#moon is going ape shit rn
sageisnice · 6 months
I need to get these two before they sell out you don't understand man!!
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Alt ver with no motion blur
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igotmyionyou32 · 2 years
alrighty here’s my recap of my first FULL week of junior year!!
Monday 😟:
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Monday was pretty okay, I might upload photos and videos separately cause my phone is glitchy. But I also had a dentist appointment that day so I came home and passed tf out and then woke up and did some homework. My physics teacher showed us music videos for class so that was pretty fun.
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I have no pictures for Tuesday so here’s one of the video my teacher showed us. Tuesday I kinda of came home and did some homework and slept again cause I was kinda tired still from the previous week but I got most of my stuff done so slay. I also got a 40/50 on the AP Chem test I took this day
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Wednesday was fun. We did a media bias project in AP Environmental and found that gem above from a very right wing website that was claiming that the government (liberals) are trying to steal babies dna and castrate them. Besides that I went home for like 10 minutes and then booked it to work and did get home until like 9:20 pm (yikes). I did some school stuff during work but I was so tired when I got home that I passed tf out and didn’t finish SHIT. I had stuff due the next day so I was worried but the teachers understand and most of them don’t take off points if it’s late cause they know the students are busy. I also got extra credit for fucking around at the end of a test and drawing my AP Lang teacher a hand turkey. Took an amazing nap in the VLC (virtual learning center/library) that day and woke up to my calculator going absolutely WILD.
Thursday 💀
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Particularly fun day cause I found the WAP chair my friend Max (he graduated I miss him so much) painted 2 years ago. It’s amazing I know. Today was more productive. Still planning on starting a productivity challenge I just keep forgetting to make a post lol. I grinder out work in the VLC instead of napping and was pretty productive untillll….. I get home and call my mom (she’s ij the East coast visiting relatives rn) and then I book it to work and work until like 9 on AGAIN BRUH (to explain I should be getting off at 8 but oh well more money for me ig. I did school during work again and had a meltdown cause after working on a problem for like 2 hours I realized I was just putting the decimal in the wrong place lol. Besides that I got home and did a bit of work but then I passed out again until like 5:55 am again (I get up around 6 cause school starts at 7:50 am lol.
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Particularly good day. Didn’t have to take my trig test THANK GOD. But I still have lots of weekend homework which is fine because besides working from 9-2 on Saturday I’m free. I may go to the mall with my friend and get some lipgloss and books 😍. I’m pretty excited for this weekend to be able to finish my work and relax. I took moon pictures last night also but I will make a separate post about that!
alrighty that’s the basics for this week! I’m gonna post the moon pictures!
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exsqueeze-me · 2 years
Aaa hi again, sorry for the second message spam, it's me, the oozaru snuggles anon! I just noticed the requests open to followers post and made a tumblr account, I'm so sorry!! Here is my account, you're the only blog I'm following rn homegirl ❤️❤️🤣
(My h e a r t! This really made my receptors collect the serotonin! Thank you for the ask, dear!!)
Goku: Easily the most out of control. As soon as his eyes land on the full moon, its game over. The only saving grace if if you're loud enough for him to hear you over the crumbling of the stone pillars and trees. If he recognizes you, he stops, mid attack and just.. kinda stares. It's up to you to take a few steps foward and make grabby hands at him. He'll pick you up and ever so slowly bring you to his face. Once you nuzzle into his fur, he just kinda vibes. Like, he really is like 'I wanna destroy stuff, but this small creature makes me wanna, like, not'.
Vegeta: It would take a lot to actually make him lose control in great ape form. And even then, hes still rather aware of his surroundings, he just usually could care less about them. For the most part, if you're caught up in the crossfire, or nearing it, he picks you up and brings you as far away as he can before going back to breaking shit. If, however, you cling onto him, he might try to gently shake you off. If that fails he makes little angry, grunty noises. Then he just kinda stares at you all angry (hes not actually angry, hes actually living in the tiny snuggles but hes a dramatic bitch).
Raditz: He probably chills out the fastest. Literally just call out to him or make some gestures like 'hey, I'm here' and he just grabs you and sets you on his head so that u can snuggle into his fur. Once you're perched safely, he proceeds to continue on his reign of terror, but, like, more gentle cause he doesn't wanna accidentally knock you off.
Bardock: Like father, like son. He just yoinks you, puts you on his head or his shoulders, and continues to be a menace. Usually, if he goes great ape, shits going down. He does occasionally stop and make sure you're still cuddled into his fur. He might even purr a tiny bit while destroying shit cause, like, he gets to wreak havoc and get cuddles? It's a win win.
Gine: Doesn't wreak havoc. Big monke cuddles are supreme. She purrs hella loud and her tail thumping will probably cause more damage than anything else. Very gentle with you, might try to stroke your hair (kinda like when one of those big fuzzy moths or a lizard is on your hand vibing and I gotta give them tiny pets so that ur just barely touching them, yeah)
Broly: You might wanna hide and wait out most of his temper tantrum. He has okay control over his great ape, but he just doesn't have good control of his emotions in general. Once hes calmed down a bit he kinda lays down and scooches you close to him. He 100% curls around you and you just get to snuggle up to the big monke. Vvv loud snores, I mean earth quaking snores. Recomend investing in some really good earplugs.
Turles: Ur fucked, mate. He could honestly care less about your well being in the throes of his temper tantrum. If, on the off chance your alive to see the end of his fit, he just kinda sits and crosses his arms and broods til to moon goes down. Feel free to cuddle up to him, but know that he wont cuddle back (he totally wraps you with his tail if your close enough but will say he didnt know you were there if you ask him about it. he did know you were there hes just a big baby).
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seoafin · 3 years
$/&/@2@2’ the new chapter wtf
yuuki talked abt the monopoly of cursed energy (her method is sus bc that would mean performing a ritual of placing a heavenly restriction on the whole country) and tengen’s barriers exists to optimize cursed energy which is in align with 🧠’s aims + the barriers can bring forth shamans.
if the overseas folks doesn’t have someone like tengen to optimized cursed energy and are incapable of “producing” shamans. so uh, demands for shamans are high in jpn and the higher ups are treating it like a business...? violence isn’t always answer but gojo and geto is onto sth, i’m not saying it is but if everyone go ape shit rn it might be the best solution
and we have no idea abt the time period where tengen was born, but if we assume for now that he’s from inbetween sukuna/ yamato takeru’s era (kofun, 250-710) and heian (794-1185), which make it either asuka/ nara period. this is where it’s kind of interesting, akutami used heian (jpn golden age) for jujutsu golden age. in asuka period : in 645 it’s called as “great reform (taika)”, in 701 as “great law/ treasure (taiho)”. while in the nara period : in 729 as “heavenly peace (tenpyo)”, in 749 as “gratitude for treasure (tenpyo kanpyo)” & “heavenly peace and victorious buddhism (tenpyo-shoho)”, in 765 as “divine protection (jingo keiun)” 👁👁
tengen’s birth must have change the whole system just like gojo’s once someone sniffed out his cursed technique, if not more. whether he’s one of the big 3 clans descendants or a noble from the imperial court, i dont think someone would be 🥰 all the time when the whole country might depend on u for its survival.....question is whether he’s actually siding with the higher ups or he’s a cursed user since defected shamans are considered as one (that one guy in the goodwill event managed to set up a barrier to keep gojo out after all)
“curse user” still applies to tengen. the reason? bc he’s still a human who doesn’t want his immortality technique to activate his evolution. it end up making a full circle back to human potential & evolution. they don’t want to evolve bc they’ll be an enemy to humanity. evolving wouldn’t make them disappear & becoming an enemy isnt an option either, he’s a revered human (like the star plasma’s ideology)— u cant be a vengeful spirit when there’s nothing to be vengeful abt, their existence is so...stagnant
mei mei dipped after gojou was sealed bc she had an idea of the chain reaction of 🧠’s experiment would be horrible, the numbers of shamans in jpn would drop, and we have no idea what yuuta is doing in africa, either he’s studying or the country needs his help. let’s take the latter situation with gojo and his overseas business too, so the strength of shamans in jpn would most likely be higher than those overseas (even tho miguel hold his ground in shinjuku) = once in a while if an s grade curse pops up, i think they’ll be calling jpn or other countries (which could also affect their relation even politic wise huh)
what’s this optimized cursed energy 🧠 seems to want to bring forth and understand? probs : core of cursed energy (it’s only mentioned 2x till now, in nobara & gojo’s fight) which is realized in a fight/ near d word experience. activating/ going a step further onto human’s potential. maybe he want to observe it by having everyone fight it out?
also extra : rmbr yaga’s word of “master tengen and the star plasma vessel will merge in 2 days when the moon is full” ya’ll rmbr the moon phase when a certain someone ate a finger 😃 also it’s kind of implied that to be a vessel, u have to be willing (it’s maybe part of the reason higher ups let riko do whatever she wanted) - 🐱
this is late but I figured i'd post it now bc of the new chapter but YES TO EVERYTHING YOU SAID
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rorykillmore · 5 years
talk about some stuff youre excited for in the upcoming plots! like, what you hope will happen with your characters and how they and their relationships develop and stuff...
okay this time i’ll SERIOUSLY answer an ask of yours,
so firstly there’s camille who always seems to get wrapped up in mld plots! i’m excited for this one in particular though just because we’ve spent so long developing hers and felix’s development, and having her have to face all this... stuff felix has been doing behind everyone’s backs while she’s believed he could become a better person will be. THE WORST but also kind of the best, we all love our angst plots,
i know we also talked about maybe taking their relationship in the direction of romance and i’m excited for that too?? since we haven’t really gotten to write a ship together yet, and since this one promises to be uh. a mess in SO many ways. i think it’ll be really sad and interesting to see how both of them handle coming so close to a relationship and then having everything fall apart, especially since that’s like. not the first time it’s happened to either of them!
but yeah this is all kind of interpersonal stuff but i’m definitely looking forward to seeing how both the build up and the fallout goes for both of them... camille has yet to master the art of “coping with someone she loves doing really bad shit” so we’ll see if she can work through it this time,
also i still kind of want to do some kind of... journey plot with nightcloud??  which i’ll probably see who else wants to get in on (giz mentioned wanting more to do with sunbird, so they might throw him at this). i just was always really a sucker for the “group of cats have to go on a Quest of some kind” plots the erins would do in warriors from time to time and i think denny’s setting could just be especially fun for that. i haven’t really nailed down the details yet except that it’d be fun to do it somewhere in the southwest, but yeah
i also know giz was considering reapping tigerstar (tigerclaw) from an earlier canonpoint and i still think that would be SO interesting and i’d be really pumped to explore nightcloud’s reaction to that too...
and then for siobhan, we might finally be reviving and resolving an old plot of hers pretty soon! it kinda fell by the wayside a couple of times for a variety of reasons, but since the asp’s mouth cavern location in port royal conveniently works pretty well for siobhan trying to get her soul back, fate had the idea that rocket would find out about it and lead them on a good old fashioned pirate adventure. i’m not sure where all that’s gonna go yet, but i really like the idea of just doing a little plot that... gives her and rocket some closure, after all this time
and i’m basically like, always planning stuff for villanelle, but i’m trying to think what major things she has coming up that i’m looking forward to -- obviously anti-GRACE stuff! i’d definitely like to plot more with the whole team, really, and maybe find some more serious shit for them to get into. like... once felix is exposed as an ally of GRACE’s, maybe they’ll get wrapped up in the fallout of that or have to step things up or something? idk. eventually i should post in their plot thread and see where people wanna take things
and also speaking of the felix thing, that’s another thing i’m looking forward to with villanelle too!! we’ve already talked a little bit about how a fun extra layer of it is that felix and villanelle actually get along, but (especially now that she has firsthand evidence of what GRACE did to ruby) villanelle’s gonna try to kill him anyway. and then the conflict of ruby having to stop her (and not realizing the truth about felix at the time) is just... i dunno where that will go, but it seems really JUICY and kind of painful for everyone involved, so. that’s always great!
after that... i guess we’ll see where things land?? depending on a number of factors villanelle might be KIND of in a bad place by the end of the summer but, just how her dynamics and relationships develop by then could affect that and what she gets up to as well, so we’ll see what happens. i also am kind of pumped to have her move into the new gated community and maybe snag her a couple of wacky roommates somehow,
trish is still just a claim but plotwise coming up i’m definitely interested in getting her involved with the vigilante scene/the drama going down in chicago rn and seeing where that leads. i’ve mentioned before that her plot stuff probably depends on how Dark she’s willing to get but, we haven’t really done a plot yet where people have to deal with a rogue vigilante, so that’s a fun possibility. she and moon might also get involved with some kind of prophecy plot further down the line, but fate and i are still working out the details of that
and i guess god forbid if i end up apping rosalie... idk, i just feel like twilight has so many cool concepts behind its bad execution that there’s probably a lot of fun stuff i could get her involved with if i set my mind to it. a lot of fun, DECONSTRUCTIVE plots, even. like... given her history and her general feelings about being a vampire i doubt she’d ever intentionally turn someone, but also, with twilight vampires, it can actually happen really easily accidentally, so. that’s always one possibility. who wants to sparkle!,
this is just a general note but i also think that some of the tournament prizes right now could make for some really fun/disastrous plots, like someone using the truth serum to make someone admit something terrible?? or the polyjuice potion for a plot where someone impersonates someone else... idk those are just vaguely formed ideas but i threw them in here just because
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intergalacticwhales · 5 years
get to know me 🌜
@progmetallesbian tagged me! thanks corazón ♥ im tagging @bitchdyke @nebelkoenigin @plaguegirlfriend @cenodyke @gutlessghostboy @dolly-darko @ravioli-tits @peachy-hobbit and @hadewyjch to do the same!
Nickname: well, naya is actually a nickname, and people also call me nana, nayi (bc my full name is kinda weird and long), and my family calls me ney, negrita, abuelita (this bc i drink too much tea and im always tired)
Zodiac: cancer sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising
Height: 1,54 m (5′0 i think in the weird gringo system)
Last movie I saw: mhhh i think it was venom (2018) for the fourth time xd
Last thing I googled: Eluveitie 2018 setlist (bc they are coming to my country in february AAAAA)
Favorite musicians: TOO MANY, I CANT WITH THIS QUESTION!!!!! but probably Neige from Alcest and Mikael Akerfeldt bc their music and meaning behind them means a lot to me
Song stuck in my head: Eyeless by Slipknot
Other blogs: i have 3 other blogs but i’m not really active there anymore
Do I get asks: rarely
Following: 175 (i thought i followed more)
Amount of sleep: lately i’ve been sleeping 3-5 hours and it shows!
Lucky number: 6
What I’m wearing: yellow and green tank top, dark green pants and brasil flag themed flip-flops
Dream job: working as a counselour for lgbt youth, also working at a library again, form a band, become a writer, etc etc
Dream trip: i’ve been talking about going to wacken with my brother once i graduate from college!!! i also would like to go to ireland and/or araucanía bc i want to become one with nature and let the moss wrap me up
Favorite food: pantrucas my abuela kela makes ♥
Play any instruments: guitar and bass
Languages: spanish and english (i want to start to hablar más in espanglish bc its my deber)
Favorite songs: right now this exact very moment:
duality - slipknot
eyeless - slipknot
wait and bleed - slipknot
just another - jinjer
inflexión - egregor
shunyata - egregor
raudo - téfiret
vermillion - slipknot
Random fact: im on a slipknot kick rn bc i’ve been feeling tons of resurfacing rage that i’ve repressed and it might be fueling my last psychotic episodes, but well... it actually feels good when i let it out by going ape shit whitle blasting slipknot. I DONT FEEL SAD ANYMORE IM JUST SO FUCKING ANGRY
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: foggy forests near the ocean, neon signs reflecting on the pavement when you are walking outside at 1 am after it rained and you are wearing a leather jacket and combat boots and iron maiden is being blasted in the distance (this is so damn especific but yeah), lavender poking out of black jacket pockets, metalhead merch stores
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livingchancy · 6 years
get to know me
Tagged by @graceful-popcorn (thank ya!!!) 
Rules: Tag 15 people you want to know better (i don’t really have anybody to tag but i figured i’d just do it bc WWWhhy not)
Relationship Status: single as eff. and honestly that’s probably a good thing i have plenty to worry about rn
Favorite Color: blue! but i pretty much like every color that exists
Three Favourite Foods: lasagna (god i fucking love lasagna), powered donuts (i could eat nothing but powdered hostess donuts for the rest of my life and it’d be a complete life) and cheese. any kind of cheese. melted cheese, mozzarella cheese, cheese on macaroni, pepperjack cheese, good lord. all the cheese. i’m a mouse folks
Song Stuck In My Head: thunderclouds by sia, diplo, and labrinth... god that shit is so catchy i CANNOT get it outta my head
Last Song I Listened To: live well by palace!
Last Thing I Googled: “ap world history period 2 vocab quizlet” because i’m an excellent student and i don’t have time to look up 40 definitions
Time: 12:36 pm!
Dream Trip: illinois just because i miss it to death, but i’d also really fuckin love to go to iceland. iceland is so pretty
Anything I Really Want: to stop having writers block for chapter 8 of blue moon because i’m literally on the verge of death right now!
I tag: again i really don’t have anyone specific to tag but hey if you see this and want to do it, go tf ahead and say i tagged you! no worries
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nctgothic-remade · 6 years
HM QUICK LOVE POST FOR DREEMA 👩🏼‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓🤩💫✨💗✨💗🤸🏼‍♀️💞💫💗🤩🤸🏼‍♀️💖
this is definitely not going to be quick bc I’m writing this three thousand weeks in advance and I have a lot to say bc we’re graduating n going to college n I’m probably gonna forget to write this and I’m gonna cry a lil bit bc I won’t get to see you everyday anymore but ;( whatever I guess but anyways! :)
uhm so hi ;( tbh there’s a lot to say about this friendship, namely considering that this is by far one of my most cherished ones, even if it isn’t yours I’m crying already blegh but I really do mean it. Our first meeting was awkward, and if it isn’t a false memory, being in that one biology class was one of my luckier moments, I think. I recall everyone else picking their partners, and I remember feeling like I got stabbed bc nobody wanted to pair with me :’) but then I saw you also sitting alone like loser n thought the situation was perfect :) I think I remember hearing your very quiet hey/hello n immediately went ‘I wish this girl would speak the fuck up :’)’ but whatever lol n we did that bean sprout punnets square(?) shit n then idk what happened lol I have no memory of 10th grade other than me walking into your GT English class for the AP Lang intro but let’s pretend I do.
11th grade was like,,,,the best year bc I got to see you and hang out in class and secretly watch vlives with you behind our laptops n it makes my heart v warm when I remember us going over when teasers would drop for dreamcatcher’s album n watching the actual fuckibg showcase before we were actually about to take our actual sats :// and I had fun bc of you! you absolutely pissed me off on a number of occasions bc you are a complete smart ass n your one word responses are completely unhelpful sometimes but ily anyways :(
I remember you sitting with me when I completely poured my heart out to a boy I liked in a completely inappropriate situation n I remember your very quiet ‘hmmm heheh oka..y’ but tbh I didn’t really care that much bc I got bored with him lmfao 🤗 I remember you sitting with me in the library while I was doing my health course to both keep me company n skip class, and I remember us watching nct’s cherry bomb vlive n tbh whenever I listen to cherry bomb I think of that moment and it makes me feel happy so thanks for that :’( I remember you sending me pics of johnny n minhyuk n jiu and funny posts and I remember staying up until 1AM last summer crying over mingyu to you lmfao
I remember this year too, and texting and tumblr has taken up most of our conversation spaces other than English, but I think that’s okay bc you operate different. Your scorpio moon and your fake mysteriousness can suck my dick tho open up more dumb bitch I remember our sushi date n then talking outside afterwards n riding in my dads car n you were smushed in the back and I was so happy bc you laughed!!! side note I recall feeling bad that one Halloween bc I wanted to dress up with you too but why did I invite all those people I hate sm rn lmfao why did you let me do that
I’m really really proud of you, and oof crying again can’t see the keyboard you’ve made my life not so terrible these last few years, especially bc of the added stress from home n school have really messed my head up for a long time now. I hope I impacted your life a little too, or eased it a bit at least, and even if we don’t stay friends forever I’d like to thank you for making these memories with me for this long. I hope I get to keep them a little longer.
But if we do stay friends, which I hope we will, then I hope to make many more with you. Our charts are made for friendship >:(
If I don’t say so tomorrow, again: I’m very proud to see you graduate n be successful n shit. I really do mean it. 💖
I hate you for making me ruin my moisturizer n shit with tears dumb bitch if I don’t get a pic I can frame on my wall with you tomorrow you’re getting your ass kicked
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tiskycat · 7 years
30 Questions Tag!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (or however much u want, ya) that you want get to know more!
1. Nicknames: Ce, Ce-chan, Tisky, I think a few of you still refer to me as Cassi/Cass
2. Gender: Lady~
3. Starsign: Tauros
4. Height: 5′5(3/4)”
5. Time: 8:16 pm
6. Birthday: May Twelve
7. Fav Bands/Groups: I mean, I like a lot, but the band that always comes to mind when I’m asked this question is ALWAYS Ludo 
8. Fave solo artist: idfk. I know I still love Britney Spears tho and have since I was like 8 so. That’s gotta count for something.
9. Song stuck in your head: I’m cheating bc I’m listening to the radio rn but Delilah's little jingle for her show probably counts bc I keep finishing it every time it comes on.
10. Last movie watched: ...........Shit probably Rise of the Planet of The Apes bc my dad was watching it last time I was at his place.
11. Last show watched: I don’t remember exactly, but I plan on watching Weeds on netflix tonight lmao
12. When did I create my blog: shit, back in like............ 2010 I think??? I’ve been here for TOO LONG.
13. When do I post: Whenever I’m on, but I also have a q going.
15. Do you have any other blogs: A few. I claimed my old url bc it’s my Classic Name Brand(tm) but I don’t really use that. I have a couple of dead ones, a Michiru Kaioh cosplay ask blog, and a general girly stuff blog. I also have a magical girl blog, @mahounekos, which I need to get back to updating bc I need that sort of positivity back in my life, and also because I have been in the process of Liveblogging the Tokyo Mew Mew anime on there since I never got to really watch it, and I still want to finish it! 
16. Do you get any asks: lmao literally never.
17. Why did you choose your url: It’s sort of a diminuative version of my last one, which I cobbled together from my favorite Aesthetics from back when I was 13.
18. Following: 241
19. Followers: 316
20. Fave colors: TEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21. Average hours of sleep: recently I’ve been sleeping upwards of 10 hours.......
22. Lucky number: 12
23. Instruments: I used to play the clarinet, but not anymore lol
24. What am I wearing: my purple tie-dye dress with the stars and moons that I love because it makes me feel super witchy~
25. How many blankets I sleep with: Usually just the comforter, but sometimes I’ll ad an extra blanket at my feet.
26. Dream job: Princess lmao
27. Dream trip: I do REALLY wanna go to Japan, but I’d also love to see Poland
28. Favorite food: terriyaki chicken wings. Why is this always a question???
29. Nationality: I’m Polish AS FUCK
30. Fave song now: Aw heck, I reminded myself that this exists last night so. I guess that’s the answer to this question.
I’m too lazy to tag anyone rn so do this if you want to!!!!! <3
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