zerone990 · 1 year
The use of social media for public health organizations to promote public health
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Public health organizations can use social media platforms as a low-cost tool to promote, address and even evaluate issues related to public health. Through the use of social media, it encourages citizen participation, optimize health systems, be an interactive space for science dissemination, support health policies, and promote healthy behaviours (MPHonline n.d.). For example, in 2017, a team of 5 nutrition researchers, 2 graduate students, 1 graphic designer and 1 community manager of the Center for Nutrition and Health Research (CINyS) tried to post content about the dissemination if science and nutrition to address obesity on social media. They also address issues related to national health agenda and diffusion of academic events organized by CINyS. In the end the get a lot of followers on social media despite only promoting their materials online. What they did was just creating evidence-based visual content that includes infographics, key messages, recommendation and information sources for people to read and easily understand (Herrera, 2020).
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When public health organizations tried to advocate campaigns on social media, it will include compelling emotions, and a clear call to action to increase the successfulness of the campaign or wanting people to notice/join the campaign. Call to action examples can be contacting local politician or having their name in a petition for health change. It may even use personal real stories to want people join the campaign such as the use of ‘tips from former smokers’ campaign using former smokers to help people quit smoking. Next, Public health organizations and researchers can use study social media algorithms on how different ads target different audiences (especially unhealthy ads). Researchers can understand the nature and extent of tailored advertising of unhealthy products. After that, researchers can use this information to strategize and design effective interventions like health messaging, health ads or warnings to audience of the dangers of unhealthy ads and it must be regulated. The knowledge of algorithms can be used to push health ads to right audiences (Vassallo, Jones & Freeman, 2021).
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For public health organizations to have their message speak across many people, they must first 1) maximize engagement and use by expanding reach and accessibility 2) align content with the field's emerging needs; (3) develop strategic partnerships to enhance journal reach and capacity; and (4) align journal operations and resources with changing need.  An example of this is when JPHMP build a blog (mostly publishing articles) and wanted to expand it. JPHMP initially has no one coming to the site but after it decided to launch itself to the public with the help of marketing firms, by advertise itself as a blog website that is designed for public health leaders, researcher, practitioners and students to engage and have deep conversations about public health topics. It attracted more than 100 000 site visits and over time the blog site improves by adding author q&a, podcasts, videos, infographics and much more. JPHMP also have different social media accounts to promote the website by posting blog contents through texts or links, and engage with people online to establish a presence so more people know about the website (Gatewood et al., 2020).
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Astroturfing is basically attempt of fake grassroots to give people the impression that there’s a widespread of grassroots that actually supporting certain policies, individuals or product but in reality there’s little support exists (Wong et al., 2020). This sometimes happened to public health departments even though it has good intentions. These people doing the astroturfing will use any online public sphere to its full effectiveness to give a false impression of the real grassroots. For example, Chicago City Council wanted to schedule a vote on regulation of electronic cigarettes as tobacco products. A week before the vote, the council post a series of messages or tweets online. There were Twitter bombs about 600 against proposed regulation. And all the tweets . this is an act of astroturfing where more than 50% of the tweets are from bots (Chan, 2022; Wong et al., 2020).
Chan, J. (2022). Online astroturfing: A problem beyond disinformation. Sage Journals, https://doi.org/10.1177/01914537221108467
Gatewood, J., Monks, S. L., Singletary, C. R., Vidrascu, E. MS., Justin, B. (2020). Social Media in Public Health: Strategies to Distill, Package, and Disseminate Public Health Research. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 26(5), 489-492. https://journals.lww.com/jphmp/fulltext/2020/09000/social_media_in_public_health__strategies_to.14.aspx
Herrera, K. M., Morales, I. V., Granados, M. E. O., Morales, H. R., Amare, F. A., & Barquera, S. (2020, August 6). An Overview of Social Media Use in the Field of Public Health Nutrition: Benefits, Scope, Limitations, and a Latin American Experience. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2020/20_0047.htm#
MPHonline. (n.d.). What is the impact of social media on public health?. https://www.mphonline.org/social-media-and-public-health/
Vassallo, A., Jones, A., & Freeman, B. (2021). Social media: frenemy of public health?. Cambridge Core, 25(1), 61-64. https://doi.org/10.1017/S136898002100269X
Wong, A., Ho, S., Olusanya, O., Antonini, M. V., & Lyness, D. (2020). The use of social media and online communications in times of pandemic COVID-19. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 22(3), 255-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/1751143720966280
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mrfogmaxpro · 3 years
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Price : 12.99 $
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jeremyasz · 4 years
Public health campaigns & communities
Social media can be very informative or misinformative when it comes to the spreading of news that can impact the way people carry out their daily lives. As to why people choose to consciously spread fake news, nobody really knows why. Some possibilities would be to cause widespread panic and confusion, to provoke people into extremist actions, or even to impact political decisions and procedures (Buchanan 2020).
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In Malaysia, there has been a mix in the usefulness of social media when it comes to spreading news about COVID-19. The Ministry of Health in Malaysia has been posting regular COVID-19 updates on their verified official Twitter page (signified by a blue or grey tick next to the name of the account), which has been very useful so far for people to keep track of the number of cases. However, a lot of fake information is also being spread around, especially through Whatsapp groups and other social media platforms. Sadly, due to the fact that the older generation has not completely adapted to how the cyber world works, they are quickly swayed by any news that is spread around when compared to the newer generation that grew up in this so-called cyber world and understands how it works (Su 2020). It is usually the “uncles” and “aunties” that spread fake chain messages throughout messaging platforms, but they cannot exactly be blamed, as most of them do not know better; most of them believe that all news spread through the cyber world is reliable and is the truth.
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Although social media does have its benefits when it comes to raising awareness on public health campaigns, it does have its own set of dangers. One such danger would be that as information gets passed along from person to person across the world, the information slowly gets warped and loses its original meaning (Staff Writer n.d.). This holds an extremely high risk of communicating the wrong information to people, further spreading incorrect facts. The entire purpose of a public health campaign can be lost through such misinformation, which is definitely why people should always provide the original sources of information when sharing such things on various social media platforms.
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Personally, I feel that Instagram is the best platform for most campaigns nowadays. This is because influencers on Instagram tend to have higher levels of engagement with their followers when compared to other social media platforms (Bullock 2018). When there is a higher level of engagement, people feel more involved in a particular campaign, which could mean the difference between the success or failure of that campaign. Also, Instagram is pretty much a better option for brands or influencers to express their creativity for promoting brands or products when compared to other platforms such as Facebook. As Instagram users are also given the means to follow individual hashtags, Instagram makes it much easier for people to stay updated on news and content regarding the hashtags they follow.
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As all sorts of technology continues to get more advanced, we will be sure to see many more features being implemented into social media platforms. We should always make sure that we get our information from reliable sources and not blindly spread nonsense that would only serve to cause unnecessary confusion or panic.
Buchanan, T 2020, ‘Why do people spread disinformation on social media?’, CrestResearch, 4 September, viewed 24 October 2020, <https://crestresearch.ac.uk/projects/disinformation-on-social-media/>.
Su, L 2020, ‘Social media, fake news and COVID-19’, ScienceMediaCentreMalaysia, 14 May, viewed 24 October 2020, <https://sciencemediacentremalaysia.com/media-release/2020/05/media-release-social-media-fake-news-and-covid-19/>.
Staff Writer n.d., ‘What is the impact of social media on public health?’, MPHOnline, viewed 24 October 2020, <https://www.mphonline.org/social-media-and-public-health/?__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=e349ea1a35fe683dc60d02e6d9a404141553127d-1603551515-0-Aelbo7fJVqoFSVjed5FlZWXUPWzy_qpMtOQEN65QaWyJCRVV_ivWAvn4nBdgydJ34XaUPxdrQKFJDXubmnC3vPRT3YJjdoLh_6PyN8Zc3_G2wd0vzI_KP-aW4xmFZk1sp3WMaeQ7VeL7MOhEppFum7EcdzdHIi-hYYgVGJUUum4lRBZJD0tw5IsIfjop4KM2BDnoCh80CmAz0KzEys9Nu569vY1CchYSKR4-S2VPJc8THo-R5M6G4AsMx5MUjQvaCB1vIXxbZLaURj72fdPV5s2i40QQXZOwZJ-bvqD49MfiUQiFeAD8bB51EGn1fjDjHlXk8EVfy2-YncLUymX0Wva6_W8iHZc51AbmFOgmq_aOprFF6KPDfoQKh79zYxhrHBXxR3ecb0ckVXmhl1nKT5rTgoR5VkX0ouchPRg7HP6WX03cGuMIEgdkiWkOxNH7b3OdazeUfaDmqVGzPZth4N1iqpBdgOHAunkrbnCgvNmUZjZMSFXSMd0XVkj0HUpbgSJH-gL500BSIGiHTPQQ2yQTU7y2HmM3wb3u0l71fvKpwhblINfoG20OSOCm_33i2a5KEKwzPfYiUqBHUgjcLWg>.
Bullock, L 2018, ‘Five reason why you should choose Instagram for your next influencer marketing campaign’, SmartInsights, 10 December, viewed 24 October 2020, <https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/five-reasons-why-you-should-choose-instagram-for-your-next-influencer-marketing-campaign/#:~:text=Instagram%20is%20largely%20dubbed%20as,everything%20you%20need%20to%20know>.
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eemayuki · 7 years
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Yup, that's ME!!! 😆 #mphonline
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suzianahbakri-blog · 7 years
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fatinrosnan · 6 years
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Dato’ Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, a global organisation devoted to the teaching of Feng Shui, BaZi, Qi Men Dun Jia, Mian Xiang and other Chinese …
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Get the unfair advantage by being prepared. Be the last man standing and reap the rewards. Learn about it at Joey Yap’s Feng Shui & Astrology 2019 New York, the signature annual seminar that has everyone at the edge of their seats.
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Packed with more than just the conventional analysis of the 12 zodiacs of Chinese Astrology for 2019, this annual guide provides not only the annual outlook for …
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degreeacademic · 4 years
Five Great Lessons You Can Learn From Online Mph | online mph
The medical field has opened a new window for those wishing to work in the private sector as medical doctors. With the growth of medical research and innovations, many medical jobs are opening up in other areas. In fact, there are so many job opportunities in the healthcare industry that the need for qualified health care professionals is being greatly strained by an over-staffed healthcare system and a shortage of qualified doctors.
In the public health arena, many individuals with an MPH degree can find rewarding careers as primary care physicians or pediatricians. Most doctors in this area are required to have both a Masters of Public Health degree and the ability to obtain an Associates Degree in Pediatrics. Many health care professions require that individuals obtain a minimum of a Doctorate in Health Care Management, which is also needed to practice medicine in the field.
Those working in the health care field also can be involved in research or provide education. There are many national research institutes that offer PhD programs to individuals with an MPH degree. This degree requires a thorough understanding of the field in order to accurately assess the needs of the patient. Many of these doctorate degree programs will have specific areas of focus, which allow a person to become more knowledgeable about their career goals.
In the health care field, there are many different types of jobs that people can choose from. These jobs range from the medical staff at a hospital to the administrative and managerial positions within a clinic or physician's office. Some people who work in these positions are responsible for helping patients through the process of being admitted to the hospital, being discharged from the hospital, or undergoing any medical procedures. Other positions involve providing patient care to the public as well as educating patients about the medical field.
Many of the jobs available in the health care field also are based in the area of statistics. These jobs usually require that individuals possess a strong statistical knowledge base. Most of these jobs are based in either the public or private sectors. Many individuals working in these jobs are employed within the government in an official capacity as statisticians.
There are also numerous healthcare careers that require that a person have experience in a specialized area of medicine. For example, many of the doctors that work in hospitals and clinics have to conduct surgeries that involve the operation of the heart and blood vessels. These types of jobs require the ability to analyze and interpret the results of heart beat measurements and other vital signs.
Some of the other jobs available within the healthcare industry also require a Bachelor's degree in Nursing or an allied health care field such as psychology or speech pathology. These degrees not only prepare individuals for a career in the healthcare industry but are also necessary for employment in many other fields that do not require an advanced degree. Many of these online MPH degrees can be completed online and completed in two years or less.
For those in the medical field, an online MPH is a great option for getting trained for a career in the field. Many of these online programs offer continuing education opportunities to keep current on the latest advancements in the field of health care. The internet makes it easy to get information regarding the latest trends in the medical world. It also allows employers to easily search job openings in the healthcare industry and to view portfolios and resumes of those with an MPH degree.
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gregostler48 · 7 years
via Singapore Cosplay Forum by SGCafe
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michaelaconley · 7 years
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor in Public Health (non-tenure track)
New Post has been published on https://www.hpcareer.net/job/baylor-university-39-clinical-assistantassociate-professor-in-public-health-non-tenure-track/
Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor in Public Health (non-tenure track)
Position: Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor in Public Health (non-tenure track)
Date of Appointment: August 2018
Background: Baylor University is a private Christian university and a nationally-ranked research institution, consistently listed with highest honors among The Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges to Work For.” The university is recruiting new faculty with a deep commitment to excellence in teaching, research and scholarship. Baylor seeks faculty who share in our aspiration to become a tier one research institution while strengthening our distinctive Christian mission as described in our strategic vision, Pro Futuris (http://www.baylor.edu/profuturis/).  As the world’s largest Baptist University, Baylor offers over 40 doctoral programs and has almost 17,000 students from all 50 states and more than 80 countries.
The Baylor Public Health Program (http://www.baylor.edu/hhpr/mph), accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health, is a rapidly growing undergraduate and graduate public health program. The successful applicant will join a strong core of public health faculty that is engaged in cross-disciplinary partnerships in our Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, (http://www.baylor.edu/hhpr/), the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences (http://www.baylor.edu/chhs/), and other health-related disciplines at Baylor University (http://www.baylor.edu/). We invite you to come discover the vision and excitement at Baylor as we seek to fill this position in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences.
Qualifications and Responsibilities: This position is a “non-tenure track” position that will be predominately focused on coordinating and teaching in a new MPHonline program and Bachelor of Science in Public Health program. This person will also be expected to contribute to a planned doctoral program in public health. An earned doctorate in Social and Behavioral Health Science (public health, community health/health education/health promotion, psychosocial health behavior, etc.), training/experience in public health, and experience in online teaching are required. Experience in online teaching and program coordination is strongly preferred. A commitment/ability to work in multidisciplinary teams will be important. The successful applicant is expected to engage in the year-round coordination of a new online MPH program; teach at undergraduate and graduate levels in our public health program; contribute to future Ph.D. programs; help recruit and mentor a broad and diverse range of students; engage in the programmatic work and activities of the Baylor Public Health Program; and serve the university and public health profession. Due to our current and pending multidisciplinary partnerships, this person must be committed to expanding the health-related, multidisciplinary footprint of Baylor University. This person will be expected to play an essential role on collaborative, multidisciplinary teams of specialists in public, population, and global health at Baylor University.
Salary and Review Date: Salary is commensurate with professional experience and qualifications. The review of completed applications will commence on December 15, 2017, and continue until the position is filled.
Application: Applicants must submit a preliminary application packet that contains a formal letter of application (specifically addressing how you meet the qualifications and can fulfill responsibilities described in this position announcement), a full curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of doctoral degree transcripts, a list of three references (include all contact information), and 2 samples of research publications or clinical public health work. All required materials must be submitted as PDF (portable document format) files at the following link: https://jobs.baylor.edu/postings/3079
A selected pool of candidates will then be asked to complete a brief questionnaire about philosophy compatibility and have three recommendation letters sent to the search committee chair. Contact Dr. Beth Lanning, Search Committee Chair, ([email protected], 254/710-4027) if you have questions.
  Baylor University is a private not-for-profit university affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed to compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws, including those regarding age, race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy status, military service, genetic information, and disability. As a religious educational institution, Baylor is lawfully permitted to consider an applicant’s religion as a selection criterion. Baylor encourages women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply
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fatinrosnan · 6 years
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gregostler48 · 7 years
via Singapore Cosplay Forum by SGCafe
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mrfogmaxpro · 3 years
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