#my brain hurts y'all
magically-maddie · 7 months
Are y’all ever so confused by the wording in official sport rulebooks that you end up stress-cackling at midnight?
Yeah, me too.
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sad-boy-mono · 1 month
Hey Google, how can I tell if I'm in love with my best friend or if I'm just codependent on them?
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
Aventurine? More like ANGSTTURINE.
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
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Of Darkness and Light by Bayluff
It was running. It was running from him. Surging forward, he snagged the shadow of his prey, and slowly crawled up, sliding up a leg, up a strangehardback and finally, into the back of the neck.
Mikey suddenly stopped, shuddering, his breath hitching loudly. Leonardo immediately stopped and looked back. "Mikey? Mike what's wrong?" He questioned, concerned his feeling had been right.
"N-Nothing." Michelangelo said after a pause. "I just got real cold for a second." He laughed. "It's gone now."
My angst gremlin heart was appeased by this fic, lol. But also! I was cooing over all the comfort Mikey got while he was having a Bad Time (tm). ALSO, please don't tag this as ship in anyway. That's insta-block behavior.
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Less eye-straining first image ^^
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vaspider · 9 months
Watching the number of people saying it's "literally illegal" for a 19yo to have any kind of sexual contact with a "minor" when I started dating the person I was with for most of HS when I was 16 and he was 18 & being fully aware how truly legal and fully fucking ethical it was for us to be together is a real trip, y'all.
There is some sort of poison that has been injected into y'all's brains, I swear to fuck. That specific situation is fucked up because of the too-large age gap, and underlined how fucked up it is bc the person deliberately tries to conceal the age gap bc she knows it's fucked up.
Anyway, I'm gonna mute that post and stop looking at it bc y'all are really just making shit up and it's exhausting.
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
so the eikichi-centric kuwabara fic is going well
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dollypopup · 1 year
Colin canonically adores Pen. like. . .very obviously. He is one of very few characters who repeatedly compliments her, seeks out her company, checks in on how she is feeling, cares about her opinion. he listens to her in a way i can honestly say no other character does (and yes, I am counting Eloise in this). and Penelope canonically adores Colin. she ALSO listens to him, she also always wants to talk to him and cares about his thoughts and dreams like he does hers
so. . .someone please make it make sense why the polin fandom so badly wants Colin to grovel for her forgiveness when he has spent 2 entire seasons caring about Pen on main w/ full blown heart eyes and Penelope has spent 2 entire seasons seeing the very best in him and lighting up from within every time they're around each other?
what kind of vindictive, mean fanon nonsense Penelope have we created that would see a person who she cares for and who cares for her in turn begging her for ANYTHING and want that? especially when she is currently very much lying to him and will also have to, at one point or another, apologize?
polin is a mirror. that is their motif. that is the point of their romance, to see each other and to be seen, to reflect one another. i don't want to see Colin begging and I don't want to see Penelope begging but I, personally, am begging that we finally let this trope die
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scionshtola · 4 months
from the touch prompts: 12. on a scar; or 18. because you are dying :>
ty azia!! this one really sent me on a spiral this week adkfd
the pain of perception
pairing: Corisande Ymir/Y'shtola Rhul word count: 1292 | read on ao3 notes: i went with 18. because you are dying. 5.0 spoilers!
Y’shtola has always found Corisande difficult to look away from, some inexorable pull between them perpetually drawing her gaze. She turned toward them as a blossom sought the sun, unfurling in their light and basking in the warmth of it. Even when Y’shtola lost her sight and the world lost its color, Corisande’s familiar aether was more than enough to draw her in, their countenance so dear to her that it hardly took any effort at all to pick out their features.
In the grand entrance hall of Emet-Selch’s recreated Capitol building, the light Corisande emanates is not the kind Y’shtola wants to bask in. They are a beacon of aether, so bright they blur the forms of the other Scions gathered around them. So bright the light lingers even when she closes her eyes, a ghostly blur haunting the back of her eyelids.
She watches them as they take their leave of the others and turn toward her, seeking her out as surely as she sought them. They cross the hall, the soft click of their boots growing louder as they approach. 
“The others are nearly ready. Ryne only wants to charge a few more cartridges for Thancred before we start on our way,” Corisande says, gesturing at the others over her shoulder, gathered by the door that leads deeper into the building. She lifts her hand, starting to reach for Y’shtola, but stops herself halfway, arm falling stiffly to her side. ‘Tis difficult to make out, but Y’shtola thinks she might be clenching her fist. “I came to see how you fared.” 
Y’shtola holds back a sigh, her jaw clenched against the sharp pain in her chest at the aborted gesture. In the three years she’d spent without them on the First, she had so missed the easy physical affection between them. A reassuring squeeze of her wrist, a gentle hand on the small of her back, a soft brush of their thumb across her cheek. Touches she had at times wished Corisande would not make, if only to spare Y’shtola the misery of her endlessly growing feelings. 
But she’d been wrong to think it would spare her any pain. Since their reunion—that near disastrous moment when Y’shtola had mistaken them for a sin eater—Corisande has, for the most part, kept a careful physical distance between them. Every deliberate step back, every halted reach for her hand, left her far more hurt and confused than any touch that had ever led her to hope for more. 
That they keep their distance even now, when losing themself to the light is becoming less a potential threat and more a rapidly approaching reality with every passing moment, is more than she can bear. She reaches for their hand in their stead, pressing their cool palm to hers. “l have no preparations to make. I will be ready when you are.”
Corisande tips their chin, head tilting down in the direction of their joined hands. Y’shtola holds fast, hope swooping through her stomach, her breath caught in her chest as she waits. But rather than pull away, they squeeze her hand, and the ache in Y’shtola’s chest is eased as she finally exhales. 
Corisande lifts her head in Y’shtola’s direction, her familiar features—the heart shape of her lips, the curve of her nose, her downturned eyes—just as obfuscated by the light as the rest of her body. There was a time that Y’shtola could have known what Corisande was thinking just by a simple shared glance. Now, though she could make her best guess, she could never be sure what was written in their expression. What Y’shtola might give to see the curve of Corisande’s gentle smile once more, before they venture toward a battle that could change her forever. 
Y’shtola glances down at their hands, still pressed palm to palm between them. Corisande had not shied from one touch—perhaps she would not shy from another. 
Do as your heart decrees, Y’shtola had told them, only moments ago. Without hesitation or regret. 
Y’shtola raises her free hand to Corisande’s cheek, heartbeat a loud, steady rhythm as she moves. They lean down ever so slightly to meet her, their hair falling over her arm, the ends of it brushing lightly against her sleeve. She stills when their fingers wrap gently around her wrist, thinking they mean to tug her hand away, but they simply hold on.
“Is it difficult? To look at me? To—” Corisande’s grip on her wrist tightens. Their voice is soft, almost fragile to Y’shtola’s ears. “I know the toll a surfeit of aether takes on you. It must be exhausting just to have me near.”
“‘Tis not easy,” Y’shtola admits, though it pains her to say it. Corisande knows the truth already—the abundance of their aether is difficult for Y’shtola to process with her aether-fueled sight—and Y’shtola would not lie to her besides. 
Worse than the harsh glare of their aether, though, is the damage the light has wrought on their soul, battered and bruised as it struggles to contain the light. For all the distance that Corisande has kept between them these past few weeks, they could not hide the depth of the wound from Y’shtola. While she knew Corisande would prefer it, Y’shtola saw no kindness in pretending otherwise—she would not turn from them when they were in pain, no matter how much it hurt to see. 
Y’shtola sweeps her thumb across the swell of Corisande’s cheek, and hopes she’s looking her in the eye when she speaks again. “But I would no sooner look away than I would leave you to face what lies ahead alone.”
Corisande’s smile blooms under Y’shtola’s palm—cheek curving upward, the quirk in the corner of their lips where they’ve turned into her touch, the crinkle of skin around their eyes—and she answers with a warm smile of her own. Corisande sweeps a finger across the inside of her wrist, and after weeks—years—of so little contact between them, the deliberate touch feels monumental, as much a relief to the longing inside her as it is a catalyst for a desperate desire for more. 
“Shtola,” they say, the newly restored warmth in their voice reigniting that flame of hope in her. The one that made her long for Corisande’s soft touches, that made her think Corisande has always felt about her the way she feels about them, the one that never quite went out. “I—”
They cut off with a soft whimper of pain, lurching forward with a grimace. Their grip clamps down sharply where they hold Y’shtola, fingers digging into her wrist and the back of her hand, and she feels the hold as if it were a vice around her heart, pressed under the weight of their pain. The light inside them surges, brightening and straining against their soul as Corisande struggles to stay on their feet, and then it fades.
“Are you all right?” Y’shtola asks, keeping her tone neutral though she feels anything but, unable to even blink away the image of the surging light. Corisande straightens, her expression smoothing beneath Y’shtola’s hand. 
“Well enough,” she answers between breaths, her voice thin. She squeezes Y’shtola’s wrist, then gently tugs her hand away from her face, though she does not completely release her. “Perhaps we had better be on our way.”
“Of course.” Y’shtola expects Corisande to drop her hands, but they hold on to one as they pivot, placing themself at her side. 
The door that will lead them to Emet-Selch looms before them, the others still gathered in front of it. Whatever they face beyond it, whatever Corisande’s heart decrees, Y’shtola would not turn her gaze. They would face it together—perhaps not hand in hand, but side by side.
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iwanttobepersephone · 2 months
Constantly fighting between "Oh that's a really cool concept for a story, plus I do wanna support my mutuals!" And "hhhhhhhhhrhrgggggggg I hate reading on my phoneeeee it hurts my eyesssss" whenever I see someone is writing a fanfiction
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osachiyo · 7 months
no bc I would make self ships but the names would be SO UGLLLLYYYYYYY like what the actual fuck do I make with chuuya and chiyo− chuuyo?? chiya?? and don't even get me started on suguru and chiyo... chuguru?? send help pls I can't do this.
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xxl1zardb3ansxx · 3 months
Holy shit Tumblr It is almost 1 am and I came up with a whole ass poem because I saw a fucking YOUTUBE SHORT saying, 'daily reminder that you're gay'.
I can hardly believe it myself, but here's what I came up with
And they need to know that I'm okay, with who I am today I'm who I wanna be, not who they wanna see I know who I am, And they're stuck in a traffic jam Cause I'm stronger than they are And so are youuuuuuuu
Don't let them reach your head, cause all they see is red, And even if they don't support you, There are people here who doooooo
The people you love are the people you choose, Not the people that chose you, you can love who you want to, and not who you're told to Because life is tough, And life is weird, And full of love, even if some of it's fake. But yours doesn't have to be that, Cause you can stop all that
Be who you want to, Even if it's just me and youuu <3
Holy fuck guys, I think I blacked out while writing that
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tactlesstuesdays · 1 year
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smile and nod guys, smile and nod. this was a comment on my post where i said that bose is scared of chapa
and either way, i don't think you should be scared of someone if you like someone, that's a big ass red flag. when bose said 'too scared of her to do that' that wasn't out of respect, he didn't want to do anything about chapa for ray because he's scared of her, as in the fearing way 😐
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Just a friendly reminder not to tag things that contain flashing lights with 'epilepsy', 'photosensitivity', 'migraines' or any combination of such. Tagging anything with these (even with 'tw' or 'cw' in front) immediately throws it into the specific tag, which are the community spaces to discuss our experiences and needs, and can be severely harmful.
A simple tag of 'flashing lights' is perfect.
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heros-shade-fanclub · 2 months
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
so here's the thing -- if i ever do something to upset you, or if i'm interacting with someone problematic, pls let me know. i promise i'm unaware, and i promise i'm not gonna be mad. i would much rather have an honest conversation with someone than find out later that i've been blocked/softblocked and have no idea why.
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ihearnocomplaints · 11 months
What I drew in the DCA Palooza weekly Magma
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Dw y'all I got sleep like right after I finished my Sun drawing fsdhkgjths
I'm not completely satisfied with it but I'm a lil proud! It's pretty good for a guy who was sleep deprived i'll be honest hdjktgdjthsdkt
Thanks for hosting the mamga each week, @venomous-qwille. I love love seeing everyone's art!!!!
Bonus of @maydeer's moon telling me to sleep jsthishtusigis (I loved waking up and seeing that tysm)
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