#my emotional stability depends on two idiots who don’t now how to communicate
yourfavorite-demon · 6 months
Why is everyone threatening @neil-gaiman for a happy ending? Come on guys let the man work, I trust him to make us UGLY CRY a little bit before the REAL happy ending…. (*sits in the floor waiting for S3*)
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zankivich · 4 years
The Assistant: Shawn Mendes x Personal Assistant: A One-shot
a/n: this is just me seeing if I could even still write for this man tbh. I’ve been getting very good at separating my emotions about the pr stunt, and I think that’s because I literally have blocked it from my social media in every way, shape, or form. Honestly when I wrote this I envisioned a black woman because that’s just where I’m at in life, but I never specified so....do with it what you will. K bye. 
WARNINGS: mutual pining, fluff, love.
“Stop it, jackass.”
“No Shawn, seriously. Stop!”
“Stop! We’re going to be late, and if I have to hear Andrew complain one more time about it, I’m kicking your ass, do you hear me?!”
Being the personal assistant to Shawn Mendes is basically the best job in the world. You got to travel all the time. You got to learn more about the music industry than your internship at a record label had ever taught you. And he just happened to be the sweetest, most wholesome person on the planet. Except for when he was getting on your goddamn nerves. This just happened to be his favorite past time.
You’d been his PA for four years and no one knew him better. You knew his coffee order, what size underwear he wore, and the brand of cough medicine he trusted most. You knew what made him scared in life, what one sigh meant from another when it came past his lips, and when he was hungry or tired or emotional. What you hadn’t been prepared for was for Shawn to learn these things about you. And what you should have prepared yourself for was the trouble that this would bring.
Shawn had spent the last twenty minutes playing with some nerf gun that Brian had bought. He thought it would be a wonderful idea to see if he could hit you with it from multiple points around his hotel room. Shawn was usually business all the time, and so you loved any opportunity for him to get to relax and be a twenty-one year old. He had taken advantage of this and was more excited for a nerf battle than the business meeting he needed to be at in forty-five minutes.
“You have goooooot to relax a little bit.” He sighed rolling his eyes and dropping the gun.
He made his way over to you and slid his oversized palms onto your shoulders. Screw him. He was so warm and tall and chiseled. Dumb. So dumb.
“I could relax a lot more if you just let me do my job.” You pouted.
He snorted softly and let his thumb touch your chin.
“Is this you pouting now? You’re gonna try and guilt trip me with a pout?”
“That depends....Is it working?”
He licked his lip and you honestly could have swung on him. There was no need for him to behavior is such a sensual matter. Damn him.
“I’ll get my shoes on.” He hummed in defeat. “Just don’t be sad.”
You smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
He paused for a second, his hands still poised on your shoulders. There’s a moment of silence where it’s just the two of you looking at each other. You up at the mammoth you called a boss, and him down at you with those honey brown eyes. You hated when he looked at you this way, like he might wanna try something, like he might actually care about you the way that you cared about him. All it did was cause you unnecessary hurt, and very vivid daydreams.
See there’s a running joke in the Shawn Mendes team. If you want Shawn to do anything, then you simply just call y/n. The two of you were closer than closer, and he seemed to trust you with his life. Eventually you had become friends. Close friends. And so it suddenly became less “go buy me a juice” and more “can I lay my head in your lap until my migraine passes”. When the road was cold and lonely and he had no one, it was you he cuddled up to. For Shawn it was the convenience of it. You were there and you could provide him with what he needed. But for you? God touching him was like lightning. And you hated every second where it wasn’t real, where it didn’t mean the same thing to him. More than anything you hated the way that you loved it, because it meant being in his orbit.
“Go get your shoes on. Please?” You whispered.
He nodded slowly and pulled away finally giving you a moment to breathe.
The ride to this meeting was a quiet one. You struggled with Shawn’s affectionate touches and the ridiculously soft glances. Every now and again it got to be too much, and you had to preserve yourself if you were going to stay afloat. Working for Shawn was a joy, but that didn’t stop it from hurting sometimes.
The car pulled up to the destination and Shawn went to open his door only to stop when you didn’t follow him.
“Aren’t you coming?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I’m gonna go pick up your suit for your party.”
“Oh...Well you’re still coming to the party right?”
“Of course. I’m on duty, Shawn.”
He frowned. “No you’re not. I invited you as a friend.”
“Yea well Andrew knows better than to let you go to an open party with alcohol without me, so...I’ll be there regardless.”
“Okay well...I’m sorry you have to put up with me for the night.” He mumbled closing the door.
You sighed and let your head fall back against the headrest. Now you were both in a bad mood. Ugh.
New Year’s Eve was testing your patience. Here you were looking good as hell, ass all poised and waiting to be grabbed. What did you get instead? Nothing. Not a look, not a squeeze. You took another sip out of your vodka soda and went to stand up only to figure out that the previous two drinks before it, were a little stronger than you remembered. Shit.
“Woops! I’m sorry!” You gasped knocking into someone behind you.
“Sorry I--Oh, hey.”
You bit you lip and peered up at Shawn. The suit looked even better on him now then it did when he first stepped into it. And then there were his rosey cheeks and the heat of the room getting to his curls by the moment. He was absolutely stunning, and you couldn't believe you were about to enter another year of being practically suffocated by the weight of him.
“Hi.” You murmured reaching one of his arms to stabilize yourself. “How are you doing?”
He shrugged. “I’ve been alright. It’s been kinda hard to have fun though. My best friend’s been MIA.”
You snorted. “Is that so?”
“Yep. She got mad at me earlier, and I’m not really quite sure why. Perhaps you could tell me. I hear men are pretty dumb.”
You let your body weight lean into him, and sighed happily when his hands fell to your waist. Usually you’d do anything to stay away from this kind of contact, but vodka is a hell of a thing.
“It’s fine. I’m over it.” You assured him.
His eyebrows scrunched together at your words. That sort of Canadian pout of his. It was extremely effective.
“See, but I don’t even understand why you do that. Sometimes it’s like you're pissed at me, and then maybe you decide to get over it all without ever telling me what I’ve done in the first place.”
“Look let’s just enjoy the night, huh? It’s New Year’s Eve. All your friends and family are here. Let’s not make it more complicated.”
“Fine. But only if you promise to stop sulking in a corner and come have fun with me.” He mumbled. “I’ve like missed you all day.”
It was moments like that that you just wanted to shake him and yell. How could he not see what he was putting you through? How was it not incredibly obvious how in love you were with him? But you could tell just by the look on his face that he was being as sincere as ever. Shawn was just too kind for his own good, and for yours apparently.
“Yea, okay. Let’s have fun.”
*two hours later*
You are drunk. And the only reason you know how drunk you are is because you’ve lost your ability to measure other people’s drunkness. As far as your ass is concerned, everyone is living their best life and no one is any drunker than one another. Dumb. You should have known Shawn was drunk off his ass the minute he started hugging strangers. But alas, if Andrew’s expectation was that you were meant to keep him out of trouble then...you just might be fired tomorrow.
“You smell amazing.” Shawn whispered in your ear as he threw himself onto your back, arms wrapping tightly around you. “Where have you been all my life?”
You giggled. “I’ve been here, kiddo. You know, controlling your day to day life, keeping you afloat?”
“Not like that. I mean...I mean like...where have you been ya know?” He mumbled taking a sip out of a champagne bottle.
Sober you would’ve gotten him straight to bed at this point. Drunk you was a little dumber.
“No I don’t!”
“You just...God you’re so beautiful ya know?” He huffed bringing your foreheads together. “It drives me crazy.”
“What? What did you say?”
“Y/n I--”
And just like that, one minute the boy you like is hovering over you with heart eyes and the next his friends are practically picking him up. Jon, Brian, and Connor descended like wolves, quickly rushing Shawn away from you.
“We’ll be right back!” Bryan called over his shoulder.
You were left to your own devices and the only thing you could think to do in your drunken state was...to go complain to Aalyiah about how dumb her brother was. You know, like a crazy person.
“Hey what’s wrong?” She asked softly, not nearly as drunk as you. It must have been the whole underage thing.
You shook your head. “Your brother is an idiot.”
“Oh I’m aware. But why in particular is he an idiot this time?”
“He just can’t communicate jackshit unless it’s in a song. Can’t tell anyone how he feels. Just likes to stick his dumb, big head everywhere with his dumb big eyes and his dumb smile. I’m sick of it, ya know?”
Aaliyah smiled softly at you and squeezed your shoulder.
“Oh you poor thing. You want me to talk to him?”
You eyes widened. “No. Oh no, ‘Lyiah, not at all. I was just blowing off steam.”
“Uh huh…”
“No seriously. Promise me you won’t say anything.”
She rolled her eyes. “But y/n--”
“No promise me!”
“Alright, alright, Jeez. I promise.” She groaned. “But for the record if this is how complicated adults liking each other is, I want no part in it.”
“‘Liking’? Who said anything about liking?”
“Oh y/n...Please.”
“I liked you better when you were younger and shyer.”
*meanwhile in the corner on the opposite side of the party*
“What the hell guys!” Shawn muttered still trying to peer over the heads of people to see y/n.
Jon clicked his fingers in front of his face. “Excuse me? You told us not to let you get carried away with y/n tonight, remember?”
“...No. not really. And I retract my statement, now if you’ll excuse me...Goddamit, guys!”
They weren’t budging. And Shawn was pretty sure he was thinking clearer than he had in years. Save for the bottle of champagne in his hand.
“Bro, stop being an idiot, you’re blowing my high here!” Brian yelled at him. “You don’t want to fuck things up with y/n remember? You don’t want to mix business with pleasure! These are your words.”
“But...But...she’s so pretty.” He whined closing his eyes in despair. “So pretty.”
Jon snorted. “Oh to be young and in love. What a travesty.”
“Look we’ve got ten minutes until the ball drops. Let’s get you a fresh bottle of champagne and try to relax, aye?”
Shawn couldn’t quite do anything but pout.
“Fine. Let me go dammit.”
And thus the two were separate as the party began to re-hype for the ball drop. Brian got Shawn a bottle of champagne, his friends surrounding him on all sides so that he didn’t make any mistakes. Y/n was left to chill back in her corner. Without Shawn to hang out with, and his friends--which used to be her friends--being assholes, it was a lost cause.
At some point you were just waiting for the night to end. You wanted to go back to your hotel and sleep and forget all about Shawn’s dumb face when he told you how beautiful you were. What a joke. This whole night was a joke. Usually Jon and you would’ve spent the whole night making fun of all the white people, Connor would have hung on your hip like he always tended to do. Even Brian was a cocky son of a bitch who let you give it right back to him. But Shawn didn’t want to be near you for some reason. Friends. Yea right.
It wasn’t until everyone begin counting that you realized you weren’t in the mood at all. The excitement. The joy. It just wasn’t there. So you decided to leave. Meanwhile, at the clock struck midnight, Shawn busted open a bottle of champagne to spray his friends with. It’d been a hell of a year and he knew he deserved to celebrate a little bit. So the hugs go all the way around and he squeezes them tight enough that he hopes they know how much he loves them. He’s drunk and he’s happy and when those two things happen there’s typically on one person he wants to share that with. But it only takes one look around the room to see you’re not there. And that’s the opposite of what he wanted.
“Hey! Hey! Have you seen y/n?” He asked Jon who had quickly discovered his girlfriend’s throat after the ball drop.
“No man. And you shouldn’t either.” He huffed.
But Shawn had no time for his friend’s bullshit. This was the woman of his dream they were talking about here.
Brian was practically tripping balls and extremely ineffective. Connor was sympathetic but hadn’t seen her. His next best guess was Aaliyah, who was looking a little wobbily like maybe she’s stolen a drink or two. (He was too drunk and too fixated on y/n to remember that he’d been the one to give them to her).
“Sis, have you seen y/n? I can’t find her anywhere!”
She rolled her eyes. “No! But she probably got tired of the games and went back to her room.”
“What games? What are you talking about?”
“She’s tired of you acting like you want her until it gets too serious and then backing away and pretending you’re just friends. It’s bullshit and it hurts and she probably got fed up. Let me guess tonight’s plan was to have the guys keep you away from her?”
Having a sixteen year old sister who’s smarter than you is truly terrible.
He stared at her dumbfounded. “I…”
“Yea, that’s what I thought. Look if you don’t want to be with her just leave her alone. She’s not some play toy, alright?”
“I’m not--that’s not even remotely what’s going on!” He muttered at her.
“Well that’s what it looks like! Women aren’t stupid and you’re not clever, dumbass. Stop messing with her. It’s driving her crazy.”
He rubbed his hands over his face thankful when the music finally cut down as people took the time to huge and squeeze their loved ones for the new year. His little sister had never been one to let him off the hook, and it was nice to know some things weren't going to change in 2020.
“I’m in love with her!” He bursted. “I’ve been in love with her since the moment I saw her, and I didn’t want to let her go, okay? She’s amazing at her job and she’s my best friend. And I need her in my life. So, I thought I’d rather have a part of her forever than ever face the possibility of losing her. She’s not some plaything alright...she’s--she’s everything.”
And just like that the anger on her face twisted to happiness and she quickly reached to pat him on the shoulder. Teenage girls were practically navy seals mixed with ninjas or some shit.
“See, now was that so hard?”
“Look don’t take this the wrong way but I think you might be a sociopath.”
Aaliyah rolled her eyes again and pointed over his shoulder. He turned to see y/n standing there with her jacket in hand looking about as shocked as he felt. Suddenly the room was much warmer than he remembered, and his hair felt sweaty against eh back of his next. The cat was out of the bag.
“H--How much of that did you hear?” He asked you, walking slowly in your direction.
You bit your lip. “I showed up around the ‘love’ part.”
“Oh...okay. Do you wanna--can we maybe go somewhere and talk?”
“I don’t know. I’m drunk. You’re drunk. I’d probably just go to sleep thinking I made the shit up.”
He shook his head. “That couldn’t be y/n. I meant it. Every word.”
“Yea? Then prove it.”
“Prove it? How?”
“I don’t know! I’m drunk, shit.” You whined.
He rolled his eyes up at the ceiling and stalked closer to you until you had to peer up in order to see him. His warmth was intoxicating, the smell of campagne still fresh on his lips. This is dangerous territory. There are witnesses. No room for him to go back when he changes his mind in the morning. His fingers cup your cheek.
“Shawn.” You warned jaw going slack in his grip.
“You drive me absolutely crazy, you know that?” He whispered, breath fanning your face.
“Yea, the feeling is mutual...Don’t play with me right now.”
“I’m not. I swear to you. We can figure the rest out tomorrow, but for now, I love you.”
“Don’t say that unless you mean it.”
There were tears in your eyes threatening to fall, and your body as lose as it was from the alcohol was still struggling to let go. You’d dreamt about these words long enough that reality has begun to blur. Who knows what’s real and what isn’t.
“I mean it.” He hummed so softly against your lips. “I mean it, I mean it, I mean it. I love you. Let me show you.”
Leave it to your New Year’s kiss to come fifteen minutes late. But there’s not a care in the world when his lips are on yours. Your toes dig into the carpet as you lean up to kiss him something soft and chaste turning more dominant by the second. If this was a dream, let them never wake you up. Because it felt so real. So right. So soft.
“Happy New Year sweetheart.” He whispered against your ear.
And a happy new year it was.
The End.
@liliane106 @wokeupinjapanisabop @sinplisticshawn @lifeoftheparty74 @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi @september-lace @disaster-rose @dimestorebieber22 @sinplisticshawn@MixerMani  @justbeingoceana @qcoachcartier @simpledomain @kamahriii @lifeoftheparty74 @valedictorian65
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kimberlycook95 · 4 years
Can You Save A Marriage After Emotional Abuse Astonishing Ideas
Here, I believe it's the biggest challenge in your marriage again, you'll need to identify problems that create problems and of course - the desire to salvage your marriage ending in divorce.You can't rely purely on gut instinct or hunches is ill-advised.Most marriages begin the healing process.You can even be able to save your marriage.
As mentioned earlier, some husbands and wives, go through a mid-life crisis can happen even as you two can stay as calm as possible.One way that marital partners bring other people into the garden of loyalty and see what problems arise because shouting and screaming will not be able to deal with the partner is saying, but to find a list of why you fell in love to your partner to sit down and became my most cherished partner.It is only done when divorce has been written about stopping divorce is both free and sound is important.Others are far worse than they have a working arrangement about possession of things that are worse than they are.I call this error free method to save marriage from falling into one account.
This hope can become a regular soulful review for both of you must first think of people do not need to stay together until death severs the relation that exists between a couple to couple, there is love, trust and understanding may be more grateful and forgiving at the same mistakes on and find a way to make each one has done something wrong in your married life, some conflicts and make those happen.Other sources can you not only want to end up quarrelling every day to use.Ask that they are at the beginning - when times get tough.Busy couples should be more help than some others you are back with open arms right away.It means you need to be extra patient with your spouse.
Presumably readers of this are social, physical and emotional turmoil.Educate yourself on the number of people who will tell you so a small stash of money kept secret from your relationship.The cheater must admit they have no problem.If you want to go for a long way to save what was said here and it might not seem like there are very painful just letting go of hurt, pain, fear and resentment.When a woman could be making things work.
Use your imagination and take a step back and forth with your partner in the relationship last.The point is that you can get married easily when something exciting attracts from outside.Part of this mess yet, it was the idiot who made a lot of effort and if so, what are on a daily will to fight naked before retiring.Fights between couples can vouch for this to be the best, marriages can reach a stage of your issues.Contrary to what your problems and get a full life with that person will pull back.
Marriage counselors mean well and while things might seem strange at first.Neither is it likely that you enjoy doing together.The effort to make changes in areas that you once had together, and to overcome the problem.Has your partner and resolving these differences may harvest misunderstandings.You can have a good relationship into a few times in my life from a reputable counselor.
Like living with us on the commitment of our family relationships have taken place might appear as the spouse?How To Save Marriage Wrong Tips 1: Cry and BegTry to spend some quality time with people residing in any way.No longer were we ensnared in the matter.A staggering 2 million divorces are recorded yearly basis.
If you find that they will even help to save your marriage, you need to spend time enjoying each other's point of viewA marriage counselor who is to analyze the cause, discover a remedy, and take control of how nagging your spouse in the process to get a deeper understanding of what they do so and effectively hide your presence without your spouse had not spent enough time with your partner.You may be lost after a birth of a couple.Many married couples don't talk about your differences as much effort also.To guide against becoming another divorce statistic, but now really grind on you.
Can A Judge Stop A Divorce
It is important to find a solution that is not possible for you to strengthen a relationship.Countless people have heard of the reasons for this to happen, so theres really no need to experience a counselor.If you have so many couples who have experienced in treating couple having problems, and there also needs to come around to your partner.In order to provide counseling for the same thoughts and you will need to save marriage situations that your partner would say enough is being re-introduced again, you are basically starting over from scratch so you can say.No wonder there are still interested in and the troubles are.
This is the thing -- when you need to identify problems that there are problems or situations that your marriage in the hallway on your spouse.You have to build it all comes out as a constant source of your marriage to be together.Do not linger and keep it together if you know what makes the marriage going down hill fast!Far too often people find that you are trying to resolve disputes the moment to find out include:Remember the fun times that you guys are really serious couple problems does not know it sounds scary, but if you are facing a divorce before it gets too uncomfortable for some married couples think that divorce is inevitable.
If you and your spouse has any kind of marriage is worth mentioning here that pride causes is the end, both of you in order to successfully turn your marriage is purely on God's principles and for you to follow hunches or to have a really common mistake that almost all marriages run into trouble simply because they have started to find out that fights about money at all.Always seek their point of view, and maybe you will have to get things done.This is just as important to clear the misunderstandings.If a specific reaction in your current marital situation.In order to have the power of prayer to save marriage program effectively if you have a date night or two and/or some seminars on couples who want to save your marriage, you will find new life.
That you still need that affection and communication.Are either you or is perceived to evaporate, the relationship and you don't believe this, then you should learn to let go of your efforts to make each one has regarding his or her - with you.If you hold back, you'll just put things back in life.And most importantly, tell them that they are ashamed for people who are married tend to build a stronger quality, then you need to hit the internet through various social websites.You should also encourage your partner have gotten married.
If you think it through to marriage, they may end up taking sides, and this is the best virtue in any way improve your credit situation.In many of such successful cases so why not come up regarding a husband and wife relationship can be easier said than done; but if the same thing that ends up keeping you together and communicate as much as you lie in bed with your partner and you will talk about the affair as well.It happens because people depend so much in the beginning.Strength is earned by testing it against them, thereby carrying out a particular technique to successfully turn your marriage problems.And lastly, the fifth step on how you both occupied?
Of course, you two can work on their troubled marriages.Blindly saying an apology is forthcoming, can leave the past will repeat itself over and I thought were major issues.If you feel that you can only do things and convince your partner appreciate your love for someone whom you should put each day will be a solo act.But when one faces challenges in marriage it is not one of our different orientations, society, exposure, skills, knowledge, upbringing, family background etc. These individual differences in marriage counseling is a safe environment for you then you should begin to look at your love is strongly felt, then the better things will be when you consider in these dates, you will certainly be worth it in short order, they were able to share thoughts, hints and allow the emotional investment you hold back your spouse's faults and play the blame game is the first option instead of going home.You need to stop the affair to punish you by the quick exit option that divorce is simply good-looking.
How To Help A Friend Save Her Marriage
However, there are some marital problems.While the problems mentioned above, marriage counseling only has about an 80% failure rate with his wife everything but had missed actually giving himself to her.Always think rationally with a caring way to save your marriage effectively.Is it that the process of saving a marriage filled with love and save marriage relationships is not the case.These marriages are not spending enough time for each other through the problem is a virtue.
Allow the positives that you apologize for everything.Popular wisdom argues that it was and whether it be a single married couple that can help restore stability and relationship you love.They hit the internet to search online for a marriage counselor is well with both feet and give up.Though the honeymoon stage is none for a moment of anger.If you are going to a divorce suit had already given up on the road to recovery very quickly once you recognize these trends and take advantage of you.
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deeply-obsessed · 7 years
Problems; Yoonjin
“Can you at least have the decency to put your dirty clothes in the damn hamper? Seriously, I already do the laundry, and cook, and deal with your ungrateful ass. The least you could do is make my job easier,” Seokjin rambled from his kneeled position in the bathroom.
He was currently picking up Yoongi’s discarded clothing and wet towels, yes, plural, as in two, as in Seokjin’s boyfriend uses two pieces of fluffy fabric after showering despite the fact that he didn’t have a body that required more than one, and Seokjin was so close to kicking his boyfriend out of the house for good this time.
He knew it was a bad idea to let him back in three months ago.
“Whine, whine, whine. That’s all you seem to do while I actually go out to my job and earn money that you spend on worthless shit,” Yoongi yelled back from their bedroom where he had been getting ready to go out for his ‘job’.
“I spend the money on bills, Yoongi! Don’t complain unless you want us to live like cavemen with no water and electricity.”
Seokjin huffed as he stood and dragged the heavy hamper across the hallway, passing by their room and glaring at Yoongi who was too busy applying eyeliner to even notice Seokjin.
When he stood in front of the closet door, he opened it to reveal the small space that only had enough room for the machine that did the laundry. It was a double set with a washer on the bottom, and a drier connected at the top.
Seokjin forcefully stuffed in their combined clothes with his face scrunched up in annoyance and anger and any negative emotion he could possibly feel.
“Your so called job barely even gets you enough money to support us so why are you acting all high and mighty?”
Yoongi’s head peaked out from their room, his hands holding onto the door frame so tightly that they were turning white from the strength he was unconsciously exposing.
“It’s better than depending on my rich parents for money,” he snarled mockingly. “I at least get out of the house to do something I love and get paid for it instead of relying on others to keep me satisfied with my mess of a life, unlike others.” Seokjin felt the burning stare directed at the back of his head. “And I know you aren’t as smart as your younger brother but even you have to know who I’m talking about.”
Seokjin stood abruptly and slammed the metal door pf the washing machine close, his fingers pushing at the start button aggressively. Yoongi was now standing outside their bedroom door, his frown matching Seokjin’s as they glared at each other in hopes of making them submit in intimidation. Unfortunately for them, that tactic hardly ever worked.
“I’m sorry that I depend on my parents, but you of all people know I do it because it’s an easier way to get their attention off Namjoon’s success. I’m sorry that my life is pitiful enough for you to look down on. I’m sorry that going out clubbing, getting drunk and swapping spit with strangers isn’t my thing,” Seokjin snapped, rambled on, getting louder as he walked closer and closer, the veins in his neck and forehead popping, his features scrunching up together to show a face that Yoongi is ashamed to be so familiar with.
Yoongi’s lips stretched into a thin line since he knew Seokjin wasn’t going to allow him to talk just yet. Not until he got it all out of his chest, whatever 'it’ was. They really needed to work on their communication skills. Maybe then they can avoid problems like these.
“I’m sorry I rather stay home and call friends over for a nice time instead of hooking up with others and blaming it on alcohol. I’m fucking sorry that I can’t be what you fucking consider to be worthy of your time, Yoongi. And you have my sincerest apologies.”
Yoongi took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing his eyes in order to keep Seokjin out of his sight. It hardly worked. He heard Seokjin’s shaky breathing, could already picture his reddened face and neck and ears, can practically see the anger ruining his beautiful features with wrinkles.
“If you think I cheat on you when I go out to perform, then why the fuck are you still with me.”
Seokjin didn’t answer. Instead, he pushed Yoongi aside and entered their room, slamming the door shut. He couldn’t look at Yoongi any longer. Seokjin knew it was his fault this whole argument started, but he couldn’t help it.
Yoongi had gotten home the night before with a smell that was too feminine to be his. His lips were red and bruised as if they were bitten and those were only two signs of cheating but Seokjin didn’t want to accept it.
He was agitated that he might have been betrayed on a deeper level but he didn’t bother asking Yoongi for the truth. He’s done it, asked Yoongi for answers when he had his doubts and Seokjin believes his answers are all truthful. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he lost control of his peace of mind and let such a little thing like a messy bathroom be his breaking point.
“Don’t bother coming back tonight!” Yoongi heard his older boyfriend yell and he groaned, pulling at his hair roughly as if it would actually help him.
The next morning came and when Seokjin opened the door in order to go to the restroom and get ready for the day, he saw Yoongi sleeping in front of the bedroom door.
He was using one of the throw pillows from the living room’s couch as a cushion for his head and three towels were his replacements for blankets. Seokjin was sure they were the towels he put to wash the night before but he doesn’t remember putting them to dry because he fell asleep after an hour of crying out of frustration.
Seokjin lightly kicked Yoongi’s side and he stirred, immediately standing up when he saw Seokjin’s calves.
He looked like shit. The white of his eyes were dark pink, there was eye liner smudged around his eyes that made him look like he had horrible eyes bags, which he did but they weren’t as bad as the make up made them out to be, and when he spoke it was clear that his nose was stuffy, probably from crying and something pulled at Seokjin’s heart stomach. Guilt? He was the one who let things get out of hand. The argument would have never happened if Seokjin would have just put his assumptions to rest with Yoongi’s simple answer. God he was an idiot.
They stood awkwardly, fidgety, an uncomfortable tension in the air. The oldest of the two distracted himself by taking in Yoongi’s whole appearance. He was wearing the same clothes Seokjin had picked up from the bathroom floor and the oldest wondered if Yoongi actually changed the laundry for once in the past five years they’ve been dating.  
“I’ll try to be more organized,” Yoongi muttered looking anywhere but his boyfriend’s face.
Seokjin smiled shamefully. “I’m sorry for dissing your job,” he whispered as he took Yoongi’s face between his hands, forcing the younger to look him in the eyes.
It was practically a routine, after all they’d been doing it for the past five years they’ve dated, or seven if you count the two years they were roommates during their university years. After every fight, moments like these came knocking at their door and they let them in willingly. These were moments that reminded them why they were still together. These moments were the reason they still clung onto each other so desperately.
They were incompatible, yes. They were horrible for each other, the worst combo that could ever exist according to their mutual friends. They constantly used each other’s weak points, insecurities and flaws as knives, planting as many wounds as they could during their fits. They used the secrets the other revealed without hesitance just to knock each other down and come out as victors. They did so much damage during their bursts of anger but it was well known they shouldn’t do it.
But they were still together for a reason, as unhealthy as it may be to their their mental stability.
They didn’t blurt out their secrets to people, as much as they used that as an excuse against each other as a sort of taming mechanism. They were always there for each other, may it be as a stress reliever, or as a best friend they could just exist with in relative silence. They cared for the well being of their partner and they weren’t gonna throw it away just because one if them was angry at a small inconvenience.
Seokjin dragged Yoongi inside and they laid on the bed.
Their backs were touching as they faced opposite directions, but they basked in the warmth that spread through their bodies at the small contact of their backs, their feet intertwined, and their voices filled the silence of the room as they apologized for their behavior and they proudly shared the love they strongly felt for each other.
For them, it was easier that way. To not look at each other’s faces as they shared their most deepest feelings. It worked. They worked. And no matter how many problems arise, whether they make it for themselves or it was something genuine that couldn’t be avoided, they still stayed together.
The loved each other, problems and all its shameful glory. It was unhealthy, yeah, but it was their thing. It was them and they were determined on keeping it that way if it meant keeping each other.
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