#mum learns daughter was taken by hamas after seeing her body paraded on streets
I know this is not really the place. But I’m putting this out there for the few people that will see this post
My homeland is under attack.
As of right now, 10/9/23, there are:
1500 Israeli deaths (and counting)
150+ hostages/missing (including infants and toddlers)
2000 Israeli injured (and counting)
560+ Palestinian/Gaza citizens dead
4000+ rockets fired (from hospitals, schools, and neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip toward Israel)
More Jewish people died on Saturday than any one day since the Holocaust.
I am Jewish. Israel is and always will be my home, even though I don’t actually live there. Please, do not turn away from this.
Educate yourself on the situation in as much depth as you can handle. Report and block bots posting “free palestine” and similar things.
This is not an issue of Israel-Palestine conflict. This is a direct attack on Jews, and nobody is safe from the horrors of Hamas and other terrorists. Not even Gaza/Palestine citizens are safe. Please, I beg you, no matter how you feel about Israel as a country… do not add to the hatred by celebrating and supporting terrorism. You can hate Israel, you can want a Palestinian state, you can disagree with whatever you want. But do not encourage senseless violence and murder and war crimes against me for simply existing.
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