wiiildflowerrr · 9 months
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@Michael5SOS: my two girlfriends
25 September 2017
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erinhime83 · 3 years
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Okay, this is being put up at the request of @callistochan87.  Which...fair enough, since I was actually going to do something with this a few days ago before my muse shifted onto something else *shrugs*
Because I am notorious for being cryptic in these things to the point where future me never has a clue what the hell I had planned, I figured, for her sake, I'll write down stuff in case I look back on this later and had forgotten what I had planned.  Bleh.So, anyway, @callistochan87 has been trying to convince me to make ES an original sci-fi story for a while now. Which...I've been fighting her on merely because the uniforms are so pretty, but at the same time, I can make the story work without the magical girl aspect.  And writing magical girl stories was easier back when this was created because of the influx of fan-fics out there.  So that might be one reason this story has been sitting in limbo for the past ten+ years.
Sooo...a bit of history/plot.  About 1000 years ago, the planet of Novis was at the end of a civil war.  The Realm of Spirits had been taken over by a rogue demon who they called Lady Spirit, because they never learned her real name, who had been trying to conquer the entire planet while pretending to be the priestess of Spirits.  The other priestesses managed to defeat her, but all they could do was seal her away.  They knew eventually she was going to be able to break free, and that the only person who could truly defeat her was the priestess of light.Now, the problem is that the priestess of light had been missing for millennia, so the rulers of the other kingdoms, save for one, decided that they needed to go and find the missing priestess.  They've been searching planet to planet, living the lifespans of the people as they search.  The latest planet is Earth.
The people of Novis have been living fairly peacefully this entire time, but have just started getting reports that Lady Spirit has either started to break free, or is about to.  So the last remaining priestess sends messengers in order call back her sisters so they could take on the threat.  But the problem is no one knows who they are or what they look like.
So the basic plot of the story is searching for the reincarnated priestesses while also fighting the demons Lady Spirit sends to stop the messengers/priestesses, and then, ya know, preparing for Lady Spirit's return while also lowkey looking for the priestess of light as well (which is not Adrianna, if that's what you're thinking).
So the first set of designs is the main designs of their human forms. 
Adrianna Roderick: main character, about 16-17.  She's just this average high school girl who gets caught up in this nonsense because she finds Celedonia.  She mostly agrees to it because she kind of feels bad for Celedonia, and wants to help after hearing her story.
Jake O'Reilly: love interest, about 16-17.  He's also this average high school kid, although he's considered extremely popular for reasons he doesn't understand.  He's Addy's best friend since they were babies, since they grew up next door to each other, and he gets involved because Addy's involved.  And he's been in love with her for quite some time, so he's not about to let her do something dangerous without him.
Melanie Roland: best friend, about 16-17.  She's, well, she's the true priestess of spirits, although none of the other priestesses realize that she's been following them.  She cares deeply for both Addy and Jake, and is a general all around nice girl, for the most part.  She's the main reason Addy, and Jake by extension, end up traveling to Novis with the others.
Isabel Easton: the leader, about 17-18.  She's the most popular girl at school (or was, depending on how old I make them).  Everyone loves Isabel.  This is mostly because she's actually the priestess of water, who lead the other priestesses.  She's sort of iffy about Addy and Jake helping out at first, but she quickly comes around.
Tessa Easton: the leader's sister, about 15-16.  She's an extreme tomboy, very into sports and the like.  She and Isabel get along extremely well despite being complete and utter opposites.  In fact, it’s best not to make fun of Tessa, because Isabel will end you if you do.  Tessa is the priestess of earth, and she and the priestess of water were sisters on Novis as well.
Natsumi Fukioka: the smart one, about 18-19.  She’s the oldest of the group, and was born in Japan rather that the US.  She obviously made it a point to get her butt over to the US to meet up with the others, and she’s an international college student.  She’s also the priestess of fire.
Rachel Hamilton: ???, about 14-15.  She’s the youngest of the group, and was born in England.  But she moved to the US when she was very young because of her father’s business, so she was basically raised American.  Addy sort of knows about her prior to all this because her younger brother has a crush on her.  She’s also the priestess of lightning.
The next set of designs is basically how they look on Novis.  So, ya know, the priestesses get their original hair color back, asand then Addy and Jake get theirs thanks to being introduced to magic or some such nonsense.  I really, really like how these designs come out.  I might do something later (maybe) showing what they really, really looked like in the past, but *shrug*.  I was honestly just trying to come up with outfit designs as well as figuring out their original hair colors.
So the priestess’ names are: Spira, Naida, Demetra, Ignia, and Eletra.
The last set are just the random extra characters of the story.
Zephira: she’s the priestess that was left behind to watch over Novis and the one who sent Celedonia and Aquarius in order to let the others know about Lady Spirit’s reawakening.
Celedonia: she’s sort of the main messenger, and Zephira’s younger sister.   She took on the from of the bird there to disguise herself for whatever reason, and was attacked by something which lead her to Addy’s window.  She decides she needs some help finding the priestesses, which is why she asks Addy and Jake to assist her. 
Aquarius: he’s the other messenger sent, although he was sent by the actual people of Novis.  he takes on the form of the cat there.  He actually comes upon Isabel extremely fast, but she doesn’t quite want to go back just yet, so she pretty much keeps him a secret for a while.  He has a crush on Celedonia, although he doesn’t really want to admit it.
Felina: one of Lady Spirit’s minions who was sent to Earth in order to find the priestesses and kill them before they could return to Novis.  She’s, for the most part, a pacifistic, not really wanting to fight, but knowing in order to survive, she has to stay on Lady Spirit’s good side.  She’s a fairly young demon, all things considered, and prone to failure.
Mukesh: the other one of Lady Spirit’s minions who was sent to Earth.  He was a general in her army during the initial attack, and was just sent back to the Realm of Spirits rather than sealed like she was. where he found Felina.  He joined her again because he felt like it was his duty.  He’s completely in love with Felina, and does whatever he can to keep her safe, helping with her failures the best that he can.
Lady Spirit: the villain.  No one is quite sure where she came from, but she somehow managed to overthrow the sitting priestess and her family when Spira was rather young.  The other priestesses honestly thought she was the priestess of spirits for the longest time, until she started the war with the other kingdoms. 
So...yeah.  I realize that’s just sort of a lot for three pictures, but meh. 
(Originally, Zephira and Celedonia were going to have fairy wings, and Aquarius had gills, but I didn’t want to think of the ‘special features’ of the other people, so now they’re just, ya know, human looking aliens who have the ability to use magic.)
(Oh, and I think it’s funny looking back at old pictures and other ES stuff where I’m like TESSA IS NOT A LESBIAN, SHE TOTALLY LIKES GUYS, and now I’m like, lol, guess what?)
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lonelylikeacastaway · 7 years
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It’s like he knew I was watching a lashton video and had to remind of my true otp
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Porthos & Athos - The Mukesteers, s2
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