#mouth of a river
iambountyfan · 8 months
"GENERATE 2024 goal 1 met. single 1 & video. 🤍" – ionnalee via instagram stories.
GENERATE ionnalee.com
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violottie · 3 months
Read it again. Read it again. Read. It. Again.
Understand the gravity of this. This is genocide.
from Al Jazeera English, 13/Mar/2024:
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“This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future,” the head of the #UN’s Palestinian refugee agency #UNRWA Philppe Lazzarini wrote.⁠
"Over 12,300 children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024, the data shows, compared to 12,193 children killed in global conflict from 2019 to 202, Lazzarini has shared this data on X." ⁠
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quantumshade · 3 months
the husbands of river song is an episode that drives me insane for many reasons, but the number one thing i feel like i don’t see people talk about enough is the fact that fleming wants to take river hostage in order to lure the doctor into a trap. and river calls him a moron and says of course he isn’t here, he doesn’t care about me enough for that! and that’s heartbreaking to us in the audience because we know the doctor IS right there and we know how much he cares. but it’s Also heartbreaking because it makes me think about the fact that river has probably been in this exact situation dozens of times before, where someone takes her to try and get to the doctor. only he doesn’t ever show up and she always, always has to rescue herself
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warmdragonstew · 1 year
Alicent at Rhaenyra: "The city is yours Princess, but you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood. 🔥🔥🔥"
Meanwhile at Harrenhal:
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huariqueje · 2 months
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Mouth of the Polcevera from the sea -   Mario Bertola , n/d.
Italian,  1875 - 1926
Oil on canvas,  28 x 37 cm. 11 x 14.6 in.
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poonyo · 6 months
Remember folks, the settler colony of Israel and its supporters just in the last two months ALONE:
Denied the use of white phosphorous on Palestinians in Gaza
Lied about the beheaded babies
Lied about the bombing of the Al-Ahly Hospital
Lied and lied and lied about the Al-Shifa Hospital (now conveniently forgotten, sparsely mentioned)
Bombed journalists and their families, medics, scholars, and UN workers under the pretext of belonging to Hamas
Lied about the 'safe corridors'
Lied about providing aid
Lied about the inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees and prisoners
Lied about Rafah and Khan Younis being safe
Lied about the death of Palestinian baby, claiming it was a doll for propaganda.
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mattodore · 2 days
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tabithahallows · 4 months
I have the BIGGEST side eye for anyone who says shit like 'celebrities aren't obligated to make political statements' or 'why do you even care what they think?'. Why the fuck would I want to support someone who sees what's happening in Palestine and has the power to inform their audience/fan base and simply doesn't? Why don't they care enough to say anything at all? How do they, as millionaires and billionaires with very real influence whether we want them to have it or not, not want to help? When they see these people suffering and begging to just survive, how do they continue about their lives and not WANT to speak out even once??
Like how do they see children being bombed and go 'oh, that's so sad...anyway, nothing I can do about it', when they absolutely can do something about it. Small content creators with only a few hundred people listening are doing more to help Palestine than Taylor Swift, Beyoncé or literally any other big-time celebrity with the power to both make massive change and preserve their careers through it all. So why, why the actual FUCK, would I want to support these celebrities in ANYWAY when I know that they are capable of ignoring what's happening in Gaza or any atrocity like this. Why would I give my time and possibly money to some cunt who can't get on Twitter for two minutes and post something as simple as 'I stand with Palestine' because sometimes that's all they need to fucking do!
Y'all can ask 'why do you even care what they think?' all you want, but I do care if someone I was openly supporting doesn't have the basic decency to want to help the people of Palestine when they are screaming to be heard. Where they stand on issues like this will ALWAYS be more important to me than their next album or TV show. Silence is compliance.
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mothellie · 1 month
So I have a Life is Strange theory and I know I'm probably not saying anything that hasn't already been said before, but I feel the need to ramble about it because MMMMMMMMMMM. Major spoilers for Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
My theory: Rachel had powers, too.
That's definitely been said before. I know I've seen people talk about it both on here and on other sites. When she kicks over the flaming trashcan, a HUGE gust of wind blows from behind her and turns this relatively small flame into a huge forest fire. The fire goes out when she disappears. I've seen people debate whether this is a power related to the wind, or fire itself, but I personally think that her power encompasses all of nature. Which leads me to the second part of my theory.
Not only does Rachel have powers, ones that are related to nature, but she quite literally is the storm that wipes out Arcadia Bay. And the deer that follows Max around through most of the first game, and the butterfly.
Now PLEASE hear me out on this.
Max Caulfield suddenly gains the ability to control time seemingly out of no where, conveniently right in time to save Chloe Price from being shot to her death in the Blackwell bathroom. She's also been getting premonitions of a catastrophic impending tornado seeming headed straight for Arcadia Bay. And, to top it all off, she sees a doe all around the town that seems to follow her and make direct eye contact with her on several occasions, that only disappears when her and Chloe finally locate Rachel's body. Do you wanna know where Max saw the doe in the junkyard, the very first time she's seen it outside of her foreboding nightmares about the storm? Right next to where Rachel is buried. What's in the bathroom that gives Max a convenient hiding place to witness Chloe's death so she can reverse it? The butterfly.
At each turn Max takes, there is some sort of natural occurrence or creature guiding her path, leading her not only to the clues that solve Rachel's disappearance, but also to saving Chloe's life time and time again. She's then faced with a choice: sacrifice her hometown, or sacrifice her best friend.
Despite being given a choice, it's my firm belief that Rachel wants us to sacrifice the town. The very first thing Max's power is used for is to save Chloe, which she was all but put on a leash and led to by numerous strange occurrences that all seem to link back to Rachel Amber. Rachel wants two things: for her story to be told, and for Chloe to be safe. And she knows the only way to ensure both of those things happen is through Max Caulfield, Chloe's long-term best friend since childhood. She also knows that Chloe and Arcadia Bay do not mix, and cannot coexist. If Chloe lives, Rachel will not let Arcadia Bay stand knowing all the pain this town has caused not only herself, but Chloe. If Chloe is dead, there's nothing for her to protect. And it's all up to Max to decide if Chloe is worth that sacrifice. She's gotten what she wanted for herself, for her story to be revealed. That's why the doe disappears after they find her corpse. The only thing that's left is ensuring nothing can ever hurt Chloe again, not even herself.
Once Arcadia Bay is in ruins and Chloe is safely out of town, the storm stops. Peace has been restored and Rachel can finally rest.
And, finally, my third part of this theory:
Rachel is the reason anyone in the continued Life is Strange series has powers in the first place.
Life is Strange 2 picks up a story that seems completely unconnected from the story of Rachel, Max and Chloe. It follows two completely different characters, Sean and Daniel, in a different state. Life is Strange: True Colors follows Alex Chen, also in another town. This seems like it couldn't possibly tie back to the original story but JUST YOU WAIT, DEAR READER. In LIS2, Sean and Brody quite literally have a heart to heart while overlooking the ruins of Arcadia Bay. In LIS:TC, Alex meets Steph Gingrich, a character who was featured in LIS:BTS and is canonically from Arcadia Bay. No matter how minor the connection is, each Life is Strange game up until this point has somehow referenced or tied back to the story of Rachel Amber, and by proxy the story of Max and Chloe.
Each character who gains powers have something in common, as well. They all have something, or someone, important to protect. The same way Rachel, and Max, protected Chloe. Rachel's influence is still felt throughout the United States, all because she wanted to protect all that was important to her and destroy anything that dared to underestimate her.
The true story of Life is Strange can only be told if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, and that story didn't start with Max Caulfield. It started with Rachel Amber.
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itoshi-s · 1 year
iwa getting you all stretched out for his cock :( sniffle pls he’s so grabby, his pinky edging towards your ass i’m a mess
it IS so iwa coded though. big and rough hands roaming everywhere - not leaving an inch untouched :( did u see the way he grabbed at her tits.... yeah...... feeling you all up gets him so ridiculously hard. feeling you up as your chest heaves and tummy tightens under his palm :( the feeling's almost as good as the sight of you squirming and glancing up at him with the widest, neediest eyes he's ever seen on you - gets him burning up, flushed all the way up to the tip of his ears and breathing so heavy :( !!
probably wants to keep eye contact with you as he messes you up - but it's so hard, he wants to take all of u in, all at once. his fingers are so thick, two are just enough to get you soaking and all nice n ready. and yet, he teases at your ass with his pinky, just almost dipping past the muscle as you whine and grab at his forearm. it's all too much and he knows. he's always too much for you with how intense he gets - but you always end up taking him so well anyways. this time will be no different :(
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druidshollow · 12 days
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they MIGHT have taken over my brain for the better half of the day
your art is so expressive this is so fun omg thank you so mcuh curls up and shrieks
rivers DOES need a nap. a very very long one lmao. i love the eepyrator propaganda they 100% all sleep in a stupid pile
sorry dune killed your guy LMAO..... shes kinda like that. cant take that bitch Anywhere
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mejcinta · 6 months
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Their height difference will go crazy in season 3. 🔥
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seyvia · 1 month
do you have any recommended gshade presets?
Almost all Reshade presets work with Gshade too! a little tip, with gshade you don't really need to worry about downloading anyone's recommended shaders, Gshade already has everything one needs in it. also if your game doesn't look like the reference photo's it's likely they edited them so don't let yourself get too frustrated. Any who, here are a couple of suggestions:
I would love it if y’all shared your suggestions in the comments, too! Ty💖
Ghibli waters and Comic-book are similar to my personal presets💖
here are some world overrides I also rec for more aesthetic: fluffy clouds / @apricotrush 's food & appliances are just lovely💕
this is a little tutorial on a graphics overhaul, you don't need to do this!!! but I wanted to share this info incase some preset shaders don't show up quite right in somebody's game and/or someone wanted better graphics. big thanks to hazelminesims btw!
this page & link is in her recourses:
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anakinh · 1 year
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rraveboy · 2 months
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fun little experimental piece i did.. this took so long but it was really fun and i love how it turned out :1)
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mattodore · 7 days
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messing with the preset again so look at the boys :)
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