himbirch · 2 months
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In the wake of the bunnybel apocalypse i realized i never posted this old thing onto tumblr lol.
Now tumblr can gaze in horror upon my personal fuck-you to all the morella babiers around.
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mrfelixfischoeder · 6 days
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i DID IT - ive had this in my head forever. Zorya and Blanca do their regular coffee run with Murderface and Toki. Toki and Zorya try and give the paps something to photograph while Blanca and Bill see just how fast his new lil speedster can go.
@plvtosun hoep you dont mind ehehhee !!!!!
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bitsofbats · 3 months
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Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #3, 2005 Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving
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snowfolly · 1 day
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Two commissions I’ve done recently of some folks lovely OC’s!
Top portrait is anonymous and bottom half body portrait belongs to @pursuitseternal (of her Durge Merelind, aka Murderella)
Thank you both so much, I appreciate it!
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dangermousie · 1 year
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 Murderella, ethereally dreaming of slaughter...
No, really.
PS I swear, this man is every too-beautiful-to-be-real webnovel ML come to life.
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zigmenthotep · 10 months
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One of the many many reaons that The Video Dungeon didn't relaunch last October—as I had planned—was that the plan was to do it in PNGtuber style, which means an obscene amount of new art assets, including a background depicting what is essentially a video store in a dungeon, which means shelves full of VHS tapes. And as a crazy person, I can't just use vintage VHS covers, no that's too easy, I decided that I needed to make full shelves' worth a VHS covers with silly titles like "Groundhog Slay," and "The Riding Mower Massacre," which as you can imagine is a massive amount of work.
But here's the kicker, if I had just started doing like one a week, I'd have enough by now. And I'd only have to come up with one funny movie title per week.
And since pictures get more attention, here's some rare design sketches where a briefly considered replacing Murderella's distinctive shawl with a generic jacket. I feel like I must have had a good reason for doing so, but I can't remember what it was.
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thevideodungeon · 5 months
So I teased a thing a while back and have been very quiet about it since. So here's an update.
About a month ago I got sick, it wasn't that bad, mainly a runny nose and I couldn't talk. Probelm is, my voice still hasn't fully recovered. I can talk okay now, but the specific vocal range I use for voicing Murderella is just gone.
I'm not going to say that The Video Dungeon won't be hitting a YouTube near you, but it won't be happening until I can fix my voice.
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maliketh · 2 years
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hi im the biggest dog. toss mangoes and other assorted fruits into my loose asshole so i can post about it on my shitty blog, but you might know me as... heretokillchaos, Dark Pistol, fundoshi appreciator 10000, cum pu faggot, Dr Normal Sexually, rhonda the hedgehog, quartinius flex, Dickbreath the Mysterious, “zoe the mop bitch”, 2blunts, 9sluts, ice knife disadvantage, glup shitto, lee harvey clopswald, wrestling related shawty, Icarus de la Mani-Pedi, wendy ditchwater, SanDra(sand dragon), martin sandwich, back dorothy, jennifer the killer, freddy fast bear, magitek ray, The Oathsinger <- pro wrestler, Frank Ugly, dang, ronpa, johnifer the killer, Certified Cindy Moment, “crustina”, jeff the father, the clown, schut upkunt, anne tifa, quanchy, albertina einstette, rational atheist man, scam likely, lemon stealing whore, jojo fujoshi, jotchua, a bitch and a narc, alien. the green alien, flesh queen, emperor stupid, okstupid, Powerpooper, not important, little homie strudel ass, Dr. Skull, legosi nanami, caffeube carl, pussystomp, stabitha, ogtha, barry spaggot, Amogus St. Komaeda Mario, “Yumeko”, Graash of the Thousand Pains, promo code, lil internet, lobotomite, Salmon Dream Chang, the woman who invented cured meats, tony bagels, mysterious blood pyramid, Velvet Mouth Lizzie, geebo chalet, ultimate nutshack fan girl. chef boy or she, SLOPPY JOE, Prehensile Pussyflaps, grop!, manwich, Mr. Xanax, corckondilé, Anna Oop, unsteady hand, Mommy Hommamo, lara craft, cringe ass nae nae baby, very confidence, Dick N. Bawls, pawg, small potatoes, Fang McFrost, jotchua, Backspace Jones, a whole lot of man, brock soulstone, granny hotfoot, joey bandana, "Cringe Bitch.", cointelpreaux, Problems the Axe-Throwing Shadow Clown, grandma poison water, steve jail, anal crong, door-kun, west saint paul panera whore, Mitchel Typewriter, squangela, jane austen powers, "severed hand",  dvd normal, wolfmaiden, capanoello, ice dagger, meg engage, stab wound, .charlie the micro teacup pigcup chi woowoo micro dog, compact disk, premier, franky meatballs, guillotine-chan, bogos binted, iced regulah, ferocious paradigm, strawberry frajsted, annie may, alittlestinker14, try something difference, meathook, a whore you idiot, the nicest guy you'll ever meet, radiant tanner, lara soft, brad, "soy gay", milk of magnesia, sloof lirpa, weenie wife, scruples, cranny faggot, websites, derpina, canned coochie, sweet little dinner boy, The Jigsaw Puppy Billet, shrieking man-hating ball-busting bitch, chair-kun, take a look, ballsack jones, biffy jones, nuttsach jones, nutshack jones, smile ape, Waga Baba Bogo, twisted fucking cyclepath, spotify normal, karen dontcare, alvin and the shitchunks, albert clench, chris the burger, sultana, His Holiness Father Stelios, Otto van Ruthless, stopbeing racist, “sour meat”, Miss Bipolar, waterella, milkwalker, murderella, emily d*ckinson, fruitloop, Toledo Killswitch, girl trap, hot dog water, (Not Pussy Ass), booboo the fool, manny starr, vinny carwash, a gay, purebred anime thot, spiders georg, or my alter ego bloochie fagrante. drink up
times tank bustered in final fantasy 14 while playing as a not-tank (as of 10-1-22): 32
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alyhollywood · 3 years
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Murderella cat women
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deliciousscaloppine · 3 years
Ι forgot to wish happy birthday to my favourite murderella.
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cwritesfiction · 5 years
For the title game: Handbook for Heartless Killers
It’s the year 3000 and murder’s never been easier! The hitman business is booming thanks to the Heartless Killers, an army of realistic androids programmed with the most advanced assassination software. And there’s no killer more heartless than Murderella 3000, the OG killing ‘droid. She can hit a target from a mile away, so she’s caught off guard when someone hits her…with an arrow of love. But this doesn’t compute. If she’s programmed to be heartless, how can she have feelings for someone else? And how can those feelings be for one of her targets, a beautiful but dangerous crime boss? If Murderella 3000 wants to keep from getting deactivated, she’ll need to keep her feelings in check, in HANDBOOK FOR HEARTLESS KILLERS.
WIP title ask game!
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boutbetties · 5 years
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@stitchinxrosey has some of the cutest #derbycrafts! We're digging her cross stitch talent! Who wouldn't want to get one of these?! . . . So you didn’t win a super cool MVB/MVJ award? NO PROBLEM. Buy yourself your own award like Murderella of the @barbedwirebetties
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mrfelixfischoeder · 12 days
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Murderface and Zorya sharing the braincell on holiday
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Uh Oh Adventer Fan’s! Our Big Boy Name Of Malgus Is About To Be Execute By The Evil Villain “Murderella”. Little Does She Know...
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dangermousie · 1 year
I love this so much! I love that he’s not some innocent abused darling who just suffers and takes it. Yes, he’s warped and clever and vengeful and scheming but he’s done it to survive and to not have a horrific life and he’s harmed nobody innocent. Compare him to Sifeng in Love and Redemption, imo the last time a xianxia had a hero that mistreated. Sifeng was a sweetheart who took it and took it. But Tantai Jin’s reaction is honestly more likely. You keep brutalizing someone, they are unlikely to turn good. And I think that is what Susu (who has been sheltered her whole life) needs to learn - that things are not black and white. Tantai Jin can be and is both someone who has been severely abused for no reason AND someone who hurt and manipulated others. Both things can be true, he can be both a victim and perpetrator in turn.
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Exactly. I don’t blame Susu for not getting it - she is sheltered and sees him as future demon king, but TTJ is completely right.
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Oooof. At this point, he’s just lashing out to draw blood, to hurt because he’s hurt (because otherwise it’s more to his advantage for her to think the sex was real.)
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He keeps eyeing her so carefully but I don’t think even he knows what reaction he wants.
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But whatever he wants, it’s not the reaction he got.
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He keeps raising the stakes and pushing and pushing to get reaction, to get attention, to get emotion, to get her to care. He’d rather have her fear or hatred than indifference; he craves her attention. Thanks to his insane upbringing, Susu is witnessing the world’s future most powerful sorcerer go through terrible twos at the age of twenty plus.
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As the cool kids say, stop capping, Murderella! You couldn’t even kill her when you had a clear shot.
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On one hand this is not a surprise because I read the novel, but on the other it is because I never thought they would keep that in!
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Lady, the woman was going to poison him! Any nobleman of that world, however nice and undevilboned, would have been morally in the right by the place’s morals to kill her for that. Why should he be the only one to take it?
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He tries to protect or at least not hurt anyone unless they are out for him. Turning the other cheek is a whole other step too far and nobody else in that world does it, not sure why he should. This is what this drama should have been called:
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zigmenthotep · 3 years
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What's that, you want more Murderella sketched? No, you want real content? Well too bad, I still need to work out some of the finer details of her design.
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