#mostly I'm just spending a lot of time imagining Din under a pile of children clinging to his armor
izzyovercoffee · 4 years
who needs tradwife content when you can have a group of mandos who are just... happier taking care of the home. 'oh, my wife is on her yearly bounty hunt, i'm watching the kids'. the 'it takes a clan to raise a kid' mindset. not everyone has the stomach for blood and guts and that's ok. ten different family members who will fight tooth and nail if the home is invaded but they don't like looking for trouble if they can avoid it
yes! YES!
let’s get some more weirdly complicated yet-not-complicated-at-all family units. I’m absolutely smitten with the “it takes a clan to raise a kid” vibes---and it’s just straight up healthier for children to feel supported and loved by many different adults instead of solely dependent on just the two of a nuclear family. 
it’s also healthier for the would-be parents in question, and hell, let the kid have many more parents than just two! mando conventions make it so easy, there’s no mental gymnastics in trying to decide who is “pop” and “papa” and “dad”, it’s just [name or shortened/nickname]’buir
Din’buir. Paz’buir. Omera’buir (or Ome’buir, or Om’buir). 
and you’re absolutely, ABSOLUTELY correct that not everyone has the stomach for blood and guts and that’s ok. THAT’S OKAY!
we don’t need to (nor should we!) read “warrior” entirely literally or as we understand and define that word, especially when Rebels gave us Alrich Wren as an iconic example of someone considered a true warrior who does not fight with literal weapons. canon has now given us many varied examples of what is mandalorian, what “qualifies” and thus opens the way for what can “qualify” that still adheres to the core tenets of the culture, and like
what better way to explore a full rainbow spectrum of family units and what “family” and “clan” can look like than a culture that centers children and community? many children raised together, actually alongside each other, with many buire and ba’voduse who are equally supportive and supported by each other. give me those massive found family vibes where everyone genuinely has a place and a people to call home.
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