#my gaslight gate keep girlboss
va-draws · 1 month
Oh my sweet boy~
If something has to remain, let it be your kindness
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twistedbloodstain · 10 months
vincent de gramont x reader: you had a speech, you're speechless | the calm before the storm.
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plot: the one where you try to get what you want.
warnings: (plot could be reader girlbossed,gaslighted and gate kept her way to success?), more threats, vincent slowly loses the idgaf war bc he’s down bad, bad transitions bc this was supposed to be one part only :<, ooc!vincent (he liked playing savior in this sorry)
part one
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you sat as you stared in silence.
you were still in the marquis’ estate, still imprisoned but only for a few more days until you make your departure to the tokyo continental with caine.
you were bored and impatient right now.
earlier you decided to make use of the large library the marquis had, a large book about dangerous poisons found in the wild that was supposed to occupy you was abandoned on your lap.
the room was quiet, but you? not so much. pent up rage was scratching to get out of you the longer you spent under his roof.
the threat of the death of your family still loomed over your head like a noose, the marquis was taking every measure to keep you obedient to his requests, thankfully you were still informed on the current plans of evasion once john wick was confirmed to be within the territory of the hotel.
you were informed yesterday that once he was sighted on continental grounds while being stalled by your father, the marquis’ men would storm into the hotel blocking every crevice for exit. the marquis chose to at least have sixty men enter the premises but you couldn’t help but worry with how little it would matter for wick.
you feared for your father’s safety, you preferred to keep him away from john’s grasp afraid that when his trick was uncovered his blood would be the first one to spill on the ground. you wanted to raise concern about this but your voice mattered little to the interests of the table.
you were not in favor of the attack being in the tokyo continental, much more with your family present during it.
as of today, no briefing of further improvements from the plan hasn’t been given to you. it made you antsy and nervous with the current steps provided, you wanted your family safe and sound by the end of this. so you came up with a different approach which you wanted to share with the marquis, once you’re called to his office.
a sound resonates through the room, someone knocks the door you voice out for the person to come in and the door opens. a guard enters the room and tells you the marquis would like to see you. 
you nod and make your way to the door.
once you face the familiar door of the marquis’ office, you hesitantly knock and swallow all your fear and trepidations, shrugging it off in exchange for your strength. you found it difficult to deal with him, not when he always reminded you of murdering your family.
the door’s opened by a pair of guards, revealing the marquis sat on his office chair. you walk inside to the table where he gestures for you to sit down. you accept and plop yourself on the cushioned chair.
you greet him with a false smile plastered on your face.
“i have something to ask you, mademoiselle.” he starts.
“ask away.” you reply leaning back on the chair to relax.
“do you have the faintest idea where john wick might be?” he asks in wonder.
“i’m afraid not.” you hesitantly answer.
“hm..my men say the same. such a disappointment.” he mutters, you ponder if you or his men were the disappointment he was referring to.
“still no word from him?” you question.
“none, not a single trace of him.” he replies in annoyance, “the tokyo continental reports that he has not made his entry yet, you may be coming back later than predicted.”
“perhaps..i may be of help.” you carefully trudge out. he laughs in delight and faces you, staring into your eyes.
“and how would i do that by letting you leave? you know the answer to that.” he chuckles.
“no..of course not. i’m starting to enjoy the lovely company of your estate, it would be horrible to leave so soon.” you scoff at that in hilarity. you did wish could leave his estate right now and you did plan to offer finding john yourself but was quickly extinguished, luckily there’s also plan b.
“i know someone,” you continue, “a tracker, a damn good one at that. if you let me speak to him, surely he would be able to find john wick in less than a day.” you persuade him.
the marquis frowns at that, he remained unconvinced with your idea. clearly, the thought of you running off to betray him was still fresh in his mind after all your steadfast refusal of him a few days earlier were still present.
it would take more than sweet and flowery words to get him to slowly listen to what you have to say, even if it’s very unpleasant for you.
it’s not like you have much of a choice when it comes to him, you either have to endure your stone cold facade or delicately peel your layers down for him.
you need to appear genuine to him, that your interests have finally aligned with his and he can trust you on fragile matters such as the one he is facing right now. he needs to be convinced that like him, you are just as determined to see john wick dead.
you’ll need to trick him with his desires and ideas. manipulate his pride and fears to bend his will to yours just as he did to you.
you’re not the only one who knows how to play, you thought.
he has often weaponized your love for you family to force you to obey him, a sharp weapon he has wielded against you and others, like caine. you don’t want to end up like caine, like a dog that sits and barks according to his master’s command. you cannot afford that especially with your family’s line of work and the marquis’ empty words.
but neither does he know the very sword he held could be used against him, with the right movement and grip it could be used to slit his throat and he wouldn’t see it coming.
“although your offer is welcomed, i have reasons to doubt the skill of this tracker you speak of.” he responds, reclining on his chair.
“i know.” you whisper, “but if his skill is the reason for your doubt, i can only say he’s the most efficient one i know of.”
“tell me, mademoiselle what is his name?” he inquires, digging into your offer.
“i’m not quite sure what his name is but he refers to himself as a “nobody”” you eagerly reply.
“any man who is afraid to reveal himself is a coward,” he retorts.
“well, we never bothered to inspect and investigate his real name out of respect and professionalism, he delivers as expected and requested.” you defend.
“tell me about this mr. nobody’s work.”
“we hired him when he started his early days as a tracker, my…mother and i were abducted by some russian mafia in our home.” you sigh shakily, “my father had hired every available tracker and assassin staying in the continental but they returned empty handed or their head in a box. out of pure desperation, a man offered to find us and return with information.” you continued.
“in less than two days, he returns with the intel and later that very same day, i came home.” you finish.
“and your mother?”
you open your mouth but nothing comes out, the world seems to halt as you recount the events that occurred during that day. you swallow a sob and sigh shakily again before trying to find your words. nothing comes out of your mouth as you fiddle with your hands, when you look up you see the marquis staring at you.
“i..i don’t..i can’t”  you look away from him and stutter, a tear falling down on your cheek.
“i apologize for pressing on, i should’ve known that something frightening like that must still hurt.” he apologizes.
“no..it’s alright. i understand.” you exhale nervously.
“i know that both of us started on the wrong path but rest assured, my loyalty and obesience is tied to you just as my family is. you have no reason to trust me as your advisor or confidant but i promise you, from this day and forward i will give you no reason to distrust me,” you announce, “i want us to be allies, you have proven yourself a better ally and a formidable foe. i want you to succeed, for my family’s sake and yours, let me help you.”
you finish your words, slightly breathless from it. you watch carefully for the marquis’ reaction to your words, for any trust or strife that might develop on his very lovely face.
quite unfortunate you plan on seeing that face dead on the floor.
the marquis stands up from his chair and your blood runs cold, still unsure with what he was going to do with you. he leaves his chair and makes his way towards you, you keep your eyes on him just as his eyes are on you. 
his eyes were empty and uncanny but still carried a certain steel to them, like it carried unbridled violence and anger under that polished and elegant exterior fighting to get out. he stops in front of you, still sitting on the chair and reaches for your hand.
you let him take it curious as to what he was going to do with it, your sense slowly going manic out of fear that he might hurt you because he saw through your farce attempt to sway him.
the jolt of pain never arrives.
instead a delicate gesture is given to you, probably the most delicate thing he’s ever given you.
he kissed your hand.
the back of your hand.
your brain short circuited from that in confusion, was it an odd french tradition or act was happening right now, you never expected the marquis to be a gentleman especially with how rough you had been handled to captivity.
you look up at him, your hand hovering over his lips and a strand of hair falling on his forehead. if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was an eligible prince out of fairytale stories, all princely and honorable. he certainly looks the part, but you know what his nature is like, he has violent impulses and greedy desires the keeps him together.
“i believe you, mademoiselle. i will be willing to accept any offer of your help to improve our current operation.” he promises.
“thank you.” you put on the sweetest smile and probably the only genuine smile you’ve cooked up under his roof. slowly but surely, it can be safe to assume that you’d wormed your way into his head with a sob story and a few tears.
“perhaps, you’d like to discuss more of your suggestions over dinner?” he offers.
and lovestruck? or cuntstruck, you’re not sure, that part surprised you but you’ll welcome it nonetheless, any opportunity to warp his decisions is appreciated.
tears are a woman’s weapon, also what’s between their legs but god knows that you don’t need the latter for that when it comes to him hopefully, you could tease him for that or toy with him but it won’t come to the point you’ll give it to him, your tears were sufficient enough.
“of course.” you beam at his request.
the pieces of his downfall fall into their places.
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you finish tucking the buttons of your coat as you prepare to leave the estate, you were currently shrugging on your trench coat that was graciously returned to you, you had worn it on your arrival here and it had sentimental value to you so..yay.
you fix the sleeves to fit your arm, the weather outside was freezing cold with the current storm raging outside the walls of the marquis’ estate. you search for your gloves and speak of the devil, who was sitting on the couch of the guest room.
“are you sure you wish to join them, mademoiselle?” he inquests in annoyance.
“it’s my father’s territory, he will need me.” you reply.
“i’m quite sure that they will be fine on their own.” he mumbles slowly but still clear enough to hear.
you look back at him as slowly sips the glass of wine perched on his hand. he held and drank it with a certain grace and poise that you’re sure only nobility does. that’s what he was though, he was a marquis. it’s only fitting.
you don’t bother to make a reply for his statements of contention, he had already given his word to you and it was already settled, you are leaving for the tokyo continental. although he doesn’t seem lenient you don���t need to wander far enough to know the reason why.
maybe your little game of manipulating him to his good graces went a tad bit too far, ever since the both of you began to have dinner together ever since that night he insisted to dine with you for the following days, saying something about “business talks”, despite the fact that once the doors closed and the both of you were seated, the talk of work seemed little to none as the days pass by.
you could see through his bluff, if there were another pair of eyes and a brave tongue it would be logical to say that he likes you and that these dinners were an attempt of courtship.
the marquis courting you, very funny.
if you told yourself this would happen a few weeks ago, you might’ve laughed yourself out. yet it’s here, the marquis likes you and he is courting you. you anticipated his allyship, that he might see you as a business companion rather than someone he’d be interested in but you don’t mind. you did achieve his trust and somewhat assisted him in some matters so you don’t mind when he stares at you most of the time even if it feels eerie.
out of caution and to keep him pleased, you tolerated his advances. you accepted the invitations to dinner,lunch, breakfast and every mealtime possible, you gave your most genuine advice when he asked for it and you graciously accepted his gifts, all expensive with the might that money could buy.
and you force a sweet smile every time he enters the room, just to make him think it’s reserved for him and only for him. you charmingly call out his name, just to make his head turn and keep his attention on you. most of all, you chuckle when he hints on keeping you here with him.
when you first heard this you almost lost your composure, almost cracking your exterior but you’ve seen with your wit and his combined every business operation that occurred had gone smoothly for the past weeks, you assumed it’s only practical for him to keep wise people around him so you shrugged it off.
however, it happened several more times. you realize that it meant more than that, he actually fucking likes you. not in a business sense but in a love interest kind of sense, you were in deep trouble because you understood that you had to be more careful than ever but also you had him blind enough to no longer see the betrayal that lingered beneath your skin.
his hints were…frightening to say the least, you had no intention of extending your stay in his estate but his words were unsettling with how he could just act on them with the snap of his fingers.
at first they had been polite, more like an invitation than an intrusive thought that left his mind. he gave out invitations on extending your stay for “business” and when you courteously refused he’d assert on you coming over for specific times of the year where “the weather is the loveliest”. you looked up the dates he’d given out and it revealed to be the worst times and you can’t help but ponder if the marquis actually appreciated these times and it was a personal preference or it was just a coincidence that flights were usually delayed or unavailable during it.
the ones that followed were the hardest to deflect, he’d contend for you to visit specific places like museums or lavish art shows. you’re quite sure that it’s an effort to make you fall in love with the place but you’ve either politely accepted or declined.
the latest statements started with some parts of the estate that you appreciated which seemed harmless at first but then raised some concerns, he mentioned how awful you must miss it when you leave and that he wouldn’t be bothered if you stayed for a few more months.
yes. he said months.
you almost spat out your drink because of that but gladly you easily regained your composure and expressed how you wish you could hide away from the world to spend time in his garden.
all lies of course.
you give out a small smile and finally make your reply, his eyes expectant for your words.
“i agree, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious. does it not?”
“i suppose you are right.” he gives in, his face slowly merging into the cold stature quite unpleasant that you didn’t insist to stay.
“oh, i think i forgot to mention this to you but my sister and i have this matter to take care of..around here. can i expect you to host us?” you suggest to him, you almost see his eyes light up in happiness and the cold stature disappears, a smirk replacing it.
“of course. anything for you, mademoiselle.” he beams.
“lovely.” you smile at him again.
you didn’t have any work to do here with your sister. it was just a lie to keep him happy of course but you found yourself keeping him delighted more than ever. it was becoming pathological, whether it was keeping him satisfied or successfully cooking up a lie on the spot.
you turn your back from him again and walk towards the table stationed beside the mirror. you spot the black briefcase on the table and open it, a click echoes through the room as the case reveals a silenced handgun perched delicately between the satin cushion.
another precaution in case things get even uglier.
“i have something for you.” the marquis calls out, you hear the glass of wine clinking as it’s set on a glass table and his footsteps that get louder while he heads towards you.
this is it.
in a span of a hours or days you’ll be safe.
you’ll never have to worry about your family being slaughtered like pigs ever again.
john wick will give you the solace and vengeance you’re yearning for.
and the marquis will be dead.
he’ll be dead.
he has to.
no more spending your mealtimes with him. no more walks in the garden of his cavernous estate. no more deep talks of analysis about paintings or musical pieces the world offered.
there won’t be vincent, vincent who is looming behind you as you tuck the gun underneath your coat.
he won’t be there anymore. you exhale.
“close your eyes, mademoiselle.” he softly whispers into your ear, you realized how close he was within your proximity with how you could hear his breath, “one last gift before you leave.”
you stop your movement and indulge in him for one last time.
you close your eyes and harden yourself, remembering the things he said to you under captivity, how he easily threatened to murder your father and sister as if it was a simple greeting to you. how he always held power in the room whenever you were there. how it would be a piece of cake for him to kill you within a second if he wanted.
you feel something cold trace your neck, you flinch and reach up to grasp it until you’re stopped with vincent’s palm, which is comparably larger than yours. he softly rubs his fingers into the back of your hand, making smooth circles to soothe you when he noticed your apprehension.
“you have nothing to fear. this is a gift, you will see it when i tell you to open your eyes.” he tuts.
for a moment, you thought he was going to strangle you until you came to your senes and realized it was likely a piece of jewelry. you lower your hand wanting to get rid of the contact your hand made with his. his hand stayed for a few seconds before squeezing it then letting go.
his hands linger behind you, now at your hair tucking it to the side so he could hook the necklace in place. it takes him a several seconds to achieve that, the warmth of his fingers sometimes making contact with your neck every one in a while. everytime it made contact, goosebumps erupted on your arm and a warm flush appearing on your face.
you two have never been this close.
whenever it was dinner, the both of you were at least a few meters away whilst you chatted and ate. when it was for the walks you both kept a respectable distance from each other.
this is is entirely different.
“open your eyes.” he whispers again before turning you to face him.
you open them and glance down at your chest, you see the thin silver chain that was adorned around your neck and a small pendant that rested high. your eyes widen when you realize what the pendant was.
it was his sigil. it was the marquis’ sigil around your neck.
the very same sigil pinned on the blazer of his suit.
not a lot of people can don it.
you look up to him speechless. your brain couldn’t formulate a single coherent thought with what just happened. vincent on the other hand, looks pleased with himself. he seemed to enjoy your state of shock and confusion.
you might’ve belittled what he felt for you. surely, this really means something.  you didn’t expect him to be so bold with his affection, he was leaving his mark before you left, even with the reassurance that you would return.
he wants everyone to now that even if he isn’t in the room and you aren’t within his estate, you were his.
“do you like it? looks familiar no?” he teases, before taking another step closer to you, you wanted to take a step back but because of your shock you failed to do it.
he takes the pendant and toys with it on his hands, a smile forming on his lips as he stares into your eyes and you realized he’s waiting for your answer.
“it’s beautiful.” you squeak.
his smile even widens with your reply, “i’m glad you like it. i have more trinkets shaped like this, i would be happy to show them to you.” he offers.
“yes, that would be certainly interesting.”
he lets go of the pendant and lets his hand linger below your face, he stares at you and you look at him wary of the next thing he might do. your brain is not processing anything right now and the next thing shakes you to your core. vincent hesitantly reaches up to the side of your face to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
your entire body shuts down as he leans even closer and his hand leaves your hair as it travels to your jaw, he redirects your gaze to him.
“i want you to stay safe. do not deviate from the plan no matter how chaotic it gets, if things end up worse than expected you know where the extraction site is, let caine lead. if you see john wick do not go after him. do you understand?” he whispers.
still speechless, with the constant shock going through your body, you failed to make a reply which even solidified another shocking event to stun you even more.
with your lack of reply his other arm reaches behind and grasps your waist and pulls you towards him, flushing your body against his warmth. you gasp stunned with how close the both of you are as your hand flies to his elbow from the sudden movement.
vincent squeezes your waist to soothe you. he’s holding you and it feels so nice. so warm and comfortable, like you’re right where you belong. you can’t help but hesitantly lean into his touch when you notice the anxiousness from your lack of words.
“if you’re suddenly not feeling well, you can always stay here to wait it out.” he offered as his eyes soften when he sees you leaning into him.
the next set of words are what snaps you out of your shock, you’re snapped back to what you’re here for. what you intended to do to him. all his threats and words flow right back into your mind and your fear because him erupts again.
you cannot let this happen.
you can’t enjoy this. you shouldn’t enjoy the touch of the same man who threatened to slaughter your family in front of you and threatened to kill you. the same man who forced you to do things that made you feel pathetic inside. how can he gave you a necklace you become butter in his hands? you can’t give into him, you’ve suffered through days of captivity and attempts of manipulation and left in one piece, you can’t lose right now.
not when you’ve gotten this far. not when you’re so close to winning against him.
you lean back away from him, the sugarcoated answer lingering on your lips to get what you want but to also appease him.
you smile at him as pieces of his downfall slowly starts to come together.
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you’re being dragged.
two men are dragging you somewhere and it the fact that you’re blindfolded only makes shame sink into your gut even deeper. 
the essence of failure is a scent that you are sunk into right now, john wick as expected had managed to evade the sixty men the marquis had provided, the very same sixty men also managed to snuff out a large portion of staff in the tokyo continental.
duty. honor. family.
three things you have lived and would die for no matter the situation. all of these are why you continue to fight the losing game that you didn’t know you were playing at first. so had your father.
your father had sensed the uncanny and lengthy stay you had in france so naturally he assumed that you were held against your will and naturally he sided with john to get you back. you genuinely thought that he had bought the farce the marquis gave, especially with the letter you gave.
but who are you if not fretful? your duty is to your family and no one else’s, not even the high table’s. of course your father would know that the letter was coerced.
behind a large pillar you witnessed the altercation in the tokyo continental go from neutral to worse, for you to witness several acquaintances die under other people’s hands was painful to see only for you to run away in the shadows and red lights in search of the man the marquis specifically prohibited you from finding. you can’t let them die in vain so you move on, you look for john wick.
you scoured every corner of the hotel, hearing gunshots echoing through the halls, grunts of pain, screams of agony and skin slicing under the weight of knives but to no avail. john wick had left, and you felt pathetic once again. how are you going to make this work if the most crucial part wasn’t here?
your father who had refused to comply with the marquis has bled for you and you can’t even do anything to return the gesture.
the first piece that made your stomach ache in dread.
it made you change your priorities.
you decided to just run. run with your family and go somewhere safe, and hope for the best. not much of a plan but when your shoulders are shaking and tears are rolling down your cheeks you can’t exactly make a concrete plan. the only thingy you needed to do right now was find your father and sister, silently praying they made it out alive.
you made your way towards the discreet pier where the hotel’s safest escape route was, only to find no one there but an empty boat and puddles of blood on the ground. you paused, everything overwhelming your senses. you were too late.
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author’s note: vincent back with the one sided affection again!!! i stg it’s so fun writing him when he’s yearning and stuff…contemplating whether i should write the next part in his pov bc it eats up 🔛🔝 anyways feel free to like and reblog or comment! i am also accepting requests :)
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chaoticsoulsword · 5 months
[bg3 heavy spoilers]
Of all the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss characters in this franchise, the very one that irritates me the most is The Emperor/Balduran. Not because he manipulates you (everyone kinda does in this game, whatever), but because of the way he does it.
He needs the player to trust him? Okay, I could forgive him for appearing in my dreams as my idealistic knight in shining armor (as he puts it himself!!), but he KNEW what he was doing when he chose to wear the greek tunic. HE KNEW!
He was really trying to seduce the player and use it in his favor to manipulate them more easily. He keeps pressuring the player to use the tadpoles and become stronger in order to defeat the Absolute, but he legit keeps the most important part: he wants YOU to become a mind flayer, a fact he only reveals waaaay later. Consent anyone?
And then? He keeps pushing the mind flayer agenda into you, and only reveals stuff about his past when the player finds out. When confronted about keeping you in the dark, he simply says "it's not relevant to our alliance". IDK, man, you killed your best friend who also turned out to be a dragon and the most important defender of Baldur's Gate. Maybe you should have told me that before going through all the trials??? So I wouldn't waste precious time?? Plus I wouldn't have to fight a very angry dragon because of YOUR mistakes?????
At some point, he even flirts with you, and since mind flayers are incapable of having feelings, what was he trying to accomplish if not emotionally manipulating the player even further?
Oh, but it doesn't stop there. He legit keeps Orpheus in the astral plane and gets angry if you suggest to do things differently, even when the very githyanki are fighting nail and tooth to free him despite all their Vlaakith drama.
But the last drop? The last drop??? It's when he tells ME that the fault of failing to defeat the Elderbrain is MINE because I'm WEAK lmao. And then, when the player finally decides to follow their instincts and free Orpheus, he gets SO BITTER that he will get IN YOUR WAY when you're just SO CLOSE to the Netherbrain, even when Orpheus is right at my side, proving him wrong.
The fact is he's just a patronizing, arrogant sob who can't admit he's wrong. And it pisses me off so much the way he needs to be the chosen one because "oh, I'm so special and evolved yaddayaddayadda".
You know which mind flayer I met and trusted him day 1? Omeluum. Omeluum is cool af and never lied to me. He apologized for making my tadpole stronger. He tells the player to leave him to die during the prison break (and I went through all the trouble to save him anyways because I do like him a lot). Omeluum is kind and humble. The Emperor could NEVER and I never felt more pleased when I killed him in the final act.
Rest in Raphael's arms, beatch. Won't be missed 0/10
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undobutton · 8 months
I can't do this anymore..
I can't keep these secrets any longer...
they weigh on me..
i know, gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss and whatever. but im a boy, and i have no gates and if i did i wouldn't keep them free range gates i have to reveal my thoughts...
has this been done yet? cause if so i wanna clap for the person who came up with it before me.
but since im writing this under the impression that I'm sharing this au first i gotta ramble.
my spider-sona's hobie variant is a street musician/the prowler. (I'll share them soon) and i have been chewing, chomping, and gnawing on this idea for months now. and i just needed to share.
also!! street musician!hobie x very generous black cat!reader. the black cat is very robin hood-like. they steal from big companies and give to any and everyone. including the local artists. and they have a special spot for that cute guitarist they've been eyeing!
that's all, if anyone wants to write the black cat fic you're more than welcome to!
-button 🌺
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Dracula is a Gaslight Gate-keeping queen on his high horse, who’s so bored he just wants to wreak havoc and make himself a mate
While Lestat is a Mansplaining mansplaining man-whore who has understandable trauma, who wants to just enjoy life and also make himself a mate.
Two vampires who are attractive and also full of themselves.
Pick your poison
Firstly, I am unabashedly plugging my Dracula x IWTV crossover fic here, since that is the exact premise of it.
Secondly, I need a bigger sample size so, if I may propose 2 types of vampires: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss Gaydar vs
Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife Manwhore
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Wesker: I don’t think you’ll be able to girlboss gate keep gaslight yourself out of this one, mrs wong
Coming up! @rebelwithoutacock
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"They will listen to me." Ada said firmly to Wesker. She watched as her associate sighed. The way Wesker shook his head as if she was a petulant child made Ada tense. She could feel her resolve beginning to break by his mannerisms alone.
"I assure you, they will not." Wesker said as a matter of fact. He adjusted his glasses. "These are not your run of the mill type of clients. You're essentially playing with the pros now, Ada."
"And everyone that came before didn't count for something?" Ada retorted. She couldn't help herself. Not when her professionalism was being called into question. "Considering the loops I've had to jump through on your behalf, I expected you of all people to have more faith in me."
"It's not my lack of faith in you that has me hesitant," Wesker said bluntly. He could feel his patience beginning to run thin with his partner. For a brief moment, Wesker checked his watch. He was already running late for another engagement.
"Then tell me your concern." Ada sighed. She crossed her arms, awaiting an answer.
"To put it mildly, I don't think you'll be able to girlboss, gatekeep, and gaslight yourself out of this one, Ms. Wong."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly as I phrased it." Wesker smirked. He gestured with his right hand, interrupting Ada before she could say anything else. "We can continue this little argument of ours later."
"I'm still talking with the clients. With or without you."
"I was afraid you were going to say that." Wesker took off his glasses, revealing his red and yellow eyes. The markers of his true nature: that he himself was a B.O.W. His gaze fell over Ada, watching with amusement while she instinctively took a step away from him.
"Need I remind you of where you stand?" Wesker approached, leaving little to no room in between himself and Ada. He watched as her pulse thudded in her throat. His smile grew while his head tilted with fascination to her body's reaction.
"No." Ada shook her head, turning away from him. She couldn't look him in the eye.
"Then back down and wait until I give the word we strike." Wesker's tone was calm and collected.
Ada felt a shiver go up her spine. In her experience, the more relaxed Wesker was, the more terrifying he became. It was a testament to his power. He could act cool on the surface to hide the fact he was raging inside.
"I'll be seeing you later, Ms. Wong."
Ada didn't say a word while Wesker left. She could feel relief come over her, knowing he was gone for the time being. The clients would have to wait until she could do something about him.
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Cash App: $JayRex1463
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Tumblr I downloaded an image to my phone to use for a thing... it's in my gallery.. I can see it... in my gallery. Why must this app also be gaslighting, gate keeping and girlbossing.
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gummybugg · 11 months
Happy Blorbo Blorbosday, Bug! I have two questions today, answer one or both, whatever feels comfortable <3
1. Imagine your ocs in that awkward situation of having to introduce yourself to the new class. What would they say about themselves?
2. What religious and/or philosophical beliefs does your oc hold?
Happy Blorbo Blorbosday!
I'll answer the Second one, because my brain immediately went to Clementine, my fallen angel character! Probably because his title evokes a certain idea about the kind of person he is/was. You can find an excerpt of him here to kinda get a better idea of his personality.
I suppose Clementine believes/knows the gods exist because he's personally worked with them before, but does he have Faith in them? No, of course not.
Before he betrayed his superiors, he was a goody-two-shoes who pointed out those who were insufficient or slacked off. His role was a guardian angel of sorts, and he went on to protect/guide people through their dreams. Acting like a door-to-door salesman reciting the same stuff he's been told for thousands of years, just some shallow things he found himself believing less and less as he began questioning his purpose.
But that was the extent of his powers: he wasn't allowed to "tamper with mortal affairs," whether good or bad. All he could do was sit and watch while give his monologue.
He couldn't recruit enough angels, his power was dwindling, and he soon realized it was because he wasn't "doing things right." Where his colleagues used their powers to gaslight, gate-keep, and girlboss, Clementine was having none of that. He cared more about his influence/life purpose than numbers. So he amped things up: he started to pull an anti-hero stunt and scare bad people via dreams, which made him feel useful + gained him more subscribers recruits. I.e., if an angel tells you "Hold on, I'll take care of your bully for you," then there's a high chance both you and the bully would start having faith in the gods' powers.
But this was "Bad publicity" and not very "On-brand" for heaven, for those who found out his stunt. Clem became this "problem guy" who didn't fit into the same ideals the others had. He was outcasted and began noticing favoritism among the other angels. You know, stuff that makes your blood Boil in a corporate setting. But the scariest part of all: There is no HR in heaven! DUN DUN DUNN!
So where does that leave Clementine? Booted out of heaven and living out the rest of his days as a mortal. He could redeem himself and everything would be forgotten, but it's very unlikely Clem would want to forgive and forget the same people who went against their own beliefs and thought his ideas stupid.
So he roamed the mortal realms in search of a purpose and helped a few good people along the way. But then he asked himself if it was even worth his time saving people if the people he saved were just as corrupt as the rest. How was he to know who was "good" or "bad" by any standards, or even the standards he fled from? Yes, he was going through quite the mid-life crisis at the ripe age of 2000-something!
"The entire universe is made up of liars and hypocrites. What’s one more?" And so, our fallen angel decided to follow the path of hedonism until our story picks up.
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peacht44 · 1 year
literally screaming for him to wake up and see me and appreciate me for everything I’ve done for us since coming back home to him after the break(up) because he is losing me, I’m getting tired of fighting. And still he is apathetic at best.
Currently in financial ruin for this “man” ama.
Idc if this isn’t want tumblr is for- I literally have lost my entire family due to my decision to come home and try to make it work with him again after what he did to me, they don’t respect me and are keeping their distance. So I have no family of my own blood (just my little fam who adopted me as their own for giving their dad another chance) and exactly 1 friend who lives on the other side of the country. I have no one and nothing currently (other than a sick ass LDR stash necklace dupe on the way 🙌🏻) so forgive my old ass for being a MySpace kid who hated fb and went offline during the tumblr era, I’m just gonna rant here when I need because NOBODY knows me here.
It’s been 8 years since I attempted last, but each and every day lead me further down that path again and my depression sinks deeper and deeper and gets darker and more unholy by the day 😪 I’m too sunny and too bubbly to feel this way god I hate feeling this way. It would be so easy too and then 🤫 all quiet, no more pain physical or metaphysical or even emotional god that would be a dream. I can’t even buy my dad a Father’s Day or birthday gift (both back to back this month) because I threw my whole paycheck on the house we share that he’s refused to pay for (or even work for like physically Have a job for) in almost 2 years.
Where tf did my self respect go?? Why can’t I be the baddie I try to uplift other women to be when they’re down? Why am such a pushover who let’s him get away with murder??
My whole life is falling apart and all I can think is that no one is coming to save me this time. All I have is me and my own back, and even I hate me. I wish so badly I could be someone else, literally ANYONE else, and so I wish even harder for the silence. That eerie quiet to be only pierced by occasional muffled wails that I let out behind my hand clamped over my mouth through gritted teeth with the vent turned as high as it can go where no one can hear me slowly lose every single part of me that made me human, or even just me.
Maybe a nice grippy sock vacation WOULD be just the ticket to getting my mental back on track. At least it would be quieter there, in my head and in my bubble. For now my only comfort are racing nightmare anxious thoughts that play on a loop every minute or every hour of every day, I can’t seem to quieter them or stop a panic attack anymore. I don’t even know how to breathe on my own any more. I am 36 and no better off than living on my own for the first time at 16 again, and all I want to do is d*e, sometimes. Or kill the pathological people pleaser I give all of my energy to being. It’s time to go scorched earth on this Mf but it still won’t make him see me, or love me; or appreciate me for being a GD DISABLED WOMAN HE HAS LET FINANCIALLY SUPPORT HIM FOR 2 YEARS NOW. It’s gaslight gate-keep and hypocrisy 24/7 on my life so maybe it’s time to girlboss my way tf out of it and ghost every living soul I know, pack up my fur babies and flee this hell hole I’ve let my life become again. This Mf couldn’t even bother TO DO A THING for my birthday this year but cry about how he couldn’t afford a gift for me. Not try to earn some cash to even go on a date, just whine about not having the funds and then having the audacity to pass out on me early and let me agonize over every single thing I’ve fucked up in my life lately by diving deep down a cold lane with him again.
Nothing feels real anymore. I don’t even feel like a person. I’m so numb yet so soft and emotional and unstably sad all of the time but all I do is avoid it. Sitting in this pain might kill me, I can’t risk that.
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radroller · 1 year
I have a dumb question apropos of nothing: who is the whitest woman in the Marvel universe? My fiance argues that it's Emma Frost and I can't really dispute it because her mo can be summarized as "gaslight, gate keep, girlboss".
Emma’s got a pretty tight lock on that one i must say, though Moonstone comes pretty close. But just for shits and giggles im throwing Aunt May in the ring.
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Why girlboss and not gatekeep or gaslight
i am a true girlboss
gate keeping is not necessary because i am a suju fan
gaslighting is wrong (i do it but not enough to put it in my username)
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jumpinjordan · 2 years
Hey besties 😚✌🏾
I decided on a name for my Murder at Homecoming girlie. It was a toss up between Desirée and Isla, and I went with Desirée. She’s such a chaotic cutie 🥰 can’t wait to gate-keep, gaslight, and girlboss my way to town hero
Till next time 😘
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"That's exactly it," she nods. "I'm, like, two years old and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Hive politics. Somehow missed you rejected Sword Logic, and I'm sorry for assuming you still follow it. I respect that, though."
She's made her way up onto a nearby pillar. Hunters. They just had to perch.
"But yeah, you're a cool and powerful, a total Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, but just as you have to live up to your own standards and expectations, so must I live up to mine."
Tumblr media
“I assume you are complimenting me, though I have no idea what that means. Girl light, gas keep, gate boss? Is it a Vex construct?”
She shakes her head.
“I will never understand you guardians. Do as you will.”
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also girlie I feel so fucking BAD for you like- �� you should be able to use the fucking INTERNET without having to become a licensed secret fucking agent, and you're not 8??? you are literally SIXTEEN??? this is why websites like Tumblr are so important because gay neurodivergent teenagers need an OUTLET TO 👏BE 👏THEM👏SELVES👏 they can't be isolated from the world because how to you expect them to FUNCTION it in it without any experience IN IT???
✨🏳️‍🌈Gay People Online🏳️‍🌈✨
protecting sheltered, isolated, gay, neurodivergent, teenagers since 2010 probably (i think)
bestie i’m crying tysm 😭😭😭😭 it’s a struggle but we’re getting by and I ADORE TUMBLR IT MAKES MY QUEER NEURODIVERGENT BRAIN SO HAPPY BC PEOPLE LIKE U ARE ON IT <3333 ooof give ur dad negative girlboss points from me we don’t stand for that shit at all
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lotus-sunn · 4 months
I dont think I can gaslight/gate-keep/girlboss my way out of this one fellas
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citrusbrainfiles · 1 year
You are fun to be around :]
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