#moxx in progress
moxxbox · 2 years
Writing on paper so I can work while at school 😭😭😭
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I plan to do multiple parts of this and eventually include all the characters, even the ones I have difficulty with
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
i’ll never forget how intense the waiting time after Ozzie’s was, how hyped i got for the continuation of The Circus (i was actually open about the childhood friends thing back then, i used to be a huge fan of the Rachael Punk twitter person that always defends viv and i tried to keep an open mind about the retcon, i thought the critics were just dumb). the bar was so high and i wanted to see Ozzie’s finally pay off, and then my smile faded when Blitz said “my dick is good but not that good Moxx…”
this episode soured my relationship with the show and the “if you dont like stolitz youre homophobic” sentiment did not help. i had to accept that i waited a year expecting a payoff for such an awesome plot point and thought-provoking character dynamic, and was met with mediocrity that only appeals to shippers and literally no one else. i want to see that Patreon leak regarding Stolas struggling with delusions bcs thats what made me root for him to change and improve as a person, i saw myself in him. i genuinely think Viv was embarrassed at the problematic parts of the ship and backtracked awkwardly in s2 to make it a uwu misunderstanding that could be resolved with a talk, now theres the hospital thing that went nowhere, what the fuck is she doing
Mood, Anon.
Ozzie's was the first time in a while I felt that Helluva might actually turn out to be a good story after all. I genuinely thought it was supposed to be a parallel to Loo Loo Land, how Stolas blithely dragged his beloved daughter around a shitty crumbling theme park all day, ignoring her protests, too caught up in his own head to care how miserable she was until he found her crying in that apple cart and there was no ignoring it anymore.
Watching Stolas follow up all that with a self-pitying song about how Blitzo was the one who broke his heart and lied to him was like getting dashed with ice cold water. Seeing Stars -- which sees Stolas continuing to paw Blitzo sexually while also backtracking on Stolas's progress with Octavia -- was like getting dashed with more ice cold water, except the water is also pee.
I think the same thing, that Vivzie decided halfway through that she liked Stolas and Stolitz, was tired of that whole problematic unbalanced relationship thing from literally the entirety of season 1, and wanted to get down to the cutesy uwu hand holding. To acknowledge Stolas as a bad person who makes the choice to put in the work to be better would mean admitting that Stolas did something wrong, that people night be justified in not liking him, and Vivzie can't have that where her favorite characters are concerned.
If you're watching her shows, you will like Stolas as much as she does and you will agree that he's the best thing to ever happen to Blitzo, or you're a homophobe.
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