ilukeskywalker · 1 month
only the most important, hard hitting questions: 32? 53?
incredibly hard hitting questions here, thank you!
32: Are you wearing socks?
i am not
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
ask me questions from here!
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safelycapricious · 11 months
appreciate you catching up on your ao3 correspondence, which has now reminded me that i'm due to return some letters. i feel like a woman living in the 19th century setting out her writing desk and best pen, about to make the most of the robust postal system.
hello my darlingest mouseyest,
i had put off replying to comments for so long because i always feel so awkward about it -- because i say the same thing like eight million times, ya'know? just "thank you!" but I do genuinely mean it every time!
because it is so nice when people leave comments and engage and just -- i am an awkward little safely and do not use words as well in real life as i usually manage when i'm writing fiction.
but a brilliant friend in one of the discord servers i'm in (the jayde agenda, delightful) said they were going to try to reply to comments and talked about how they make it a game of trying to match the energy of the commenter and -- idk it was like a lightbulb moment and suddenly it didn't seem so daunting?
which was much needed because I had 1179 unreplied to comments!!! (i am now down to 67 -- i had 60 when I went to bed last night but surprisingly engaging people in conversation makes them write back -- but in any case, that's so good! i did so good! i am so proud of me!)
and like obviously i love long comments but like some of the sweetest things were just seeing the v. simple 'i love this' or emojis from the same person on multiple works over and over again and just
my heart is full
(it was also a much needed reminder to myself how much even the most simple comment can mean to the writer and i am going to be better moving forward -- even authors can be awkward about commenting and i certainly can be!)
i fully support you sitting down at your writing desk with your perfumed stationary (naturally) and quill pen and to engage with those who have been smart enough to engage with you
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mkstrigidae · 4 months
WIP Game
Thank you @cellsshapedlikestars for tagging me!!! This has made me realize how many ridiculous things I have floating around in my fanfic writing folder and hopefully doing this will help jog my brain into writing mode because hoooooo boy has it not wanted to be there.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
(Also I have a system I use where I save writing files with the original work title abbreviated, then the pairing name if clarification is needed, before the working title of fic so I just kept that in for clarity's sake- like this is not an exaggeration this is genuinely how I have to keep things organized to prevent complete digital anarchy on my laptop)
ACOTAR- Nesta Death Magic
ASOIAF/LOTR- Sansa Drops into Middle Earth
ASOIAF-Jonsa- Demon Librarian AU
ASOIAF- Drunk Shenanigans/Herpetology AU
ASOIAF-Jonsa- East of the Sun and West of the Moon
ASOIAF-Jonsa- Fae AU's
ASOIAF- Sansaery- Growing Strong
ASOIAF- Jonsa- Ice Planet Barbarians AU
ASOIAF- I'm not dead yet
ASOIAF-Jonsa- 24 hr Diner/Mob AU
ASOIAF-Jonsa Mermaid AU
ASOIAF-Jonsa- New Star Wars AU
ASOIAF-Jonsa- Nuclear Winter Wonderland AU
ASOIAF- Pacific Rim AU (Maelstrom Series)
ASOIAF- Jonsa Plague AU
ASOIAF- Reincarnation AU
ASOIAF- Jonsa Roommates AU
ASOIAF/HMC- Sansa as Howl and Willas as Sophie
ASOIAF- Santa Clarita Diet AU
ASOIAF- Jonsa Soulmate Oneshot (Surgeon/Bodyguard)
ASOIAF- Star Wars AU (Luminous Beings)
ASOIAF- Jonsa- The one where Jon dies (but not at the end)
ASOIAF- Jonsa Titanic AU
ASOIAF- Jonsa Wolf Shifter AU
ATLA- Katara Character Study
FMA- Royai Howl's Moving Castle
Fringe- Hogwarts AU
HP- Dramione- Hermione obliviates her parents before fifth year AU
HP- Hermione and Luna
Labyrinth- Jareth Vanishes and Sarah Returns
MCU- DarcyNat- New girl in town
Naruto- Criminal minds AU
Star Wars- The Blacklist AU
Extra Treat below the cut if you aren't completely bored:
The names of all my APWH specific WIP files (They're organized into arcs rather than chapters- Mild spoilers possibly) (I swear to god I'm not making any of these up)
APWH- CH 17-18-19 Draft
APWH- Aftermath/Finale
APWH- Ages/Time Zone/location Reference Points
APWH- Baelish Defense
APWH Bits and Pieces
APWH- C10H8N2O6 Notes
APWH- Ending Bonanza- Get WRECKED Petyr
APWH- Lysa's Prequel
APWH- Drunken meeting AU
APWH- Bits and pieces- Ch 16 onward
APWH- Ch ?- Shit hits the fan
APWH- Ch 16 New Draft
APWH- O & D's Current Case Notes/Investigation into Alys' Disappearance
APWH- Sansa goes back to school
APWH- Sansa Talks to the Media?
APWH- Sansa's summer tour
APWH- the Lakehouse (theoretically)
APWH- The Trial
I'll tag @rabidbehemoth, @mouseymightymarvellous, @woodswit, and anyone else who wants to give this a shot!
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meshkol · 7 months
10 Fandoms/10 Characters/10 Tags
ooooh this is fun (and hard, there are too many) @descaladumidera, thanks for tagging me!
marvel — tony stark
tolkien’s legendarium— thranduil oropherion
naruto — hatake kakashi
death note — l lawliet
harry potter — draco malfoy
yuri!!! on ice — viktor nikiforov
glee — sebastian smythe
star trek — mr spock
criminal minds - aaron hotchner
the walking dead — daryl dixon
* honourable mention: dragon age — dorian pavus
tagging @moki-dokie, @aibidil, @dewitty1, @mouseymightymarvellous, @kazliin, @c3rvida3, @clobeast, @crownofstardustandbone, @myrxellabaratheon, and @ashes0909.
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ObiSaku Fic Rec: Meet-cute (meet your cute fist with my face)
By @mouseymightymarvellous
Synopsis: Obito meets the woman of his dreams.
Unfortunately, he meets her when she punches him the face and he'll be the first to admit that he didn't exactly get a great look at her. Even more unfortunately, his friends and family are terrible, and refuse to be helpful in his quest to find her.
There is simply not enough Obisaku fics out there 😭, so I get extremely grateful for every little treasure I come across, like this one!
This was such a fun, cute and fluffy read ♥️. Obito is such a weirdo, but he's Sakura's weirdo (or, at least, he will be if things go according to plan) hehe.
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snickiebear · 1 year
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lets bring this back bc im bored and miss it... new wip im a lil excited about so lets see if i can finish it
She keeps them in her back pockets. 
The gods, that is. All of the ones that have signed her contracts and answer to her beck and call. The thing about gods is that they exist in belief alone, so as long as people know and believe and speak about them, they have power. She still sends Rick Riordan flowers every year in a quiet thank you for all the work he’s done for her. Children’s books; genius. 
Because when the gods have power, she owns every drop of it. 
Of course, none of the gods knew that when they signed her contracts because all of them are stupid and never read the fine print. Here’s a hint kids, always read the fine print. And never sign anything without taking notes first. For all you know, you may be selling your soul. Which, many have. Or arguably, everyone has, but that’s a debate for another day. 
Sakura keeps all her gods in her back pockets. Afterall, they wouldn’t fit in her front ones; they make them too small. 
tagging: @mouseymightymarvellous @bl1ndbraavosi @nekophiliaff @sakuradeservedbetter91 @bouncyirwin &&. @murd3rm1ttens
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dimancheetoile · 2 years
attention naruto fandom
help me. i’m writing a story and i just can’t find the piece of canon knowledge/lore i’m looking for, so hopefully one of you has more of a brain than me and can give me the answer i need
is there anywhere in canon (preferably manga, but if you only have anime that’s ok) where we’re shown a jutsu that allows you to shapeshift and take someone else’s appearance, a complete copy with voice and all? if yes, does that include someone’s techniques + chakra stores or do you keep your own repertoire of jutsus and general power level?
i know there’s the team gai fight but it’s again copies of themselves, and i have the vague memory of that scene where sakura kills a false neji but i think that might just be anime filler lore and not the actual canon storyline from the manga? might be wrong tho
and if such a technique exists, does it have a name? does it follow rules? better yet, do you have a link to the moment in canon or a wiki page? anyway any and all piece of knowledge from any of you would be so welcome
thank you thank you
tagging a few ppl just in case @mouseymightymarvellous @raendown @thekatthatbarks @fineillsignup @the-formerone
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shynmighty · 1 year
we all need a little tenderness…
feeling absolutely wild about the tenderness of kisses:
the classic chaste kiss to the back of the hand
kissing a bandaged wound or an old scar
for your choice of OTP
I am so sorry it took so long to answer this! I didn't forget it though, it just had to simmer a bit before it managed to get written down! It was a lot of fun. Thank you so much!
This prompt screamed Aeony and Arcann to me, so without further ado...
The Eternal Alliance was having the Eternal Meeting. Or at least, that’s what it felt like to Arcann. Time had lost all meaning when he realized he’d lost count of how many comments had been offered on… what were they even discussing? Patrol routes. Right.
Beside him, Senya gently laid her hand on his, and he realized he had been tapping his fingers anxiously on the surface of the conference table. Glancing to the side, he met her reproachful gaze. He stilled with a small, apologetic grimace, and she withdrew.
He chanced a look towards his left, to the head of the room. The Commander was remarking on strategies to boost the efficiency of patrols in the Outer Rim.
He remembered why he had been carefully avoiding looking in her direction. Boredom instantly transformed into something exciting and chaotic. The light in the room was suddenly warmer and brighter. Patrol efficiency was the most fascinating subject in the galaxy. It was a feeling he had become accustomed to when he looked at her.
As though sensing his attention, the Commander’s bright brown eyes flicked to his. Her speech faltered for the barest fleeting moment, one that only Arcann seemed to notice. She recovered quickly and focused instead on something across from her. All that remained was the hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.
It was subtler than the smile he had seen last night amid the tangle of limbs and final discarding of uncertainty. A night of promises and affirmation and ecstasy unlike anything he had ever known.
A part of him disguised as rational thought still tried to convince him that he had imagined the whole thing. That he had conjured those vivid memories to cope with the unrequited feelings he had borne inside since the moment he had first laid eyes on her.
Except it was real – all of it. And the lingering smile on his lover’s face was all the proof he needed.
“All right, I think that about wraps things up,” Lana’s voice cut through his thoughts like blaring klaxon.
The meeting adjourned with a rustle of footsteps and murmured conversation as occupants filed out of the conference room. Arcann remained still, and barely noticed Senya step around him to make her exit, turning with a raised brow to ask if he was coming.
“I’ll catch up with you,” He said.
Senya did not pry. She simply nodded and followed the others out the door. Soon, only the Commander remained at the head of the conference table.
The emptiness between them felt charged and active as she met his gaze and allowed the small smile from before to broaden when he stepped closer. It felt like a short eternity before he was standing in front her.
“Aeony,” Her name escaped him with barely concealed reverence. There was so much he still wanted to say. “I…”
The door hissed open again. Lana leaned through, addressing the Commander.
“The emissary from the Chiss is here, Commander.”
Aeony nodded, but there was an uncharacteristic tightness around her eyes. She was adept at controlling her emotions, nonetheless Arcann could feel a flicker of disappointment in her before she sighed and turned back to him, biting her lower lip.
“Will I see you later?” She asked. Her voice was quiet. A conspiratorial whisper meant only for him.
Arcann glanced quickly at the door. Lana had turned her back and was consulting a datapad. Throwing a degree of caution to the wind, he reached for Aeony’s hand and drew it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“Count on it,” He whispered back, releasing her before Lana turned back around. A rare smile found its way to his face as he passed Lana on his way out of the conference room.
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shikasaku-week · 2 years
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It's always a little bit strange to get to the end of something you've been doing for years, isn't it? We're very proud of what ShikaSaku Week is and the people participating in it. We celebrate their creativity and we encourage the participation in this community event, and today we're sharing with you a comprehensive list of all that was created this week!
It is our pleasure to give you all the participations for ShikaSaku Week 2021!
theme: we are giants // tales of our battles
DAY ONEstorms in your lungs tag: BAMF Haruno Sakura
storms in your lungs, blossoms in your hair by @ibreatheoxijin
the knife against my throat does not tremble, your hands do not shake (i lean forward, i lean forward and let it all spill out) by @snickiebear
DAY TWO (hello again) if only our history could be eroded tag: Unreliable Narrator
• rosetta stoned by @goshaaaa
DAY THREE scream, beat your chest at the wind tag: Disabled Character
• Day three by @dimancheetoile
• you are not a phoenix, your worth is not in how well you burn by @mouseymightymarvellous
DAY FOUR the sun all golden, glaring tag: Fairy Tale/Myth
• The tales we make by @daso-ku
DAY FIVE tears gleaming (your smile reflected in them) tag: Clan Politics
DAY SIX those sky-climbing cliffs tag: Superpowers
DAY SEVEN fresh scars on my soul (you’re the weaver of my heart) tag: Non-Sexual Intimacy
• These scars that bound us by @daso-ku
DAY EIGHT (bonus day) free day or remix challenge
• Don't you remember? by @spellcasterlightt
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babybinxxx · 2 years
10 (any part of the Devil All The Time series), 11, 12
hi bby~ thank you for being one of two people who sends me asks lol I don't have any followers so its nice to get an ask or message 10. What is the line you’re proudest of from the Devil All The Time?  Oh, god. I had to go back and reread to remind myself of what I wrote. This is from 'when the devil calls (you answer)'. I know it's not ONE line, but... "Sakura sighed that sadly, once again, another Halloween was drawing to an end. The few trick-or-treaters that found their way onto her street were now nonexistent. She could faintly make out a black silhouette far into the distance, mingling on the sidewalk, but it seemed that the lively Halloween revelers had finally retired for the night. Her parent’s neighborhood was undoubtedly well-off, and the privacy afforded to them with such a big property was a huge selling point for them, but it also meant that they didn’t get much Halloween foot traffic. Their neighborhood had very few streetlights and the homes were very far apart. The roads on the street were bumpy and on one side, it was surrounded by empty grassy fields that stretched off into darkness. In her neighborhood, the sky looked inkier and the stars were more visible, and on the verges, in the woods, the leaves hung greener, glassier. When it rained, the dew would give a beautiful sparkle to the wildlife. The ruralness of her neighborhood and her part of town was something she learned most people looked for when wanting to settle down. Plush forests, starry skies unobscured by fluorescent lights, complete and utter privacy, and the escape from the loud city noises was the thing of dreams." 11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc) I would say I am more character and emotion-driven. I also like to focus on waxing poetics about small details within characters or with scenery or emotion or clothing or landscapes (like the line I wrote above lol). I really, really love details and small things. I've never been good at writing poetry in the traditional sense (at least in my opinion) but I can do it with fiction/non-fiction. I also think a do a good job of balancing Description vs Exposition. Like, plot needs to happen, obviously, but I like to take my time before I get there. Other times, I like to get straight to the point. And other times, it's a balance of both. But yeah, idk, that’s obviously how I perceive myself. I’m not sure if people notice something different or if my assessment is correct. 12. Who is your favorite author? 
So, so, so MANY amazing wonderful talented authors! This list is in no particular order: @realrollypratt
@mrsren @poem2myself @fallen-in-dreams @jeannedarcprice @o0sarena0o
This list is across MULTIPLE fandoms cuz I am a fandom junkie. I love fics and I love all of you. You’re all super talented and amazing and you all inspire me constantly.
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capriciouswrites · 2 days
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Tagged by @flowerparrish and @mightymightygnomepriest
“Why does it smell exactly like you?” Tommy asks.
Tagging: @bittercape, @ilosttrackofthings, @mhalachai, @snickiebear, @mouseymightymarvellous, @marirah, @thestarfishdancer, @ you if you want to! (And zero pressure, just fun)
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ilukeskywalker · 2 months
please tell me about your doctor who rewatch. i fell off partway through 11, and have been wondering if it’s worth revisiting/catching up.
it's been so interesting actually! i think we fell off around the same time, i stopped watching consistently around when clara was introduced and stopped entirely in season 9. i've been watching with my husband, who had never been into it but is a huge sci-fi nerd. it's been so fun hearing his opinions, especially on stuff that i had Very Strong Feelings about lmao.
one of my favorite parts so far has been revisiting series 1-4, which are my absolute fave. i've started rewatches in the past but never got that far into it, because i knew how much i would hurt myself with doomsday lol. but i loved seeing rose's story again, she was my favorite companion and still is.
it took us forever to get through series seven. some of that was down to the fact that march was a super busy month for us so we didn't have a lot of time to watch, but it was also just a slog. i still had a lot of the same issues that i had with moffat's writing originally (i was very anti-moffat back in the day) but i liked certain parts of series 5-7 more than i expected i would. i actually found myself liking river song which i would never have expected.
we're almost finished with series 8 at this point and it's honestly weird that i don't really remember what happens but it's probably good for me lol. i have really enjoyed series 8 so far, which i do remember was my opinion at one point. once they gave clara more of a personality than just being infatuated with eleven, it got a lot better. i'm actually super excited about the show again and i'm really looking forward to seeing bill, because i never got to see any of her episodes, and i'm especially looking forward to 13's stories.
for me it's definitely been worth a rewatch, especially because i want to start watching again with the new doctor and companion when it starts airing again in may. also, just remembering the feeling i got watching the show for the first time and really falling in love with the characters. i'm amazed at how much i remembered, especially of the first two seasons. and time has helped to soften some of the things i disliked, or at least convince me to give it another shot. so yeah, would definitely recommend!
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safelycapricious · 1 year
brussel sprouts and tofu and pecans??? that sounds amazing.
Oh it's so good! Hold on, going to find the recipe for you! <3
(I usually leave off the cilantro -- it doesn't taste like soap to me but I feel like it detracts from the other flavors here. I think pomegranate seeds might be nice though, now that I'm thinking about it.) Go forth and enjoy!
In case the link is problematic for anyone recipe below:
"Any extra-firm tofu will work here, but try to buy organic, non-GMO tofu. Also, if you don't love cilantro, feel free to swap in pea shoots, or even thinly sliced kale.
7 - 8 ounces extra-firm tofu cut into thin 1-inch segments (see photo)
a couple pinches of fine-grain sea salt
a couple splashes of olive oil
2 medium cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup pecans, toasted and chopped
3 tablespoons fine-grain natural cane sugar or brown sugar
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1/2 lb. brussels sprouts, washed and cut into 1/8-inch wide ribbons
Cook the tofu strips in large hot skillet (or pot) with a bit of salt and a splash of oil. Saute until slightly golden, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and pecans, and cook for another minute. Stir in sugar. Cook for another couple of minutes. Remove from heat and stir in cilantro. Scrape the tofu out onto a plate and set aside while you cook the brussels sprouts.
In the same pan (no need to wash), add a touch more oil, another pinch of salt, and dial the heat up to medium-high. When the pan is nice and hot stir in the shredded brussels sprouts. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring a couple times (but not too often) until you get some golden bits, and the rest of the sprouts are bright and delicious.
Serves 4
Prep Time 10mins
Total Time 10mins"
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mkstrigidae · 1 year
LISTEN! some people get their nails done every month, some people spend $100 on tea at one time. we all have our vices. life is for joy!
Honestly, nobody gets me like @mouseymightymarvellous gets me.
Indulge in tea and chocolate, friends, or I will begin manifesting in your houses physically and that is a threat. Or just whatever small things bring you an inordinate amount of joy. Life is too stressful not to go absolutely fuckin' hog wild sometimes
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meshkol · 2 years
Oh hey, a tag?? And for music?? Thanks for thinking of me @descaladumidera. Also, your choices are fuckin' dope btw, you have excellent taste
Also-also, this is really fucking hard lmao
Five songs I've been obsessed with lately (in no particular order):
Hourglass -- A Perfect Circle
L'enfer -- Stromae
Float -- Call Me Karizma
The Beauty of Gray -- Live
Reputation -- Post Malone
People to tag...hmm. I'm so bad at this part lmao. Doubly worse because I haven't been active in a while so dunno who's done it already and also only really talk to my Michael Sheen-thirsty babe regularly. Anyway, obviously @moki-dokie, because duh; also tagging @dewitty1, @codee21, @clobeast, and @mouseymightymarvellous. If you've already done/don't want to do it, ignore me, but eh, music is excellent and I'm interested.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura Additional Tags: Team as Family, Friendship, I cannot believe these people run a country, Fluff, Slice of Life, Flash Fic Series: Part 31 of tales of gutsy shinobi Summary:
The Hokage's ANBU guard is a proud and storied position. It is composed of only the elite, the most capable and dangerous, those willing to bleed and suffer and die for their Hokage.
They do not get paid enough to stop the indomitable Team 7 from doing whatever they want.
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