(Notice how she Gives James an actual Choice to surrender, when her other plans very clearly involved destroying the Academies to weaken the Kingdoms) But hey, atleast wanted to get it out there before its too late.
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raniamich · 4 years
For everyone that is not interested scroll past this but for any mutual (or not) that is I would really appreciate it if you read this post of commonly asked questions.
Why a personal main blog?
I made tumblr a while ago. And when I say I while I mean when I was 15 and I'm 20 now. That means I already had this blog. Why not making a new account or replacing my main? Mainly because I already had a decent amount of followers that liked my stupidly random posts and because the struggle of logging in and out made most of my ask.fm rp blogs inactive and I didn't want this happening here.
Do you still use your other rp blogs?
Yes and no. I am still there if you message me and I try to reblog a few things to keep everything active but most of my attention is focused on the threads I have in my multimuse. I already have plenty of threads there and sometimes (more like always) I'm struggling to keep up so I can't be jumping between accounts especially when i have a rather lower muse for my other two blogs.
Why SO many muses?
Well, because I have so many muses and I love working on new characters or experiencing new fandoms. I always wanted to write so many characters here and on ask but I never knew how until the idea of a multimuse popped up so I took the leap of faith
Are all the muses on your multimuse active?
Most of them. I have over 50 muses and sometimes it is difficult to keep every single one of them active. But that doesn't mean I stopped writing them or that they'll be removed. I don't really wish to remove muses mainly because I can't know if or should I say when my muse will return because I'm almost certain it will.
Why no bios for the OCs?
As I already mentioned 500 times now what I loved but at the same time hated doing on ask.fm rp was writing character bios. It was cool having to sit down and write but it was exhausting and took too much time. And as a journalist I have little time to spare in this. Most of my cannon characters have bios anyone could revise by the magical method of Google searching them but not the OCs. That doesn't mean I don't have bios ready for them though or that I am not willing to write one. So if there's one or more of my characters that you are curious about please come to my inbox and I shall send you everything you need to know.
Do you write nsfw?
Again, I do and I don't. I don't have a thing against nsfw but I prefer doing something else instead of this. I have a thing for angst. My characters probably hate me for hurting them both physically and emotionally as many times as I do but I guess I can live with that? Well, some things come out more naturally than others and such plots are easier for me to write. That DOESN'T mean I won't do nsfw. I'm just not a natural at it. So it's harder for me to write it and enjoy it.
What about trigger warnings?
Trust me guys, I have some myself so I'm trying to tag as many as I can but sometimes I fail. They will be present in every writing blog. For example I have a character called Hemorrhage. The blood tw will be present in every single one of his threads since blood is literally his ability. So sometimes I just forget to tag it especially if it's not much or if it is a character like Rhys I just mentioned. So beware that some of the tw might not be mentioned especially if not present enough in the thread.
What about icons?
I prefer using icons over gifs but gifs remind me of ask.fm so I can do both depending on what the other writer prefers. I do make icons since some of the face claims I use aren't widely popular yet it is quite exhausting so most of my icons are not my own. I mainly use icons my dear friend @sabrinasrpiconhelp (her blog's amazing, check her out) made for me or others I found online that were free for use. I do claim in my bio and in tags that something isn't mine especially when it comes to gifs but like before it's difficult to do it all the time so don't assume something is my own unless I claim otherwise
I do not use discord for personal reasons. Yet I am more than willing to share my social media if I know you well enough and I'm willing to use tumblr messages as well! As a matter of fact I already do for some plots that me and the other writer didn't want to put into threads. I know discord is a big part of this but as I just mentioned, I'm not going back to it or at least not yet mainly because I don't feel like it. Yet as mentioned above, I'm right here for you.
If you actually made it this far, wow thank you fellow mutual / person. I hope this answers most of your questions! If you can deal with me and my speed of replying and other multiple flaws you can always hit me up for a plot!
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Sick Kids
ihatemyguts: Hey, who's about today? brainpain: 👀 brainpain: 👃 brainpain: 👅 ihatemyguts: Uncanny brainpain: I know ihatemyguts: Artistic endeavors keeping you busy? brainpain: [a selfie of her dramatic 🌈 makeup aesthetic] ihatemyguts: Okay but I'm gonna need a tutorial ihatemyguts: I never even mastered lipstick brainpain: I'll hook you up brainpain: check your private msgs ihatemyguts: 👍🙏 ihatemyguts: if my face is gonna be 🌚 from now on, it should really look pretty ihatemyguts: #juststeroidthings brainpain: it's a good face brainpain: + if I can rock a half shaved head with my brainpain: 👀 brainpain: 👃 brainpain: 👅 brainpain: not a time to still be alive brainpain: LMAO ihatemyguts: no doubt you rocked it so well everyone thought it was a choice brainpain: you gotta act like you're starting a 🌚 worshipping cult brainpain: I'll do a tutorial for that brainpain: full face of silver ihatemyguts: I can get down with that ihatemyguts: 🙌🌊🩸🐺🙌 ihatemyguts: am here on a bit of a recruitment mission, actually brainpain: my housemates & I are all synced 🩸 wise so you'd be doing me a favour, newbie brainpain: living battle royale over here brainpain: not trying to recruit you to fight to the death by my side though, we're good brainpain: what's the job? ihatemyguts: That sounds delightful, man ihatemyguts: also lowkey how has that never happened, not even with my ma ihatemyguts: clearly just that cold and standoffish she's like nah ihatemyguts: maybe I should wait 'til Zach is here too 'cos it was kinda his idea but if I give cred now, we're all good and I can take the blame if it's a big nope brainpain: you're still a 👶 not even gonna be synced with yourself yet brainpain: hold up I'll drag him by his curls brainpain: out there having a life like a real boy 😤 ihatemyguts: 😂 ihatemyguts: he'll get tricked into going to a weird Funland island and get turned into a donkey for his crimes, it's okay brainpain: sounds lit brainpain: [inandout has entered the chat] inandout: 🤥 ihatemyguts: How's your conscience? ihatemyguts: 🦗🦗🦗 inandout: 💎 clear ihatemyguts: 🤨 suspect inandout: you're not my wine mum inandout: or vodka aunt ihatemyguts: How rude ihatemyguts: Put some respect on your cult leader inandout: 🙇🙏 inandout: no food offerings ihatemyguts: safe bet gotspoons: 👋 I'm here! gotspoons: having a great day today, actually got energy, whaaaa?! 😲🤭 inandout: quick! float the idea while she's on cloud 9 gotspoons: You make me sound like an ogre, Zach 😜 gotspoons: what's going on? brainpain: Princess ogre ihatemyguts: Fiona ihatemyguts: v chic ihatemyguts: anyway, as we're all 👍 besides battle royale 🩸 ihatemyguts: we was thinking, and talking 'bout, a potential meetup ihatemyguts: thought we'd float it, see what y'all 💭 brainpain: I've got a 🍳 I'm 👍 + in ihatemyguts: which princess is that? one with crazy long hair, I 👀 it ihatemyguts: it could be cool, yeah? and why not, we'd have to make sure everyone who wants to can obvs or what's the point but apart from that brainpain: Princess me, unless the bleach makes it all fall out 😬 brainpain: [a very her style location] 📌🌎 inandout: we're not doing it there gotspoons: This is the problem, guys 😩 gotspoons: it would be really awesome but there is SO much planning you'd have to do to make it safe for everyone gotspoons: and picking a place for everyone that meets all the requirements inandout: we're willing to do all that inandout: planning + safety stuff ihatemyguts: totally ihatemyguts: like we could even go to a park or somewhere totally neutral ihatemyguts: or see if we can find some council-owned hall or something, 'cos places like that HAVE to be accessible ihatemyguts: I don't mind calling around and I bet Rich knows lots, and you will think of ALL the ways to keep EVERYONE safe and happy, right Rosie? brainpain: where I used to have support group would actually work brainpain: [a decent location that's like a community centre of something] ihatemyguts: 🙌 that looks legit ihatemyguts: if we explain what we're tryna do, bet they won't even charge us brainpain: I've got a hook up as ⭐ pupil brainpain: had my pick of those circle of chairs tigerbalm: 🙀🙀🙀🙀 tigerbalm: are we REALLY going to be able to meet up in person?! inandout: possibly gotspoons: How are we going to do this, IF we can gotspoons: you have to think about food and drink and seating and how we'd cover that, even if they did give us the venue for free inandout: I'm great with funds, it's assumed and expected gotspoons: but is that fair? gotspoons: I know some of us have none or very little inandout: I won't charge any of you a fee to come through the doors inandout: not that Jewish gotspoons: Oh, Zach! ihatemyguts: 🤑 is an accessibility issue, this should be a service, it should exist for free ihatemyguts: but it doesn't ihatemyguts: so if we can do this for ourselves, and offer it for free, for as little expense as possible ihatemyguts: maybe people will pull their finger out and consider actually doing their job ihatemyguts: you can write about it on your blog, get the word out brainpain: I'll fund-raise on stream, I've got your backs, nerds ihatemyguts: Right? High🖐 ihatemyguts: it's for US, so all of us that can, will put money into it ihatemyguts: no pressure on the ones that can't, fuck that, if anyone is gonna be that arsehole then they aren't welcome, yeah? tigerbalm: my parents have a people carrier, cos of course they do, but my creepy uncle won't be invited if any of y'all need rides ihatemyguts: 🤩🤩🤩 gotspoons: I'm going to do some research gotspoons: A LOT of research gotspoons: I would hate for anything to happen to anyone is this group tigerbalm: Where's Rich? tigerbalm: he would love to be on the front lines about this gotspoons: He would be a big help gotspoons: I feel like he had a uni thing today, an open day or something like that??? gotspoons: ugh my memory letting me down AS PER tigerbalm: how exciting! tigerbalm: I'll have to quiz him when he shows gotspoons: I know! gotspoons: He always checks in though, he'll be here later brainpain: Moving on, for those of us too brain damaged for further education gotspoons: 😔 brainpain: just me & my raging hormones LOL brainpain: he'll be such a happy nerd gotspoons: that's for sure gotspoons: he'll probably know so many answers to our questions already enablednotdisabled: I thought this group existed in lieu of an in-person group? brainpain: sup dude, it does enablednotdisabled: wouldn't it be potentially exclusionary to take this offline then? enablednotdisabled: realistically, there will be some of us who simply cannot get there inandout: if you wanna get there, we'll make it happen inandout: facetime you in if nothing else works enablednotdisabled: I'm not talking for myself, just others who might not feel confident enough to inandout: collective "you" inandout: we've all got phones enablednotdisabled: I just feel like this group can be quite us vs. them at times enablednotdisabled: hard to get heard if you aren't in the core group tigerbalm: There isn't a core group tigerbalm: everyone is listened to & respected enablednotdisabled: With all due respect, you are a part of it enablednotdisabled: so, of course, you feel that way enablednotdisabled: I'm not suggesting you can't break off and do your own thing, but the main chat of this forum that is meant to be for all of us, isn't the place for it brainpain: this group is what you make it, man brainpain: + the main chat brainpain: hit us with a topic you wanna talk about whenever inandout: it was brought up here so everyone knows they're invited ihatemyguts: I'm new and everyone I've found has been really receptive and welcoming to whatever I've had to say ihatemyguts: it sucks that you've not had that experience yourself but no one here is excluding you right now, least of all Robyn enablednotdisabled: There's a definite atmosphere here, whether you want to acknowledge it or not enablednotdisabled: the guidelines of what is expected and what is acceptable need to be clearer enablednotdisabled: and the moderators, who I've never actually witnessed in chat, should be quicker to put people on the right track, making this more therapeutic/beneficial to all, ban people if necessary brainpain: If you 🔎 hard enough for an atmosphere, it's findable brainpain: when you come in with a definite attitude of your own that's not gonna help none gotspoons: There's no need for us to have an argument, this is supposed to be a positive space gotspoons: if you have a complaint you'd like to make @enablednotdisabled, there is a link to contact the mods directly gotspoons: but I'd be happy to talk to you, privately if you'd prefer, and then we can take it from there? enablednotdisabled: I can handle my own complaints, thanks enablednotdisabled: and this isn't a positive space for me, and plenty other people I've talked to gotspoons: It hurts me to hear that, I'm really sorry and steps do need to be taken to attempt to rectify that then handicapable: I agree, it's cliquey here, unless you're one of the 'popular kids' or core group as @enablednotdisabled said, nobody cares handicapable: @ihatemyguts may be new but her finding a way in doesn't mean the walls aren't there for the rest of us handicapable: I barely log in any more gotspoons: Then let's tackle this culture head on gotspoons: do either of you have suggestions on how we could go about that, so I'm not dominating the conversation handicapable: You're not the one who dominates the conversation ihatemyguts: Don't think we need to @ people with specific comments like that ihatemyguts: not speaking for myself brainpain: @ me, baby brainpain: At least then I could defend myself brainpain: 🤐 though ihatemyguts: You've got the floor, like tigerbalm: It's not a safe space for Lauren if she can't say what she wants to say at risk of being accused of dominating the chat tigerbalm: either you want people to feel listened to or you don't ihatemyguts: And yeah, I am new, but I know Lauren, or anyone else in the chat rn, would not shoot you down if you wanted to change topic enablednotdisabled: It's about who always seems to be dictating the topic enablednotdisabled: we could change it, but then you feel like an interloper ihatemyguts: The conversation has to start somewhere, by someone ihatemyguts: @handicapable admitted to barely logging in now, of course the people who are here more will talk more, that's a given, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to contribute or come in to the convo ihatemyguts: there's no way to avoid that...prompts? mods only? that's not natural, or practical inandout: bible quotes inandout: 1 Peter 5:10 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Why are we quoting scripture? inandout: Lauren's been here for like 2 years but suddenly she's a disruptive force tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Well that's bullshit tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: unless you're a incel on her stream brainpain: you know me brainpain: how was your open day, babe? brainpain: (unless I'm a domineering b word for asking) tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Decent, despite the fact no one was expecting the wheelchair kid tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: despite the fact I called ahead tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you can dominate me all you want but let me catch up with this apparent shitstorm I've missed brainpain: what a sexy proposition brainpain: I knew I'd missed you enablednotdisabled: Right, that's that conversation over then enablednotdisabled: 👌 brainpain: come on, man ihatemyguts: This is ridiculous ihatemyguts: people have formed meaningful relationships here, they're not allowed to acknowledge that in case someone feels left out, if you've talked to plenty of other people about the state of this forum, then clearly you've formed deeper bonds with them too ihatemyguts: no one here begrudges you that ihatemyguts: you're bound to get on with certain people over others, there's nothing discriminatory about that, it's to be expected tigerbalm: Like, are we supposed to take everything to PMs now? Cos I wanna hear about Rich's open day too but maybe he doesn't wanna type everything out to separate people lots of separate times ihatemyguts: ^You're just being rude, for the sake of it ihatemyguts: Rosie has offered to privately message about this, or you can put it all in an email to the mods tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Okay tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: literally, 'we' (I'll include myself in this core group that you see, even if I don't see that as a valid argument), have done nothing to you two, have never excluded either of you tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: everyone here is welcoming, and was welcoming you before your complaints tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: which aren't rooted in anything I can see as factual tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: what's the actual issue here? you're just hitting out buzzwords handicapable: and you're just jumping to the defence of the girl you like flirting with brainpain: Whoa now! That's not all I am in here tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: See, that's multiple times you've personally made jabs at Lauren tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: none of us have made any comments on you two personally tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it seems like you're more cliquey than us if you can't see her as a valued member of the group brainpain: I'm not gonna leave cos you want on Rich for being hot af brainpain: shoutout to the new girl for letting that be known though tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Thank you, m'dear (somewhere between 🎩 and 🧢) tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but thanks for implying I'm so desperate that I'd flirt with a girl I'd never seen before @handicapable tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: things are not quite that bad, I can assure you inandout: we're all that desperate, where have we heard that before? inandout: @normal people tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and we don't deserve any relationships that are deeper than strictly clinical and professional inandout: which is why we don't need to talk to any one person more than once tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Shout your grievances into the void and move on tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but don't be too depressing about it ihatemyguts: This group doesn't work, you're right, just not for the reasons you're giving ihatemyguts: but we're all welcome to do what we must about making it work, even if I disagree with yours personally ihatemyguts: at least we try, and if you view us as an 'us' then you also view yourself as a group ihatemyguts: which isn't how I see it, or it's meant to be ihatemyguts: it's a group as a whole inandout: I wanted to organise a meet up to make things cooler inandout: sometimes you don't wanna shout shit into the void inandout: you wanna look someone in the eye when you're talking to them inandout: so you don't have to feel othered ihatemyguts: ^^ inandout: I get to do things with all my other friends inandout: that's what you guys are tigerbalm: I don't have other friends, I'm not saying it to make anyone 😿 tigerbalm: but I don't tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you've got us tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and we don't need to apologize for being friends tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and I think meeting up is a really good idea, I'll be happy to help brainpain: It's okay, Robyn, none of us have done anything wrong gotspoons: I've contacted the moderators, I'll let you know when I get a response brainpain: I did too ✌️ gotspoons: Good, everyone who feels they need to, should gotspoons: I'm glad your open-day went well, Rich brainpain: me too, hot 🤓 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Thanks, guys tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's got potential tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: once I get there and make some changes, of course tigerbalm: 🙌 You go, Rich! 🧡 tigerbalm: not to use a banned word but you do inspire me for when I get to uni myself tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: We'll allow it, well I will because I love a compliment tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and you'll be great when you do tigerbalm: I hope my parents won't make me stay local tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: If you don't want to, you shouldn't tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: don't let anything stop you tigerbalm: I'll try not to tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: when you need them, I can throw all the resources and info at you tigerbalm: thanks brainpain: Can we talk about me now cos that's the ONLY reason I'm here LMAO ihatemyguts: @Zach, gonna come at her with your famous line? inandout: you've built it up now ihatemyguts: 🙄 ugh, baby inandout: are we at pet names? cool ihatemyguts: 😂 shut up ihatemyguts: but don't, all voices welcome inandout: yours is dragon ball z inandout: for today ihatemyguts: romantic ihatemyguts: we're meant to be talking about Lauren inandout: Lauren's is low blow ihatemyguts: got a real talent, kid ihatemyguts: may as well do the entire group inandout: wouldn't wanna exclude anyone ihatemyguts: 😏 ihatemyguts: no one will be devastated about that, trust me inandout: damn inandout: or dang ihatemyguts: is that another group rule I've shamelessly flouted? 😬 brainpain: It's a me rule, dragon ball brainpain: you're safe in this safe space ihatemyguts: I'll do my best to mind my Ps & Qs ihatemyguts: 🤞 brainpain: you're fine I'm just aware of my 👵 status brainpain: don't wanna spook the 👶s ihatemyguts: thoughtful ihatemyguts: 👌 brainpain: who knew? brainpain: check me out, not being a huge b word ihatemyguts: honestly, disappointing brainpain: @ my exes ihatemyguts: they aren't here, are they ihatemyguts: @fibro not included brainpain: only my next brainpain: when I snag Rich for myself brainpain: gotta tame that playboy ihatemyguts: so many 💔💔💔 @ this news brainpain: long as you're not brainpain: he's too old for you, babe tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I feel used tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and yes, much too 👴 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: be your ex-husband at this rate brainpain: I'm not gonna say, you can use me too, in front of the children brainpain: but mutual love & respect, boy tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Shocking behaviour, Mrs brainpain: asking for discipline would also be over the line, sir gotspoons: OKAY gotspoons: putting a stop to this convo thank you gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: 😳 gotspoons: have I covered it? brainpain: g dang it, Rich! Have I not been involved in enough controversy for one day? brainpain: turn away from me, you sexy beast gotspoons: you're very cute but terrible gotspoons: ogre princess putting her foot down on this one tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'll take the blame tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: rushing to your defense again brainpain: 😍 ihatemyguts: sure wish someone would run in and change the topic ihatemyguts: it's like mum and dad have had too much 🍷 inandout: could be a prime time for you to ask Robbie on your first date, dbz ihatemyguts: Oh yeah! 💡 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 💘 is in the air tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: careful, Zach ihatemyguts: Robyn, have you decided what you're gonna wear to your party yet? tigerbalm: I have a moodboard tigerbalm: would you like to see it? ihatemyguts: Um, absolutely tigerbalm: [that moodboard] ihatemyguts: So, you'd be up for going into town to try-on stuff, right? ihatemyguts: I can think of some shops with some unique stuff tigerbalm: 😺!!! ihatemyguts: Is that a yes 😺 or a I'm calling the police 😺? tigerbalm: I'd love to tigerbalm: my parents might call the police though ihatemyguts: that's alright, I've given you a fake name tigerbalm: they would think so tigerbalm: but their name choices are pretty boring ihatemyguts: at least you've got a super cute name ihatemyguts: if it'd make them feel better though, I'll come meet them or whatever tigerbalm: oh thanks x2 tigerbalm: that's so nice ihatemyguts: 'course ihatemyguts: who doesn't like shopping? inandout: I don't inandout: that much ihatemyguts: that'll be why you didn't ask yourself inandout: I would never third wheel your date inandout: very uncool ihatemyguts: well, if anyone does wanna come along, that'd be alright brainpain: happy to invite myself into any convo or situation ihatemyguts: 🤓 or 😎 ihatemyguts: you could do our makeup ihatemyguts: because not joking about the trainwreck it is when I do ihatemyguts: 🤡 not the theme brainpain: to avoid a spooky 🤡 resurge brainpain: I shall gotspoons: 😱😱😱😱 gotspoons: I hate clowns tigerbalm: SAME! my brothers love the 🤡🎈 films but I can't watch 🙀 gotspoons: Nooooooo gotspoons: even the advert was scary tigerbalm: ever since I went to the 🎪🐘🤡🍿 as a child I'm like traumatised inandout: once I got dragged along when my parents went shopping for a sofa and there was a clown there inandout: as a mascot or something gotspoons: 😭 THAT'S HORRIFYING inandout: fever dreams are made of this inandout: he kept trying to ruffle my hair ihatemyguts: definitely a bad omen ihatemyguts: that clown was there to warn you about...something inandout: I'm not classing it as a date though, you still get to go first inandout: the warning'll simply be my impending death ihatemyguts: your first bad omen ihatemyguts: n'awh inandout: cute, right? ihatemyguts: 🐭 🐹 🐰 inandout: 🐿🦔 ihatemyguts: 🦄 brainpain: sure, I'll chaperone you two brainpain: ✨ ihatemyguts: result brainpain: arms length, Zachary gotspoons: I feel like I'm on a dating site brainpain: there'd be way more fibros if we were gotspoons: I've never even attempted to date gotspoons: such a minefield brainpain: if you change your mind, I'll get my sister to list off which ones to avoid brainpain: she feeds me a new spooky story weekly gotspoons: see, it's bad enough without the added 'who I am' drama brainpain: get yourself a love interest with more 🚑💊💉 drama than you, that's what I do brainpain: you're the chill one by comparison gotspoons: Rich is still here lurking, you know 🤭 brainpain: he knows what we have is deep + meaningful tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👌 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: very serious brainpain: I'm coaching Rosie for her first venture into dating not discussing our lengthy but ultimately doomed love affair tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: doomed because 💀💀 or doomed because someone will join the group with ultimate 🚑💊💉 drama and better hair? brainpain: @Zach with that death clock bs brainpain: doomed cos you'll meet a hot 🤓 at uni brainpain: nobody has better hair than either of us tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Okay then, I won't be pre-offended and call you out on that nonsense brainpain: that isn't a promise that you'll still have time for me brainpain: we're all waiting, Rich tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: depends how hot and how nerdy this university girl is, of course brainpain: Profess your undying love for me or get out, honestly tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 😏 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Rosie will shut it down again brainpain: 😉 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: She's a hater 💔 gotspoons: 😱 Rich! gotspoons: I'm very supportive brainpain: LOL gotspoons: 😥 gotspoons: I love love brainpain: you're a 🧸 brainpain: I love you, Rosemary brainpain: feel free to ignore my husband gotspoons: I ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 you all too gotspoons: even if you test my nerves sometimes, it's only in a good way 😅 tigerbalm: So, if one of us had  a 'normal' crush, would that be doomed? tigerbalm: asking for a friend 😳 gotspoons: OF COURSE NOT gotspoons: you're beautiful gotspoons: spill spill! tigerbalm: there isn't much to say except his running route goes past my house tigerbalm: we've 👋 at each other but no conversation has happened gotspoons: HOW EXCITING ihatemyguts: You've gotta talk to him ihatemyguts: such a meet-cute tigerbalm: I have no idea what I would say ihatemyguts: a hello to go with the 👋 to start ihatemyguts: you'll know what to do tigerbalm: a 'how are you?' to follow but what then? ihatemyguts: something like...you run this route often? ihatemyguts: do you run anywhere else? ihatemyguts: are you single? tigerbalm: 🐱 gotspoons: Oh! gotspoons: What does he look like? gotspoons: Can you take a picture? gotspoons: No, perhaps not gotspoons: I've got snap happy now 😅 tigerbalm: I'll try if I can do it without anyone else noticing tigerbalm: it's okay if my cat judges me, but no humans tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I cannot officially endorse this behaviour, ladies tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but I'm sure he would be very flattered and consider himself lucky, Robyn tigerbalm: Oh Rich, you're such a big softie 😸 brainpain: LMAO brainpain: forget the boy, I want pics of your cat tigerbalm: [cat pics] 🧡 inandout: that is a potentially judgemental looking moggy, be careful tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: girl or boy? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: he or she is very distinguished looking, I feel tigerbalm: me & my mum were feeling outnumbered, so she got adopted too tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: fight the power ✊ tigerbalm: I have rabbits too but they would probably encourage me, they're pretty naughty tigerbalm: for fairness tigerbalm: [rabbit pics] brainpain: I had 🐭🐭 as a kid brainpain: LOVED those critters brainpain: [picture of kiddo Lauren with mice on her shoulders] ihatemyguts: I wish I was allowed pets with fur ihatemyguts: scales only inandout: I'm not either inandout: my brother's allergic ihatemyguts: maybe we have the same brother ihatemyguts: slightly concerned now inandout: yours isn't as old as mine, we know that inandout: unless some kind of freaky time loop or something has happened ihatemyguts: I'm you in a parallel universe inandout: before I agree to co-sign, do you have any pets with scales? ihatemyguts: 🐉 🐲 inandout: cool inandout: I accept our parallel lives ihatemyguts: [pics of your dragons 'cos probably have one each lowkey] inandout: if I'm the only petless one in the "core" I will have to hang my head ihatemyguts: you can have joint custody ihatemyguts: don't worry inandout: pet names + a pet share? What a day ihatemyguts: v generous inandout: I'm making that discovery ihatemyguts: 🎁🔍 inandout: I wish we were doing a treasure hunt inandout: that's gonna be date 4 ihatemyguts: challenge accepted ihatemyguts: you gotta find the treasure outside then rehide it though ihatemyguts: more fun inandout: rules accepted ihatemyguts: if you happen to find 💰💎🏺🧭🔮🧿📿 then we'll bury it inandout: what happens if I find a 🗝? ihatemyguts: #5 finding the 🚪 or 🔓 it fits brainpain: Wait, how many dates am I chaperoning you 👶🤓s for? brainpain: gotta find a ✏️ to write this down ihatemyguts: technically, Zach wants to wait 'til he's not 🔞 ihatemyguts: unless you're well dedicated to protect and serve ihatemyguts: also plenty of time to lose that 📄 inandout: don't listen to her, the first date is Robbie's party and we've all 📅 ihatemyguts: might be a double date ihatemyguts: 💃🏃 tigerbalm: I'm so happy that you're both coming! tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Of course they're not missing the event of the season tigerbalm: 😸😺 tigerbalm: I better plan some more tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It is your forte tigerbalm: compliments are yours tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and hair tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: humility, less so brainpain: I can vouch for that being why we're soulmates tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's the way you can dominate a conversation tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: like a girl with something to say brainpain: 😏 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Tease brainpain: you'd be into it if I were tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: now she speaks 🤫 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: If Rosie isn't sleeping she'll be 😖 brainpain: I know how to behave, you're the bad influence here tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Gladly take that reputation tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: much worse could be said about me brainpain: catch that 2nd wave of drama when the haters log back in tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I hope so brainpain: only cos you missed the kick off tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Not taking politics for nothing brainpain: they can 🔫 @ me if it means you get your 🎓 babe tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: long as I can 🛡 without being fibro about it brainpain: you did tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👍 gotspoons: I was thinking gotspoons: maybe if we make more boards for specific topics, that would be better? gotspoons: then the chat could be just that, a casual chat that isn't necessarily disability related but us related, as people gotspoons: what do you guys think? brainpain: I'm in inandout: me too inandout: I was gonna make a similar suggestion but it was my last idea that started everything earlier gotspoons: It's not your fault, Zach gotspoons: I just need to do some admin, update the site tigerbalm: I can help if you need any gotspoons: Thanks, Robbie
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Brief Interruption
This post will not be tagged, because Tumblr been cancelling my tags lately (not showing up in searches). Going forward, I will only use tags that work for newer original posts (until things change).
That said, allow me to show you what newTumbl looks like:
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I've signed up with them about two weeks ago under the same username that I use here. I've also reversed my header and avatar images (respectively). You won't be able to click on the images on anyone's blog until the apps for Apple and Android are released.
Make sure that when you upload a header image and an avatar, they're cropped ahead of time (or small enough). This platform doesn't have photo editing tools yet.
Description, although useful, should be kept to a minimum. The same applies to your header title.
The "magnifying glass" above allows you to search for content within the blog you're visiting. If you're on your own page at the moment, you can search for your original posts. ((I'll test this method more later.))
The chat bubble on the opposite side allows you to open conversations with blogs that you're visiting.
Next to the avatar, you see the letter "M". This is a blog's intended rating. M stands for "Not Safe..." and you know how that phrase ends. Other ratings for posts and blogs are as follows:
F = Family friendly.
O = Okay in Office settings.
M = (read above please)
X = Explicit
W = WOW! Insane to the extreme. Triple the risqué factor.
When you search for posts, you have to refer to your user settings in order to toggle what types of post you want to see in your searches. For your main blog, ensure that you know what type of content you will share/display. People who search for your blog will see it in search results.
However, if you post something that's expected to have a higher rating than your blog's rating, you will be informed.
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The choice is yours.
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There's an instant messaging feature. If your recipient is not online, it will display in their inbox the next time they log on.
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I have things to attend to in a few, so these last two screenshots are navigation (left) and your dashboard (right). Additional symbols:
Star = Your favourite posts.
Envelope = Messages (includes asks and submissions).
Multiple persons = Followed blogs
Single Person = Toggle navigation to edit any part of your blog/account, or log off.
Home = Takes you straight to your Dashboard.
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giilbertblythes · 5 years
hey love !! we were wondering if we could have some advice on enticing members ?? it doesn't have to be extensive or anything, honestly, whatever comes to mind would be a huge help !! thank you so much !!
*      —-      hey love, fair warning all my advice comes from personal experience of being an admin and reverberating what personally worked for me !!  here are a couple things that have heavily helped me entice people into new rp i’ve created in the past !!
promoting    —    as weird as it is, i love using a promo blog to have rolling promos especially during hours i’m not available on main to really put out my plot and give people who are looking for an rp to sort of get a feel of what your theme/plot is.  i personally only really like posting promos on the main blog of my rps when i’m online and available to focus on answering questions but when i do i love giving a short yet sweet synopsis or even a general sense of the main basis of my rp.  lastly, your tags are super important by no means am i saying to clog certain tags but really popular tags are a good way to go as they are always seemingly moving.  i would use these tags ( with considerations of your rps theme/plot ):  appless rp  /   oc rp  /  new rp  /  college rp  /  university rp  /  secrets rp  /  rp  !!  or any tag that relates to your rps concept.  a random note from me is i tend to focus on my first five (5) tags in a post and make sure to re-check if your post is popping up in the tags after you’ve posted it.
shoutouts    —    i remember when i opened my first rp i researched many effective ways to promote your tumblr rp and one that stuck especially when you’re first opening is getting your rp out there with shoutouts.  i know tons of rph accounts are open to giving out shoutouts or some even have the option of submitting a promo to them.  if you do go this route, be creative with your summary and really let your concept shine and don’t forget to give the fellow blog owners a good hello and thanks because honestly, they deserve it.
activity    —    this is my last note because it’s not as a big thing to me but it definitely effects me when i’m searching for a new rp to join.  you as an admin do not have to be on 24/7 but devote some time everyday to be on your main ( my trick is just being logged in on a different server incase i’m doing something else and nothing is happening on my main ); answer the questions you get and try to help out as much as you can.  i always tried to devote time in the morning if i’m available and in the evening because rpers come from all different timezones.
lastly, have fun as an admin ( believe me i’ve had some bad experiences that i wish i told myself that ) and remember to treat others the way you want to be treated.  if it ever gets overwhelming, take a step back or even open up the field to get some help from others  !!  side note, i absolutely love your concept and hope for the absolute best for your rp !!
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ruggie-bucchis · 2 years
so i know a lot of my followers are probably now all dead accounts; I haven't logged on in nearly 6 years and I made this blog probably close to 10 years ago but got those of you who are still here, I kinda wanna give an update on things.
In the past six years I have :
Worked three different jobs (retail mostly, but general and pet supplies and services
Became a certified R+ dog trainer (my dream job from when I was little! Wasn't all it was cracked up to be lol. Also unlike most R+ trainers I have no problems with P+ methods, I'm just not trained in them so I wont use them as I'm not qualified to do so)
Left retail to become a full time artist (not quite going as well as I hoped but not giving up yet!)
Earned two associates degrees (no bachelor's- reason incoming)
Been diagnosed with ADHD (the main reason I don't have a bachelor's)
Traveled a little bit (Chicago and Washington state, where my brother lives and where I noe want to live someday)
Picked up dungeons and dragons
And honestly a whole mess of other shit
This is just a quick synopsis but the point is that while this is still my personal blog, you'll probably notice a big difference in the content i put out. The last time I logged into tumblr I knew next to nothing about ADHD, and since then I've been diagnosed and learned a lot about myself as a result.
I've also worked in the pet industry for several years and learned just how awful it is to the animals. What you see in pet stores with sick and dead fish in tiny unfiltered cups and diseased hamsters in undersized habitats? That doesn't even scratch the surface of how deep it all runs. The one thing I took away from working in the pet industry is just how much it thrives on underregulation, exploitation of animals, and the intentional spread of misinformation to a generally uninformed consumer base. As a result, I would like to use this blog as a platform to spread info about what goes on behind the scenes and advocate, at least in some small way, for the welfare of these animals. That includes not just the condition of animals I've seen in the stores I've worked in (and it's usually not the store's fault- they come in sick from the vendors more often than not and the stores are the ones forced to deal with it), to some of the misinformation campaigns I've seen (boutique brands rely entirely on marketing, not nutrition science, to convince you that their foods are better than those formulated by board-certified veterinary nutritionists) and more. I'm actually quite tempted to make a separate blog for that but I'm unsure how people may recieved it.
Anyways. That's a me update after 6 years away from tumblr and a little bit of what you can expect to see from me. My ask box is open for anyone with questions.
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lillyblogs · 6 years
[Insinuation 2.7]
(Sorry about posting these out of chronological order; I didn't have a Tumblr blog yet when I first posted this one. Also, consider my liveblogs of 1.1 -> 2.6 lost to the ether.) [Insinuation 2.7] Brian and Alec were good looking guys, in very different ways. Lisa was, on the sliding scale between plain and pretty, more pretty than not. So Taylor admits to checking all of them out and also to finding them all attractive. Undersider harem when? Bug Please don't stick please don't stick I still want her name to be something cool like Myriad, but there's bound to be something of a joke to it. Lisa, though, put one of her arms around my shoulders and gave me a one-armed squeeze of a hug. She was a little older than I was, so she was just tall enough to be at the perfect height to do it. What caught me off guard was how nice the gesture felt. Taylor is attracted to girls theory: Confirmed?????? Actually, I get the impression that Lisa is supposed to be this but it's not quite coming across right and makes it seem like she has a thing for Taylor. We passed a twenty-something artist and his girlfriend, sitting on the sidewalk with paintings propped up around them. The girl waved at Lisa as we walked by, and Lisa waved back. Guessing she's an important character, a cape probably, but not one of the Undersiders. Circus? Spitfire? IDK I know too few names at this point. Alternatively, that was Uber and Leet. If that's the case, Leet was probably the girl and Uber the artist. If Tattletale's really a hacker, it'd make sense for her to be friends with someone named Leet. I supposed they might have a TiVo, though I’d never seen one. TiVo?????? Seriously, though, the Undersiders have a pretty fucking sweet loft. Also, Alec's an artist apparently. Knowing young fiction, this will either be the only thing he talks about ever or he'll never mention it again. ```“I’m jealous,” I admitted, meaning it.
“Dork,” Alec said, “What are you jealous for?”
“I meant it’s cool,” I protested, a touch defensively.
Lisa spoke before Alec could reply, “I think what Alec means is that this is your place now too. This is the team’s space, and you’re a member of the team, now.”How all great friendships start.“Last time he went up against Shadow Stalker, he came back here and bled all over a white couch,” Lisa groused, “nine hundred dollar couch and we had to replace it.”
“Fucking Shadow Stalker,” Alec commiserated.OOOH! Shadow Stalker sounds like they might be a rival villain. (Part of Faultline's group, maybe? Or perhaps the Empire, though the Undersiders don't seem to have major issues with them yet.) Can't wait to see them.Brian came back from the other end of the loft, raising his voice to be heard as he approached, “Rache’s not here, and neither are her dogs. She must be walking them or working. Dammit. I get stressed when she’s out.” He approached the couches and saw Alec sprawled on the one.OK now I'm 99% percent sure Brian and this Rachel girl are a couple, or he wants them to be. Or alternatively, she really is a mass-murderer with a dog fetish and that's why he's worried. Either way, isn't her identity public? If so, _why_ does she walk her own dogs, instead of having the other Undersiders do it for her? Indication of obsession? Possessiveness? Or maybe they have someone who can disguise people; Regent, maybe? Not sure if it would fit with his name, though. Regent, to me, suggests he might be part of some sort of Parahuman lineage (not sure how far back it could possibly go, since didn't Scion only appear in the 80s?) and that his power is _really fucking good_. He's their heavy hitter, the one who packs the most punches. Maybe he's a mini-Superman, complete with the "powers as the plot demands".“We’ll get you one,” he said, like it wasn’t even a concern. It probably wasn’t. “We generally haul in anywhere from ten grand to thirty-five grand for a job. That gets divided four ways… five ways now that you’re on the team.”Sounds like Taylor will be rich very quickly; she'll probably be against spending the money at first but give in after a little. She is the Queen Of Slippery Slopes, after all. In fact, I suspect the Undersiders are aware of that, b/c of Tattletale and are actively baiting her into falling all the way down and becoming a villain. However, they probably won't like the new, unrestricted Taylor Hebert.“I do know everything,” Lisa said, “It’s my power.”Still thinking superpowered hacker, possibly with some sort of tinkery flavor to it, with a probable focus on spying on and tracking people.“What?” I said, interrupting Brian. My heartbeat quickened, though I hadn’t exactly been relaxed to begin with, “You’re omniscient?”
Lisa laughed, “No, no. I do know things though. My power tells me stuff.”
Swallowing hard, hoping I wasn’t drawing attention by doing so, I asked, “Like?” Like why I was joining their team?
Lisa sat forward and put her elbows on her knees, “Like how I knew you were at the library when I sent me the messages. If I felt like it, and if I had the know how, I’m sure I could have figured it out by breaking into the website database and digging through the logs to find the address you connected from, but my power just let me skip that step like that.” She snapped her fingers.Damn it. I was wrong, wasn't I? But honestly that's a _horrifying_ power; she just _knows_ things she shouldn't. Like "everything about everyone ever", apparently. Perhaps it's some sort of weird form of clairvoyance; her power sees everything going on at once, but she can focus it on a specific person/area and it'll relay whatever it finds to her for her to make sense of with her deductive skills. Like having an omnipresent, invisible and intangible drone. Heck, maybe she's lying and she's just a Tinker with a specialty in surveillance and cloaking; would certainly explain how Rachel's able to regularly go outside, seemingly.Not giving him a chance to reply, she turned to me and explained, “My power fills in the gaps in my knowledge. I generally need some info to start from, but I can use details my power feeds me to figure out more stuff, and it all sort of compounds itself, giving me a steady flow of info.”Honestly I'm not entirely sure what she means by this, but it definitely seems like _every single one_ of my guesses as to her power was wrong.Lisa’s smile widened, “I’ll admit I cheated there. Figuring out passwords is pretty easy with my power. I dig through the PHQ’s digital paperwork and enjoy a little reality TV by way of their surveillance cameras when I’m bored. It’s useful because I’m not only getting the dirt from what I see, hear and read, but my power fills in the details on stuff like changes in their routine and the team politics.”At least I was right about her tendency to spy on people. And the PHQ's the _Protectorate_ ENE HQ, right? So essentially where the heroes work, and possibly live. Makes sense that Taylor wouldn't want to join the Wards if it's actually like that; she rather seems to enjoy having _something_ of a normal life and the ability to just go home and get away from this, to just be her father's daughter for a while. (Angsty plot twist: He's actually her stepdad, in addition to being a cape (maybe Armsmaster if he isn't a villain; tinkers seem sufficiently bullshit for that to work, and he was relatively nice to Taylor, if a bit businesslike-- _just like her father_.) and she learns both of these secrets at an inopportune time (perhaps after her first mission with the Undersiders?) and ends up leaving him and her civilian ID behind and moving in with the Undersiders full-time.)she grinned her vulpine smileNo way this isn't a fandom meme. Honestly, this just feels like such a memetic phrase and Wildbow _just keeps using it_. There are other ways to call someone sly and mischevious that don't involve how foxlike their smile is. Still thinking she's going to end up with Taylor, eventually and probably only temporarily. Unless she's also a double-agent. Would explain why she hasn't been the nicest to Taylor (she went out of her way to mess with her...), despite seemingly wanting her to join the team and seemingly caring about her. Grue, Alec and Rachel probably aren't going to double-cross the team, however. They seem like they're actually villains, albeit probably sympathetic ones. I can't wait to hear how despite seeming to only be in it for the money, they all have tragic backstories. Actually, perhaps having a tragic backstory is part of gaining powers; Taylor's got a lot of trauma and the Danny interlude did suggest that things turned from idyllic to tragic rather fast. And logically speaking, it makes sense that the villains would all have a lot of mental trauma; they're the people who society has chewed up and spat right out. Calling it right now that every Undersider is some kind of minority or other oppressed group: Brian: Black, possibly not straight. Possibly a single (adoptive?) parent? He seems close to the other Undersiders, so it doesn't seem like he'd live away from them by choice. If he's got a kid who he's desperately trying to keep away from this, things suddenly make sense. Or maybe a little sister/brother (I'm leaning towards sister), if he's too young to even be adopting children? Either way, he's definitely doing this for someone else's sake. If said person is old enough (i.e. 13+; I don't think the Undersiders would employ such a small child), they'll probably join the Undersiders after a few arcs of melodrama. Or if they're not, they'll do it (complete with the melodrama) after they grow up. Which Wildbow may only do so they can be paired with whichever Undersider doesn't get paired up, since I'm 100% sure they're going to end up a set of three couples, instead of a proper team of five. Bonus points if this hypothetical sister thinks Brian's a hero before learning the considerably more unsavory truth. Alec: He's definitely either gay or bi. There is no way that boy is straight. Also, he's got a French name, which is a pretty good sign he's going to be a Flamboyant Gay, especially if he picked it for himself. Lisa: A woman, also gay (probably). Possibly asexual, maybe? (She's definitely not aromantic, though; there needs to be at least something to use for shipping bait and "will-they-or-won't-they" tension, as Worm is basically YA.) Rachel: Maybe she's transgender? I'm guessing here. Didn't Taylor describe her as unladylike in appearance or something like that? Also possibly a butch lesbian* / gender non-conforming in some other way. *If she's a lesbian, Tattletale isn't one. It's a rule of how these things work. Though in that case, Tattletale wouldn't be a proper token character and would instead exist as a plot device / excuse for exposition and probably only exists to avert the Smurfette principle.They didn’t get a chance to tell me. I heard barking from downstairs. A matter of heartbeats later I was standing, three paces from the couch. Three snarling dogs had me backed against the wall, drool flying from their mouths as their teeth gnashed and snapped for my hands and face.``` Rachel can't control her dogs = confirmed? Or maybe she's a bit more unhinged than I was thinking, or both? I'm currently thinking that she's actually the sweetest and most innocent of the Undersiders, appearances be damned (it also makes her alias of "Bitch" rather ironic), but I could be extremely wrong. Since she works with dogs, she also probably has some skill as a vet, and probably acts as the Undersiders' medic as well.
I'm also starting to think that the Undersiders are using their actual names, and that they really do trust Taylor. Unless they're all lying about their names to each other as well as to Taylor, though they seem too much like fire-forged friends for that.
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