#most feral 3tan thoughts?
threetangerines · 1 year
personally I would also like to hear what you have to share, especially if you have some things in mind 😏
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Ahhhh… something something yoongi fucking reader in front of his mirror something something reader sitting on the couch while yoongi leans over the back and slips his hand down but tells reader to keep focusing on the tv, telling him what’s happening on the screen or else he’ll stop touching, something something making reader come with just his voice :)))))))))))
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threetangerines · 1 year
The answer is Yoongi's hands- just, everything about them really. Sinful, teasing hands. Skilled. Long, graceful piano fingers, rough callouses from guitar and the gym. Caring hands, that cook and clean and mend and tuck away wisps of MC's hair. Gentle hands that pet the stray cat who takes up residence at his doorstep, wipe away tears, tilt MC's chin up to look him in the eye. Determined hands that dribble a basketball and line up the perfect shot every time. Protective hands, whether that means tugging MC into his chest for comfort or shoving someone else away. The way his touch can be everywhere and featherlight, or so strong and steady his grasp feels like the only thing rooting MC's soul to Earth. The way his hands seek MC out, another way he becomes home -🦕
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threetangerines · 1 year
You know? I had nothing to add here, until I! Was! Woken! Up! With! Temperature! Play! On! A! G-D! Saturday! (🍜!!!!!)
My brain says I SHOULD be ticked off, but my body disagrees.
So, to this set of posts, I add: Yoongi and Reader w/ temperature play (hot/cold, take your pick). ~HLJ
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threetangerines · 1 year
care to share yours, miss author? 😈
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Is that what we want?? Mine??🫣
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threetangerines · 1 year
I'm here! Just got back from a spin class so now I'm spent, but not too spent for this. 😏
Here goes
1st off, literally every spicy scene you've written has me like 🥴🤤🥵🫠 so I'm down to partake in all of that. Your sex scenes are top tier Ryen.
My scenario is with Yoongi obviously. I would want to have a Shibari session with Yoongi. 🪢 I want him to take his time tying me in all the prettiest knots as he places kisses along the way and telling me all the things he's going to do to me when he's done.
Side note: I request gray sweatpants and no shirt, but chains Yoongi for this.
Anyway, he's done with the Shibari and he pushes me down onto my back with my head hanging off the bed and he proceeds to round the bed to tower over me as I look up at him upside down. Yoongi's wanting to start off by fucking my throat 🥴 I'm a short girl so he can easily reach my pussy from this position and he gives me light slaps in between driving his gorgeous, long fingers in and out of me. He's giving lots of 3tan Yoongi filth tall here.
After this he wants me to ride him, but since I'm all tied up he helps me by roughly grabbing my hips and thrusting up into and slamming me down.
We end in doggy and I start with my head on the pillow, but he ends up pulling me back by my ropes so he can grab me by my throat and hold me against his chest as he fucks up into me. He falls apart while growling in my ear that I'm his perfect slut (I'm okay with being called this during sex so it's okay).
Whatchu think Yoongi? You down?
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threetangerines · 1 year
Ryen opening the floodgates of hell 🤩
today's TMI is that I'm a Yoongi girl so in my head it's just 3tan!Yoongi losing control when it gets SO GOOD and he just uses me any which way for his own pleasure, like sir, I'm YOURS 😵‍💫
bye friends! 🙋‍♀️
LMAO I was just curious!! Not many responses at all though so🤷‍♀️ guess it’ll be a short thirst night LOL
oh god he would lose it if it got GOOD GOOD so.. I can see the vision here🥴
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threetangerines · 1 year
Recording. Studio. Gangbang. With special guest, Jeon Jungkook.
It’s been a frustrating day of recording, they’re getting stuck on the same problems and really need to take a break. I just happen to be there to help them all relax. 😈
And oops they accidentally recorded the audio for it, and a couple weeks later we each get a thumb drive of the recording dropped off in an innocent looking envelope with a little note, “anyone up for take 2? :)”
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I mean……… I mean😳😳😳😳😳😳
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threetangerines · 1 year
Feral thoughts?
What if Yoongi comes up and kisses oc in the middle of a party, because he cannot take it anymore, not giving a fuck to anyone who sees it?
Kind like the scene from the movie the girl next door
Can’t help it… when Yoongi loses his cool to oc, I go feral!
AHHHH stop it stop it i can’t handle the thought of this rn!! i know exactly what you mean by your last thought sdflhsdf
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threetangerines · 1 year
I may or may not have imagined being part of two different set of threesome 🫣
Yoongi and OC
Tae and Jimin
Bye 🏃🏻‍♀️
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threetangerines · 1 year
I want 3tan Yoongi from behind with his hand around my throat and/or sucking hickies into neck and then pulling me close before he plays with my clit. And I mean his tongue technology ofc.
Alternatively riding him (while he sits in a chair maybe..) until I make him lose it and then he takes control.
Anyways, ✌️
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threetangerines · 1 year
wanna see 3tan Yoongi be dom-ed so bad! what would his reactions be?? "it probably wouldn't last long" LIKE???
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threetangerines · 1 year
Remember that one ask that said Yoongi also kept telling oc to tell him what she wants, as some sort of training for her to one day dom him?
Yeah…. I keep thinking about that from time to time
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threetangerines · 1 year
there’s also a a scene that’s been stuck in my head for a while and i may or may not write it anyway but it goes something like this.
so they’ve been in argument , nothing any serious but the baseline is yoongi wants her to be confident in her skin and secure and hence the part of practice.
so he asks her to lie down on the bed while he sits in the chair in front. he has lined up a set of toys for her to use however she wants. No, he’s not going to edge her, well umm not traditional edging anyway. so he guides her and talks to her and roams around her and looms over her but doesn’t touch her and the catch here is that she has to make herself cum as long as yoongi tells her before he touches her.
so she starts by using her hands and then some toys and by the time she has cum 4 times she’s begging for yoongi to touch while he sits there palming himself and laughs and asks her to continue if she wants this to end soon
Okaybye 🏃‍♂️
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threetangerines · 1 year
Would reader tease 3tan!yoongi to the point where he’d cum with her touching him?
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threetangerines · 1 year
I love the idea of MC exploring new kinks with Yoongi specifically because there’s so much trust and love between them becuase trust and love and communication are my ultimate kinks (I am WILD).
MC getting blindfolded or tied up for the first time because she’s always been curious but never trusted any other guy to be that vulnerable in front of… and then YOONGI revealing a kink he’s been curious about too, but has never explored because he’s never trusted anyone enough… or maybe he surprises MC with one of hers, even if he hasn’t thought about it before, because she’s the only one he’s ever been willing to try it with.
ㅋㅋㅋ I’m as feral as a house cat with this but it’s hot, ok???
Oh my gosh😭😭😭 as feral as this is I think it’s so wholesome too :’)) and it IS hot are you kidding!! I’m so🥵🥵
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threetangerines · 1 year
And I keep thinking about Yoongi’s full fuckboy behavior released 🥴
Yeah we still haven’t seen it and I think that’s a good thing🥴🥴🥴
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