#muse: Calista Arganan
countarganan · 3 months
@propertyofseagate liked for a starter!
Calista was just in the library, trying to shelf some books that she just found lying around. She didn't work here, it was just - she didn't like them being out there with no one to claim them or read them. What if someone else wanted to find them on the shelves, after all?
She was about to shelve the last book when it slipped out of her hands and hit someone else walking by.
"Oh, I'm so sorry..!" Calista moved to grab the book quickly, looking at them apologetically, blue eyes meeting the other's own. "Are you alright?"
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summersunsetball · 10 months
Mun name: Myst Pronouns: she/her URL(s): countarganan, adeadlysong, and bravelywego Participating muse(s): Tahirah Zakiyaa, Rafaele Baptiste, Arlyn Icia, Nuriel Flame, and the Starling (adeadlysong), Lucius Arganan, Sir Therius, Calista Arganan, and General Asthar (countarganan), Geist Grace and Nobutsuna Kamiizumi (bravelywego). Are you comfortable with non-mutual interactions during this event?: Yes!
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Welcome, lovely! We're excited to have you!
~Mod Taea
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“It’s okay babies…” Hana held Sprite, Hoshi, and Grace in her arms as her pokemon clamored around her in concern for her.
Everyone had figured that they just needed to straight-up camp together, exhausted from J's battle from earlier.
Sprite cuddled up to Hana, cooing a bit in concern for her, and Raihan kissed Hana on the forehead.
"I'm just glad that you and the others are okay...."
Leon and Calista were working together on making curry to share with everyone, while Asthar helped tend to the Pokemon. He approached Hana and Raihan, his blue eyes flickering towards the three Legendaries with some surprise.
"I have to say, I'd heard rumors that the Galarian Champion had three Legendary Pokemon. I'm quite surprised to find out it was true!"
Sprite beamed at Asthar, waving, and Asthar chuckled lightly.
"I'm glad that all of you are safe, though."
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iincantatorum · 2 years
Muses I think you should RP as: Jirall Rambaldt from The Last Story: The evil, initial fiance of Calista Arganan—it's supposed to be a marriage of convenience since Jirall's family has closer ties to the Emperor while Calista's family rules Lazulis Island (which is considered the "Sword" of the Empire) so reputation-wise it would give Jirall more power. But things start going haywire after Zael comes into the picture and Calista falls in love with Zael instead...and cue Jirall's jealousy leading him to try to kill Zael at least two times during the events of the game XD Mirania from The Last Story: She lived in the forest and the forest guardian was her parent figure, but said guardian died. She started realizing that the lands were dying and started trying to figure out why. She has Team Mom tendencies and is great at research, but she's also a HUGE eater (canonically at 214 muffins in one sitting, according to dialogue between Dagran and Lowell during a sidequest).
Maria Campbell from My Next Life As A Villainess: She's the heroine of the otome game "Fortune Lover," and she specializes in light magic. However, she along with several other people (who were supposed to Maria's love interests in the game) all ended up falling in love with one Catarina Claes for various plot-related reasons, thus forming a reverse-harem where shenanigans ensue. Maria is the only commoner at the magic academy she goes to, so she was bullied by some other nobles there - but Catarina defended her from harm at least twice, leading to Maria falling in love with her. Maria is also an excellent baker and can also sense the presence of dark magic.
.//this is very well described!! i think we’ve been rping for YEARS and the advantage is that you know me really well. Even though I have never heard of these canon characters, I still feel like I can try them because of how interesting their stories are, from Jirall Rambaldt and his jealousy leading him in attempts to kill Zael, to Mirania (the name sounds familiar, i think i’ve attempted her in the past, and i remember her as the forest guardian), and to Maria and her reverse harem shenanigans lol
i think i’ll try some of them in the future, gonna remember this post. thanks for sending this, myst <3
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clarislam · 5 years
For the writing/reading ask meme: 3,5,6,12,16! Lmao as usual I could not settle on one question.
It’s alright! XD I’m happy to answer all those questions!
3: Any guilty pleasures (books/fics)?
Guilty pleasure books are kind of hard for me to pinpoint, but I do have some guilty pleasure fanfics to read. Some of them are the following (and I recommend you read ALL of them, and the fandoms they’re for are in the parentheses):
1. “The Only Widomauk fic You'll Ever Need” byMidnigtartist  (Critical Role)
2. “Hair” by Therius (The Last Story)
3. THE CLASSIC “The Sex Education of Edea Lee” by sanctum_c! (Bravely Default)
5: Do you think stories can change lives? Is there a story that has changed yours?
Yes, I think stories can change lives. I think they have a lot of influence on us through the themes they represent, the lessons they give through how the story and its characters play out altogether. And I think that applies to both fanfiction and original fiction, too.
As for whether there is a story that changed my life, I would say that there are stories that changed my life, but I’ve probably read so many that I can’t pinpoint it all down to a singular book and/or fanfic.
6: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to writing?
Not having the muse to write when you know you want to post a new fanfic or chapter of a fanfic by the next day, as well as getting distracted from writing. Neither of those are fun.
12: Which trope would you absolutely abolish?
Romanticized Abuse. I have no plans on writing this in any of my original fiction or fanfiction at all, and I try to pay close attention to my writing to make sure it never gets in there. The fact that I find lots of it in YA literature (and in other age groups, not just YA but a lot of YA in my experience) frightens me. 
16: What’s more frustrating: plotholes or OOC characters?
I would say both can be frustrating, but OOC characters really can be super-frustrating. And I say this as both a reader and a writer, but especially as a writer. I fear getting comments that say the characters are OOC, because that means I didn’t understand them enough from the beginning. And when I’m especially getting into writing characters that don’t have as much of a spotlight as the protagonist-characters do (for example, I like to write a lot of Count Arganan from The Last Story but Zael and Calista are two of the more main characters), writing those characters can be a fine line between OOC and exploring new depths of the characters that canon didn’t do. 
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countarganan · 10 months
Summer Sunset-exclusive open starter
"Calista, don't wander off too far, alright...? I don't want to lose you!"
"But Uncle!" Calista sighed as she glanced toward her uncle. "There's so much to see and explore while we're here. We might as well make the best of this opportunity."
"Your uncle does have a point, Lady Calista." General Asthar managed, his eyes meeting hers. "There is a lot to see, but this is a much larger area than Lazulis City. It'd be best for all four of us to stay close."
"Alright..." A sigh left the new Countess of Lazulis. A shame Zael couldn't make it for the Summer Sunset ball, as he was busy holding down things back in Lazulis Island. However, Calista promised to bring him back some souvenirs for sure, at least - and plenty of stories to tell about this whole event.
"I'm sure we'll be fine." Therius managed. "And besides, the event will be taking place over quite some time, Lady Calista. We'll have plenty of time to explore the area and participate in its festivities."
"I hope so." Calista glanced toward Therius, smiling softly. "And I would like to try riding a Chocobo at some point, too. Those sound fun."
"I saw a few people riding them earlier as we entered the city." Asthar noted. "It's similar to riding horseback, so...."
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countarganan · 1 year
@historias-multorum liked for a starter! (for Serenity Wheeler!)
Calista was on the way to a tournament - a local one, nothing huge, but they ewre offering a nice cash prize for the winner, so it was worth participating in. She bumped into the other, cards flying.
“Oh no!” Calista scrambled to grab the closest cards she could get, before turning toward the other, offering her a hand. “I’m so sorry,” She swallowed, “Are you okay? I should’ve been watching where I was going...”
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countarganan · 1 year
@ashesstxries (Calista/Kazvrall)
Calista was in the midst of reading in the library, but she couldn’t help but glance up at her trusted bodyguard in the midst of her activities. She’d gotten used to having him around. A hum left her as she pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
“Do you read often?” She asked, holding up the book she had in her hands. “There’s plenty of books in here to choose from if you’d like.”
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countarganan · 1 year
@thegirlatopbigben liked for a starter!
“Hello?” Calista blinked once, twice, looking toward the other. She’d nearly walked into the other but stopped herself in time, thank goodness! 
“Are you okay?”
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countarganan · 1 year
@praeteritus-memories from here
Blue eyes gazed back at Aya as Calista took a deep breath, gazing at her quietly. 
“Excuse me, but do you know someone named Alfred Drevis here? I was wondering if I could speak with him about making some medicine...my uncle’s ill, so...” She trailed off, swallowing a bit. “I heard that he resided here, so...I came here.”
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countarganan · 3 months
”Cali!” So called out as she sought out her - niece? In her Arms were ribbons and soft colored flowers.
Calista looked toward Sothis. "Yes...? Ooh!" She noticed the flowers and ribbons immediately. "What are those for...?"
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countarganan · 4 months
It was rare that he spent any time away from the Countess, but as Calista was dealing with matters that did not include him, he took this as a chance to roam the kingdom for a while. He came to a market place that sold beautiful accessories and jewelry, something pushed him forward and guided his hands and eyes to browse - eventually purchasing an elegant looking bracelet that he hoped would match well with the Countess. But of course, he couldn't give it to her himself, no no - he was no good at physically giving gifts. So he asked one of the servants to deliver it to her, along with a bouquet of flowers. He tried to convince himself not to be anxious in waiting for her response - if there even was one to give, he argued with himself.
Calista stared at the bouquet of flowers, and the bracelet - eyes widening at the sight. Sure, she'd gotten gifts and so on already, but this one felt particularly special.
"And you were told to just give this to me, with no context?" Today was Valentine's Day, Calista knew that, so that was probably a major hint as to what the gifts were for.
She paused, before putting on the bracelet. "I think I'll wear this. And...tell whoever told you to give this to me that they have my thanks for the gifts. They are very much appreciated."
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countarganan · 4 months
"There's a lot you don't know [about me]", Kaz speaks solemnly, gaze never truly looking at or towards Calista. His expression is a mix of guilt, regret, and sadness.
"Then let's make up for that." Calista offered Kaz a soft smile, gracious and warm.
"We can ask each other questions and we can answer all of them with full honesty. Maybe we'll learn more from each other that way."
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countarganan · 7 months
Calista takes out several boughs of holly.
Arganan stares at her. "Calista, put those back. It's not Christmas yet."
"But Uncle, I'm craving having the season early...."
"At least wait until mid-November!"
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countarganan · 7 months
[ 🛁 ] for Calista and Fey going for a relaxation day in the hot springs (I think this is more fitting than a spa)
Calista sighed sofly as she took in the atmosphere of the hot springs.
"I'll be honest," She managed, looking toward Fey, "This is my first time being in a hot spring before." She had warm baths at Lazulis Castle before, but being in a natural hot spring was much different. Still soothing, but different.
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countarganan · 7 months
@morifactory from here!
Calista was glad to spend time with her distant ancestor. Is she your great great grandmother? Zael asked her, and Calista responded that it was complicated.
"Of course I'm absolutely sure." Calista smiled back at Anastasia, before glancing around. The birds were chirping, the grass was still fairly green despite it being fall season now, and Calista needed a break from all the duties she had as the new Countess of Lazulis.
So why not take the time to get to know her ancestor more? Some people mistook the two to be siblings, which Calista found hilarious - either that or that Anastasia was her aunt - Calista's uncle found that one a little awkward to explain.
"There's a little lake up ahead - it's beautiful at this time of year. Any time of year, really, but it's most peaceful at this time of day..."
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