#monsa x i.m
my-baby-lambs · 4 years
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i want to boop that cute little dimple of his
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kpoptrash7 · 4 years
Misbehave // MONSTA X English Lyrics
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garisanee · 6 years
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Minhyuk being Minhyuk
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fymx-wonho · 6 years
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wonho-be-mine · 7 years
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got me right in the heart~~
Credi: My Spring
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jiwontiddy · 7 years
Fans finding out about you and Shownu
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pairing: hyunwoo x [y/n]
warning: none
genre: angst, fluff, drama
a/n: I don’t own any of the gifts that I used...credit goes to the owners!!!! (Isn’t he just the cutest thing on earth??) ENJOY
Being awakened by loud noises you slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes, trying to see what is going on. You saw your boyfriend Shownu standing in front of your bed and getting dressed. He noticed you and quietly mumbled. "Oh sorry, did I wake you?" You pouted and nodded your head in response.
He sighed and walked over to you, lightly kissing your forehead as a way of apologizing. "Where are you going?" You asked and put on your night gown.
"I got called to a meeting and it sounded important. Go back to sleep, I'll be back before you know it." Hyunwoo promised with one of his famous eye smiles. You were beyond disappointed right now. You hoped you'd get to wake up to him and just cuddle all morning instead of waiting for him while the food you've made is getting cold. But those were the consequences with dating an idol. You had to respect his dedication and love for his job.
After leaving (y/n) behind, Shownu quickly made his way to his manager's office eager to find out what's so important to separate him from his princess. Once he arrived he noticed he was the only one from the boys here. He tried calling Jooheon but he wouldn't pick up. Where are the rest of the boys? he asked himself but nevertheless entered the office and sat down.
Hongsik, one of their managers walked in greeting Shownu with a quick "Annyeong." Shownu stood up, greeting him with a bow. "Annyeonghaseyo."
"Let's get this over with." Hongsik said and sat down, typing something on his computer. Shownu was confused and didn't quite understand why he was here.
"Where are the other boys?" He mumbled with a low voice, still tired from the lack of sleep. "Not here. This meeting is about your relationship with (y/n)." Shownu furrowed his eyebrows, already annoyed with him. Watch what you're going to say next...
"There are pictures of you and her all over twitter from yesterday." Hongsik turned the computer display around for Shownu to see. He showed him pictures of him and (y/n) holding hands, Shownu being affectionate, holding her waist, holding her from behind, whispering something in her ear.
Shownu felt the blood rushing to his ears as he analysed the pictures. He was mad but you couldn't tell due to his blank face. All he could think about was how unfair this is. Why can't he spend time with his girlfriend without feeling guilty? He didn't say anything and just waited for Hongsik to speak up first.
Hongsik could only sigh and rub his face in frustration. His chief concern is that the fans are not going to be happy about this. "Look, we all know this won't last long so just end it before you two have to go public and then break up after a few months, creating unnecessary drama that will make us look bad."
Shownu snapped his head up. "You can't expect this from me."
"She's going to crack under the pressure." Shownu shook his head, not believing what he's hearing. He knows his girlfriend better than anyone else. He knows that she's a strong woman and can handle pretty much anything.
"Hyunwoo, don't make this harder for you. I read through some tweets and the fans went absolutely ballistic." Shownu thought about it for a second. He doesn't want to see her hurt. But then again he also doesn't want his fans to be upset.
But his selfish self won't let him think about leaving her. She was always there for him. She was the only person he could actually go to if he needed someone to talk to. He could cry on her shoulder and she would listen the whole time. They admired each other so much he wouldn't want to lose her. 
But if she had to give up her privacy to be with him, will she stay?
"Think about it." Shownu stood up and walked out of the office without saying anything not able to think clear. That's exactly why he tried to keep their relationship a secret this whole time. But he was certain that he had to do the right thing.
You were wide awake and preparing breakfast, hoping Shownu would show up before it got cold. That's when you heard the front door open and close with a loud bang. You jumped due to being scared and slowly walked to the living room to see Shownu taking his jacket off in an aggressive way. You've never seen him like that. He was usually a quiet one and never got mad.
You walked up to him, putting your hands on his broad shoulders, feeling how tense he is. He flinched under your touch and took a few steps forward, away from you. You were hurt by his actions but decided to ignore it.
"Are you okay?" You asked, scared to hear the reason for his behaviour.
He took a deep breath before turning to you and looking into your eyes that were filled with worry. "Did something happen?"
"Some fans saw us yesterday and took pictures and uploaded them. Hongsik said I had no choice but to..." He stopped himself from finishing his sentence. He couldn't bring himself to.
You were getting more anxious by the minute. "Hyunwoo, you're scaring me." You said quietly already feeling your legs getting weak.
He sighed and looked down to the floor before saying. "He told me I had to end this in order to keep the fans happy."
Your eyes went wide. You couldn't believe it. Breaking up with Shownu? You couldn't grasp the idea of not seeing his face every day. His smile that brightened your day. His gestured that showed you how much he loved you. How were you supposed to leave this all behind?
"D-does this mean we're o-over?" You asked fighting hard with the tears. His stare was still fixed on the floor, he wouldn't dare to look you in the eyes. He would break down if he saw you crying.
"Answer me, Hyunwoo!" You cried out. He mumbled something under his breath but you couldn't understand a thing. "Speak up!" You voice cracked as you felt a sting in your chest. It felt like someone was suffocating you to the point where you couldn't breath.
"I'm sorry." Was all he could say. You were shocked. "So that's it?" You asked, your voice small.
"I guess so." He shrugged, still not looking at you.
It was a week before your one year anniversary when you broke up. After that the fans noticed a change in Shownu's behaviour. He was much more quiet.
More quiet than usual. He wouldn't even laugh during interviews. On stage he looked like a motionless leave in the wind. The boys didn't know what to do and tried everything to cheer their appa up but nothing worked.
It was almost a month after your break up when you watched an interview of the boys, already missing him. You noticed it too. He wasn't himself. It tore you apart to see him like this but it was his own fault. The interviewer suddenly asked Shownu why he wasn't talking. Minhyuk quickly stepped in and said.
"Our hyung has been really training hard these past days and didn't get enough sleep, so that's why." He smiled and hoped the interviewer would drop the topic. But she was persisting. "I heard a different story from your fans." She smiled smugly turning her attention to Shownu. He didn't say anything, not knowing what she was trying to say.
"And that would be?" I.M butted in.
"Oh, just that our little Shownu is having trouble in paradise." All the boys looked to their manager who was standing behind the cameras, asking quietly for help. But before Hongsik could end the interview, Shownu answered. "I don't think this type of question has anything to with our new album."
"So does that mean it's true?" She asked eagerly. "I think that's enou-" Hongsik was about to say but got cut off.
"Yes, we broke up. No, it wasn't my decision. And yes, I do miss her. Does that answer all of your nosy questions?" He said in a low tone, looking at the interviewer in an intimidating way.
Everyone, including you, was shocked to hear him speak out. How you missed his voice.
"I think this interview is finished." Hongsik said and the boys got up, taking their mics off. Shownu was the first to leave the room. You closed your laptop and decided to get dressed. You texted Jooheon and asked him where Shownu was. Jooheon responded immediately telling you he's practising. You thank him before getting into your car and driving to the Starship entertainment building, where, hopefully, Shownu was at.
You knew the fans would be understanding and that they only ever wanted Shownu to be happy. If Shownu doesn't want to man up and take responsibility for his actions then you will. You parked outside and got out, entering through the back door which lead you directly to their practise room.
You flung the door open and saw an in sweat drenched Shownu in front of you. He jumped from the sudden entrance and turned around, his eyes wide. The moment he saw you, his heart stopped completely.
"(Y/N)." The sound of your name coming out of his mouth was almost too much to handle. You decided to let your anger out on him for being such a fool and breaking up with you.
"Don't (y/n) me." You said as you slowly approached him. His breathing was irregular and his chest was moving up and down from panting too hard.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to tell you how much of an idiot you are. How could you possibly think that your fans would hate you for being happy. And even if they did, that shouldn't affect you. Do you think I would get hurt by some hurtful tweets? I mean, yes a bit but the fact that I could wake up next to you would make it up!" You said loud enough for the people outside to hear too.
You were panting too but not from exhaustion but from anger. You were both panting hard when he suddenly grabbed you, pushing you against his sweaty body and kissing you passionately. You were quick to grab the back his head and run your fingers through his hair while your lips were moving against each other. "Pabo." You breathed out once you separated yourself from him.
He gave you one of his jaw dropping eye smiles that you haven't seen for almost a month and kissed you again.  
lol my first imagine...hope you liked it. The next ones will be fluff. Can’t handle the drama lol 
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my-baby-lambs · 4 years
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look at this fucking cute ass omg i LOVE YOU
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wonho-be-mine · 6 years
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Credit: Everblooming
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my-baby-lambs · 7 years
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minnie looks like a giant present!!
these pictures aren’t mine, credit to their original owner, Vitamin
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