dravania · 2 years
So I’m sick with covid with little to no energy/brain capacity and all of the sudden I decided I needed to start designing the various reincarnations of Nyx’s Source-born shard up until Ahru.
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There might be a cooler, sleeker way to present all of this but I spent all my energy in channeling the spirits so maybe that’s something for future me. Maybe if we get more information on the various ages they were from they’ll get fleshed out/changed around but for now kind of bare bones details.
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The First Incarnation: Kir Dras: Assumed to have first lived during the First Astral Era. Very little is known about this first known incarnation. (I just thought it’d be cool if their first incarnation was Mister Final Fantasy Fourteen himself.)
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The Second Incarnation: Cora Stran: Lived during the end of the Second Umbral Era. In a time when mankind had fled into caves to shelter from volcanic ash and thunderstorms, plague and pestilence dwindled their numbers. It is said the first forms of magick were believed to have been born from human prayers. Cora was one such individual, desperate to help those around her, grasping at the first scant rays of restorative magicks.
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The Third Incarnation: Miriona Wynvelis: Lived during the Second Astral Era, a ranking priestess of a theocracy thought to be devoted to Oschon. She encountered the Ascian Arshadaya, Azem’s lifelong travel companion, and was deceived, possibly seduced, into thinking he was an emissary of Oschon, if not the God Himself...
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The Fourth Incarnation: Seja: Lived during the Third Umbral Era as a witch hunter. An orphan whose home had been destroyed in holy war.
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The Fifth Incarnation: Leraje Arkasian: Lived during the Third Astral Era around 5000 years ago. Was a lover of Amon's, though whether this meant there were any sentimental attachments is difficult to say. They were possibly killed by him in an experiment, whether accidental or not all details are equally unclear.
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The Sixth Incarnation: Skirra: Lived during the Fourth Astral Era. A long-lived viera who seemed to gain some keener insight onto the nature of her soul. A powerful and talented seeress who read the movements of the heavenly bodies. Encountered the Ascian Arshadaya in her later years.
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The Seventh Incarnation: J’hati: Lived during the Fifth Umbral Era, was among the descendants of Allagan slaves who first arrived in Eorzea.
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The Eighth Incarnation: Sarika Morika: Lived during the Fifth Astral Era as a Scholar in Nym. 
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The Ninth Incarnation: Ciar: Lived during the Sixth Umbral Era in Mhach 1,500 years ago. An understudy of High Voidmage Cessair. Her soul was almost violently melded to, or devoured by, the voidsent Diabolos, if not for  Arshadaya's last minute intervention.
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The Tenth Incarnation: Letih: Lived briefly, during the Sixth Umbral Era. An orphan of Amdapor who narrowly survived the flooding, found and saved by Arshadaya. Weak, and soon reborn after her more recent and tumultuous death, she was afflicted with the taint of void energy nested deep in her aether. 
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The Eleventh Incarnation: Olun Dotharl: Born among the Dotharl, she seemed to glean some insight and understanding of the workings of her soul. Something of a legend on the battlefield in her time, soon not even the Steppes she loved could contain her wanderlust and curiosity. Fiery and determined, she eventually set out with an adventurers determination to find answers in the world.
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The Twelfth Incarnation: Atrienne Levon: Lived during the Sixth Astral Era during the brief age of peace between the elezen and dragons in the Churning Mists. She herself may have taken a dragon as a lover, and fled with them when tragedy struck...
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The Thirteenth Incarnation: Empress Seraphina yae Galvus: Wife of Solus zos Galvus, Mater Patriae. While every bit a warrior in her own right, she was also quite shrewd and cunning in politics - though such matters were never close to her heart beyond furthering the greater well-being of the people of Garlemald.
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The Fourteenth Incarnation: Ahru Hiraeth: Hydaelyn’s long-awaited Warrior of Light, the one with whom she pinned her hopes upon.
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prideandperdition · 3 months
I'm so happy it's weekend because this week was tiring as fuck. But it was a GOOD week and I'm happy.
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sensitivegoblin · 1 month
......its autistic lil boy time eeeeee >:)
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spourtneys · 3 months
courtney playing w her lil dominic doll that ian and anthony gave her is sooooooo cute they have so much love in their heart and soul and mind. woahh erinnnn why dont you give me a kiiissssss. mweh mweh mwehhh .......... I LOVE HIM MY SILLY BOYFRIEND
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rivertigo · 22 days
ate yummy clementines on break. gonna be here till close mwehhh it’s whatever
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veadotube · 9 months
Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!
welcome to Tube The Deer's official blog for everything veadotube and pngtubing related! plus some original deer and tubeposting by the ungulate themself!!! translated from deer to english language (at least as best as I can) by yours truly ;]
got questions for Tube? just check the FAQ and help guides below before asking any questions, they might just ignore stuff that's there sorry!
wanna ask the devs instead? check out olmewe's devblog @deerveloper here on tumblr!!! or join our discord server :]
oh you're right Tube I forgot to introduce myself, you can call me Bella! and I am the main manager of veadotube's socials :] and main artist/designer :D Tube is mine and olmewe's dear deer baby child who uses they/them pronouns, I use they/ze and olmewe uses deer/they/she, we are both trans disabled brazillian adults in our 20s who love to create fun stuff together. currently we are dealing with lots of bills because of a recent move our throuple had to do to a new bigger appartment, and also we are all unemployed and I'm dealing with health issues that makes it very hard to work :[ so please consider donating to veadotube mini when you download it on the link on the top! or feel free to support us in the links below, all help keeps a roof on our heads and meds and food in our stomachs! and then we can keep veadotube alive!!!!! :D thanks a lot and enjoy the blog! 🦌
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madcatscribbles · 8 months
Zez Can't Sleep
"Bwaaaahhh..." Came the soft, raspy little noise from the small figure laying across a startlingly large bed. At first, he could be mistaken for one of the large plushies laying across it, except for the fact that he was breathing, and not nearly hairy enough.
Rather, it was one of the smaller Oracles! A Kobold named Zeszi, but everyone called him Zez. "...Bweh..." A scaled hand rubbed at his eyes as he stood up. Soft, scaled feet gently took his weight on the plush carpet underneath. This entire bedroom, really, was... Well. It wasn't clear whether a ten year old or a twenty year old slept in here. The floor was scattered with plushies, there was a nice TV against one wall, his walls were plastered with startlingly-tasteful anime posters for a teenage boy.
"Mwehhh.... Okay..." Bleary eyes took in the world around him. God, insomnia had really taken to him hard lately, huh? He padded across his room, hand resting on his wall for support. He'd been kept up tonight thinking. His mind buzzed with anxieties and worries, but also soft, warm thoughts towards the girl he was headed towards.
"English... Functional... Yeah." The next door slowly creaked open, the Kobold approaching in the darkened place. He could do this walk with his eyes closed. For six years... Six years, it had been like this. He almost ended up here more nights than not.
Clawed hands reached up, gripping at the edges of the bed to pull himself up. He was pretty tiny at a whopping 4'6, but made his way up, snuggling up under the sheets. She felt him appear, and wordlessly pulled him in closer...
Yeah. Yeah, somethin' about this felt just right... "Mmm... Thanks~"
"Yeah... Get some rest, little buddy."
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mindlesswicker · 1 year
mwehhh there's so few good inductionsss
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thefoulbeast · 2 years
>oh i havent written any poetry since before my exams ended, i should go and see if there's anything churning in my brain that wants out >opens my poetry & misc writing document, starts writing >it turns out depressive & negative
mwehhh.... i would like to write about something loving and affectionate actually... brain pls...
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devouring-hive · 7 months
You're right it'd be a horrible way to spend halloween in a dark noisy and stinky cauldron belonging to you....Though it is halloween, horror is the right vibe~
If not we'll just have to send more special candy down there 🍬~
Hey wait I di- mhhlhgphf!
You'd think she'd learn to quit opening up her yap when someone's trying to force-feed her, but it seems she never does.
Yet another tidal wave of blubber spills across her lap as Bee's gut seems to double in size once again, though this time it's assisted by a hefty set of small-but-flabby boobs that rest atop it.
Though, those are hard to give much attention to when her ever-present double chin has already started to overtake her neck!
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jordutch · 6 years
When you realise that school starts in 2 weeks. 
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi there zu !
I just want to ask when will you do the next streaming :)
Hi Sisi! (´∀`)
I plan to stream tomorrow at night (after 9pm UTC) or the day after tomorrow ☆
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(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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listen why we have to do this every year but if anyone puts one of those [smug posts about how if u think baby its cold outside is bullshit you’re just too ignorant to ~grasp the context~ or a loser who’s never flirted] on my dash I’m Gonna Snap
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#it’s 2018 maybe its ok to say this one annoying song is outdated#yes the woman in the song is supposed to want to have sex too. that is not the issue#there are zero stakes in a fictitious ladys imaginary consent#but maybe your defense shouldn’t be ‘’rape jokes were the norm back then’’#or ‘’in order to appear Virtuous women had to refuse advances at first as per custom whether they wanted sex or not’’#just because misogyny was more ‘’culturally accepted’’ doesn’t make it stop being misogyny#and its not even in the past!! you think ppl aren’t still joking about rape!! you think a CRAP TON of entitled fuckin men don’t believe that#if a woman says no you just keep going at her because she just has to say no at first?#and you can’t say ‘’mwehhh you can’t just take this song out of context :’((‘’ when uhh last time i checked#it’s not like this shit isn’t piped over some retail speaker systems and then NOT followed by a lecture abt mid 20th century Accepted Sexism#you expect every random kid who hears this to grasp this fuckin shitty lore and compartmentalize the elements and grasp that it’s a crappy#relic from a time when ‘’don’t spike my drink and rape me’’ was banter?#how about it’s shitty then and it’s shitty now#how about even if a woman IS saying no but wanting sex; you back the fuck off anyways unless and until she says she wants sex#how abt jane austen was calling out the bullshit of imagining a woman’s protests as Required Refusals For Proper Manners back in like 1789#so maybe we could agree this is outdated trash and keep the vine and replace this with the absolute Bop that is#kiss me babe its christmas time by owl city
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scuddle-bubble101 · 2 years
Hey CC! A Gif is one of those short clips that people post, usually as reactions to stuff! Like this:
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"Oh. Ohhhhh my goodness lookit that orange little fluffball he's so cute! oh and his tiny little paw jus' doin' a little tap tap, mwehhh, ohh I hope someone gave him a good snuggly hug- AH"
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"Mwehehehhmh!<3 Sorry, rambled on a b-bit, don't know why they call it that way? it just seems like a little snap of a vid to me!"
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darkandlightsides · 2 years
Get off your butt and go to stanley or ensue a symphony of frying pans-
"Meh meh meh meh meh, Look at me i'm "Anonymous" and I think I get to tell the narrator what to do, mweh mwehhh!"
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enby-peep · 3 years
Hey just wanted to say I’m reading through your chatfic and I’m not even done yet but it’s already my favorite Omori fic. It really influenced how I write Sunny as well and it’s one of the funniest goddamn things I’ve read in a while. Very good job.
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mwehhh...... thank you (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) im glad you like it!!!!
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